Zhangji Lamb Restaurant
According to a local saying, Only when you have visited Tanghe Restau-
This restaurant is right by the Haizhu rant can you understand the real meaning of eating in Guangzhou.
Bridge and up close to the water. Located in Guangzhous Haizhu district, Tanghe Restaurant is famous for
Though its bamboo fence doesnt allow its delicious seafood cuisine and other traditional Cantonese dishes.
a truly fine view, its second-storey During the busy hours, customers usually have to book in advance, or
they will have to wait for as long as two hours for vacancies to have their
balcony section is a refreshing and
peaceful place to eat when the weather
In addition to its reasonable prices, the restaurant is also known for its
allows. It is most known for its hotpot,
good environment, interior design and fine service.
Nansha Tianhou, having been rebuilt but carries a full array of Cantonese
At least a 12 percent discount is offered to diners during the Asian
just 15 years ago, is by far the young- cuisine along with a variety of fruit- Games.
est of all holy sites in Guangzhou. flavored flat breads, which you will find
Address: 2/F, 361 Gongye Dadao Zhong, Haizhu district
Although it is a bit remote from the city being cooked outside the front door.
Tel: (020) 34365770
center, it is definitely worth visiting as Dishes range between 20 and 70 yuan.
it offers an unrivalled, beautiful view of Address: 270 Binjiang Xi Lu, Haizhu
the Pearl River besides being a lovely district Fo Shi Jie WHATS ON Sachoom Korean Dance Group
Tel: (020) 84446202
place itself. To reach the upper temples
Transportation: Take Metro Line 2 to This Buddhist restaurant has more than Show
from sea level and experience the great Haizhu Square, take Exit A and cross Hai- 20 years of history, and is a quiet, sim- Legend of the Guardians: To celebrate the Asian Games, more
view you will have to climb a few stairs, zhu Bridge. Turn right and the restaurant ple place for Buddhists and non-Bud- The Owls of GaHoole than 2,000 performance artists from
though on ground level there are plenty is immediately on your left. dhists to get together to eat vegetarian This is a computer animated fantasy/ about 20 countries will be visiting the
of things to explore as well, including a food and share experiences. It has adventure film directed by Zach Snyder city, treating Guangzhou residents to
goddess of the seas statue standing 14- Songfeng Xuan traditional vegetable dishes and meat and starring the voices of Emily Barclay, a jam-packed month of wonderful
meters tall. Entry is free. Songfeng Xuan is one of a few places substitutes, and attracts a fair number Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish and Ryan performances. Sachoom Dance Group
Hours: 8 am-5:30 pm where you can literally combine eating of customers for non-alcoholic beer Kwanten. A young owl is abducted by from the Republic of Korea is regarded
Address: Dajiao Hill, Nansha district and sightseeing and get good results at from the Republic of Korea. Like most an evil Owl army. Together with his as a cultural icon of the country. Its live-
both. Located about a 40-minute walk Buddhist restaurants, it refrains from new-found friends he must escape and ly dance shows combine hip-hop, street
Dafu Mountain from White Cloud Mountain west garlic and onion. One of its standout seek out the legendary Guardians to dance, Jazz and disco for an altogether
Located in the outer reaches of Panyu, gate, its second-floor patio section is dishes is the Luo Han Zhai, comprising stop the evil. unique and highly-memorable show.
Dafu Mountain is part of Dafu Moun- surrounded by dense trees and a view black fungus, mushrooms, bamboo, When: until Dec 11 When: 2:30 pm, Nov 21; 8 pm, Nov 21-22
tain Forest Park, the largest green area of the mountains rippling hills. Even asparagus, corncob, bean curd and Address: Jinyi International Cinemas, Address: Guangzhou Bud Theater, 167
3/F, Weijiasi Plaza, Pearl River New City, Dongfeng Xi Lu, Yuexiu district
within Guangzhou covering 9,000 acres. if you dine indoors, youll find plenty nuts. Their meatless meats, such as the Tel: (020) 81362572
188 Huangpu Dadao,Tianhe district
The park is mostly covered in ever- of greenery, along with a colorful carp crispy chicken, duck and fish, are made
Tel: (020) 87588855
greens and cut through with streams pond. The cuisine here is thoroughly from gluten, flour, taro, mushroom and
and lakes. Dafu Mountain is the highest Cantonese, with chicken, pigs feet and dried bean curd. They also serve meat-
Unstoppable NIGHTLIFE
of all hills in the park. Among its many bean curd among their most popular less abalone.
man-made features is an ancient tomb. items. Dim sum and tea are a morning Address: 2-8 Er Sheng Gong, Tongfu Denzel Washington and Chris Pine star
in Tony Scotts newest release, Unstop-
Hill Bar
Transportation: Take Metro Line 3 and specialty. Most items here go for about Zhong Lu, Haizhu district
get off at Shiqiao stop, Exit C. Walk ve 20 to 90 yuan. Tel: (020) 84407261 pable. An unmanned, half-mile long Truly tailor-made for expats, this pub
minutes to Baiyue Square bus stop and
runaway train carrying toxic chemicals is everything you need if youre experi-
take No 16 bus. Get off at Dafu Mountain Address: White Cloud Mountain Ming-
zhulou Tour Area, 1128 Baiyun Dadao, Qin Fang Yuan Dessert is rushing towards the city. A veteran encing homesickness. Soccer matches
Forest Park bus terminal. are shown every now and then and
Baiyun district Restaurant engineer and a young conductor race
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Tel: (020) 36209288 themed party nights such as Thanks-
Ginger milk pudding, known as Jiang- against the clock in an attempt to stop
giving are organized.
zhuang Nai, has long been a traditional the train and avoid a huge catastrophe.
Tai Lai Address: 367 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu
This key historical relic protected by snack in the Pearl River Delta. It mixes district
Guangdong province is a memorial Out in the Haizhu district youll find
ginger juice and milk. Once solidified, Tel: (020) 83590206
building built with the funds raised by Tai Lai, a small vegetarian eatery and the dish tastes fragrant, pure, crisp and
the Guangzhou people and overseas teahouse. It doesnt do much in the way sweet, but a little peppery. Capable
of meat substitutes, but prefers to serve Party World
Chinese in memory of Sun Yat-sen, the of warming the stomach, it is very
foods that are naturally tasty such as popular with locals. The dessert origi- Party World karaoke bar has many
great revolutionary forerunner. The
hall is a gorgeous octagonal structure, vegetables, seaweed and mushrooms, nated in Guangzhous Shawan town branches all around China. As one of
with solemn and magnificent looks, and light on oil and salt. They recommend of Panyu district, an area flowing with the favorite types of entertainment, visi-
strong national features. their Five Grains Cook Rice, Gano- milk and honey. The main ingredients tors can come to sing their lungs out.
derma Lucidum Soup, Vegetarian Hot are ginger, milk and sugar. Those interested in getting an early start
Hours: 8 am-6 pm.
Address: 259 Dongfeng Zhong Lu Pot and Thai Source Bean Curd. Address: 85 Daxiangchong Lu, Nancun, can get a discount before 6 pm.
Transportation: Take bus or Metro Line Address: 1 Yale Lu, near Shangdu Lu, Shawan town, Panyu district, opposite the When: until Dec 12 Address:1-4/F, Huihua Trade Building, 80
2 and stop at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Haizhu district Culture Center Address: Jinyi International Cinemas Xianlie Zhong Lu, Yuexiu district
station. Tel: (020) 34253411 Tel: (020) 84732479 Tel: (020) 87588855 Tel: (020) 37619333