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Please Check Embargo Against Delivery Until Delivery Thursday, 10 June 2010
Please Check Embargo Against Delivery Until Delivery Thursday, 10 June 2010
6. All these achievements did not happen by chance nor without
proper planning and diligent efforts, instead it was a result of
visionary Government leadership, coupled with the rakyat‟s
unwavering support since independence. In this respect, we are
greatly indebted to the past leadership and previous generations,
because their great efforts and sacrifices provided us with a strong
foundation, from which we can build on. This developmental journey
has spanned Two Malaya Plans, Nine Malaysia Plans, Three Outline
Perspective Plans as well as a National Mission before coming to this
juncture today.
we should not be confined by history from what we intend and plan to
Mr. Speaker, Sir,
14. The 10MP has been formulated with various new approaches
towards becoming a high income and high productivity economy, in
line with the New Economic Model. During the 10MP, the gross
national income per capita is targeted to increase to 38,850 ringgit,
or 12,140 US dollars, in 2015. This requires achieving real GDP
growth of 6 per cent per annum. Growth will be led by the services
and manufacturing sectors, in addition to revitalising the agriculture
sector towards higher value added as well as the adoption of ICT,
biotechnology and other relevant technologies.
Third: Transforming to a high-income nation through
19. Two of these components can be divided to 4 Main Pillars,
comprising Firstly: The 1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now
philosophy; Secondly: The Government Transformation Programme
or GTP; Thirdly: The Economic Transformation Programme or ETP
which rests on the New Economic Model; and Fourthly: The five-
year development plans which are the Tenth Malaysia Plan and
Eleventh Malaysia Plan. These four main pillars are supported by 4
complementary values. Firstly: Acculturation of creativity and
innovation; Secondly: Emphasis on speed of decision-making and
execution; Thirdly: Value for money; and Fourthly: Integrity values.
Using the analogy of a house, the roof would be the prime philosophy
depicting 1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now, the walls would
be the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and Economic
Transformation Programme (ETP), and the foundation that is being
constructed can be likened to the Tenth Malaysia Plan and Eleventh
Malaysia Plan. The staircase to the 1Malaysia home would be the
social justice policies and a culture of high achievement.
has been adopted to ensure that the wants and needs of people are
taken into account.
21. To date, many of the initiatives under the NKRAs have borne
fruit. As an example, the overall crime index dropped by 15 per cent
in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the target of 5 per cent in
2010. In the effort to fight corruption, the Whistleblower Act was
approved by this august house in April 2010. Under the NKRA on
urban public transport, measures to realign the routes linking main
towns have increased ridership by 13 per cent. For the NKRA on
education, about 18,000 children have benefited from 929 pre-school
Mr. Speaker, Sir,
(x) Private healthcare;
(xi) Agriculture; and
(xii) Greater Kuala Lumpur.
28. For economic sectors which are not listed as NKEAs, such as
green technology, automotive, aerospace and logistics, the
development of these sectors will continue to be driven by relevant
ministries, agencies and councils.
29. The achievement of the 6 per cent per annum growth target for
the 10MP period requires a significant leap in investment activities led
by a more dynamic private sector. To achieve this goal, the
Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) has been
corporatised and rebranded. In addition, business regulations which
are outdated will be abolished. Towards this end, the Malaysian
Productivity Corporation (MPC) will be restructured to spearhead a
comprehensive review of business regulations and improve
processes and procedures to increase productivity and
competitiveness of major economic sectors.
31. China, India and the Middle East are among the rapidly growing
economies. Malaysia, which has historical and commercial links with
these countries and is strategically located, must strengthen its
relationship with these countries including East Asia. Therefore,
Malaysia must focus on building the regional markets through trade
promotions and trade agreements. In addition, we will continue to
strengthen existing economic relations with Europe and the US.
34. Smart and effective partnerships between the public and private
sectors will be established to drive the economic transformation
agenda. This new wave of public-private partnership (PPP) will
ensure equitable sharing of risks and returns.
36. The private sector will also have the opportunity to participate in
the development of several projects led by government-linked
companies (GLCs). These include projects such as the Kuala Lumpur
Strategic Development by 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB)
covering the Sungai Besi Airport area, the KL International Financial
District in Kuala Lumpur, construction of the liquefied natural gas
regasification plant by PETRONAS in Melaka at an estimated cost of
3 billion ringgit as well as two aluminium smelters in SCORE Sarawak
with an estimated cost of 18 billion ringgit.
38. As we all know, economic growth thus far has been driven by
factors of production, mainly investment, energy and labour. The shift
to high income will need growth that is based on productivity and led
by innovation. For that purpose, the Government will establish a
special unit under the Prime Minister‟s Department to set the direction
and drive the National Innovation System and innovation policies and
from Padang Besar in the north to Johor Bahru in the south. Apart
from these, will be the construction of a sewerage treatment plant
using green technology in Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur and at a
later stage, similar plants throughout the country.
48. The Government is aware that there are local SMEs, which
have penetrated international markets, but face problems to gain a
foothold locally. There are also SMEs that have obtained domestic
recognition or international awards in terms of quality and innovation.
Such SMEs will be given green lane access or priority in the
procurement processes of the Government and GLCs.
57. The 10MP will focus on raising the income and quality of life of
the bottom 40 per cent household income group. Bumiputera form the
largest number, that is 73 per cent of the 2.4 million households in
this group.
Government will also ensure that the quality of teachers and
educators are of a high level.
69. Children are our most valuable assets. They are our future. The
Government is committed to provide children with opportunities for
their future success in coping with challenges and competition. The
investment on these children is vital for the country's future.
Accordingly, the PERMATA early childhood education programme
has become an important national agenda.
ST4.2 Mainstreaming Technical Education and Vocational
Fifth: Expanding the recognition of prior learning by awarding
the Malaysian Skills Certificate to 60,000 employees
annually on the basis of their knowledge, experience and
skills acquired in the workplace; and
77. The higher education institutions in the country have played a
pivotal role in moving and providing the impetus for research,
development and commercialisation activities. Academicians in
various fields of expertise have been pioneering new ideas, concepts
or theories to be the leading edge for new discoveries, expansion of
knowledge as well as new creations and inventions that are
technologically advanced and innovative. As a matter of fact, there is
significant relationship between economic growth and R&D activities
in higher education institutions. Hence, in order to promote and
encourage R&D activities among the higher education institutions, the
Government has declared UM, UKM, UPM and USM as research
universities. In tandem with our aspirations to further enhance R&D
activities and programmes under the 10th Malaysia Plan, I hereby,
have the pleasure of announcing another public university to be
elevated to the status of a research university. The said research
university is Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
equitably distributed, thus, improving the quality of life of all the
areas of cities will be beautified and turned into attractive spaces,
similar to the restoration of the Melaka River waterfront.
90. In line with the “Greater Kuala Lumpur” NKEA, the Government
will further enhance the public transportation network in Kuala Lumpur
with the implementation of the high capacity Mass Rapid Transit
system. This is an iconic project in our capital city that will be highly
beneficial to commuters and have large spillovers to the economy.
When completed, the system is expected to cover a radius of 20 km
from the city centre with a total length of about 150 km, and when fully
operational, will serve up to two million passenger trips per day from
480,000 trips on current urban rail systems.
91. The construction of bus and rail terminals such as the Gombak
Integrated Transport Terminal, will ensure that public transport runs
smoothly. These measures are expected to increase the public
transport modal share in Greater KL from 12 per cent in 2009 to 30
per cent in 2015. Efforts to enhance the public land transport system
will also be expanded to other cities. For this purpose, a Bus Rapid
Transit system will be introduced in Iskandar, Johor, while the number
of public buses in Pulau Pinang will be increased by 200 buses to
enable the expansion of 26 routes with an added capacity of 75,000
passengers per day.
ST5.4 A Healthy People, a Productive Society
93. It has been said that a healthy mind comes from a healthy body.
A community that is active in sports will be a healthy and productive
society. Furthermore, sports can bring not only recognition and glory
to the nation, but also serves as a platform for national unity and
integration. The Government, in collaboration with the private sector,
will emphasise family-orientated sports and recreational activities and
its acculturation into the daily life of the community. Accordingly,
sports and recreational facilities will be built and upgraded in strategic
and easily accessible locations.
96. Public safety and order is a critical concern for all Malaysians.
The Government‟s efforts and strategies to improve public safety have
shown positive results based on the decrease in overall index crime in
the first quarter of 2010. Police patrols will be increased, especially in
50 hot spots to curb criminal activities. These efforts will be
complemented and supplemented by RELA, the Civil Defence
Department and other public volunteers. In addition, 496 CCTVs are
currently being installed nationwide to increase monitoring capacity.
The Safe Cities programme is also ongoing with the mobilisation of
various government agencies such as the Royal Malaysian Police,
local authorities, National Anti-Drug Agency and Department of Social
97. As the saying goes, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the
world. The status of women in society is a good indicator of a
dynamic and progressive country. Women are the cornerstone of
happy families and the essence of a successful nation. Steps will be
taken to increase the participation of women at all levels in both
public and private sectors, including entrepreneurial ventures.
Existing laws and related regulations will be reviewed to create a
more conducive environment that encourages greater female
participation in the workforce. I call upon the private sector to
increase the participation of women, especially in senior positions,
such as chief executive officers and members of Board of Directors.
98. The young generation is also important because they will shape
the future of the nation. Being the largest segment of citizens, the
Government will be accommodative to their aspirations. We will
become better listeners to as well as constructive partners to youth.
Their idealism, ideas and energy are needed by the nation to realise
a better future. Therefore, the Government will streamline the delivery
system of existing youth development programmes to ensure that the
younger generation is more productive in the nation‟s socio-economic
development, particularly through the activities of associations and
volunteerism. Following the success of the Youth Day celebration
held recently in Putrajaya, I am also pleased to announce that
Putrajaya will be a focal point for youth and it will provide avenues
and opportunities for their activities and programmes. More
importantly, these programmes can serve as a successful platform to
cultivate unity among youth as well as pave the way for
entrepreneurial and innovative avenues and opportunities for them.
105. In the spirit of the World Cup, which begins tomorrow, we can
use the analogy of a successful football team to relate to the
successful realisation of Malaysia‟s aspiration to become a developed
nation and high income economy.
106. For a football team to succeed, all players in the team,
irrespective of their position, need to work together and play as a
team. If they don‟t, they are unlikely to win, worse, they may lose
badly. Each player, whether it is the goalkeeper, defender, midfielder
or striker, is equally important. However great the footballers are as
individual players, victory can only be achieved as a team. Each
individual team member is a valuable asset and everyone‟s potential
must be optimised to achieve success.
107. Even if the team has the best strikers in the world, such as
Rooney, Messi or Ronaldo, the team would still lose if it had weak
defenders or goalkeeper, as the number of goals scored would be
more than offset by the number of goals conceded. Therefore, to
succeed, we must form a 1Malaysia team, that is united and aligned
in purpose and vision, to achieve the best for Malaysia, through our
collective best efforts.
111. From this moment, let us move forward on our journey, which
will not take a day, week, month or year, but a journey to be
undertaken generation after generation. InsyaAllah, we will succeed.
I beg to propose.