GB50107-2010 混凝土强度检验评定标准

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3. Basic requirements 4. Sampling and testing of concrete

4.1.Sampling of concrete

3.0.1 Strength grade of concrete should be divided according to cube compressive strength standard value. Concrete

strength grade use symbol C and cube compressive strength standard value (N/mm2) to indicate. 4.1.1 Sampling of concrete, should according to division plan and corresponding sampling plan of inspection batch requried

by inspection&evaluation method provided in this standard.

3.0.2 Cube compressive strength value should be a value from total distribution of concrete compressive strength of cube 4.1.2 Concrete strength specimen should be randomly sampled from pouring location of concrete.

specimen with 150mm side length, according to standard method for production and curing, obtained from standard 4.1.3 Sampling frequency and amount should comply to the following provisions:

test method at the age period of 28d, the percentage of strength lower than the value should be 5%. 1. For each 100 pans, but not more than 100m3 of same mix ratio concrete, sampling should not be less than once.

3.0.3 Concrete strength should be investigated/evaluated in batches. An inspection batch of concrete is formed by 2. When same mix ratio concrete mixed in each work shift less than 100 pans or 100m3, sampling should not be less

concrete with same strength grade, same test age period, same production process condition and same concrete mix. than once.

3. When a continuous pouring of same mix ratio concrete is more than 1000m3, sampling should not be less than once

3.0.4 For large batch, strength of continuous production of concrete should be based on the statistical method of evaluation for each 200m3.

provided in Section 5.1 in this standard. For small batch or sporadic production, concrete strength is evaluated based on 4. For building, same mix ratio of concrete for each floor, sampling should not be less than once.

non-statistical method in Section 5.2 in this standard.

4.1.4 Total number of set of specimen should be made from each batch of concrete sample, besides need to satisfy

the number of set required for concrete strength evaluation as provided in Chapter 5 in this standard, shall also reserved

specimen necessary for inspection of concrete strength of structure or component during construction phase.

4.2 Production and curing of concrete specimen

4.2.1 At least make a set of standard curing specimen from each sampling.

4.2.2 3 specimen of each set should be sampled and made from concrete from the same pan or same truck.

4.2.3 Concrete specimen used for inspection&evaluation of concrete strength, its forming method and standard curing

condition should comply with the existing national standard " common concrete mechanical test method standard"

GB/T50081 provisions.

4.2.4 For components which use steam curing, the specimen should first cured with component with same conditions,

then placed in standard curing condition to continue curing, the total time of two curing period should be age period of
design requirement.

Testing of concrete specimen

5. Inspection and evaluation of concrete strength

4.3.1 Cube compressive strength test of concrete specimen should in accordance with existing national standard

GB/T50081 provisions. Determination of each set of concrete specimen's representative value of strength
5.1 Statistical method of evaluation
should comply with the following provisions:

1. Take the mean value of the 3 specimen as the representative value of strength of each set of specimen; 5.1.1 When evaluate using statistical method, should comply with the following provisions:

1. For concrete that is produced continuously, when production condition is maintained in a longer period of time,

2. When the difference between the maximum OR minimum value of strength of a set of specimen and its median value is
and strength variability of the same type and same strength grade of concrete is maintained stable, should evaluate
more than 15% of the median value, take the median value as the strength representative value of the set of specimen.
based on Section 5.1.2 provision in this standard.
3. When the difference between the maximum AND the minimum value of strength of a set of specimen and its median
2. Other situation should be evaluated based on provisions in Section 5.1.3 of this standard.
value is more than 15% of the median value, the strength of the set of specimen should not be used as reference of evaluation.
5.1.2 Sample capacity of an inspection batch should be consecutively 3 set of specimen, where the strength

Note: When evaluating strength of concrete mixed with mineral admixtures, can according to design requirements, can
should also comply with the following provisions:
use concrete strength more than 28d age period.

4.3.2 When using specimen with non-standard size, should use size conversion factor to convert the compressive

strength to standard size specimen with 150mm side length. Size conversion factor is according to the following

provisions: standard deviation of cube compressive strength of inspection batch concrete shall based on the following formula:

1. When concrete strength grade is lower than C60, for cube specimen with 100mm side length should use 0.95, for

cube specimen with side length of 200mm should use 1.05.

2. When concrete strength grade is not lower than C60, should use specimen with standard size; when using non-standard

size specimen, size conversion factor should be determined by test, where the number of specimen should not
When concrete strength grade is not higher than C20, the smallest value of strength shall satisfy the requirement of

be less than 30 pair set.

formula below:

When concrete strength grade is higher than C20, the smallest value of strength shall satisfy the requirement of

formula below:

where Mean value of the cube compressive strength of concrete of same inspection batch


standard value of concrete cube compressive strength accuracy
standard deviation of cube compressive strength of inspection batch
5.2 non-statistical method of evaluation
accuracy when standard deviation of

strength of inspection batch calculation is less than 2.5N/mm2m should use 2.5N/mm2 5.2.1 When sample capacity used for evaluation is less than 10 set, should use non-statistical method to evaluate

concrete strength.

representative value of cube compressive strength of i-th batch of concrete specimen

5.2.2 When evaluate concrete strength using non-statistical method, the strength should also comply with the

in the previous inspection period, with same type and same strength grade following provisions:

accuracy this inspection period should not

be less than 60d, and not more than 90d.

sample capacity in the previous inspection period, sample capacity in this period qualification evaluation factor, should based on Table 5.2.2

should not be less than 45.

Table 5.2.2 non-statistical method of qualification evaluation factor for concrete strength
the minimum value of cube compressive strength of concrete from the same inspection batch.

concrete strength grade


5.1.3 When sample capacity is not less than 10 set, the strength shall also satisfy the following requirement:

5.3 evaluation of qualification of concrete strength

standard deviation of cube compressive strength of concrete from same inspection batch should be calculated based on the
following formula:
5.3.1 When inspection result satisfy provisions 5.1.2 or 5.1.3 or 5.2.2, the batch of concrete strength should be evaluated

as qualified; when cannot satisfy the above provisions, the batch of concrete strength is evaluated as not qualified.

where standard deviation of cube compressive strength of concrete from same inspection batch 5.3.2 for concrete which evaluated as not qualified, can be handled according to national existing relevant standard.

accuracy when calculated value of strength

standard deviation of inspection batch concrete is less than 2.5N/mm2, should use


factor of evaluation of qualification, based on table 5.1.3.

sample capacity within this inspection period.

table 5.1.3 factor evaluation of qualification of concrete strength
3. Basic Provisions 4. Sampling and testing of concrete

4.1 sampling of concrete.

3.0.1 Concrete strength grade is formed by symbol C and concrete strength standard value. Standard value of

strength is segmented by 5N/mm2, and use the following limit as indication. In the provisions of existing national 4.1.1 Developing the division plan and corresponding sampling plan according to inspection & evaluation method used,

standard "concrete structure design standard" GB50010-2002 provides concrete strength grade: C15, C20, C25, are to avoid construction, production and other factors that cause reduction in concrete strength specimen.

C30, C35, C40, C45, C50, C55, C60, C65, C70, C75, C80 etc, as stated in the standard, C10 grade concrete can

be used for concrete cushion layer. 4.1.2 When evaluating the qualification of concrete strength, ensure the randomness of concrete sampling is an

important condition to ensure that the sample is representative. Considered that the concrete mixture at the mixer

3.0.3 The distribution of concrete strength, not only related to production period and production process of statistical outlet, concrete quality might still vary after transported to pouring location, therefore it is specified that the sample

object, but also related statistics on overall concrete mix strength and test age and other factors, a large number of should be sampled at pouring location. Ready-mixed concrete factory and delivery is same as the provisions

statistical analysis and experimental studies have shown: same grade of concrete, at the same age period, production of existing national standard " Ready-mixed concrete" GB/T14902.

process and mix ratio conditions are basically consistent, probability distribution of the strength can be described

by normal distribution. Therefore, this standard specified that the inspection batch should be formed by specimen 4.1.3 When using statistical method to inspect&evaluate concrete strength, sampling frequency is an important

with same strength grade and age period, concrete with basically same production process and mix ratio, to ensure factor to ensure expected inspection efficiency, hence sampling frequency is specified. When developing

the evaluation of concrete strength basically comply with normal distribution, this is because the sampling inspection requirement of sampling frequency, production condition and engineering nature characteristic of variety of concrete

scheme of this standard is based on inspection data subject to normal distribution. Production process conditions production unit are considered, sampling frequency is related to number of mixing pan (tank) of mixer and

include curing conditions. total square volume of concrete, and also related to division of work shift. This specification is more practical for

3.0.4 When the specified conditional concrete production units and sample capacity is not less than 10 set, should different scale of concrete production unit and construction site.

use statistical method for inspection & evaluation of concrete strength. Due to large sample capacity of statistical

method, can reflect the information of concrete strength more reliably. A pan means concrete which is one-time mixed by concrete mixer. A work shift means 8h.

When a continuous pouring of same mix ratio concrete is more than 1000m3, the whole batch of concrete

should sample not less than once at each 200m3.

4.1.4 Number of specimen that should be made from each batch of concrete, should satisfy the requirement of

concrete strength evaluation. For specimen that is used to check the concrete strength in the construction

(production) process, the curing condition should be same as the structure or component, its strength is only a

a basis for evaluating whether the construction of structure or component can continue, two type of specimen cannot

be mixed/confused.
the minimum number of specimen, in favor of increasing the accuracy of conversion factor.
4.2 Production and curing of concrete specimen
2 set of specimen in a pair set. a set is standard size specimen, a set is non-standard size specimen.

4.2.1~4.2.3 The forming and curing method of concrete specimen should consider the representative. For specimen

which used for evaluation the concrete strength, should use standard method of forming, and then cured under

standard curing condition, until design required age.

4.2.4 For specimen which use steam curing, consider the adverse effect on the concrete late strength growth of

concrete after steam curing, hence it is specified that when evaluating the concrete strength of steam-cured component,

the specimen should first cured with component with same condition , then place in standard curing room to continue

curing, the total of two curing period is same as the design required age period.

4.3 Testing of concrete specimen

4.3.1 Test error can cause the test result of 3 specimens in a set to have a bigger difference. Test error can be

measured by coefficient of variation in the pan. Domestic and international test result show that, coefficient of variation

of concrete in a pan is usually around 5%. This standard specified that when the difference between the maximum or

minimum value of strength of 3 specimen in a set and the median value is more than 15% of the median value,

which is 3 times the coefficient of variation in the pan, should discard the maximum and minimum value, and use

the median value as the representative value of the strength of the set of specimen. The test error caused by this

specification, compare to the test error of using the average value of the set, the difference is not big, but

using the median value is more convenient.

In order to improve the concrete performance and energy saving, recently most concrete is mixed with

mineral admixtures, especially mass concrete. Experiments show that comparing the strength of concrete mixed

with mineral admixtures and pure cement concrete, early strength in lower, but late strength development is more

rapid, more obvious under lower temperature condition. In order to fully utilize the late strength of mineral-admixtures

-mixed-concrete, this standard specified in note that the test age period during evaluation of qualification of the concrete

strength can be more than 28d, specific age period should be specified by design department.

4.3.2 When using specimen with non-standard size and convert the compressive strength to compressive strength

of standard size specimen, conversion factor need to be determined through test. This standard specified
inspection standard" is as follows:
is changed to
Remove the coefficient in front of the original acceptance limit, which

and adjust the acceptance function coefficient to:

5. Inspection and evaluation of concrete strength

number of set of specimen

5.1 Statistical method of evaluation

5.1.1~5.1.3 Each description of this section is as below: and cancel the Sfcu>=0.06Fcu,k in the formula of section 4.1.3 of "cocnrete strength inspection evaluation standard"

1. According to the stability of concrete strength quality control, this standard divide the statistical method for GBJ 10.7-87.

In acceptance function coefficient determination as below: According to provisions in "uniform standard

concrete strength evaluation into 2: known standard deviation scheme and unknown standard deviation scheme.

Known standard deviation scheme: means production of same type of concrete, possible in a longer period of for acceptance of construction quality of construction engineering" GN50300-2001 Section 3.0.5, producer risk and

user risk should be controlled within 5%. At the same time, set acceptable quality water level AQL=fcu,k+1.645alpha
time, through quality management, maintain basically the same production condition, which means maintain the stability of

raw material, equipment, process and staffing, even if it is vary, can soon be adjusted and returned to normal. (Acceptable quality water level is same as fcu,k with guarantee rate of not less than 95%), limit quality water level=

LQ=fcu,k+0.2533alpha (limit quality water level is same as fcu,k with guarantee level not less than 60%).
Due to this type of production situation, can enable the variability of each batch of concrete strength to be

Adjust value, use

basically stable, strength standard deviation of each batch can be determined from the strength data of the

Monte-Carlo method to perform multiple simulation calculations, at the situation where concrete quality level supplied

previous production period. When comply with the above situation, use known standard deviation scheme, which is

provisions in section 5.1.2. Usually production of pre-fabricated component can use known standard deviation scheme. by producer is good (data is less discrete), production risk (misjudgment probability) and user risk (missed probability)

can be controlled at about 5%. When concrete quality level is poor (data is more discrete), can control user risk

within 5%.
Known standard deviation scheme is determined by calculation of data: same type of concrete,

production period not less than 60d and not more than 90d, sample capacity not less than 45. Assume that the values
Result of comparison calculation between the new scheme and original standard shows that new scheme is
continuously maintained the same in a inspection period. After 3 months, recalculate the strength data value based on the

stricter than original standard. For concrete smaller than C30, difference is not big. But as concrete strength grade
previous inspection period.
increase ( standard deviation reduce accordingly), new scheme is more and more stricter than original standard,
Besides, calculation method of standard deviation changed from range estimation method formula calculation
but still within moderate range.
method. At the same time, when the calculated standard deviation is less than 2.5N/mm2, use the value 2.5N/mm2.

Strength standard deviation calculation value Sfcu in Section 5.1.2, 5.1.3 should not be less than 2.5N/mm2,

this is because situation where Sfcu is too small will occur in actual evaluation. The reason is usually due to concrete
Unknown standard deviation scheme: meaning poorer continuity of production, which unable to maintain basically
inspection period for statistical is too short, the influencing factors of concrete are not adequately reflected.
the same production condition during production, or shorter production period, unable to accumulate strength data to
Even though there are company with good quality control which able to achieve such level, but it is not achievable
support calculation of reliable standard deviation parameter, at this time inspection & evaluation can only directly based on

strength data of sample of each inspection batch to determine, which specified in Section 5.1.3. In order to increase the if considering the overall national level.
reliability of inspection, this standard requires the number of sample set of each batch to be not less than 10 sets.
about limitation factor of smallest value, its purpose is to prevent the situation where actual standard deviation is
2. This revision on modified principle of statistical method of unknown standard deviation scheme in "concrete strength
too large, or prevent occurrence of situation where concrete strength is too low.

5.2 Non-statistical method of evaluation.

5.2.2 The selected parameters in non-statistical method of "Concrete strength inspection and evaluation standard" GBJ107-87

are specified according to the past situations where the concrete strength is generally not high. With the continuous of concrete

being strengthen and increasing of application of high-strength concrete, original specifications for high-strength concrete with

strength grade C60 and above are too strict. Hence, this revision is based on Monte-Carlo method,

evaluations for high strength concrete with strength grade C60 and above are properly adjusted.

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