OIM Analysis Tutorials PDF
OIM Analysis Tutorials PDF
OIM Analysis Tutorials PDF
Basic Tutorial............................................................................................................................ 2
Step 1 Loading dataset ........................................................................................................................... 2
Step 2 - Creating Maps ............................................................................................................................. 4
Step 3 - Grains in OIM ............................................................................................................................. 9
Step 4 - Discrete PF and Rotation........................................................................................................... 13
Step 5 - Texture....................................................................................................................................... 17
Step 6 - Templates .................................................................................................................................. 20
Highlighting and Partitioning................................................................................................. 24
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 24
Manually Isolating Lath Areas............................................................................................................ 25
Step 1 - Load File ............................................................................................................................... 25
Step 2 - Create IQ/Phase Map ............................................................................................................ 26
Step 3 - Configure Highlighting ......................................................................................................... 28
Step 4 - Highlight Alpha Grains ......................................................................................................... 28
Step 5 - Create Lath Partition ............................................................................................................. 29
Characterizing Boundaries.................................................................................................................. 29
Step 1 - Create MDF........................................................................................................................... 30
Step 2 - Reconfigure Highlighting...................................................................................................... 31
Step 3 - Discrete MDF Highlighting .................................................................................................. 32
Step 4 - Boundary Specifics ............................................................................................................... 33
Automated Highlighting ..................................................................................................................... 38
Step 1 - Grain Size Chart .................................................................................................................... 38
Step 2 - Chart Highlighting................................................................................................................. 40
Step 3 - Partition Formula................................................................................................................... 40
Misorientation Profile ......................................................................................................................... 43
Step 1 - Highlighting Configuration ................................................................................................... 43
Step 2 - Profile Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 44
Twins Tutorial ......................................................................................................................... 45
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 45
Step 1 - Getting Started........................................................................................................................... 46
Step 2 - Cleanup...................................................................................................................................... 47
Step 3 - Isolating the IC Lines ................................................................................................................ 51
Step 4 - Twins ......................................................................................................................................... 56
Step 5 - Coherent Twins ......................................................................................................................... 60
The following tutorial should help you get started with OIM Analysis as well as show some of the
analytical procedures a researcher might use for investigating the crystallographic structure of a
polycrystalline material. For this tutorial, we will be using a dataset obtained from rolled aluminum sheet
for a friction stir welding application. This dataset is installed during the OIM Analysis installation
procedure. Assuming the defaults were selected during the installation procedure, this data file is most
likely located in Program Files/TexSEM/OIM Analysis 4/Samples. To get started launch OIM Analysis.
The first step is to create a new project. The easiest way to do this is to left-click the Quick New button on
the QuickGen Toolbar and select Project from the pop-up menu as shown below.
This will create a default project. (there are multiple ways to open project, this is true with many functions
in OIM so that users can operate the software in the way that is most convenient - projects can also be
created from the New Project button on the Standard Toolbar or using New Project from the File
Menu.) The next step is to add a dataset to the project this is done by clicking on the project icon in the
project tree with the right hand mouse button. Select New>Dataset from the pull down menu as shown
Select the file FSW Al.osc. Once the file is successfully opened the screen should look something like
that shown below. In the project tree window you will see the project, dataset and partition. The partition
was automatically created and contains all of the data in the data set. A window providing some summary
information on the dataset will be displayed when the dataset is opened.
We will now create an inverse pole figure map. This is most easily done by pressing the IPF Quick Map
icon on the QuickGen Toolbar as shown below.
This should result in the screen appearing as below. The inverse pole figure map is color coded map
where the color gives an indication of the crystal direction aligned with the sample normal. For example,
in this case, the points colored blue have <111> directions aligned with the sample normal, the points in
red are <100> oriented and the points in green are <110>. It should be noted that in this map, only the
crystal direction parallel to the sample normal is fixed. The in-plane orientation is not indicated in this
Now, let's create a second type of map using an alternative approach. On the project tree click on the
Partition (a Partition contains a filtered subset of the data - in this case it contains all of the data) entitled
All Data with the right mouse button. This will bring up a pull-down menu. Select New>Map from the
menu as shown below.
Pressing the Add button bring up the following Add Boundary dialog. We will define "low angle"
boundaries as boundaries with misorientation between 1 and 15 degrees as shown.
Close the Add Boundary dialog by pressing the OK button and hit the Add button again in the Map
Properties dialog to configure the high angle boundaries. In this case, define the "high angle" boundaries
as boundaries with misorientations exceeding 15 degrees and set the color to blue. Once the boundaries
are configured they should be listed in the Map Properties dialog as shown below.
After the OK button is pressed in the Map Properties dialog, the following map will be generated. The
window has been maximized to show more detail.
Grains have a well defined meaning in OIM, however, the definition differs from that used in tradition
metallography. In OIM, two neighboring scan points belong to the same grain if the misorientation
between them is less than some value prescribed by the user - the Grain Tolerance Angle. This means,
that two neighboring points in a grain may differ in orientation by 0.1 degrees, but the misorientation
between points at one end of a grain and the opposite end may differ considerably more. This is especially
true in deformed materials like the rolled aluminum used in this tutorial. The best way to see how the
points are grouped into grains is to use a Unique Grain Color Map. In this map, each grain is assigned a
color. The colors do not denote an orientation, the grains are simply colored to distinguish them from
neighboring grains. To generate a Unique Grain Color Map, select a Grain Map from the QuickGen
In order to understand the parameters used in constructing the map, click on the All Data partition in the
project tree with the right mouse button and select Properties from the pull-down menu.
In order to illustrate the impact these parameters have on the Grains in OIM, we will create a new
partition. This is done using the right mouse pull down menu at the dataset level as shown below.
Once again, the Partition Properties dialog will be displayed. Switch to the Grain Size page and change
the Grain Tolerance Angle to 15 degrees.
The name of the two partitions can be changed to reflect the differences the the Grain Tolerance Angle.
This can be done using the right mouse activated pull-down menu and selecting Rename.
With the new partition active (activate it by simply left-mouse clicking on it), create a new Unique Grain
Color Map using the QuickGen Toolbar.
Now we can compare the resulting maps. To display the maps as shown here, close all of the windows
except the two grain color maps and then hit the Tile Vertically button on the Standard Toolbar. Note
the larger grains in the map with 15 degree tolerance.
Now we will create a chart showing comparing the Grain Size Distribution for each partition. This is done
using the pull-down menu at the project level and selecting New>Multichart.
This will bring up the Multichart Dialog. The type of chart needs to be selected as shown, and a chart
added for the two partitions.
This is done by pressing the Add button to bring up the Multichart Entry dialog where the partition can be
selected. Name is the name used in the chart legend.
In this step of the tutorial we will begin to look at the orientations themselves with respect to the sample.
The sample was obtained from rolled aluminum sheet used for friction stir welding. The sample scanned
was sectioned from a plane normal to the rolling direction as shown in the schematic below.
One of the most common tools for visualizing orientations in polycrystalline materials is the pole figure.
Before plotting a pole figure close all of the document windows. Generate an IPF map from using the
appropriate button on the QuickGen toolbar and plot a pole figure. The pole figure is most easily
generated by simply hitting the Pole Figure button on the QuickGen Toolbar. This will automatically
generate a 001 pole figure.
However, for FCC rolled materials, the most common pole figure displayed in the literature is the (111)
pole figure. We want to change the (001) to a (111) pole figure. This is easily done by clicking in the pole
In the resulting Pole Figure dialog, change the pole figure to an (001) pole figure by double-clicking on
the (001) pole figure in the list.
The resulting pole figure should appear similar to that shown below.
In order to get the data into this configuration we need to rotate it 90 degrees about the transverse
direction or TD. This can be accomplished by selecting Rotate from the Dataset pull-down menu in the
project tree.
The Rotate dialog will be displayed. We want to rotate 90 degrees about TD in a negative sense. We can
rotate the data, creating a new dataset within the project or simply rotate the data in place. For this
example we will rotate the data in place. The change in orientation will be reflected immediately in the
pole figure and the IPF map.
The pole figure looks much more like that expected for rolled aluminum. However, it is clearly not
exactly centered. This is likely due to tilts introduced during the sectioning or subsequent sample
preparation. Successive rotations of -1 degree about ND, 4.5 degrees about TD and -3 degrees about RD
seems to work well. (One way to identify the amount of rotation needed is to use Highlighting in Plot
Misorientation Mode in the pole figure.) The pole figure should appear as follows after these finer
While the discrete pole figures give a general impression on the clustering of orientations in orientation
space, they are not very quantitative. For quantitative information on the orientation distribution we need
to use the tools of Texture Analysis. OIM Analysis has many tools for characterizing the textures of
polycrystals. In OIM 4 the texture analysis is contained within a Texture Document at the same level in
the project tree as the maps, charts or discrete plots. The Texture Document contains all of the calculation
parameters and resultant data needed to generate texture plots such as pole figures or ODFs. The actual
texture plots are maintained at a level below the Textures themselves. To calculate a texture select
New>Texture from the Partition pull-down menu.
The following Texture Properties dialog will be displayed. First we need to select the calculation method
and associated parameters by hitting the Edit>> button.
We want to compare the discrete (111) pole figure already plotted against one derived from the texture
calculations. This is done by pressing the Add PF button on the texture properties dialog. This will bring
up the following dialog. The (hkl) should be set to (111).
Once all of the dialogs are closed using the OK buttons, the texture calculations will commence. For this
file, this should only take a couple of minutes. When the calculations have completed an icon representing
The (111) pole figure should already be selected and ready to display.
It may take a considerable amount of effort to get all of the partitions, textures, plots... configured
precisely as desired. OIM Analysis has several features that make it possible to reuse the configurations
developed during an analysis session. For example, a pole figure can be copied from one data set to
another, this doesn't mean the actual pole figure plot is copied but rather the plot is generated using the
data from the new dataset and the parameters from the old pole figure. As an example, let's construct a
map showing the fraction of material within 10 degrees of the "S" orientation (this is a specific
orientation, {123}<63-4>, that is frequently observed in rolled FCC materials). This is done by going to
the dataset icon in the project tree and selecting New>Map from the pull-down menu. Select Crystal
Orientation for the Color-Coded Map Type and Image Quality for the Gray Scale Map Type from the
resulting Map Properties dialog.
Now press the Edit>> button for the Color Coded Map Type. This brings up the following dialog. First
turn on the orthotropic (rolled sheet) symmetry as we are looking at a rolled aluminum sheet that exhibits
strong processing symmetry (the pole figure is symmetric about the horizontal and vertical axes).
Once these parameters are all defined, the resulting map should appear as follows.
The colored points are those, which have "S" Orientations. The map legend indicates that the volume
fraction of the "S" component is 33%.
Now open a new dataset (use FSW Al 2.osc), apply the appropriate rotations. Use the copy document
The map definition can also be saved as a Template and applied during later analysis sessions. To save
the template use the Export>Template function from the pull down menu on the project tree or in the map
This will result in a new partition being created with a Crystal Orientation Map for several orientations as
well as a Crystal Orientation chart showing their distribution as a function of tolerance angle.
This tutorial will use OIM scan data from dual phase titanium sample. The sample has large grains of
alpha titanium and a lath structure composed of both alpha and beta titanium. The tutorial consists of four
1 Opening the file, creating a combined image quality and phase map, using manual highlighting on the
map in grain mode to create a partition containing the lath area.
2. Operating in the lath partition, identify the character of the interphase boundaries using the Discrete
Axis/Angle Misorientation.
3. Use an alternative (more automated) method based on the grain size chart to isolate the lath areas.
4. Use the misorientation profile highlighting function to characterize the internal structure of the large
alpha grains. This will also introduce the user to the interactive view properties.
In the process the tutorial introduces many aspects of OIM Analysis including:
When the file is opened it will be automatically placed under a new project in the project tree.. In
OIM Analysis Tutorial 25
addition, 3 partitions will be created under placed under the data set in the project tree. One partition
containing all points within the scan data, one containing only those points identified with the alpha phase
and one partition for the beta phase. When the partitions are created, the points in the scan belonging to
each partition will be grouped into grains.
When the file is opened a window containing summary information about the data set is displayed. To
access similar information for each of the phases. Position the mouse cursor over the phase of interest in
the project tree and press the right mouse button. A pop-up menu will be displayed. Select Summary View
from this menu.
To overlay colors identifying the phases, position the mouse cursor over the map and press the right-
mouse button to activate the pop-up menu. Select Properties from the menu.
This will result in the map being changed from simply an IQ map to an IQ map overlaid with colors
identifying the phases. Note the volume fraction of each phase in the Legend displayed in the right hand
window pane.
Now we need to reconfigure the Highlighting Gradient for easier visualization of the grains. To change
the color gradient press on the gradient icon in the Highlighting Toolbar.
This will bring up the following dialog box. We want to set the gradient to a single color - blue. This can
be done by setting each of the colors in the gradient to blue or more simply by setting the number of
colors to 1.
This will create a new partition in the project tree. The name of the partition can be changed by selecting
Rename from the pop-up menu displayed when clicking on the partition with the right mouse button.
To show that this partition only contains the lath structure, make the partition active by left clicking on it
in the project tree. Hit the IQ map button in the Quick-Gen toolbar. This will result in the following map,
where the blacked out points are those points in the dataset excluded from the partition.
Characterizing Boundaries
Using the right mouse button click on the Lath Partition in the project tree to pop-up the following menu.
Select New Discrete Plot from the pop-up menu.
This will bring up the following dialog box. The first step is to set the Plot Type to Axis/Angle
The Discrete MDF is a series of sections through Axis/Angle Misorientation space. We want to configure
Press OK in this dialog and the parent. The discrete axis/angle misorientation plot will be calculated and
To display the map and the discrete plot side-by-side as shown here, select the Tile Vertically icon from
the Utilities Toolbar.
This will display a dialog box for changing the tolerance angle. Set the tolerance angle to 5 degrees. On a
We also need to make sure that highlighting is turned on - both for the Discrete Misorientation Plot and
for the IQ Map. This is done using the right mouse pop-up menus for the map and the plot.
In order to see the individual misorientations plotted in the Discrete Misorientation Plot either maximize
the OIM Analysis window using the standard Windows maximize button in the upper right-hand corner
of the application
and retile the windows using the Tile Vertical button on the Standard Toolbar.
Or change the display mode of the Discrete Misorientation Plot to not Fit to Window. This can be done
either from the pop-up menu for the plot window or making the Plot Window active by clicking on the
window's title bar and deselecting the Fit To Window button on the Standard Toolbar.
Make sure that Plots: Tolerance Highlighting is selected instead of Plots: Misorientation .
To get a better view of the boundaries highlighted in the map, click on the Title Bar of the Map window
to activate it. Then, select the Zoom-Icon from the Standard Toolbar.
The cursor will change to a magnifying glass. With the cursor click on the map a few times to zoom in on
the highlighted boundaries.
What type of boundaries are these? We know they correspond to 45 degrees of misorientation, but what
rotation axis? This can be determined easily by positioning the cursor over the (now yellow) cluster in the
45 degree section and looking at the status bar at the bottom of the application. (If the status bar does not
appear, select it from the View Menu.)
The misorientation can be described with respect to either the alpha phase or with respect to the beta
phase. This is why the misorientation is listed twice. In addition, it should be noted that while the axes are
given in integer values these are determined from real values and may not be precise. The highest integer
used in the indices describing the rotation axes can be set in the Preferences Dialog accessible from the
Settings Menu.
For further understanding of these boundaries, we want to change the map to give an indication of the
phases associated with each scan point. This can be done by making the map the active window by
clicking on the window title bar and selecting the Properties icon off the Standard Toolbar.
In the Properties Dialog for the map, set the Color Coded Map Type to Phase and press the Edit button.
Because we already have some green boundaries, change the color associated with the beta phase to blue.
We can find out more information about these boundaries using the information we have learned from the
highlighting procedure followed in this tutorial. Once again bring up the Map Properties Dialog. Now we
want to add the information about the boundaries learned here. The first step is to select Axis/Angle from
the Boundary Types list.
After closing the dialog box, the boundaries will be drawn. However, the highlighting boundaries with be
overlaid on the boundaries defined. To remove the highlighting press on the Clear button on the
Highlighting Toolbar.
The following map should appear. The fraction these boundaries represent of all boundaries in the Lath
partition can be found in the Legend in the right-hand pane of the window. In fact, nearly 70% of the
boundaries in the lath area are of this type (within our tolerance of 5 degrees).
You may first want to zoom in on one of the Lath regions before proceeding. With shift button down, do
a left mouse click on one of the red grains and a second left mouse click on a neighboring blue grain.
The next step is to modify the properties of the All Data partition and the Titanium(Alpha) partition to
include edge grains. This is done by doing a right-mouse click on the partition and selecting Properties.
In the resulting properties dialog, select the Grain Size tab and turn on the Include Edge Grains checkbox.
This should result in the following chart showing the grain size distribution for the alpha phase grains.
If we were using a much larger dataset, it may be cumbersome to use the manual approach of manually
clicking on each large alpha grain. It would be nice to find a more automated approach. One approach
would be to filter out the large alpha grains using a grain size criterion. Now, in the chart, click and drag a
box starting at approximately a value of 1.5 on the x-axis and extending out to the maximum.
Note that a few of the large lath grains are colored in the grayish-green color and we miss a few of the
large alpha grains at the edges. This is one of the drawbacks of using an automated approach is that it is
difficult to catch every feature exactly correct. However, statistically the results may be adequate. Note in
the legend of the chart window that the green box just to the right of the grayish-green box, the value is
2.25. We will use this value to demonstrate an alternative way of building partitions.
The first step is to limit the phase to alpha only. This is done by pressing the phase button in the dialog
and selecting alpha from the phase list and setting the operator to "=" as shown below.
We have set the formula to only include the large alpha grains. To select everything but these grains,
move the cursor to the beginning of the formula and press the button followed by the button.
Move the cursor to the end of the formula and press the button. The resulting formula should appear
as follows.
Close the Partition Properties dialog with the OK button. A new partition will now appear in the project
tree. With a right mouse click on the new partition, select New>Map from the pull down menu. This will
bring up the Map Properties dialog. Set the Gray Scale Map Type to Image Quality and the Color Coded
Map Type to Phase. Press the Edit >> button for the Color Coded Map Type. In the resulting dialog add
entries for the both the alpha and beta phase. I have selected red and blue for the color respectively in
constructing the following map. Note the large alpha grains in black. The color black denotes point
excluded from the partition. (The "Non-Partition" color can be set in the Preferences Dialog from the
Settings Menu.) Note the fraction of each phase within the partition in the Legend Pane of the Map
In order to prepare for this stage of the tutorial, clear all the highlighting and set the Highlighting
Color Gradient to Rainbow. Switch the highlighting mode to Vector Profile Mode in the Highlighting
Toolbar. Also turn on Record Highlighting . Make sure a map containing the large alpha grains is
available. In the right pane of the map window set the view to Interactive.
In the large alpha grain at the center of the scan do a left mouse click at one end of the grain followed by a
left mouse click at the right end of the grain. This will create a chart showing the misorientation profile.
In the misorientation profile chart the blue curve shows the misorientation from a point on the vector to
the point at the origin of the vector. The red curve shows the misorientation from a point on the vector to
the previous point on the vector. The features of low IQ which appear as boundaries in the grain appear to
be low angle boundaries.
This will bring up a Interactive Properties dialog box allowing the user to set which items will be
displayed in the list. Modify the options to display the Misorientation angle with respect to neighbor,
Distance from origin and Image Quality.
The data in the list can be exported to a text file and imported into other programs such as Microsoft
Excel to allow users to customize their analysis of OIM data. The text files are comma delimited and a
header defines the different columns (in the example below, only the misorientation angle is shown - this
can be selected from the Misorientation Representation in the Interactive Properties dialog box.
Twins Tutorial
OIM 4 has some new features for characterizing twins. There are really two criteria for defining twins.
1) The orientation of the twin is related to the parent through a specific misorientation. For example, the
primary recrystallization twin in a face-centered-cubic material is related to the parent by a 60 degree
rotation about the <111> crystal direction.
2) The twinning plane must be aligned with the boundary plane separating the twin from the parent.
Twins which satisfy the first criterion but not the second are sometimes called incoherent twins. Those
that satisfy both criteria are sometimes termed coherent twins. OIM is performed on a section plane
through the material. The boundary plane cannot be determined from a single section plane. Three
dimensional information must be obtained to reconstruct the boundary plane. Thus the alignment between
the twinning plane (which can be obtained from the OIM measurements) and the boundary plane cannot
be confirmed from an OIM scan on a single section plane. However, the trace of the boundary can be
observed and checked against the trace of the twinning plane to confirm alignment.
This tutorial shows an example of using OIM to characterize twinning using a scan from copper
interconnect lines. In the process the tutorial introduces many aspects of OIM Analysis including:
Creating Maps
Confidence Index (CI)
Overlaying boundaries on maps (rotation angle, axis/angle, reconstructed, twins type)
CI Standardization
Using an explicit formula.
Grains and Twinning
General twins
Coherent Twins
Preferences Dialog
The first step is to create a project and load the appropriate dataset. One easy way to do this is to hit the
QuickNew button on the QuickGen Toolbar. This will bring up a pop-up menu.
The area between the interconnect lines is both low IQ and low CI data. The data is from the silicon
substrate, but in this case, the substrate does not produce indexable patterns.
Step 2 - Cleanup
In order to analyze grain boundaries it is a good idea to clean up the data points at the boundaries. When
the electron beam is on a boundary, the diffracting volume can contain two crystal lattices. One for each
grain on either side of the boundary. The resulting pattern will be a superposition of the patterns from
both lattices. The indexing routines in OIM DC do a pretty good job of deconvoluting the pattern to
identify one or the other of the orientations associated with the two grains. However, sometimes, OIM
indexes the patterns with an orientation associated with neither of the grains resulting in an incorrect
orientation. However, OIM Analysis has several cleanup routines to deal with these types of problems.
1) In the project tree, click on the dataset with the right mouse button and select Cleanup from the pop-up
3) After hitting the OK button, the Grain Dilation cleanup procedure will commence. Once it is
completed, the number of points modified will be displayed and a new dataset will be created in the
project tree.
5) Now create a Grain map for the cleaned dataset to see the effect of the clean up procedure. The
intermediate points at the grain boundaries have been removed for the most part as well as interior points
in the grains. It should also be noted that the interconnect lines have widened by two points on either side
of each line.
Several methods could be used to isolate the IC lines from the substrate regions in the scan. The following
shows a CI, an IQ and Grain map. The substrate region is clearly correlated with low CI, low IQ and
small grains. One problem with filtering out the low CI or low IQ data, is that the grain boundaries also
exhibit low CI and low IQ. If we simply filter on CI or IQ, we are likely to also exclude scan points near
the grain boundaries. However, there are various approaches to eliminating this problem.
To confirm the results of the Grain CI Standardization, we will generate a new CI map. This is done by
right-mouse clicking on the All data partition in the new dataset - Cu IC Lines cleaned cleaned. Select
New>Map from the pull down menu. In the Map Properties dialog set the Grayscale Map Style to
Confidence Index as shown.
Now we want to filter out the data from the substrate regions based on CI. In order to identify an
appropriate cutoff value for CI, move the cursor to areas of low CI in the map and note the CI value in the
status bar as shown below.
Set the boolean operator to and enter the value of 0.3 in the Confidence Index dialog. The result
formula should appear as follows after closing the Confidence Index dialog with the OK button.
The areas in black are those excluded from the partition. The color used to identify the points excluded
from the partition can be set on the Preferences Dialog accessed from the Settings menu as shown below.
Recall from the introduction that incoherent twins are those twins who meet the twinning misorientation
criterion. In our copper interconnect lines, these are twin boundaries that represent 60 degree rotations
about <111>. In this step we will identify the boundaries which meet the misorientation criterion but not
necessarily the second criterion of the twinning plane aligned with the boundary plane. We will also see
the impact of using the twins in the grain grouping algorithm.
1) In the final partition created in Step 3 - Isolating the IC Lines, create an IQ image using the IQ Map
button on the QuickGen Toolbar.After the map has been created open the properties dialog.
2) Let's first draw general boundaries with misorientations greater than 2 degrees. This is done by setting
Type in the Boundaries section of the Map Properties dialog to Rotation angle as shown above. Press the
Add button to add a boundary to the map. In the Add Boundary dialog set the minimum misorientation to
2 degrees and switch to the Segment page of the dialog and change the color to yellow and make the
boundaries fairly thick as shown below.
Set the color to red on the Segment page of the dialog close the dialog by hitting OK.
4) Add the secondary twin by hitting the add button once again and entering <110> for the rotation axis
and 38.9 degrees for the rotation angle or select the secondary twin from the Twin Presets. Change the
color to blue for the boundary. Now close the Add Boundary dialog and the Map Properties dialog. The
resulting map should appear as follows. Using the Zoom In function once can inspect the few blue
secondary twins and note they appear at triple junctions where the two boundaries are the red primary
6) Paste the partition into the Cu IC Lines cleaned cleaned dataset using the right mouse pull-down menu
at the dataset level of the project tree. This will create a copy of the partition with the low CI (CI < 0.3)
point filtered out. It also copies any maps or other documents.
7) Select properties from the right mouse click pull-down menu for the new partition. We will modify the
Grain Size page of the Partition Properties dialog. After selecting the Grain Size tab hit the Define button
in the Twin Boundaries section. Ignore the first page of the Twin Boundaries Wizard for now by pressing
Note that the twins have been excluded from the grain grouping algorithm However, note the IC line
second from the right. It is now all one single grain. This is unlikely and points to the need for looking at
the second twin criterion.
We will now expand our definition of twins to include the alignment of the twinning plane with the
boundary plane. As mentioned in the tutorial introduction, the boundary plane cannot be completely
characterized using a single section plane. However, we can identify the boundary trace. In OIM
boundaries appear as a set of line segments that follow the scan grid. In order to characterize the trace we
would like to determine the angle the boundary trace makes with respect to some sample axis (in this case
the horizontal axis in the map). If we simply use the boundary segments the angle is limited to multiples
of 60 degrees. However, we can link the segments together and fit a straight line to the segments. In OIM
these lines are termed Reconstructed Boundaries. We will investigate the boundaries in the scan data to
see which boundaries satisfy both the twin misorientation relationship as well as the alignment in
boundary and twin plane traces.
1) Create an IQ map in the partition without twins defined for the grain size calculations. Open the map
properties and setup the twin boundaries similar as done before with the 60@<111> boundaries in red and
the 38.9@<110> boundaries in blue. Now we also want to see all of the reconstructed boundaries. Select
Reconstructed Boundaries from the Boundary Types pull down list and hit the Add button. I've made
these boundaries green in the portion of the map shown below.
3) Now we can apply the plane trace criterion to the grain formation in OIM. First copy the most recent
partition with the twins defined and paste it into the dataset. Open the Partition Properties and hit the
While the methodology is not perfect (for reconstructed boundaries the smaller ones do not capture the
trace angle very well) it gives the best approximation to the true grain size distribution.