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AIM: To Observe the flow over a circular cylinder using Ansys

Software Used: ANSYS

The primary objective of this Tutorial is to guide the student using Fluent for first time through
the very basics of CFD simulation using ANSYS Workbench.

The objective of this simulation is to determine the velocity and pressure fields produced when
a fluid flows over a cylinder. In addition, the drag force exerted by the fluid over the cylinder is
computed. Streamline plots are also available.

Summary: In this exercise, the flow over a cylinder is modeled. The flow is assumed to be two
dimensional therefore the cylinder can be represented by a circle. A flow domain surrounding the
cylinder is created and meshed. Boundary conditions are applied to the simulation to obtain plots
of static pressure, velocity magnitude, and streamlines. The drag coefficient can be calculated
using the forces exerted by the fluid on the cylinder as computed by the software.

1. Starting ANSYS Workbench

Click on the Start Menu, and then select Workbench 14.0.
Close Getting Started window.
Left click on the tab corresponding to Fluid Flow (FLUENT) and without releasing the mouse
buttondrag the icon to the Project Schematic window (central big window).
Click twice on the lower tab and rename the project to Cylinder1
Now right click on the Geometry tab and select the properties option, a Properties of Schematic
window will open. Change the Analysis Type under the Advanced Geometry Options from 3D to 2D.
Back to the Project Schematic Window, click twice on the Geometry tab. This action will launch
ANSYS Design Modeler (green logo DM).

2. Create Geometry
Set units to centimeters (cm) and click ok.
Right click on icon corresponding to XYPlane and select look at.
Down below the Tree Outline window you will see the Sketching and Modeling tabs. Select the
Sketching tab.
A Sketching Toolboxes window will replace the Tree Outline window with a new set of tabs, select
the Settings tab.
Select Grid and activate the buttons Show in 2D and Snap.
Make sure that Major Grid Spacing is set to 5 cm, Minor–Steps per Major is 5, and Snaps per
Minor is 1.

Click on the icon corresponding to New Sketch to create sketch 1. Click again on the icon to create
Sketch 2. Click on the Modeling tab and you will notice that you have created Sketch 1 and Sketch 2.
Click on Sketch 1 and then click on the Sketching tab.
Select the Draw tab and choose circle . Draw a circle with center at the origin (at this point the
size of the circle is not important, it will be adjusted in the next step), and then click on
Once the circle has been created select the tab corresponding to Dimensions and choose Radius. Left click
on the circle you just drew and drag the mouse outwards without releasing the mouse button until you see
an arrow indicating the radius of the circle, then release button.
On the new window that appears (Details View window) adjust the radius to 2 cm, and click on
Select now Sketch 2 and click on the Draw tab. Choose Rectangle. Then create a rectangle with
vertices (-30, 20) and (50, - 20). Click on Generate to create this entity.
Now go to the Concept tab and select Surfaces From Sketches.
Use the Ctrl key select Sketch 1 and Sketch 2. The rectangle and the circle must become yellow. Click
on Apply on the Details View window. The circle and the rectangle will become cyan.
Now, click on Generate. You have created a circular and a rectangular surface.

The next step consists in subtracting the circle from the rectangle so we create the geometry that we will
use to generate our mesh. Click on the Create tab and select Boolean.
In the Details window, select the Operation tab and choose Subtract. Click on the Target Bodies tab.
Going back up to the Tree Outline window, under 2 Parts, 2 Bodies. Select the Surface Body tab that
highlights in yellow the rectangle. Then click Apply. The rectangle will become cyan.
Now click on Tool Bodies, select the Surface Body tab that highlights in yellow the circle and click Apply.
The circle will become cyan. Make sure that the tab corresponding to Preserve Tool Bodies? Is set No.
Click on Generate. Our geometry is almost ready to be meshed. But before that we need to specify the
entities of our geometry, that is, the inlet, the outlet, the walls and the cylinder.
On the upper tools bar, select the icon corresponding to Selection Filter: Edges.

Place the mouse near the left end of the rectangle and left click to highlight
it (green). Once it is green right click to select Named Selection. Then click
on Apply, and finally on Generate. Right click on the new entity created,
NamedSel1, and choose Rename. Type Inlet and hit enter.
Follow same procedure for the right end of the rectangle to define the outlet.
Place the mouse near the right end of the rectangle; left click to highlight it
(green). Then right click to select Named Selection. Then click on Apply,
and finally on Generate. Right click on the new entity created, NamedSel2,
and choose Rename. Type Outlet and hit enter.
Finally we follow the same procedure to create the cylinder. Always using
the Selection Filter: Edges tool, left click on the circle to highlight it on
green, then right click to choose Named Selection, click on Apply, click
on Generate and rename it to be Cylinder.
Click on the Save Project icon to save your work.
The layout out of our DM should look like this:

Close DM and go back to the Workbench.

3. Mesh Generation
On your Ansys Workbench, double click on the tab corresponding to mesh.
Select Mesh from the outline window.
In the Details of Mesh window, click the plus sign next to Sizing to expand it.
Change Relevance Center to Fine.
Click on Update.
Close the window.
Save your work on the Workbench
4. Setting up Physics and Solution of the Problem using Fluent
Double click on the Setup tab, and then click OK on the Fluent Launcher window.
Once Fluent opens you will see the mesh you just created displayed on the central window.
On the left side you will see a menu showing three main sections: Problem Setup, Solution, and
Results. Let’s start by setting up our problem.
Activate the gravity effects by checking the button next to Gravity. Set Gravitational Acceleration
equal to -9.81 on the section corresponding to Y–direction.
Select the tab corresponding to Units… under Quantities select Length and set it to cm. Then click
Next, click on Models and make sure that the everything on the Models window is off except the third
option corresponding to viscous, this must be Viscous–Laminar.
Next, click on Materials, highlighting the option corresponding to Fluid, click on Create/Edit. Select
Fluent Data Base on the window that opened. Select Water–Liquid (h2o<l>). Click on Copy, and then
Close. Also close the Create/ Edit Materials window.
Now click on the Cell Zone Conditions tab and click on the Edit… button. Change the Material Name
from air to water–liquid. Click OK.
Now we input the boundary conditions. Select Inlet and click on Edit. Set the Magnitude of
theVelocity (m/s) to 0.0003. Clock OK.
On the outlet make sure that the Type is set to pressure-outlet. Clock on Edit… and make sure that the
Gauge Pressure (pascal) is 0. Click OK.
Make sure that cylinder and wall-surface_body are defined as Type wall.
Under Solution, select Solution Initialization and click on Initialize.
Go to Run Calculation, set Number of Iterations to 1000, Reporting Interval to 10 and click on
Once the solution has converged we proceed to review the results. Under the Results section click on
Graphics and Animations.
On the window that gets activated select Contours and Set Up.
A new window will open, select the option Filled, and select Contours of Velocity with the option
Velocity Magnitude. Then click on Display.


Velocity gradient contour

Pressure contour
AIM: To observe the flow over an aerofoil at various angle of attack using Ansys
Software Used: ANSYS
This tutorial provides instructions for creating a fluid volume and mesh around a NACA 4314 airfoil and
for analyzing the flow in FLUENT. It also shows how to use multiple fluid bodies and edge sizing to create
a “c-mesh”. The entire meshed fluid field and a portion of the mesh near the airfoil are shown below.


1. Open an internet browser and go the the NACA 4 Digits Series Profile Generator at .
On some computers, Java may be disabled
and the website won’t display properly.
Check your browser’s settings if you are
having trouble viewing the website.
This site enables users to generate any 4314
standard NACA 4-digit 2D airfoil.
2. Adjust the top three sliders to create a non-
symmetric 4314 airfoil.
3. Change # Points to “60” and Point Size to “4” so
that the points are clearly visible.
If too many points are used to define the
airfoil, DesignModeler won’t be able to
create the profile of the airfoil because the
distance between adjacent points is too
4. Show Points, then highlight everything that
appears in the window to the right of the sliders and copy it to the clipboard.
In Windows <Ctrl> + <A> can be used to highlight the data points, then <Ctrl> + <C> can be
used to copy the selection to the clipboard.
5. Open Microsoft Excel.
A simple text editing program (such as vi in linux) can also be used to format the airfoil data.
Use the following steps as a guidline to create a compatible file using a text editor:
 Paste in the data (<Ctrl> + <V> in Windows machines).
 Create lines of data with five fields separated by spaces or tabs, as described below.
 Eliminate lines of data that have identical coordinates.
 Precede comments with “#”.
 Save the data as a simple text file.
6. LMB in cell C1 to select it, then paste the data from the clipboard (<Ctrl> + <V>).
7. LMB on the “Data” tab. The data should still be highlighted. Text to Columns.
8. In Convert Text to Columns, Next. Select “Space” under Delimiters.
9. Next, then Finish to separate the data into two columns.
10. Insert a blank row between “NACA4314” and the airfoil data.
Rows can be inserted by RMB on a row number, then Insert. The new row will be inserted
above the row on which you clicked.
11. In row 2, type column labels that match the ones
shown to the right.
LMB on cell A2 and type “#Group” then
<Tab>, type “Point” <Tab>, type “X_cord” <Tab>, type “Y_cord” <Tab> and type “Z_cord”.
12. Insert a “#” before “NACA4314” in cell C1.
The “#” is used to denote a comment in DesignModeler coordinate files.
The first two rows of this excel file help keep the data organized, but they are not required.
13. In the first line of data, change the X coordinate to “1” and the Y coordinate to “0”.
The first data point should be located at the trailing edge of the airfoil, but due to resolution and
accuracy limits it is not exactly (1,0).
14. Enter “1” in cell A3 and A4, and fill through the rest of column A.
The first column in the spreadsheet denotes the group number for each set of points.
15. Starting in cell B3, enter “1” and increase to “2” in cell B4. Fill the rest of the column in numerical
16. In column B of the last row of data, change the point number to “0”.
For closed curves, the last point number must be “0” in DesignModeler.
17. In cells E3, E4, etc. through the rest of the rows, enter “0” for the Z coordinate of each point.
18. Office Button-Save As. After selecting an appropriate folder, name the file “4314_Airfoil_Profile”.
Change the Save as type to “Excel Workbook”. Save-OK-Yes.
Saving the file as an Excel Workbok isn’t necessary, but is done so that the file can be easily
modified at a later time in the event that the import into DM is unsuccessful.
19. Repeat the procedure from the previous step, but change the Save as type to “Text (Tab delimited)”.
Answer “Yes” (or “OK”) to any warnings that may appear; not to worry about these messages.
20. Close Excel.

Create a FLUENT template in the Project Schematic window

1. This tutorial assumes that ANSYS Workbench is running but no projects are open.
2. Under View make sure that “Toolbox”, “Toolbox Customization” and “Project
Schematic” all have check marks next to them.
Check marks can be inserted by placing the cursor over the menu item
and LMB.
3. In Toolbox Customization under Analysis Systems, verify that “Fluid Flow
(FLUENT)” has a check mark next to it.
If column “A” is not shown in Toolbox Customization, 1 located to the
left of “Name” in Toolbox Customization.
To de-clutter your Workbench workspace, close or minimize Toolbox Customization; it is not
needed after this step.
4. In Toolbox, not Toolbox Customization, Fluid Flow (FLUENT) and hold the LMB to drag it into the
box that will appear in Project Schematic.
If there are no Analysis Systems visible in the Toolbox, try + (clicking “+”) next to Analysis
Systems in Toolbox.


1. Geometry [bold underline means to double click] in the Fluid Flow
(Fluent) template to open ANSYS DesignModeler.
2. At startup DM will prompt the user to select the desired length unit. LMB
on the circle next to “Meter”, then OK.
If this prompt does not appear, your version of DM was set to always use a certain unit of
length. If this is the case, Tools-Options-Units, and set Display Units Pop-up Window to “Yes”.
3. Concept-3D Curve. In Details View, Not Selected. Browse to where you saved the airfoil data, select
the text file, and Open. Lastly, change Merge Topology from “No” to “Yes”.
4. Generate [located in the menu above Tree Outline] to create the profile of the airfoil.
If a “!” appeared next to “Curve1” in Tree Outline, R-Curve1-Show Errors or Warnings to
display the reason why the 3D curve was not successful.
5. In the Display Toolbar, Look at Face/Plane/Sketch . This should also zoom in on the airfoil.
If you want to find out the name of any toolbar button, hover over the button with the cursor to
display its name.
6. Concept-Surfaces from Edges. LMB on the curve that was
created in the previous step to select it. When it turns green to
signify that it has been selected, Apply and Generate. The
inside of the airfoil should now be shaded – it is a surface.
7. Create-Thin/Surface. Select the surface created in the previous step
by LMB on it, then Apply in Details View.
8. Change Direction from “Inward” to “Outward”.
9. LMB on the box to the left of FD1, Thickness. For Parameter
Name, type “ExtrusionLength”. OK.
10. In Tree Outline, R-“Thin1”-Rename. Name this body “Airfoil”
and <Enter>. Generate.
11. In Tree Outline, LMB on “+” that is to the left of “2 Parts, 2 Bodies”. R-“Solid”-Rename. Type
“Airfoil” as the name for the solid and <Enter>.


1. Create-Primitives-Box.
2. In Details View, From One Point and Diagonal to change Box
Type to “From Two Points”.
3. Enter the coordinates for Point 1: X = “1” m, Y = “-10” m, and Z =
“0” m.
4. Enter the coordinates for Point 2: X = “20” m, Y = “10” m.
5. To set the value for Point 2 Z Coordiante, LMB in the box to the
left of the label. For Parameter Name, type “ExtrusionLength”,
then OK. Generate.
Using defined parameters to set dimensions makes changing
dimensions easier later on.
6. Create-Primitives-Cylinder.
7. In Details View, set Origin X Coordinate = “1” m. Set FD10,
Radius = “10” m.
8. LMB in the box to the left of FD8, Axis Z Coordinate. For
Parameter Name, type “ExtrusionLength”, then OK. Generate.
9. Look at Face/Plane/Sketch .


1. Create-Boolean.
2. Change Operation from “Unite” to “Subtract”.
3. In Tree Outline, LMB on “+” that is to the left of “3 Parts, 3 Bodies” to display available bodies if
necessary (this may already be selected).
4. For Target Bodies, Not Selected, choose “Solid” in Tree Outline, and Apply.
5. For Tool Bodies, Not Selected, choose “Airfoil” in Tree Outline, and Apply. Generate.
6. Tools-Freeze.
Freezing prevents the geometry from combining with geometry that is created after the freeze.
Rotate slightly by dragging the MMB; you should see a small thickness of the airfoil body.
7. In Tree Outline, LMB on “Solid” under “2 Parts, 2 Bodies”. In Details View, change Body to “Fluid”
and Fluid/Solid to Fluid.


1. Create-Slice. Select “ZXPlane” from Tree Outline. Apply to assign the selected plane as the Base
Plane. Generate.
Slicing the fluid volume into smaller volumes allows for greater control over mesh sizing.
2. New Plane . In Details View, set Base Plane as “YZPlane” (Select it in Tree Outline and Apply).
Change Transform 1 (RMB) to “Offset Z”. Set FD1, Value 1 = “1”m. Generate.
3. Create-Slice. Select “Plane4” from Tree Outline. Apply to assign the selected plane as the Base
Plane. Generate.
4. Simultaneously select the four volumes (“Fluid”) under “5 Parts, 5
Bodies” in the Tree Outline. RMB- Form New Part.
5. File-Save Project. After selecting an appropriate folder in which to
save the project, enter “4314Airfoil” for the File Name, and Save.
6. Close DM.
In Workbench, “Geometry” should now have a check mark.


7. Mesh in the Fluid Flow (Fluent) template to open ANSYS Meshing.
8. From the Meshing Options window that opens, select
“Tetrahedrons (Patch Independent)” to set the Mesh Method.
The Physics Preference was automatically set to CFD when
“Fluid Flow (FLUENT)” was chosen for the Analysis
System. Thus, it is not necessary to specify a preference in Meshing Options.
9. Units-Metric (m, kg, N, s, V, A).
10. In Outline, LMB on “Patch Independent”.
11. Use the drop down menu to change Method from
“Tetrahedrons” to “Automatic”.

1. In an empty area of Graphics, RMB-View-Front.
2. Group-select the four exposed faces. RMB-Create
Named Selection. Enter “Front Symmetry” as the name
for the group of faces. <Enter>.
Hold <Ctrl> while LMB to make multiple
3. RMB-View-Back.
4. Group-select the four exposed faces. RMB-Create
Named Selection. Enter “Back Symmetry” as the name for the group of faces. <Enter>.
5. RMB-View-Right.
6. Scroll the MMB to zoom in until two faces are visible.
7. Group-select the two exposed faces. RMB-Create Named Selection. Enter “Outlet” as the name for
the group of faces. <Enter>.
8. RMB-View-Top.
Workbench Tutorial – Flow Over an Airfoil, Page 5

9. Zoom in until surfaces are visible. LMB on one of the exposed faces.
LMB from the toolbar. Extend to Limits.
10. RMB-Create Named Selection. Enter “Inlet” as the name for the group of
faces. <Enter>.
11. RMB-View-Front.
12. LMB Named Selections in the Outline. The labeled
selections should look similar to the ones to the right.


1. LMB “Mesh” in Outline.
2. LMB the rectangular face located in the top right. RMB-
Insert-Mapped Face Meshing.
3. Repeat the previous step for the rectangular face located
in the bottom-right.
4. In Outline, LMB on the “+” next to “Geometry”. LMB
on the “+” next to “Part”. RMB on the first “Fluid” and
Suppress All Other Bodies.
Edge sizing helps smooth the transition between the
four separate fluid volumes and creates a refined
mesh around the airfoil.
5. LMB “Mesh” from Outline.
6. Edge from the Display Toolbar.
7. LMB the left edge of the rectangle, then RMB-Insert-Sizing. Enter “.2”m for Element Size.
8. LMB the right edge of the rectangle, then RMB-
Insert-Sizing. Enter “.2”m for Element Size. Choose
the second Bias Type from the drop down menu.
Enter “10” for Bias Factor.
9. LMB the top edge of the rectangle, then RMB-Insert-Sizing. Enter “.2”m for Element Size. Choose
the first Bias Type from the drop down menu. Enter “50” for Bias Factor.
10. LMB the bottom edge of the rectangle, then RMB-Insert-Sizing. Enter “.2”m for Element Size.
Choose the first Bias Type from the drop down menu. Enter “50” for Bias Factor.
11. In Outline, RMB on the third “Fluid” under Part and Unsuppress All Bodies. RMB on the third
“Fluid” and Suppress All Other Bodies.
12. LMB “Mesh” from Outline. Make sure Edge is the current selection filter.
13. LMB the left edge of the rectangle, then RMB-Insert-Sizing. Enter “.2”m for Element Size.
14. LMB the right edge of the rectangle, then RMB-Insert-Sizing. Enter “.2”m for Element Size. Choose
the first Bias Type from the drop down menu. Enter “10” for Bias Factor.
15. LMB the top edge of the rectangle, then RMB-Insert-Sizing. Enter “.2”m for Element Size. Choose
the second Bias Type from the drop down menu. Enter “50” for Bias Factor.

16. In Outline, RMB on the fourth “Fluid” under Part and Unsuppress All Bodies.
17. LMB “Mesh” from Outline. Make sure Edge is the current selection filter.
18. LMB the horizontal edge between the two pie-shaped faces. RMB-Insert-Sizing. Enter “.2”m for
Element Size. Choose the second Bias Type from the drop down menu. Enter “50” for Bias Factor.

19. LMB “Mesh” from Outline. In Details of “Mesh”.

LMB on the “+” next to “Sizing”. Change Min Size
to “.00001”m.
1. R-Mesh- Generate Mesh.
2. When completed, the mesh should look like the one to the right.
3. Zoom in and pan to view the mesh around the airfoil.
4. File-Save Project. Close ANSYS Meshing and return to ANSYS


5. In the Project Schematic of ANSYS Workbench, R-Mesh from
the analysis template, then Update. A check mark should now
appear to the right of both Geometry and Mesh.
6. Setup from the Project Schematic to open FLUENT Launcher. In
FLUENT Launcher, verify that the box next to “Double Precision” is
selected, then OK.
If the box next to “Double Precision” is not checked, LMB in the box
to select it before clicking OK.
Some older software versions may give an error. If you get an error,
close ANSYS Workbench, reopen it, and repeat Step 2.
7. The next screen will be the main FLUENT Window with your mesh in the Graphics Window.


1. In the main FLUENT menu, Define-Models-Viscous - Laminar-Edit.
Laminar flow is the default, so we really don't need to do anything
here. Later on, however, you may need to specify turbulent flow
calculations; this is where the turbulence models are specified in
FLUENT, options of which are shown to the right. OK.


1. The default fluid is air, but we want to define the fluid as water. In the
main FLUENT menu, Define-Materials-Create/Edit-FLUENT
Database. Select water-liquid from the list of FLUENT Database Materials. Copy.
2. Write down the density and viscosity of liquid water. These properties are needed later to calculate
Reynolds numbers, etc. Close.
3. Close the Create/Edit Materials window. Caution: This has added liquid water into the list of
available fluids, but has not actually changed the fluid from air to water. This will be done next.


1. In the main FLUENT menu, Define-Cell Zone Conditions. There should be only one zone, “part-
fluid”. Make sure Type is set as fluid. Edit. Select “water-liquid” instead of “air” as the material.
2. Now the boundary conditions need to be specified. Previously, the boundary
conditions were named, e.g., inlet, symmetry, etc., but actual values for inlet
velocity, etc. were never defined. This must be done in FLUENT. In the main
FLUENT menu, Define-Boundary Conditions.
3. The default boundary condition for the wall (airfoil surface) is okay, so nothing
needs to be done to it.
4. Likewise, the default boundary conditions for the symmetry planes and the outlet are okay, so
nothing needs to be done to them.
5. Select inlet. Edit. Select
“Magnitude and Direction” from
the drop down menu for Velocity Specification Method. Change Velocity Magnitude to “10” m/s,
and OK.


1. In the main FLUENT menu, Solve-Monitors-Residuals…. Edit.
2. In the Residual Monitors window that opens, make sure both Plot and Print to Console options are
specified in the Options portion of the window.
Here, “Print” refers to text printed in the main FLUENT window, and “Plot” graphs the
residuals on the screen while the code is iterating.
As the code iterates, residuals are calculated for each flow equation. Residuals represent a kind
of average error in the solution – the smaller the residual, the more converged the solution.
3. Since there are four differential equations to be solved in a three-D incompressible laminar flow
problem, there are four residuals to be monitored for convergence: continuity, x-velocity, y-velocity,
and z-velocity. The default convergence criteria are 0.001 for all four of these. Experience has
shown that this value is generally not low enough for proper convergence. Change the Convergence
Criterion for all three residuals from 0.001 to 0.000001 (enter three additional zeroes).
4. To apply the changes, OK.
5. In the main FLUENT menu, Solve-Initialization. The default initial values of velocity and gage
pressure are all zero. These are good enough for this problem. Initialize.
6. File-Save Project.
Fluent writes two files in addition to the Workbench file: the case file (the grid plus all
boundary conditions and other specified parameters) and the data file (the velocity and pressure
fields calculated by the code).
1. In the main FLUENT menu, Solve-Run Calculation to open up the Run Calculation sub-window.
Change Number of Iterations to 200, and Calculate. The main screen will list the residuals after
every iteration, while the graphical display window will plot the residuals as a function of iteration
The residuals may rise at first, but should slowly start to fall. It is normal for the residuals to
fluctuate up and down. Do not be concerned if there are reverse flow warnings; these will
disappear in time.
2. When the solution is done or converged, OK.
3. Check to see how the solution is progressing. In the main FLUENT menu, Display-Graphics and
Animations-Vectors-Set Up [the upper Set Up, not the lower one].
4. In the Vectors window that opens, select “interior-part-fluid” under Surfaces. Display. Velocity
vectors will be displayed.
5. Go get a better view of the vector field, rotate the
vector field by LMB while dragging the cursor.
6. Zoom in on the airfoil to view the velocity field in
more detail. It should look similar to the velocity
field to the right. Close the Vectors window.
To zoom in, drag a box with the MMB from the lower left to upper right.
To zoom out, drag a box with the MMB from the upper right to the lower left.
7. The current mesh is sufficient for 200 iterations and initial calculations, but the mesh must be
refined before iterating further.
1. Our mesh is not tight enough near the airfoil surface to properly resolve the boundary layer.
Fortunately, FLUENT has a feature that automatically adds grid points where needed for better
resolution. There are several options for
grid adaptation – we will adapt by
velocity gradient.
2. In the main FLUENT menu, Adapt-
Gradient. In the new Gradient
Adaption window, select Gradients of
3. Compute. Minimum and maximum
velocity gradients will appear in the
4. As a good rule of thumb, set the Refine
Threshold to about 1/10 of the
maximum gradient. Enter this value in
the appropriate text box.
5. Mark. The main FLUENT window will display how many cells have been selected for refining and
The coarsening cells can be ignored since FLUENT is unable to coarsen the original grid – it
can only refine the original grid.
6. Optional: If you want to see where the grid will be adapted, click Manage-Display. Areas destined
for grid refinement will be highlighted.
7. Back in the Gradient Adaption window, Adapt-Yes. The main FLUENT window will display some
information about the grid adaptation.
8. The Gradient Adaption window can be closed at this point.
9. Solve-Run Calculation from the main FLUENT menu to re-open the Run Calculation sub-window.
Change Number of Iterations to 500, and Calculate-OK.
10. When the solution is done or converged, OK.
11. Check to see how the solution is progressing. In the main FLUENT menu, Display-Graphics and
Animations-Vectors-Set Up-Display. The graphical display window will show velocity vectors. The
vectors should be closer together in regions where the mesh was refined.
12. Close the Vectors window.
13. Zoom in (MMB lower left to upper right) or out (MMB upper right to lower left) and move (MMB
where you want to center the view) as necessary to see the velocity field.


1. Following the procedure outlined previously in the section called “Refine the mesh and iterate
some more”, refine the grid and re-iterate as necessary (three times) to obtain a final solution. Each
time you adapt the grid, you must re-calculate the gradients (Compute), re-adjust the refine
threshold (set to about 1/10 of the maximum gradient), Mark, Adapt-Yes.
2. Calculate at least 400 iterations after each grid adaption. The residuals will rise dramatically after an
adaption, but will decay as the solution adjusts itself to the newly refined grid.
Caution: Don't adapt too much, or the computations will take too much CPU time. Note that
every time you refine the grid, the computer must calculate the flow field at more grid points,
requiring longer for successive iterations.
3. When finished adapting, run several hundred iterations until the residuals level off, or until the
convergence criteria are reached.
1. The velocity profile at three locations (x = 0.00, 0.05, and 0.20 m) will be plotted and examined in
2. In the main FLUENT window, on the left side under Results,
Plots-XY Plot-Set Up.
3. A window called Solution XY Plot will open. LMB the drop
down menu beside New Surface and select Line/Rake…
4. To create the first profile, set x0 = 0, y0 = 0, z0 = 0 and x1 = 0, y1
= 0.5, z1 = 0. Rename the surface “profile0.0” in the New
Surface Name text box. Create.
5. To create the second profile, set x0 = 0.05, y0 = 0, z0 = 0 and x1
= 0.05, y1 = 0.5, z1 = 0. Rename the surface “profile0.05” in the
New Surface Name text box. Create.
6. To create the third profile, set x0 = 0.2, y0 = 0, z0 = 0 and x1 =
0.2, y1 = 0.5, z1 = 0. Rename the surface “profile0.2” in the New
Surface Name text box. Create.
7. Close the Line/Rake Surface window.
8. Back in the Solution XY Plot window, select (highlight) profile0.00, profile0.05, and profile0.20.
9. In the upper left corner of the window, turn
off (uncheck) Position on X Axis, and turn
on (check) Position on Y Axis. This will
make the vertical axis the y position on the
10. Set Plot Direction to X = 0 and Y = 1. This
will make the y-coordinate position appear
on the vertical axis, as desired for a
standard velocity profile plot.
11. The upper right part of the window selects
the variable to be plotted. The Y Axis
Function will be set automatically to
Direction Vector, and should be left alone.
For the X Axis Function, select Velocity
and (just below that) X-Velocity. Plot.
12. If done correctly, all three profiles should be visible on the plot and should look like the profile to
the right. The initial
increase in x-velocity
with downstream
position on the airfoil
should be apparent.
Notice how as the
position above the
horizontal axis
increases (vertical
axis), the velocity
approaches the free
stream velocity of 10
m/s regardless of the position along the airfoil.
13. Close the Solution XY Plot window.
Save your velocity profiles and your calculations
1. In the main FLUENT menu, File-Export-Case & Data. In the Select File window that opens, name
the file with an extension “.cas.gz”. Make sure the Write Binary Files option is checked. OK to
write the file. You might have to OK again to overwrite these files if they already exist.
The “.gz” at the end of the file name causes FLUENT to save the file in a condensed or
“zipped” format, which saves disk space.
2. Before saving the plot, your name and a short description should be added to the title. On the
graphics window where the plot is visible, LMB just below the existing plot title (“X Velocity”) in
the bottom left of the plot. A cursor should appear. Type your name(s) on the plot title.
On some operating systems, you may have to RMB instead of LMB to get the text cursor.
3. In the main FLUENT menu, File-Save Picture. Select TIFF. Select Color if desired, and Save. Give
a unique, descriptive name to the file (something with your name in it, like
“laminar_airfoil_profiles_Lastname_Firstname.tif” is appropriate). OK, and Close. The .tif file just
generated can be inserted into a Microsoft Word document later.
1. In the main FLUENT menu, File-Save Project.
2. Exit FLUENT by File-Close FLUENT. Make sure the option to store
the results is turned on. OK. This will return you to Workbench.
3. In Workbench, Update Project. After some calculations, check
marks should appear on all components of the Fluid Flow (FLUENT)
template in Project Schematic.
4. You are now finished with this tutorial. File-Exit-Yes (save the file).

Velocity contour
Pressure contour


AIM: To observe supersonic the flow over wedge using Ansys
Software Used: ANSYS

Problem Specification
A uniform supersonic stream encounters a wedge with a half-angle of 15 degrees as
shown in the figure below.

The stream is at the following conditions:

Using FLUENT, calculate the Mach Number, static and total pressure behind the oblique
shock that will be formed. Also, calculate the shock angle, pressure coefficient along the
wedge and drag coefficient. Compare the FLUENT results with the corresponding
analytical results.
Pre-Analysis & Start-Up
In the hand calculations, we will be applying the conservation of energy, mass and
momentum equations for a 1D inviscid compressible flow. This differs fromthe way
that FLUENT solves the problem as FLUENT instead uses the 2D inviscid
compressible flow equations.
The equations can be written as:

Flow with M = 3 comes straight on in the x-direction towards the wedge. We knowthe
wedge angle theta from our geometry of the wedge to be 15 degrees. See thefigure below:
Step 1: We then look at the Theta-Beta-M chart :

we can find what the shock angle is corresponding to our conditions. The line M =3 with
wedge angle theta at 15 degrees corresponds to a shock angle beta of about 32 degrees.
Step 2: We calculate the value of the free stream Mach Number normal to the shock so we
can use normal shock relations to relate quantities upstream and downstream of the shock.

Step 3: Now we can relate the normal Mach numbers to each other through the normal
shock relations
We expect that the flow downstream of the shock will still be supersonic as the flow
experiences only a weak oblique shock, evident from looking at the theta- beta-M chart.
This also becomes clear in the hand calculations.

To calculate the expected results behind the shock, you can also use an oblique shock wave
calculator (from Nasa). At Mach 3 and an angle of 15 degrees, we findthe following:


We are ready to do a simulation in ANSYS Workbench! Open ANSYS Workbench by
going to Start > ANSYS > Workbench. This will open the startupscreen seen as seen
To begin, we need to tell ANSYS what kind of simulation we are doing. If you look to
the left of the start up window, you will see the Toolbox Window. Take alook through
the different selections. We will be using FLUENT to complete thesimulation. Load the
Fluid Flow (FLUENT) box by dragging and dropping it intothe Project Schematic.

Right click the top box of the project schematic

and go to Rename, and name the project “Supersonic Flow Over a Wedge”. You are
ready to create the geometry for the simulation.
Watch the tutorial video.

First, we need to specify that the geometry is 2-dimensional.

Right click the Geometry box

and select Properties. This will open the Properties of Schematic A2: Geometry
Window. Under Advance Geometry Options, Change Analysis Typefrom 3D to 2D.
After the analysis type has been set, we are ready to launch Design Modeler, the
geometry engine in ANSYS. Open Design Modeler by Right clicking the geometry box
and Select New Design Modeler Geometry

Auto Constraints is not turned on by default. Turn on Auto Constraints byfollowing

these instructions:
1. Before creating a sketch, click on the "sketching" tab.

2. Next, click on Contraints and keep scrolling untill Auto Contraints appear.
3. Finally, click on Auto Contraints and check the boxes next to Global and


We want to sketch on the XY plane. To look at the XY plane, click the positive Z- Axis on
the compass in the Graphics window.

To begin sketching, click on the Sketching tab in the Tree Outline window. To draw our
domain, we will use the Rectangle tool. Click on in the Sketching
Toolboxes window. In the graphics window, draw the rectangle by first clicking on the
origin (make sure the P icon is showing, meaning you are in fact selecting the point), then
select a point in the 1st quadrant.
Now, we need to draw the wedge outline in the geometry. We will use the line toolto create
the wedge. Select the line tool in the Sketching Toolboxes window.
Click on the points shown in the below figure. Make sure the "C" is showing.

Now, we need to remove the extraneous lines that we created. In the Sketching Toolboxes
window, click the Modify tab, and select . Next, trim the lines indicated by the
figure below
The final sketch should look like the image below


Next, we need to add the dimensions for the geometry. In the Sketching Toolboxes window,
select the Dimensions tab. Next, select the general dimensioning tool . To create
a dimension, you first select a line. This willcreate a dimension for that line. Next, you will
need to place the dimension next tothe line. See the image below for guidance.
Next, create dimensions for the following 4 lines:

In order to add magnitudes to the dimensions, look to the Details window. You willsee 4
dimensions that have been specified. Click on a dimension magnitude, and notice that the
corresponding dimension will be highlighted in the graphics window. Use the following
diagram to add the dimensions to the geometry.

When the dimensions have been correctly applied, the geometry should look like this:

Next, we need to create a surface from the sketch. In the menu tool bar,select Concept
> Surface from Sketches. In the graphics window, select any lineof the geometry.
Next, in the details window, select Base Objects > Apply . Finally, press
. The geometry should now look like the figure below.


Now, we want to project the center vertical line onto the surface body we just created. This
will help us with our mesh. In the menu bar, select New Sketch iconto create a new sketch

This will create a new sketch. In the Outline window, return to the Sketching tab. Again,
select the tool. Draw a line from the vertex of the wedge to the top of the
geometry. Make sure that when you click a vertex, a "P" appears (meaning point,
constraining the line to the vertex), a "V" appears on the line (meaning vertical, putting a
vertical constraint on the line), and a "C" appears when you click on the top line
(constraining the newly created line to the top line). Right before you make your second
click to define the line, make sure it looks like this:
The line will turn dark blue if you have done this correctly (meaning the line is fully
constrained) Now, we need to create a line body from this sketch. In the menu bar,go to
Concepts > Lines from Sketches . In the graphics window, select the line you just drew.
In the Outline window, select Base Objects > Apply . Finally, press

Finally, we are ready to project the line on the surface. In the menu bar, go to Tools
> Projection. First, you will need to select an edge. Select the middle vertical linewe just
created. In the details window, select Edges > Apply

Next, we need to select the surface body for the projection. In the Details window,select
Target , then select any point on the surface body.

In Details window, select Target > Apply . Finally, press . The line should now
be projected on the surface. Now that we have the surface and the projection, we no longer
need the line body we first created. In the Tree Outline window, Expand 2 Parts, 2 Bodies
. Right click Line Body and select SuppressBody
Change type to "Fluid"

Under "Tree Outline", select "Surface Body". Then set the type "Fluid/Solid" to Fluid.

Save Project

Save the project using File > Save. Call the project wedge, This will create two entities: a
file called wedge.wbpj and a folder called wedge_files. You will need both entities to
resume the project. After the session, you can save these on a flash drive.
Close Design Modeler.

Watch the tutorial video.


Now that we have completed creating the geometry of the domain, we are ready to mesh
it. Return to the Project Schematic Window. In the ProjectSchematic window, double
click the Mesh box to launch the mesher.
First we will apply a mapped face meshing; this will give us a regular mesh. First,in the
Outline window, click to show the Mesh menu in the menu bar. Inthe
Meshing Menu, select Mesh Control > Face Meshing. In the Graphics window, hold
down CRTL, and select both domain faces to select it, then in
the Details window, click Geometry > Apply.


Next, we will create a body sizing for the elements that will make up the domain. In the
Mesh Menu, select Mesh Control > Sizing. Next, select the body selectionfilter in the
menu bar

Next, select the surface in the graphics window. In the Details window, select
Geometry > Apply. Now, we want to change the element size. In the Details Window,
select Element Size > Default and change the value to 0.05m.


Now, we are ready to generate the mesh. Generate the mesh by clicking
in the menu bar or by going to Mesh > Generate Mesh. The final mesh
should resemble the one in the figure below.

Now, we need to create named selections to use when we set boundary conditions. To
create a named selection, first ensure that the edge selectionfilter is selected. Next,
left click on the desired edge you wish to name (multipleedges can be selected while holding
down CTRL), then right click on the edge andselect Create Named Selection.

Once you select Create Named Selection, a dialogue box will appear where youwill enter
the desired name of the boundary. Use the diagram below to name all ofthe boundaries of
the geometry.
There are 4 edges that make up the farfield, and they can all be named at once by
holding down CTRL, left clicking all the edges while holding down CTRL, then right
clicking and selecting "Create Named Selection"
Once the selections are all named and the mesh is created, you may save the project and
close the mesher.



Before we open FLUENT, we need to update the project so we can import the mesh into
FLUENT. To do this, click Update Project . When the project updates,
double click Setup to open FLUENT.
(Double Click) Setup in the Workbench Project Page.
When the FLUENT Launcher appears change options to "Double Precision", and then
click OK as shown below.The Double Precision option is used to select the double-
precision solver. In the double-precision solver, each floating point numberis represented
using 64 bits in contrast to the single-precision solver which uses 32 bits. The extra bits
increase not only the precision, but also the range of magnitudes that can be represented.
The downside of using double precision is that it requires more memory.

Now, FLUENT should open. We will begin setting up some options for the solver.In the
left hand window (in what I will call the Outline window), under Problem Setup, select
General. The only option we need to change here is the type of solver. In the Solver
window, select Density-Based.


In the outline window, click Models. We will need to utilize the energy equation inorder
to solve this simulation. Under Models highlight Energy-Off and click Edit Now, the
Energy window will launch. Check the box next to Energy Equation andhit OK. Doing this
turns on the energy equation.
We also need to change the type of viscosity model. Select Viscous - Laminar and
click Edit Choose the Inviscid option and press OK.


In the Outline window, highlight Materials. In the Materials window, highlight

Fluid, and click Create/Edit.... this will launch the Create/Edit Materials window; here
we can specify the properties of the fluid. Setthe Density to Ideal Gas, the default
values for Cp (1006.43), and the Molecular Weight (28.966) are used. When you have
updated these fields, press Change/Create.

In the Outline window, select Boundary Conditions. We will now specify each boundary
condition for the simulation.


In the Boundary Conditions window, select farfield. Use the drop-down menu to change
the Type to pressure-far-field. You will be asked to confirm the change, and do so by
pressing OK. Next, a dialogue box will open with some parameters we need to specify.
Change the Gauge Pressure (Pascal) to 101325, and MachNumber to 3.

Also, select the Thermal tab, and ensure that the temperature correctly defaultedto 300 K.
When you are finished, press OK.

In the Boundary Conditions window, select wedge. Use the drop-down menu to change the
Type to wall.


In the Boundary Conditions window, select symmetry. Use the drop-down menu to change
the Type to symmetry.

Operating Conditions

In the Boundary Conditions window, select the Operating Conditions button.Change the
Gauge Pressure to 0. Then press OK

It is important to check the operating conditions. When setting the density in materials to
ideal gas, FLUENT calculates the density using the absolute pressure.However, the pressure
we specify is the gauge pressure, not the absolute pressure. FLUENT will use the absolute
pressure to compute the density thereforeif we do not set the operating pressure to 0 our
density will be incorrect for the flowfield.


In the Outline window, select Reference Values. Change the ComputeFrom parameter
to farfield. Check that the values are accurate. The reference values are used when
calculating the non-dimensional results such as the drag coefficient.
Watch the tutorial video.


In the Outline window, select Solution Methods to open the Solution Methods window.
Under Spatial Discretization, ensure that the option under Flow Second Order
Upwind is selected.


In the Outline window, select Solution Controls to open the Solution

Controls window. Ensure that the Courant Number is set to 5.0.
The Courant number can be considered a non dimensionalized time step. The density-based
solver obtains the steady-state solution by starting with the initial guess and marching in
pseudo-time until convergence is obtained. The Courant number controls the time step the
solver uses. The larger it is, the faster the solution will converge but it will not be very
stable and can diverge. The smaller it is, the slower it is to reach convergence but the
solution is much more stable.

In the Outline window, click Monitors to open the Monitors window. Inthe
Monitors window, select Residuals - Print,Plot and press Edit.... This will open the
Residual Monitors window. We want to change the convergence criteriafor our solution.
Under Equation and to the right of Continuity, change the Absolute Criteria to 1e-6.
Repeat for x-velocity, y-velocity, and energy, then press OK.


In the Outline window, select Solution Initialization. We need to make an "InitialGuess"

to the solution so FLUENT can iterate to find the final solution. In
the Solution Initialization window, select Standard Initalization then
under Compute from, select farfield from the drop down box. Check to see thatthe values
that generate match our inputted values, then press Initialize


In the Outline window, select Run Calculation. Change the Number of Iterations to 4000.
Double click Calculate to run the calculation. It should a few minutes to solve. After the
calculation is complete, save the project. Do not close FLUENT.
Watch the tutorial video.


The following video shows how to make a plot of the Mach number contoursusing
CFD Post.

To properly send the additional quantities to CFD post, you need to do the following steps
in the right order. First initialize your solution, then select the additional quantities as shown
in the above video and finally, run the calculation.
Summary of the above video:

1. Some calculated parameters are not by default carried over into CFD-post. We are interested
in such quantities (i.e. Mach Number). To manually transfer a customizedselection of
a. Select File > Data File Quantities
b. Under Additional Quantities, Select Static Pressure, Total Pressure, Mach
Number, and Total Temperature
2. Post-processing will be done in CFD-post > Double Click Results in Workbench
3. We are interested in viewing contours of Mach Number in CFD-post
a. Select Insert > Contour > Name > Mach No.
b. Under Details of Mach No, select Locations > symmetry 1.
c. Variable > Mach Number> No Contours = 101

Velocity contour
Pressure contour
AIM: To observe supersonic the flow over Diffuser using Ansys
Software Used: ANSYS

The Purpose of CFD Lab 3 is to simulate turbulent flows inside a diffuser following the “CFD
process” by an interactive step-by-step approach and conduct verifications. Students will have
“hands-on” experiences using ANSYS to conduct validation of velocity, turbulent kinetic
energy, and skin friction factor. Effect of turbulent models will be investigated, with/without
separations. Students will manually generate meshes, solve the problem and use post-processing
tools (contours, velocity vectors, and streamlines) to visualize the flow field. Students will analyze
the differences between CFD and EFD and present results in a CFD Lab report.

Geome Physic Mesh/ G Solutio Res

try s rid n ult
Struc Plots
General (ANSYS Solution
Fluent - Setup) Methods
ture (ANSYS Fluent ( ANSYS
Model (ANSYS
Diffuse - Solution)
Fluent - Setup) Fluent
r uniform
Boundary Monitors s and
Conditions (ANSYS Fluent -
Turbu (ANSYS Fluent - Solution) Animatio
lent ns
Reference Values Initialization
(ANSYS Fluent - (ANSYS Fluent -
Setup) Solution)

Flow Chart for “CFD Process” for diffuser


The problem to be solved is that of turbulent flows inside an asymmetric diffuser (2D). Reynolds
number is 17,000 based on inlet velocity and inlet dimension (D1). The following figure shows
what the geometry looks like with definitions for all geometry parameters. Before the diffuser, a
straight channel was used for generating fully developed channel flow at the diffuser inlet. You
will conduct simulation for two different half angles of 4 and 10 with two different turbulence
models of SST and k-ε.

Table 1 – Main particulars

Parameter Symbol Unit Value

Inlet dimension D1 m 2
Inlet length L1 m 60
Diffuser half angle α degree 4 or 10
Outlet dimension D2 m 9.4
Outlet length L2 m 70

In CFD Lab3, all EFD data for turbulent airfoil flow in this Lab can be found on the class website

3.1. Create the layout as per below.

3.2 File > Save. Save the project on the network drive and Call it “CFD Lab 3”.

In this section, we will create the geometry for the diffuser with 10 degree half angle, then copy
and modify the geometry for the 4 degree half angled diffuser.

4.1 Right click Geometry and select New DesignModeler Geometry…

4.2 Make sure that Unit is set to Meter and Degree (default value).
4.3 Select XYplane and click New Sketch button.

4.4 Right click Sketch1 and select Look at.

4.5 Sketching > Constraints > Auto Constraints. Enable the auto constraints option to pick the
exact point as below.
4.6 Sketching > Draw > Line. Draw a vertical line on the y-axis starting from the origin as shown
below (P indicates that the origin point is selected and V indicates that the line is vertical).
4.7 Sketching > Dimensions > General. Click on the vertical line then click on the left side of the
line to place the dimension. Change the dimension in Details View to 2m (skip the unit ([m])
when put in the value).
4.8 Sketching > Draw > Line. Create a horizontal line on the x-axis starting at the origin as per
below (H indicates that line is horizontal).

4.9 Sketching > Dimensions > General. Change the length of the horizontal line you created to

4.10 Sketching > Draw > Line. Create line at an angle with respect to x-axis as shown below.

4.11 Sketching > Dimensions > Angle. Select the line just created then select the x-axis then
change the angle to 10°. (Note: if ANSYS gives a default exterior angle instead of the interior
angle, right click and select Alternate Angle.)
4.12 Sketching > Draw > Line. Create a horizontal line as per below.

4.13 Sketching > Dimensions > General. Change the length of the line just created to 70m.

4.14 Sketching > Draw > Line. Draw the horizontal line circled in red line as per below.

4.15 Sketching > Constraints > Equal Length. Select two lines circled in red as shown below.
4.16 Sketching > Draw > Line. Draw the horizontal line circled in red as per below.

4.17 Sketching > Constraints > Equal Distance. Click on Point 1 and then click on the Point 2.
Click Point 3 and then click on line 4. This makes points 1 and 3 the same distance from the
y-axis in the horizontal direction.
2 1

4 3

4.18 Sketching > Draw > Line. Draw the horizontal line circled in red as shown below.

4.19 Sketching > Constraints > Equal Length. Click on two lines circled in red as below.
4.20 Sketching > Draw > Line. Draw the final line circled in red as shown below. When you
draw this line, if all previous dimensions and constraints are correct, the line should have two
P’s at the ends with a V in the center. This indicates that the line starts and ends on the two
points and is perfectly vertical. If you do not get the V, recheck all dimensions and constraints.

4.21 Sketching > Dimensions > General. Change the length of the line circled in red to 9.4m,
this will automatically adjust the length of the expansion region because of the applied
4.22 Concept > Surfaces From Sketches. Select the sketch you created and click Apply then
click Generate. This will create a surface as shown below.
4.23 Tools > Face Split. Select the surface you created (it will be highlighted in green when
you select it as shown below) then click Apply for Target Face.

4.24 Click on the yellow region shown below.

4.25 While holding Ctrl button click on the two points circled in red then click Apply button.

4.26 Click on the region marked with red rectangle below.

4.27 While holding Ctrl button click on the two points circled in red then click Apply button.
4.28 Click the Generate button and Save your progress.

4.29 Close the ANSYS Design Modeler and update geometry

4.30 Right click on geometry and select Duplicate.

4.31 Rename the new geometry file as per below.

4.32 Open the new geometry file you created and select Sketch1 under the tree outline as per
below. Change the half angle to 4 degrees under details view as per below then click the
Generate button.

4.33 Save your file and quit ANSYS Design Modeler


This section shows how to generate the mesh for both 4 degree and 10 degree half angle cases.

5.1 Right click on Mesh and click Edit…

5.2 Right click on Mesh then select Insert > Face Meshing.
5.3 Select all three surface while holding Ctrl button and click Apply located Geometry.

5.4 Select the Edge button. This will allow you to select edges of your geometry.

5.5 Right click on Mesh and Insert > Sizing.

5.6 While holding Ctrl, click on the edges shown below and click Apply.

5.7 Change parameter for Edge Sizing as per below (Left edge is shown as an example).
5.8 Right click on Mesh and Insert > Sizing.

5.9 While holding Ctrl, click on the edge shown below and click Apply.

5.10 Change parameter for Edge Sizing as per below and click Apply (Right edge is shown as
an example).
5.11 Right click on Mesh and Insert > Sizing.

5.12 While holding Ctrl, click on the edge shown below and click Apply.

5.13 Change parameter for Edge Sizing as per below and click Apply.
5.14 Right click on Mesh and Insert > Sizing.

5.15 While holding Ctrl click on the edge shown below and click Apply.

5.16 Change parameter for Edge Sizing as per below and click Apply.
5.17 Right click on Mesh and Insert > Sizing.

5.18 While holding Ctrl click on the edge shown below and click Apply.

5.19 Change parameter for Edge Sizing as per below and click Apply.
5.20 Mesh > Physics Preference. Change from Mechanical to CFD (Once you click the Mesh
under the Outline, detailed options will appear as below).

5.21 Click the Generate Mesh button.

5.22 Select Geometry to hide the mesh and click the Edge button.

5.23 While holding the Ctrl button select the three top edges and right click on them, then select
Create Named Selection. Change the name to top_wall and click OK. Similarly name the
bottom_wall (bottom), inlet (left) and outlet(right).
5.24 File > Save Project and quit ANSYS Mesh. Right click on Mesh and click Update

5.25 Repeat this process for 4 degree and 10 degree half angle cases.

5.26 You should have the project schematic below.


6.1 Right click Setup and click Edit.

6.2 Check Double Precision and select OK.

6.3 Tree > Setup > General > Mesh > Check. Set the parameters as per below.

6.4 Tree > Setup > Models > Viscous. Select parameters as per below and click OK.
6.5 Tree > Setup > Materials > Fluid > air. Change the fluid properties and then click
Change/Create then click Close.

6.6 Tree > Setup > Boundary Conditions > Zone > inlet. Change parameters for inlet velocity.
Use the table below for as per below and click OK.

Inlet Boundary Condition

Variable u (m/s) v (m/s) P (Pa) k (m^2/s^2) e(m^2/s^3)
Magnitude 1.25 0 - 0.0018 9.63e-05
Zero Gradient - - Y - -
6.7 Tree > Setup > Boundary Conditions > Zone > outlet. Change parameters as per below and
click OK.

Outlet Boundary Condition

Variable u (m/s) v (m/s) P (Pa) Intensity (%) Length scale (m)
Magnitude - - 0 3.25 0.0035
Zero Gradient Y Y - - -

6.8 Make sure boundary condition type is wall for top and bottom walls.

Wall Boundary Condition

Variable u (m/s) v (m/s) P (Pa) k (m^2/s^2) e (m^2/s^3)
Magnitude 0 0 - 0 0
Zero Gradient - - Y - -
6.9 Tree > Setup > Reference Values. Change reference values as per below.

6.10 Tree > Solution > Methods. Change the solution methods as per below.
6.11 Tree > Solution > Monitors > Residual. Change convergence criterions to 1e-05 and
click OK.

6.12 Tree > Solution > Initialization. Change parameters as per below and click Initialize.
6.13 Tree > Solution > Run Calculation. Change Number of Iterations to 10,000 and click

6.14 Save your project and quit ANSYS fluent.

6.15 Duplicate the k-e setup for 10 degree half angle case to 4 degree angle case as per below
then run the case. You need to make new connection between 4 degree case’s mesh and
duplicated setup. Once you enter the new setup, initialize first and then run.

After simulation runs

6.16 Duplicate the k-e setup for 10 degree half angle and rename it as SST

6.17 Right click and select Edit….

6.18 Tree > Setup > Models > Viscous. Select SST model and use the default parameters as per
below then click ok.

6.19 Tree > Solution > Controls. Change Under-Relaxation Factors as per below.

6.21 Tree > Solution > Run Calculation > Calculate.

After finish the calculation, File > Save Project. Then Close the window

6.22 Duplicate SST fluent setup for the 4 degree half angle case and run the simulation as per
below (You should initialize before running the case).

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