Commercial EPC EW Conventions (Issue 7.1) v2.0
Commercial EPC EW Conventions (Issue 7.1) v2.0
Commercial EPC EW Conventions (Issue 7.1) v2.0
These conventions have been agreed by the Non-Domestic Energy Performance Certificate (NDEPC) Conventions Group and approved by
MHCLG. These Conventions are part of the on-going work to standardise the assessment process to ensure uniformity of approach in a
way that will assist Accreditation Schemes and Non-Domestic Energy Assessors (NDEAs) and at the same time provide assurance to
consumers that a consistent approach is being taken to carrying out energy assessments. The Conventions Group was set up with the
agreement of MHCLG.
A copy of these conventions, which apply to assessments in England and Wales only, have been sent to NDEAs by their Accreditation
Scheme(s). The Conventions must be applied by all accredited NDEAs and by those NDEAs currently in training. The scope of these
conventions is limited to clarifying how the assessment methodology is to be applied when a non-domestic EPC is produced. They do not
by doing so in any way affect whether or not the Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations 2012 require one to be
To enable Accreditation Schemes, Energy Assessors and training providers to manage the implementation process please note that new
conventions must be applied on the date shown in the document. These conventions will be included as part of future quality assurance
checks of the assessments undertaken, and the EPCs produced, by NDEAs thereafter. New and amended conventions for v7.0 are
highlighted by a light blue background; new and amended conventions for v7.1 are highlighted by a light green background. The
conventions are designed to improve the quality and accuracy of NDEPCs. The conventions will, therefore, supersede any previous
assessment process including the iSBEM manual. The conventions outlined in this document should be used unless they conflict with the
requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations in which case Part L always takes precedence. With this in mind, further conventions are
being discussed and developed by the Conventions Group and these will be released in due course.
If NDEAs have any questions about the conventions, they must feed them back to their Accreditation Scheme so the issue they have raised,
where appropriate, can be discussed at a future meeting of the Conventions Group. The conventions must be applied as issued, even if
NDEAs believe there may be a convention that requires further clarification, until the Conventions Group has the opportunity to discuss the
issue in more detail. Any subsequent changes to the conventions will be circulated to all NDEAs.
Note that these conventions also apply, under separate direction to Approved Organisations by the Scottish Government, to assessments in
Scotland. In this respect, any reference to Accreditation Schemes or relevant regulations may be taken as the equivalent term applicable in
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Non Domestic EPC Conventions for England & Wales Issue 7.1
Ref Issue Convention Implementation
1. Fundamentals
1.01 Apportionment To be included in any EPC calculation the on-site renewable (OSR) electricity 1 September
of On-site generation must be connected to the electrical installation on the consumer side of the 2014
Renewable primary supply meter serving the building (or building part) being assessed. Provided
this condition is met: Amended
1 May 2017
Electricity 1. OSR electricity generation is allocated to the primary supply meter the OSR is
Generation attached to.
2. If it is clear that the meter serves more than one building (or building part) then
the OSR should be apportioned to all of the buildings (or building parts) to
which the meter is attached on an area weighted basis.
2. General Information
2.01 Assessment Refer to assessment level decision flowchart and notes – (Issue 1 1st June 2010) 17 January
Level amended in issue 2. 2011
2.02 Use of The energy assessor shall only use the default values within the Software Tool in the 1 June 2010
Defaults absence of any conventions identified within this document or more specific
information on the building. Where a default value is selected the assessor must
provide evidence detailing why the default value has been selected to enable their
Accreditation Scheme to verify appropriate use of default values during Quality
Assurance processes.
2.03 Air The SBEM default value of 25 m3/hr m-2 for all existing buildings shall be amended as 1 June 2010
Permeability follows:
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3 -2
Less than 10 m /hr m – only with an accredited air pressure test result 30 November
10 m3/hr m-2 – buildings > 500 m2 built to 2002 Building Regulations (or later) 2012
15 m3/hr m-2 – buildings <= 500 m2 built to 2002 Building Regulations (or later)
15 m3/hr m-2 – Buildings built to 1995 Building Regulations Amended
25 m3/hr m-2 – buildings built to Building Regulations pre 1995 (pre 1994 in 1 May 2017
35 m3/hr m-2 – to be considered where buildings are pre 1995 regulations (pre Amended 1 July
1994 in Scotland) and where suitable evidence of high permeability exists, e.g. 2018
single skin metal clad structure within Planning Use Class B2 – B8 with large
roller shutter doors and poor constructional details etc.
In the case of a building part designed or modified to be used separately the air
permeability is determined by the floor area of the building part, except where multiple
parts are primarily accessed via a common entrance; in which case, it is determined by
the total floor area of all the parts sharing the common entrance.
2.04 SBEM Weather For EPCs in England select the weather location closest to the subject address using 1 February
Locations the Excel lookup file – based on the Postcode Area (the initial 1 or 2 letters in the first 2012
part of the postcode).
For EPCs in Wales, software assigns a single weather location (Cardiff). Amended
For EPCs in Northern Ireland the software should automatically default to ‘Belfast’. 1 May 2017
For EPCs in Scotland, software assigns a single weather location (Glasgow).
Amended 1 July
See ‘SBEM Weather Locations 10.05’ 2018
2.05 Planning Use The Energy Assessor is not responsible for establishing the official authorised 1 February
Class Planning Use Class of a particular building. However, if Assessors are provided with 2012
the authorised Planning Use Class from a suitable source, then this should be entered
as the ‘Building Type’ under the building ‘General Details’ data entry form. Otherwise,
the Building Type will be based on the Assessor’s visual assessment of the building on
the day of inspection.
In both cases, the Assessor is at liberty to alter the Building Type on a zone by zone
basis as necessary, in order to model the activity types as seen.
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The Assessor should as a matter of course, record and be able to provide evidence for
the selection of the main building type chosen and any subsequent changes made to
the building type at zone level.
2.06 As Built Data Documentary evidence provided by the client’s design team upon which the Energy 1 September
assessor is relying to produce an EPC shall be the ‘As Built’ documentation only. 2014
Drawings which clearly indicate they are the ‘As Built drawings’ OR drawings
accompanied by a statement from the designer(s) stating the drawing numbers
and issue and the drawings are ‘As Built’
As Built specification documentation accompanied by a statement from the
designer(s) confirming that the specification is ‘As Built’
Commissioning documentation including air permeability test certificates,
ductwork leakage test certificates, air handling units leakage test certificates
Power factor correction documentation
Statement from designer(s) of As Built U-values or As Built calculations
supplied by design team
Documented and dated specific answers to ‘As Built’ questions raised by the
Energy Assessor to the design team to confirm details for the production of the
EPC e.g. Lighting design, specific fan powers, BMS details, district heating
carbon emissions
Letter from the architect/engineer stating that the ‘As Built’ building has not
changed from the “As Designed” specifications.
It is not acceptable to use Design documentation only for the production of an EPC.
2.07 Acceptable Potential Types of Acceptable Documentary Evidence (not exhaustive) 1 September
Documentary 2014
Evidence Building Control sign-off sheets
Technical design information
Manufacturer’s technical data sheets
Calculations from an accredited individual
Installation record / Safety records / checks
Service / maintenance record / schedule
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Purchase Order / Delivery Note
Operation / maintenance manual /User guide / instructions
Letters/Emails from the architect/engineer/manufacturer’s technical support
General rule: in all cases where documentary evidence is utilised, there must be a
demonstrable link between visual observations taken on site and the additional
documentary evidence used.
This principle must be applied in all cases where documentary evidence is used, i.e.
there must be a direct identifiable link between the data observed and recorded on site
and the additional information obtained from the documents via a part no., model no.
If the Assessor is confident with the source, consistency and the quality of the
information provided including letters and emails and it agrees with the visual
observations on site then this should be adequate for the process, otherwise the
information should not be used.
2.08 Use of Due to the complexity of sub dividing large buildings into functional areas requiring an 1 May 2017
Address Line 1 EPC, it is difficult to be completely prescriptive about how to format the information
to Describe that constitutes sub address information. However, in order to minimise the creation
Site Buildings of duplicate sub addresses, Accreditation Schemes and Energy Assessors should
and Building adhere to the following guidelines.
Sub Parts
Note that, for Scotland, separate guidance is published on these topics to reflect the
operation of the Scottish EPC register and addressing practice.
Site Building
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o Site Building should only be used where the base address / UPRN refers to
multiple buildings.
Examples of this would be hospitals or campuses where there is a single
postal address, but multiple buildings.
o There are no further rules for formatting this field. The assessor should
identify the building using the most appropriate description, perhaps agreed
between the assessor and the person commissioning the EPC, e.g. “Operating
Theatre” or “Great Hall”.
NB: Please note that under this process a refinement to an existing address/UPRN is
being requested (rather than a new address/UPRN).
Building Part
o The Energy Assessor should generate the Building Part using the following
building part hierarchy:
Floor Details
Room or suite details
Note that this is normally returned from the PAF (Post Office Address File)
If an assessor requires the organisation name that forms part of an existing address to
be changed, the assessor must contact the Register Operator using their scheme’s
normal procedure for requesting a new address, and ask for this to be done. This will
result in a change to the existing, rather than the creation of a new, address.
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There is one exception to this rule. If a case exists where there are two or more
addresses sharing the same details and the organisation / company name is the ONLY
unique element of each address, a new address / UPRN is needed.
2.09 Acceptable T8 fluorescent lighting can be operated at either low or high frequency and this control 1 May 2017
Evidence for option forms part of the SBEM data collection and building performance assessment
High process.
Frequency T8
Lamps Flicker on the view screens of electronic devices such as cameras or phones may only
be used as evidence for low frequency.
Where T8 Lamps are being identified as having high frequency operation, as opposed
to low frequency, this shall be supported by the use of suitable images and/or
documentary evidence in order to identify the operation of the lamps.
In cases of inadequate evidence being available, the worst case assumption of low
frequency operation shall be assumed.
2.10 Electric Where an electric shower is present and there is another DHW source (other than 1 July 2018
showers in instantaneous electric which would be treated as the same system) this should be
rooms with entered as a bivalent system. The other DHW source should be treated as suppling
another 25% of the demand if it is supplying a hand wash basin only or 50% of the demand if
source of there is also a bath present.
3. Project Database
3.01 Light Pipes The modelling of light pipes using SBEM will only be considered where the pipes do 1 June 2010
not pass through a complete building storey in order to serve the storey below; in these
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circumstances consideration should be given to the use of a dynamic simulation Amended 1
model in order to model correctly. Where this is not the case light pipes should be September
modelled in SBEM as follows:- 2014
Light pipes will be modelled as roof lights using the glazing type ‘Roof light,
skylight, twin skin’ with ‘no frame’.
Additionally, if suitable evidenced number of panes, U values, T solar or L solar
values are available, then these should also be utilised.
Automatic daylight zoning will apply.
Each sun pipe should be modelled as a roof light as above, with the area
equivalent to the cross sectional area of the light pipe in a horizontal plane, e.g.
the area of the circular opening for circular pipes.
3.02 Adjacency Unless evidence to the contrary is readily and easily available, all buildings adjoining 1 June 2010
Assumed - that building or part building which is being assessed, are assumed to be conditioned
Party Walls unless they are of Planning Class B2 to B8 in which case they are assumed to be
3.03 Frame Factors The ‘Frame Factor’ for windows and roof lights within SBEM defaults to a value of 0.1 17 January
(10%). The assessor must always establish the frame factor of an actual window or 2011
roof light and replace the SBEM default with a more appropriate value - unless 0.1 Amended
(10%) is found to be appropriate for the actual window. 1 May 2017
Where there are multiple windows or roof lights with the same construction and
configuration it is only necessary for the assessor to establish the frame factor for a
representative example and the same value can be entered for windows or roof lights
having the same construction and configuration. The assessor is expected to establish
an appropriate frame factor for each distinct set of windows and/or roof lights and not
to retain the SBEM default frame factor unless they have shown it to be appropriate.
The term “windows” also includes glazed doors being treated as windows.
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3.04 Car Parks Removed from
Issue 5
1 September
The entry of defined values is only appropriate where the values have been calculated
by a Level 4 qualified assessor or other suitably qualified and accredited
person\organisation or have been taken from an ‘as built’ design specification
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Where U and/or Km values are entered by the assessor, a copy of the documentation
stating the introduced values must be provided if called for audit along with evidence
of the library (or inference) construction any retained value relates to.
3.08 Strongly Where ventilation specifications are available, strongly ventilated spaces shall be 21 January
Ventilated defined as such in accordance with the table below: 2013
Option Brief Description
Exterior For an envelope separating the considered zone from the
outside air or water
iSBEM User Guide (February 2012): Table 9: Options for ‘Connects space to’ field for
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Note that a strongly ventilated space is an alternative to an unheated adjoining space
only and is not selected in any other circumstances. Where appropriate ventilation
specifications are unavailable, a zone will be considered to be a strongly ventilated
space if it is unheated and is one of the following:-
1. Any part of the building being assessed that is identified with the activity of ‘car
3. Any area that has deliberate fixed openings in order to provide significant
natural ventilation, e.g.:
a. A plant room with louvered doors / vents for provision of combustion air
Note that windows that are left permanently open are not categorised as fixed
openings. If in any doubt, the assessor is to assume the presence of a strongly
ventilated space as a worst case default position. Site notes/evidence to be provided
3.09 Transparent The description of ‘curtain walling’ in the SBEM database refers to solid or opaque wall 21 January
Curtain construction only and therefore the U and Km values applied to this construction type 2013
Walling do not include areas of glazing or translucent materials within the wall space.
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3.10 Appropriate For activities such as veterinary or similar building where space for housing animals is 1 September
Activity conditioned on a 24 hour basis 7 days a week, assessors should use the “C2A Secure 2014
Selection for Residential Institutions” as the building type and select the “Cell (police/prison)” as the
Animals activity type (the temperature values for this activity type are the closest to those
Housed associated with housing animals overnight).
For veterinary and similar buildings where there is no overnight stay or storage for
animals then “C2 Residential Institutions - Hospitals and Care Homes” should be used
at zone level and the animal holding area should be assessed as ‘store room’.
3.11 Secondary Where secondary glazing is present in existing buildings, select from the Project 1 September
Glazing database Library the following option:- 2014
The frame type shall be the framing material used for the outer pane only.
3.12 Multiple Where any window has frames made of multiple frame types, e.g. timber outer frame 1 September
Window Frame and metal intermediate frames, the assessor shall select the frame type for the 2014
Types material that is in direct contact with the structural opening.
3.13 Sales vs As a first step Assessors should work to the descriptions provided by BRE in the 1 May 2017
Eating & iSBEM interface. The following statements provide additional guidance for specific
Drinking circumstances:-
Selection 1. For small food outlets and hot food takeaways in Classes A3, A4 & A5, the
Eating/drinking activity should only be applied to areas that are designated for
the purpose of eating and drinking i.e. that include tables (or counters) and
chairs and are located inside the premises, otherwise the zone will be classified
as a sales area. An example would be a pizza outlet that is predominantly take
away and delivery but which provides a small designated area with tables and
chairs in the shop area which could be designated as an eating/drinking area.
2. Generic Office Areas should include any tea room / tea making facilities,
kitchenettes and staff lounges. These areas should not, therefore, be identified
as eating and drinking areas.
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Please see the glossary section (10.08) for the list of all building types with the activity
of ‘Eating/drinking area’ and their description.
3.14 Block Glazing Glass Blocks should be entered in accordance with the following hierarchy:- 1 May 2017
(1) Where any external walls or parts thereof, are constructed of Glass Blocks they
should be entered as Windows.
(2) Where the specification for the building refers to specific glass blocks and the
supporting technical information of the glass blocks are available then the U-
Values, T-Solar and L-Solar values should be entered as User defined Values.
The specification and technical information must be provided as part of the
evidence to support the use of this option.
(3) Where the specification and/or the technical information is not available then
the following user defined U-Values, T-Solar and L- Solar values should be
Buildings Built pre 2002 3.2 (4) 0.83 (2) 0.8 (1) 0.00
Buildings Built post 2.2 (5) 0.71 (2) 0.8 (1) 0.00
4. Geometry
4.01 Light Wells Light wells to be treated as external envelopes. 1 June 2010
4.02 Atria All atria to be treated as Level 5 NDEPC assessment feature. Refer to accompanying 1 June 2010
Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 decision flowchart and notes (Issue 1 – 15 March 2010).
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4.03 Dimensions Horizontal and vertical (inc. zone height) measurements to be carried out in 1 June 2010
accordance with diagrams and notes in ‘CEPC Dimension Conventions’
4.04 Measurement Calculated values entered into the software for the purpose of an EPC calculation 21 January
Accuracy (for must be provided with supporting calculations presented for audit. 2013
Distance, Area
and Volume) The minimum level of accuracy for calculated values entered into the software for the
purpose of an EPC calculation is 2 decimal places i.e. 2 places after the decimal point
for any given value.
All measurements entered into the software must be recorded to at least 2 decimal
places on site notes.
Where the required level of measurement accuracy is not possible the reason must be
4.05 Roofs with Where the external roof of a zone or an individual component has a horizontal internal 21 January
Multiple ceiling, the roof shall be entered as having a horizontal orientation and the area of the 2013
Components roof shall be the total horizontal internal surface area exposed to the conditioned
space. The roof pitch angle shall be entered as the SBEM default of 45 degrees. See
‘Roofs with Multiple Components 10.06: Horizontal internal ceiling (Examples 1 and
Where a horizontal internal ceiling is not present, the roof area shall be that of the
internal surface area exposed to the conditioned space and the orientation shall be the
compass position that is ‘faced’ by the pitched component. The pitch angle shall be
the angle of the component to the horizontal. See ‘Roofs with Multiple Components
10.06: No horizontal internal ceiling’.
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‘Roofs with Multiple Components 10.06: Roof structure with number of pitched
4.06 Same Space Internal wall envelope areas, of the same or similar construction, within merged zones 1 May 2017
Adjacency may be added together and entered as a single envelope area, attached to the merged
zone, with the adjacency of “Same space”. The orientation of the envelope is not
relevant to the EPC results and calculations for the ‘Same space’ envelope should be
documented for audit purposes.
4.07 Zoning for Day All zones must be evaluated for ‘day lit’ spaces which will need to be identified and 1 May 2017
Lit Spaces entered into the software model as separate zones.
Amended 1 July
In many circumstances approved software tools offer an option for day lit zones to be
calculated automatically which requires no subdivision of the spaces by the assessor.
The method below must be used to subdivide zones for day lit areas where the option
for automatic calculation is not selected, not available or where manual day lit zoning
is prescribed as required within conventions.
Divide building areas, already identified as ‘zones’, to account for areas receiving
significantly different amounts of daylight, defined by boundaries which are:
1) If any resulting zone is less than 3m wide, absorb it within surrounding zones
with the same HVAC, lighting and activity
2) If any resulting zones overlap, use your discretion to allocate the overlap to one
more of the zones
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3) In all cases where a zone is sub-divided to identify day lit spaces all other zone
features such as HVAC, activity and lighting will be applied to each of the
subdivided zones
The floor of Z1b is only included in the floor area of the EPC if it has permanent access
and is a usable floor area but it must always be modelled as an envelope.
3.00 5.00
Convention Text
This convention applies where a separate zone (Zone 2) enclosed by walls, doors,
ceilings and/or windows, exists within the envelope of a larger space or building (Zone
1), at least one of the boundary walls of Zone 1 forms the boundary wall to Zone 2 (and
there is a view of the walls of Zone 1 where it extends above Zone 2). A typical
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scenario would be where there is an office or toilet block (Zone 2) in the corner of an
industrial unit or warehouse (Zone 1).
The floor envelope of Z1b must be entered to take account of the heat transfer and
thermal mass. However, it must only be included as floor area on the EPC if it has
permanent fixed access and it is a useable floor space in accordance with the
definition of GIA from RICS Code of measuring practice.
If the space above Zone 2 is accessible floor area, Zone 1a and Zone 1b are entered as
two separate zones which can have different properties if applicable.
If the space above Zone 2 is not accessible floor area Zone 1a and Zone 1b are
entered as a single zone and will have the same properties. The floor area of Zone 1b
is not to be included in the zone area. (The method of achieving this will vary
depending upon the approved software used).
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5.01 Electric Power Electric power factor within SBEM must be left at the default value of <0.9 unless you 21 January
Factor have provided a photograph of the power factor correction device and/or other 2013
compelling evidence to amend this figure.
Where only a photograph of the power factor correction device is available the power
factor shall be amended to ‘0.9 to 0.95’.
Photographic evidence; if the photograph can confirm the actual power factor
figure from the device, then select the most appropriate figure within the SBEM
power factor drop down options. If the photograph cannot confirm the actual
figure but shows evidence of the power factor device, then the assessor shall
select the option of ‘0.90-0.95’ within SBEM for the power factor value.
Equipment specifications; name-plates, specification manuals and printouts
from Building Mechanical Services (BMS) systems.
Utility bills.
Power factor calculations; conducted by electricians and power engineering
Meter readings; incorporating reactive unit consumption and appropriate
6.01 Variable Ignored unless using approved DSM software which allows for this input option. 1 June 2010
Speed Pumps
Other than
6.03 Electric Room Any form of fanned or unfanned electric ‘room heater’ whether panel, bar, convector or 1 June 2010
Heaters storage heater shall have a user amended efficiency of 1 (i.e. 100%).
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6.04 LTHW Boiler The following hierarchy should be followed to establish suitable values for the 17 January
Efficiencies ‘Effective Heat Generating Seasonal Efficiency’ for all boilers. 2011
1. Use Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) product list part load values at 30% and Amended
100%* - these should be used to calculate the seasonal efficiency as per the 1 May 2017
Non Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide (NDBSCG).
2. Use ECA product list full load value* (when part load values are not given).
3. Use current PCDB values where available.
4. Use either manufacturer’s information* or ‘boiler plate*’ information or
information from manufacturer’s technical helpdesk*. Where a gross efficiency
value is established for a non condensing boiler then a deduction of 0.05 (i.e.
5%) should be made to it to convert it to an appropriate seasonal efficiency.
5. Use SAP 2005 tables (up to 70kW output).
6. Use suitable SBEM default; it is essential for the site notes to provide evidence
as to why the above methods were not used to obtain a more accurate value,
i.e. by providing evidence of failed attempts.
In addition to any boiler efficiency values established from the above the relevant
heating credits should be added by following the guidance in the NDBSCG.
6.05 Electric HWS Where an electric system has no storage then it should be entered as an 17 January
with and ‘instantaneous system’ with grid supplied electricity as its fuel and a seasonal 2011
Without efficiency of 1 (i.e. 100%).
Storage Where an electric system has some/any storage then ‘electric instantaneous system’
should NOT be used and ‘Stand-alone water heater’ should be used. Where such a
system also has its losses or volume and insulation details entered then the efficiency
of the system should be 1 (i.e. 100%).
6.06 HWS The presence of storage/losses MUST be entered for all storage systems and this 17 January
Efficiencies should be done where possible by entering the losses (in MJ/month) in preference to 2011
and Storage the volume and insulation type and thickness. The source information (such as
Losses manufacturer’s data) and/or calculation must be included in site notes. Amended 1 July
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Where losses cannot be established then the volume and insulation details should be
Where the volume and/or insulation cannot be established via external visual
inspection and/or paperwork they should be estimated as follows:
Where details of the HWS are unavailable or there is no system then the HWS shall
be entered as an ‘instantaneous system’ with no storage with a seasonal efficiency
of 0.5 (i.e. 50%). Where the fuel type can be readily determined then the
appropriate fuel type must be entered otherwise ‘grid electric’ should be assumed.
Where the DHW serves multiple buildings, the losses should be apportioned
between those buildings based on floor area.
o If the losses are not known so volume and insulation details are being used
the volume cannot be apportioned between the buildings. The assessor
should initially run the SBEM calculation allocating all of the storage to the
building being assessed and look up the Calculated SBEM value for Storage
losses. This figure should then be apportioned between the buildings based
on floor area and entered as the Storage losses MJ/month.
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6.07 Estimating Where it is not possible to obtain details of the fan performance from the Fan 17 January
Local nameplate or Building Logbook, Operation & Maintenance manual etc. during the Site 2011
Mechanical Survey, an approximation of the of the air flow rate in I s-1 m-2 (often written as I/s/m2
Exhaust Rates in SBEM) can be established by using an appropriate rate from the attached table Amended
in Buildings (Local Mechanical Exhaust Rates) and converting this to I s-1 m-2, using the zone height 30 November
(do not adjust the height measurement used to compensate for an internal ceiling). It 2012
is not acceptable to use an arbitrary value such as 5 I s-1 m-2 or a software applied
default for extraction rates where the mechanical extraction rate is unknown. Amended 1 July
6.08 Estimating the Note: if assessing kitchen area extraction please refer to convention 6.12 17 January
Local 2011
Mechanical Where the fan power motor can be established from the fan nameplate or Building
Exhaust Logbook, Operation & Maintenance manual etc. during the site survey the established Amended 1
Specific Fan power will be used to calculate the SFP. September
Power (SFP) in 2014
Existing If the power rating of a fan is known in horsepower then it shall be converted using the
Buildings approximation of 1 horsepower = 746 Watts Amended
1 May 2017
Where specific fan performance details are not available, the W/l/s value shall be
amended as follows for existing buildings:-
1.5 W/l/s - buildings built to Building Regulations pre 2006 (pre 2007 in Scotland)
0.5 W/l/s - buildings built to 2006 Building Regulations (2007 in Scotland)
0.4 W/l/s - buildings built to 2010- Building Regulations (or later)
The energy assessor should provide in assessment notes the reason why specific fan
performance is not available.
6.09 Reversible Reversible extract fans are treated in the same way as non-reversible extract fans in 1 February
Extract Fans SBEM. It is not acceptable to use an arbitrary value or software default for the 2012
extraction rate where the actual value is unknown. Refer to ‘Estimating Local
Mechanical Exhaust rates in existing buildings 6.07’, to calculate the extraction rate, if
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6.10 Hot Water Hot Water Storage Vessels 1 February
Storage Where you have a number of hot water storage vessels that have exactly the same fuel 2012
Vessels type and efficiency of operation, these can be entered into SBEM as one system
incorporating the sum total of the storage losses of the individual storage vessels. In
these circumstances it is permissible to aggregate vessels of different sizes as long
as the storage losses are known for all individual vessels.
Storage vessels that are identified by the insulation type cannot be aggregated as the
SBEM model derives an assumption for the storage losses based upon insulation type
and vessel size in these circumstances.
Individual systems that vary by way of recirculation systems or by the use of CHP or
solar energy cannot be aggregated and should be entered separately.
6.11 Zones Without This convention only applies where at least one zone within the building is not 1 September
Fixed conditioned by fixed conditioning equipment, e.g. heating, cooling or mechanical 2014
Conditioning ventilation.
Equipment in Amended
Existing The flow chart below (‘zones without fixed conditioning equipment’ - appendix 10.07) 1 May 2017
Buildings provides the approach an energy assessor should take in these circumstances.
Energy assessors should ensure that they can provide evidence to justify the option Amended 1 July
selected at each decision point in the flow chart. 2018
Zones must be assessed as seen on the day of the inspection. However, for the
purposes of this convention the SBEM activity types where zones may not be
conditioned (i.e. where no HVAC systems are present) are as follows:
a. Circulation Areas
b. Plant rooms
c. Store rooms and Warehouse Storage
d. Industrial process area
e. Car park
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f. B1 Workshops
g. Toilet (only if there are no other zones in the building that have an expectation
of conditioning)
In these circumstances, the SBEM HVAC type will be identified as ‘Zones without
HVAC system’.
6.12 Kitchen Area All kitchen area extraction devices are to be included as part of the SBEM assessment 1 September
Extraction process, in order to account for the additional energy requirements for the conditioning 2014
of higher air change rates. I.e. extractor hoods are no longer to be disregarded and are
to be assessed as part of the extraction rate for the zone(s) concerned.
If performance details of the units are unknown then defaults should be assumed in
accordance with CL6.07 ‘Estimating Local Mechanical Exhaust rates in existing
buildings’ with the following table provided for additional guidance:-
Assessors should endeavour to obtain and utilise the performance details of all
extraction equipment identified as part of their assessment in accordance with CL6.07
within Conventions Issue 2. However, where it is not possible to identify all of the
equipment in any given zone, the defaults shown in the table above for ‘Assumed
Extract Rate’ shall be used.
In addition, in order to remove a degree of the process power of the fan itself, the
assessor should select the following additional default exhaust specific fan power
SFP = 0.4 for the circumstance where the fan is within the zone
SFP = 0.6 where the fan is outside the zone.
6.13 Identifying Where a zone is without any form of fixed conditioning equipment, but at least 50% of 1 September
Indirectly the surrounding envelope area excluding party walls, party floors and party ceilings is 2014
Conditioned adjacent to directly conditioned space, then it will be assumed to be indirectly
Zones conditioned. Amended 1 July
The zone will be assigned the same HVAC as the adjacent spaces, or the larger
proportion of adjacent spaces unless there is significant air transfer with a specific
adjacent zone, for example through a frequently used doorway.
The energy assessor should provide suitable evidence to show that there is no fixed /
direct conditioning equipment within the zone and that at least 50% of the surrounding
area is conditioned, i.e. a floor plan and/or photos of the unconditioned zone.
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A zone which has no fixed conditioning equipment but is being treated as “conditioned
adjoining space” by applying assumed heating following convention 6.11 and appendix
10.07 is NOT considered to be directly conditioned and cannot contribute to indirectly
conditioning any adjacent zone.
6.14 Individual There are three scenarios that should be dealt with when assessing a locally and 1 September
Shop Units in centrally conditioned individual shop in a shopping centre: 2014
Centres 1. The unit has local heating or Air Conditioning and receives unconditioned Amended 1 July
central fresh air from the plant room. This unit should be assessed in SBEM 2018
with the local heating plus ‘mechanical ventilation’ to the affected zones. The
level of assessment will depend on the type of system conditioning the room.
Please refer to assessment level decision flowchart (10.02).
2. The unit has local heating or Air Conditioning and tempered fresh air from a
central location. This unit should be modelled as item 1 above.
The zone should be split into a number of zones to match the number of HVAC
types. All of the zone’s envelopes, including glazing, should be equally split and
entered into each relevant zone along with the appropriate respective HVAC
(Note – it may not be possible for all of the zone’s envelopes, including glazing to be
equally split in approved software versions using a graphical interface. If this is the
case the zone, its envelopes and glazing should be divided as equally as possible and
the limitation recorded on site notes).
6.15 Bivalent Where a bivalent system i.e. 'One in which the heating is supplied by two (or more) 1 July 2018
system different types of heat source' is present in a zone within the building under
proportioning assessment, entries are required to specify the proportion of load met by each of the
within a systems present. This must be determined on a 'zone by zone' basis i.e. the same
building zone HVAC system can only be assigned to multiple zones when the source(s) and delivery
method(s) are the same. The Assessor is required to enter the proportion of heating
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load that the additional (bivalent) heat generator(s) provide and the balance is
assigned to the main system.
When a bivalent system is entered the Assessor can apply any control corrections to
each of the system efficiencies as appropriate. It is only however possible to select
one set of control options. These should be selected as appropriate to the system
which supplies the greatest heating load.
Any system which provides cooling must be entered as the main system. When none
of the systems provide cooling the main system should if possible be the one which
supplies the greater proportion of heating load.
1. The software will only account for cooling from the main system and the main
system does not need to be the one which supplies the greater proportion of
heating load in this instance.
2. Where there is evidence of the relative heating load e.g. a 'heating load design'
this should be used.
3. Where the relative heating load is unknown the following principles shall be
a) One central (multi-zone system) and one or more local (single zone)
- 80% is assigned to the central system and 20% to the local system (or equally
divided between the local systems).
c) Two central (multi zone) systems and one or more local (single zone)
- 40% is assigned to each central system and 20% to the local system (or
equally divided between the local systems).
d) No central (multi zone) system and two or more local (single zone) systems:
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- load is equally assigned to each local system.
For the purpose of this convention a split or multi split is considered to be a local
7. Lighting
7.01 Lighting If a building’s original lighting design is available, and there is no discrepancy between 17 January
Options in that and the observed lighting within the building, the wattage and lux values, from that 2011
SBEM design, should be entered using the ‘Full lighting design carried out’ option in SBEM. If
complimentary values are not available (i.e. both values from the same lighting design)
the lighting design(s) must not be used.
If the circuit wattage and lux levels can be accurately recorded by the assessor (see
‘Use of Lux Level Meters 7.02’) the option for ‘Full lighting design carried out’ should
also be used and the appropriate values entered. Wattage and lux values must not be
entered separately nor is it acceptable to input assumed wattage or lux values from
BSRIA publications or other reference documents or to accept or use software
suggested default value.
If the circuit wattage and lux values cannot be ascertained by either of the above
methods it may be possible to use the ‘Lighting chosen but calculation not carried out’
option where the lumens per circuit wattage must be entered, calculated in line with
building regulations guidance. This may not be possible for all zone activity selections.
The evidence of how the values for lamp lumens and circuit wattage must be provided
in the site notes.
If none of the above options are applicable the ‘Lighting parameters not available’
option should be chosen and the appropriate lamp type for the zone should be
selected. For zones with a mixture of lamp types please see ‘Mixed lighting in a zone
7.02 Use of Lux Lux level readings, taken by an assessor, may only be used for the production of an 17 January
Level Meters EPC if the readings have been recorded in line with the Society of Light & Lighting’s 2011
Code for Lighting 2009. Evidence of achieving a complete blackout of windows and the
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required calculations to establish the grid size for the measurements taken must be
7.03 Mixed Lighting Where a zone contains both general lighting and display lighting, and for the selected 17 January
in a Zone in activity SBEM assumes the presence of display lamps, then the display lighting and the 2011
SBEM general lighting must be entered as ‘display’ and ‘general’ lighting respectively.
Where a zone contains both general lighting and display lighting, and for the selected 1 May 2017
activity SBEM does not assume the presence of display lamps, then the zone must be
subdivided to create additional ‘display’ zones to represent the display lighting. A
suitable ‘display’ activity should be used for the ‘display’ zones and appropriate lighting
entries entered. The remains of the original zone must have the original activity and
only the general lighting is entered into the zone(s).
Where a zone contains a mixture of lamp types providing general lighting (no display
lighting) across the entire zone, such that simply splitting the zone to reflect the lamp’s
locations is not practicable, then the following method should be followed:
1. The proportion of the zone’s area lit by each lamp type should be established.
2. The zone should then be split into a number of zones to match the number of
lamp types and for each lamp type the relevant proportion of the zone area and
all of the zone’s envelopes, including glazing, should be entered into each
relevant zone along with the appropriate respective lamp type.
(Note – it may not be possible for all of the zone’s envelopes, including glazing, to be
equally split in approved software versions using a graphical interface. If this is the
case the zone, its envelopes and glazing should be divided as equally as possible and
the limitation recorded on site notes).
7.04 Display Where zones incorporate an activity whereby software automatically assumes the 17 January
Lighting presence of display lighting but none is actually present, the display lighting efficiency 2011
for SBEM shall be entered such that it is the same as that of the general lighting
present in that zone. Amended 1 July
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Where possible this should be calculated but as this requires detailed measurements
of the lm and cW this is not usually practical in existing buildings. The following
‘default’ values should therefore be used:
1. For all general lamp types except Tungsten or Tungsten Halogen; you must
enter that the display lighting uses efficient lamps and enter 50lm/cW in the
relevant Lumens per circuit wattage box, unless a specific lm/cW value from a
lighting design exists.
2. For Tungsten or Tungsten Halogen general lamps; you do not enter that the
display lighting uses efficient lamps and you do not have to enter a value in the
Lumens per circuit wattage box.
3. Where a zone contains a mixture of lamp types providing display lighting and
some, but not all, are efficient lamps; you must enter that display lighting uses
energy efficient lamps and enter a weighted average of the lm/cW based upon
the number of lamps in the relevant Lumens per circuit wattage box. The
weighted average is calculated using 50 lm/cW for efficient lamps and 15
lm/cW for Tungsten or Tungsten Halogen lamps.
7.05 Missing Lamp Where a lamp type is to be selected for a zone but no lamp is currently fitted the 1 February
Selection assessor should select the least efficient lamp type that can be housed in the installed 2012
light fitting. If no light fittings are observed or the acceptable lamp type(s) cannot be
ascertained the default selection of ‘tungsten’ lamps must be made.
7.06 2D Lamps Where lamps are specifically identified via technical information and/or visual 1 September
inspection as ‘T5’ lamps in a 2D configuration, and appropriate evidence is provided for 2014
this by the energy assessor they should be entered into SBEM as T5 lamps. In all other
circumstances ‘2D’ lamp fittings shall be entered into SBEM as compact fluorescent
lamps, i.e. ‘CFL’.
9. Recommendations
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10. Appendices
10.01 Commercial Glossary of Terms – Issue 1 1 June 2010
EPC Updated Glossary of Terms – Issue 2 17 January
Conventions Updated Glossary of Terms – Issue 4 2011
Updated Glossary of Terms – Issue 5 30 November
1 September
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Non Domestic EPC Conventions for England & Wales Issue 7.1
Glossary of Terms
Air Permeability
Air permeability is expressed as volume flow per hour (m3 h) of air supplied to the space per square metre
(m2) of envelope area for an internal to external pressure difference of 50 Pa i.e. 25 m3 hr-1 m-2 at 50Pa.
In this context, a non-continuously occupied interior space within a building, often several stories high,
bounded on at least one side by occupied spaces set to the conditions determined from the activity
database. There may or may not be building elements (such as glazing) surrounding the atrium (although
there may need to be something for smoke control in case of fire). The atrium itself is not maintained to the
conditions set by the activity database for adjoining spaces. The technical purpose of the atrium can be one
or more of the following:-
Providing a buffer between the thermal conditions in the adjoining spaces and the exterior, to reduce
the direct impact of the exterior on those zones. In this case it should not be maintained to conditions
as though it is occupied. (If it is conditioned and the features below do not apply, in this context it is
not considered to be an atrium.)
Providing a means for daylight to reach the middle of deep plan spaces that would otherwise not
receive it
Encouraging stack effect or other passive ventilation to draw extract air from the adjoining spaces.
Automatic Blind Control
In this context internal or inter-pane (but not exterior) blinds that are motorised so that the position can be
modified to control solar heat gain and/or glare, controlled by automatic sensors. The control regime must
also open the blinds as the heat gain and or daylight levels decrease, so that the use of these natural
resources can be optimised for each zone. Note that exterior shading devices can be modelled using iSBEM
in the definition of each window; however SBEM currently does not model the re-radiation effects of blinds
where solar gain has entered the space before it is modulated by the shading device.
Demand Controlled Ventilation
Is defined as supply and/or extract ventilation that is modulated to match the needs of the actual occupation
level of each zone, rather than operating at a constant level defined by the activity database. Thus the energy
required to adjust the condition of the supply air and that required to move the air can be reduced. The rate
of ventilation would typically be controlled by presence detectors, CO2 sensors or another device that senses
the varying requirement.
Fixed Building Services
Are those which are directly attached or connected to the building and cannot be removed/disconnected
without the use of tools. A portable electric heater with a plug allowing it to be removed from the building
without the use of tools is not considered a fixed building service..
Light Pipes
A light pipe is a tube/pipe, consisting of internal reflective surfaces, which channels daylight to an internal
A lightwell is a space surrounded by the walls of a building but that has no roof or glazing above it. It is
therefore similar to a courtyard in appearance. The walls that surround the lightwell are exposed to external
Mixed Use building
A building that incorporates both commercial areas and residential spaces.
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10.02 Commercial EPC Delivery - Updated Assessment Level 1 June 2010 17 January 2011
Decision Flow Chart 1 February 2012 30 November
Note: whilst level 3/4/5 categorisation is not prescribed 1 September 2012
elsewhere in Scottish EPC documentation, Approved 2014 Amended
Organisations are encouraged to apply this as a means of 1 May 2017
defining assessor competence and use of an appropriate
assessment tool.
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This is a further development of the Night Ventilation strategy such that significant
components of the building structure in addition to its ordinary surfaces are exposed to night
ventilation, in order to enhance the building's capability of offsetting daytime cooling
demands. An example of this procedure is the TermoDeck system where night ventilation
is passed through ducts in the solid floors of the building, thereby increasing the 'coolth'
contained in the thermal capacity of the building structure available to offset subsequent
summertime daytime cooling loads.
In this context, a non-continuously occupied interior space within a building, often several
stories high, bounded on at least one side by occupied spaces set to the conditions
determined from the activity database. There may or may not be building elements (such as
glazing) surrounding the atrium (although there may need to be something for smoke
control in case of fire). The atrium itself is not maintained to the conditions set by the activity
database for adjoining spaces. The technical purpose of the atrium can be one or more of
the following :-
providing a buffer between the thermal conditions in the adjoining spaces and the
exterior, to reduce the direct impact of the exterior on those zones. In this case it should
not be maintained to conditions as though it is occupied. (If it is conditioned and the
features below do not apply, in this context it is not considered to be an atrium.)
providing a means for daylight to reach the middle of deep plan spaces that would
otherwise not receive it
encouraging stack effect or other passive ventilation to draw extract air from the
adjoining spaces.
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10.03 Dimensions Convention 1st June 2010
17th January 2011
Dimensions Convention
Horizontal dimensions
Consider Plan
Building 1 Building 2
• Plan view of two buildings in a terrace
– Separated by a party wall
– Building 1 has two zones
• Wall types
Party wall
– “Perimeter” surrounds each
building (external and party walls) Zone A Zone B
Need to measure
100% Glazing
- Enter a wall of total area
- Enter glazing with same area
(or as 100%)
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soffit/underside of roof slab
Dimensions Convention (continued)
– Zone height is top of floor to underside
of soffit/eaves level L4
– U value is from under ceiling to outside
roof including insulation wherever it is
• that is, consistent with the area
being entered
– Area of gable wall is that below
soffit/eaves level i.e. length L4 x h4
• For top floors with pitched roof and dropped ceiling with or without insulation at ceiling level
• For rooms with pitched ceiling (e.g. where ceiling is fixed in line of pitched roof)
– Zone height (h4) is top of floor to
underside of soffit/eaves level
(not average room height)
– Roof heat loss area is as seen from
underside of ceiling, i.e. Lr x d (zone depth)
– U value is from under ceiling to
outside roof (Ur)
– End wall area is whole gable up to roof
apex (as this is all exposed to inside
• If there is a horizontal ceiling half way up the pitched roof, split the area into
– The part with a void (Lr1), using
the U-value including the void (Ur1) Ur2
– The part where there is no void (Lr2, Lr3), Lr1
using the U-value without a void (Ur2) Lr3 Lr2
– Zone height is still to underside of h4
soffit/eaves level
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So the general rule is always to input the area exposed to the inside temperature,
and the U-value between this surface and outside.
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Dimensions Convention (continued)
• Intermediate floors with suspended ceilings and raised floors
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Dimensions Convention (continued)
• For rooms with mono-pitched ceiling
• Walls are 70-90o from horizontal,
roofs are <70o Lrc hcr
• So zone height hcw = dividing point
f W
between wall and roof, where slope
= 70o at “eaves”
Lwc (one side) hcw
Lc 70o
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Dimensions Convention (continued)
For room in roof (or mansard roof): Ur2
- Areas and U values should correspond Ug
- U values for walls should include any
voids – Uw1, Uw2
- Zone height (hw1) = height of vertical Uw1 Uw2
part of walls adjacent to exterior
- If this varies, calculate area weighted
average height of external walls
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Domestic situations
Weather Locations Lookup (v1).xls
Weather Locations Lookup Password.xlsx
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10.06 Roofs with Multiple Components 21 January 2013
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10.07 Zones Without Fixed Conditioning Equipment 1 September
1 May 2017
Zones Without Fixed Conditioning Equipment
Assess on basis
Are fixed building services
Yes of fixed services
present ?
Assess in
Is the zone subject to the
accordance with
requirements of a first fit out, e.g. Yes
Part L2
shell & core ?
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The possible options for ‘eating and drinking’ activity types are as follows:-
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Others – Emergency Services Eating/drinking area An area specifically designed for
eating and drinking
Others – Passenger terminals Eating/drinking area Areas where food or drink are
consumed by members of staff e.g.
staff canteen
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