A dSPACE-based Control of A Hybrid Renewable Energy System With Wind and Photovoltaic Power
A dSPACE-based Control of A Hybrid Renewable Energy System With Wind and Photovoltaic Power
A dSPACE-based Control of A Hybrid Renewable Energy System With Wind and Photovoltaic Power
Abstract In recent years, non-conventional sources of additional power converter feeding the rotor circuit. The use of
energy such as wind and solar have gained increased attention as permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs)
viable means of power generation. This paper discusses a hybrid represents a further advancement in this area. The PMSG is
scheme consisting of a permanent magnet synchronous generator particularly suitable for low speed operation [1] and is more
(PMSG)-based wind energy system and photovoltaic panels efficient since it does not have any rotor field copper losses [2]
which are integrated with a battery to store extra energy when in the absence of any physical winding in the rotor circuit. The
available and to meet additional power requirement during output from the PMSG is a three-phase voltage which is
shortage. The PV panel supplies the battery through a SEPIC rectified, stepped up using a boost converter and finally
converter for maximum power point tracking (MPPT). The
converted to a three-phase sinusoidal ac output voltage at grid
PMSG supplies the battery through a boost converter which
frequency before being fed into the grid.
regulates the output. The outputs of the wind and photovoltaic
systems share a common DC link through which the total power This paper describes a hybrid renewable energy system
from the hybrid system is fed to a three-phase load using an where both wind and photovoltaic energy act as power
inverter implementing space-vector pulse-width modulation (SV- generation sources. The system discussed here is a standalone
PWM). The controller modeled in MATLAB/Simulink software one and can be useful for power generation in remote areas.
is simple and is implemented through real-time simulation using The wind energy conversion system uses a PMSG for the
dSPACE board. generator as discussed earlier while the photovoltaic system
consists of a dc-dc converter. The SEPIC converter topology is
KeywordsPV panel; Maximum Power Point Tracking;
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator; Wind Energy
chosen for dc-dc conversion of the photovoltaic output voltage
Conversion System; dc-dc converter; Space-vector pulse-width and the switching signal is generated using a maximum power
Modulation point tracking (MPPT) scheme [3-4] in order to maximize the
photovoltaic power output. Both the wind and photovoltaic
I. INTRODUCTION energy sources are integrated at a common dc link where a
The fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas are battery is also incorporated into the system [5]. The battery acts
regarded as the traditional sources for power generation. The as an energy storage unit during additional power generation
reserves for the conventional sources are depleting at an from the two sources and also supplies power to the load
alarming rate and are becoming expensive with time. These during periods when sunlight is unavailable. An energy storage
fossil fuels in addition to their cost cause a significant amount unit is essential in this kind of a power generation system since
of pollution to the environment due to the emission of the the power available from both the sources is unpredictable. A
greenhouse gases during the energy conversion process. All the common dc link eliminates the necessity for two separate
above factors have led to the search for non-conventional inverters and a single three-phase inverter unit is used to feed
energy sources for power generation. Wind and solar energy power to the loads. The three-phase inverter unit employs
are considered important renewable energy sources owing to space-vector pulse-width modulation (SV-PWM) technique for
their abundance and clean form. generating the switching pulses and this results in a higher ac
output voltage as compared to the traditional sinusoidal pulse-
Wind energy is one of the most environment friendly width modulation (SPWM) scheme. The salient feature of this
sources of power generation. The wind energy generation can work is that the entire system is operated using computer-based
be classified broadly as fixed-speed systems and variable-speed control through a single dSPACE controller board [6]. Since
systems. The more primitive wind turbines belonged to the the overall system does not involve any physical hardware
fixed-speed systems which were intended for operation at a controllers, it is more flexible. The controller is modeled in
particular speed. Nowadays, the variable-speed systems are MATLAB-Simulink and is connected to the real system (plant)
used extensively as they offer better control options for through the CP1104 I/O board in dSPACE.
maintaining the power quality requirements. The popular
variable-speed wind energy systems increasing employ doubly- The remaining sections of the paper are structured as
fed induction generators (DFIGs) with a gearbox unit and an follows: Section II describes the photovoltaic system along