Shen 2014 Modeling
Shen 2014 Modeling
Shen 2014 Modeling
Abstract— This paper introduces a standalone hybrid power contains PV, battery and proton exchange membrane fuel cell.
generation system consisting of solar and wind power sources The method included a neural network controller in the first
and a DC load. A supervisory control unit, designed to execute layer, a fuzzy logic controller in the second layer and local
maximum power point tracking (MPPT), is introduced to controllers which are used to regulate the set points in the third
maximize the simultaneous energy harvesting from overall power layer. [7] proposed the multiple-model adaptive estimation of a
generation under different climatic conditions. Two contingencies hydraulic wind power system. However, all of the mentioned
are considered and categorized according to the power methods which used conventional approaches or some
generation from each energy source, and the load requirement. advanced control techniques for controlling the combined
Simulation results demonstrate effectiveness of the controllers
generation system have proven to be unstable and have shown
and functionality of the maximum power point tracking
algorithm in each operating condition for both solar and wind
low reliability during the fast and nonlinear changes in weather
power sources. conditions. Hence, simultaneous maximum power extraction
from wind and solar has become a challenging research topic in
I. INTRODUCTION the hybrid power systems.
With the increasing demand of electricity and This paper introduces a supervisory control system
environmental issues of fossil fuels, alternative clean energies structure for a hybrid wind-solar-load power generation system.
have attracted more attention. Compared with other Maximum power is extracted from all sources by utilizing one
renewables, wind and solar have been established as proven layer DC-DC converters and an interface to the load. The cost
future sources of energy, because of their effective MPPT and PI current controller are utilized to
environment-friendly, safe, complimentary and cost-effective regulate the power flow to the load. All the control actions are
characteristics. However, there are some difficulties associated determined by a supervisory controller.
with combined utilization of solar and wind, such as their
intermittent behavior and not matching generation and II. WIND MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING
consumption peak hours. For this purpose, advanced network Focusing on wind power system, various electric machines
of multiple renewable energy systems with load or storage have been used as wind generators. A spectrum of these
units have been proposed. Small-scale standalone combination machines include permanent magnet (PM) brushless machines
of solar and wind has been found effective in some [8-10], doubly salient PM machines [11], induction machines
independent power supply system. [12] and switched reluctance machines [13-14]. These
generators are designed to produce electric power and have to
Many combined energy power systems by using various be controlled to maximize the output energy capture from wind
power electronic converters or control strategies have been put turbines. MPPT methods have been proposed to improve wind
forward. Among them, [1] presents a neural network based system power production for both constant speed wind turbines
control system to coordinate between the components of a and variable speed wind turbines. Although MPPT control
PV-Wind hybrid system. [2] proposed a power control methods are implemented using power electronics converters,
mechanism that can manage a combined photovoltaic generally these techniques can be classified into three main
(PV)/wind/fuel cell (FC) generation system including an types: 1) power signal feedback (PSF) control, 2) tip-speed
ultra-capacitor bank. [3] introduced a novel strategy for the ratio (TSR) control, and 3) perturbation and observation (P&O)
control of power conditioning units to minimize the control. PSF controller is mainly based on the maximum power
disturbance on the output power from the hybrid system which characteristics curve resulting from simulation or field tests.
integrated with PV and wind turbine. [4] introduced a holistic The curve can be stored in form of lookup table in the
modeling method of a combined PV and wind power system. controller. The controller is easy to implement for tracking of
The goal of the work was to accomplish an optimized digital the best rotor speed to generate the corresponding power
control followed by the rapid prototyping into a single Field reference value without the need for wind speed measurement.
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with Buck and Boost Moreover, PSF is a stable approach as the data is interpolated
converter. [5] presents a new three-input dc-dc boost converter from the data points available in the experimentally recorded
which is interesting for hybridizing alternative energy sources lookup table. However, it is difficult to obtain the field data.
including PV source, fuel cell and battery. The control structure The PSF control block diagram is shown in Figure 1.a [15-16].
utilizes only four power switches that can accomplish tracking
of the maximum power of PV and FC power, controlling the The TSR control refines the rotational speed to keep the
battery power and refining the output voltage with four optimal tip-speed ratio for the maximum wind power
different duty cycles. [6] recommended a novel adaptive utilization coefficient. The advantage of this method is the
strategy for power flow in standalone hybrid power system simple implementation approach. However, because of the
This is the author's manuscript of the article published in final edited form as:
Shen, D., & Izadian, A. (2014). Modeling and control of a combined wind-solar microgrid. In IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 2173–2179).
requirement of wind information, the performance of TSR system, thus two new energy sources can compensate each
control approach relies on the anemometer accuracy or the other to some extent under climate changes. In practice, this
estimated wind speed. Figure 1.b depicts the control block kind of hybrid system is divided into two types: the stand alone
diagram of TSR [17]. off-grid system and the grid-connected system. The
grid-connected system runs through an inverter that converts
The P&O technique mainly generates a rotor speed the current into AC electricity, unlike the off-grid systems the
perturbation and observes the variation of the output power to electricity produced by grid-connected system is fed into the
search for the point of maximum power. The advantage of the grid. Fig. 2 depicts the configuration of the proposed hybrid
P&O method is that it requires neither wind turbine new energy system[23-24].
characteristics curve nor the generator parameters, so the
control system can be used even under parameters changes. The wind power system branch contains wind turbine,
However, the P&O method will lose its effectiveness in permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM), a universal
large-scale wind turbine systems because the generator power bridge, SEPIC converter, wind MPPT controller and a local PI
is largely influenced by the variation of turbine inertia. In current controller. The PV power system branch is composed
addition, this method generates power generation oscillations by PV panel, boost converter, solar MPPT controller and the
that might become very large in higher power rating systems. local PI current controller. The perturb and observe MPPT
Figure 1.c demonstrates the control block diagram of P&O algorithm is used in both PV system and wind system. Each
method. As typical MPPT control methods are shown in Fig. 1, source has its individual controller and a supervisory controller
the P&O method can eliminate the measurement of wind speed to coordinate and supervise the power flows among different
so it is widely used for its ease of implementation [18-19]. power sources.
I-V Characteristics PV Current
20 R=1000W/m2
15 16
R=800W /m2 R=800W /m2
C u rr e n t ( A )
12 R=600W /m2 R=600W /m2
R1=600W/m2 10
5 2
R3=1000W/m2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
x 10
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 PV current
Voltage (V)
MPPT P&O Tracking
Fig. 3. I-V characteristics of PV model. 2000
P-V Characteristics
1800 R=1000W/m2
PV Power
Load Power
200 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 Time(1e-6s) 6
x 10
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Voltage (V) MPPT tracking effect
Fig. 4. P-V characteristics of PV model. Fig. 5. PV MPPT Profile to step change in the irradiance from 600w/m2 to
1000w/m2 to 600W/m2.
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show strong nonlinear relationship of I-V
and P-V curve. The PV current decreases gradually when the In order to evaluate the MPPT tracking efficiency for solar
PV voltage is low, as the voltage becomes lager than Vm the system, Table III demonstrates the power condition under
PV current drops rapidly. The output power is the product of different irradiance levels. From the table, the output power
PV current and PV voltage and it has only one maximum generated from PV cells, the load power and the power loss are
power point under every specific solar radiation. Table II calculated individually. The results show that the tracking
demonstrates the implementation of P&O method for solar efficiencies are more than 97% generally under the step change
system. from 600w/m2 to 1000w/m2 to 600W/m2.
Duty Cycle Change in Duty Cycle Solar PV Load Power Tracking
Perturbation Power Next Irradiance Power Power Loss Efficiency
600W/m2 1000W 980W 20W 98.0%
Positive Increase Positive
800W/m2 1400W 1360W 40W 97.1%
Positive Decrease Negative
1000W/m2 1800W 1750W 50W 97.1%
Negative Increase Negative
Negative Decrease Positive VI. WIND ENERGY SYSTEM
Simulation of PV MPPT profile for a 30ȳ load when the As part of the combined energy generation system, wind
temperature is 25ćhas been shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5.a depicts energy system is a device that can convert wind energy into
the PV current Ipv is around Im (17.1A). This shows the reach of electric energy. A typical wind generation system is composed
maximum power point delivered from PV panel. Fig. 5.b of wind turbine and generator, the wind turbine converts wind
illustrates the variation of perturbation signal during the energy into mechanical energy and then the generator converts
irradiance changing from 600W/m2 to 1000W/m2 and then the mechanical energy into electric energy. Fig. 6 illuminates
come back to 600W/m2, which oscillates slightly around the the energy conversion chart of wind generation system. Pw is
best duty ratio when the radiation changes quickly. As the the wind turbine input power; Cp is wind power utilization
figure shows, the maximum power points of PV model are coefficient, the theoretical maximum value of Cp is 0.593 based
approximately 1010W, 1400W and 1800W when the solar on the Betz Theory. Ȧm is rotor speed of the wind turbine, Șm is
radiances are 600W/m2, 800W/m2 and 1000W/m2 respectively. the transmission efficiency which is over 95%, wt is rotor speed
of generator, Șg is the efficiency of generator which is over 350
Torque-Rotor Speed Characteristics of Wind Turbine
80%, Pm is the wind turbine mechanical output power, Pt is V1=4m/s
transmission power, Pe is output power of wind generator. 300 V2=6m/s
250 V4=10m/s
T o rq u e (N m )
Fig. 6. Energy conversion chart of wind generation system
The foudamental equation of the relationship between
wind turbine output power and wind speed is given by: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Rotor Speed(rad/s)
ଵ Fig. 8. Wind turbine torque vs. rotor speed
ൌ ܸܣଷ ܥ , (12)
From Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, the maximum power under
where, ȡ is air density (kg/m3), ȡ is 1.025kg/ m3 in this paper. different wind speed is produced at different rotor speeds.
A is area swept by rotor blads, V is velocity of air (m/sec), Cp Thus, the key point of tracking the MPP for wind turbine is to
is power coefficient of the wind turbine. The ratio of tip speed capture the optimal rotor speed for every wind speed. As
Ȝ and Cp can be expressed as follows: mentioned above, many wind MPPT approaches have been
proposed. In this paper the P&O method which is based on
ఠோ ଶగோ perturbing the turbine shaft speed with small steps and
ɉൌ ൌ , (13)
observing the resulting turbine output power changes is used.
ି ఱ
From (12) and (13), the wind turbine output power is,
ܥ ሺߣǡ ߚሻ ൌ ܿଵ ቀ మ െ ܿଷ ߚ െ ܿସ ቁ ݁ ഊ
ܿ ߣ , (14) ଵ ఠయ ோ య
ൌ ܥܣ ൌ ߱ܭଷ , (16)
ଵ ଵ Ǥଷହ ଶ ఒయ
ൌ െ . (15)
ఒ ఒାǤ଼ఉ ఉ య ାଵ T=KȦ2 , (17)
In the above formula, Ȧ is the rotor speed of wind turbine ଵ ோయ
where T is wind turbine torque, K= ܥܣ య . The Cp –Ȝ
(rad/s), n is the rotational speed of wind turbine (r/s), R is the ଶ ఒ
radius of wind turbine (R=2.5m in this paper), from the help characteristics when the pitch angle is 0 degree is depicted in
Fig. 9, so the maximum value of Cpmax is 0.48 and the optimal
information in Matlab [25-26], C1=0.5176ˈC2=116ˈC3=0.4
Ȝopt is 8.1.
Cp – characteristic of wind turbine
The proposed wind power system in this paper consists of
a fixed pitch angle and variable speed wind turbine, a 0.4
perpannent magnet generator (PMG) and a diode bdidge
rectifier. The wind turbine and PMG connect directly without 0.3
gearbox so the wind turbine torque and rotor speed are equal
to the generator torque and rotor speed. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show 0.2
the characteristics of the wind turbine power and torque vs.
rotor speed. 0.1
V4=10m/s constant when the wind speed is constant. Therefore, according
V5=12m/s to the principle of conservation of energy, if the output power
can be increased, the energy consumed in the generator will be
decreased and then the rotor speed of generator will be
decreased. A SEPIC converter is employed to connect the wind
turbine and load. With the increase of duty cycle, the output
voltage increases and leads to the increment of output power;
with the decrease of duty cycle, the output voltage decreases
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 and leads to the decrement of output power. Thus, the P&O
Rotor Speed(rad/s) method for wind MPPT can be accomplished by adjusting the
Fig. 7. Wind turbine power vs. rotor speed duty cycle of SEPIC converter to change the rotor speed and
keep the maximum Cp. Fig. 10 demonstrates the variation of
rotor speed when tuning the duty cycle. Table IV lists the
implementation of P&O method for wind system.
Rotor Speed
20 Wind MPPT Tracking Profile
D=41% D=51%
15 D=58% D=46% V=8m/s Wind Power
2500 Load Power
ra d /s
P o w e r(W )
10 2000
V=6m/s V=6m/s
V=4m/s V=4m/s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time(1e-6s) x 10
5 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 10. Variation of rotor speed Time(1e 6s) 6
Fig. 11. Wind MPPT tracking profile to step change in the wind speed from
4m/s to 8m/s to 4m/s
Duty Cycle Change in Change in Duty Cycle V=12m/s
Perturbation Power Rotor Speed Next Perturbation 10000 Wind Power
Load Power
Positive Increase Decrease Positive 8000
Pow er(W )
Positive Decrease Decrease Negative V=10m/s V=10m/s
Negative Increase Increase Negative
Negative Decrease Increase Positive 4000 V=8m/s
From the Table IV, the MPPT control for wind system can 2000
larger than that of k-1 moment, so the operating point is at the Fig. 12. Wind MPPT tracking profile to step change in the wind speed from
left side of MPP. Ȧk>Ȧk-1 means that the change in rotor speed 8m/s to 12m/s to 8m/s
increases, so the last duty cycle perturbation is negative. This Similarly, the MPPT tracking efficiency has also been
causes that the next perturbation become negative; evaluated in the Table V. The table lists the wind power, load
2. Pk<Pk-1 and Ȧk<Ȧk-1, the output power at k moment is power and power loss to the step change of wind speed from
less than that of k-1 moment, so the operating point is at the 4m/s to 12m/s. The calculation results show that the tracking
left side of MPP. Ȧk<Ȧk-1 means that the change in rotor speed efficiencies are all around 96% and that the intended target
decreases, so the last duty cycle perturbation is positive. This powers were achieved.
causes that the next perturbation to become negative; TABLE V.
3. Pk>Pk-1 and Ȧk<Ȧk-1, the output power at k moment is
larger than that of k-1 moment, so the operating point is at the Wind Wind power Load power Power loss Tracking
right side of MPP. Ȧk<Ȧk-1 means that the change in rotor speed efficiency
speed decreases, so the last duty cycle perturbation is positive.
4m/s 390W 370W 20W 94.9%
This causes that the next perturbation become positive;
6m/s 1310W 1260W 50W 96.2%
4. Pk<Pk-1 and Ȧk>Ȧk-1, the output power at k moment is 8m/s 3110W 3000W 110W 96.8%
less than that of k-1 moment, so the operating point is at the
10m/s 6080W 5850W 230W 96.2%
right side of MPP. Ȧk>Ȧk-1 means that the change in rotor
speed increases, so the last duty cycle perturbation is nagative. 12m/s 10500W 10050W 450W 95.7%
This causes that the next perturbation to become positive.
Simulations of wind MPPT profile for a 30 load with
wind speed variation from 4m/s to 12m/s are illustrated in Fig. In a dc system fed by multiple converters on a common dc
11 and Fig. 12. From the Fig.11(a) and Fig.12(a), the wind bus, power must be shared among the solar source and the
power utilization coefficient, it has been proven to reach wind source according to their available output power.
Cpmax of 0.48 except in transient modes resulted by sudden Therefore, a supervisory controller is designed to track the
wind speed changes. Fig.11(b) and Fig.12(b) depict the wind maximum power generated from the two sources and manage
maximum power point tracking effects when the wind speed the power to satisfy the load requirement. It is noted that this
changed from 4m/s to 8m/s to 4m/s, and 8m/s to 12m/s to paper only considers obtaining the maximum power delivering
8m/s respectively.The figure also shows the output power to the load and not maintaining a constant power to the load.
generated directly from wind turbine and the actual power The dc bus voltage regulating and an energy storage charge or
captured to the load. discharge procedure will be discussed in the future works. In
order to accomplish the supervisory control strategy, the Fig. 13 MPPT Tracking profile for combined power generation unit under
energy balance equation can be obtained as follows: constant solar irradiance of 1000W/m2 and a step change in wind speed from
6m/s to 8m/s.
οܲ ൌ ܲ௦ ܲ௪ െ ܲௗ , (18) Fig. 14 illustrates a load reduction to 5HP under a constant
where ǻP is the net power of the system, Ps is the output wind speed at rate 8m/s. In this case, the solar irradiance
power of solar, Pw is the output power of wind, PLoad is the experienced a change from 400 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2. At
power demand from load. The supervision modes can be 400W/m2, both sources operated at MPPT mode due to the
clarified into two types (listed in Table VI). It can be ǻP<0 condition. As the solar irradiation increased to
categorized as follows: 1000W/m2, ǻP>0 was hold, suggesting excessive power
generation than load demand and the wind power surpassed
• If ǻP0, means that the power generation unit cannot the solar power generation. Therefore, the wind source is
satisfy the load. In this situation, both solar and wind controlled at MPPT mode and solar source is controlled at
power supplies must work in MPPT mode to generate the power tracking mode.
maximum power under different weather conditions to
reduce the power shortage. 4500
MPPT Tracking Profile for Combined System
satisfy the load with surplus energy. In this situation, one 3500
P o w e r ( W a tt)
Solar Power Tracking Mode
PI current controller. The current reference value is
W ind Power
Solar Power
determined as follows: 2000 Load Power v=8m/s
Power Reference(5HP)
ಽೌ ିಾುು 1500
ܫ ൌ , (19)
ಽೌ 1000
SUPERVISORY CONTROL CONTINGENCIES Fig. 14. MPPT Tracking profile for combined power system to constant wind
speed 8m/s and step change in solar irradiance from 400W/m2 to 1000W/m2.
Mode Condition Control Action Fig. 15 depicts the MPPT tracking profile due to a step
1 Pİ0 Both in MPPT Control Mode change in both wind speed and solar irradiance at a 5HP load
Larger Power in MPPT Mode power. Initially, the wind speed was 6m/s and the irradiance
2 ǻP>0 was 1000W/m2. A shortage of energy was observed (ǻP<0),
Smaller Power in Power Tracking Mode
hence both power sources operated at MPPT mode. Later a
The simulation results for a 30 load that demonstrate the wind speed step change to 8m/s and irradiance decrease to
supervisory control for the combined power system are 800W/m2 generated an excess of energy (ǻP>0). Larger power
depicted in Fig. 13-15 respectively. Fig. 13 demonstrates the source was set to operate in MPPT mode and the solar power
load power reference value at 7HP and the irradiance is kept was set to operate in power tracking mode.
constant at 1000W/m2. The wind speed is changed from 6m/s 4000
MPPT Tracking Profile for Combined System
simulated wind speeds, both wind and solar power converters 3000
Wind MPPT Mode
operate at MPPT mode. The supervisory controller Solar Power Tracking Mode
successfully enabled the power generation unit to track the 2500
P o w e r(W a tt)
Wind Power
Solar Power 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
4000 Load Power Time(1e-6s) 6
x 10
Power Reference(7HP) v=6m/s v=8m/s
P o w e r(W a tt)
R=1000W/m2 R=1000W/m2
3000 Fig. 15. MPPT Tracking profile for combined power system to step change in
Wind MPPT Mode wind speed from 6m/s to 8m/s and step change in solar irradiance from
Solar MPPT Mode
1000W/m2 to 800W/m2.
Wind MPPT Mode
Solar MPPT Mode This work was focused on the modeling of wind turbine
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 and solar panel and MPPT control methods for a combined
Time(1e-6s) x 10
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