Detection and Genetic Variation Analysis of Grapevine Fanleaf Virus (GFLV) Isolates in China

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Arch Virol

DOI 10.1007/s00705-015-2566-0


Detection and genetic variation analysis of grapevine fanleaf virus

(GFLV) isolates in China
Jun Zhou1 Xudong Fan1 Yafeng Dong1 Zun ping Zhang1 Fang Ren1

Guojun Hu1

Received: 29 March 2015 / Accepted: 5 August 2015

Springer-Verlag Wien 2015

Abstract To investigate the prevalence and genetic transmitted by the ectoparasitic root nematode Xiphinema
variation of grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) in China, 142 index [25] and by vegetative propagation and grafting.
grapevine samples from 13 provinces and regions were GFLV is widespread in almost all viticultural regions,
tested using DAS-ELISA, RT-PCR, and nested RT-PCR. including Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, and North and
Of the samples, 38 % tested positive for GFLV by DAS- South America [1]. Recently, GFLV has been found in
ELISA, and 26.8 % tested positive by RT-PCR and nested countries or areas where it had not previously been
RT-PCR. Movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) observed, and 96 %, 50 %, 24 %, 9.6 %, and 1.4 % of
gene PCR products were cloned and sequenced. The MP or grapevines were reported to be infected in Alicante (Spain)
CP nucleotide and protein sequences shared identities that [4], La Cote (Switzerland) [23], Istria (Croatia) [21], Ata-
ranged from 94.9 % to 100 %. Phylogenetic analysis cama (Chile) [8], and Tunisia [16], respectively. The
revealed that Chinese GFLV isolates obtained in this study results of this extensive GFLV survey in these viticulture
were distinct from the isolates reported in GenBank. regions indicated an urgent need for an efficient virus
control strategy.
Understanding the genetic diversity of a virus popula-
Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), a member of the genus tion can help in the development of reliable diagnostic
Nepovirus in the family Secoviridae [25], is the most methods in clean-plant programs. The genetic diversity of
economically important virus that infects grapevine GFLV has been investigated in France [20], Iran [3],
worldwide [19]. It can reduce grape yield and quality, often Slovenia [22], South Africa [13], Tunisia [5], and Italy
also reducing the productive life of grapevine canes [1]. [28]. These studies have focused mainly on the character-
The rooting ability of rootstocks and the graft take of ization of 2BMP (movement protein), and 2CCP (coat pro-
scions are both reduced substantially in GFLV-infected tein) genes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the
material [1]. Infected grapevines show a range of foliar sequenced GFLV isolates from Slovenia and Iran were
symptoms including leaf deformation, yellow mosaic, vein monophyletic, whereas the GFLV isolates from France,
banding, ring and line patterns and flecks [18]. GFLV is Italy, and the United States formed several relatively
independent lineages, suggesting that differentiation had
occurred between geographical populations of GFLV [3].
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this Grapevine fanleaf virus diseases pose major threats to
article (doi:10.1007/s00705-015-2566-0) contains supplementary the grapevine industry, and currently, the use of clean
material, which is available to authorized users.
propagation material is the only effective strategy for virus
& Yafeng Dong disease control in viticulture. For this strategy to work effectively, virus detection is essential. In addition to
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reverse
National Center for Eliminating Viruses from Deciduous
transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays
Fruit Tree, Research Institute of Pomology, Chinese
Academy of Agriculture Sciences, are the most commonly used technique for virus detection.
Xingcheng 125100, Liaoning, China China is one of the worlds leading grape producers, with a

J. Zhou et al.

total production area of approximately 602,800 ha (FAO, 951-970, 325-344 and 851-870, respectively, of the GFLV-
2012) mainly in the North, West, and East regions of SACH44 RNA2 MP sequence. The primers FL-CP1A
China, which share a major part of the grape production. (5-TAATYCGYTCTCCATATCACC-3), FL-CP1B (5-T
Although GFLV has been reported to be widespread in AGACTGGRAARCTGGTTCT-3), FL-CPn1A (5-CCW
other parts of the world, the prevalence of GFLV in China GACYTMTCYYTRCCAAG-3) and FL-CPn1B (5-GGY
has not yet been reported. In addition, sequence data of TTRCACAARACDCGGAG-3) corresponded to nucleo-
GFLV isolates from China are limited. Therefore, in the tides 846-865, 1495-1514, 1006-1025 and 1450-1469,
present study, we used ELISA, RT-PCR and nested RT- respectively, of the GFLV-SACH44 RNA2 CP sequence.
PCR (RT-nPCR) to detect GFLV in grapevines from dif- Viral isolates and accession numbers of the RNA2 MP- and
ferent regions of China and to characterize the genetic CP-encoding genes examined in this study are listed in
variability of the GFLV isolates. Tables S1 and S2.
We collected 142 samples from 13 major grapevine- The first-strand cDNAs were generated by reverse
growing areas, including the north-east (Liaoning Pro- transcription reactions with random hexamer primers.
vince), north China (Hebei Province, and Beijing and Using the cDNA template, the first PCR amplification of
Tianjin regions), east China (Shangdong Province and the MP and CP genes was carried out using rTaq DNA
Shanghai region), west China (Xinjiang Uygur and Ningxia polymerase (Takara, Dalian, China) with the newly
Hui Autonomous Regions and Gansu and Sichuan Pro- designed degenerate primers FL-MP1A/B and FL-CP1A/B.
vinces), central China (Anhui Province) and south China The cycling profile was as follows: 94 C for 4 min, then
(Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Yunnan Pro- 35 cycles of 94 C for 30 s, 54 C for 30 s, and 72 C for
vince). To preserve the virus isolates, these 142 samples 50 s, followed by a final extension step at 72 C for
were planted in a greenhouse and protected with mesh 10 min. Amplification was conducted in a 96-well PCR
screening and were not transmitted by grafting. The dor- Thermal Cycler (Model PTC-200, Watertown, MA, USA).
mant canes from these samples were stored at 4 C until Nested PCR reactions (25 lL) were performed using 1 lL
used for double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) of the first PCR product with two primer pairs (FL-MPn1A/
testing and RT-PCR detection. ELISA was done as B and FL-CPn1A/B) corresponding to GFLV MP and CP,
described previously [9] for detection of GFLV. An anti- respectively. The expected lengths of the PCR products
GFLV polyclonal serum (Agritest Srl, Valenzano, Italy) were 546 bp (MP) and 464 bp (CP). All of the reaction
and its alkaline phosphatase conjugate were used in the conditions for the nPCR were the same as those for the first
DAS-ELISA, and the threshold for detection was twice the PCR, except that the number of cycles was reduced to 30.
average absorbance in three replicate tests of the healthy The nPCRs products were gel-purified (Aidlab, Beijing,
controls. China) and ligated into a pMD18-T vector (TaKaRa,
Total RNA was extracted from the grapevines using the Dalian, China) according to the manufacturers instruc-
adsorption column method described by MacKenzie et al. tions. The recombinant plasmids were introduced by
[15] with some modifications. Briefly, approximately transformation into Escherichia coli DH5a cells, which
50 mg of tissue samples was ground into fine powder and were made competent according to ref. [7]. At least three
homogenized in cracking buffer to release RNA. After independent clones in both orientations were then
centrifugation of the homogenate, a half volume of anhy- sequenced, and a consensus sequence was derived when
drous ethanol was added to the supernatant, and the mix- the three independent clones showed C98 % identity, to
ture was transferred to an adsorption column (Aidlab, exclude in vitro RT-PCR errors. This consensus sequence
Beijing, China). The total RNA was washed, eluted from was termed the unique sequence. If the isolate showed
the column with RNase-free water, and stored at -80 C \98 % nucleotide sequence identity between the three
until used for RT-PCR. initially sequenced clones, additional clones were
To design degenerate primer sets that can be used to sequenced to investigate the possible occurrence of mix-
amplify most of the isolates, RNA2 sequences of GFLVs tures of distinct sequence variants within individual
from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States were grapevines. A multiple nucleotide sequence alignment was
retrieved from GenBank and aligned using MEGA 6.06 made from the obtained sequences and sequences in the
[27]. Four conserved sites in the GFLV MP (movement NCBI GenBank database (,
protein) or CP (coat protein) domains were chosen for using BLAST.
primer design. The primers FL-MP1A (5-TCNACCAGA Sequence identities were determined using ClustalW,
GCCAATTACAC-3), FL-MP1B (5-GTGARCGRCTYC implemented in MegAlign (DNASTAR Lasergene v7.1.0
TRATAGAG-3), FL-MPn1A (5-AGGCTYAATGGTAT software package). Multiple sequence alignments were
WCCGAC-3) and FL-MPn1B (5-KCKTGCYTCAGGV performed using Clustal Omega (
GTTCCAG-3) corresponded to nucleotides 295-314, omega/). Aligned sequences for MP and CP were scanned

Grapevine fanleaf virus in China

using seven recombination detection programs (RDP, Ningxia area (12.5 %) (Table 1). GFLV was not detected
BOOTSCAN, SISCAN, SEQ, GENECONV, LARD and in samples from other areas (Table 1). Because of the high
MAXCHI) implemented in the program RDP 4.22 [14] to prevalence (42.3 %) and wide distribution of GFLV in
detect putative recombination events. Phylogenetic trees grapevine-growing regions, the establishment of quarantine
were constructed in MEGA 6.06 [27], using the maximum- facilities and the implementation of rigorous certification
likelihood (ML) method with 1000 bootstrap replicates schemes may be warranted.
Genetic differentiation and gene flow between popula- Among the GFLV-positive samples identified by nPCRs
tions were examined using three permutation-based statis- using FL-MPn1A/B or FL-CPn1A/B, 29 of the 35 samples
tical tests, Ks*, Z*, and Snn [11], and by estimating Fst (83 %) and all 23 samples (100 %), respectively, tested
(the absolute value of the standardized variance in allele positive using DAS-ELISA (Online Resource: Table S4).
frequencies across populations). The absolute value of Fst Overall, 32 of the 54 ELISA-positive samples tested positive
ranges from 0 to 1 for undifferentiated to fully differenti- for GFLV by RT-nPCR, and six ELISA-negative samples
ated populations, respectively. Generally, an absolute value also tested positive by RT-nPCR (Online Resource:
of Fst [ 0.33 suggests infrequent gene flow, while an Table S4). Moreover, among the 23 GFLV-positive samples
absolute value of Fst \ 0.33 suggests frequent gene flow identified by nPCR using the FL-CPn1A/B primer pair, 20
[6, 10]. The statistical tests for genetic differentiation and of them were also positive using the FL-MPn1A/B primer
Fst estimation were performed using DnaSP 5.10 [12]. pair (Online Resource: Table S4). These results suggest that
GFLV was detected in 54 out of 142 samples (38 %) by the nPCR assays had high detection accuracy. Some of the
DAS-ELISA (Table 1). Although only two samples (LN- DNA fragments amplified from infected grapevines by
SDHN1 and LN-SDHN2) had tested positive for GFLV by nPCR using the primer pairs FL-MPn1A/B and FL-CPn1A/
the first PCR using primer sets FL-MP1A/B and FL-CP1A/ B, respectively, were analyzed by agarose gel elec-
B (Online Resource: Table S4), we found that 35 samples trophoresis (data not shown). The results showed that FL-
(24.6 %) and 23 samples (16.2 %) tested positive for MPn1A/B had a higher detection rate than FL-CPn1A/B and
GFLV by nested PCR using primer sets FL-MPn1A/B and that the detection effect was better. To understand the
FL-CPn1A/B, respectively (Table 1). These results showed genetic diversity of GFLV in China, the 34 and 22 PCR
that 60 of 142 samples (42.3 %) tested positive for GFLV products obtained in the nPCR assays using the GFLV-
using one or more of the above detection methods. We specific primer pairs FL-MPn1A/B and FL-CPn1A/B,
found that GFLV was distributed widely in seven major respectively, were cloned and sequenced The sequencing
grapevine-growing areas in China: Tianjin area (75 %), results showed that 39 MP and 22 CP sequences were
Liaoning Province (72.6 %), Xinjiang area (37.5 %), and obtained in this study as unique sequences, and these
Hebei Province (20 %), with lowest incidences in Shan- were selected for subsequent analyses (Online Resource:
dong Province (15.2 %), Beijing area (15.4 %) and Table S5). After removing the primer sequences, all of the

Table 1 Prevalence and distribution of GFLV in grapevines in China

Province/ No. of samples No. positive for GFLV No. positive for GFLV No. positive for GFLV
region tested (using nPCR with one or (including nPCR and
Primer pair Primer pair DAS-ELISA two sets primers) (%) ELISA detection) (%)

Liaoning 62 24 22 43 27/62 (43.5) 45/62 (72.6)

Shongdong 33 4 1 4 4/33 (12.1) 5/33 (15.2)
Tianjin 4 3 0 2 3/4 (75) 3/4 (75)
Xingjiang 8 2 0 1 2/8 (25) 3/8 (37.5)
Beijing 13 1 0 2 1/13 (7.7) 2/13 (15.4)
Hebei, 5 1 0 1 1/5 (20) 1/5 (20)
Ningxia 8 0 0 1 0/8 (0) 1/8 (12.5)
Shanghai 4 0 0 0 0/4 (0) 0/4 (0)
Gansu 1 0 0 0 0/1 (0) 0/1 (0)
Anhui 1 0 0 0 0/1 (0) 0/1 (0)
Sichuan 1 0 0 0 0/1 (0) 0/1 (0)
Guangxi 1 0 0 0 0/1 (0) 0/1 (0)
Yunnan 1 0 0 0 0/1 (0) 0/1 (0)
Total 142 35 23 54 38/142 (26.8) 60/142 (42.3)

J. Zhou et al.

LN-KSMS-1 LN-228-2
LN-QB2-2 100 LN-JMG2-1
100 SD-BBY-1 LN-HFX-2
94 LN-SDHN2-6 LN-HFS-2
81 LN-ALHH1-1 Bonab
82 LN-DMN-1 93 Urmia
LN-ZF-1 100 Shir-Amin
84 XJ-ZXWH 100 KJ-18-2-2 Iran
LN-228-1 KJ-18-2-4
LN-JZJ-1 KH-12-2-3
LN-SDHN2-9 91 KH-11-10-1
LN-SDHN2-7 C18c
LN-SDHN1-1 France
Tun1 Tunisia 98 C19a
99 AB21a 100 B10a
100 AB27a B6d
AB1a France 100 Ch FL162
AB12a Chile
Ch FL177
Sl1C 100 A40a
Vol51c3 90
100 Vol51c5 Slovenia 99
Sl1B France
Vol54c2 A16a
Hangzhou China 81 A6e
100 WAPN165
WACH911 American A2b
AB10a France B5a
AB8b 98
WAPN173 99 A32e France
WAPN8133 American A31b
100 SAPCS3 A14a
SACH44 South Africa 95 A17c
CAZINA5 American 96
CACSC2 American CACSC2
100 F13 99 CACSC1
94 Ch FLLA1 WACF2142 American
Ch FL1 Chile
SG1 Vol47c3
SG4 Italy Vol55c2 Slovenia
77 99 Ch FL177 99
99 Vol55c3
Ch FL162 Chile 100 B2a
Ch FL81 France
Ch FL1100 A22a
100 100 NP2 FA31
94 Italy
GFLV-NW Germany
SP2 100 NE185
95 Ch FLLA1
AB20a France Ch FL92
AB30a Ch FL4532
100 NE185
FA31 Italy 99 Ch FL4406
100 A17b C6d
A17a 99 C10b
Sl2 98 SAPCS3
Vol49c2 G2
Vol49c1 South Africa
Vol47c1 99 A1
100 Vol47c2 99 S2
Vol47c5 100 B5-7
Vol57c1 Slovenia Iran
Vol57c2 B5-5
Vol54c3 WAPN57
100 WAPN8133
87 Vol51c2 MOA4 393 Spain
Vol55c2 C26b France
LGR12 100 A46b
99 LS2 France
CACSB1 80 MMC 116
95 La3-6-1 MMB34 116 Spain
100 La3-6-3 MMB2 116
X300-I1C1 CACSC4
La208-I1C3 American
97 Kh29-5 100 CACSC3
La208-I1C1 Hungary France
x300-I2C1 MOB4 393
99 Kj18-1 Iran Spain
Kj18-1-1 100 MOB5 393
100 KS-26
Kh4-2 Iran
100 Takestan KS-25
Bonab 100 JB3 429
94 Urmia Spain
Shir-Amin JB2 429
84 100 S33-2 99 Vol52c1
S32 Vol51c3
Kh12-7 D12
X400-I1C3 South Africa
98 X400-I2C1 100 D7

0.05 0.05

Grapevine fanleaf virus in China

b Fig. 1 Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees based on nucleotide 2BMP gene sequences (39 obtained in this study and 76
sequences of MP (A) and CP (B) of Chinese and representative global from GenBank) and 90 2CCP gene sequences (22 obtained
isolates of grapevine fanleaf virus. Bootstrap values were obtained
from 1,000 replications, and bootstrap values \75 % were collapsed. from this study and 68 from GenBank). In the 2BMP phy-
Chinese isolates obtained in this study are indicated by their province logenetic tree, the China GFLV isolates (from this study)
of origin (LN, Liaoning; HB, Hubei; TJ, Tianjin; SD, Shandong; BJ, formed a separate subgroup, and all of the isolates from
Beijing; XJ, Xinjiang) followed by the isolate name and a clone Iran and most of the isolates from Slovenia formed distinct
clades, while the isolates from France, Italy, and the United
States apparently belonged to different lineages (Fig. 1A).
cloned MP and CP sequences were 506 and 444 bp in The phylogenetic tree based on the 2CCP nucleotide
length, respectively. Sequence alignments showed that most sequences also showed that the China isolates clustered
of the GFLV 2BMP sequences and all of GFLV 2CCP together and formed a separate subgroup, like in the 2BMP
sequences shared very high (up to 98.0 %) sequence simi- tree (Fig. 1B). However, in the 2CCP phylogenetic tree, the
larity. However, the cloned 2BMP sequences of isolate LN- isolates from Iran and Slovenia did not form a separate
QQWH shared 96.499.8 % identity, the cloned sequences cluster but belonged to different lineages, like the isolates
of LN-ZF shared 96.699.8 % identity, and the cloned from France, Italy, and the United States (Fig. 1B). In any
sequences of LN-SDHN shared 95.899.8 % identity. These case, the phylogenetic analysis showed a distinct evolu-
results clearly show a slightly higher variability in the 2BMP tionary relationship between the Chinese, Italian, French,
gene when compared with the 2CCP gene. We also found and United States populations. The sequenced GFLV iso-
that the nucleotide and amino acid sequence identities lates from China were monophyletic, as described previ-
between the different isolates from this study were relatively ously for the Slovenian isolates [3].
high ([95 %) (data not shown), suggesting that they may be Ks*, Z*, and Snn tests were used to estimate the genetic
variants. Species demarcation criteria in the genus Ne- differentiation within and between GFLV populations from
povirus, family Secoviridae are as follows: aa sequence of China and other countries in the 2BMP and 2CCP genes. As
CP with less than 75 % identity, aa sequence of conserved shown in Table 2, P-values of 0.0000 for all three tests
Pro-Pol region (region between the conserved GC motif (Ks*, Z*, and Snn) and Fst values [0.33 were obtained
in the protease and GDD motif in the polymerase) with between the GFLV populations from China and other
less than 80 % identity, differences in antigenic reactions, countries, suggesting significant genetic differentiation and
host range and/or vector specificity [26]. When we aligned infrequent gene flow among clusters. There appears to have
the nucleotide and translated amino acid sequences from our been infrequent gene flow between the GFLV populations
isolates and GFLV isolates downloaded from GenBank, we of China and other countries in the 2BMP gene and 2CCP
found that the 2BMP nucleotide and amino acid sequences gene, possibly because of the large geographical distance.
shared 78.386.6 % and 89.396.4 % identity, respectively, The use of virus-free propagation material is the only
and the 2CCP nucleotide and amino acid sequences shared effective strategy for disease control in viticulture. Correct
74.883.3 % and 81.491.4 % identity, respectively. diagnosis is essential for certified propagation material and
Therefore, the Chinese GFLV isolates in this study were for the effective control of GFLV. ELISA and RT-PCR are
considered different variants of these previously reported the most common and widely used techniques for routine
isolates rather than belonging to a new species in the genus screening of pathogens. Serology-based detection systems
Nepovirus. Because of the high degree of sequence identity have to rely on the quality of the antisera available to detect
([95 %) of viral isolates in the analyzed samples, there are different strains that are constantly evolving. Therefore, the
no mixed infections of distinct sequence variants within detection accuracy of ELISA may be affected, so we have to
individual grapevines. choose a more sensitive and reliable diagnostic RT-PCR
All virus-specific MP and CP sequences obtained in this technique for detecting GFLV. However, we failed to
study and all previously reported GFLV MP and CP determine the prevalence and genetic variation of GFLV
sequences retrieved from GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nlm. using conventional RT-PCR assays as reported by Rowhani were used for recombination analysis, but no et al. [24]. To improve GFLV detection, we established an
recombinant sequences were found. Initially, two ML trees RT-nPCR protocol using degenerate primer pairs. The RT-
were constructed using the obtained virus-specific MP and nPCR method uses the amplification products generated in
CP sequences and all previously reported GFLV MP and the first PCR as templates, which dramatically improved the
CP sequences retrieved from GenBank. To help make the specificity and sensitivity of GFLV detection. However,
interpretation of the trees clearer, some closely related there were 22 ELISA-positive samples that gave no
sequences ([98 % nucleotide sequence identity) were amplification in the RT-nPCR. It is also worth noting that
removed from each of the clusters for all subsequent all of the GFLV isolate sequences that were obtained
analyses. Finally, two ML trees were generated using 115 showed low variability and clustered in the same group. The

J. Zhou et al.

Table 2 Gene flow and genetic differentiation of GFLV populations

Gene Region (number of sequences) Parametera
Ks* (P-valueb) Z* (P-valueb) Snn (P-valueb) Fst

Between Chinese and other country populationsc

2BMP gene China (n = 39) vs. America (n = 8) 2.24607 5.77649 1.00000 0.58110
China (n = 39) vs. Chile (n = 6) 2.15608 5.72333 1.00000 0.61011
China (n = 39) vs. France (n = 12) 2.34286 5.82314 1.00000 0.62203
China (n = 39) vs. Germany (n = 3) 1.98007 5.62564 1.00000 0.81028
China (n = 39) vs. Iran (n = 19) 2.56298 6.00404 1.00000 0.58908
China (n = 39) vs. Italy (n = 6) 2.17994 5.72985 1.00000 0.55099
China (n = 39) vs. Slovenia (n = 18) 2.16467 5.84285 1.00000 0.76521
China (n = 39) vs. South Africa (n = 2) 1.97114 5.63125 1.00000 0.89035
2CCP gene China (n = 39) vs. America (n = 7) 1.79090 4.68106 1.00000 0.71204
China (n = 39) vs. Chile (n = 6) 1.70649 4.64984 1.00000 0.72259
China (n = 39) vs. France (n = 23) 2.48125 5.12523 1.00000 0.70155
China (n = 39) vs. Iran (n = 11) 2.04765 4.81748 1.00000 0.66714
China (n = 39) vs. Italy (n = 2) 1.32163 4.48522 1.00000 0.94844
China (n = 39) vs. Spain (n = 8) 1.83040 4.68139 1.00000 0.70636
China (n = 39) vs. Slovenia (n = 5) 1.55229 4.57417 1.00000 0.74970
China (n = 39) vs. South Africa (n = 6) 1.60421 4.60358 1.00000 0.79252
* 0.01 \ P \ 0.05; ** 0.001 \ P \ 0.01; *** P \ 0.001
Ks*, Z* and Snn are the sequence-based statistics described by Hudson [11]. Fst is the interpopulation component of genetic variation of the
standardized variance in allele frequencies across populations. An absolute value of Fst \ 0.33 suggests frequent gene flow
P \ 0.05 was considered the criterion for rejecting the null hypothesis that there is no genetic differentiation between two subpopulations. P-
values of 0.0000 were obtained in all three tests (Ks*, Z*, and Snn), so *** is omitted in Table 2

presence of other GFLV variants in those samples that were complementarity with these sequences (data not shown).
not detected by PCR may be one reason that more GFLV This may explain why only the FL-F1/R1 primers suc-
isolates were found in this study by ELISA than by PCR. cessfully detected GFLV. Therefore, the establishment of
Similar results were obtained when ELISA-positive GFLV more-sensitive and reliable diagnostic molecular tech-
field isolates in Iran were not amplified by RT-PCR [2]. niques for detecting GFLV requires improved primer
Although 38 out of 142 grapevine samples were found specificity and an optimized RNA extraction method.
to be infected with GFLV using RT-nPCR with two primer In this study, using the newly determined 2BMP and 2CCP
pairs, only two samples (LN-SDHN1 and LN-SDHN2) had gene sequences, we investigated the genetic diversity of
tested positive for GFLV by conventional RT-PCR. Other GFLV from distinct geographical regions in China and other
nepoviruses have also been detected using nested PCR [17, parts of the world. The obtained sequence data showed
29], suggesting that those viruses may not be detectable conservation of the 2BMP and 2CCP gene sequences among
when using a single (not nested) PCR. Because we the GFLV isolates from distinct geographical regions of
obtained more positive isolates using nested PCR, we think China, but the China isolates appeared to be distinct from the
that the low virus concentration in the tested samples might previously published GFLV isolates. This finding was
be one of the main reasons for the failure to detect GFLV confirmed by phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 1) and gene flow
in a single (not nested) PCR. We also tested 11 different analysis (Table 2). The phylogenetic analysis showed a
primers (Online Resource: Table S3), including five pub- distinct evolutionary relationship between the Chinese,
lished primer sets and six new primer sets, to detect the Italian, French, and United States populations. The
presence of GFLV in some samples that tested positive for sequenced GFLV isolates from China were monophyletic,
GFLV using ELISA (data not shown). However, only one as described previously for the Slovenia isolates [3]. All of
RNA sample (LN-SDHN1) tested positive using the FL- the Chinese GFLV populations were differentiated from
F1/R1 primer pair. Sequence comparisons showed imper- other populations, because the Ks* values were well above
fect complementarity between the partial primer sets and zero (Table 2). This differentiation was confirmed by the
the nucleotide sequences generated in the present study, Z*, Snn, and Fst tests (Table 2). Success in the amplifica-
while the FL-F1/R1 primers showed perfect tion of the 2BMP and 2CCP gene sequences is an important

Grapevine fanleaf virus in China

achievement, because this opens up new avenues to design 13. Liebenberg A, Freeborough MJ, Visser CJ, Bellstedt DU, Burger
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RT-PCR and a phylogenetic analysis based on the polymerase
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