NSC1907-Member Buckling With Tension Flange Restraint

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Member buckling with

tension flange restraint
David Brown of the SCI explains the structural mechanics and design provisions for
tension flange restraint for both flexural and lateral torsional buckling.

Introduction The compression flange experiences a direct stress due to the major axis
Portal frame designers are familiar with tension flange restraint, often referred
to using the shorthand of Annex G, which is the relevant Annex in BS 5950. moment . Because the flange is now also curved on plan, there
The benefit of tension flange restraint is used to increase the lateral torsional
buckling resistance. Restraint to one flange can also be used to increase is a bending stress in the flange, in the sections minor axis. At the extreme
resistance to flexural buckling under compression. fibres, the two stresses combine and collapse results if the combined stresses
reach yield. This is obviously a highly simplistic explanation, as plasticity,
Lateral torsional buckling residual stresses and second-order effects also contribute to the buckling
A simply supported, unrestrained beam is shown in Figure 1. The unrestrained behaviour, but the simple explanation is useful when developing the
compression flange buckles laterally, dragging the tension flange with it. mechanics of tension flange restraint.
The tension flange is reluctant to be displaced at all, resulting in a lateral If restraint is provided at, or close to the tension flange, the lateral shift of
movement and a rotation of the section. Note that the centre of the rotation is the compression flange is reduced, as shown in Figure 2. The point of rotation
some way distant from the section. is now forced to be much closer to the tension flange (usually the point of
rotation will be some distance off the tension flange, such as the centreline of
the restraint). Because the lateral shift is constrained, the additional bending
stress is reduced. This translates to an increased resistance.

Figure 1 Lateral torsional buckling Figure 2 Lateral torsional buckling with tension flange restraint

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Figure 4 Minor axis flexural buckling

Figure 3 Flexural buckling with one flange restrained

The background theory assumes that the restraint to the tension flange is centres.
continuous, rather like a piano hinge running along the length of the member. The verification is covered by clause BB.3.1.2(2)B. The spacing of the
In most cases, this sort of continuous restraint cannot be achieved in practice. intermediate restraints must not be greater than Lm of BB.3.1.1
Therefore design Standards have further checks, to ensure that the restraints
to the tension flange are close enough to provide appropriate lateral fixity. 38iz
Lm =
Flexural buckling under compression 1 NEd 1 Wpl,y2 Fy
In an unrestrained compression member, the section buckles about its minor 57.4 A 756C12 Alt 235
axis, as shown in Figure 3. The cross section experiences the axial stress, but
also a bending stress in the minor axis. This is again a simple explanation of a The C1 factor relates to the shape of the bending moment diagram. For an
complex situation. overall triangular bending moment diagram, the lowest value (most onerous)
If intermediate restraints are introduced to one flange only, as shown of any of the segments in the member is C1 = 1.17
in Figure 4, the unrestrained flange is free to buckle, but the extent of that Substituting the various section properties, steel strength, etc into the
displacement is reduced. The bending stress is therefore reduced, which expression,
translates to an increased resistance. Like lateral torsional buckling, the 38 48.8
restraints to the flange must be located frequently enough to mimic the effect Lm =
of a continuous piano hinge restraint. 1 188 103 1 (3280 103)2 265
+ 2 14400 111 10 4
57.4 14400 756 1.17 235
What difference does it make?
The answer is always it depends, but the benefit can be very helpful. In Lm = 1819 mm
general, the benefit is more significant in flexural buckling compared to lateral With intermediate restraints at 1600 mm, they are considered effective and
torsional buckling. Numerical comparisons are presented in the following the benefit of restraint to one flange may be utilised.
paragraphs. The calculations follow the Eurocode nomenclature. The elastic critical force NcrT for this situation, with restraints to one flange, is
given in BB.3.3.1 by:
Flexural Buckling Comparison
Example 1. 1 2Elza2 2Elw
NcrT = + + GIT
Consider a 610 229 113 UKB, S275 with 6.325 m between torsional restraints. is2 Lt 2
The bending moment diagram is triangular, and the axial force NEd is 188 kN.
There are intermediate restraints to one flange (the tension flange) at 1.6 m where is2 = iv2 + iz2 + a2

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The key variable is a, which is the distance from the shear centre of the
Mcr = Mcr0 Cm = 662 1.883 = 1246 kNm
section to the longitudinal axis of the restraints. Assuming the axis of the
restraint is 100 mm off the face of the column, the distance a is 403.8 mm. Using curve c and expression 6.57, the calculated buckling resistance Mb,Rd =
Substituting the various section properties, steel strength, etc into the 644 kNm
Example 3
Ncr = 2365 kN
If the benefits of tension flange restraint were ignored, the elastic critical
Using curve b, this leads to a buckling resistance, Nb,Rd of 1685 kN moment of a bi-symmetric section is given by

2Elz lw L2Gl
Example 2 Mcr = C1 + 2 t where C1 accounts for the shape of the
L2 lz Elz
If the benefit of restraints to one flange had not been taken, the elastic critical
force Ncr is given by: bending moment diagram.
Substituting the various section properties, steel strength, etc into the
Ncr = = 1770 kN expression, Mcr = 1167 kNm and Mb,Rd = 629 kNm. (This calculation has ignored
L2 the benefit of the f factor given in
Using curve b, this leads to a buckling resistance, Nb,Rd of 1336 kN,
approximately 20% less than previously calculated. Summary
Flexural resistance Lateral torsional resistance
Lateral torsional buckling comparison Nb,Rd Mb,Rd
Example 3
With tension flange restraint 1685 kN 644 kNm
Although not given in the Eurocode, the expression for the elastic critical
moment of a bi-symmetric section under a uniform moment can be found in Without tension flange restraint 1336 kN 629 kNm
Reference 1 and is given by
Mcr0 = Ncr Restraint to one flange can be of benefit, especially for flexural buckling. The
2a improvement in lateral torsional buckling resistance is perhaps not as much
Using the same details as example 1, Mcr0 = 2365 = 662 kNm as commonly thought. In both cases, it is essential that the spacing of the
2 403.8
intermediate restraints to the tension flange meet the requirements of the
The influence of the shape of the bending moment diagram is incorporated design Standard, to ensure they provide appropriate restraint.
using the Cm factor in BB.3.3.1. Following this procedure gives Cm = 1.883.
The elastic critical moment under a linear moment is then given by 1. KING, C. M. Design of Steel Portal Frames for Europe, P164, SCI, 2001

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