Our Favourite Things Theme
Our Favourite Things Theme
Our Favourite Things Theme
Learning Guidelines:
A Complete Curriculum for
Chapter 14.
July: Our Favorite Things
Darling, L. (2007).July: our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete
curriculum for three-year-olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Chapter 14. July: Our Favorite Things
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
Unit Goals ................................................................................................................. 2
Letter to Families ...................................................................................................... 3
Weekly Lesson Plans . .............................................................................................. 4
Circle Time........................................................................................................ 8
Teaching Tips ............................................................................................................ 8
Songs and Fingerplays
Circle Time Song................................................................................................... 8
Willoby Wallaby Woo ........................................................................................... 8
Open Shut Them . ................................................................................................ 9
If Youre Happy and You Know It . ........................................................................ 9
The More We Get Together ................................................................................. 9
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes ................................................................... 10
Ive Got Two Eyes .............................................................................................. 10
I Have Two Eyes ................................................................................................ 12
Wheels on the Bus . ........................................................................................... 12
Itsy Bitsy Spider ................................................................................................. 13
Bingo . ................................................................................................................ 13
Old MacDonald Had a Farm .............................................................................. 14
Down by the Bay . .............................................................................................. 14
Ta Te Ta Ta ......................................................................................................... 15
Apples and Bananas . ........................................................................................ 16
Circle Time Movement Activities.............................................................................. 17
Mirroring ............................................................................................................. 17
Punchinello ........................................................................................................ 17
Busy Bee and Back to Back . ............................................................................. 17
All About Me . ..................................................................................................... 18
Mirror, Mirror, What Do I See? ........................................................................... 18
Who Is Missing? . ............................................................................................... 18
I Spy With My Little Eye ..................................................................................... 19
Ride the Train . ................................................................................................... 19
Farmer in the Dell .............................................................................................. 20
Pass the Shoe . .................................................................................................. 21
Rise and Shine . ................................................................................................. 21
Find It ................................................................................................................. 22
Feed Your Crocodile .......................................................................................... 22
Obstacle Course ................................................................................................ 23
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for
three-year-olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Teaching Tips .......................................................................................................... 28
Talking Tips ............................................................................................................. 28
Texture Sorting ........................................................................................................ 29
What Can My Hand Hold? ...................................................................................... 29
Vehicle Patterns ...................................................................................................... 30
Checkers ................................................................................................................. 31
Playground ..................................................................................................... 45
Teaching Tips .......................................................................................................... 45
Talking Tips ............................................................................................................. 45
Free Play . ............................................................................................................... 45
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum
for three-year-olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
The theme for July is Our Favorite Things. You will repeat many of
your favorite activities from the year, including songs and fingerplays,
books, and activities in the centers.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Unit Goals
The children will increase their expressive language skills.
Numerous activities are designed for children to talk to the teacher and to other
Reading books, playing music, and talking to children increases their understand-
ing of language.
The children will develop their ability to compare and sort items.
Activities that encourage children to group things together that are alike and
organize items by size improve their math and reasoning skills.
Movement activities enable children to develop large motor skills such as balance
and coordination.
Writing, working with manipulatives, and art activities encourage the development
of fine motor skills.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our Favorite Things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-
year-olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Dear families,
Our theme this month is Our Favorite Things. We will sing our favorite songs, read our
favorite books, and do our favorite movement activities in Circle Time.
In the Language/Writing Center, we will write a class book about school, review our
names, identify the missing animals, and survey our friends about their favorite center to
In the Math Center, we will sort items by the way they feel, measure what we can hold in
our hands, make patterns with cars and trucks, and compare sets of checkers.
In the Science Center, we will experiment with the touchy feely box, use magnets to
move iron filings, make a rainbow in a jar,
and compare the sizes of blocks.
In the Blocks Center, well experiment with building bridges and roll things down ramps.
In the Art Center, well create art by blowing bubbles, blowing paint, fingerpainting, and
making fingerprint critters.
On the Playground, well use our large muscles to run, jump, skip, hop, swing, and ride.
We have had a wonderful year of learning and growing. Thank you for the support you
have given us throughout the year.
July: Our
Our Favorite Favorite
Things: Things
Week 1
Science Touchy Feely Box - Let the children explore the different textures of items placed in the box.
Blocks Bridging - Build bridges with blocks.
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Music Free Exploration of Instruments
Dramatic Play House
Art Finger Painting - Paint with their fingers using finger paints and large sheets of paper.
Playground Free Play
Afternoon Circle
If You're Happy and The More We Get
Circle Time Song Circle Time Song Willoby Wallaby Woo Open Shut Them You Know It Together
Jesse Bear, What Will
In the Small, Small Pond The Very Busy Spider You Wear? by N.W. Bedtime for Francis by Goodnight Owl
Circle Time Book by D. Fleming by E. Carle Carlstrom T. Hoban by P. Hutchins
Daily Wrap-Up Read the Class Book.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
July: Our
Our Favorite Favorite
Things: Things
Week 2
Math What Can My Hand Hold? - Experiment with the different number of items can be held in children's hands.
Science The Main Attraction: Magnet Boxes - Experiment with magnets and items that are magnetic.
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Blocks Rampin' It - Experiment with ramps.
Music Free Exploration of Instruments
Dramatic Play House
Art Bubble Prints - Create art work by blowing bubbles in paint.
Playground Free Play
Afternoon Circle
Head, Shoulders, Knees Head, Shoulders Knees
Circle Time Song and Toes I've Got Two Eyes I Have Two Eyes I've Got Two Eyes and Toes
If I Ran the Zoo Jump, Frog, Jump! The Carrot Seed Swimmy Chicka Chicka Boom
Circle Time Book by Dr. Seuss by R. Kalan by R. Krauss by L.Lionni Boom by B. Martin
Daily Wrap-Up Review Math activity.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
Our July: Our
Favorite Favorite
Things: Things
Week 3
Science Rainbow in a Jar - Use food coloring to make a rainbow.
Blocks Rampin' It - Experiment with ramps.
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Music Free Exploration of Instruments
Dramatic Play House
Art Fingerprint Critters - Make bugs using fingerprints and thumbprints.
Playground Free Play
Afternoon Circle
If You're Happy and If You're Happy and You
Circle Time Song You Know It Wheels on the Bus The Itsy Bitsy Spider Know It Wheels on the Bus
The Relatives Came Where the Wild Things Sheep in a Jeep Mouse Paint
Circle Time Book by C. Rylant Are by M. Sendak by N. Shaw by E. S. Walsh Tuesday by D. Wiesner
Daily Wrap-Up Review the Center Survey.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
July: Our
Our Favorite Favorite
Things: Things
Week 4
Circle Time Activity Rise and Shine Find It Feed Your Crocodile Find It Obstacle Course
Language/Writing What's Missing? - Identify missing animals.
Math Checkers - Compare sets of red and black checkers.
Science Long, Short, Tall, Small - Introduce the concept of comparison by examining the sizes of blocks.
Blocks Rampin' It - Experiment with ramps.
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Music Free Exploration of Instruments
Dramatic Play House
Art Blowing Color - Let the children use a straw to blow watercolors across the paper to create art.
Playground Free Play
Afternoon Circle
Old MacDonald Had A
Circle Time Song Bingo Farm Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat Three Little Kittens Puppies and Kittens
The Cat in the Hat
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back McElligott's Pool One Fish, Two Fish Green Eggs and Ham
Circle Time Book by Dr. Seuss by Dr. Seuss by Dr. Seuss by Dr. Seuss by Dr. Seuss
Daily Wrap-Up Review everyone's day.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
Circle Time Books
Circle Time
Competencies & Teaching Tips
The theme this month is Our Favorite Things. You will reread
Language Skills many favorite books and do favorite activities from earlier in the
1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.2, school year.
2.6, 3.1
If your children have favorites other than the things listened here
Social/Emotional Skills
3.1, 3.4, 4.2
in the Lesson Plans, feel free to make changes and do what they
want to do, especially during Circle Time. They should have
many favorite songs and movement activities that you know they
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Willoby wallaby, Wustin, and elephant sat on Justin, Circle Time:
Willoby wallaby Wenee, and elephant sat on Renee.
Vocabulary Words
(Encourage the children to join you in adapting each others names.)
(Continue with other body movements, such as wiggle your ears and Competencies &
spin your body.) Objectives
Language Skills
The More We Get Together 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1,
3.1, 3.2
The more we get together,
Social/Emotional Skills
Together, together, 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.4
The more we get together the happier well be.
Cause your friends are my friends, Physical Skills
1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Circle Time: And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together the happier well be.
Vocabulary Words
Circle Time:
Ive Got Two Eyes
Songs and Fingerplays
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
One, two. Circle Time:
Ive got two ears,
To help me hear (point to ears)
Vocabulary Words
Ive got two eyes (point to eyes)
And theyre both the same size. stomachache
Physical Skills
I Have Two Eyes 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Circle Time: I have two eyes to see with,
I have two feet to run,
Vocabulary Words I have two hands to wave with,
And nose I have but one.
ground I have two ears to hear with,
And a tongue to say, Good day.
Silberg, J. & P. Schiller (2002). The complete book of rhymes, songs, poems,
fingerplays, and chants. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
(Continue with other parts of the bus and people, with appropriate hand
Physical Skills
1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider Circle Time:
Vocabulary Words
The itsy bitsy spider
went up the water spout. (walk finger up in the air)
Down came the rain (bring fingers down like rain) bumpers
And washed the spider out. (spread arms out)
Out came the sun red light
And dried up all the rain. (hold arms in circle above head)
And the itsy bitsy spider green light
Went up the spout again. (walk fingers up in the air)
There was a farmer, who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-O. clap
B I N G O,
B I N G O, yawn
B I N G O,
And Bingo was his name-O. conductor
There was a farmer, who had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-O. ticket
(clap) I N G O,
(clap) I N G O,
(clap) I N G O,
And Bingo was his name-O.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
(clap, clap, clap, clap) O,
(clap, clap, clap, clap) O,
And Bingo was his name-O.
Circle Time:
Songs and Fingerplays
Down by the Bay
Physical Skills
1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Additional verses:
Did you ever see a whale with a polka dot tail?
Did you ever see a bear combing his hair?
Did you ever see a moose kissing a goose?
Did you ever see a bee with a sunburned knee?
Silberg, J. & Schiller, P. (2002). The complete book of rhymes, songs, poems,
fingerplays, and chants. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
Ta Te Ta Ta
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Apples and Bananas
Circle Time:
Movement Activities
Competencies &
Language Skills
1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1,
3.1, 3.2
Math/Reasoning Skills
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Circle Time Movement Acitivites
Have everyone stand up and face you. You will face the children.
Tell the children that they will copy what you do as you move in slow
Move in a slow, continuous motion, and encourage the children to move
with you. The challenge is to see how slowly they can move.
Limit this activity to 5 minutes.
(Have one child move into the middle of the circle and move. Copy their
movements as you sing:)
(Repeat until every child has a turn in the center of the circle.)
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
All About Me
Silberg, J., & Schiller, P. (2002). The complete book of rhymes, songs, poems,
fingerplays, and chants. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
Unbreakable hand mirror
You will model what the children will do by looking into a mirror
and reciting, mirror, mirror what do I see? I see (say your name)
looking at me.
Pass the mirror to a child.
That child looks into the mirror and says, Mirror, mirror, what do I
see? I see (childs name) looking at me.
Have the children pass the mirror around the circle, with each
child taking a turn.
Circle Time:
Movement Activities Silberg, J. & P. Schiller (2002). The complete book of rhymes, songs, poems,
fingerplays, and chants. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
Competencies &
Who is Missing?
Language Skills
1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1,
3.1, 3.2 Materials:
Math/Reasoning Skills One table covered with a sheet, large enough to hang down to the
2.1 floor on all sides
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.4 Procedure:
Physical Skills Have children sit in a semicircle on the floor.
1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 Select three children to stand in front of the group.
Ask the group to identify each child by name.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Ask the group to close their eyes.
Select one of the children standing to hide under the sheet-
covered table.
Ask the group to open their eyes, then say, Who is missing?
Give the children two chances to guess the missing person.
After they guess correctly or have had their two chances, the
missing persons may emerge from under the table and identify
himself or herself.
Repeat, choosing other children to stand in front of the group.
If all children want an opportunity to hide under the table and the
group is large, select two children at a time to be missing. If the
class is small, it is not necessary to have the children stand in a
line in front of the group. Simply select a child to hide from the
Sit in a circle with the children.
Look around the classroom and select a familiar object to
describe to the children.
Say, I spy with my little eye and describe the object, using
familiar terms about size, shape and color.
Let the children guess what you are describing.
Continue with another object.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Give each child a ticket.
Have the children line up as the conductor calls, All aboard.
Have the children sit in the chairs after boarding the train.
Have the conductor walk down the aisle and collect the tickets
from the passengers.
As the train starts to move, point out familiar landmarks to the
Select some children to serve a snack on the train. The snack
can be imaginary, or the children may decide to eat their
customary snack on the train.
Matricardi, J., & McLarty, J. (2005). Group time activities A to Z. Clifton Park,
NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Have the children form a circle by standing up and holding hands.
Select one child to be the farmer. The farmer will move to the
middle of the circle.
As you sing, each character will select the next person to join
them in the middle of the circle.
Sing The Farmer in the Dell.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Let the cheese be the farmer as you sing the song again.
Encourage children to select those who were not chosen the first
Silberg, J. & P. Schiller (2002). The complete book of rhymes, songs, poems,
fingerplays, and chants. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
One shoe
Have the children sit in a circle.
Clap or beat a drum in a slow, steady rhythm, singing (to the tune
of London Bridge:
Circle Time:
Rise and Shine Movement Activities
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Find It
Colored pieces of construction paper
Tell the children that they will be hunting for different colors
around the classroom.
Hold up a color and say the name of the color. Encourage the
children to move slowly and quietly around the room until they
touch something that color.
Two children can touch the same object. In fact, you might
encourage them to make a spaghetti connection, when the first
person to reach a particular color extends a hand to take the next
persons hand and so on until all have joined.
This is not a race or a competition. The goal is for every child to
touch the color or to touch someone who is touching the color.
Emphasize cooperation and helping everyone find a color.
Repeat with several colors.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Obstacle Course
20 sheets of construction paper
Before Circle Time, make two sets of numbers 1- 10, writing the
numbers on the paper.
Tape one set of numbered papers around the room. Tape them
to chairs, on the floor under tables, and so on. Do not put them
in numerical order; mix them up.
Have the other set of numbers on group time.
Have the children sit in Circle Time.
Hold up the numbers one at a time, in order. Ask the children to
identify the numbers as you hold them up.
Tell the children that they are to find the numbers taped around
the room and touch the numbers in order. First they must find 1,
then 2, and so on. If the numbers are under a table, they must
climb under the table to the other side in order to continue.
When the children have touched all of the numbers in order, they
will meet back at Circle Time.
Circle Time:
Movement Activities
Competencies &
Language Skills
1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1,
3.1, 3.2
Math/Reasoning Skills
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Language/Writing Language/Writing Center
Center: Vocabulary
Words Teaching Tips
Name Recognition
Can you read these names?
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
What letters do these names begin with?
What names begin with the same letter as your name? Language/Writing
Center: Class Book: My
Sunny Day
Center Survey
What center was the favorite on your survey? Competencies &
Why do you think that was the favorite? Objectives:
Did you think that center would be the favorite?
Language Skills
Whats Missing 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
Can you name these animals? 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Can you count these animals? Science Skills
What animal is missing? 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Class Book: What I Like to Do at School Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1, 3.2
For children to develop their expressive language skills through
9 x 12 construction paper
Invite 3 children at a time to the Language/Writing Center.
Explain to the children that they will be creating a class book
about school, and that each child will make a page in the book.
Ask the children to think about their favorite school activities. Language/Writing
Ask the children to tell you about their favorite classroom activity. Center: Class Book:
Encourage them to tell you what they do, and why they enjoy that What I Like to Do at
activity. School
Repeat until every child has written a page.
Staple the pages together and read the book in Afternoon Circle Competencies &
Time. Objectives:
Make the book available in the Library Center.
Language Skills
If possible, cover the pages with contact paper to protect the 1.1, 1.5, 2.1,
pages. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Math/Reasoning Skills
Name Recognition 4.2
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
For children to notice words in print 1.1, 3.1, 3.2
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Language/Writing Materials:
Name cards for all the children in the classroom
Center: Vocabulary
Words Procedure:
Language/Writing Invite 3 children at a time to the Language/Writing Center.
Show the children 3 name cards (not their own names).
Center Ask them to tell you the names. Let them work together to figure
Math Center them out.
Sound out the first letters of the names if they need help, or give
Science Center them hints like, This child is wearing a pink shirt today.
Continue showing them 3 names at a time.
Blocks Center Leave the name cards in the center so the children can copy
Dramatic Play them if they wish.
Center Survey
Music Center
Art Center For children to use expressive and receptive language skills in data
Playground collection, and to practice their counting skills
3 clipboards
Pictures of different centers (may be cut
out of catalogues)
Language/Writing Invite 3 children at a time to the
Center: Name Language/Writing Center.
Recognition Tell them that they will be surveying their classmates to find out
which center they like better.
Competencies & Explain that a survey is used to ask people their opinions on
Objectives: different topics.
Let each child find pictures of three centers. Help them glue
Language Skills these side by side on the top of a piece of paper.
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
Give each child a clipboard and marker for their survey. Tell them
2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Math/Manipulatives Skills
that they can walk around the room and ask everyone to choose
1.1, 1.3 their favorite center.
Social/Emotional Skills Tell the children to put a tally mark, or small line, under the center
1.1, 1.2, 3.4 each time a child chooses it.
Physical Skills After they have surveyed their classmates, ask the children to
1.1, 3.1 come back and compare which center got the most votes.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Whats Missing? Language/Writing
Center: Center Survey
For children to increase their vocabulary Competencies &
Flannel board Language Skills
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2,
Flannel farm animals (cow, horse, chicken, sheep, goat)
2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Math/Reasoning Skills
Procedure: 1.1, 1.3, 3.3
Invite 3 children at a time to the Language/Writing Center. Science Skills
Place the animals on the flannel board one at a time. Ask the 3.4
children to name the animals as you put them on the board. Social/Emotional Skills
Point to each of the animals again and have the children name 1.1, 1.2, 3.4
them. Physical Skills
Count the number of animals with the children. 1.1, 3.1, 3.2
Ask the children to close their eyes.
Remove one animal from the flannel board and hide it behind the
Ask the children to open their eyes.
Count the number of animals with the children.
Ask the children to tell you which animal is missing.
Let them figure it out together.
Repeat the procedure, removing each animal at least once.
Center: Whats
Competencies &
Language Skills
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Math/Reasoning Skills
1.3, 4.2
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Math Center: Math Center
Vocabulary Words
Teaching Tips
Texture Sorting
feel In this activity, children will sort a variety of objects based on how
they feel.
Encourage children to use vocabulary words such as, smooth,
hard rough, and soft to describe the objects.
Vehicle Patterns
What pattern did I make?
Can you copy my pattern?
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
What pattern will you make?
Math Center: Texture
Checkers Sorting
How are these sets the same?
Competencies &
How are these sets different? Objectives:
What can you do to make the sets the same?
Language Skills
Texture Sorting 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Objective: Math/Reasoning Skills
To learn to sort and organize items by examining different attributes
Science Skills
3.1, 3.3, 3.4
Materials: Social/Emotional Skills
Collection of objects with varying textures (shells, pine cones, 1.1, 1.2, 3.4
marbles, blocks, pieces of fur, etc,) Physical Skills
Have a variety of objects available in the Math Center.
Encourage children to group the items together based on how
they feel. For example, some shells and pine combs are rough,
so they can be grouped together.
Ask the children to explain to you how they decided to group
things in a certain way.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Math Center: Encourage the children to experiment with holding the different
objects on the table. Help them count how many objects are in
Vocabulary Words their hands.
vehicle Have the children draw the objects onto the picture of their hands
to represent how many items they were able to hold.
Copley, J.V. (2000). The young child and mathematics. Washington, D.C.:
car National Association for the Education of Young Children.
small Materials:
Large and small toy cars and trucks (for ages 3+)
copy Invite 3 children at a time to the Math/Manipulatives Center.
For each child, create a pattern using the cars and trucks.
create Tell each child what you are doing as you do it. Say, Im going to
make a pattern with these cards and trucks. Here is my pattern:
car, truck, car, truck, car. Can you copy my pattern?
group Have each child count then copy your pattern.
If they easily copy the first pattern you make, make a second
pattern focusing on the colors of the vehicles. This is harder for
the children to do, because they will focus on the type of vehicle
first. Help them focus on the color only. Say, Now Im going to
make a pattern of colors. Here is my pattern: red, red, blue, red,
Math Center: What Can red. It doesnt matter if its a car or truck. Just look at the color.
My Hand Hold? Have each child count then copy your pattern.
Next make patterns based on the size of the vehicle. Help the
Competencies &
children to focus on the size as you make the pattern. Say, Now
Im going to make a pattern of big and small. Here is my pattern:
Language Skills small, big, big, small, big, big. It doesnt matter if it is a car or
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, truck. Just look at the size.
2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Have each child count then copy your pattern.
Math/Reasoning Skills Let the children make up their own patterns for you to copy, or
1.1, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2 they can make patterns for each other.
Science Skills
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1, 3.2
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Checkers Math Center: Vehicle
8 red and 8 black checkers Competencies &
Invite 3 children to the Math Center. They will work together in Language Skills
this activity. 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
Place 3 red checkers in a line on the table. Place 3 black 2.4, 2.5,2.6
checkers in a line on the table. Ask the children, Are these Math/Reasoning Skills
1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 3.1, 4.2
groups the same or different? Let the children tell you what they
Science Skills
think. (They have the same number of checkers, but they are
3.2, 3.4
different colors.) Social/Emotional Skills
Place 4 red checkers in a line on the table. Place 3 black 1.1, 1.2, 3.4
checkers in a line on the table. Ask the children, Are these Physical Skills
groups the same or different? Let the children tell you what they 1.1, 3.1
think. (They have a different number of checkers and are different
Place 2 red checkers on the table. Ask the children to make a set
with the same number of black checkers. Let them count the red
checkers then choose the number of black checkers to place on
the table.
Place 3 black checkers on the table. Ask the children to make a
set with the same number and color of checkers. Let them count
the checkers then copy the set.
Repeat these procedures with differing numbers of checkers. Do
not create a set with more than 5 checkers.
Competencies &
Language Skills
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Math/Reasoning Skills
1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 3.2
Science Skills
3.2, 3.4
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Science Center: Science Center
Vocabulary Words
touch Teaching Tips
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
The Main Attraction: Magnet Boxes Science Center:
What do you think will happen when you move the magnet?
Vocabulary Words
Why do the filings move with the magnet?
What else can the magnet move? yellow
Rainbow in a Jar green
What happens when you drop the colors into the water?
What colors did you put in the water? blue
Can you make new colors?
Long, Short, Tall, Small
How are these things different?
food coloring
Can you put them in order from shortest to longest? pattern
Which is the biggest
Touchy Feely Box
To encourage children to use words to describe the objects that they
feel, and use those descriptions to match objects examine
Materials: long
Shoebox with holes in each end
2 shells short
2 pinecones
2 rocks tall
Procedure: small
Place the items in the box and put the lid on the box.
Have two children sit with the box on the table between them.
Science Center:
Have one child put a hand in the box, touch an object, and try to
Touchy Feely Box
use words to describe it. Tell them to keep their hand in the box
and hold on to the object. Competencies &
Have the other child try to find the same object by touch. Objectives:
When the second child thinks that he/she has found the object,
have them both remove their hands and show the objects they Language Skills
found. 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
Help them use words to talk about what they found. Is it hard, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
soft, smooth, rough, bumpy? Math/Reasoning Skills
Let them continue with the box so that they both have turns to 1.1, 3.1, 3.2
Science Skills
describe the objects.
1.2, 3.1, 3.4
Social/Emotional Skills
Adapted from Williams, R.A., Rockwell, R.E, & Sherwood, E.A. (1987). 1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Mudpies to magnets: A preschool science curriculum. Beltsville, MD: Physical Skills
Gryphon House. 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
The Main Attraction: Magnet Boxes
Science Center: The
Main Attraction: Magnet
For children to explore items with tools and objects
Competencies &
Objectives: Materials:
Magnet box
Language Skills Magnets
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.3, Iron filings (available at hardware stores)
2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Duct tape
Math/Reasoning Skills
Science Skills
Create a magnet box. Use a shallow cardboard box that has a
Social/Emotional Skills clear plastic lid, like a stationery box, or use a shallow box with
1.1, 1.2, 3.4 heavy plastic wrap across the top. Place enough iron filings to
Physical Skills barely cover the bottom, and seal the top with duct tape.
1.1, 3.1 Show the children how to use the box by moving a magnet
across the bottom to make the iron filings. They look through the
top to see the results. Using the magnet on the top is certainly
permissible, the results just arent as dramatic. The children will
soon discover this on their own.
Ask the children to tell you what they notice when they move the
magnet around. Encourage them to describe the patterns they
can make, and the way the iron filings move.
Williams, R.A., Rockwell, R.E., & Sherwood, E.A. (1987). Mudpies to magnets:
A preschool science curriculum. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
Rainbow in a Jar
Science Center: Gallon jar or soda bottle (clear)
Rainbow in a Jar Food coloring
Competencies &
In Circle Time, tell the children that there are new materials
Language Skills available in the Science Center.
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Explain that they can fill the bottle with water, then add drops of
2.4, 2.5, 2.6 different color food coloring to see what happens.
Science Skills This is an activity that takes patience. The children need to add
3.2, 3.3, 3.4 the food coloring drops then sit quietly and watch.
Social/Emotional Skills Encourage the children to try to recreate the colors they see with
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
water colors in the Art Center.
Ask the children to tell you what they observed. Ask them about
the movement of the colors in the water, and how they colors
change as they move together.
Williams, R.A., Rockwell, R.E., & Sherwood, E.A. (1987). Mudpies to magnets:
A preschool science curriculum. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
A variety of the following:
Big and little pine cones
Tall and short flowers with stems
Big and little leaves
Long and short seed pods
Long and short blocks
Lay out two of the objects that have the same shapes but
different sizes. Ask the child to touch the big one then the little
Follow the same procedure with appropriate variation, for each of
the items that are listed in Materials.
The children should be encouraged to pick up and handle the
items in order to physically compare them, to talk about the
objects size in comparison to another like object.
Science Center: Long,
Short, Tall, Small
Rockwell, R.E., Sherwood, E.A., & Williams, R.A. (1983). Hug a tree and other
things to do outdoors with young children. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
Competencies &
Language Skills
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Math/Reasoning Skills
3.1, 3.3
Science Skills
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Blocks Center: Blocks Center
Vocabulary Words
Teaching Tips
experiment The children might need to borrow items from other centers to
create bridges. Encourage them to use their imaginations in
explore building bridges.
Make materials in the Art Center available if the children want to
build bridges out of craft sticks, cardboard, or other materials.
Rampin It
weight Encourage the children to try different materials and different
sizes of ramps for this activity.
span Let them borrow items from other centers as they experiment
with the ramps.
Talking Tips
ramp What do you need to build a bridge?
How do you know if it will work?
incline What else can you use?
tilt Rampin It
Which car do you think will be the fastest?
How did you decide how high to make the ramp?
How did you decide how long to make the ramp?
Blocks Center:
Competencies &
Objectives: Materials:
Language Skills Pictures of bridges
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, Art materials
2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, Anything else the children want to use
Math/Reasoning Skills Procedure:
2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2
Show the children the pictures of different bridges. If possible,
Science Skills
3.4 hang them up in the Blocks Center.
Social/Emotional Skills Encourage children to try to build bridges across block structures.
1.1, 1.2, 3.4 They can also build bridges across shelves in the Blocks Center.
Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Tell the children that they can use materials from other centers Blocks Center:
to make their bridges. For example, they may want to use
cardboard from the Art Center.
Vocabulary Words
They may also build bridges, using craft sticks or legoes, and
bring them to the Blocks Center. roll
Challenge the children to build bridges that are strong enough to
hold cars and other vehicles. speed
Rampin It height
Objective: high
For children to explore and experiment by comparing items and ask
questions fast
Materials: faster
Toy cars and other vehicles (for ages three+) fastest
Board, at least 8 wide, and 2-3 long.
Show the children how to build a ramp. Prop one end of the slower
ramp on one block, and try rolling a car down the ramp.
Encourage the children to try using more blocks to make the
ramp higher, and see how that affects the speed of the cars
rolling down.
Encourage the children to experiment with different sizes of cars
and other vehicles.
Encourage the children to experiment with different round objects
from the classroom, like marbles or balls of string, to see how
they roll down the ramp.
Blocks Center:
The children might want to create a Finish Line with tape at the Rampin It
end of the ramp, and race cars down the ramp.
Competencies &
Williams, R.A., Rockwell, R.E., & Sherwood, E.A. (1987). Mudpies to magnets: Objectives:
A preschool science curriculum. Beltsville, MD: Gryphon House.
Language Skills
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Math/Reasoning Skills
3.1, 3.2
Science Skills
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Music Center: Music Center
Vocabulary Words
Teaching Tips
Free Exploration
The goal of this activity is for children to listen and move to
drums different types of music.
Let the children choose the music they want to listen to.
rhythm sticks Monitor the volume level, and be aware of the children working in
centers nearby. They might enjoy the music, or it might distract
rhythm them.
If you notice that many children in different centers are moving to
the music, invite them all to the music center and have a group
movement movement time. Let everyone dance as they want to the music.
Use your Talking Tips to encourage children to tell you what
scarves they hear and how it makes them feel.
Use your Music Center Vocabulary to help children find the
dance words they need to describe the music and what they are doing.
Talking Tips
Free Exploration
excited Which instruments sounds do you like?
silly How do you decide which instruments to play?
What other instruments would you like to play?
Free Exploration
volume Objective:
To allow children to explore the ways that they can move and react
to different types of music
Music Center: Free
Competencies & CD or cassette player
Objectives: Variety of appropriate music CDs or cassettes (childrens music,
classical, international music)
Language Skills
1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, Procedure:
2.5, 2.6 Play a variety of different types of music throughout the week
Math/Reasoning Skills while children are working in centers.
2.1 Encourage children to dance and move to the music.
Social/Emotional Skills
Throughout the week, ask them if they like the music that is
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
playing, and encourage them to use words to explain why they
1.1, 1.2, 2.1
like it and how it makes them feel.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Dramatic Play Center Dramatic Play
Center: Vocabulary
Teaching Tips Words
The goal is for children to pretend to be the different members of dramatic play
a family, and act out those roles.
Let them decide who to be, and if they end up with three girls housekeeping
playing big sisters and a boy playing the mommy, thats OK.
Use your Talking Tips to encourage children to tell you what mother
they are playing.
Use your Dramatic Play Center Vocabulary to help children find
the words they need to tell you what they are doing.
If they get distracted from playing House, that is fine. The
important thing in this center is for children to use their imagina- sister
Talking Tips
What are you playing today? house
What is your job?
Where did you get that idea?
How do you know what to do?
To allow children to use their imaginations by pretending to be
different people in different situations, especially family members
Dress-up clothes Dramatic Play Center:
Pots and pans House
Kitchen untensils
Toy food Competencies &
Baby dolls Objectives:
Baby blankets and bottles
Language Skills
Toy cleaning supplies 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
Toy kitchen appliances 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Science Skills
1.2, 3.1, 3.3
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Dramatic Play Procedure:
Encourage the children to pretend to be a family when they play
Center: Vocabulary in the Dramatic Play center. Ask them if they are pretending to
Words be different members of a family.
Have materials available that enable children to play house.
refrigerator Put the childrens family photographs and family portraits on the
walls in the Dramatic Play center.
Use your talking tips to discuss the roles that different family
members play.
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Art Center Art Center:
Vocabulary Words
Teaching Tips
finger paint
Finger Painting
The goal of this activity is for children to enjoy feeling the paint move
with the fingers. feel
You might want to let children simply finger paint directly onto
the table, without paper. This activity is often so messy that the touch
paper can tear or become so heavy with paint that it cant be
picked up. texture
Be sure to have smocks available for the children to wear.
You may have one or two children that do not want to get their red
hands dirty. Do not force them to participate.
Bubble Prints
Experiment with pouring the bubble solution in a large, flat pan,
blowing bubbles, then lightly touching the paper to the bubbles. green
This might be easier than using the small container.
Fingerprint Critters
Be sure to use washable ink pads for this activity. purple
Let the children use their imaginations as they put fingerprints on
the paper. Encourage them to see shapes and pictures in the white
pictures that they make.
Drawing faces on the fingerprints transforms them in to bugs and black
animals. brown
Blowing Color mix
The goal of this activity is for children to experiment with moving
color across the page without touching it. bubble
This might be messy. If your art center is very small, you could
do this activity on the playground. blow
Dont forget to have smocks available for the children to wear.
Talking Tips print
Finger Painting paper
What does the paint feel like?
What can you do with your fingers in the paint?
What designs can you make in the paint?
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Art Center: Bubble Prints
What happens when you blow in the paint?
Vocabulary Words What color are the bubbles?
create What happens when you touch the bubbles with the paper?
blow Materials:
Finger paints
watercolors Finger paint paper
Let the children choose the colors of paint they want to work with.
Allow them to paint using their fingers and hands.
This project is messy. Be prepared for clean-up.
Art Center: Finger Finger paint paper is designed to hold a lot of paint without
Painting breaking down. If you dont have finger paint paper, you can try
using construction paper.
Competencies & You can also allow the children to simply paint on the table. The
Objectives: goal is for children to feel the paint, and a finished product is not
Language Skills
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Kohl, M. (1985). Scribble cookies and other independent creative art
2.4, 2.5, 2.6 experiences for children. Bellingham, WA: Bright Ring Publishing.
Science Skills
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Bubble Prints
Art Center: Bubble
For children to explore the properties of Competencies &
paint using alternative tools Objectives:
Kohl, M.A. (1985). Scribble cookies and other independent creative art
experiences for children. Bellingham, WA: Bright Ring Publishing.
Art Center: Fingerprint
Fingerprint Critters Critters
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Decorate with markers. For instance, four fingerprint lined up
together can become a caterpillar with a face and legs.
Kohl, M.A. (1985). Scribble cookies and other independent creative art
experiences for children. Bellingham, WA: Bright Ring Publishing.
Blowing Color
To experiment with a variety of art techniques and learn the names
of colors.
Thin tempera paint
Drinking straws
Art paper
Drop a puddle of paint on the paper using a spoon.
Using a straw, blow on the puddle forcing the paint in any
direction or creating a spraying effect.
Colors may be mixed, or simply use one color. Let the child
Competencies &
Language Skills
1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2,
2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Science Skills
3.2, 3.3, 4.1
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 3.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.
Playground Playground:
Vocabulary Words
Teaching Tips playground
Free Play
It is important that children have plenty of time to run, hop, skip, swings
jump, swing, or just sit with a friend when they are outside. slide
Allow the children to make their own choices about what they are crawl
doing. tunnel
This is the time for them to use their outside voices.
It is important that you remain focused on what they children
are doing, rather than talk to another teacher. The safety of the turn
children is your first priority. hop
Use your Talking Tips to encourage the children to tell you what skip
they are doing.
Use your Playground Vocabulary to help children find the words
they need to tell you what they are doing. run
Talking Tips freeze
Free Play ride
What are you doing?
What do you see on the playground?
What do you hear on the playground? fly
Free Play airplane
For children to use their large muscles to develop physical skills.
Allow the children to play freely on the playground. Encourage Playground: Free Play
them to run, jump, skip, swing, climb, and crawl.
This is the childrens opportunity to exercise their muscles and Competencies &
use their outside voices. Objectives:
Move around the playground frequently so that you can monitor
the entire playground. Do not sit down and talk to other adults Language Skills
for long period of time. The safety of the children is your first 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4,
priority. 2.5, 2.6
Science Skills
1.1, 1.2, 2.1
Social/Emotional Skills
1.1, 1.2, 3.4
Physical Skills
1.1, 2.1
Darling, L. (2007). July: Our favorite things. In L. Darling, Using the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines: A complete curriculum for three-year-
olds. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University Early Childhood Institute.