Drilling Hazard Management - Part 2
Drilling Hazard Management - Part 2
Drilling Hazard Management - Part 2
Attaining success with drilling hazard so low that it is an acceptable risk to un- voir and production engineers, should be
management (DHM) depends on recog- dertake. This likelihood is commonly integral sources of input during discussion
nition of the projects risks. If executed referred to as as low as reasonably prac- and planning. Providers of critical services
effectively, the process yields a compre- tical (ALARP). Mitigating means that should also be included in the process.
hensive awareness that provides a foun- the risk, as currently understood, is not The degree of rigor applied to the risk
dation not only to mitigate risk but also acceptable and requires new or addition- assessment process should be commensu-
to optimize operations. Risk assessment al intervention. These new mitigations rate with the complexity of the well. Al-
can be conducted for any operation. can come in the form of best practices, though the process can be tedious, it be-
This article presents a flexible, iterative policies, procedures, techniques and gins by defining the scope of each separate
process that allows evaluation of planned technologies that better manage the risk. risk assessment session, the sum of which
mitigations that may create further risks. Avoiding usually requires revising the make up the process. All stakeholders in-
The implementation of this process can well design or mitigant in place or elimi- volved need to provide their expertise; it is
be used to critically challenge each facet nating a step or task. important for the stakeholders of various
of the well design. Using a risk matrix as a guidance tool disciplines to fully understand the impact
Risk assessment should be applied at enables the team to select any action of their own objectives, procedures and
the following stages of the well planning that it determines to be reasonable and requirements and to be prepared to brain-
process: appropriate for the operation. A matrix storm on any given operational task.
Analysis: Evaluating design alter- provides a vehicle for documenting and Understanding the scope of each ses-
natives for potential risks, hazards and organizing what is important to better sion allows the stakeholders to use their
benefits facilitates selection of the best understand the risk profiles of the opera- own experiences and knowledge to dis-
approach. tions and manage accordingly. Decisions cern possible and probable risks and haz-
Design: The basis of design doc- are guided by company policies, rules or ards. Asking what if opens the session
ument provides specifics of the selected regulations, as well as those of the rel- to speculative scenarios. If, for example,
alternative and requires more focused evant regulatory authorities. the session scope is risk assessment of
evaluation. tripping the drillstring, the what ifs
Execution: Risk assessments of PREPARATION would include such risks as stuck pipe,
all procedures, logistics, communica- Factual information, a clear scope and loss of circulation and swabbing. Partici-
tions, etc., should be conducted to en- well-defined objectives are needed to con- pants prepared to bring their experiences
sure that all risks are managed, to help duct a focused risk assessment. The first and knowledge to identify risks and haz-
minimize non-productive time and to step of the process is to perform due dili- ards help the team use time efficiently,
sustain performance. gence and collect all pertinent data avail- stay within the scope, and compile a
For any change in the scope of the able. Adequate data collection should in- comprehensive assessment.
operation, the management of change clude the most current information from
document should be accompanied by a all sources and stakeholders. Data can CONDUCTING RISK
risk assessment of any new procedures, come from multiple sources including, ASSESSMENT SESSIONS
practices or technologies. (Within this but not limited to, local, regional and The initial risk assessment session
article, we will deal only with risk of me- global well histories, reports, studies and should be conducted in a multidisci-
chanical success and efficiency risk, not personal experiences. plinary environment to collect risks and
risks associated with health, safety and Risk assessment success depends on associated consequences from the stake-
the environment.) the quality and range of the participants holders. All participants should be given
Three alternative responses succinctly knowledge and experience. A broad an opportunity to identify their risks and
sum up how risk can be managed: accept, knowledge base and a wide range of ex- consequences, which can be accomplished
mitigate or avoid. Accepting a risk means pertise produce better results. Drilling through simple brainstorming. Once the
that the likelihood and consequence of engineering peers and personnel of other what ifs are identified, consequences
the risk event actually happening ranks disciplines, such as geoscientists and reser- can be determined by asking so what.
World Oil OCTOBER 2010 43
Identification of potential risks and their Sometimes risk can be superfluous, how the associated risks impact the cost
consequences constitutes the risk regis- or deemed so by some of the stake- of the well. Risk assessments become a
teri.e., the full list of what ifs and so holders. For example, a driller might decision quality tool and therefore assist
whats associated with all operations. be concerned about the risk of sticking in evaluating alternative well models.
Adherence to a few basic rules can a wireline tool given hole conditions,
help ensure an effective session. They while a geologist might not think it is a The risk matrix. Acceptable forms of
include appointing an unbiased facilita- problem. Nevertheless, these risks should risk matrices can range from a very sim-
tor and an excellent scribe; reviewing the always be recorded and evaluated. The ple categorization of risk by high, medi-
risk assessment tool and its capabilities; process, particularly if the worst-case risk um and low risk of occurrence to a more
and defining and communicating the events are evaluated first, often removes granular tabular matrix for probability
sessions scope before beginning. In addi- the superfluous issues by default. on one axis and severity of consequence
tion, it is important to maintain reason- Another issue that sometimes arises on the other. In general, the more granu-
able time limits for sessions; experience focuses on the costs used to determine lar the matrix, the more valuable it is in
suggests that anything over two hours the risk-adjusted value of a new mitigant. terms of defining, ranking and managing
can be counterproductive. The risk reg- This issue should be raised in the early, risks. Table 1 depicts a typical industry
ister should be completed offline by the brainstorming risk assessment sessions, risk matrix.
engineer or another person responsible but only using rough numbers, since The risk matrix can be adjusted for
for the project or well. Do not debate these sessions should be high-level discus- levels of likelihood or probability and
or wordsmith the brainstorming session; sions. Dwelling on minutia at this point costs. Identifying costs associated with
simply allow each person to offer his or leads to losing sight of the scope. If more consequences is important to evaluate the
her ideas and record them in the register. granularity is required, a subsequent risk- added value and risk-adjusted costs of any
Work out granularity and details offline. assessment session can be scoped, com- new mitigant. The only exception is for
The idea of a brainstorming session is to municated to all stakeholders, and con- health, safety and environmental (HSE)
record, simply and concisely, the risks ducted on that singular focus. Over time, risk, because it is not possible to monetize
and associated consequences that collec- granularity and objectivity improves, the value of human life. Adjustments to
tively constitute the risk register. but keeping the multidisciplinary brain- the matrix axis should be based on rel-
storming sessions at a high level is neces- evant best fits for any given project. For
RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS sary to establish an initial baseline. example, if an operation is in deep water,
The risk assessment process is dynamic The risk assessment process should costs should be those that are relevant to
and should be continually reviewed and also determine and justify tradeoffs the operation itself. Probabilities are more
updated with the most current informa- among geoscientists, reservoir engineers, subjective, but percentages of occurrence
tion. Because a consequence can also be- production engineers and drilling en- should be based on the experience and
come a new risk, the assessment process gineers. Accommodating stakeholders knowledge of, and agreed to by, the team
can be somewhat circular in nature. For from each of these disciplines is funda- conducting the risk assessment.
example, if the risk is fluid loss and the mental to the process and one of the rea- In general, the same matrix should be
consequence is stuck pipe, this conse- sons why it is necessary to assess any risk used for successive operations at a given
quence becomes a new risk that generates mitigant. Total cost of ownership means project or well, to provide continuity, so
a new consequence, such as that the pipe that the various disciplines understand long as the relative values remain repre-
becoming irretrievably stuck. The key to the tradeoffs that occur in well planning sentative of the project or well over time.
addressing circular issues is managing the designs and, ultimately, execution of the If these values change significantly, then
worst-case risk event first. This approach well. For example, directional well targets a new matrix may be warranted.
usually resolves circular issues and the in slimhole profiles have specific risks as-
original risk itself. The risk then eventual- sociated with hole cleaning. The geosci- The risk assessment process
ly becomes mitigated and thus managed. entists need to understand this issue and tool. It is important to capture risks in
510% 4 Unlikely 9 8 7 6 5 4
< 5% 5 Remote 10 9 8 7 6 5
< 1% 6 Rare 10 10 9 8 7 6
Increasing consequence/impact
Consequence indices (examples
6 5 4 3 2 1
can be adjusted for local costs)
Incidental Minor Moderate Major Severe Catastrophic
Consequence description (rig or Loss of hole Loss of more than
equipment damage/downtime, Half day lost Day lost Loss of well Loss of rig
section 1 hole section
($100K) ($100K$250K) ($2M$20M) (> $20M)
mechanical damage/downtime) ($250K$1M) ($1M$5M)
a tool that can be used to conduct and industry risk assessment tool populated EXECUTION PHASE
record the entire risk assessment pro- with step-wise aspects of the process. AND WELL LISTENING
cess. The process must be auditable and The table uses actual examples to illus- In the execution phase of well opera-
sustainable. Table 2 represents a typical trate key points. tions, DHM begins with understanding
and making the correct proactive deci- making the formation being drilled more case, gumbo. This phenomenon can hap-
sions regarding the totality of the drilling difficult to penetrate; thus the ROP de- pen in any mud balance condition and
dynamics. The art of listening to the well creases with poor performance. is exacerbated if the mud weight is too
involves simply recognizing, integrat- High bit wear. Extraordinary mud high. If wetting occurs with mud weight
ing and correctly interpreting all drilling weight force creates more confining too high, reducing the mud weight can
dynamicsweight on bit, drillstring ro- stress on the rock, making the rock more create further instability because wetted
tational speed, equivalent circulating den- difficult to drill. shale will relieve stress. Newly exposed
sity (ECD) and shale shaker cuttingsto Overly wet shale. Mud weight that is shales undergo ionic exchange and are re-
assist in making the correct decision while too high increases the instability of the wetted. Once the applied mud weight is
executing drilling operations. shale section. Shale is not permeable but too high, it can be nearly impossible to
For example, indicators that the ECD does respond to wetting through ionic correct this condition, as the hazard will
is too low include the following: exchange, much the same as clay on the compound itself.
Unexpectedly high rate of penetra- ground that cracks when dry, then swells
tion (ROP). A mud weight that is too when hydrated. Overly wet shale reduces LIMITS OF REAL-TIME DATA
low can have the net effect of removing the net effect of inhibition, regardless of The advent of real-time technologies
the force at the bit, allowing the forma- the drilling fluid. Even oil-based systems facilitates accurate decisions and best
tion being drilled to fail more easily, thus are never 100% water free. practices for any operation. However, the
increasing ROP. Fluid loss. Mud weight that is too industrys growing dependence on real-
Torque/drag increase. Removal of high creates unnecessary fluid losses and time data can foster a singular focus that
mud weight force can cause the formation differential sticking, and exacerbates the sometimes results in misinterpretation of
to collapse inward, thereby creating lateral risk of fracturing softer formations. issues. For example, operators often re-
forces on the bit, BHA and drillstring. Indicators of other hazards include spond to the commonplace occurrence
Cavings (particularly concave or the following: of background gas by weighting up drill-
splintered). Recognizing the types of D exponents (changing drillability ing systems arbitrarily. This reactionor
cuttings over the shaker is critical to trends). This quantity represents real- a reaction stemming from misinterpreta-
drilling data interpretation. Cuttings time drilling analogs of specific energy tion of any of the above dynamicsis
from a shale section where the wellbore applied to the bit or formation drillability. counterproductive to performance and
is approaching failure will characteristi- This data is normally and routinely com- can also induce dangerous drilling con-
cally appear concave (the shape of the piled in the mud log and can represent ditions. Good drilling practices revolve
hole) or splintered. shifts in drilling trends from a normal to around interpretation of the totality of the
Flowrate increase. Decreased force a stressed environment. Trend shifts are data to make the correct decision while
of the mud weight can create underbal- very reliable predictors of changes in the drilling; singular interpretation of condi-
anced conditions, allowing fluid influx drilling environment. This data com- tions associated with any of the drilling
into the wellbore. piled with other interpretations can be dynamics can be counterproductive to
Shut-in drill pipe pressure and/or a clear indictor of the need to increase maintaining a safe and stable wellbore, as
well control. This is an obvious condi- mud weight, especially in light of other illustrated with the following examples.
tion of well control events or formations interpreted data.
trying to feed into the wellbore. A common misunderstanding in the Ballooning (wellbore breathing).
Drilling break gas failing to fall industry is that D exponents have no Ballooning is a phenomenon that of-
out after circulating. This indicates in value with fixed cutters, when quite the ten occurs as a consequence of exces-
situ gas feeding into the wellbore from a opposite is true. This engineering-spe- sively high ECD. Resultant flowback
permeable gas horizon. cific energy algorithm is independent of when pumps are shut down can often
BHA drift (principal stress vectors). bit type. Another value of these as trend be confused with influx caused by a pore
Pseudo-induced stress can be caused by predictors is that they can help forecast pressure that is greater than mud bal-
tectonics, salt diapers, faults, etc. Stress changes in wellbore stresses, which pres- ance. This interpretation is often further
can be quite different from pore pres- sure-while-drilling (PWD) tools cannot. complicated by gas entrained in shale,
sure in magnitude and is a vector. This PWD tools measure only the net balance common especially in mottled shale.
phenomenon can have the net effect of in the static and dynamic states. Weighting up the mud to counter the
trying to force the BHA in a principal Elliptical hole (principal stress vec- shale gas can further complicate balloon-
direction if not correctly balanced with tors). An elliptical hole is normally an ing. Arbitrarily increasing mud weight in
mud weight. Recognizing the difference after-the-fact indicator, but recognizing the presence of shale gas alone can result
between stress and pore pressure while this stress-induced hazard can help plan in the extension of natural fractures or
drilling is crucial to interpreting dynam- the next well to identify wellbore stability fracturing of the formation below or at
ic drilling data. issues and assist in directional planning. the shoe, sometimes with catastrophic
Hole fill-up (sloughing or collaps- This data can also be used to compare consequences.
ing hole). Hole collapse can result in fill conventional pore pressure predictions to Failure to distinguish ballooning from
when off bottom and is quite common stress both in direction and in magnitude a well control event is a common mistake
in softer formations. and to better deliver a reliable mud weight made in drilling operations. It is also one
Indicators of excessively high ECD schedule and help improve predictions. of the leading causes of unnecessarily ex-
include the following: Fluffy, wetted shales (chemical in- pending casing strings in narrow-margin
Unexpectedly low ROP. If the mud stability). Chemical instability is com- drilling operations such as occur in high-
weight is too high, it can have the net ef- mon in shale. Cuttings characteristics can pressure/high-temperature and deepwa-
fect of adding confining force at the bit, be exhibited as fluffy or, in the worst ter environments.
48 OCTOBER 2010 World Oil
In a typical case in an actual well, always arrives with the cuttings and ex-
high ECD resulted in ballooning, and a pands according to Boyles law, no mat-
subsequent increase of the mud weight ter the mud weight.
resulted in the extension of existing frac- Drilling in shale continued from
tures. The higher ECD further exacer- 13,300 ft to 14,000 ft, with increasing
bated wellbore instability by increasing background gas. The well was circulated
the cyclic bleed-offs. Ultimately, the and conditioned with no fill. The BOP
mud weight increase fractured the for- was closed with no flow and no pressure
mation, and massive and unsafe fluid observed, and control was circulated
losses were sustained before control of through the choke. No torque spikes,
the well was regained. drag or fill were observed, and cuttings
The sequence of events began with the still appeared normal. Mud weight was
setting of casing at 11,370 ft with 1.7-sg increased to 2.0 sg while circulating on
mud weight. This mud weight was arbi- the choke.
trarily increased in the shoe track to 1.9 sg The shut-in drill pipe pressure of 340
before drilling ahead. ECD management psi was bled back with no further flow or
became difficult, with frequent ballooning pressure. The BOP was closed with 340
events. Frequently conducted flow checks psi, then opened. The well briefly had a
showed no flow. All other drilling dynam- small initial flow and then shut in with
ics were normal; there was no torque or no pressure. The well was opened and
drag, and cuttings appeared normal. found to be stable with no flow. Shut-
As background gas increased in the in pressure was not measurable. The well
shale interval, the mud was weighted was circulated and conditioned, and the
up several times without conducting mud weight was further increased to 2.3
any flow checks. Gas alone is not a rea- sg, and later to 2.45 sg with immediate
son to increase mud weight; since shale and massive fluid losses. Ballooning-in-
does not have transmissibility but does duced fracturing occurred after the mud
have porosity, entrained gas is common weight increase. Three days of circulat-
and cannot be weighted out, especially ing and conditioning back to 2.1 sg was
in highly mottled shale. Entrained gas necessary to stabilize the well.
Solution set
1. Avoid applying excessive mud weight; improve hydraulics and overall
ECD including improved hole cleaning and controlled drilling.
2. Flush or spot 13% fibrous and/or flaked LCM pill, or add 13% fibrous
and/or flaked LCM to circulation mud.
3. Flush or spot 13% sized calcium carbonate pill, or add 13% sized
calcium carbonate to circulation mud.
4. Spot and/or squeeze 812% LCM pill (mixture of fibrous, flaked and granular LCM).
5. Apply cement spot and/or squeeze.
6. Specialty techniques such as chemical pig or gunk squeeze.
7. Blind drilling.
8. Improve mud cake by adding asphaltic material.
Type of formation
Sandstone Coal
Med. Frac- Small Frac-
Type of loss Congl. (or silty Low por. High por.
por. tured fissured tured
1,2 1 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,8 1,8
1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3,2 1,3,2 1,8,2 1,8,2
1,4 1,4 1,3,6 1,3,2,5 1,3,2,5 1,3,2,4,5 1,2,4 1,2,4,5
1,4,5 1,7,4,5 1,3,5,6 1,3,5,6 1,4,5,6 1,4,5 1,4,5
1,7,4,5,6 1,7,4,5,6 1,7,4,5,6 1,7,4,5,6 1,4,5,6 1,4,5,6
lihood of the risk event occurring, and the
risk adjusted cost should be financially
Time, hh:mm:ss beneficial to the overall operation. It is
Source: Swanson, B.W. et al., SPE 38480, 1997 therefore important to understand how
Fig. 1. Successful bleed-back of ballooned, or trapped, pressure. various technologies can improve the abil-
ity to mitigate and manage risk and im-
prove the ultimate value of the well. WO
A decision was made to run liner once the types, relative volumes, classes of li- THE AUTHORS
the well was stable. The pore pressure/ thology, and placement of proper lost-cir-
fracture gradient curves were observed to culation material (LCM) is critical to the David Pritchard is a pe-
troleum engineer with 40
be normal. It was determined that, other successful management of fluid losses. years of industry experi-
than background and connection gas, The best practice and first line of de- ence, including manage-
which bled off, there had been no reason fense is to avoid overweighting the hole ment and supervision of
initially to increase the mud weight. and thereby prevent ballooning events. worldwide drilling and
production operations. He
In this well, properly managing ECD Typical fluid loss decision tree processes has consulted for an array
and recognizing ballooning as a conse- can and should be created. Table 3 is an of national and interna-
quence of high ECD could have allowed example of the foundation of a fluid-loss tional independents, major
the well section to be drilled deeper. The control application process. companies and service providers. As owner of
Pritchard Engineering and Operating, Mr. Prit-
misinterpretation of ballooning required chard developed, participated in and operated a
the setting of a liner before planned and Stuck pipe. Stuck pipe is a drilling haz- number of oil and gas properties in the ArkLaTex
caused the loss of a casing point. The ard that can be associated with balloon- region of the US. He holds a BS degree in petro-
consequences could have been much ing and fluid losses. Recognizing and leum engineering from the University of Tulsa.
worsewellbore collapse or even a shal- avoiding stuck pipe requires some of the
Pat York is the Director of Commercialization
lower formation influx from an under- same well listening techniques as used and Marketing for Weatherford Intl.s Solid Ex-
balanced formation. for other hazards. Generally, stuck pipe is pandables and Drilling Hazard Mitigation prod-
When ballooning is recognized, care avoidable if drilling margins are honored uct/service lines. He has 38 years of oil and gas
must be taken to avoid unnecessarily and listening guidelines are observed. industry experience. Before joining Weather-
ford, Mr. York was Vice President of Commer-
weighting up. Instead, trapped pressure Some causes of stuck pipe that might cialization and Marketing for Enventure Global
must be bled back. Figure 1 represents an have little to do with the drilling margin Technology after tenures with Halliburton and
actual case where ballooned pressure was are coal sections; shale welling (gum- Dresser Atlas. He earned a BS degree in electri-
recognized and successfully bled back. bo); hole packoffs around the BHA; cal engineering at Northwestern State Univer-
sity in 1972 and pursued his MBA degree there
under-gauge hole; wellbore geometry before launching his oilfield career.
Fluid loss. Fluid losses can range from (such as hole restriction in highly per-
slight to catastrophic and result in meable sections with high fluid loss); Scott Beattie has 22 years of oilfield service ex-
wellbore failure or well control events. collapsed casing; cement blocks; junk; perience. After spells with Halliburton and Baker
Oil Tools, he has spent the past 14 years with
They primarily occur because the ECD green cement; cuttings beds or buildup, Weatherford Intl. in various roles, primarily sup-
is outside the safe drilling margin de- especially in high-angle holes; and salt, porting drilling technologies. Mr. Beatties latest
fined by the overburden fracture gradi- causing plastic flow. Prevention of stuck assignment is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as
ent on the high side and the in situ pore pipe in each of these scenarios requires Global Business Unit Manager for Drilling with
Casing. He is a key member of Weatherford In-
pressures and stress of the formations on an awareness of overall hole conditions; tl.s Drill Hazard Mitigation team.
the low side. These boundaries can be of course, some are unavoidable, such as
exceeded as a result of ballooning or, in unknown collapsed casing. Nonetheless, Don Hannegan is the Drilling Hazard Mitigation
porous formations, because an unneces- they should all be considered as poten- Technology Development Manager for Weath-
sarily high mud weight is applied. Main- tial risks and assessed. erford Intl. He received World Oils 2004 Inno-
vative Thinker Award for his role in conceiving
taining the ECD low enough to ensure The best practices to avoid stuck pipe and developing specialized equipment and con-
fluid volume integrity yet high enough are much the same as for ballooning and cepts applicable to managed pressure drilling
to maintain wellbore integrity is critical, fluid lossrecognizing the conditions of challenging and complex wells. He was re-
and requires well listening. within the drilling margins and events cently appointed by the University of Texas Pe-
troleum Engineering Extension Service (PETEX)
Sometimes losses can be acceptable and reacting correctly. Other factors that to serve as lead author of a textbook to be titled
and sustained. In these cases, recognizing should be considered include BHA and Drilling Hazard Mitigation Tools & Technology.
Article copyright 2010 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in the US.
52 OCTOBER 2010 World Oil
Not to be distributed in electronic or printed form, or posted on a website, without express written permission of copyright holder.