Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What is the recommendation by the Embassy of Japan to get MEXT scholarship and how to
receive that recommendation by the Embassy of Japan?
The recommendation by the Embassy of Japan is one of the ways to receive Japanese
MEXT government scholarship. In order to get the recommendation by the Embassy of
Japan a person must participate in the MEXT competition announced by the Embassy of
Japan. Competition consists of the application to desired type of scholarship which meets
the qualifications of the applicant, examination composed by MEXT, and participation in the
interview. The best applicants are recommended to the MEXT by the Embassy of Japan.
IMPORTANT: the final screening and decision regarding scholarship are made by MEXT.
3. Which documents should be submitted if a person wants to apply for MEXT scholarship?
4. Should the documents translated into English language be validated by the notary?
5. Should an applicant submit Health Certificate together with all the documents?
Health Certificate should NOT necessarily be submitted together with all the documents.
After the screening process, the Health Certificate must be submitted only by those
applicants whose documents are sent to MEXT in Japan, for the final screening.
6. Can 12th graders who have not received their school graduation certificates yet, submit
documents for MEXT Undergraduate students program?
Yes, 12th graders, who have not received their school graduation certificates yet, CAN
participate in the competition. Those applicants who successfully pass the screening process
must provide school graduation certificates as soon as possible.
7. Can the penultimate-year students submit documents for MEXT Research students program?
Yes, penultimate-year students CAN participate in the competition in order to take up the
scholarship in October next year. University bachelor program should be finished before
starting studies in Japan.
8. The article No. 2.(3).2. in MEXT Research students program guidelines states that
(applicant) is or will be aged 22 or older. Should the applicant be of at least 22 years old
on the date of the deadline of the program?
The applicant must be of at least 22 years old by the April 1st of the following year (the year
when the program starts).
9. What are the stages of competition for the MEXT scholarship programs?
The first stage of the competition for the MEXT scholarship programs is the submission of
applications and all required documents. Applications are screened, and later all the students
who have correctly provided all documents are invited to take exams that are composed by
MEXT. The applicants who get the best results in the exam are invited for the interview with
the commission of International Studies Committee and the representatives of the Embassy
of Japan.
The candidates selected by the joint commission should provide Health Certificates and all
other missing (if there are such) documents. After that the documents are sent to MEXT for
the final screening. The final decision from MEXT is received within half a year after the
competition in Lithuania.
10. What are the stages of competition for the MEXT Research student scholarship program,
after the recommendation from the Embassy of Japan is received?
Applicants who applied for Research student scholarship program and who have
successfully passed all the selection stages, should sent electronic version of their
application documents, and copies of documents (if required) that are validated by the stamp
of the Embassy of Japan to the chosen universities that are listed in the application form. If
an applicant receives a positive reply from one of the universities then s/he must provide this
document to the Embassy of Japan as soon as possible (until the date set, usually around mid
of September).
11. Where can application forms for MEXT scholarship programs be found?
Application forms for MEXT scholarship programs can be found in the website Study in
Japan (
Examples of MEXT exams from previous years can be found in the website Study in Japan
13. Can results of TOEFL, IELTS or other English language exam certificates recognized
internationally be provided to prove applicants English language level?
Applying for any MEXT scholarship program, English language exam composed by MEXT
is obligatory. TOFEL, IELTS or other English language exams are not considered, therefore
those documents need not be provided.
14. Is Japanese language exam required applying for MEXT scholarship programs?
All applicants applying for MEXT scholarship programs must pass the Japanese language
exam composed by MEXT. If you do not know Japanese language, you still need to pass the
exam and sign your name and last name on the exam sheet.
15. Which exams should be taken applying for MEXT scholarship competition?
16. What is the deadline to submit the documents for MEXT scholarship programs?
The deadline varies slightly every year, the latest information about the scholarship
programs can be found on the webpage of the Embassy of Japan in Home section. The
submission of applications for Japanese Studies and Teachers Training Programs usually
takes place in February, whereas for other programs in May.
IMPORTANT: The documents should always be submitted to the indicated institution prior
the deadline, which means that documents should be received not later than the date of a
deadline. Please note that this rule differs from the rules of Lithuania, where the documents
can be posted on the last day of the deadline.
17. Where the documents applying for MEXT scholarship programs should be submitted?
The address where the documents should be sent is always indicated on the advertisement of
the latest competition. Usually the documents for the Japanese Studies and for the Teachers
Training Programs before the deadline should be submitted at the Embassy of Japan in
Lithuania, address: M. K. Ciurlionio 82B, LT-03100 Vilnius (please always indicate the
name of the program). Applying for Undergraduate Students Program and Research
Students Program as well as for Technical College Students and Specialized College
Students Programs, documents before the deadline should be submitted at Higher Education
Programs Unit at Education Exchanges Support Foundation, address: Gelezinio Vilko 12,
LT-01112 Vilnius (please always indicate the name of the program).
18. When and where do MEXT exams and interviews take place?
Regarding the time and place of MEXT exams and interviews, all the applicants are
informed by phone or e-mail personally, thus please provide CORRECT contact information
in the application.
19. Can a person presently living or studying abroad apply for MEXT scholarship?
Yes, citizens of the Republic of Lithuania who are currently living or studying aboard and
meet the requirements to participate in the MEXT competition can apply for the program,
with the condition that they have a possibility to take part in MEXT exams and interviews.
The date of MEXT exams and interviews cannot be changed, and all applicants must take
the exam at the same time.
The number of applicants varies every year. Last year, there were fewer than 10 persons
participating in the Undergraduate Students Program, up to 20 persons in the Research
Students Program and fewer than 10 in other programs.
21. How many applicants are selected to go to Japan and study in MEXT programs?
The number of selected applicants varies. For the study year 2011 there were no candidates
selected to participate in Undergraduate Students Program, and 2 applicants to participate in
MEXT Research Students Program and 1 applicant to participate in Japanese Studies
Program. In other programs, no applicants were selected.
If you have any more questions please contact the Embassy of Japan at tel.: (8-5)231 04 65
or at email: