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Guide to GeneRal RepaiR & Remedial WateRpRoofinG

Present Scenario of Concrete & Masonry Structures Mix Proportion Comparison of Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ with other hh Effect of Dr. Fixit LW+ in containing capillary rise in concrete
usual Integral Waterproofing Compounds Concrete mixed with Concrete not mixed with
yy Primary Waterproofing is always provided by an elastic Dr. Fixit LW+ Dr. Fixit LW+
Components Control mix Mix with Dr. Fixit
coating/membrane. However, the general resistance to kg/m3 Pidiproof LW+ kg/m3
water penetration and the resultant improved durability Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ Usual Integral Waterproofing
of structures is often ignored but can be achieved
through Secondary Waterproofing. Cement (PPC) 380 380

yy More than 85% of the concrete produced in India is Fine aggregate 926 926 Conforms IS 2645 and 9103 Usual Integral Waterproofing
still made by volume batching. There is lack of control conforms only IS 2645 hence
CA - I 452 452
of W/C ratio at sites. The control on quality of sand no improvement in strength Water does not rise Water is rising
and aggregate is very limited. The concrete usually CA-II 552 552
Resists Corrosion Not observed
has high permeability. Water 190 179
yy In the foundation concrete there is ingress of salts Dr. Fixit LW+ 200 ml /50 kg bag
Acts against capillary water No evidence in simple types hh Effect of Dr. Fixit LW+ in Brick Masonry
and water. This causes deterioration of concrete and rising dampness. Therefore, of Integral waterproofing
of Cement Mortar mixed with Mortar not mixed with
improve durability in compounds
also the ground water rises in the walls through the Dr. Fixit LW+ Dr. Fixit LW+
capillaries in mortar and bricks. This leads to persistent Comparative Properties
rising dampness and peeling-of paints in walls at the No other liquid integral waterproofing compound or
ground level. Test Parameters Aging Control mix Mix with admixture in the market offers all the features for
days Dr. Fixit LW+
yy The pollutants like CO2 etc. along with water enter into concrete /mortar improvement like the unique
the concrete above ground leading to rebar corrosion Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+.
and deterioration of concrete. Rapid Chloride 28 1481 1079
Penetration Test in days
The normal admixtures do not reduce water permeability,
yy Site-mixed mortar and plaster are commonly in
Coulomb, (as per hence no secondary waterproofing is achieved.
use, unlike pre-mix mortars used in other countries. Water does not rise Water is rising
The site-mixed mortars lack adhesion and cohesive
Water Permeability 28 18.00 11.00 How does Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ work? hh Effect of Dr. Fixit LW+ on water permeation through concrete
properties compared to the international practice.
in mm, (avg. of three days
Ultimately, cracks appear in mortar and plaster samples) (as per
yy Narrow lanes called capillaries are formed during Concrete mixed with Concrete not mixed with
Dr. Fixit LW+ Dr. Fixit LW+
surfaces. DIN-1048) at hydration of cement. These voids become a route for
pressure 5 kg/cm ingress of chlorides, sulphates etc. Dr. Fixit Pidiproof
yy All in all, cracks and dampness in concrete & masonry
Drying Shrinkage, 28 0.278 0.193 LW+ breaks these capillaries. Some hydrophobic
structures bring down their actual life from the
%. (average of three days polymeric molecules present in Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+,
designed level. samples) as per fill the pores and imparts a hydrophobic environment,
IS-2185 Part-1)
Solution : Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ which repels the water molecule and increases the
Compressive 3 days 14.20 16.71 impermeability property of the mortar or concrete.
yy Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ is a unique cement additive strength (N/mm2)
having judicious combination of various selective yy The polymeric and the cement particles have the
7 days 21.76 23.84
polymers which work in different manner to give same charge and hence particles disperse and release Water does not get permeated Water gets permeated
different properties such as, 28 36.28 38.78 locked water. This improves workability, hydration and
days increases strength of concrete/mortar. hh The photograph shows improved cohesion of Dr. Fixit
yy Improved dispersion mechanism leading to water Pidiproof LW+ mortar sticking to the trowel whereas
reduction of 6-8%. Water Soluble 0.0051 0.0042
yy Some selective polymeric particles also get into the normal mortar slips down.
Chloride %,
yy Increase in compressive strength . pores and the impermeability gives the delaying
corrosion property and also act against rising
yy Micro structure refinement which reduces yy The compressive strength of concrete specimen dampness. These particles are very fine micro-particles
permeability. with Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ shows an increase of which reach all the rear points and throughout the
7% in 28 days. The RCPT value (measure of chloride
yy Corrosion resistance mortar or concrete matrix.
penetration), water permeability and drying shrinkage
Comparison of normal concrete with Dr. Fixit of the concrete specimen with Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ yy There is improvement in cohesiveness. This reduces
Pidiproof LW+ concrete shows 27%, 39% and 30% reduction which is quite the rebound loss in trowelling, leading to higher mason
significant. What is remarkable is that Dr. Fixit Pidiproof productivity.
yy For the same set of cement, sand, aggregates and
LW+ concrete has shown improved impermeability over
water, the effect of adding Dr. Fixit Pidiproof LW+ into yy An overall effect of reduced cracking is observed.
PPC concrete, which by itself is more impermeable than
the concrete has been compared below.
OPC concrete.
Dr. Fixit brings you the widest range of Construction Chemicals

Pidilite Industries Limited

Construction Chemicals Division
Ramkrishna Mandir Road, Post Box No. 17411
Andheri (E) Mumbai 400059 INDIA
Tel +91-22-2835 7000 Fax +91-22-2835 7008
www.doctor-fixit.com drfixitadvice@pilmail.com

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DISCLAIMER The product information & application details given by the company & its agents has been provided in good faith & meant to serve only as a general guideline
during usage. Users are advised to carry out tests & take trials to ensure on the suitability of products meeting their requirement prior to full scale usage of our products. Since
the correct identification of the problems, quality of other materials used and on-site workmanship are factors beyond our control, there are no expressed or implied guarantee/
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