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Data Center Solution

DC Technical Proposal

Issue 01

Date 2011-08-31


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Data Center Solution
DC Technical Proposal Contents


1 Data Center Network Overview ................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Introduction to a Data Center ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Overall Requirement for the DC Network ....................................................................................................... 1
1.3 DC Network Solution ....................................................................................................................................... 2

2 Service Requirements................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Data Service ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.2 Network Requirements of the Data Service ............................................................................................ 8
2.3 Web Service.................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Network Requirements of the Web Service .......................................................................................... 11
2.4 Computing Service ......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.2 Network Requirements of the Computing Service................................................................................ 13

3 DC Network Design ................................................................................................................... 15

3.1 Network Architecture ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Core Area Networking Planning .................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Physical Networking Planning .............................................................................................................. 18
3.2.2 Reliability Planning .............................................................................................................................. 20
3.2.3 Security Planning .................................................................................................................................. 22
3.3 Server Area Networking Planning .................................................................................................................. 22
3.3.1 Physical Networking Planning .............................................................................................................. 22
3.3.2 Channel Separating on Servers ............................................................................................................. 23
3.3.3 Reliability Planning .............................................................................................................................. 26
3.3.4 Security Planning .................................................................................................................................. 28
3.4 Storage Area Networking Planning ................................................................................................................ 28
3.4.1 Physical Networking Planning .............................................................................................................. 28
3.4.2 Reliability Planning .............................................................................................................................. 29
3.4.3 Security Planning .................................................................................................................................. 29
3.5 Interconnection Area Networking Planning ................................................................................................... 30
3.5.1 Physical Networking Planning .............................................................................................................. 30

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3.5.2 Internet Area ......................................................................................................................................... 31

3.5.3 Extranet Area ........................................................................................................................................ 32
3.5.4 Intranet Area ......................................................................................................................................... 32
3.6 Management Area Networking Planning ....................................................................................................... 33
3.6.1 Physical Networking Planning .............................................................................................................. 33
3.7 VLAN Planning.............................................................................................................................................. 35
3.7.1 VLAN Overview ................................................................................................................................... 35
3.7.2 Principles .............................................................................................................................................. 36
3.7.3 Recommendation .................................................................................................................................. 36
3.8 IP Planning ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.8.1 IP Address Planning .............................................................................................................................. 37
3.8.2 DNS Planning ....................................................................................................................................... 37
3.9 Route Planning ............................................................................................................................................... 40
3.9.1 Routing Overview ................................................................................................................................. 40
3.9.2 IGP Design ............................................................................................................................................ 41
3.9.3 BGP Design........................................................................................................................................... 42
3.10 VPN and the Service Area Planning ............................................................................................................. 43
3.10.1 VPN Overview .................................................................................................................................... 43
3.10.2 Intranet VPN Service Isolation ........................................................................................................... 43
3.11 QoS Planning................................................................................................................................................ 44
3.11.1 QoS Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 44
3.11.2 QoS Planning Concerning Collaborative Computing ......................................................................... 44

4 Desktop-Cloud Network Solution .......................................................................................... 46

4.1 Desktop-Cloud Service Overview .................................................................................................................. 46
4.2 Desktop Cloud Network Structure ................................................................................................................. 49
4.3 Service Network Planning .............................................................................................................................. 50
4.3.1 Bandwidth of the Service Network ....................................................................................................... 50
4.4 Security Planning ........................................................................................................................................... 51

5 Suggestions on Planning Multiple DCs ................................................................................. 53

5.1 Network Architecture of Multiple DCs .......................................................................................................... 53
5.2 Network Reliability Planning ......................................................................................................................... 55
5.2.1 Network Reliability Between Regional DCs and Global DCs .............................................................. 55
5.2.2 Network Reliability Between a Country/Region Branch and Regional DCs ........................................ 56
5.3 Route Planning ............................................................................................................................................... 57
5.3.1 Routing Overview ................................................................................................................................. 57
5.3.2 BGP Design........................................................................................................................................... 58
5.4 Disaster Recovery Planning ........................................................................................................................... 59
5.4.1 Disaster Recovery Overview ................................................................................................................ 59
5.4.2 Disaster Recovery Overview ................................................................................................................ 60
5.4.3 Network Planning for Disaster Recovery.............................................................................................. 63
5.4.4 Service Planning for Disaster Recovery................................................................................................ 64

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5.5 Service Distribution Planning ........................................................................................................................ 65

5.5.1 Service Distribution Overview.............................................................................................................. 65
5.5.2 Service Distribution Planning ............................................................................................................... 66

6 DC Network Maintenance Recommendations ..................................................................... 68

6.1 Network Management .................................................................................................................................... 68
6.1.1 Network Routine Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 68
6.1.2 Customization of Third-Party Devices .................................................................................................. 77
6.1.3 Software Upgrade and Patch Loading................................................................................................... 81
6.2 Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................................. 83
6.2.1 Troubleshooting Network Devices........................................................................................................ 83
6.2.2 Troubleshooting Servers ....................................................................................................................... 83
6.3 Network Expansion ........................................................................................................................................ 85
6.4 Disaster Emergency Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 88

7 Recommended Products ............................................................................................................ 89

7.1 S9300 Series Core Switches ........................................................................................................................... 89
7.1.1 Product Overview ................................................................................................................................. 89
7.1.2 Product Model....................................................................................................................................... 89
7.1.3 Product Characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 91
7.1.4 Specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 92
7.2 S6700 Series Access Switches ....................................................................................................................... 94
7.2.1 Product Overview ................................................................................................................................. 94
7.2.2 Product Model....................................................................................................................................... 94
7.2.3 Product Characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 95
7.2.4 Main Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 98
7.3 S5700 Series Access Switches ..................................................................................................................... 101
7.3.1 Product Overview ............................................................................................................................... 101
7.3.2 Appearance.......................................................................................................................................... 101
7.3.3 Product Characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 104
7.3.4 Product Specifications......................................................................................................................... 107

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Data Center Solution
DC Technical Proposal 1 Data Center Network Overview

1 Data Center Network Overview

1.1 Introduction to a Data Center

Information is key to an enterprise's competitiveness. As network and communication
technologies develop at an ever increasing rate, data centers (DCs) have become the core of
the information an enterprise needs to do business. A well-designed data center will improve
efficiency and development of enterprises.
The DC of an enterprise is the important as it hosts key service systems, and is a center where
the key data of the enterprise is managed. It controls user access, filters packets for security,
processes service applications, computes information, and stores data for backup.
A DC consists of the following components:
z Equipment room
z Power supply system
z Network devices including devices on the data network, computing network, and storage
z Servers including operating systems and application software
z Storage devices
z Security system
z Operation, administration, and maintenance (OAM) system
For enterprises, the trend is to integrate services and data in multiple DCs. This requires the
enterprise network to have high level of performance and reliability.
The Huawei DC network solution provides a high performance, secure, and reliable network,
which allows the DC to transmit high-quality services.

1.2 Overall Requirement for the DC Network

A DC has a large number of servers deployed and is not only the logical center of an
enterprise network but also the source of services. Therefore, a DC should provide abundant
bandwidth resources, secure and reliable devices, high-quality network management, and
comprehensive value-added services. To create as much value as possible based on limited
bandwidth when designing and constructing the DC network, focus on the following

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DC Technical Proposal 1 Data Center Network Overview

z Reliability
High reliability ensures successful operations of the DC. If the user experience on
enterprise services (such as e-commerce or video services) deteriorates due to DC
network faults, the service expansion of an enterprise will be hindered, and users will not
use the services, decreasing the profits. Reliability is an important aspect when designing
an enterprise DC network.
The reliability design is achieved through redundant links, key devices, and key service
z Scalability
Each layer of the DC uses devices with a high port density to prepare for the DC
Devices on the Internet layer, intranet layer, core layer, and aggregation layer adopt the
modular design so that capacities of these devices can be expanded flexibly with the
development of the DC network.
The scalability of functions enables the DC to support value-added services. The DC
provides functions such as load balancing, dynamic content replication, and VLAN to
support value-added service expansion.
z Manageability
A manageable network is the prerequisite for successful operation of the DC. The DC
Various optimized manageable information
Complete QoS functions
Integrated SLA management system
Capability to manage devices of different vendors
Independent background management platform for the DC and users to manage the
z Security
As a concern of DC users especially e-commerce users, security is a key factor during
DC construction. DC security is ensured by security control for the physical space and
network. The DC provides an integrated security policy control system to ensure DC

1.3 DC Network Solution

Solution Overview
The Huawei full-service DC solution has the following features:
z The architecture is modular and hierarchical.
z The service network is separated from the management network, ensuring high
performance and security of the service network.
z The service bearer network is divided into service areas to provide differentiated services
for users.

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DC Technical Proposal 1 Data Center Network Overview

Figure 1-1 Networking for the DC network solution

Campus and braches

Residential Small branch

Large branch network

Carrier 1
Carrier 2

Campus network Campus

Building Campus network
Campus core core Building


DMZ Extranet area Disaster recovery Extranet
Active DC network center

iStack LB iStack
LB Combined core layer
LB Combined core layer
DNS Email Web APP

Server LB

FW iStack iStack
iStack Web Web iStack iStack iStack
Expanded multi-layer design

Simplified multi-layer design

Non-Web application design


Control servers
Backup control area DB DB IP storage area

FC switch
FC switch

DC management area FC storage area

Aggregation Storage
Core switch Access switch FC switch Low-level router High-level router Load balancing Firewall/IPS Server
switch device

SDH device AP GE link 10GE link WAN link Stacking line

As shown in Figure 1-1, to enhance the security, scalability, and maintainability of the
network, the Huawei DC solution is divided into the service network, management network,
and storage network.
z The service network consists of network access modules and server access modules.
z The management network consists of background management modules.
z The storage network consists of the storage system and the storage area network (SAN).
This technical proposal focuses on the service network and management network.
Network access modules include routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, and unified
threat management (UTM) system which contains the firewall, intrusion detection/protection
system (IDS/IPS), antivirus, URL filtering, and SSL VPN. These modules provide network a
high quality infrastructure with, density, availability, and security.
Server access modules are divided into different service areas based on the types and
characteristics of the services provided to the user. The service areas are separated from each
other logically or physically.

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Data Center Solution
DC Technical Proposal 1 Data Center Network Overview

Advantages of the DC Network Solution

Using Cloud Network as the core concept, Huaweis DC solution is sustainable and supports
evolution, availability, pooling, and visualization. Customers can use these features to
systematically cope with the challenges of the cloud-computing era.

Figure 1-2 Advantages of the DC network solution

Concept Sustainable cloud network

Cloud Multi-tenant
computing service
requirements Virtualization Disaster Resource
recovery management

Advantages Evolution Availability Pooling Visualization

1. 400G cloud platform 1. Loop free reliable 1. Unified IP and IT

2. BRAS fine-grained 2. End-to-end large buffer 1. Horizontal virtualization management
management 3. IP+optical multi-level 2. Vertical virutalization 2. Visualized topology
3. Hardware-based disaster recovery management
Technologies virtualization switching 3. Graphic NetStream
4. Layer 2 virtual network analysis

Products Switching Routing Transmission Management Security

z Evolution: ready for cloud computing and virtual DCs

Cloud network platform with a rate of 400 Gbit/s: The core switches for Huawei's
sustainable DC solution use the 10 Tbit/s non-blocking common lisp object system
(CLOS) architecture, which can be upgraded to the 400 Gbit/s. These core switches
support high-density 40*10GE service boards and 100GE ports, and are fully capable of
satisfying capacity requirements of cloud-computing-based ultra-broadband DCs.
Virtualization evolution: Huawei's switches support virtual switching and policy
detection defined in the IEEE 802.1Qbg VEPA standard. These functions dramatically
improve performance of virtual machines (VMs), provide a clear management model and
make traffic manageable and controllable. Huawei switches also support the Intermediate
System-To-Intermediate System (IS-IS)-based transparent routing bridge protocols such
as IEEE802.1AQ and IETF TRILL. All these enhance network evolution capabilities and
make it possible to seamlessly migrate VMs on a large scale.
Desktop cloud fine-grained management: Huawei has introduced the carrier-class
BRAS deployment practices to desktop cloud DCs. These desktop cloud DCs support
access and management of massive desktop cloud VMs and provide fine-grained
bandwidth control and SLA-based hierarchical quality of service (HQoS) for VM users
and services.
z Availability: loop free reliable (LFR) Ethernet for non-stop DCs
End-to-end high-reliability architecture: Huawei's sustainable DC solution uses the
end-to-end high-reliability architecture that achieves 200 ms convergence time, ensuring
business and service continuity for DCs. The LFR Ethernet technology is used to form a
fast-convergence loop-free network, implementing Layer 2 switching from the

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DC Technical Proposal 1 Data Center Network Overview

aggregation layer to the access layer. Carrier-class bidirectional forwarding detection

(BFD) and fast reroute (FRR) technologies are used for Layer 3 routing at the core layer
and the upper layers. These technologies together with the equipment-level in-service
software upgrade (ISSU) and redundant backup of key components create a continuous
LFR Ethernet: Switches used in Huawei's sustainable DC solution use
CSS+LAG+iStack technologies, which establish an LFR Ethernet network. This network
has the reliable physical-layer hard cluster, the convergence time of 200 ms, and the
cluster bandwidth of 256 Gbit/s.
Flattened no-packet loss network: High-end switches used in Huawei sustainable DC
solution buffer data on 10GE/GE interfaces within 200 ms. The S12700 core switch and
the S9300 switch (for EOR access) provide the following functions:
Constitute a flattened network
Implement end-to-end large-buffer deployment
Bring low delay and prevent packet loss triggered by burst traffic for services such as
distributed computing services.
IP+optical multi-level disaster recovery: The Huawei DC solution integrates optical
transport devices and routers to provide a complete range of data- and service-level
disaster recovery and backup capabilities. The optical transport network (OTN) devices
provide 14 types of specialized storage interfaces such as FC, FICON, and ESCON
interfaces. These interfaces support real-time hardware backup between DCs and their
disaster recovery centers. NE40E routers provide flexible network interconnections and
an IP SAN between DCs.
z Pooling: network resources pool for on-demand scheduling
On-demand resources scheduling: Multiple switches are virtualized into one logical
switch using CSS and iStack technologies so that 100% of the network resources are
shared. This is more efficient than the switch using the conventional STP technology
where only 50% of the network resources are shared. A series of multi-instance
technologies such as MPLS VPN and MCE ensure that resources in the network
resources pool can be flexibly scheduled as required by services.
Simplified network structure: One logical switch that is virtualized from multiple
switches serves as one network element (NE) on the NMS. This simplifies network
architecture and reduces management and configuration workloads.
Effective service isolation: The multi-instance technologies such as MPLS VPN and
MCE ensure isolation and security of DC services. In addition, access from multiple
departments to DC servers can be controlled by flexibly configuring VPN access
z Visualization: intelligent and visualized NMS for unified IP&IT management
Unified IP&IT management: The eSight, an intelligent NMS, can uniformly manage
multiple devices and associate systems in DCs, such as network devices, servers, and
enterprise application systems. It reduces costs and improves operation and maintenance
efficiency. It provides open platforms that allow deep integration and wide collaboration
with market-leading IT vendors such as IBM, HP, and Oracle.
For details about Huawei's OSS partners, visit the website
Visualized topology management: The eSight provides network topologies and service
views, making service deployment and network configuration more visualized and

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Graphical NetStream analysis: Switches and routers provide embedded NetStream

boards or modules to monitor distribution of DC services in real time. Using eSight,
users can obtain graphical NetStream analysis reports and also easily make service plans.

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Data Center Solution
DC Technical Proposal 2 Service Requirements

2 Service Requirements

2.1 Overview
A DC deploys various service systems in a centralized mode to integrate them. This helps to
analyze services, make decisions, and maximize the information production capability.
A DC also provides Web portals, which help to establish channels with customers and
improve the enterprise's brand awareness, product promotion, and customer service. With the
Web portals, the enterprise can implement ecommerce and other Internet-based businesses.
In addition, a DC provides high-performance computing services, such as 3D rendering,
medicine research, gene analysis, and Web search.
In an enterprise, a DC may provide all the preceding services concurrently. These services
may be independent of each other or be integrated into a large service system. You must
analyze the real situation when planning a network for the DC.

2.2 Data Service

2.2.1 Overview
The data service is the most basic service in a DC. Typical data services in an enterprise
include file storage, mail service, and enterprise resource planning (ERP). The client/server
(C/S) model is the basic service model.

Figure 2-1 Client/Server service mode

The C/S model consists of the following two parts:

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z Client (usually a PC). A client is deployed on a campus network or an enterprise branch.

SQL requests are sent from a fat client to the server and SQL responses from the server
are displayed on the App GUI.
z Server. A server is deployed in a DC and stores data in a dedicated storage device. As
shown in Figure 2-1, a server used by the database is called DB server, a server used by
applications is called App server, and data in the database is stored in a dedicated storage
device (not displayed in the figure).

2.2.2 Network Requirements of the Data Service

The data service is processed as follows:
a. The client sends a request.
b. The server and the storage device receive and process the request.
c. The server sends a response to the client.
The network requirements include:
z Traffic requirement
Traffic is generated by requests and responses between the client and the server. Traffic
is unbalanced and becomes high during peak hours on special dates or periods. The
network bandwidth must be planned to accommodate peak traffic times, and certain
bandwidth must be reserved for future growth and improvements.
The number of clients and concurrent services must be also considered for network
bandwidth planning. The number of concurrent services is used to configure the
bandwidth convergence ratio between network devices at different layers, because no
network traffic is transmitted between servers.
For example, the peak hour of each service falls on the closing date of a service or event,
such as the closing date of production, a sale, or attendance services. If these closing
dates fall on different dates, use the highest peak traffic rate of the three as the network
bandwidth peak. If the closing dates of these services fall on the same date, use the total
peak traffic rate of three services as the network bandwidth peak.
The data service has no special requirements for delay as long as the user experience is
met. In most cases, the response time of a database is less than 2 seconds. The
forwarding delay of the DC network is less than 1 millisecond, occupying a small
proportion of the total response time. The forwarding delay of WAN is about 300
milliseconds and the time for processing data is tens of milliseconds. Some special
services require short delays, for example, the stock exchange requires the network
forwarding delay to be less than 5 milliseconds.
z Security requirement
A DC is an integrated IT application environment where a large amount of data is stored.
It requires the highest security in the IT system.
In America, according to the survey conducted by CSI/FBI, the loss incurred by
enterprises and government institutions caused by unauthorized access is more than that
caused by viruses and hackers. The internal threats account for more than 80% of the
total threats, as shown in Figure 2-2.
In China, according to the latest statistics from the ministry of public security, the
internal threats account for approximately 70% of the total threats. Approximately 80%
of enterprises and organizations using computers have not established a security
management system, or taken technical measures or regulations.

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Figure 2-2 Factors that affect the information security in enterprises

In an enterprise, key services such as the financial service are transmitted as a data
service and require high security. In addition to physical security measures, protection
measures are also required on the network, including isolating different services,
identifying and handling the traffic and virus attacks. Services are isolated, enabling
terminals to access only servers of specified services.
z Reliability requirement
The data reliability is required and varies according to the service type (internal service
and external service) on the network.
The internal service system does not require high network reliability. A fault occurring in
a DC internal part recovers within 20 minutes to 30 minutes, and a fault occurring in the
entire DC recovers within 4 hours to 8 hours during which services are implemented
from the standby DC.
The external service system requires high network reliability. A fault occurring in a DC
internal part recovers automatically or can be manually rectified within 10 minutes,
while a fault occurring in the entire DC recovers within 2 hours during which services
are implemented from the disaster recovery center.
The disaster recovery system is classified into the following seven tiers according to the
international standard Share 78:
Tier 0: No off-site data
Tier 1: Data backup with no hot site
Tier 2: Data backup with a hot site
Tier 3: Electronic vaulting
Tier 4: Point-in-time copies
Tier 5: Transaction integrity
Tier 6: Zero or near-Zero data loss
Tier 7: Highly automated, business integrated solution
Two technical indicators are used to measure disaster recovery:
Recovery point objective (RPO): acceptable amount of data loss
Recovery time objective (RTO): acceptable longest duration within which services
are interrupted or the shortest duration between the time when a disaster occurs and
the time when services are restored
RPO measures data loss, while RTO measures service loss. RPO and RTO are not
necessarily related. RTO and RPO vary according to services and enterprises, and are

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calculated based on service requirements after risk analysis and service influence
analysis are performed.
If the RTO is shorter and the RPO is newer, the service loss will be less. The costs in
developing and building the system, however, will become higher. Both factors are an
important consideration.
z Cloud-computing requirement
In most cases, service systems of the data service do not operate concurrently. To
efficiently utilize the server resources, deploy multiple virtual servers on a physical
server to host different service systems. This is the easiest way to apply cloud computing.
When deploying multiple virtual servers on a physical server, consider the bandwidth
requirement of each service to prevent one service from occupying the bandwidth of
other services on the same server.
In a word, the network requirements of the data service guarantee bandwidth and security.

2.3 Web Service

2.3.1 Overview
As the Internet flourishes, the Web service takes up a larger proportion in enterprise services.
The following two reasons accounts for the popularity of Web service in enterprises. The Web
service provides a convenient way for users to access the information and perform the
e-commerce on the Internet. The Web service also solves problems in the C/S model, such as
large workload due to client software maintenance.

Figure 2-3 Web service model

App Server

WEB Server
WEB browser

DB Server

As shown in Figure 2-3, the Web service model adds a Web server and an App server to form
a three-layer structure. Services are processed in the following process:
a. The App server (App Server in Figure 2-3) processes services sent from the client on the
Web browser using HTML or HTTP.
b. The DB server and storage system provide DB services.
c. The Web server displays information for users.

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The three-layer structure enhances flexibility of the service system. You can modify the
service system on the Web server, application server, or DB server. Users only need to refresh
the web page on the Web browser to view the modification.

2.3.2 Network Requirements of the Web Service

Unlike the data service, the Web service requires a Web server and an application in the DC.
Traffic is transmitted between the Web and application servers, and between the application
server and DB server.
The network requirements include:
z Traffic requirement
The Web service traffic (such as requests and responses) is transmitted between the
clients and servers, and also between the servers. The Web service traffic, however, is
unbalanced just like the data service traffic.
You need to learn about deployment modes before planning bandwidth. The Web service
can be deployed in layered and flattened modes, as shown in Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5.
To deploy a large number of Web servers, application servers, and DB servers in a
large DC, you can deploy them in layered mode.
To deploy a small number of servers in a small- or mid-scale DC, Huawei
recommends the flattened deployment mode.

Figure 2-4 Layered deployment mode



Web Web





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Figure 2-5 Flattened deployment mode



In the layered deployment mode, bandwidth is planned for each layer. In the flattened
deployment mode, traffic between servers is aggregated to one server and bandwidth is
planned based on the total traffic volume. The traffic between clients and DC is much
smaller than that within the DC.
The Web service traffic is transmitted through more servers and network devices than the
data service traffic. Therefore, the Web service requires a shorter network delay. The
Web service interaction process is different from the data service interaction process. The
Web server responds to the request from a client. The application server and DB server
then process the request. Finally, request information is displayed on web pages.
Therefore, the delay of the Web server's response to the requests from clients must be
z Security requirement
In the Web service mode, the client and DB server are isolated by the Web server and
application serve. This enhances the security of the DB server and data. Traffic is
transmitted among the Web server, application server, and DB server hop by hop over the
network channels, which is vulnerable to hop-by-hop attacks.
Web services, especially services for Internet users, are faced with more threats because:
The attack sources are well organized and industrialized. Attacks may come from
anywhere on the Internet.
The service system is more complex. Security holes may exist in the operating
system, Web server, application server, and DB. A hole in one system may cause
other systems to be corrupted one by one.
When internal users are accessing the Internet, they may be intruded by unauthorized
users and used for attacks.
z Reliability requirement
In a three-layer structure, the Web service is processed by servers at three layers together
and interactions between servers are more frequent, so higher network reliability is
required. The overall fault recovery time is not prolonged; however, the network
reliability must improve so that the DC availability can remain unchanged in such a
serial system.
The link error rate of the link between a switch and a server is 1 h/1000 h. In Web
service mode, a switch is connected to the Web server, application server, and DB server
and three links are available. Therefore, the link error rate is 1 (1 1 h/1000 h)3 3

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h/1000 h. If you want to keep the error rate of the entire service at 1 h/1000 h, reduce the
link error rate to 20 min/1000 h.

2.4 Computing Service

2.4.1 Overview
The computing service is a service requiring high computing performance, such as 3D
rendering, medicine research, gene analysis, and Web search.
In the computing service mode, a large number of common servers work collaboratively as a
cluster to process a computing task.

2.4.2 Network Requirements of the Computing Service

The computing service traffic is transmitted between servers, as shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Traffic of the computing service (server cluster)

Server cluster


The application server distributes the computing service to a large number of DB severs, and
the DB servers return the results to the application server. The network requirements include:
z Instantaneous traffic buffering capability
The application server must have a scheduling mechanism to distribute services.
Otherwise, the results sent from the DB servers arrive at the application server in a short
time period. The burst traffic rate exceeds the interface bandwidth on the application
server. If the network cannot buffer the traffic, packets are lost and the application server
cannot process all the services. This leads to more frequent interactions between the
application server and DB servers and prolongs the overall processing time. Therefore,
the network must be capable of buffering packets to eliminate packet lost.
z Non-blocking network
Different from the cluster model shown in Figure 2-6, the cluster model shown in Figure
2-7 provides interconnection between services on all servers. In this service system,
servers communicate with each other in point-to-point communication mode.

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Non-blocking forwarding allows any two servers can communicate services with each
other so that the forwarding capability is not limited by the location.

Figure 2-7 Server cluster for the Internet service



Core switch (1) Core switch (2) Core switch (3) Core switch (4)
192*10G 192*10G 192*10G 192*10G


Access switch (1) Access switch (2) Access switch (160)

48*1G 48*1G 48*1G
4*10G 4*10G 4*10G


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3 DC Network Design

3.1 Network Architecture

Design Principles of a DC Network
The DC network design is based on the following principles:
z Modular architecture
The network is deployed in modular architecture that can expand for service adjustment
and development.
z High reliability
The network implements redundant backup of key devices and links. Highly reliable key
devices are made up of hot swappable boards and modules, and support redundancy of
control modules and power supplies. Network layers are reduced to simplify network
architecture and enhance networking reliability.
z Secure isolation
The DC network adopts effective security control policies that logically isolate data
based on services and rights, and uses physical isolation methods to ensure security of
important service data.
Services such as server-centered services, IP storage and backup services, and
management services are isolated logically. The management network is isolated from
other networks physically.
z Manageability and maintainability
The network is highly manageable. To facilitate maintenance, use integrated products
with universal modules.

Logical Architecture
Figure 3-1 shows the logical architecture of a DC.

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Figure 3-1 Logical architecture of a DC

Enterprise Enterprise Partner enterprise Disaster recovery

Internet users
campus branch center

Partner Partner
Enterprise Internet
enterprise enterprise
Intranet network
network extranet

Enterprise Enterprise Disaster 5
Internet recovery
intranet extranet
center network

1 Core network

Production Office Other Testing DMZ

service 2 service service ... service service
area area area area area

3 Storage area

Backup area

6 Unified operation and maintenanceplatform

z Core network area

This area is the core of the DC network, and connects the inner server area, enterprise
intranet, partner enterprise network, disaster recovery center, and external user network.
z Server area
Servers and application systems are deployed in this area. Based on security and
scalability, the server area is divided into the production service area, office service area,
testing service area, and the demilitarized zone (DMZ) area and other service areas.
z Storage area
Storage devices for the fiber channel (FC) SAN and IP SAN are deployed in this area.
z Interconnection area
In this area, internal and external enterprise users are connected to the DC. Based on
security and scalability, the Internet area is divided into the enterprise intranet, enterprise
extranet, and the Internet.

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The intranet interconnects the headquarters and branches through the enterprise
campus network and the wide area network (WAN).
The enterprise extranet connects the partner enterprise network using the
metropolitan area network (MAN) and the WAN leased lines.
The Internet allows public users, staff on a business trip, and office users without a
WAN network to access the Internet safely.
z Disaster recovery center Internet area
In this area, the disaster recovery centers in the same city are interconnected by
transmission devices and disaster recovery centers in different cities are interconnected
by the WAN leased line.
z OAM area
The network, server, application system, and storage devices are managed in this area.
The functions of the OAM area include fault management, system configuration, device
performance, and data security management.

Physical Network Architecture

Figure 3-2 displays the physical architecture of the DC.

Figure 3-2 Physical network architecture of the DC

Disaster Partner
Internet Enterprise Enterprise enterprise
recovery center
user campus branch

Disaster Partner
Internet Enterprise enterprise
intranet extranet

LLB Active DC

iStack LB
Combined iStack
LB core layer FW
DNS Email Web APP


Product service area

iStack Web Web iStack iStack iStack

Office service area

Testing service area


Control server 2
Backup control area DB DB IP storage area

FC Switch

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The modular DC architecture has the following features:

z Extensible architecture
The architecture consists of five independent extensible areas: the core area, server
area, storage area, interconnection area, and management area.
The architecture is a star topology with the core node as the root node.
z Core area as the traffic hub
The core area employs core switches with a large capacity and high performance.
High-density 10GE ports are deployed in this area.
z Service areas and management areas
Service areas can be extended independently.
Server-centered networks for data, management, and storage can be extended
z Interconnection areas
The four interconnection areas can be extended independently.
The disaster recovery interconnection network ensures that services can be smoothly
migrated to other DCs.

3.2 Core Area Networking Planning

The core area is the center of the whole DC network, and connects the server area and the
interconnection area. The core area transmits internal and external data traffic, and becomes
the logical center for network reliability and security design.

3.2.1 Physical Networking Planning

The physical network is established in the following two methods to connect the core area to
the server area: one is a Layer 3 design that deploys the core layer, aggregation layer, and
access layer, the other is a flattened design that integrates the core layer with the aggregation

Layer 3 Networking
Figure 3-3 shows the Layer 3 networking diagram. The core layer and the aggregation layer
are separated in this networking. Each aggregation area has security devices such as firewalls

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Figure 3-3 Layer 3 networking



Convergence CSS
layer FW FW FW FW

Access iStack iStack iStack iStack


10GE Stack cable GE

Flattened Networking
Figure 3-4 shows the flattened networking diagram. In the flattened networking, devices in
the core area and the aggregation area are replaced by two large-capacity switches in a
combined core area. Security devices such as firewalls of large capacities are deployed in this
Huawei recommends the flattened networking, which simplifies the network topology and
improves data transmission efficiency.

Figure 3-4 Flattened networking in the core area


Core area CSS

iStack iStack iStack

Server area

10GE Stack cables GE

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3.2.2 Reliability Planning

As shown in Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4, redundancy of devices and links ensure reliability of
the DC network.
If the access layer runs Layer 3 routing protocols and communicates with the core layer
through Layer 3 routing, Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) and equal-cost paths are
deployed to implement fast fault detection and switchover and improve usage of redundant
In most cases, Layer 3 routing protocols run at the core layer, which causes Layer 2 loops
between the access layer and the core layer. Figure 3-5 shows the design to protest the
network against Layer 2 loops using Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and Virtual Router
Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).

Figure 3-5 STP networking




As shown in Figure 3-5, dotted lines represent links that are blocked by STP. This plan uses
the standard STP protocol to integrate devices from multiple vendors into a hybrid network.
The disadvantages of the plan are:
z Long convergence time
The traditional STP technology makes the network converge slowly. It takes more than
10 seconds to restore services after a fault occurs. RSTP increases the convergence speed
to some extent, but the convergence still takes several seconds. A service interruption for
several seconds lowers user experience.
z Low link usage
If servers in the same rack belong to the same VLAN, the bandwidth of an uplink cannot
be used. In this case, the bandwidth usage is only 50%. The Multiple Spanning Tree
Protocol (MSTP) optimizes the bandwidth usage based on VLANs but it cannot solve
the problem completely.
z Complex configuration that is difficult to maintain, and frequently occurred faults on the
Every access switch or aggregation switch needs to run the STP protocol. When more
access switches are added to the network, the STP processing becomes more complicated,
which reduces the network reliability.
Loop-free networking with cluster and stacking is used to overcome these disadvantages.

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Figure 3-6 Loop-free networking




iStack iStack iStack

10GE Stack cables GE

The combined core layer uses two framed switches as a cluster. The access layer uses box
switches to form a stack system. Links between switches at the access layer and the combined
core layer form an Eth-Trunk.
The loop-free networking design has the following advantages:
z Simplified management and configuration
The cluster and stacking networking reduces managed nodes by more than a half.
In addition, it simplifies the network topology and configuration because it does not need
complex protocols such as STP, Smart Link, and VRRP.
z Fast convergence
The convergence time is less than 10 ms after a fault occurs, which significantly reduces
the impact on services caused by faults on links and nodes.
z High bandwidth usage
Links form a trunk so that the bandwidth usage reaches 100%.
z Easy to expand the capacity, saving investment
When new services are provided, the enterprise can add devices directly to upgrade the
network. The network capacity can be expanded without changing the network
configuration, saving users' investments.
The loop-free networking improves the network reliability rate from 99.9% to 99.9999%. The
fault rate on a single link is reduced from 1 hour to 3.6 seconds in 1000 hours.
Framed switches are provided in the core area to ensure network reliability in the following
z The MPUs work in backup mode.
z The power supplies work in backup mode.
z Modular design of fans is provided, in which a single-fan failure does not affect system
z All modules are hot swappable.
z The CPU defense function is configured.
z Complete alarm functions are provided.

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3.2.3 Security Planning

Firewalls are provided in the core area to ensure network security in the following ways:
z Restrict communication between server areas to isolate services.
z Restrict the communication between the enterprise campus network and server areas to
ensure access security between clients and servers.
z Restrict the communication between the enterprise branch network and server areas to
ensure access security between clients and servers.

3.3 Server Area Networking Planning

3.3.1 Physical Networking Planning
Access switches are placed in server racks or in independent network cabinets to provide
Layer 2 switching functions. Switches in server racks are top of rack (TOR) switches, and
those in independent network cabinets are end of row (EOR) switches.
The TOR access mode is applicable to high-density rack servers, and the EOR access mode is
applicable to low-density cabinet servers, such as small servers. Table 3-1 shows the
differences between the two modes.

Table 3-1 Differences between EOR and TOR access modes

Item EOR Access Mode TOR Access Mode

Position of In a network cabinet In the same cabinet as servers

the access
Type of Framed switches Box switches
switches Box switches
Cabling A large number of long cables Short cables in a cabinet connecting
connecting servers to the EOR servers to TOR switches
switches A small number of cables connecting
servers to core switches
Management Low management cost (because High management costs (because a large
a few EOR switches can number of TOR switches need to be
connect to a large number of managed)
Application Low-density servers in the High-density servers in the cabinet
scenario cabinet

Servers access the network in the following ways:

z A large number of middle- and low-level rack servers access the network using access

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z A small number of high-level servers are connected directly to core/aggregation switches

to ensure bandwidth.
z Blade servers without built-in switches access the network using access switches.
z Blade servers with built-in switches directly connect to core/aggregation switches to
reduce the number of network layers and improve network performance.

Figure 3-7 Access modes for servers


iStack iStack

High level
Middle and Blade servers server and
low level without built-in Blade servers large switch
rack servers switches with built-in
10GE Stack cables GE

3.3.2 Channel Separating on Servers

The processing capacity of the CPU on a server has been significantly improved since the
CPU processor has developed from single core to 128 cores. Compared with the CPU, the IO
capacity is still limited. The IO development becomes a bottleneck in the network. To fully
use the high-performance CPU, a server must work in multiple channels and use multiple
network ports that are physically isolated.

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Figure 3-8 Multiple channels on a server

service network

Inband NMS

Backup and NMS

IP storage
network Out- of - band


SAN network

Figure 3-8 shows multiple channels on a server. A server has four types of ports that are used
to access the following networks:
z Service network
z Network management and the keyboard video mouse (KVM) network
z SAN network
z Backup and IP storage network
A server working in multiple channels has the following advantages:
z Improves the IO capacity.
z Separates traffic of different services safely.
Figure 3-9 shows the logical networking architecture of multiple channels on a server.

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Figure 3-9 Separated networks

DC backbone

Management Service Backup and IP FC storage

network network storage network network

Multiple One One

One channels channel channel

The server area is divided into four physically isolated networks: the service, management,
storage, and backup networks. The server accesses different networks using network interface
cards (NICs).
Figure 3-10 shows the physical network topology.

Figure 3-10 Physical network topology

Core switch

Backup and IP
Product service area Testing service area Office service area Management area
storage area

FC access switch
Service network
Management network
FC core switch
Backup and IP storage network
FC storage network
SAN storage Stack cable

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3.3.3 Reliability Planning

Overall Reliability Planning
Server area reliability includes reliability of the network, devices, and servers.
z Loop-free cluster and stacking network ensures network reliability. For details, see
section 3.2.2 "Reliability Planning."
z Access switches are stacked to ensure device reliability.
z Dual NICs ensure server reliability.
The network drive binds multiple NICs into a virtual NIC. The virtual NIC has a unique
IP address to communicate with external devices. The server supports NIC teaming. If an
NIC fails, the standby NIC shares its MAC address. The two NICs working in
active/standby mode or in load balancing mode improves reliability.

Dual NICs in Active /Standby Mode

Figure 3-11 Networking for server reliability

Combined core layer

Access layer

Active NIC Load balancing mode


The two NICs in active/standby mode have the same MAC address (such as MAC1 in Figure
3-11). When the active NIC fails, the server switches the traffic to the standby NIC and sends
a gratuitous ARP packet from the standby NIC. Network devices must properly process
gratuitous ARP packets to switch the traffic to a new directory.
Figure 3-12 shows the change of the data transmission route. Data is transmitted in the green
route using the active NIC. If the active NIC fails, the data transmission route is changed from
the green one to the purple one.

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Figure 3-12 Change of the data transmission route using active and standby NICs


Combined core layer

Access layer

Active NIC
Standby NIC

When the access switch receives a gratuitous ARP packet, it changes the outbound interface
matching MAC1 to the link connected to the standby NIC. You need to add the two ports of
active and standby NICs to the same VLAN and bundle the links so that the outbound
interface can be updated when a switchover occurs.
Switches at the combined core layer do not detect route changes at the access layer when
receiving gratuitous ARP packets because they connect to access switches through trunk links.

Dual NICs in Load Balancing Mode

The two NICs in load balancing mode have the same MAC address (such as MAC2 in Figure
3-13). Both NICs can transmit and receive data. To shield the flapping of the MAC address
between ports of switches, stack the access switches and bundle the links on ports of the
active and standby NICs.
Figure 3-13 shows the change in data transmission routes. Data is transmitted in the green
routes using both NICs. If an NIC fails, data transmission routes are changed from green ones
to purple ones.

Figure 3-13 Change in data transmission routes in load balancing NICs

Combined core layer

Access layer

Load balancing mode


Switches at the combined core layer do not detect route changes at the access layer because
they are connected to access switches through trunk links. Therefore, data is still sent to the

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access switch on the left, forwarded to the switch on the right through the stacking link, and
then forwarded to the server.

3.3.4 Security Planning

VLANs are created to separate services in the service area. To ensure network security, use
VLANs to separate the web, application, and database servers of the same service.

3.4 Storage Area Networking Planning

3.4.1 Physical Networking Planning
The storage area covers the IP storage network and the SAN storage network.
The IP storage network transmits traffic for services that are saved in the network attached
storage (NAS). The NAS transmits:
z Data traffic generated between a specified application server and the NAS
z Large amounts of network traffic generated for virtualized services

Figure 3-14 Storage area networking

Data exchange Open application platform
between active DC IP storage
and backup DC Switch storage Open application platform Open application platform
area storage area A storage area B area


Array A A Array B NAS/FCIP/iSCSI

Management area

Highest Advanced Middle Average

FC disk array level level level level Tape library Disk library
Integrated storage area

FC switch Ethernet switch

Basic planning for the storage area is as follows:

z Small-scale switch area: This area is an isolated area.
z Open application platform:
The open application platform has two arrays, and each array has two core switches
to ensure availability.
Edge devices and core devices are connected to one another by multiple links to
prevent traffic overload.
z Integrated storage area: Devices are classified based on service class in this area.

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z IP storage area:
The IP storage area is separated from other areas. Devices are deployed in this area to
compress traffic transmitted in the Entire Fiber Channel Frame over IP (FCIP) channel
and accelerate data transmission. Data is synchronized and saved through an
IP/Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) network. Implementation of virtualization
speeds up data transmission between servers and storage devices.
z Management area: Operators allocate and manage storage network and storage resources
in this area.
z Disaster backup in the same city:
The active DC and the disaster recovery center in the same city are connected through
the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) network.
Use the following configuration to implement real-time or quasi real-time data exchange
between the active DC and backup DC:
z Use the carrier's MPLS VPN or virtual leased line based on the virtual private LAN
service (VPLS) to transmit data traffic between servers on the IP storage network in the
active DC and backup DC.
z Use bare optical fibers or a DWDM network to transmit data between SAN storage
networks in the active DC and backup DC. This implements quasi real-time data
transmission at a high speed and a short delay.
Virtualization increases data exchange between servers and storage devices, so switches must
access the NAS storage network through a 10G link.

3.4.2 Reliability Planning

The IP storage network uses loop-free networking with cluster and stacking to enhance
reliability. For details on loop-free networking with cluster and stacking, see section 3.3
"Server Area Networking Planning."

3.4.3 Security Planning

The SAN storage areas are isolated by the specialized technology.
To restrict network access, the IP storage network is divided into separate areas through
VLAN or VPN technology.

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3.5 Interconnection Area Networking Planning

3.5.1 Physical Networking Planning
Figure 3-15 Networking in the interconnection area

Internet area Intranet area Extranet area

Disaster Partner
Internet user Corporate Enterprise
recovery center enterprise
campus branch

Internet Enterprise recovery center Partner
Intranet network enterprise
DMZ Extranet

LLB Active DC

iStack LB
Combined iStack
core layer
DNS Email Web APP


The interconnection area is divided into the following connection areas based on access
modes and services:
z Intranet area
Intranet users access the DC through the WAN or the LAN.
z Internet area
External users access the DC through the Internet.
z Extranet area
Extranet users access the DC through the WAN or the LAN.

You can assign an isolated area for the VPN users in the Internet area.

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3.5.2 Internet Area

Figure 3-16 Networking in the Internet area

Internet user


Active DC


LB Combined
core layer FW

DNS Email Web APP

Figure 3-16 shows the Internet area devices, such as routers, link load balancers, and unified
threat management (UTM) devices. The UTM devices must provide firewall and intrusion
prevention system (IPS) functions.
z Load balancers are used to respond to requests from different egress routers leased by
two carriers. No load balancers are required when there is only one egress router.
z The IPS detects malicious codes, attacking actions, and distributed denial of service
(DDoS) attacks that are mixed in the application data stream, and takes response in real
z The firewall is deployed at the network layer to filter invalid traffic and protect intranet
resources against attacks from the Internet.
The firewall and the IPS are important network devices, which are located at the network
egress. The location and functions of the firewall and the IPS require that they should provide
high reliability.
To ensure Internet area reliability, deploy devices in pairs, such as routers, link load balancers,
and UTM devices (including firewalls and the IPS).
The VPN access area must provide the Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) VPN and the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN functions for secure access.
z The IPSec VPN provides site-to-site access mode.
z The SSL VPN provides client-to-site access mode.

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The IPSec VPN gateway and SSL VPN gateway can be deployed independently, or connected
to the network using the UTM devices.

3.5.3 Extranet Area

Figure 3-17 Networking in the extranet area

Partner enterprise


Active DC


LB iStack
core area FW



Figure 3-17 shows the networking in the extranet connection area.

Extranet users can access the extranet connection area. This area is an unreliable area, similar
to the demilitarized zone (DMZ), and cannot be connected to the inner DC. Extranet users can
access only the extranet connection and DMZ areas. Authority control on the Intranet must be
Security is provided through service isolation and the firewall:
z Service isolation: The extranet connection area provides services for extranet users like
the DMZ. The extranet users cannot access the Intranet but they can access the DMZ
under strict authority control.
z Firewall: The firewall is deployed at the network layer to protect Intranet resources and
control access rights by shielding the network topology with the network address
translation (NAT) technology.

3.5.4 Intranet Area

Intranet users access the DC through the WAN or the LAN.

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Figure 3-18 Networking in the intranet area

Corporate campus and enterprise branch

Carrier 1
Carrier 2
Family network Small organization
Corporate campus network Corporate campus network
Core network Core network Building


Large enterprise branch network

Disaster backup center


Active DC

core layer FW


This area uses dual-homed routes and redundancy backup of routes and devices.
Network connection reliability between branches of an enterprise is ensured through backup
of multiple egress links, backup of routes, and load balancing. QoS needs to be configured on
WAN link to guarantee quality of links and services.
Independent access devices and two backup devices are required to ensure device reliability.
The intranet is a safe area with low security risks which are mainly caused by intranet users
who access or save data without authorization. Data access between the enterprise branch
networks is restricted based on users' actual requirements.

3.6 Management Area Networking Planning

3.6.1 Physical Networking Planning
Overall requirements are:
z Out-of-band management
z Authorization-based access
z Security auditing

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Figure 3-19 Management area networking

Internet MPLS

KVM switch

Service area Service area Service area NMS COP KVM

1 2 3

Figure 3-19 shows the networking in the management area. The management network
connects all devices by the management interfaces and the KVM switches, and provides
functions such as network management, data collection, and real-time surveillance.
Only administrators can access the management network that connects the inner DC using
isolation measures such as VPNs and firewalls. Administrators are granted rights to access
specified network devices.

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Figure 3-20 KVM management network

Front-End network


DNS Web Proxy Internal OA system

Public service zone Internal service zone Ministry zone

KVM switch

KVM authentication Aggregation switch

Access switch
Remote access Network monitor

Network management: This module manages network devices such as switches, routers, and
firewalls in the aspects of the topology, configuration, asset, fault, performance, event, traffic,
and report.
There are two areas of network management:
z Traffic management: This module provides functions such as traffic monitoring, traffic
threshold setting, protocol analysis, and Web access behaviors audit. It works with the
NetFlow analyzer to implement more refined and convenient traffic analysis.
z Application management: This module monitors the website and manages systems and
upper-level applications such as the database, mail server, Web server, application server,
operating system, and website surveillance.

3.7 VLAN Planning

3.7.1 VLAN Overview
Devices on a LAN are logically grouped into segments, regardless of their physical locations.
VLANs isolate broadcast domains on a LAN, reduce broadcast storms, and enhance
information security. As the network expands, a fault on the local network affects the entire

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network. The VLAN technology can limit the network faults within a VLAN, and enhances
the network robustness.

3.7.2 Principles
Observe the following principles when configuring VLANs:
z Differentiate service VLAN, management VLAN, and interconnection VLAN.
z Add interfaces to different VLANs based on service areas.
z Add interfaces to different VLANs based on service types for the same service (such as
the Web, application, and database).
z Distribute each VLAN consecutively to properly use VLAN resources.
z Reserve some VLANs for further expansion.

3.7.3 Recommendation
Configure VLAN ranges based on different areas as shown in Figure 3-21.
z Core area: 100199
z Server area: 200999, reserved VLANs: 10001999
z Access network: 20002999
z Management network: 30003999

Figure 3-21 VLAN planning

Enterprise branch Partner enterprise

External users Disaster recovery center

Enterprise Internet
enterprise Disaster
Extranet backup center

Enterprise Enterprise Disaster recovery

Intranet Extranet center network
23002399 24002999
20002199 22002299

Manage Core network

ment VLAN: 100199
3999 Product Office Other service DMZ service
service area service area area ... area
200399 400599 600799 800999

Storage area

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3.8 IP Planning
A few devices in the Internet connection area use public IP addresses, but devices in the
intranet use private IP address. IP addresses in the intranet are easy to manage because private
IP address space is large, for example, is a class-A address.

3.8.1 IP Address Planning

Plan so that the system IP address will be:
z Unique
Hosts on an IP network must use different IP addresses. Assign different IP addresses to
hosts even if the MPLS/VPN technology supporting IP address overlapping is used.
z Consecutive IP addresses
Consecutive IP addresses facilitate routing aggregation on a hierarchical network, which
greatly reduces the number of routing entries and improves route calculation efficiency.
z Scalable
IP addresses need to be reserved at each layer. When the network expands, IP addresses
continuity is ensured.
z Meaningful
If the IP addresses are planned properly, you can identify the device that corresponds to
an IP address by the IP address.

3.8.2 DNS Planning

DNS Server Roles
A domain name system (DNS) server plays the following roles in the DNS system:
z Master server
The master server manages the DNS system, and is used to add, modify, or delete a
domain name. The domain information that is changed on a master server is
synchronized to a slave server. One master server is deployed in the DNS system.
z Slave server
The slave server obtains the domain name information from the master server, and forms
a server cluster by connecting multiple servers with hardware-based load balancers to
provide DNS services. Two slave servers are deployed in the DNS system.
z Cache server
The cache server is deployed on the slave server to cache results of intranet users' DNS
requests and to speed up network access.

IP Address of the DNS Server

IP addresses are allocated as follows:
z The master server uses a private IP address.
z The slave server is allocated a private IP address, and has a virtue private address on the
load balancer.
The Internet domain names and IP addresses are deployed in the following ways:

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z Configure NAT mapping on the firewall to convert the virtue IP address of the slave
server into a public IP address for Internet users to use for accessing the intranet.
z Provide services for Internet users using intelligent DNSs on load balancers.

Providing DNS Services for Internet Users Using the Slave Server

Figure 3-22 DNS deployment in the DC

Active DNS:

DNS query Standby DNS:

Intranet user
Internet user Carriers
DNS server Corporate

External: Internet
IP address
LLB Internal:
Virtue IP address
of the DNS:

core layer FW

Slave Slave cluster Active DC
DNS server DNS2 DNS1 server server

The blue dotted line marked in Figure 3-22 shows how the slave server is used to provide
DNS services for Internet users.
The slave servers DNS1 and DNS2 use virtue IP addresses on the load balancer to function as
master DNS servers for Internet users and slave DNS servers for intranet users.
The master DNS, slave DNS1, and slave DNS2 servers are all deployed in the DMZ area.
The process to handle DNS requests with reliable design is as follows:
Intranet users send DNS requests to the master DNS server that communicates with the
carrier's DNS server to resolve Internet domain names. If the master DNS server is faulty, the
slave DNS servers provide services.
Internet users send DNS requests to the carrier's DNS server to resolve the enterprise domain
name, such as, and relay the further resolution results, such as,
to the enterprise DNS server. The DNS requests are evenly distributed between slave DNS1
and slave DNS2 servers. If slave DNS 1 server is faulty, all DNS requests are sent to slave
DNS2 server. If both slave DNS servers are faulty, the master DNS server provides services.

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Providing Services for Internet Users Using the Intelligent DNS Server
Figure 3-23 shows how the intelligent server is used to provide DNS services for Internet

Figure 3-23 Intelligent DNS deployment

Master DNS:

DNS query Slave DNS:

Intranet user
Internet user Carriers
DNS server Corporate


Virtue IP address
of the DNS:

core layer FW

Master Slave Slave cluster Active DC
DNS server DNS2 DNS1 server server

The Internet users send requests (such as to the carrier's DNS server to
query the domain name of Huawei. The carrier's DNS server identifies the information
(, and sends the request to the DNS server in Huawei DC to resolve the domain
name. The blue dotted line displays this process.
The intelligent DNS server in the link load balancer receives the request, and finishes the
DNS resolution.
The intelligent DNS server recognizes user sources and resolves domain names to different IP
addresses. The DNS policy resolution server resolves the domain name to the related Netcom
IP address for a China Netcom user and the related Telecom IP address for a China Telecom
Meanwhile, the intelligent DNS server monitors carrier link quality. If a carrier's link is
interrupted, the intelligent DNS server returns another carrier's IP address to ensure service

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3.9 Route Planning

3.9.1 Routing Overview
Huawei recommends that the boundary between routing and switching be located on the
combined core layer switches, as shown in Figure 3-24.
z Layer 2 switching is used at the layer below the combined core layer.
z Layer 3 routing is used at the layer above the combined core layer.

Figure 3-24 Boundary between routing and switching

Internet WAN


core layer L3 router

L2 switch

Web Web iStack iStack


DB DB Non-Web-based application design
Simplified multi-layer design

Expandable multi-layer design

This design has the following advantages:

z Simple route configuration

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Routes need to be configured only on two combined core layer switches. Access
switches perform only Layer 2 switching, simplifying the configuration. Users can use
the automatic configuration functions of access switches to reduce the maintenance
z Scalability
You can easily increase the number of servers on a core/aggregation switch.
A new service server can be deployed in any rack. The IP address of the new server is
contiguous with the IP address of the original service system.
When the position of a server changes due to a service change, the carrier does not need
to reconfigure the servers and the network, and the servers can be used immediately after
being installed in the new position. A large Layer 2 network is needed when the next
generation virtual servers are used to move servers without interrupting services.

3.9.2 IGP Design

To manage and maintain the network conveniently inside the data center, the OSPF dynamic
routing protocol is recommended to ensure network stability and fast convergence of routes.
As shown in Figure 3-25, the yellow-colored devices are core switches locate in the backbone
area, Area 0.

Figure 3-25 Router planning for DCs

Corporate campus and enterprise branch

Carrier 1
Carrier 2
Family network
Small organization
Corporate campus network Corporate campus network
Core network Core network Building


Large enterprise branch network

DMZ Extranet Extranet
Active DC
MAN backup
FW center

iStack LB
Combined iStack
core layer Combined
LB core layer

Server LB

FW iStack iStack
iStack Web Web iStack iStack iStack


Control server Server
Backup control area DB DB Simplified multi-layer design Non-Web-based application design IP storage area
Expandable multi-layer design

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3.9.3 BGP Design

The external Border Gateway Protocol (EBGP) is established between the branch DC and
disaster recovery center using network access routers, which advertise routes to both centers.
Figure 3-26 shows the network topology among the active DC, backup DC, branch DC, and
disaster recovery center.

Figure 3-26 Active and standby path planning for DCs

Branch center Disaster recovery center

Product service link
Disaster recovery data link

Product service link

Disaster recovery data link
Active DC Backup DC

Normal access route Alternative route 1

Alternative route 2 Alternative route 3

As shown in Figure 3-26, the active DC has four paths to reach the branch DC. Priorities of
four paths are as follows:
z Highest priority (normal access route): The active DC is connected to the branch DC
z Second highest priority (alternative route 1): The active DC reaches the branch DC
through the backup DC.
z Third highest priority (alternative route 2): The active DC reaches the branch DC
through the disaster recovery center.
z Lowest priority (alternative route 3): The active DC reaches the branch DC through the
backup DC and the disaster recovery center.
The priorities of the links are determined by the EBGP AS-Path and multi-exit discriminator
(MED) attributes.

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3.10 VPN and the Service Area Planning

3.10.1 VPN Overview
The VPN technology is used to isolate services, control network access, and implement secure
As a Layer 3 VPN, BGP/MPLS IP VPN uses the BGP to advertise VPN routes and uses
MPLS to forward VPN packets on backbone networks of service providers (SPs). IP in IP
VPN refers to the IP packets transmitted on VPNs.

3.10.2 Intranet VPN Service Isolation

As shown in Figure 3-27, users and servers are separated and grouped into different VPNs. By
default, routers for user A, user B, server I, server II, and server III are isolated so that these
users and servers cannot communicate with each other.
User VPN and server VPN can import routes from each other based on the user and server
control policy. The imported routes among user A (VPN A), VPN I, and VPN III allow user A
to access the VPN I, and VPN III servers.

Figure 3-27 Server isolation plan based on routes

User class A campus User class B


Server class Server class Server class

DC network

As shown in Figure 3-27, firewalls are used to accurately control the rights of server groups.
The security policy is configured based on the table for rights of the user groups and server
groups. By default, the firewalls are disabled. Users can access the server only after a security
policy is configured to enable the firewalls.

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Figure 3-28 Server isolation plan based on firewalls

User class A
User User
group 1 group 2

Deny all users or servers

Permit user group 1 and server group 1
Permit user group 1 and server group 2
Server Server Permit server group 1 and Server group 2
group 1 group N
Server class

3.11 QoS Planning

3.11.1 QoS Overview
The DC planning guarantees peak-traffic services, which requires no QoS processing. The
QoS planning, however, is needed in collaborative computing and Multi-Tenancy
The multi-tenant applications are used to manage bandwidth and are not in the initial version.
QoS planning for multi-tenancy applications can be complemented and optimized in the
subsequent operations.

3.11.2 QoS Planning Concerning Collaborative Computing

Collaborative computing is used in when complicated calculations are involved. Examples of
this are the computing involved for search engines, petroleum exploration, and meteorology.
In collaborative computing, multiple servers may send calculation results to one server at the
same time, which brings a traffic burst, which could result in data congestion on an outbound
interface and packet loss.

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Figure 3-29 Congestion on an outbound interface when multiple servers send data to one server

Internet WAN

As shown in Figure 3-29, servers send data to the yellow-colored server and congestion
occurs in the stared node. Packets are lost if queues are not sufficient in the nodes that
forward data.
To solve the problem, install large-capacity line cards on the EOR switch and the core switch
to cache burst data and prevent packet loss.

Figure 3-30 Large-capacity line cards on the EOR switch and the core switch to prevent packet

Internet WAN

Positions where large-

capacity line cards
are depolyed

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4 Desktop-Cloud Network Solution

4.1 Desktop-Cloud Service Overview

Desktop-cloud is an application model for cloud computing. Cloud computing is a new
method to utilize Internet resources, providing heterogeneous and autonomous services for
users. Cloud-computing resources are dynamically scalable, virtual, and provided over the
Desktop cloud is a cloud service and has the following characteristics:
z Displays services in the desktop mode
z Manages resources flexibly
z Provides services over the Internet
If you want to access the personal desktop and various applications hosted on the server side,
you need only to deploy an appropriate client or network device and access the server through
dedicated applications or browsers. The user experience is the same as if you logged in to
your own personal computer. Desktop cloud separates the PC computing and storage
resources from the physical PC desktop device to provide desktop services. Computing and
storage resources are located on the central server to replace those located on the client. The
computing and storage resources on the central server are scalable and shared, which are
allocated and delivered on demand so that resource usage is increased and overall ownership
cost is reduced.

Figure 4-1 Desktop cloud service

Desktop cloud connects clients (such as offices and reception areas) to the DC through the
intranet or Internet. The DC adopts desktop virtualization technologies to create dozens of
virtual desktops based on a physical server.

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Figure 4-2 Networking for the desktop cloud DC and clients

Shanghai red area Shanghai yellow area Shanghai green area Shenzhen red area Shenzhen yellow area

Cloud computing equipment room

Company network

Shanghai office Shenzhen office

Fit clients Fit clients

The desktop cloud DC is divided into areas based on services, security requirements, and
scale limit in virtualization management.
Basic concepts related to the desktop cloud solution are as follows:
z Management server: Components such as WI, DDC, AD, and license server. Not the
desktop virtual server.
z Service block: Extension unit in the solution. Each service block supports 2000
concurrent desktop users. A service block contains one to four management servers and
z Pool: A pool consists of 1 to 20 servers, and one set of storage equipment (one controller
subrack and several extension subracks). Each pool supports 400 to 500 concurrent
desktop users.

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Figure 4-3 Logic concepts of desktop cloud

Service Block1 Service Block2

Pool1 Pool1
Management servers Management servers


Pool2 Pool2


Pool4 Pool4

As shown in Figure 4-3, the blade servers serve as desktop servers. Blade servers are
virtualized to create management servers and desktop virtual servers.

Figure 4-4 Server network plane

Service network:
Client access and Maintenance network:
enterprise application Desktop cloud internal
access management, monitoring,
and control network

Storage network:
IPSAN or FC storage
access network

By default, a blade server is configured with service, maintenance, and storage network
planes. Each plane is configured in 1+1 redundancy mode. These three network planes are
independent, enhancing the network stability and availability.

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4.2 Desktop Cloud Network Structure

Figure 4-5 shows a typical desktop cloud networking.

Figure 4-5 Networking for the desktop cloud DC and fit clients

Figure 4-5 is a network configured with three service blocks. Each service block supports
2000 concurrent desktop users. The service network, maintenance network, and storage
network are designed independently in the entire desktop cloud network. The service network
and maintenance network consist of two layers: access layer and combined core layer. The
firewall and load balancing devices are shared globally on the whole network.
The data reliability is guaranteed by the high reliability of the storage system. Therefore, no
standby system or network is needed.
In the desktop cloud application system, servers are deployed in the original DC instead of the
desktop cloud DC. The desktop cloud center, however, can be deployed as a large area of the
original DC.

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4.3 Service Network Planning

Figure 4-6 Networking of the service network in the desktop cloud DC

The service network of the desktop cloud is similar to the campus network. In the service
network, desktops are deployed in the DC, each server supporting 20 virtual desktops.
Therefore, box switches in the campus network are necessary to be deployed in the desktop
cloud DC.
For example, in an E6000 subrack used in the desktop cloud, 10 blade servers are deployed,
each supporting 20 to 23 concurrent desktops. That is, each E6000 subrack supports 200 to
230 concurrent desktops.
In addition, an E6000 subrack is configured with six NX910 modules, each providing 10 GE
electrical interfaces. That is, each E6000 subrack supports 200 to 230 concurrent desktops and
provides 60 GE electrical interfaces. Based on the bandwidth statistics shown in Table 4-1,
two upstream GE electrical interfaces can meet service requirements.
Therefore, S5700 switches are deployed at the access layer and combined core layer. Switches
at the access layer are connected to the combined core layer through GE interfaces.
The performance of the load balancer and firewall is calculated using the following formula:
Performance = Number of areas x Number of GE interfaces

4.3.1 Bandwidth of the Service Network

Table 4-1 shows the bandwidth usage based on user behavior in common offices.

Table 4-1 Bandwidth usage based on user behavior

User Behavior Receiving Bandwidth Sending Bandwidth
(kbit/s) (kbit/s)

Opening a folder 40.40 28.90

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User Behavior Receiving Bandwidth Sending Bandwidth

(kbit/s) (kbit/s)

Editing or browsing a Word file 346.51 13.51

Browsing a PPT 535.37 15.64
Browsing a web page 201.71 22.20
Playing music 1658.90 51.91
Playing a video 1293.66 36.28
Playing a high-definition video 9824.12 331.21
Performing the VoIP service 182 180

Based on the preceding table, the bandwidth of each desktop user is 150 kbit/s. The
bandwidth for the desktop access varies according to service applications and user behaviors.
Generally, the 200 kbit/s bandwidth is sufficient for web page applications and enterprise
intranet applications.
In the service network, the total bandwidth needed is:
350 kbit/s x Number of concurrent desktops
If the service network has 2500 concurrent desktops, the required bandwidth is:
350 kbit/s x 2500 = 875 Mbit/s
Therefore, two 1GE ports are sufficient for the service network
Similarly, 1 Gbit/s throughput is sufficient for the SSL VPN gateway and load balancer.

4.4 Security Planning

In the desktop cloud DC, a virtual machine is a desktop system. The network admission
control (NAC) solution for the campus network is used as security control mechanism in the
desktop cloud DC. In the desktop cloud DC, mobile storage devices and external interfaces do
not need to be managed, which is different from the campus network. The following security
measures are needed in the desktop cloud DC:
z Network behavior management
Controlling network traffic
Defending against ARP attacks
Controlling instant messages, stock trading, peer-to-peer software, and online games
Controlling Web access and IP access
z Terminal behavior management
Monitoring file operation
Forcibly running security control software
Preventing non-standard software from being installed

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Disabling risking services (such as the DHCP service) forcibly, or enabling necessary
Two solutions are available to deploy policy enforcement points (PEPs) on the network
z The 802.1x authentication can be enabled on switches at the access layer. This isolates
users who do not meet the security policy requirements, preventing security threats on
the network.

Figure 4-7 Switches with 802.1x authentication enabled at the access layer


Patch server/DNS/DHCP servers (optional)


Antivirus server

802.1x authentication
End users
iNade clients

z The 802.1x authentication (based on the MAC address) can be enabled on switches at the
aggregation layer, and security functions (such as port isolation and private VLAN) are
enabled on switches at the access layer, preventing mutual influence between virtual
switches that are configured on a single access switch.

Figure 4-8 Switches with 802.1x authentication enabled at the aggregation layer
802.1x authentication
Portal authentication


Patch server/DNS/DHCP servers (optional)


Antivirus server

End users
iNade clients

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5 Suggestions on Planning Multiple DCs

5.1 Network Architecture of Multiple DCs

A DC hosts core services and stores mass service information. It needs to provide services
around the clock. A standby DC is established within the range of 50 km from the active DC
in the same city to replicate service data in real time using dedicated lines or transmission
devices. During data backup, some services in the active DC can be migrated to the standby
DC so that both active and standby DCs are in the active state.
In case of natural disasters such as earthquakes, it is recommended that the enterprise
establishes a remote disaster recovery center in another city more than 400 km away from the
active and standby centers. The remote disaster recovery center is responsible for backing up
data in the active and standby DCs and periodically synchronizes data between the production
center and the disaster recovery center in the same city. When a disaster occurs, the remote
disaster recovery center can recover services using backup data, ensuring data integrity.
Figure 5-1 shows the network architecture of multiple DCs.

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Figure 5-1 Network architecture of three centers in two areas

Disaster recovery center in the same city

Production center


Synchronous backup

Bare optical fiber

Disaster recvery
Production array
WDM WDM array in the same city


Remote disaster Asynchronous backup

recovery array
IP link

FC link

Remote disaster recovery center

As more services are deployed in the enterprise, the network architecture of three centers in
two areas cannot meet the requirements for service development. The architecture of multiple
centers with different levels has emerged to replace the original network architecture. If DCs
with different levels are established in a region, the load of global DCs is lessened, the WAN
bandwidth is saved, and the response time of regional services is shortened. In addition, if a
fault occurs in a region, services in other regions are not affected.
Figure 5-2 shows the network architecture of multiple centers with different levels.

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Figure 5-2 Network architecture of multiple centers with different levels

Brazil America Venezuela

Sweden America
France Provinces
regional center
in China
Disaster Remote
backup disaster China regional center
Bahrain Active Russia
center in the backup
center same city center
United Arab Emirates

Egypt Europe Beijing Shanghai CIS regional center

regional center
Global center
Asia Pacific center

India Indonesia

5.2 Network Reliability Planning

5.2.1 Network Reliability Between Regional DCs and Global DCs
The global active DC is connected to the global disaster recovery center using two
independent links: a production service link and a disaster backup link. The two links are
isolated to guarantee bandwidth.
The regional active DC is connected to the regional disaster recovery center using two
independent links: a production service link and a disaster backup link. The regional active
DC is connected to the global active DC and the regional disaster recovery center is connected
to the global disaster recovery center.
Figure 5-3 shows the network topology between global DCs and regional DCs.

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Figure 5-3 Plan for active and standby paths connecting DCs

Global active Global standby

Production service link
Disaster recovery link

Production service link

Disaster recovery link
Regional active Regional standby

Active path Standby path 1

Standby path 2 Standby path 3

Four DCs are defined as four autonomous systems (ASs). They advertise routes using EBGP.
As shown in Figure 5-3, the regional active DC has four paths to the global active DC.
Priorities of four paths are as follows:
z Highest priority: active path. If the link is normal, the regional active DC is directly
connected to the global active DC.
z Second highest priority: standby path 1. If the gateway or the outbound link of the
regional active DC is faulty, the regional active DC is connected to the global active DC
through the regional standby DC.
z Third highest priority: standby path 2. If the access device of the global active DC is
faulty, the regional active DC is connected to the global active DC through the global
disaster recovery center.
z Lowest priority: standby path 3. If the preceding errors occur concurrently, the regional
active DC is connected to the global active DC through the regional standby DC and
then global disaster recovery center.
The priorities of the links are determined by the EBGP AS-Path and MED attributes.

5.2.2 Network Reliability Between a Country/Region Branch and

Regional DCs
A country/region branch is connected to the regional active/standby DCs by using
active/standby links from different carrier. Figure 5-4 shows the network topology between a
country/region branch and regional centers.

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Figure 5-4 Country/region branch's connection to regional DCs

Regional active Regional standby

DC Production service link DC

Disaster recovery link

Country/region branch

Active path Standby path 1

Standby path 2

The active link of the country/region branch is connected to the regional active DC and the
standby link to the regional standby DC. The regional active DC, regional standby DC, and
country/region branch are defined as different ASs by EBGP.
z Active path. Generally, the country/region branch is directly connected to the regional
active DC using the active access link.
z Standby path 1. If the active access link is faulty, the country/region branch is connected
to the regional active DC through the regional standby DC using the standby access link.
z Standby path 2. If the regional active DC is faulty, the traffic is switched to the standby
path 2 on the application layer using the domain name system (DNS) mechanism.

5.3 Route Planning

5.3.1 Routing Overview
Generally, you only need to deploy Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) including Open
Shortest Path First (OSPF) and Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) in the DC.
To manage and maintain the network conveniently, it is recommended that you use the OSPF
dynamic routing protocol to ensure network stability and fast convergence of routes. BGP is
used to advertise routes between DCs. With a powerful routing control capability and
abundant routing policies, BGP is applicable to interconnection between large networks.

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5.3.2 BGP Design

After regional DCs and global DCs are interconnected, each DC is defined as an AS. ASs
advertise their routes using EBGP. As shown in Figure 5-5, the AS-Path and MED attributes
are used to control and select routes with EBGP, enhancing link reliability.

Figure 5-5 BGP AS-Path route selection

Global active Global standby
AS 1 Production service link AS 2
Disaster recovery link

AS 2 1
AS 1 10.1/16 AS 4 1
AS 3 AS 4
10.1/16 AS 4 2 1
Production service link
Regional active Disaster recovery link Regional standby
Active path Standby path 1
Standby path 2 Standby path 3

EBGP prefers the route with the shortest AS-Path. As shown in Figure 5-5, AS 3 receives
information on route 10.1/16 from AS 1, AS 2, and AS 4. The AS-Paths of these routes are AS
1, AS 2 1, AS 4 1, and AS 4 2 1.
z The route advertised from AS 1 (active path) has the shortest AS-Path. Therefore, it has
the highest priority and is selected.
z The route advertised from AS 4 2 1 (standby path 3) has the longest AS-Path. Therefore,
it has the lowest priority.
z The routes advertised from AS 2 1 (standby path 2) and AS 4 1 (standby path 1) have the
same AS-Path. The BGP MED attribute is needed to distinguish their priorities. As
shown in Figure 5-6, the MED value of route 10.1/16 advertised from AS 4 is 100,
smaller than that of the route advertised from AS 2. Therefore, standby path 1 has a
higher priority than standby path 2.

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Figure 5-6 BGP MED route selection

Global active Global standby

AS 1 Production service link AS 2
Disaster recovery data link


10.1/16 MED 100

AS 3 AS 4

Production service link

Regional active Disaster recovery data link Regional standby
Active path Standby path 1
Standby path 2 Standby path 3

BGP has powerful routing control and selection capabilities. By controlling the BGP AS-Path
and MED attributes, you can effectively solve the route selection and link reliability problems
in multiple DCs.

5.4 Disaster Recovery Planning

5.4.1 Disaster Recovery Overview
The disaster recovery center is a computer network system established as a backup to the
production center. When the production center stops working due to a disaster, the disaster
recovery center takes over all or some of the services in the production center in a timely
manner, which minimizes or avoids losses caused by the disaster. Therefore, the disaster
recovery center can provide comprehensive and high-quality services for enterprises.
The disaster recovery system is classified into the following seven tiers according to the
international standard Share 78:
z Tier 0: No off-site data
z Tier 1: Data backup with no hot site
z Tier 2: Data backup with a hot site
z Tier 3: Electronic vaulting
z Tier 4: Point-in-time copies
z Tier 5: Transaction integrity
z Tier 6: Zero or near-Zero data loss
z Tier 7: Highly automated, business integrated solution

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Based on data and service features of each tier, Huawei classifies the disaster recovery system
into the following three levels:
z Tier 0 to 2: Backup level.
z Tier 3 to 5: Data level disaster recovery. A remote data system is established to replicate
the key application data of the local system in real time. When a disaster occurs, the
remote data system takes over services of the local system to ensure service continuity.
z Tier 6 to 7: Application level disaster recovery. A backup application system with a
higher level than the data disaster recovery system is established in a remote area. The
backup application system and the local application system can back up each other and
work together. When a disaster occurs, the remote application system takes over services
of the local application system.
Figure 5-7 shows the service frameworks of the data-level and application-level disaster
recovery systems.

Figure 5-7 Disaster recovery levels

Process switchover
Service system Service system
Application level
disaster recovery
Application software Application software

Database system Remote database replication Database system

Volume management Volume management
Remote software mirror
software software
Data level System software System software
disaster recovery
Storage controller Remote hardware replication Storage controller

Storage device Storage device

Production center Disaster recovery center

Two technical specifications are used to measure disaster recovery:

z Recovery point objective (RPO): acceptable amount of data loss
z Recovery time objective (RTO): acceptable longest duration within which services are
interrupted or the shortest duration between the time when a disaster occurs and the time
when services are restored
RPO measures data loss, while RTO measures service loss. RPO and RTO are not necessarily
related. RTO and RPO vary according to services and enterprises, and are calculated based on
service requirements after risk analysis and service influence analysis are performed.

5.4.2 Disaster Recovery Overview

In most cases, Huawei recommends that two DCs (active and standby) be built for remote
disaster recovery. Applications run on the computer system of the active DC and data is stored
on the storage system of the active DC. When the active DC stops working due to a disaster
such as power outage, fire or earthquake, traffic is switched to network cables and PSTN lines
connected to the standby DC where applications are restarted.
It takes a short time to finish the switchover. This type of recovery ensures the continuity and
integrity of data in both centers.

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The traditional tape backup is performed at a fixed point. If the system corrupts, data
communicated from latest backup to the disaster occurrence is lost and cannot be recovered.
In this backup mode, the backup speed is slow and the backup process is not performed in real
time. Therefore, it cannot meet requirements for recovering a large amount of data, database
continuity, and real-time performance.
The mainstream disaster recovery solution is real-time backup. A real-time data recovery can
replicate updated data from the active DC to the standby DC through communications links,
ensuring synchronization between the active and standby DCs. If the active DC cannot work
properly, the standby DC takes over services of the active DC and maintains data integrity.

Layered Data Replication Technologies

Based on different layers in the information system, different IT technologies can be used to
synchronize or replicate data. The information system is divided into six layers:
z Disk array layer
z Storage area network (SAN) layer
z Logical volume manager layer
z File system layer
z Database layer
z Application system layer
The following is the replication technologies associated with the preceding six layers:
z Mirror-based replication technology
The core of this technology is to replicate production data remotely using the storage
array's disk-array-to-disk-array data block replication technology, which ensures the
security of the production data in a disaster. If a disaster occurs in the active DC, data in
the disaster recovery center can be used to establish an operating environment to provide
IT support for services. Data in the disaster recovery center can also be used to recover
the service system of the active DC to recover services quickly.
The mirror replication between disk arrays does not occupy the system CPU, memory,
and I/O resources, and has little impact on the application system because it does not
involve the host operating system. This is the most mature and widely used disaster
recovery technology. However, it requires that the same type of storage devices from the
same manufacturer be used in the production center and disaster recovery center.
Storage devices of mainstream manufacturers provide the disk array-level mirror
replication technology, such as EMC DMX SRDF, EMC CX MirrorView, IBM DS8000
MetroMirror, IBM DS8000 GlobalMirror, IBM DS4000 ERM, HP XP
ContinuousAccess, and HDS USP TrueCopy.
z SAN-based replication technology
This new technology has emerged in recent years. On a SAN network, a virtual storage
management device is deployed in a direct or bypass manner depending on
The SAN-based technology is applicable to heterogeneous storage devices and
transparent to the host. You can use this technology when disk arrays from many
manufactures exist in one DC, but it is immature and has an impact on the background
I/O storage speed
The products that provide this technology now include IBM SVC, EMC Invista, and
Falcon Ipstor.
z Volume manager-based replication technology

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This technology functions at the volume manager layer and it mirrors or replicates disk
volumes to implement disaster recovery. This technology does not require the same
storage devices on both production centers and disaster recovery centers, but it occupies
system CPU resources and has a great impact on the system performance. Therefore, it
has poor scalability and running performance. This technology is based on the host, so
unexpected unauthorized access to the protected data may occur, affecting system
stability and security.
Commonly used volume replication software includes Symantec Veritas Volume
z File system-based replication technology
This technology replicates data files from the production center to the disaster recovery
center to implement data recovery. This technology functions in the file-based storage
systems, such as file servers, NAS, NAS devices, or file virtualization combinations.
The file-based replication technology is widely used for backing up data. The following
two reasons account for its popularity:
This technology is easy to deploy and supports standard protocols. In addition to its
own replication functions, it can work with multiple driver technologies to provide
more replication functions.
This technology provides enterprises with methods for using storage resources
properly, sharing resource across media servers, and configuring storage capacity for
media servers in a timely manner when the enterprises are running the block-based
storage system.
z Database-based replication technology
This logical replication technology supports heterogeneous storage and operating system
platforms. After analyzing redo logs of the production database, this technology
generates universal or private SQL statements and transmits these statements to the
backup database for application.
The replication process does not involve the lower-layer storage. The replication is
performed across platforms at a high speed, but it occupies system resources, does not
support some special data formats and data description language (DDL) statements, and
cannot guarantee data consistency when random data is generated in the service system.
The common products that provide this technology include Oracle DataGuard, Oracle
Stream, Quest SharePlex for Oracle, DSG RealSync for Oracle, and IBM DB2 HA/DR.
z Application system-based replication technology
The application system must support transaction distribution when the application
system-based replication technology is used. This technology uses transaction
middleware to back up online transaction concurrently in the production center and
disaster recovery center, or to transmit updated data from the active DC to the standby
DC, ensuring data consistency between the production center and disaster recovery
This technology requires low bandwidth, but existing current applications can only
implement this technology after you modify these applications.

Data Backup Mode

Data can be backed up in both local and remote ends. Based on protection mechanisms of
different levels, two data backup modes are available.
z Synchronous mode
Before the next write operation is performed on disks, updated data in the last write
operation must be replicated to both local and remote volumes. The synchronous mode

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provides the highest protection level, but application performance is affected due to the
time delay caused by data transmission between arrays in local and remote ends.
z Asynchronous mode
Local volumes can continue the write operation even if the remote volumes are not
updated. Remote volumes are updated after a period of delay. This mode ensures high
application performance, but data that is not updated to remote volumes will be lost if a
disaster occurs.

5.4.3 Network Planning for Disaster Recovery

When you plan a network for disaster recovery, take two disaster recovery methods into
consideration: real-time disaster recovery in the same city and remote disaster recovery
backup. As shown in Figure 5-8, data is synchronized in real time for the disaster recovery
center in the same city and in fixed time for the remote disaster recovery center.

Figure 5-8 Network planning for disaster recovery in the same/different cities

City A City B

Network Network Network

in fixed time


Storage network Storage network Storage

Synchronization network of the
of the production of the disaster
in real time backup center
center recovery center

IP link FC link

Disaster Recovery in the Same City

In the metro disaster recovery solution, Huawei recommends that core service data be backed
up in synchronous or asynchronous mode based on the physical distance between the disaster
recovery center and the production center.
On the FC SAN network, the Wavelength Division Multiplexing/Synchronous Digital
Hierarchy (WDM/SDH) technology can be used to back up the network remotely, and the
mirror-based replication technology can be used to synchronize data in real time.
If the distance between the disaster recovery center and the production center is within 100
km and two centers are connected using optical fibers, some core service data can be backed
up in synchronous mode while the others in asynchronous mode with regard of transmission
delay of optical fiber signals.
If two centers are connected using IP data links, the IP SAN-based communication protocols
can be used to transmit data, such as Fiber Channel over IP (FCIP), Internet Fiber Channel

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Protocol (iFCP), Infiniband, and Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI). Huawei
recommends the asynchronous mode.

Remote Disaster Recovery

In the remote disaster recovery solution, data is backed up through leased lines and on the
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network.
If users have sufficient capital, it is recommended that users use point-to-point leased lines
and WAN acceleration devices to decrease the leased WAN bandwidth, providing high-speed
and efficient data backup services at minimum costs.
Data is backed up in the asynchronous mode, which meets requirements for bandwidth and
transmission delay in remote disaster recovery. If the amount of data exceeds the threshold in
the disaster recovery center, the overflow data is backed up to the tape library or CD-ROM
library using the snapshot technology.
Data transmission delay exists between the remote disaster recovery center and local
production center and varies with the adopted technologies, bandwidth, distance, and
characteristics of data flows. The software-based replication technologies can easily
implement queuing and resumable transmission mechanisms, ensuring data consistency if a
disaster occurs.
Compared with the synchronous mode, the asynchronous mode has low requirements for
bandwidth and distance. It requires that all data can be replicated from the local end to the
remote end within a certain period of time and does not affect application system performance.
If a disaster occurs in the local production center, however, data on the remote end will be
temporarily lost (if the transmission rate is low and data is not transmitted completely on
WAN), but data consistency is not affected, similar to what happens if the local host is
abnormally shut down.

5.4.4 Service Planning for Disaster Recovery

Based on real-time synchronization, automatic switchover and active/active load balancing
can be implemented for services. As shown in Figure 5-9, intelligent DNS servers (global load
balancers) monitor the status of Web servers and local load balancers, and provide DNS
resolution results based on the status.
If a Web server fails in the active DC, the local load balancer switches services on this Web
server to the other Web server in the center. If the whole active DC fails, the global load
balancer switches services in the center to the disaster recovery center.

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Figure 5-9 Automatic switchover and active/active load balancing implemented based on the
active/backup intelligent DNS/GSLB

Disaster recovery DC
Active DC

Web server Web server

Local load Local load

balancer balancer

Intelligent DNS Intelligent DNS

(global load (global load
balancer) balancer)


Normal access Backup access

Monitoring the status of servers and load balancers

The DNS service has a great impact on services in the DC, so disaster recovery for DNS
servers must be taken into consideration. In multiple DCs, it is recommended that you deploy
the slave DNS server in the active DC, and master DNS server in the standby DC. This
guarantees the proper operation of DNS services when the whole active DC fails.

5.5 Service Distribution Planning

5.5.1 Service Distribution Overview
With the development and expansion of enterprises, the deployment mode of DCs evolves
from single-center mode to three-center-in-two-area mode and multiple-center mode. Services
are hosted in active DCs or regional DCs as required.

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Based on user experience and service characteristics, services have different requirements for
bandwidth and transmission delay. Therefore, the related DCs are deployed in different modes.
For example, office automation (OA) services such as Notes and Email, are sensitive to
transmission delay and require high bandwidth. Therefore, they are deployed in distributed
mode, which reduces bandwidth on leased lines of regional DCs and active DCs.

5.5.2 Service Distribution Planning

Services in DCs are deployed in the centralized and distributed manner to meet operators'
network requirements and increase user satisfaction. The following table lists characteristics
of some application services in DCs and recommendations on their deployment modes.

Table 5-1 Centralized and distributed deployment modes of application services

Application Architectu Characteristics Deployment Mode
Service re

OA services C/S Interactive operation: Distributed deployment:

(such as Notes sensitive to delay OA services are deployed in
and Email) Large-amount-of-data global active DCs and regional
operation: sensitive to DCs in the distributed mode.
bandwidth and delay
Web service B/S Interactive operation: Centralized and distributed
sensitive to delay deployment:
Large-amount-of-data Database servers and application
operation: sensitive to servers are deployed in
bandwidth and delay centralized mode.
HTTP servers are deployed in
distributed mode.
ERP B/S Sensitive to delay and Centralized deployment:
error codes ERP is distributed in global
active DCs in centralized mode.
Video - Sensitive to bandwidth Centralized and distributed
VoIP and jitter deployment:
Gatekeepers (GKs) are deployed
in centralized mode.
Multipoint Control Units
(MCUs) are deployed in
distributed mode.
Interactive - Interactive operation Interactive production services
production and low bandwidth are deployed in DCs in
services centralized mode

Centralized and distributed deployment modes are applicable to the services in Table 5-2.

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Table 5-2 Services deployed in the centralized/distributed mode

Deployment Applicable To

Distributed z Services distributed in regions

deployment z Services limited within regions
z Services with heavy traffic and frequent interactions
Centralized z Services with light traffic, such as services in the early development
deployment stage
z Services of great importance and requiring surveillance by headquarters

With the global load balancing technology, distributed services meet requirements of the
nearest enterprises, back up data in DCs for each other in multiple locations, and perform load
balancing among multiple DCs.
z DCs provide services for the nearest enterprises.
z If the server fails or a fault occurs on the network in a DC, the remote DC will provide
services for users who are not informed.
z The global load balancing technology provides the intelligent DNS function to distribute
enterprises' services, ensuring load balance among servers in multiple locations.
With the global server load balancing (GSLB) technology, the redirection function can be
implemented. The redirection process is as follows:
a. A user sends a Hypertext Transfer Protocol/Real Time Streaming Protocol (HTTP/RTSP)
b. GSLB servers communicate with each other to select a proper DC to provide services for
the user.
c. The GSLB server that is nearest to the user replies to the user with an HTTP/RTSP 302
redirection message which contains the virtual IP address of the selected Internet data
center (IDC).
d. User's HTTP/RTSP request is redirected to the virtual IP address of the selected IDC.

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6 DC Network Maintenance

6.1 Network Management

Huawei eSight is a new generation of NMS targeting the enterprise campus and branch. It can
uniformly manage enterprise resources, services, and users.
The eSight manages all IT devices, IP devices, and third-party devices, intelligently analyzes
network traffic and access users' roles, and automatically adjust network control polices to
ensure enterprise network security. In addition, it provides a flexible and open platform based
on which enterprises can develop their intelligent management systems.

6.1.1 Network Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is complex and the workload is heavy. The following tasks are involved
in maintenance:
z Monitoring topology objects
z Monitoring network elements
z Configuring network elements
z Monitoring services
z Diagnosing faults
z Monitoring performance
z Checking resources
z Generating reports
Huawei eSight can quickly and accurately provide required information for network
administrators, which significantly relieves workload. The eSight provides abundant
management functions and various maintenance methods for operators to implement routine
maintenance easily.

Managing Topologies
As shown in Figure 6-1, the eSight topology view displays the navigation tree on the left and
the view on the right. The navigation tree displays the hierarchy of the network structure

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while the view displays hierarchical objects in different coordinates so that users can learn
about the object deployment in a clear and direct way.

Figure 6-1 Monitoring topology objects

The eSight topology view provides the following functions:

z Adding, deleting, modifying, and querying subnets, network elements (NEs), links, and
virtual NEs
z Moving elements on the topology
z Displaying the alarm status and tips
z Arranging NEs, viewing NE attributes, zooming in or zooming out the NE icons, and
printing the topology view.
z Providing shortcut access interfaces, such as the shortcut to accessing the NE manager or
viewing device alarms
The eSight topology alarm provides the following functions:
z Coloring topology nodes to mark polling status (normal, unknown, or offline)
z Masking alarms of low severity. If multiple alarms are generated by NEs or subnets, only
the alarm of the highest severity is displayed.

Monitoring NEs
The homepage of the NE manager displays basic information about NE devices, TOPN
alarms, interface traffic, bandwidth usage, CPU, and memory in tables. Users can determine
whether to display these performance tables as required.

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Figure 6-2 NE management

As shown in Table 6-1, the eSight provides abundant NE monitoring and management
functions for various devices.

Table 6-1 NE monitoring functions provided by the eSight

Device Type Functions Supported by eSight

Huawei router z Collecting performance data and monitoring alarms

and switch z Managing the basic information about devices
z Supporting device status query based on simulation images on the
device panel and displaying the status of boards and interfaces
z Supporting the IP address query and interface information query
z Configuring and managing a single NE
z Checking, backing up, recovering, and comparing configuration files
of devices
z Managing network resources, including devices, subracks, boards,
subcards, and ports
Huawei z Collecting performance data and monitoring alarms based on certain
firewall standards
z Managing the basic information about devices
z Supporting device status query based on simulation images on the
device panel and displaying the status of boards and interfaces
z Supporting the IP address query and interface information query
z Configuring and managing a single NE using its Web NMS
z Checking, backing up, recovering, and comparing configuration files
of devices

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Device Type Functions Supported by eSight

Pre-integrated z Collecting performance data and monitoring alarms based on certain

mainstream standards
Cisco and H3C z Managing the basic information about devices
z Supporting device status query based on simulation images on the
device panel and displaying the status of boards and interfaces
z Supporting the IP address query and interface information query
z Configuring and managing a single NE using its Web NMS
z Checking, backing up, recovering, and comparing configuration files
of devices
z Managing network resources, including devices, subracks, boards,
subcards, and ports
Non z Collecting performance data and monitoring alarms based on certain
pre-integrated standards
third-party z Managing the basic information about devices
z Supporting device status query based on simulation images on the
device panel and displaying the status of boards and interfaces
z Displaying device icons, collecting the device performance, reporting
alarms, and backing up configuration files by entering customized data

Servers and z Collecting performance based on certain standards

printers z Managing the basic information about devices
z Supporting device status query based on simulation images on the
device panel and displaying the status of boards and interfaces
z Supporting the IP address query and interface information query
z Configuring and managing a single NE using its Web NMS
z Managing servers and printers' storage

Configuring NEs
The eSight configures a single NE in the following ways:
1. As shown in Figure 6-3, the eSight configures interfaces and routes using the simple
configuration frame.

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Figure 6-3 Single NE configuration (using the simple configuration frame)

2. As shown in Figure 6-4, the eSight configures a single NE using the smart configuration tool.

Figure 6-4 Single NE configuration (using the smart configuration tool)

3. As shown in Figure 6-5, the eSight configures switches, access routers, and security devices
using the Web NMS.

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Figure 6-5 Single NE configuration (using the Web NMS)

During new deployment and network maintenance, users need to configure services for
devices deployed in centralized mode in batches. In this case, as shown in Figure 6-6, users
are recommended to use the smart configuration tool to configure services for multiple
devices in batches, which significantly improves operation and maintenance efficiency.

Figure 6-6 Batch NE configuration


Monitoring Services
As shown in Figure 6-7, the eSight monitors services in real time and collects traffic statistics
and other information based on the service type, which helps the maintenance personnel to
monitor services.

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Figure 6-7 Monitoring services

Monitoring Network Performance

The eSight can monitor the key performance indexes (KPIs) of a network and collects
performance statistics. Users can manage network performance on the eSight graphical user
interfaces (GUIs).
Users can use the performance monitoring template to manage performance indexes,
configure alarm thresholds, and apply performance collection rules to multiple objects. The
performance monitoring template contains the following information:
z Performance index group
Multiple performance indexes are integrated into a performance index group. Users can
customize a performance index group to include all performance indexes in a scenario so
that they can create a proper monitoring task.
z Performance index
The performance index defines the specific index for collecting performance.
z Performance index collection period
Multiple periods are available for collecting performance indexes.

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z Performance threshold
A performance threshold is specified in the network. When the performance index is
lower than the performance threshold, an alarm will be reported, instructing operators to
take actions to prevent the network performance from deteriorating.
Performance data is collected during the performance monitoring process. As shown in
Figure 6-8, the performance data collected in a performance index collection period
indicates the network performance in this period and provides a basis for predicting the
network performance change.

Figure 6-8 Monitoring network performance

Users can query the collected performance data displayed in GUI in the performance
monitoring view to learn the network performance within a specified period and predict the
network performance change.

Querying Resources and Managing Reports

As shown in Figure 6-9 and Figure 6-10, the eSight provides various resources and predefined
reports and the easy-to-use report design function so that users can design reports based on the
industry features and OAM requirements.

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Figure 6-9 Querying physical resources

Figure 6-10 Querying exported reports

As shown in Figure 6-11 and Figure 6-12, the eSight can manage configuration files to help
users quickly save files and log in to the device. In addition, the eSight provides a tool to
inspect devices periodically, lessening the workload of the maintenance personnel.

Figure 6-11 Managing configuration files

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Figure 6-12 Backing up configuration files

6.1.2 Customization of Third-Party Devices

Network devices in a DC are from different manufactures and cannot be managed in a
uniformly pre-integrated manner. Therefore, customization capabilities are required. If
network devices are managed by their NMS, the maintenance cost will be higher and
workload of the maintenance personnel will be heavier.
Huawei eSight provides customization capabilities for users to manage third-party devices.
Users can configure the following information to manage third-party devices as required:
z Manufacturer
z Device model
z Alarm parameters
z Performance indexes
z Panel
z Configuration file management

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Configuring Manufacturers
As shown in Figure 6-13, the eSight can configure the name and contact information of a
manufacturer. The configured manufacturer information is used in the subsequent
configuration of device models.

Figure 6-13 Configuring manufacturers

Configuring Device Models

As shown in Figure 6-14, the eSight can configure the description, icon, and Web link for a
device model. The configured icon is displayed on the topology.

Figure 6-14 Configuring device models

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Customizing Alarms
As shown in Figure 6-15, the eSight can customize reported alarms. The customized alarms
can be parsed and are displayed on the alarm management page.

Figure 6-15 Customizing alarms

Customizing Performance Indexes

As shown in Figure 6-16, the eSight can customize performance indexes of devices. The
customized performance indexes are collected by the performance statistics task and
displayed on the performance page.

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Figure 6-16 Customizing performance indexes

Customizing Device Panels

As shown in Figure 6-17, the eSight can customize the simulation images of subracks, boards,
subcards, and ports. The customized panel will display the new simulation images.

Figure 6-17 Customizing device panels

Customizing Configuration Files

As shown in Figure 6-18, the eSight can customize commands to back up, restore, or restart
configuration files so that configuration files can be automatically backed up.

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Figure 6-18 Customizing backup and restoration of configuration files

Customizing Reports
The eSight can make report designs by modifying predefined report design files.

6.1.3 Software Upgrade and Patch Loading

A DC has many network devices. Therefore, it is time consuming to upgrade software or load
patches on these devices one by one and upgrade failures may occur due to human factors.
Huawei recommends you upgrade software and load all patches remotely at one time. This
method significantly lessens the workload of maintenance personnel and avoids failures
caused by human factors.

Upgrading Software
The eSight provides a function to upgrade software remotely at one time. Figure 6-19 displays
the operation guide to upgrade devices. If the upgrade fails, the eSight provides
troubleshooting methods to ensure that devices run in normal status.

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Figure 6-19 Software upgrade flowchart


Configure FTP/TFTP/
SFTP servers (optional)

Configure backup/load path


Prepare application files

Create and execute the

upgrade task

Query the execution result

Is the upgrade No
Troubleshoot the fault


Loading Patches
The eSight provides a function to load patches remotely at one time. Figure 6-20 displays the
operation flow to load patches. The eSight also provides the patch rollback function to restore
the NE to the previous status.

Figure 6-20 Patch update flowchart


Load patches

Activate patches

Confirm (optional)


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6.2 Troubleshooting
The DC network system consists of network devices, links between devices, and servers. If
the network system is faulty, you can locate the fault by checking the link status, device status,
or server status, or by detecting virus attacks. The upper layer application cannot work
properly if any one of these components is faulty.

6.2.1 Troubleshooting Network Devices

Network devices may encounter the following faults:
z A device is down: The power indicator or other indicators on the device are off and no
sound is generated.
z The CPU usage of a device is too high: The CPU usage is too high and related
applications responds slowly when a user runs the monitoring software or logs in to the
z An error message is displayed: An error message is generated on the server when a user
views the log server or logs in to the device.
z An alarm is reported: The status indicator of the device is red, indicating that an alarm is

A Device Is Down
If a device is down, check the power cable and power supply in the equipment room first.
If the power cable is connected properly and the power supply is normal, call the device
vendor or service provider for help immediately. If the hardware is faulty, ask the device
vendor or service provider to replace parts as soon as possible.

The CPU Usage of a Device Is Too High

Report the problem to the service provider immediately. Help the technical support engineers
to locate the cause. In most cases, the problem is caused by the virus attack.

An Error Message Is Displayed

Send the error message to the service provider and track the troubleshooting progress. The
service provider will provide the cause to the problem after analyzing the error message. If the
device has a potential fault, prepare an emergency trouble shooting scheme or replace the

An Alarm Is Reported
Send the alarm to the device vendor and service provider, and ask them to troubleshoot the
fault or replace parts.

6.2.2 Troubleshooting Servers

Servers related to a network system are Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server,
access control system (ACS) server, and agent server on the external network. Faults that
often occur are as follows:
z Failure to obtain an IP address.

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z Failure to log in to the network device.

z Failure to access the Internet through an agent server.

Fail to Obtain an IP Address

To troubleshoot the fault, proceed as follows:
1. Perform the ping operation to check the connectivity of the DHCP server.
2. If the DHCP server is connected properly, log in to the DHCP server to check whether the
DHCP service is normal. If it is normal, verify that the DHCP request times out due to the
virus attack.
3. If the DHCP server fails, replace it with the backup server.
4. Configure a static IP address manually for the computer to access the network before the
DHCP server recovers.

Fail to Log In to the Network Device

1. Perform a ping operation to check the connectivity of the network device.
2. If the device is connected properly, log in to the ACS server to check whether the ACS
service is normal.
3. If the ACS service is abnormal, log in to the network device through the console port, disable
the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) authentication, and enable the local
authentication based on the built-in database.

Fail to Access the Internet Through an Agent Server

1. Check the network connectivity by accessing other applications. Then, perform a ping
operation to check the connectivity of the agent server.
2. If the agent server is connected correctly, log in to the agent server to check whether the agent
service and related system services are normal. If any service is abnormal, restart the service
or the agent server.
3. If the fault persists, check whether the key hardware (such as NIC) of the agent server is
4. If the hardware or system is faulty, replace the agent server with the backup agent server.
5. If there are no problems with the agent server, ping the DNS gateway and Internet service
provider (ISP) gateway to check the Internet access. If the DNS gateway or ISP gateway
cannot be pinged, contact the ISP to rectify the fault.
6. If the link provided by the ISP is faulty, access the Internet through the backup link.

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6.3 Network Expansion

With increasing expansion of services and scale of a DC, an existing network capacity cannot
meet the requirements of long-term development. Therefore, network expansion is important.
A smooth expansion is essential to the network expansion because services are not affected
during the expansion.
The network expansion is implemented in three ways:
z Server expansion
z Device expansion
z Link bandwidth expansion
Use a proper expansion policy as required by expansion scenarios to expand the network
capacity smoothly without affecting services.

Server Expansion
Server expansion is implemented by expanding servers in an original area or creating servers
in a new area. The expansion policies of each are different.

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Figure 6-21 Internal architecture of the DC

Enterprise branch Collaborative unit Remote disaster

External user
recovery center

Collaborative Disaster
unit dedicated Internet recovery
network network

Collaborative Disaster
Enterprise Internet
access unit access backup center
access network
network network access network
2000 to 2199 2200 to 2299 2300 to 2399 2400 to 2499

Management Core network
100 to 199
3000 to 3999
Production Office area Other areas DMZ area
200 to 399 400 to 599 600 to 799 800 to 999

Storage area

z Expand servers in an original area

With the development of production services, servers in the production area need to be
expanded to meet service requirements. The servers must be expanded smoothly based
on the previously planned VLANs and IP addresses, which ensures VLAN continuity,
requires no change to the upstream router or firewall policy, facilitates the network
maintenance, and relieves the expansion workload.
z Create servers in a new area
If the demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a newly created area, you need to allocate VLANs
and IP addresses and plan a router and a firewall policy for this area. In this way, the
existing services will be expanded smoothly without being affected, and the new area is
easy to maintain and manage.

Device Expansion
Figure 6-22 shows common network architecture of a DC. Many ring networks exist at the
access layer and aggregation layer. Once you add servers, you need to deploy routers at the
access layer and connect them to the combined core layer, which makes the network more

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complex and requires a loop-prevention technology. Therefore, services on the existing

network will be affected.

Figure 6-22 Common network architecture of a DC

Internet WAN


core layer


Access layer

To avoid affecting services while expanding, Huawei recommends cluster and stacking
technologies in planning the network architecture of a DC, as shown in Figure 6-23. Cluster
and stacking technologies tear down the loop prevention protocol, simplifies the network
architecture, and facilitates the device expansion.

Figure 6-23 Network architecture of a DC deployed in the cluster and stacking mode

Internet WAN


/core layer


Access layer

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After the network is planned in the cluster and stacking mode, the network changes from a
ring topology to a tree topology which is easy to maintain. When you expand devices, you
only need to add new devices to the stacking system to implement smooth expansion, which
has no impact on the network architecture and does not add physical links at the combined
core layer.

Link Bandwidth Expansion

With the development of services, link bandwidth will increase and may become a bottleneck.
You can use high-performance and high-bandwidth (for example, replace the GE board to
10GE board, or replace the 10GE board to 40GE board) boards or use the link binding
technology to implement smooth expansion without affecting network services.

6.4 Disaster Emergency Maintenance

Disaster emergency maintenance requires designers to consider, during the network design,
how to take emergency maintenance measures, how to recover services, and how to minimize
service losses if a disaster occurs (such as an earthquake or fire) at a DC.

Suggestions on Disaster Emergency Maintenance

The three-center-in-two-area solution has taken unexpected disasters into consideration. For
details about how to store data between the active center, backup center, and disaster recovery
center and how to switch services if a disaster occurs, see 5 Suggestions on Planning Multiple

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7 Recommended Products

The data center solution is made up of the following products:

z Core switch: S9300 series core switches
z Access switch: S6700 series access switches
z Access switch: S5700 series access switches
z Mini optical transport network (OTN): Optical OSN 1800
z Optical transmission platform: Optical OSN 6800

7.1 S9300 Series Core Switches

7.1.1 Product Overview
The Quidway S9300, which is a carrier-class core switch (S9300 for short), is a
next-generation high-performance core routing switch developed by Huawei. The S9300 has a
large switching capacity, a high port density, and can forward Layer 2 to Layer 4 packets at
wire speed. In addition, the S9300 provides powerful multicast functions, a comprehensive
QoS guarantee, an effective security management mechanism, and high reliability to meet the
requirements of VIP users for multi-service, high reliability, large capacity, and modulation.
This reduces costs in network construction and maintenance.
The S9300 can be deployed at the core and aggregation layers on various types of campus
networks. It can also be used as an aggregation switch on some large campus networks that
require high performance and port density.

7.1.2 Product Model

The S9300 series switches include the following models:

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Table 7-1 S9300 product model

Product Model Description

S9303 z LPU: 3
z Switch fabric capacity: 1440 Gbit/s
z Backplane capacity: 3 Tbit/s
z Forwarding performance: 540 Mpps
S9306 z LPU: 6
z Switch fabric capacity: 2 Tbit/s
z Backplane capacity: 6 Tbit/s
z Forwarding capacity: 1320 Mpps
S9312 z LPU: 12
z Switch fabric capacity: 2 Tbit/s
z Backplane capacity: 12 Tbit/s
z Forwarding capacity: 1320 Mpps

Figure 7-1 The S9303

Figure 7-2 The S9306

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Figure 7-3 The S9312

7.1.3 Product Characteristics

Advanced Architecture, High Performance, and Flexible Configuration
The S9300 adopts the advanced and distributed architecture and the latest hardware
forwarding engine technology. The services on all interfaces can be forwarded at wire speed,
including IPv4 services, MPLS services, and Layer 2 forwarding services. The S9300 can use
the ACL to forward packets at wire speed.
The hardware of the S9300 implements two-level packet replication to forward multicast
packets at wire speed:
The SFU replicates multicast packets to the LPU.
Then the forwarding engine of the LPU replicates the multicast packets to the interfaces on
the LPU.
The S9300 supports 2 Tbit/s switching capacity and various high-density boards to meet
requirements for the large capacity and high-density interfaces of core and aggregation layer
devices. It can meet users' increasing requirements for the bandwidth and protect and save the
maximum amount of the users' investment.

Comprehensive Security Measures

The S9300 supports Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA). It performs AAA
for access users based on policies. In addition, the S9300 supports 802.1x, portal, guest
VLAN, and dynamic user access authentication. Therefore, it can work well with the network
admission control (NAC) produced by other mainstream manufacturers.
The S9300 supports the routing protocol encryption, lawful interception, MAC address
filtering, dynamic ARP detection, and ACLs to protect data for service providers and end
users. Hardware-based packet filtering and sampling guarantee high performance and high
scalability of the system.
The S9300 is the industry leader in integrated security solutions. It uses a 2-level CPU
protection mechanism and supports 1K CPU queues, and protects the CPU by separating the
data plane and control plane. In addition, the S9300 defends against DoS attacks, prevents
unauthorized access, and prevents control plane overloading.

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High Reliability
Huawei's carrier-class high reliability design ensures that the S9300 is 99.999% reliable,
which meets and exceeds carrier-class operation requirements. The S9300 provides redundant
backup for key components, including MPUs, power supply units, and fans, all of which are
hot swappable. Based on distributed hardware forwarding architecture, the routing plane is
separated from the switching plane to ensure service continuity.
The S9300 provides 3.3 ms hardware-based Ethernet operation, administration, and
maintenance (OAM) function, which can quickly detect and locate faults. By using the
Ethernet OAM technology and switchover technologies, the S9300 can provide
millisecond-level protection for networks.
The service traffic can be switched between active and standby components without rebooting
the equipment. The S9300 also supports the in-service software upgrade (ISSU), further
reducing service interruption.
The S9300 supports the link aggregation defined in IEEE 802.3ad, the IEEE 802.1s/w
standard, and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). In addition, it supports various
millisecond switchover technologies, such as Rapid Ring Protection Protocol (RRPP), Smart
Link, IP fast reroute (FRR), traffic engineering (TE) FRR, and virtual private network (VPN)
FRR. These features improve the reliability of data transmission.

7.1.4 Specifications
The following table lists the specifications of the S9300 series switches.

Table 7-2 Main specifications of the S9300 series switches

Specifications S9303 S9306 S9312

Backplane 1.2 2.4 4.8

capacity (Tbit/s)
Service slot 3 6 12
GE port density 144 288 576
10G port density 120 240 480
VLAN z Access, trunk, and hybrid interfaces
z Default VLAN
z VLAN switching
z QinQ and enhanced selective QinQ
MAC address z Automatic learning and aging of MAC addresses
z Static, dynamic, and blackhole MAC address entries
z Packet filtering based on source MAC addresses
z MAC address learning limitation based on interfaces and VLANs
z Bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) protection, root protection, and
loop protection
z BDPU tunnels

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Specifications S9303 S9306 S9312

IP routing z IPv4 dynamic routing protocols, such as, RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, and
z IPv6 dynamic routing protocols, such as, RIPng, OSPFv3, ISISv6,
and BGPv4
Multicast z IGMP snooping
z IGMP fast leave
z Multicast traffic control
z Multicast queries
z Suppression on multicast packets
z Multicast ACL
MPLS z Basic MPLS functions
z MPLS traffic engineering (TE)
Clock z Synchronous Ethernet clock
z IEEE 1588v2
QoS z Traffic classification based on the Layer 2 protocol header, Layer 3
protocol, Layer 4 protocol, and 802.1p priority
z Actions such as ACL, CAR, remark, and schedule
z Queue scheduling styles such as PQ, WRR, DRR, PQ+WRR, and
z Congestion avoidance mechanisms such as Weighted Random
Early Detection (WRED) and tail drop
z Traffic shaping
Configuration and z Terminal services such as Console, Telnet, and SSH
maintenance z Network management protocols such as SNMPv1/v2/v3
z Uploading and downloading of files using FTP and TFTP
z BootROM upgrade and remote online upgrade
z Hot patches
z User operation logs
Security and z 802.1x authentication and portal authentication
management z RADIUS and HWTACACS authentication for login users
z Hierarchical protection for commands to prevent unauthorized users
from accessing the device
z Protection against DoS attacks, SYN flood attacks of TCP, UDP
flood attacks, broadcast storms, and large-traffic attacks
z CPU channel protection
z Ping and traceroute

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Specifications S9303 S9306 S9312

Chassis dimension 442 mm x 476 mm x 442 mm x 476 mm x 442 mm x 476 mm x

(H x W x D) 175 mm 441.7 mm 663.95 mm

Chassis weight < 22 kg < 42 kg < 70 kg

Working voltage DC power supply: 38.4 V to 72 V
AC power supply: 90 V to 264 V
Typical power 180 W < 350 W < 650 W
Power supply 800 W 1600 W 1600 W
capability of the
(PoE not

7.2 S6700 Series Access Switches

7.2.1 Product Overview
The Quidway S6700 (S6700) is a next-generation 10GE box-shaped switch developed by
Huawei. The S6700 can serve as access switches in the data center to access the 10GE server,
aggregation switches on a metropolitan area network (MAN), and core switches on a campus
As one of the class-A switches in the industry, the S6700 provides a maximum of 24 or 48
10GE interfaces at wire speed, which enables the high-density 10GE access and high-density
10GE aggregation on the campus network. The S6700 provides rich service features, a
comprehensive security control policy, and various QoS mechanisms to meet the requirements
for extensibility, reliability, manageability, and security of the data center.

7.2.2 Product Model

The S6700 series switches include two models.
z S6748-EI: provides 48 GE small form-factor pluggable (SFP)/10GE small form-factor
pluggable plus (SFP+) ports, two slots for power supplies, and a USB port.
z S6724-EI: provides 24 GE SFP/10GE SFP+ ports, two slots for power supplies, and a
USB port.

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Figure 7-4 The S6748-EI

Figure 7-5 The S6724-EI

7.2.3 Product Characteristics

High-Density 10GE Flexible Access
With the increasing bandwidth required by the clients, the 10GE network interface cards on
the server are widely used. The switch in the data center provides higher forwarding
performance and 10GE interface extensibility. Compared with other similar switches in the
industry, the S6700 box-shape switch has the highest 10GE port density and largest switching
capacity. An S6700 can support packet forwarding at wire speed on a maximum of 48 10GE
The GE/10GE interfaces support flexible access and can automatically identify the type of an
installed optical module. The S6700 can access the optical/electrical interfaces on the GE
server. This saves the users' investments and ensures flexible usage of the S6700.
To meet the requirements for heavy traffic and non-blocking transmission, the S6700 provides
large buffer capacity and uses advanced buffer scheduling mechanisms to maximize the
effective usage of buffer capacity.

Comprehensive Security Measures

The S6700 provides various security measures. It can defend against Denial of Service (DoS)
attacks, attacks to networks, and attacks to users. DoS attacks include SYN Flood attacks,
Land attacks, Smurf attacks, and ICMP Flood attacks. Attacks to networks refer to STP
BPDU/root attacks. Attacks to users include bogus DHCP server attacks, man-in-the-middle
attacks, IP/MAC spoofing attacks, DHCP request flood attacks, and DoS attacks by changing
the CHADDR field of packets.
The S6700 listens to information about the MAC or IP address of an access user, IP address
lease, VLAN ID, and interface by establishing and maintaining a DHCP snooping binding
table. The S6700 directly discards invalid packets such as ARP spoofing packets and packets
with bogus IP addresses that do not match binding entries. In this manner, hackers or attackers
are prevented from carrying out the man-in-the-middle attacks by using ARP packets on
campus networks. The trusted interface feature of DHCP snooping ensures the validity of the
DHCP server.

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The S6700 supports strict learning of ARP entries to prevent ARP spoofing attackers from
exhausting ARP entries so that authorized users can access the Internet. The S6700 supports
IP source check to prevent DoS attacks caused by MAC address spoofing, IP address spoofing,
and MAC/IP spoofing. Unicast reverse path forwarding (URPF) provided by the S6700 can
reverse check packet transmission path to authenticate packets, which can protect the network
against increasing source address spoofing attacks.
The S6700 supports the integrated MAC address authentication and 802.1x authentication.
User information, such as the user name, IP address, MAC address, VLAN ID, access
interface, and a flag indicating whether antivirus software is installed on the client, can be
bound statically or dynamically, and policies (VLAN, QoS, and ACL) can be delivered
The S6700 can limit the number of MAC addresses learned on an interface to prevent
attackers from exhausting MAC address entries by using bogus source MAC addresses. In
this way, MAC addresses of authorized users can be learned and flooding is prevented.

High Reliability
The S6700 supports dual power supplies for backup and can use an AC power supply and a
DC power supply at the same time. Users can select a single power supply or dual power
supplies to improve device reliability. The switch provides two built-in fans to improve
operating stability and has a long mean time between failure (MTBF).
Enhancing STP, RSTP, and MSTP, the S6700 supports the MSTP multi-process that greatly
increases the number of sub-ring instances. It supports enhanced Ethernet technologies such
as Smart Link and RRPP to implement millisecond-level protective switchover, improving
network reliability. Smart Link and RRPP both support multi-instance to implement load
balancing among links, further improving bandwidth usage.
The S6700 supports enhanced trunk (E-Trunk). When a client edge (CE) is dual homed to a
VPLS, VLL, or PWE3 network, an E-Trunk can be configured to protect the links between
the CEs and provider edges (PEs) and implement backup between PEs. The E-trunk can
implement link aggregation across devices to upgrade the link reliability to device level.
The S6700 supports Smart Ethernet Protection (SEP) protocol, a ring network protocol
applied to the link layer of an Ethernet network. SEP is applicable to open ring networks and
can be deployed on upper-layer aggregation devices to provide millisecond-level switchover
without interrupting services. Huawei devices have implemented Ethernet link management
using SEP. SEP features simplicity, high reliability, high switchover performance, convenient
maintenance, and flexible topology and enables users to conveniently manage and plan
The S6700 supports VRRP to keep the communication continuity and reliability, ensuring a
stable network. Multiple equal-cost routes can be configured on the S6700 to implement route
redundancy. When the active uplink route is faulty, traffic is automatically switched to a
backup route. This feature implements multi-level backup for uplink routes.

Rich QoS Capabilities

The S6700 can implement complex traffic classification based on information such as the
5-tuple, IP preference, ToS, DSCP, IP protocol type, ICMP type, TCP source port, VLAN, the
protocol type of an Ethernet frame, and CoS. The S6700 supports inbound and outbound
ACLs. The S6700 supports the flow-based two-rate and three-color CAR. Each interface
supports eight priority queues, multiple queue scheduling algorithms such as WRR, DRR, SP,
WRR+SP, and DRR+SP, and WRED congestion avoidance mechanism, which ensures the
quality of network services such as voice, video and data services.

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High Extensibility
The S6700 supports long-distance intelligence stacking (iStack). A common interface can be
configured as a stack interface at the CLI, enabling flexible interface usage. The optical fibers
can be used for stacking, greatly increasing the distance between stacked devices. Compared
with a single device, intelligent stacking features powerful extensibility, reliability, and
When customers need to expand the device or replace a single faulty device, they can add new
devices without interrupting services. Compared with chassis switches, the performance and
port density of intelligent stacking are not restricted by the hardware architecture. Multiple
stacked devices can be considered as a logical device, which simplifies the network
management and configuration.

Convenient Operation and Maintenance

The S6700 supports automatic configuration, plug-and-play, deployment from USB devices,
and batch remote upgrade. Upgrade and delivery of the S6700 can be completed at one time,
which simplifies management and maintenance. Maintenance costs are greatly reduced.
The S6700 supports diversified management and maintenance modes such as SNMPv1/v2/v3,
CLI, Web network management, Telnet, and Huawei Group Multicast Protocol (HGMP),
which makes device management more flexible. In addition, the S6700 supports NTP,
SSHv2.0, TACACS+, RMON, multi-log host, interface-based traffic statistics, and NQA,
which helps to better deploy and adjust networks.
The S6700 supports the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP). The GVRP technology
implements dynamic configuration of VLANs. In a complicated networking environment,
GVRP can simplify VLAN configuration and reduce network communication faults caused by
incorrect configuration of VLANs. This reduces the manual configurations of network
managers and ensures correct VLAN configurations.
The S6700 supports MUX VLAN. The MUX VLAN function is used to isolate Layer 2 traffic
between interfaces on a VLAN. Subordinate VLANs can communicate with the MUX VLAN
but cannot communicate with each other. MUX VLAN is usually used on enterprise intranets.
With this function, a user interface can communicate with a server interface but cannot
communicate with other user interfaces. MUX VLAN prevents communication between
network devices connected to some interfaces or interface groups but allows these devices to
communicate with the default gateway. This function ensures resource sharing and secure
communication in an enterprise.
The S6700 supports BFD and provides millisecond-level detection for protocols such as
OSPF, IS-IS, VRRP, and PIM to improve network reliability. Complying with IEEE 802.3ah
and 802.1ag, the S6700 supports point-to-point Ethernet fault management. It can detect faults
on user links. Ethernet OAM improves the network management and maintenance capabilities
on the Ethernet and ensures a stable network.

Rich IPv6 Features

The S6700 supports IPv4/IPv6 protocol stack and can be smoothly upgraded. The S6700
hardware supports the IPv4/IPv6 protocol stack, IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels (including manual
tunnels, 6to4 tunnels, and ISATAP tunnels), and Layer 3 wire-speed forwarding. Therefore,
the S6700 can be deployed on IPv4 networks, IPv6 networks, and networks that run IPv4 and
IPv6 simultaneously. This makes the networking flexible and meets the requirements for the
network transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

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The S6700 supports various IPv6 routing protocols including RIPng and OSPFv3. It uses the
IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) to manage packets exchanged between neighbors.
It also provides the Path MTU Discovery (PMTU) mechanism to select a proper MTU on the
path from the source to the destination, optimizing network resources and obtaining the
maximum throughput.

7.2.4 Main Specifications

Table 7-3 Main specifications of the S6700 series products

Item S6724-EI S6748-EI

Port description 24 GE SFP/10GE SFP+ ports 48 GE SFP/10GE SFP+ ports

Forwarding 358 Mbit/s 715 Mbit/s
performance (PPS)
Interface switching 480 Gbit/s 960 Gbit/s
capacity (bit/s)
MAC address table z Capacity of 128K MAC addresses
z Automatic learning and aging of MAC addresses
z Static, dynamic, and blackhole MAC address entries
z Packet filtering based on source MAC addresses
z Guest VLANs and voice VLANs
z VLANs based on MAC addresses, protocols, IP subnets, policies,
and interfaces.
z 1:1 and N:1 VLAN switching
z QinQ and selective QinQ
IPv4 route z Static route, RIPv1, RIPv2, ECMP, and URPF
z OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP
z Policy-based routing
z Routing policy
IPv6 route z Static route
z RIPng
z Manual tunnels
z Six-to-four tunnels
z ISTAP tunnels

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Item S6724-EI S6748-EI

IPv6 features z Neighbor Discovery (ND)

z IPv6 Ping, IPv6 Tracert, and IPv6 Telnet
z Six-to-four tunnels, ISATAP tunnels, and manually configured
z ACLs based on the source IPv6 address, destination IPv6 address,
Layer 4 interface, or protocol type
z MLDv1/v2 snooping
Multicast z Static Layer 2 multicast MAC address
z MAC address-based multicast forwarding
z IGMP snooping and IGMP fast leave
z Multicast VLAN
z MLD snooping
z IGMP proxy
z Controllable multicast
z Interface-based multicast traffic statistics
z IGMP v1/v2/v3
QoS/ACL z Rate limit on packets sent and received by an interface
z Packet redirection
z Port-based traffic policing and two-rate and three-color CAR
z Eight queues on each port
z WRR, DRR, SP, WRR+SP, and DRR+SP queue scheduling
z Re-marking of the 802.1p priority and DSCP priority of packets
z Packet filtering on Layer 2 to Layer 4, filtering out invalid frames
based on the source MAC address, destination MAC address,
source IP address, destination IP address, port number, protocol,
z Queue-based rate limit and port-based traffic shaping
Reliability z STP, RSTP, and MSTP
z BPDU protection, root protection, and loop protection
z RRPP topology and RRPP multi-instance
z Smart Link tree topology, Smart Link multi-instance, and the
millisecond-level protection
z BFD for OSPF, IS-IS, VRRP, and PIM
z Enhanced trunk (E-trunk)

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Item S6724-EI S6748-EI

Security z Hierarchical user management and password protection

z DoS attack defense, ARP attack defense, and ICMP attack
z Binding of the IP address, MAC address, interface, and VLAN
z Interface isolation, interface security, and sticky MAC addresses
z Blackhole MAC addresses
z Limit on the number of learned MAC addresses
z IEEE 802.1x authentication and limit on the number of users on
an interface
z Multiple authentication methods including AAA, RADIUS,
TACACS+, and NAC authentication
z SSH v2.0
z Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
z CPU protection
z Blacklist and whitelist
Management and z Stack function on service interfaces
maintenance z MAC forced forwarding (MFF)
z Virtual cable detection (VCT)
z Ethernet OAM (IEEE 802.3ah and 802.1ag)
z Local port mirroring, remote switched port analyzer (RSPAN)
and the packet forwarding on observing ports
z Remote configuration and maintenance using Telnet
z SNMPv1/v2/v3
z Network management system (NMS) and Web NMS
z System logs and multi-level alarms
z 802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)
Working z Working temperature: 0C to 45C (long term); -5C to 50C
environment (short term); relative humidity: 10% to 90% (non-condensing)
Input voltage AC power supply
z Rated voltage: 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
z Maximum voltage: 90 V to 264 V, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions (H x W 43.6 mm x 442 mm x 420 mm
x D)
Power consumption 165 W 237 W

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7.3 S5700 Series Access Switches

7.3.1 Product Overview
The Quidway S5700 (S5700) is a next-generation GE switch developed by Huawei to meet
the requirements for high-bandwidth access and Ethernet multi-service aggregation, providing
powerful Ethernet functions for carriers and enterprise customers. Based on the
next-generation high-performance hardware and Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP)
software, the S5700 features large capacity and high-density GE interfaces, and provides 10
Gbit/s uplinks for customers. The S5700 can meet the requirements of multiple scenarios such
as service aggregation on campus networks and enterprise networks, GE access to IDC, and
the GE desktop access to the enterprise network.
The S5700 is a box-shaped device with a chassis of 1 U high, providing a limited version (LI),
a standard version (SI), an enhanced version (EI), and an advanced version (HI). LI provides
various Layer 2 functions while SI supports Layer 2 functions and basic Layer 3 functions. EI
supports all routing protocols and service features. In addition to the functions of EI, HI
supports some advanced functions such as MPLS and hardware OAM.

7.3.2 Appearance
The following table lists models of the S5700.

Table 7-4 Models of S5700

Model Appearance Description

S5706TP-LI z Four 10/100/1000Base-T ports

z Two 1000 Mbit/s combo ports
z AC power supply
S5724TP-SI z 20 10/100/1000Base-T ports
z Four 100/1000Base-X 1000M combo
z AC/DC power supply
z RPS 12 V power supply backup
z USB port
S5724TP-PW z 20 10/100/1000Base-T ports
R-SI z Four 100/1000Base-X 1000M combo
z Pluggable dual AC power supplies
z PoE
z USB port

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Model Appearance Description

S5748TP-SI z 44 10/100/1000Base-T ports

z Four 100/1000Base-X 1000M combo
z AC/DC power supply
z RPS 12 V power supply backup
z USB port
S5748TP-PW z 44 10/100/1000Base-T ports
R-SI z Four 100/1000Base-X 1000M combo
z AC power supply
z PoE
z USB port
S5728C-SI z 24 10/100/1000Base-T ports
z Four 100/1000Base-X 1000M combo
z Two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, two
10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four 10GE
SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable power supplies
z USB port
S5728C-PW z 24 10/100/1000Base-T ports
R-SI z Four 100/1000Base-X 1000M combo
z Two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, two
10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four 10GE
SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable AC power supplies
z PoE
z USB port
S5752C-SI z 48 10/100/1000Base-T ports
z Two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, two
10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four 10GE
SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable power supplies
z USB port

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Model Appearance Description

S5752C-PW z 48 10/100/1000Base-T ports

R-SI z Two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, two
10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four 10GE
SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable AC power supplies
z PoE
z USB port
S5728C-EI z 24 10/100/1000Base-T ports
z Two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, two
10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four 10GE
SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable power supplies
S5728C-PW z 24 10/100/1000Base-T ports
R-EI z Two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, or two
10GE SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable AC power supplies
z PoE
S5728C-EI-2 z 24 100/1000Base-X ports
4S z Four 10/100/1000Base-T GE combo
ports, two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, two
10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four 10GE
SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable power supplies
S5752C-EI z 48 10/100/1000Base-T ports
z Two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, two
10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four 10GE
SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable power supplies
S5752C-PW z 48 10/100/1000Base-T ports
R-EI z Two 10GE XFP uplink ports, four
1000Base-X SFP uplink ports, or two
10GE SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable AC power supplies
z PoE

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Model Appearance Description

S5728C-HI z 24 10/100/1000Base-T ports

z Four 1000Base-X SFP uplink ports,
two 10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four
10GE SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable power supplies
S5728C-HI-2 z 24 100/1000Base-X ports
4S z Four 1000Base-X SFP uplink ports,
two 10GE SFP+ uplink ports, or four
10GE SFP+ subcards
z Dual pluggable power supplies

7.3.3 Product Characteristics

High Extensibility
The S5700 supports intelligent stacking (iStack). Multiple S5700s constructs a virtual switch
automatically after being connected by stacking cables.
Compared with a single device, intelligent stacking features powerful extensibility, reliability,
and performance. When customers need to expand the device or replace a single faulty device,
they can add new devices without interrupting services. Compared with chassis switches, the
performance and port density of intelligent stacking are not restricted by the hardware
architecture. Multiple stacked devices can be considered as a logical device, which simplifies
the network management and configuration.

Powerful Service Support

The S5700 supports the enhanced selective QinQ to add outer VLAN tags to packets, without
occupying ACL resources, which meets requirements for multi-service provisioning.
The S5700 supports IGMPv1/v2/v3, IGMP snooping, IGMP filter, IGMP fast leave, and
IGMP proxy. It supports wire-speed multicast VLAN replication, multicast load balancing in
an Eth-Trunk, and controllable multicast. These multicast features provide high-quality video
services for users.
The S5700 supports multi-VPN-instance CE (MCE) to isolate users on different VPNs on a
device, ensuring the users data security and saving the users investments.
The S5700HI switches are cost-effective box-shaped MPLS switches. They support basic
MPLS and VLL functions and can be used as high-quality access devices to provide leased
line services for enterprises. The S5700HI can help customers to construct an MPLS edge
The S5700 provides multiple devices that support PoE and comply with IEEE802.3af and
802.3at (POE+) standards. By using the Ethernet, the S5700 can supply power to standard PD
devices such as the IP Phone, WLAN AP, and Bluetooth AP. Each interface provides 30 W
power. This reduces the power cable layout and management cost for terminal devices. The
S5700 can also be configured to provide power for PDs at specified times as required.

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High Reliability
The S5700 supports dual power supplies for backup and can use an AC power supply and a
DC power supply at the same time. Users can select a single power supply or dual power
supplies to improve device reliability. The switch provides three built-in fans to improve
stability and has a long MTBF.
Enhancing STP, RSTP, and MSTP, the S5700 supports the MSTP multi-process that greatly
increases the number of sub-ring instances. It supports enhanced Ethernet technologies such
as Smart Link and RRPP to implement millisecond-level protective switchover, improving
network reliability. Smart Link and RRPP both support multi-instance to implement load
balancing among links, further improving bandwidth usage.
The S5700 supports E-Trunk. When a CE is dual homed to a VPLS, VLL, or PWE3 network,
an E-Trunk can be configured to protect the links between the CEs and PEs and implement
backup between PEs. The E-trunk can implement link aggregation across devices to upgrade
the link reliability to device level.
The S5700 supports SEP, a ring network protocol applied to the link layer of an Ethernet
network. SEP is applicable to open ring networks and can be deployed on upper-layer
aggregation devices to provide millisecond-level switchover without interrupting services.
Huawei devices have implemented Ethernet link management using SEP. SEP features
simplicity, high reliability, high switchover performance, convenient maintenance, and
flexible topology and enables users to manage and plan networks conveniently.
The S5700 supports VRRP to keep the communication continuity and reliability, ensuring a
stable network. Multiple equal-cost routes can be configured on the S5700 to implement route
redundancy. When the active uplink route is faulty, traffic is automatically switched to a
backup route. This feature implements multi-level backup for uplink routes.

Rich Security Measures and QoS Policies

The S5700 provides various security measures. It can defend against DoS attacks, attacks to
networks, and attacks to users. DoS attacks include SYN Flood attacks, Land attacks, Smurf
attacks, and ICMP Flood attacks. Attacks to networks refer to STP BPDU/root attacks.
Attacks to users include bogus DHCP server attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, IP/MAC
spoofing attacks, DHCP request flood attacks, and DoS attacks by changing the CHADDR
field of packets.
The S5700 listens to information about the MAC or IP address of an access user, IP address
lease, VLAN ID, and interface by establishing and maintaining a DHCP snooping binding
table. The S5700 directly discards invalid packets such as ARP spoofing packets and packets
with bogus IP addresses that do not match binding entries. In this manner, hackers or attackers
are prevented from carrying out the man-in-the-middle attacks by using ARP packets on
campus networks. The trusted interface feature of DHCP snooping ensures the validity of the
DHCP server.
The S5700 supports strict learning of ARP entries to prevent ARP spoofing attackers from
exhausting ARP entries so that authorized users can access the Internet. The S5700 supports
IP source check to prevent DoS attacks caused by MAC address spoofing, IP address spoofing,
and MAC/IP spoofing. URRF provided by the S5700 can reverse check the packet
transmission path to authenticate packets, which can protect the network against increasing
source address spoofing attacks.
The S5700 supports the integrated MAC address authentication and 802.1x authentication.
User information, such as the user name, IP address, MAC address, VLAN ID, access
interface, and a flag indicating whether antivirus software is installed on the client, can be

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bound statically or dynamically, and policies (VLAN, QoS, and ACL) can be delivered
The S5700 can limit the number of MAC addresses learned on an interface to prevent
attackers from exhausting MAC address entries by using bogus source MAC addresses. In
this way, MAC addresses of authorized users can be learned and flooding is prevented.
The S5700 can implement complex traffic classification based on information such as the
5-tuple, IP preference, ToS, DSCP, IP protocol type, ICMP type, TCP source port, VLAN, the
protocol type of an Ethernet frame, and CoS. The S6700 supports inbound and outbound
ACLs. The S5700 supports the flow-based two-rate and three-color CAR. Each interface
supports eight priority queues and multiple queue scheduling algorithms such as WRR, DRR,
SP, WRR+SP, and DRR+SP, which ensures the quality of network services such as voice,
video and data services.

Convenient Operation and Maintenance

The S5700 supports automatic configuration, plug-and-play, deployment from USB devices,
and batch remote upgrade. Upgrade and delivery of the S5700 can be completed at one time,
which simplifies management and maintenance. Maintenance costs are greatly reduced. The
S5700 supports diversified management and maintenance modes such as SNMPv1/v2/v3, CLI,
Web network management, Telnet, and HGMP, which makes device management more
flexible. In addition, the S5700 supports NTP, SSHv2.0, TACACS+, RMON, multi-log host,
interface-based traffic statistics, and NQA, which helps to better deploy and adjust networks.
The S5700 supports GVRP. The GVRP technology implements dynamic configuration of
VLANs. In a complicated networking environment, GVRP can simplify VLAN configuration
and reduce network communication faults caused by incorrect configuration of VLANs. This
reduces the manual configurations of network managers and ensures correct VLAN
The S5700 supports MUX VLAN. The MUX VLAN function is used to isolate Layer 2 traffic
between interfaces on a VLAN. Subordinate VLANs can communicate with the MUX VLAN
but cannot communicate with each other. MUX VLAN is usually used on enterprise intranets.
With this function, a user interface can communicate with a server interface but cannot
communicate with other user interfaces. MUX VLAN prevents communication between
network devices connected to some interfaces or interface groups but allows these devices to
communicate with the default gateway. This function ensures resource sharing and secure
communication in an enterprise.
The S5700 supports BFD and provides millisecond-level detection for protocols such as
OSPF, IS-IS, VRRP, and PIM to improve network reliability. Complying with IEEE 802.3ah
and 802.1ag, the S5700 supports point-to-point Ethernet fault management. It can detect faults
on user links. Ethernet OAM improves the network management and maintenance capabilities
on the Ethernet and ensures a stable network.
The S5700HI and the S5706 provide 3.3 ms hardware-based Ethernet OAM function and
Y.1731, which can quickly detect and locate faults. By using the Ethernet OAM technology
and switchover technologies, the S5700 can provide millisecond-level protection for

Rich IPv6 Features

The S5700 supports IPv4/IPv6 protocol stack and can be upgraded smoothly. The S5700
hardware supports the IPv4/IPv6 protocol stack, IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels (including manual
tunnels, 6to4 tunnels, and ISATAP tunnels), and Layer 3 wire-speed forwarding. Therefore,
the S5700 can be deployed on IPv4 networks, IPv6 networks, and networks that

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simultaneously run IPv4 and IPv6. This makes the networking flexible and meets the
requirements for the network transition from IPv4 to IPv6.
The S5700 supports various IPv6 routing protocols including RIPng and OSPFv3. It uses the
IPv6 NDP to manage packets exchanged between neighbors. It also provides the PMTU
mechanism to select a proper MTU on the path from the source to the destination, optimizing
network resources and obtaining the maximum throughput.

7.3.4 Product Specifications

Table 7-5 Main specifications of the S5700 series products
Item S5706TP-LI S5700-SI S5700-EI S5700HI

Extended slot z The S5706 has no extended slot.

z The 5700TP provides a stacking extended slot.
z The S5700C provides two extended slots. One supports subcards and the
other supports stacking cards.
z The S5700HI provides an extended slot that supports subcards.
Forwarding z S5706: 9 Mbit/s
performance z S5724TP-SI/S5724TP-PWR-SI: 36 Mbit/s
(PPS) z S5748TP-SI/S5748TP-PWR-SI: 72 Mbit/s
z S5728C-SI/S5728C-PWR-SI/S5728C-EI/S5728C-PWR-EI/
S5728C-EI-24S/S57HI: 96 Mbit/s
z S5752C-SI/S5752C-PWR-SI/ S5752C-EI/S5752C-PWR-EI: 132 Mbit/s
Interface z S5706: 12 Gbit/s
switching z S5724TP-SI/S5724TP-PWR-SI: 48 Gbit/s
z S5748TP-SI/S5748TP-PWR-SI: 96 Gbit/s
z S5728C-SI/S5728C-PWR-SI/S5728C-EI/S5728C-PWR-EI/
S5728C-EI-24S/S57HI: 128 Gbit/s
z S5752C-SI/S5752C-PWR-SI/ S5752C-EI/S5752C-PWR-EI: 176 Gbit/s
Backplane 256 Gbit/s
MAC address z LI/SI: 16K; EI/HI: 32K
table z Automatic learning and aging of MAC addresses
z Static, dynamic, and blackhole MAC address entries
z Packet filtering based on source MAC addresses
z Guest VLANs and voice VLANs
z VLANs based on MAC addresses, protocols, IP subnets, policies, and
z 1:1 and N:1 VLAN switching
z QinQ and selective QinQ

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Item S5706TP-LI S5700-SI S5700-EI S5700HI

MPLS Not supported. Not supported. Not supported. z Support

features basic MPLS
z Support
IPv4 route Static route Static route, z OSPF, IS-IS, Same as those
RIPv1, RIPv2, and BGP of the EI
ECMP, and z VRRP
z Policy-based
z Routing
z The same as
those of the
IPv6 route Static route z RIPng z OSPFv3 Same as those
z Manual z The same as of the EI
tunnels those of the
z 6to4 tunnels SI
z ISTAP tunnels
IPv6 features z ND
z IPv6 Ping, IPv6 Tracert, and IPv6 Telnet
z 6to4 tunnels, ISATAP tunnels, and manually configured tunnels
z ACLs based on the source IPv6 address, destination IPv6 address, Layer
4 interface, or protocol type
z MLDv1/v2 snooping
Multicast z Static Layer 2 z IGMP z IGMP Same as those
multicast MAC snooping and v1/v2/v3 of the EI
address IGMP fast z PIM-SM,
z MAC leave PIM-DM,
address-based z Multicast and
multicast VLAN PIM-SSM
forwarding z MLD snooping z MSDP
z IGMP proxy z The same as
z Controllable those of the
multicast SI
z Interface-base
d multicast
traffic statistics

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Item S5706TP-LI S5700-SI S5700-EI S5700HI

QoS/ACL z Rate limit on packets sent and received by an interface

z Packet redirection
z Port-based traffic policing and two-rate and three-color CAR
z Eight queues on each port
z WRR, DRR, SP, WRR+SP, and DRR+SP queue scheduling algorithms
z WRED (supported by the S5706 and the S5700HI)
z Re-marking of the 802.1p priority and DSCP priority of packets
z Packet filtering on Layer 2 to Layer 4, filtering out invalid frames based
on the source MAC address, destination MAC address, source IP
address, destination IP address, port number, protocol, and VLAN ID
z Queue-based rate limit and port-based traffic shaping
Reliability z STP, RSTP, and MSTP
z BPDU protection, root protection, and loop protection
z RRPP topology and RRPP multi-instance
z Smart Link tree topology, Smart Link multi-instance, and the
millisecond-level protection
z BFD for OSPF, BFD for IS-IS, BFD for VRRP, and BFD for PIM
(supported by the 5700EI/HI series)
z E-trunk
Security z Hierarchical user management and password protection
z DoS attack defense, ARP attack defense, and ICMP attack defense
z Binding of the IP address, MAC address, interface, and VLAN
z Interface isolation, interface security, and sticky MAC addresses
z Blackhole MAC addresses
z Limit on the number of learned MAC addresses
z IEEE 802.1x authentication and limit on the number of users on an
z Multiple authentication methods including AAA, RADIUS, TACACS+,
and NAC authentication
z SSH v2.0
z CPU protection
z Blacklist and whitelist

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Item S5706TP-LI S5700-SI S5700-EI S5700HI

OAM z Hardware Software Software z Hardware

implementation implementation implementation implementati
z EFM OAM on
z Y.1731
performance test z Y.1731
supports performance
hardware-level test supports
delay and jitter hardware-lev
detection el delay and
Management z Intelligent stacking (excluding the S5700HI and the S5706)
and z MFF
z Virtual cable test
z Ethernet OAM (IEEE 802.3ah and 802.1ag)
z Local port mirroring, remote switched port analyzer (RSPAN) and the
packet forwarding on observing ports
z Remote configuration and maintenance using Telnet
z SNMPv1/v2/v3
z Network management system (NMS) and Web NMS
z System logs and multi-level alarms
z Dying gasp power-off alarm (supported only by the S5706)
z 802.3az EEE (supported only by the S5700HI and the S5706)
Working z Working temperature: 0C to 50C (long term); 5C to 55C (short
environment term)
z Relative humidity: 10% to 90% (non-condensing)
Input voltage AC power supply
z Rated voltage: 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
z Maximum voltage: 90 V to 264 V, 50/60 Hz
DC power supply
z Rated voltage range: 48 V to 60 V
z Maximum voltage: 36 V to 72 V
Note: Models supporting the PoE supply do not use DC power supplies.

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Item S5706TP-LI S5700-SI S5700-EI S5700HI

Dimensions z S5706: 250 mm x180 mm x 43.6 mm

(H x W x D) z S5724TP-SI/S5724TP-PWR-SI/S57HI: 442 mm x 220 mm x 43.6 mm
z Others: 43.6 mm x 442 mm x 420 mm
Power S5706: < 40 W z S5724TP-SI: < z S5728C-EI: S57HI: < 93
consumption 40 W < 60 W W
z S5724TP-PW z S5728C-PW
R-SI: < 455 W R-EI: < 472
z S5748TP-SI: < W
64 W z S5728C-EI-2
z S5748TP-PW 4S: < 63 W
R-SI: < 907 W z S5752C-EI:
z S5728C-SI: < < 88 W
56 W z S5752C-PW
z S5728C-PWR- R-EI: < 930
SI: < 891 W W
z S5752C-SI: <
78 W
z S5752C-PWR-
SI: < 917 W

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