CV Rosula Reyes 05152012
CV Rosula Reyes 05152012
CV Rosula Reyes 05152012
1. Angelito A. Silverio, Rosula S.J. Reyes, Ph.D., Wen-Yaw Chung, Ph.D.. A Low Power
Instrumentation Amplifier Based on Differential Voltage Current Conveyor for
Beta-Dispersion Range Bio-
Impedance Applications Proceedings: 11th WSEAS International Conference on
MEASUREMENT, CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS (IMCAS 12), Rovaniemi, Finland, April
18-20, 2012.
2. Rosula S. J. Reyes, Ph.D., Carlos M. Oppus, Jose Claro S. Monje, Noel S. Patron,
Raphael A. Gonzales, Oscar Idano, Mark Glenn Retirado. Field Programmable Gate Array
Implementation of a Motherboard for Data Communications and Networking
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing. 20-603, Issue 4, Volume 5, 2011, pp.
391-398. ISSN: 1998-4464,
3. Rosula S.J. Reyes, Ph.D., Carlos Oppus, Jose Claro Monje, Noel Patron, Raphael
Gonzales,Mark Glenn Retirado. Data and Network Communications Protocol Motherboard Using
Reconfigurable Hardware. Proceedings, 10th WSEAS International Conference on
(EHAC '11), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, February 20-22, 2011.
4. Rosula S.J. Reyes, Ph.D., Jose Claro Monje,Marc Ericson C. Santos, Lorlynn A. Mateo, Roma
Lynne G. Espiritu, John Vianney Isiderio, Carlos Miguel M. Lacson, Ray Edwin T. Ocfemia.
Implementation of Zigbee-based and ISM-based Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network with
Throughput, Power and Cost Comparisons WSEAS Transactions on Communications. WSEAS
Press, Issue 7, Volume 9, July 2010, pp. 395-405. (ISSN: 1109-2742)
5. Rosula S.J. Reyes, Ph.D., Jose Claro Monje,Marc Ericson C. Santos, Lorlynn A. Mateo, Roma
Lynne G. Espiritu, John Vianney Isiderio, Carlos Miguel M. Lacson, Ray Edwin T. Ocfemia.
Throughput, Power and Cost Comparison of Zigbee-based and ISM-based Implementation of
WSAN. International Journal of Communications. NAUN Press, Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2009, pp. 96-
104. ISSN: 1998-4480
6. Rosula Reyes, Carlos Oppus, Jose Claro Monje, Noel Patron, Raphael Gonzales, and Jovilyn
Therese Fajardo. FPGA-based Digital Signal Processing Trainer. Proceedings of the 2009
World Congress on Computer
Science and Information Engineering. IEEE Press.
7. Rosula Reyes, Carlos Oppus, Jose Claro Monje, Noel Patron, Reynaldo Guerrero, and Jovilyn
Therese Fajardo. FPGA Implementation of a Telecommunications Trainer System. New Aspects
of Systems. WSEAS Press,
2008, pp. 174-180. (ISBN: 978-960-6766-83-1, ISSN: 1790-2769)
8. Rosula Reyes, Carlos Oppus, Jose Claro Monje, Noel Patron, Reynaldo Guerrero, and Jovilyn
Therese Fajardo. FPGA Implementation of a Telecommunications Trainer System. International
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing. NAUN Press, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2008, pp. 87-94.
(ISSN: 1998-4464)
Paper Presentor
11th WSEAS International Conference on
Rovaniemi, Finland April 18-20, 2012.
Resource Speaker
Level-up through Research 23 November 2011
Asia Pacific College
Resource Speaker/Co-organizer
Entrepreneurship for Physicist and Engineers May 29-June2, 2011
University of San Carlos
Cebu City, Philippines
Paper presentor
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society February 20-22, 2011
WSEAS Conference
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Entrepreneurship for Physicist and Engineers May 3-7, 2010
Abdus Salam: International Center for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy
Paper Presentor
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society March 23-25, 2010
8th WSEAS Conference
Penang, Malaysia
Research and Technical Writing May 17-21, 2009
Chung Yuan Christian University
ChungLi, Taiwan
Paper Presentor
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society July 22-24,2008
12th WSEAS CSCC Multi-conference
(Computer, Systems, Communications, Computing)
Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece
G-8 UNESCO World Forum on Education, Research and May 10-12, 2007
Innovation: New Partnership for Sustainable Development
Trieste, Italy