Process Analytic in PP Plant PDF
Process Analytic in PP Plant PDF
Process Analytic in PP Plant PDF
Process Analytics
in Polypropylene (PP) Plants
Polypropylene (PP) is a generic
name for a family of semicrystalline
polymers. PP, as well as polyethyl-
ene (PE), belongs to the group of
December 2007
polyolefins, that are derived from a
group of base chemicals known as
olefins. Polyolefins are made by
joining together small molecules
(monomers) to form long-chain
molecules (polymers) with thou-
sands of individual links using a
variety of catalysts.
The base monomer for PP is propy-
lene, which is a gas at room temper-
ature, but when linked together as
Case Study
polymers, it forms tough, flexible
plastic materials with a large variety
of applications. The linking of mole-
cules is referred to as polymeriza-
tion. There are various commercial
technologies used to manufacture
polypropylene. Each technology
produces unique combinations of
polymer characteristics.
Feedstock Gas-phase
(Options) Process
Feed Purification
Ethylene Separation Drying
Propylene Liquid-phase
Gas Compression
Comonomer Process Recovery Pelletizing
Nitrogen Catalyst Preparation High pressure
Oxygen Process
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Gas-phase processes
Unipol PP A fluidized-bed process with one or two reactors for the production of PP
homopolymers, random polymers and impact polymers.
Novolen A gas-phase stirred-bed process with two reactors in series for the produc-
tion of PP
Liquid-phase processes
Borstar PP A supercritical slurry process, which combines a loop reactor with two gas-
phase reactors
Spheripol A slurry process for the production of PP homopolymer plus random copol-
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Analyzer Tasks Analyzers and sampling points An example of typical sampling loca-
Different analyzers are used in PP plants tions, analyzers, and measuring compo-
Process analytical equipment is an indis- nents and ranges is given in Fig. 3 for a
pensable part of any polypropylene ranging from simple sensor type moni-
tors to high technology process gas PP plant using two gas-phase reactors in
plant because it provides the control series:
system and the operator with key data chromatographs.
from the process and its environment. The list typically includes Feed of monomer, comonomers,
catalyst, and additives to the
Process gas chromatographs reactor (1-5)
Four major applications Continuous gas analyzers Cycle gas lines (6-7)
(paramagnetic oxygen analyzers,
Analyzer applications can be structured Product line (8)
NDIR analyzers, thermal conductivity
in four groups depending on how the
and total hydrocarbon analyzers) Safety measurements at various
analyzer data are used:
Analyzers for moisture and O2 traces locations of the plant (9)
Closed-loop control for process
and product optimization Low Explosion Level (LEL) analyzers
This application helps to increase
yield, reduce energy consumption,
achieve smooth operation, and keep Analyzer installation
product quality accoding to the speci- Analyzers are installed partially in the
fication field close to the sampling location
Quality control and documentation and/or in an analyzer house (shelter).
for ISO compliance In modern plants most of the analyzers
are interfaced to a plant wide data com-
Plant monitoring and alarms munication system for direct data trans-
This application protects personnel fer from and to the analyzers.
and plant from possible hazard from
toxic or explosive substances
The total number of analyzers installed
Emission control in a plant varies from plant to plant
This application helps to keep emis- depending on the type of process,
sion levels in compliance with local individual plant conditions and
regulations. user requirements.
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Fig. 6: Series 6 gas analyzer (field design) Fig. 7: LDS 6 in-situ laser gas analyzer
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Our solutions
Analytical solutions are always driven We rely on many years of world-wide
by the customers requirements. We experience in process automation and
offer an integrated design covering all engineering and a collection of special-
Fig. 9: MicroSAM Process GC
steps from sampling point and sample ized knowledge in key industries and
preparation up to complete analyser industrial sectors. We provide Siemens
cabinets or for installation in analyser quality from a single source with a func-
shelters (fig. 12). This includes also sig- tion warranty for the entire system.
nal processing and communications to Read more in "Our Services.
the control room and process control
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Siemens AG 2007
Siemens AG 2007
Case Study
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