Legal Epistemologies
Legal Epistemologies
Legal Epistemologies
Legal Epistemologies
Howard Schweber
Recommended Citation
75 MD. L. REV. 210 (2015)
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antiabortion and fetal-rights advocates grant fetuses more rights than wom-
en. A point less often made is that they grant fetuses more rights than two-
year-oldsthe right, for example, to a safe, healthy place to live. 4 The
idea of fetal rights is one that has never been recognized under either the
United States or state constitutions, although that has not stopped state leg-
islatures from employing the idea, and someday courts may decide to adopt
that vocabulary as well. But as Pollitts comment points out, even if courts
were to accept the idea that fetuses have rights, those rights would have to
be balanced against the undoubted rights of persons to bodily liberty. The
outcomes in particular cases may be inconsistent with liberal norms, but the
language of traditional, negative, liberal rights provides a perfectly ade-
quate basis for criticizing those outcomes even if something called fetal
rights were to be added to the discursive mix. 5 To put the matter another
way, the criminal prosecution or preventive detention of a pregnant woman
seen drinking in public would have been unthinkable fifty years ago. What
It is possible that critics of state intervention in pregnancy are mistak-
en to focus on the case as sui generis. Far from representing an abandon-
ment of governing norms, the logic justifying state action in these cases is
inherent in the model of the public/private divide that currently informs
American legal discourse.
Focusing on the public/private divide, rather than on the right to pri-
vacy, is an approach that turns away from the language of rights to a
broader consideration of the principles that legitimize state action in the
first instance. The power of the state is not limited to the vindication of
rights, nor is it the case that the states interests necessarily give way any
time a claim of right is asserted. There are obviously profound questions of
rights involved in this discussion, but their resolution takes place against a
background understanding of public and private as categories of politi-
cal legitimation.
The basic formulation of Millean liberalism is the idea of a private
sphere, defined as the area of self-directed activities, meaning those that
have no direct consequences for others except by their voluntary agreement.
The idea that self-directed conduct is outside the reach of legitimate public
4. Katha Pollitt, Fetal Rights: A New Assault on Feminism, in BAD MOTHERS: THE
Umansky eds., 1998).
5. For a discussion of a similar warning against overstating the importance of recognizing
fetal rights in the abortion context, see MARK A. GRABER, RETHINKING ABORTION: EQUAL
the ways in which an expansive notion of negative liberty can be used to craft a far-reaching femi-
nist critique of legal practices, see Nancy J. Hirschmann, Revisioning Freedom: Relationship,
Context and Politics of Empowerment, in REVISIONING THE POLITICAL: FEMINIST
J. Hirschmann & Christine DiStefano eds., 1996).
control is the central premise of liberalism. This is not to say that Mill was
anything like a modern libertarian. For one thing, the conduct that is
properly subject to public authority encompasses a broad range. For anoth-
er, Mill was perfectly comfortable with the idea that there is a category of
conduct that is a proper subject of social pressure even though it is not so
consequential as to warrant coercive interventions. Here again, however,
the question turns on whether the conduct affects anyone other than the ac-
tor. 6 The Millean liberal conception of the public/private divide has been
the subject of endless and often fruitful critique on republican, feminist, and
other grounds. And there are certainly other conceptions of privacy.7
But the basic idea that public means affecting others has been, and re-
mains, a central element of the legal conception of privacy.
Returning to the case of Deborah J.Z., this observation identifies the
underlying reasoning that justifies intervention. The public understanding
that drinking alcohol while pregnant poses a risk to the future-born child
treated as an othersatisfies both the Millean requirement of other-
directed consequences and the police powers formulation of health, safety,
welfare, and morals. But that answer begs important questions. Similar
prosecutions would have been considered outrageous fifty years earlier.
What governing conceptions are at work in the proposition that a legislature
can legitimately regulate the conduct of pregnant women in ways that
would not have been considered reasonable in earlier eras?
The answer, I will argue, is the emergence of a new legal epistemolo-
gy. New ways of conceiving cause and effect, harm, and risk were incorpo-
rated into legal thinking, resulting in a reconfiguration of the public/private
divide. A similar expansion in the understanding of causation and harm had
previously taken place in the 1930s. In that period, a new model based on
the idea of markets shattered older conceptions of privity and opened
whole new categories of public interest and authority. The market concep-
tion of the public/private divide was driven by the pervasiveness of new
forms of economic activity in the structure of corporate industrial capital-
ism, and new ways of thinking promoted by the emergence of the social
scientific disciplines. In the 1970s, the new model was ecological. Ideas of
causation and harm were reconceived as descriptions of effects occurring
within complex systems of interacting elements rather than discrete, partic-
ular events. In this model, a pregnant woman ingesting alcohol is analo-
2010) (1851).
7. Beatte Rssler identifies five distinct versions of the ideal of privacy, of which the most
general is a condition in which one is protected in various respects from the unwanted interfer-
ence of others. Beatte Rssler, Privacies: An Overview, in PRIVACIES: PHILOSOPHICAL
EVALUATIONS 1, 79 (Beatte Rssler ed., 2004).
gous to a polluter, as the cause of the harm or risk is conduct affecting the
gestational environment rather than an act of physical violence. 8
What occurred in the 1930s and the 1970s is occurring again today,
not in relation to either economic or biological understandings, but in terms
of the legal epistemology that is employed in the conception of public and
private information. Now as then, new patterns of interaction and new
ways of thinking threaten to undermine the coherence of a perceived under-
standing of the public/private divide. The forces driving change, as always,
are both empirical and intellectual. Empirically, the driving force has been
the rise of new technologies of communication that have permitted, if not
required, entirely new ways of social and economic interaction. Intellectu-
ally, the shift is to an understanding that people live simultaneously in a
physically defined local environment and in the unbounded realm of net-
works. These changes in the ways people live challenge the existing legal
epistemology of privacy.
There is an interesting historical story to be told here about the intel-
lectual dominance of particular fields. The early decades of the 1900s were
the period in which economics emerged as a central field of intellectual en-
deavor; the 1980s were the period in which the biological sciences are said
to have displaced physics in the postwar intellectual pantheon, particularly
with the dominance of evolutionary and genetic models (think of genetic
algorithms in computational science).9 By the same token, it may be ar-
gued that we are living through a period in which the science(s) of infor-
mation are rapidly taking over as the dominant source of metaphors, mod-
els, and methods across a broad range of intellectual endeavors.
8. In 2014, Tennessee adopted a law permitting a woman to be charged with assault if she is
found to have ingested narcotics outside of a treatment program while pregnant, if a subsequently
born live child is found to have suffered harm, or exhibits drug dependency. Assocd Press, Ten-
nessee: Governor Signs Bill Targeting Drug Use During Pregnancy, N.Y. TIMES (Apr. 20, 2014),
pregnancy.html. A similar bill is under consideration in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Watch & M. Scott
Carter, Bill Would Penalize Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs, KGOU (Mar. 7, 2015), These bills may be taken as
indications that an ecological conception of harm has become so internalized within legal dis-
course that it is no longer necessary to treat such claims as somehow separate from traditional cat-
9. Freeman Dyson, Our Biotech Future, N.Y. REV. BOOKS (July 9, 2007),
York 10 and the cases that accepted expanded notions of both state and feder-
al power in the 1930s. 11 This momentous shift in constitutional doctrine has
been studied and debated to death, with a significant amount of attention
paid to the ways in which new legal doctrines reflected shifts in the under-
standing of the public/private divide. Without either endorsing or disputing
the main schools of thought about changes in legal doctrines, however, I
want to examine the shift in thinking about fundamental concepts of causa-
tion and harm that were articulated in the process of arriving at those new
legal principles. 12
In Lochner, as in the other cases of its period, the question of whether
the State was properly asserting police powers was understood in terms of
direct threats to the health or well-being of the actors immediately involved
in a situation: workers facing immediate threats of injury, purchasers of po-
tentially unsafe or unwholesome products, or extraordinarily unhealthful
working conditions. Writing for the majority in Lochner, Justice Peckham
rejected two kinds of claimed harms. The first included gradual, slowly-
accreting health effects from ordinary activities: It is unfortunately true la-
bor, even in any department, may possibly carry with it the seeds of un-
healthiness. But are we all, on that account, at the mercy of legislative ma-
jorities? 13 Here, the slippery slope argument points to the danger (from
Justice Peckhams perspective) of allowing extended conceptions of health
effects to be the basis for intervention. The application of this argument
drew Justice Harlans ire, as he pointed out that evidence was presented that
baking was in fact an unwholesome occupation to an exceptional degree.
Second, in a move Justice Holmes criticized, Justice Peckham rejected the
idea that regulation of economic relations between individuals could be a
matter of public welfare: Viewed in the light of a purely labor law . . . a
law like the one before us involves neither the safety, the morals nor the
welfare of the public, and . . . the interest of the public is not in the slightest
degree affected by such an act. 14
It is striking to compare Lochner to the discussion of the minimum
wage law in West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish. 15 For one thing, in West
Coast Hotel Justice Hughes understood that negotiation for wages in a par-
ticular case takes place in the context of a general labor market that effec-
tively sets conditions for individual participants. Second, Justice Hughes
took for granted the continued existence of a social welfare system, and
viewed the operation of private business in light of their relations to such
public operations:
The exploitation of a class of workers who are in an unequal posi-
tion with respect to bargaining power and are thus relatively de-
fenseless against the denial of a living wage is not only detri-
mental to their health and well being, but casts a direct burden for
their support upon the community. What these workers lose in
wages the taxpayers are called upon to pay. The bare cost of liv-
ing must be met. . . . The community is not bound to provide
what is in effect a subsidy for unconscionable employers.16
Justice Hughes emphasized the public interest in the overall conditions of
the labor market taken as a whole system rather than focusing on the ques-
tion of the public interest in a particular employment relationship. He stat-
The legislature was entitled to adopt measures to reduce the evils
of the sweating system, the exploiting of workers at wages so
low as to be insufficient to meet the bare cost of living, thus mak-
ing their very helplessness the occasion of a most injurious com-
petition. The legislature had the right to consider that its mini-
mum wage requirements would be an important aid in carrying
out its policy of protection.17
The point is emphasized repeatedly, as when Justice Hughes writes
that the restrictions upheld in Muller v. Oregon 18 were not imposed solely
for her benefit, but also largely for the benefit of all, 19 or quoted Holden v.
Hardy 20 for the proposition that the fact that the parties to a contract are of
full age and competent to contract does not necessarily deprive the State of
the power to interfere where the parties do not stand upon an equality, or
where the public health demands that one party to the contract shall be pro-
tected against himself. 21
It was not only the conception of the employment that was reworked in
response to a market model. Equally, concepts of risk and probability, indi-
rect costs and consequences, and the consequences of inaction as well as
action have dramatically expanded our shared understandings of social re-
sponsibility, reflected in areas such as tort law. 22 The period from Lochner
to Wickard v. Filburn 23 was also the period of the emergence of profession-
alized social sciences, one of whose driving ideas was interconnectedness
of different areas of social activity. 24 The idea of an economy as some-
thing to be regulated, was a new addition to the vocabulary that made sen-
sible the idea that regulation of labor markets affected the public welfare of
society writ large. It could even be argued that the very existence of a na-
tional, or even a statewide, economy was the result of improvements in
the technologies of communication and transportation that transformed the
landscapeliterally and figurativelyfrom the mid-nineteenth century
That shift in understanding reflected cultural and intellectual conse-
quences of the emergence of new forms of economic and social organiza-
tion that produced new ways of thinking about causation, harm, and com-
plex interactions. In the economic arena, the shift was from viewing
transactions as isolated, independent events to seeing the economy and
markets as complex, interconnected systems in which events in one loca-
tion have ripple effects across a network of related interactions to produce
effects in another. For want of a better term, this might be deemed market
system reasoning.
and his conviction that legal liability should flow only from morally culpa-
ble conduct. An enthusiastic supporter of incorporating probabilistic and
statistical reasoning into legal reasoning, Justice Holmes promoted a stand-
ard of foreseeability that extended to whole industries and classes of per-
son. 29 Conversely, he recognized that without a limiting principle of
blameworthinessthat persons should only be held liable for failing to
foresee consequences where such a failure was unreasonableany act
would be sufficient, however remote, which set in motion or opened the
door for a series of physical sequences ending in damage. 30
The most profound alteration in the meaning of foreseeability, and
consequently in the reach of courts public, quasi-regulatory function, was
the introduction of the language of ecology in the 1970s, a process whose
beginning in public discourse can probably be marked at the publication of
Rachel Carsons Silent Spring. 31 From that time forward, an ecological
model of hazard has become pervasive in political vocabulary. The incor-
poration into law of such a sophisticated understanding of causation, tradi-
tional in the natural sciences for a century, was absolutely necessary in light
of the far-reaching consequences of modern technologies. But the incorpo-
ration of such vocabularies threatens the stability of traditional categories of
legal thought inherited from an earlier age.32 Consciousness of the possibil-
ity of harms created through ecological processes of causation removed all
conceptual limits from the legal translation of private injuries into claims of
public good in both public and private law.
In public law, an exemplar of the ecological model of causation is a
statutory scheme such as the Comprehensive Environmental Reclamation
and Liability Act (CERCLA, also known as the Superfund law). 33 Un-
der CERCLA, government agencies and private plaintiffs would not have to
demonstrate the specific act that led to the specific presence of a specific
pollutant; instead, it would be sufficient to demonstrate that a defendant had
released the pollutant in question into the environment in such a way that
the particular sample could have come from that source. The costs of clean-
up would be spread among those defendants who were shown to have
caused the pollution in this characteristically ecological sense of the word
30. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, JR., THE COMMON LAW, 7677 (Mark DeWolfe Howe ed.,
1963) (1881).
32. For a discussion of both the acceptance and the limitations placed by courts on the use of
epidemiological evidence, see SHEILA JASANOFF, SCIENCE AT THE BAR: LAW, SCIENCE, AND
33. 42 U.S.C. 960128 (2012).
34. The Comprehensive Environmental Reclamation and Liability Act is essentially a statu-
tory enactment that takes the form of tort liability. In addition, much of the action in Superfund
litigation involves the invocation of state common law tort theories of recovery, which are gener-
ally permitted in such litigation. One unfortunate historical result of this approach has been in-
consistency in the formulation of standards for liability and remedies. See Howard Schweber,
Cleaning up the System: The Need for Federal Preemption of Third Party Contribution Claims
Under CERCLA, 12 TEMPLE ENVTL. L. & TECH. J., 187 (1993).
35. Helling v. McKinney, 509 U.S. 25, 35 (1993).
36. See Hamilton v. Beretta U.S.A. Corp., 222 F.3d 36, 46 (2d Cir. 2000); Am. Booksellers
Assn. v. Hudnut, 771 F.2d 323 (7th Cir. 1985); Hamilton v. Accu-Tek, 62 F. Supp. 2d 802, 844
(E.D.N.Y. 1999); Sindell v. Abbott Lab, 607 P.2d 924 (Cal. 1980).
CRISIS 92 (2001).
38. Oliver v. Deen, 77 F.3d 156, 157 (7th Cir. 1996).
39. Id. at 160.
IMPACT OF AMNIOCENTESIS IN AMERICA (1999); Caroline Morris, Technology and the Legal Dis-
course of Fetal Autonomy, 8 UCLA WOMENS L.J. 47 (1997).
46. State ex rel. Angela M.W, 541 N.W.2d at 488.
47. Holmes, supra note 30, at 54.
48. See Wis. Stat. Ann. 48.133 (West 2015) (adopted 1997) (Jurisdiction over unborn
children in need of protection or services and the expectant mothers of those unborn children. The
court has exclusive original jurisdiction over an unborn child alleged to be in need of protection or
services which can be ordered by the court whose expectant mother habitually lacks self-control in
the use of alcohol beverages, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, exhibited to a
severe degree, to the extent that there is a substantial risk that the physical health of the unborn
child, and of the child when born, will be seriously affected or endangered unless the expectant
mother receives prompt and adequate treatment for that habitual lack of self-control. The court
also has exclusive original jurisdiction over the expectant mother of an unborn child described in
this section.).
49. See Paltrow & Flavin, supra note 2, at 30509.
sees foreseeable risk as the basis for public intervention into what would
otherwise be private conduct. If it is not possible to articulate legal princi-
ples that define when the state may regulate the conduct of pregnant wom-
en, there equally will be no principled way to argue that a given attempt at
intervention has exceeded the bounds of such a definition. Furthermore,
there is no obvious reason why pregnancy should be the event that triggers
the states recognition of consequences, and hence of a state interest. Nutri-
tion, work environments, or chemical exposures occurring well prior to
conception can plausibly be argued to create risks of negative consequences
for subsequently created children.
The argument is not purely hypothetical. In 1991, a California court
considered a claim of liability for harms caused to an eventual fetus by inju-
ries sustained in a car accident two years prior to conception. Confronted
by that claim, Judge Woods of the Court of Appeals was moved to observe,
through hindsight, everything is foreseeable.50 The Court of Appeals up-
held a ruling by the trial court that the duty of care could not extend to a
point in time prior to the existence of a fetus, but that decision is no more or
less logically consistent with an ecological model of harms than the oppo-
site conclusion would have been, particularly in cases involving exposure to
hazardous substances rather than violent events. 51
50. Hegyes v. Unjian Enterprises, Inc., 286 Cal. Rptr. 85, 103 (Cal. Ct. App. 1991).
51. A commonly discussed example is the issue of whether it is desirable to prevent women
of childbearing age from being exposed to lead. The Center for Disease Control is unequivocal:
Primary and secondary prevention of lead exposure among females of childbearing age is needed
to avert neurobehavioral and cognitive deficits in their offspring. Ctrs. for Disease Control, Lead
Exposure Among Females of Childbearing AgeUnited States, 2004, MORBIDITY & MORTALITY
WKLY. REP. (Apr. 27, 2007), Where
private employers attempt to create such policies, however, issues of gender discrimination may
arise. See United Auto Workers v. Johnson Controls, Inc., 499 U.S. 187 (1991). In contrast, Eu-
ropean courts have found that national policies preventing women of childbearing age from work-
ing in environments characterized by exposure to lead or radiation are permissible. See LENIA
35 (2d ed. 2002).
At one time, conduct that did not immediately cause injury to an iden-
tifiable individual was assumed to be self-regarding. Later the idea was ac-
cepted that the well-being of ecologies as well as economies are affected by
the ripple effects of localized events. The stimulus for this new way of
thinking was the increasingly visible consequences of widespread deploy-
ment of chemical agents into the physical environment, and a biological
sciences-based political movement that promoted new ways of describing
harms to the environment. Once introduced, models of ecological causa-
tion and harm extended beyond their original context of pollution to de-
scribe a wide range of activities having to do with health and welfare.
Each of these shifts in thinking had dramatic consequences for the le-
gal construction of the public/private divide. Private law doctrines of tort
liability, the scope of public regulation, and constitutional analysis all were
affected by the extension of the consequentialist model of public by the
adoption of new models of thinking about consequences. The basic liberal
calculus of balancing consequences to others against the intrusion on per-
sonal autonomy remains the same, but in each case the underlying concep-
tion of consequences underwent a profound change. These are shifts, in
other words, in legal epistemology, not merely in legal doctrine.
It is plausible that we presently are living during another moment of
such an epistemological shift. This time the expanded system of conse-
quential interactions involves not money or chemicals, but information. I
do not mean to focus on the actions of government, for example, spying on
our cell phone conversations. Certainly, new surveillance technologies
drive consideration of old questions in new contexts, whether those tech-
nologies involve microphones or heat sensors. 52 But the threat, if that is
the word, to our present model of public and private as those terms relate to
information may be more easily seen in a less obvious, less ominous ques-
tion. Assume that at a given moment there is a piece of information about
me that is legally classified as private and consequently subject to various
constitutional and statutory protections. What are the consequences for the
status of that information if I voluntarily share it with someone else?
The framing of the question reveals that it is based on a way of think-
ing about information and privacy that is increasingly irrelevant to the con-
ditions of modern life. The phrase a piece of information speaks to a
conception of data as a collection of discrete facts that can be considered
separately from one another, analogous to traditional forms of property. In
52. See, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001). It is interesting to note that Justice
Scalias majority opinion in that case focused on the question of whether a particular technology
of surveillance was widely in use such that one could plausibly expect its existence to be factored
into the assessment of a reasonable expectation of privacy. The application of this principle to
the Internet raises the disturbing possibility that at some point in the future (if not the present)
where people conduct a significant portion of their lives online there will be no limits to the gov-
ernments utilization of online information.
addition, the ideas of voluntary and sharing are of limited use. This
was already evident in the discussion of the cases involving pregnancy, as
legal and medical requirements of seeking appropriate care meant exposure
of private information and the technologies of observation made the most
personal aspects of a pregnant womans bodily integrity publicly visible.
But even in that situation, the issue involved was information about the per-
son. In the world of cyberspace, the information is the person; rather than
the selective disclosure of discrete bits of information, what is at issue is the
public exposure of the entirety of a persons identity.
Return to the question of what is the legal significance of voluntarily
disclosing a piece of personal information. The traditional answer is that
once a piece of information is voluntarily shared, it is open to any and all
use. There are gray areas, to be sure, forms of disclosure for legally recog-
nized restricted purposes (for example, medical diagnosis and intellectual
property), but they are special instances that reflect the boundary work in-
volved in maintaining the basic distinction. The basic, traditional model is
what might be called the conversation model. I say something to you in a
conversation, that information is yours. Just as Mill said, there are social
conventions against gossip that may limit the use you make of that infor-
mation, but there is no invasion of my legal rights if you choose to repeat
my words to others. By the same token, what I say to a reporter, write in a
blog post, or write on a t-shirt for all to see is information that has passed
out of my legal sphere of control. In this traditional approach information
is treated as a form of property. When I have voluntarily surrendered own-
ership of an objectas in the case of giving a giftthe recipient now
owns that object. The key is that I voluntarily chose to share the infor-
mation; for that reason, there is no invasion of privacy.
Part of the assumption of this model is that the circle of shared infor-
mation is localized. But cyberspace is obviously different. In cyberspace,
all the information in all the world is joined in a single complex system, a
network that connects communicative acts just as an economy connects
individual behaviors or an ecology describes the connections among life
forms occupying a biological system. The old property ownership-based
model of public and private communication is severely tested by this devel-
opment, and a new legal epistemology of public and private is needed. To
see why, consider cases of revenge pornography and Squeaky Dolphin.
A. Revenge Pornography
In 2014, Illinois became the sixteenth state to adopt a law criminaliz-
ing revenge porn, the nonconsensual posting of intimate material.53 Un-
like most earlier versions of such statutes adopted in other states, the Illinois
53. See 720 ILL. COMP. STAT. ANN. 5/11-23.5 (West 2015).
54. Barbara Herman, Illinois Passes Revenge Porn Law with Teeth: Other States Should
Copy, Says Privacy Lawyer, INTL BUS. TIMES (Jan. 6, 2015)
passes-revenge-porn-law-teeth-other-states-should-copy-says-privacy-lawyer-1774974. A review
of other revenge porn statutes is available at Press Releases, CYBER CIVIL RIGHTS INITIATIVE, (last visited Aug. 8, 2015).
55. Bernard Keenan, Revenge Porn: Human Rights Online, THE LONDON SCH. OF ECON. &
POL. SCI. (May 17, 2014),
56. See, e.g., Derek E. Bambauer, Exposed, 98 MINN. L. REV. 2025 (2014) (arguing that
copyright law can be extended to cover voluntary sharing of intimate images); Jenna K. Stokes,
The Indecent Internet: Resisting Unwarranted Internet Exceptionalism in Combating Revenge
Porn, 29 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 929 (2014) (arguing that existing criminal laws can be effectively
applied to the Internet).
strategy. The real question is how we make sense in a world of global cy-
berspace of established categories of private and public communication.
The problem is that the technology of communication and reproduction al-
ters the nature, not merely the scale, of the disclosure. In the past, letters
could be published, conversations could be repeated, but they could not
readily be turned into eternal archives of personal exposure available to the
current and future population of the planet. Furthermore, it is not an ade-
quate response to say that these are unfortunate side effects of a generally
valid principle of publicity. Many of the principled reasons for supporting
publicity in general make little or no sense in the current context. Sunlight
is said to be the best of disinfectants, said Brandeis, and we understand the
context of his statement. 57 But what does the same sentiment mean in other
contexts? Is disinfection the only priority? Is disinfecting the only
thing sunlight does, or should we also be concerned about skin cancer?
What does best mean?
Consider, for example, the online availability of court filings. In gen-
eral, the idea that court filings should be public documents is rooted in the
idea that secret court proceedings are instruments of tyranny. But while
publicly available in an archive means one thing, publicly available
online means something else entirely. Papers filed in lawsuits have become
matters of massive public examination, meaning that unsubstantiated alle-
gations, embarrassing details, painful memories, and deeply personal con-
flicts must be available to millions of viewers as a resulting cost of open ac-
cess to the courts. These unintended forms of publication are not only
unfair to defendants who may be ultimately found to be blameless, they im-
pose burdens on plaintiffs in the form of unwanted publicity that are having
the effect of discouraging victims from coming forward. 58 The equation of
values that made sense of the old idea that a voluntary release of infor-
mation for a particular purpose made that information public does not
seem to adequately capture the concerns of the Internet age.
Unwanted, unanticipated, and massive publicity is only one side of the
coin. Another side is the fact that the Internet, despite its information hier-
archies and security protocols, is ultimately one network. That means that
it is not only information that is released, it is patterns of information, or in-
formation about the release of information.
57. Louis D. Brandeis, What Publicity Can Do, HARPERS WKLY., Dec. 20, 1913, at 10,
58. Jodi Kantor, Lawsuits Lurid Details Draw an Online Crowd, N.Y. TIMES (Feb. 22,
but Article 8 secures a right to private life and other articles mention the
concept of private in passing. 70 Article 8s protections are understood to
guarantee a sphere within which [the individual] can freely pursue the de-
velopment and fulfillment of his personality, the right to establish and
develop relationships with other human beings. 71 Retention of information
collected in criminal investigations, in turn, is limited to two years. 72
The European Court of Human Rights has declared that Article 8 im-
poses affirmative obligations as well as negative limitations on interference:
[I]n addition to this primarily negative undertaking, there may be
positive obligations inherent in an effective respect for private
life. These obligations may involve the adoption of measures de-
signed to secure respect for private life even in the sphere of the
relations of individuals between themselves. . . . The boundaries
between the States positive and negative obligations under Arti-
cle 8 do not lend themselves to precise definition. The applicable
principles are nonetheless similar. In particular, in both instances
regard must be had to the fair balance which has to be struck be-
tween the competing interests.73
The phrase private life covers the physical and psychological integ-
rity of a person, . . . aspects of an individuals physical and social identi-
ty, . . . a right to personal development, and the right to establish and de-
velop relationships with other human beings and the outside world.74
Famously, this flexible right has recently been held to include a right
to be forgotten, established in a European Union Directive 75 and applied
by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to require private companies such
as Google to remove links to information on request under appropriate cir-
70. The word private appears five times: in Article 6 as an element of a right to a fair trial,
in which public access to trials may be limited where the interests of juveniles or the protection
of the private life of the parties so require; in Article 8 (below); in Article 9, in which freedom of
conscience and religion includes the right either alone or in community with others and in public
or private to manifest his religion or belief, and in Article 5, in a reference to quality between
spouses which states that spouses shall enjoy equality of rights and responsibilities of a private
law character between them and in their relations with their children. European Convention for
the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms arts. 6, 8 & 9, Apr. 11, 1950,
C.E.T.S. 5.
71. L. Doswald-Beck, The Meaning of the Right to Respect Life Under European Conven-
tion on Human Rights, 4 HUM. RTS. 283, 287, 298 (1983) (first quoting Application No. 8307/78
DR21, 124; then quoting Application No. 6825/74 DR5, 87).
72. See generally, Francesca Bignami, Privacy and Law Enforcement in the European Un-
ion: The Data Retention Directive, 8 CHI. J. INTL. L. 233, 242, 251 (2007); Doswald-Beck, supra
note 71, at 283.
73. Odivre v. France, 2003-III Eur. Ct. H.R. 24 (internal citations omitted).
74. Pretty v. United Kingdom, 2002-III Eur. Ct. H.R.33.
75. Directive 95/46, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on
the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free
Movement of Such Data, 1995 O.J. (L 281) 31 (EC).
cumstance. The ECJ opinion focused on the issues of information and its
role in a networked world:
The Court observes, furthermore, that this information poten-
tially concerns a vast number of aspects of his private life and
that, without the search engine, the information could not have
been interconnected or could have been only with great difficulty.
Internet users may thereby establish a more or less detailed pro-
file of the person searched against. Furthermore, the effect of the
interference with the persons rights is heightened on account of
the important role played by the internet and search engines in
modern society, which render the information contained in such
lists of results ubiquitous. In the light of its potential seriousness,
such interference cannot, according to the Court, be justified by
merely the economic interest which the operator of the engine has
in the data processing.
However, inasmuch as the removal of links from the list of re-
sults could, depending on the information at issue, have effects
upon the legitimate interest of internet users potentially interested
in having access to that information, the Court holds that a fair
balance should be sought in particular between that interest and
the data subjects fundamental rights, in particular the right to
privacy and the right to protection of personal data.76
The idea that seems to be emerging from all of this is something on the
order of an obligation on the part of governments to create conditions in
which individuals can engage in user-controlled identity management. 77
In the same way that regulation of economic relations created a set of con-
ditions for meaningful economic decisionmaking by workers and consum-
ers, and environmental health regulations give individuals the ability to con-
trol the health qualities of their environment, governments need to have the
ability to engage in transnational cooperative efforts to create conditions in
which individuals have the ability to make meaningful decisions about the
disclosure of their information in the network. The pregnancy cases remind
us that new forms of conceiving of the legal consequences of individual
conduct carry risks of overly intrusive regulation as well as potential bene-
fits. And the pregnancy cases also remind us that nothing is ever resolved:
the difficult decisions about the scope of economic and environmental regu-
lation that is consistent with constitutionally guaranteed liberties are with us
today, and issues arising out of attempts to secure autonomy within a global
76. Press Release, Court of Justice of the European Union, An Internet Operator Is Responsi-
ble for the Processing that it Carries Out of Personal Data Which Appear on Web Pages Published
by Third Parties (May 30, 2014), http://
77. Marit Hansen, supra note 65, at 4.