Finance For Moss P
Finance For Moss P
Finance For Moss P
NAME________________________________ STUDENT NO_________________________ DATE________________
1.5 from:
MOS 2181A/B (Organizational Behavior)
MOS 2275A/B (Business Law I)
MOS 2320A/B* (Marketing)
MOS 3330A/B (Operations Management)
(Note: *Students interested in pursuing an HBA at the Richard Ivey School of Business
should not complete MOS 2320A/B prior to Year 3. AEO students will be informed that this
Course will not be recognized by Ivey toward the HBA Degree.)
1.0 MOS 3311A/B (Advanced Finance)
MOS 3313A/B (Financial Markets and Institutions)
(These courses may be taken in year 3 or 4 depending on availability)
1.0 from:
Actuarial Science 2053 (Mathematics for Financial Analysis)
Economics 2154A/B (Money)
Economics 2159A/B (Public Finance Expenditure)
Economics 2160A/B (Public Finance Revenue)
Economics 2167A/B (International Economics)
Economics 2181A/B (Foundations of Financial Economics)
Economics 2191A/B (Risk and Financial Institutions)
1.0 from:
MOS 3321F/G (Consumer Behavior)
MOS 3325A/B (E-Commerce Strategy)
MOS 3360A/B (Intermediate Accounting I)
MOS 3361A/B (Intermediate Accounting II)
MOS 3362A/B (Introduction to Taxation in Canada)
MOS 3363A/B (Introduction to Auditing)
MOS 3370A/B (Management Accounting)
MOS 3385A/B (Essentials of Human Resources for NON HR Students)
MOS 3395A/B-3398A/B (Special Topics)
MOS 3420F/G (Marketing Research)
MOS 4462A/B (Advanced Issues in Canadian Taxation)
MOS 4465A/B (Advanced Accounting)
MOS 4471A/B (Management Control Systems, formerly 3371A/B)
MOS 4496A/B-4498A/B (Special Topics)
0.5 from:
MOS 4312A/B (Derivatives)
MOS 4313A/B (Real Estate Investment Funds and Mortgage Backed Securities)
MOS 4314F/G (Real Estate and the City)
Economics 2155A/B (Labor Economic Theory)
Economics 2156A/B (Labor Economics Bargaining)
Economics 2162A/B (Comparative International Business)
1.0 from:
Anthropology 2262F/G (The Production and Consumption of Global Commodities)
Anthropology 2272F/G (Anthropology of Tourism)
Anthropology 2280F/G (Economic Anthropology)
Economics 2124A/B (Economic Development I)
Economics 2128A/B (Economics of China)
Economics 2129A/B (Managerial Economics)
Economics 2154A/B (Money)
Economics 2155A/B (Labor Economics Theory)
Economics 2156A/B (Labor Economics Bargaining)
Economics 2159A/B (Public Finance Expenditure)
Economics 2160A/B (Public Finance Revenue)
Economics 2162A/B (Comparative International Business)
Economics 2167A/B (International Economics)
Economics 2181A/B (Foundations of Financial Economics)
Economics 2191A/B (Risk and Financial Institutions)
English 2018A/B (The Culture of Leadership I)
English 2019A/B (The Culture of Leadership II)
Geography 2143A/B (Foundations of the Geography of World Business)
Geography 2144A/B (Geography of Tourism)
Geography 3422A/B (The Geography of International Business)
History 2120A/B (Northern Enterprise: Canadian Business and Labor History)
History 2171A/B (Greed is Good: The History of Modern Capitalism)
History 2183A/B (Women in the Workforce 1700-1990)
History 2807F/G (Entrepreneurship in the United States and Canada since 1800)
MOS 2277A/B (Personal Financial Planning)
MOS 3367A/B (Introduction to Fraud Examination)
Philosophy 2074F/G (Business Ethics)
Philosophy 2730F/G (Media Ethics)
Political Science 2102A/B (Capitalism and Democracy)
Political Science 2140A/B (Globalization: Competition and Democratic Governance)
Political Science 2211E (Business and Government)
Political Science 2246E (Public Administration)
Psychology 2030A/B (The Maladjusted Mind)
Psychology 2035A/B (Understanding Yourself and Others)
Psychology 2070A/B (Social Psychology)
Sociology 2166A/B (The Organization and Experience of Work)
Sociology 2172A/B (Advertising and Society)
Sociology 3308F/G (Work and Health Across the Life Course)
0.5 MOS 4410A/B (Strategic Management)
1.0 Option
You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of your program.
*Students entering BMOS for the FIRST time in September 2017 must follow this version of the checklist.
Current BMOS students concerned about their program should consult with your Program Advisors in SSC 4330
**NOTE: Students planning to pursue HONORS SPECIALIZATION in FINANCE should also plan to complete
ECONOMICS 2151A/B and must achieve a minimum 75% in each of
Economics 2150A/B, 2151A/B, 2152A/B, 2122A/B, 2123A/B.