Microtomes and Microtome Knives - A Review and
Microtomes and Microtome Knives - A Review and
Microtomes and Microtome Knives - A Review and
F. Mohammed, T.F. Arishiya, S. Mohamed. Microtomes Review Ar ticle
and Microtome Knives A Review and Proposed
Classification. Annal Dent Univ Malaya 2012; 19(2):
F. Mohammed1, T.F. Arishiya2 and
S. Mohamed3
Manual microtomes:
Rocking microtome
Rotary microtome
Sledge microtome
Freezing microtome
Vibrating microtome
Ultra microtome
Sliding microtome
Saw microtome
Hand microtome
Automatic microtomes:
Laser microtome
Computer microtome Figure 2. Rotary Microtome.
Ultra-thin computer microtome
Freezing Microtome
Although other microtomes can be modified for
cutting frozen sections, this type of microtome was
known to be efficient, producing the best results and
was used almost universally. The machine is clamped
to the edge of a bench and is connected to a cylinder
of CO2 by means of a specially strengthened flexible
Figure 4. Sliding Microtome.
metal tube (Figure 5). The cutting action of the freezing
microtome differs from those described previously as
in this case the knife is moved whilst the tissue block
remains static. The block moves by a pre-set amount,
in microns, at the end of each cut. However, consistent,
high quality, thin sections are very difficult to obtain
with this type of microtome (10).
This device enables tissue to be frozen without the
necessity of solid carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen.
This method has acquired popularity before the
cryostat became widely used for frozen sections. In this
instrument, two dissimilar metals are placed in
apposition with one another and when a direct electric
current passes through them, heat is generated on one
surface and lost from the other. This phenomenon is
known as Peltier effect (12). Figure 5. Freezing Microtome.
Vibrating Microtome
Originally thought to replace the hand microtome,
the vibrating microtome was conceived as a microtome
which could produce high quality sections of fresh,
unfixed material from animal or botanical sources
(Figure 6). This instrument has been designed to cut
tissue which has not been fixed, processed or frozen
and has the greatest application in enzyme
histochemistry and ultrastructural histochemistry.
The name of the instrument was derived from the
high speed vibration produced by a safety razor blade
which provided the cutting power. The amplitude of
vibration is adjusted by altering electrical voltage
applied to the knife (10). To prevent tearing, soft Figure 6. Vibrating Microtome.
46 Annals of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Vol. 19 No. 2 2012
Ultra Microtome
The ultra-microtome is used to prepare ultra-thin
sections for light and electron microscopy (Figure 7).
Very small samples of tissue or industrial product are
usually embedded in hard resin before cutting. It has
been reported that sections can be cut as thin as 10
nanometers (13). Two forms of advance mechanism
have been developed in this style of microtome.
The thermal mechanism relies upon heat induced
expansion in a bifurcated metal strip. Whereas in the Figure 7. Ultra Microtome.
mechanical form a microprocessor coupled to a precise
stepping motor controls the advance mechanism (14).
The cutting stroke is motor driven to provide a regular,
smooth motion for sections of even thickness and
constant reproducibility. Knives are usually made from
glass, diamond or sapphire. The block is brought to
the knife edge under microscopical control and as
each section is cut it is floated on to a water bath
adjacent to the knife edge (10).
Saw Microtome
Saw microtomes cut sections from very hard
material such as undecalcified bone, glass or ceramics
(Figure 8). The samples, commonly embedded in resins, Figure 8. Saw Microtome.
are moved extremely slowly against a diamond coated
saw rotating at approximately 600 rpm. It is possible
to produce sections of 20 m or greater, provided the
saw blade is in perfect condition (15). The saw
microtome is not capable for producing very thin
sections (9).
Hand Microtome
The hand microtome is limited to sectioning
intrinsically rigid botanical material and it is difficult
to obtain thin sections from animal tissues (Figure 9)
The introduction of fluorescent antibody staining Figure 9. Hand Microtome.
techniques by Coons, Creech and Jones in 1941 led
to a need for thin sections (3-5 m) of fresh frozen
tissue free of ice crystal defects (16). To satisfy these
criteria the tissue must be snap frozen at a very low
Linderstrom-Lang and Mogensen designed the
f irst cryostat in 1938. Coons and his colleagues
redesigned it in 1951 (Figure 10) (17).
It consists of a microtome of any type but
preferably rustproof, which is enclosed and operated
within a deep freeze cabinet. The cabinet is fitted with
a double glass window, and a door through which
material may be passed in and out. The cabinet is
equipped with a fluorescent light and a fan to ensure
the circulation of cool air (15). The temperature may
be regulated between-10C to -40C. Any cryostat can Figure 10. Cryostat.
Microtomes and Microtome Knives A Review and Proposed Classification 47
Laser Microtome
Laser microtome is used for precise, non-contact
sectioning (Figure 11) and was designed to slice
Figure 11. Laser Microtome.
samples with high precision. Its equipped with state-
of-the-art femtosecond laser technology. It enables
non-contact cutting inside biological tissues and
various materials without causing thermal damage (18).
Depending on the material being processed, slice
thicknesses of about 5 to 100 m are feasible (18).
Non- contact processing, sub micrometer precision,
cutting of the tissue in its native state, no thermal
damage, fewer artifacts and less time consumption in
tissue preparation are the added advantages of this
laser microtome (19).
Computerized Microtome
It is equipped with the advanced rapid
thermostatic switch, semiconductor freezing, cryo-
scalped and cryoplate (Figure 12). The computerized Figure 12. Computerized Microtome.
microtome can carry out the rapid freezing section or
routine paraff in section (dual-purpose). This
microtome attains slice thickness in the range of 1- Based on material of the knife:
25m with least slice adjusting graduation of 1m and Steel knives
a maximal slice section of 32x32mm. The temperature Non-corrosive knives for cryostat
of cryo scalpel and cryoplate range between 0C ~ Disposable blades
-18C and -10C ~ -40C respectively (20). Tungsten carbide knives
Glass knives
Microtome Knives Diamond knives
Central to the production of good sections is the Sapphire knives
microtome knife. The f irst attempt to produce an
adequate cutting surface was a sharpened razor blade; Based on shape of the knife edge (Profile):
however these became blunt very quickly. In 1950 Profile A: Strongly plano-concave/biconcave
Latta and Hartmann discovered edges fine enough by Profile B: Plano-concave
using freshly cut glass (21). Profile C: Wedge Shaped
Microtomy virtually begins and ends with a sharp, Profile D: Plane Shaped
blemish-free cutting edge. The introduction of
disposable blades has made easier the production of Steel Knives
good quality, thin sections, but they are often Steel microtome knives are manufactured from
unsatisfactory for sectioning harder tissues, especially high quality carbon or tool grade steel which is heat
bone. As these tissues constitute the greatest challenge treated to harden the edge (Figure 13) (22). The steel
to the microtomist, the necessity for maintaining a should be rust resistant, free from impurities and
sharp knife has not been diminished. Microtome contain anti-corrosives.
knives can be classified according to the material used The best knives are those that are fully hardened.
for making the knife or based on the shape of the knife Those which are only surface hardened lose the cutting
edge. edge very quickly once the hardened area is removed
through repeated re-sharpening (10).
48 Annals of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Vol. 19 No. 2 2012
Disposable Blades
These are essentially ref ined, thickened razor
blades (Figure 14). When these are held in a specially
adapted knife holder the blades consistently produce
high quality sections. These have replaced
conventional microtome knives in many instances. All
disposable blades are manufactured from high quality
stainless steel. The edge of disposable blades can be
coated with platinum or chromium to enhance strength
Figure 15. Tungsten Knives.
and prolong cutting life (23-24).
Teflon coated blades are particularly suitable for
use in cryostats as these offer reduced cutting
resistance and minimal friction. The smaller, thinner
disposable blade also reaches cryostat chamber
temperature more rapidly than a conventional knife,
minimizing the delay during blade exchanges or
temperature adjustments. Disposable blades need to be
held rigid in a special holder to prevent vibration
during the cutting stroke (10)
Tungsten Carbide
Knives manufactured from high quality tungsten
carbide (Figure 15) are practically nonmagnetic and
100 times harder than hardened tool steel (25). The
knives have excellent resistance to wear but are brittle
because of their extreme hardness and should be
Figure 16. Glass Knives.
handled carefully. But, it has been reported that up to
30,000 serial sections of undecalcified bone embedded
in methacrylate can be obtained per sharpening (26).
quickly. Glass knife holders are available so that
Glass Knives Ralph knives can be used with a rotary microtome.
The cutting edge of glass knives (Ralph knives Glass knives are hard but brittle and therefore require
with edges of 25 or 38 mm) used for conventional care when handling. These knives deteriorate with
sectioning is parallel to one surface of the glass while storage due to changes in the flow or strain of the
knives used for ultramicrotomy is positioned against / glass after fracture and from oxidation impurities
across the thickness of the glass (Figure 16). Different remaining in the hardened glass after manufacture.
profiles of Ralph knife for cutting sections from Knives should thus be prepared immediately before
different embedding media can be produced very use (27).
Microtomes and Microtome Knives A Review and Proposed Classification 49
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