Museum Technique 1
Museum Technique 1
Museum Technique 1
Fixation of specimen
The specimen needs to be kept in a large enough container which can
accomodate specimen along with 3-4 times volume of fixative.
specimen is stored in the Kasierling -I solution for one month depending
on the size of specimen.
The specimen should not rest on bottom or an artifical flat surface will be
produced on hardening due to fixation .
Kasierling I solution
•Formalin -1 Liter
• Potassium acetate -45gm
• Potassium nitrate -25gm
• distilled water -make up to 10 Liters
1.4 Restoration of specimen
• it is required to restore the specimen ,as they lose their natural colour
on fixation.
• The recommended method is kasierling method.
• it involves removing the specimen,washing it in running water and
transferring to 95 %alcohol for 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the
size of specimen .
• The specimen is then kept and observed for colour change for around
1-15 hrs.
• After this steps,specimen ready for preservation.
1.4.1 Kasierling II solution
• Alcohol 95 %
• store this specimen in this solution for 10 minutes to 1 hrs depending on size
of specimen.
Rejuvenator Solution
pyridine -100ml
sodium hydrosulphite -100gm
Distilled water -4 Liters
Formalin decreases the natural colour of the
specimen .However ,rejuventor solution restore the colour.
1.5 Preservation of specimen
The recommended solution for this step is Kasierling III. this is the
final solution in which the specimen will for display . it is based on
glycerine solution .