YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler Bağlaç Soruları

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1. The British workforce works longer hours 6.

---- corporations grow in size and diversity,

than most of its European counterparts, ---- the difficulty of managing employee
productivity is not improved as a result. relations increases.

A) so A) Lest
B) therefore B) In case
C) since C) Whether
D) as D) So that
E) yet E) As

2. They are installing a great deal of 7. ---- economic development projects in

information technology, ---- the staff are developing countries are carefully thought
quite incapable of using it. out and implemented, they can actually
contribute to 'environmental deterioration'.
A) owing to
B) whenever A) Provided that
C) as if B) Unless
D) even so C) Since
E) even though D) So long as
E) Whenever
3. She can have the job ---- she is willing to
work on Saturdays. 8. Trade-union membership in Germany, ---- in
the rest of Europe, is shrinking.
A) apart from
B) owing to A) so
C) except B) whether
D) provided C) though
E) whereas D) as
E) unless
4. Research evidence suggests that, in their
games, girls show preference for home- 9. The US dollar's slide may continue, but ----
centered interests ---- boys are drawn to handled carefully it might not harm the
more naughty and dangerous themes and world economy.
A) until
A) unless B) whether
B) when C) though
C) as though D) if
D) whereas E) whereas
E) now that
10. The United Nations has, on numerous
5. ---- winemaking in France dates back to pre- occasions, tried to assert its authority to
Roman times it was the Romans who spread mediate a dispute between nations, ---- has
the practice. often been ineffective ---- the nations
involved refused to acknowledge the right of
A) Although the United Nations to intervene.
B) Until
C) If A) yet / that
D) Whether B) but / because
E) In that C) either/or
D) therefore / because of
E) however / as far as

11. ---- the Roman legions withdrew in the 5th 16. Children can benefit from their experiences -
century A. D. Britain fell easy prey to the --- they retain information from these
invading hordes of Angles, Saxons and experiences over time.
Jutes from Scandinavia and northern
Europe. A) that
B) even though
A) Lest C) so long as
B) Unless D) so
C) When E) while
D) Until
E) As long as 17. It is thought to be basically a Hittite
settlement ---- there are some traces of
12. ---- fiction gives something more than earlier civilizations.
pleasure, it hardly justifies itself as a
subject of study. A) in spite of
B) even so
A) Because C) instead
B) Unless D) even though
C) When E) in case
D) If
E) After 18. Structural unemployment has often been
associated with technological
13. ---- demand grows for graduate business unemployment, ----, unemployment resulting
degrees, schools are offering their students from the increased use of labour-saving
more options regarding the length and machines.
content of their programmes.
A) So as
A) If B) so far
B) As C) that is
C) Unless D) what's more
D) Once E) even so
E) Whenever
19. ---- some countries possess nuclear
14. In Renaissance England, though the weapons and others do not, there will be
European influence was strong ---- poetry chronic global insecurity.
was concerned, the native drama continued
to develop and gain popularity. A) Thanks to
B) In case of
A) as well as C) So long as
B) in that D) Just as
C) so that E) As if
D) as far as
E) in case 20. The purpose of this bridge project is ---- to
eliminate the cause of such accidents ---- to
15. ---- the average education level of the keep traffic moving at a steady rate.
women in the United States is higher than
that of their male counterparts, they are A) only / but also
highly concentrated in underpaid and B) both / and
menial jobs. C) not only / and
D) as much / than
A) Although E) for / by
B) Now that
C) Until
D) As if
E) In case

21. The organization ---- advises industrial firms 26. Some people reckon that, in the workplace,
on their day-to-day psychological problems, being popular is ---- Important ---- being
---- gives vocational advice to school effective
A) more / while
A) both / but B) so / that
B) thus / also C) too / for
C) more / and D) even / enough
D) even / so E) as / as
E) not only / but also
27. Apparently, the firemen are ---- asking for
22. ---- the bubonic plague overturned the social higher wages, they are ---- demanding a
order in Medieval Europe, ---- AIDS seems reduction in their working hours.
likely to reshape Africa.
A) not only / also
A) Even so / though B) both / and
B) Similarly / even C) also / but
C) In case / moreover D) even / still
D) Accordingly / as E) neither / nor
E) Just as / so
28. The last exhibition I went to was ----
23. Wellington's abandonment of an attempt to crowded that I could hardly see anything.
make a Tory government was not ---- due to
threats of civil war ---- to Peel's refusal to A) as
join a Tory government. B) too
C) more
A) so far/as if D) so
B) as/as E) very
C) as much / than
D) so much / as 29. ---- regulate the life of a society, general and
E) even / more legal rules are set down in written form by
the highest legislative authority of a
24. In the works of many twentieth-century country.
dramatists it is possible to see ---- the
individual writer's Ideas and experience ---- A) Due to
some of the social and political B) In order to
developments of his period. C) With reference to
D) Contrary to
A) as much / as E) With regard to
B) not only / but also
C) only / such as 30. Strategists argue that today's armed forces
D) more / than should be prepared for multiple but smallish
E) whether / or expeditionary operations in remote and
disparate places, ---- for just one big
25. Great works of art seem to be ---- conflagration.
inexhaustible and unpredictable ---- real
human beings. A) as soon as
B) than ever
A) both / and C) most of all
B) as / as D) rather than
C) as well as / than E) more often
D) more / from
E) so / or

31. Multinational companies account for ---- 60 36. Despite the passage of a decade since its
per cent of trade in manufactured goods in opening, the Maritime Museum in Istanbul
the developed world. remains undeservedly little-known today ----
a lack of publicity.
A) so much
B) rather than A) instead of
C) as far as B) in spite of
D) by no means C) contrary to
E) no less than D) as to
E) owing to
32. ---- had so many people complained so
loudly for so little cause. 37. ---- the eminent Victorian biologist Thomas
Huxley, the great sea fisheries were
A) Only once inexhaustible.
B) For the first time
C) At the beginning A) In accord with
D) Up to this time B) In view of
E) From the start C) With regard to
D) According to
33. Even in the middle of the last century, E) In the case of
education was the exception ---- the rule.
38. Italy declared its neutrality upon the
A) according to outbreak of World War I ---- that Germany
B) except for had embarked upon an offensive war.
C) with regard to
D) rather than A) as soon as
E) as well as B) owing to
C) in view of
34. ---- concentrating on creating training D) on the grounds
opportunities, their government ought to E) such as
turn its attention to creating more jobs.
39. ---- the critics, the film is almost as good as
A) Far from the novel itself.
B) More than
C) Instead of A) With regard to
D) In accordance with B) According to
E) In case of C) Owing to
D) Concerning
35. ---- coping with the bitterly cold E) In comparison to
temperatures, any explorer attempting to
cross the Arctic has ---- to battle with the 40. The Symbolists explored the subtle changes
strong tidal pull on the ice. in the human psyche and conveyed them
through symbol and metaphor ---- by direct
A) Besides / also statement.
B) As well as / even so
C) In spite of / as much A) including
D) Including / moreover B) rather than
E) Contrary to / nevertheless C) not so much as
D) such as
E) as if

41. ---- Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, a French painter

who was happy to design posters and to
illustrate books, many modern artists have
found it necessary to supplement their
incomes in various ways.

A) Due to
B) Firstly
C) Despite
D) In case of
E) Like

42. ---- a rather lazy, traditional, sea side

holiday, a considerable number of people
are going on rougher, more exciting
'adventure holidays'.

A) According to
B) Just as
C) In spite of
D) Instead of
E) In case of

43. In 1789, France was in a serious financial

position ---- corruption, royal extravagance,
and the chaos that comes with revolution.

A) according to
B) despite
C) whereas
D) so that
E) due to

44. No pharaoh is more famous than

Tutankhamen but, ---- his fame, very little is
actually known about him.

A) even If
B) In case of
C) in excess of
D) In order to
E) despite

45. ---- in France, where it was a pleasure

strictly limited to the aristocracy, in the
British Isles drinking chocolate was made
available to the middle classes from the

A) Except
B) Rather
C) Unlike
D) Just as
E) Besides

1 E 11 C 21 E 31 E 41 E
2 E 12 B 22 E 32 A 42 D
3 D 13 B 23 D 33 D 43 E
4 D 14 D 24 B 34 C 44 E
5 A 15 A 25 B 35 A 45 C
6 E 16 C 26 E 36 E 46
7 B 17 D 27 A 37 D 47
8 D 18 C 28 D 38 D 48
9 D 19 C 29 B 39 B 49
10 B 20 B 30 D 40 B 50

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