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] 1253
(K) used for carrying (S, Mgh, Msb, K) the ^jiil .'</* which he sews: but this I have not or guilefully; as also JlUj : thus expl. by Az,
goods, or furniture and utensils, of a man (S, found elsewhere.] _ Also An iron (K, TA) like on the authority of one of the Arabs: also said to
Mgh, Msb) travelling, (Mgh, Msb,) and his the new moon [in shape], (TA,) that is put at the signify light, or active, and inconstant, unsteady,
food; (S, Mgh;) the S denoting intensiveness: end of a spear, for the purpose of catching wild or fickle; and so t j^JLoj and t c?Uj. (TA.)
(Msb:) or a she-camel upon which are carried oxen. (K,* TA.) __ And The [implement called] 9*3 9*3 9 3 03 ^
the goods, or furniture and utensils, of the tra- ijjja* "" * [q. v.]. (K.) _ Applied to a man, (K,
JJUj : sec tP-oj : and see also Ji^J-oj, in two
veller: (liar p. 130:) from J-oj " h e bore, or TA,) t A great, or vehement, eater; likened to places.
carried," a thing: (Mgh,Msb:) pi. J o l j j . (TA.) the [shoemaker's] knife: (TA :) or strong: and 9 S3 9 *3 9 3 03
[See also iLojj.] Afterwards used to signify also weak ; (K, TA;) low, mean, or contemptible: JiJUj: see ^cj : _ and see also \}^*j.
o (TA: [like ^J-oj:]) thus having two contr, signi-
The J > [properly half-load] in which is the fications. (K.)
pilgrim's travelling-provision, consisting of biscuit,
aj^jl (AA, S, K) and (S, K) some say (S) 1. yoj, aor. ; , inf. n. iyj (Msb, KI) and AiUj
or dig bread, and fruit (j*5 [app. a mistranscrip- 9*0,0
tion for^oj i. e. dates]), and the like. (Mgh.) S!>ej1, (S, K,) the latter accord, to As and Sb (S,* Msb, K) and l u j , (K,) He (a man, S, Msb)
had, or was affected with, a malady of long con-
9- * * and Ez-Zubeydee, (TA,) and * J ^ j l , (S, TA,)
9. * *
2JL*JJ Camels having their loads upon them: which is said bv I J to be quasi-coordinate to tinuance, (Msb,) or what is termed iilej, expl.
(IAar, M, KL :* [in the K, ^)lj should be j-*)l> 0 0 ~ 6 below: (K.:) he was, or became, afflicted [with
or rather J / ^ l j : ] ) and so cioJai: j*c signifies Jjfci^a., because the 3 in it is not a letter of what is so termed]: (>':) or Ae was, or became,
prolongation, for the letter before it is with fet-h,
"camels laden or not laden :" (IAar, M :) sj**\jj crippled. (TK.)
(TA,) applied to a mountain-goat and to one of
may be either its pi. or pi, of SJUJj [q. v.]. (TA.) 3. &ut> iloU (S, K) and UUj (Lh, TA) [He
other animals, Vociferous: (AA, S, KI, TA :) or
_ _ See also iLj. s=a VV$J CH^ >* means He the first, [or, app., any of the three,] applied to a bargained, or made an engagement, with him, to
is a knoroer of it ; (IAar, K ; ) i. e., of the affair. mountain-goat, suck as, when he runs, leans, or work, for a time], (S, K,) from O^J"? (?J) ls
** * 0 ' 3 O bears, on one side: so accord, to AHeyth: Fr like sftb\*U [and l^l>] (S, KI) f r o m b \ . (S.)
(IAar.) _ And SJLojj ^>JI, also, means The son explains the first or second as applied to a horse,
of the female slave. (IAar, K.) 4. ,>jl [He, or it, continued a long time ;] a
JUjI A sound: (As, S:) or any mixed, or con- meaning that runs swiftly: and in like manner long time passed over him, or it, (K,* TA,) i. e.
fused, sound: or a sound proceeding from the to a mountain-goat. (TA.) e re
prepuce of a horse or similar beast: ( K : ) it has dJUj-o A certain thing in which water is cooled: a thing. (TA.) You say, (J^'W 0-j' -^ ~
no verb. (TA.) A poet says, of the dial, of El-'Irak: (KI:) applied by the mained, staid, dwelt, or abode, a long time (UUj)
people of Baghdad to a green [jar such as is in the place. (TA.) A n d [hence,] ^M(l' V j l
s* - - 33 * * ^^ *
called] Sjtf. or i*_>Ui., t the middle whereof is a JUa t His gift [was a long time kept bach from
* .- OiO ** * * 9*0 3*0**
perforation, in which is fixed a tube of silver or me, or] was slow, or tardy, in coming to me.
lead, whence one drinks; so called because it is i *3
[T%e </Mms o/ <Ae horses water in the adjacent i i*t v"-J ^
wrapped (<J-P i. e. \JiX3) with a piece of cloth of(TA.) = Uyii ,j^jl He (God) made such a one
.tracts thereof, and thou hearest, beneath the dust,
coarse flax, or some other thing, between which to be such as is termed >**j, i. e. affected with a
and the jar is straw: it is in their houses in the protracted disease; (Msb, TA;) or crippled, or
a sound attributable to them]: he means ^lojl,
days of summer: the water is cooled in the night deprived of the power to move or to stand or to
but suppresses the , as is done in o ^ b j [for by mea?is of the [j>orous earthen bottles called]walk, by disease, or by a protracted disease: or
.1 *' M 3 't '' made him to be affected with what is termed
4 O b l ^ ; then it is poured into this <U-oj-o, and 9 9* -
-'^ J J 9]. (S.) (S3I c^*li' means 7%e sounds [ijloj, expl. below, as meaning] &bU [&c.].
remains in it cool. (Har p. 548.)
of the bows: J~ojjl being pi. of J>*jl, with ^ to (TA.) It is said also of a disease [as meaning J7
< j*' 9*
give fulness to the sound of the vowel preceding deprived him of the power to move &c.]. (TA in
Jytj*: see J-*}.
- 9 - * 0 9 utS' 9 * * * art. s^-oe.)
it. (TA.) And "iX*jl signifies The twanging
^y*}*, originally J^sj-io, A man wrapped with ^>6j an inf. n. of ,j->j [q. v.]. (Msb, K/) _ ^
t * 0% * * * -f.*6l
[or in] his garments: occurring in the Klur And a simple subst. [meaning Continuance for a
sound of a bow. (K, TA.)=*}>ojt j j p and "dJLojl
lxxiii. 1. (TA.) * * e
and * aJLoj jffefe/2!a family, or household. (K.) long time,] from y*j\ in the first of the senses
j " eS * S * * 9*3 - * .9*63
And dXojl iwiii-j i / ^ i -> [owcA a one went assigned to it above; and so " &M>J, with damm.
forth, and left behind him his family, or his Q. 1. j>JUj, inf. n. 9aiLUj, He did the act de- (IAar, TA.) Also, and t ^UJ, (S, Msb,K, &c.,)
* o* * * * 'J
family and his cattle]: and xLojl^ ->- -He went noted by the epithet JiJ-ej expl. in art. J3j, voce the former a contraction of the latter, (Msb,) A
forth with his family and his camels and his 9 * 9**0* 9**6* time, whether little or much ; (S, Msb, K ;) thus
sheep or goats, not leaving behind him aught of J9j. (TA.) aiJUj in asses is like ^g.XoJ [i. e. accord, to Er-Raghib ; (TA in art. jA> ;) as being
3 * * EThe going an easy and a quick pace] in a horse. a space capable of division : (Msb:) and so says
his property. (AZ, TA.) _ _ [Hence, app.,] ojki-l (TA.) El-Munawee: (TA :) a time considered vnth
4JLjb [in one of my copies of the S, dJLji,] He 9*1 . 9 S3 .9*3 respect to its beginning and its end: (Er-Riighib,
JtJUj and " JJLj and " J>!Uj are expl. in the S 9*i 0 0-
took it altogether; (S, K ; ) namely, a thing. (S.) 9* MF voce xl:) or i. q. j-ac [as meaning a space,
And He took it with its i>Ul [or utensils and in art. J3j [q. v., voce jBj]: in the E>, in the or period, of time]: (M, K :) [often meaning,
present art., agreeably with the opinion of Aboo-
furniture]; as also ALOJ^ and * AiLojl (KI) and 'Obeyd. (TA.) [The firet is said in the TA, without any addition to qualify it, a long time;
s * * ** Si * 9 6*0 as in an instance of the usage of the latter word
t tCUj. (L,TA.) And * IJUjI <Z*<)Cfi i. e. Nu-voce C J , to be syn. with ioyi J^c, q. v.] The above: (see 4:) what follows here applies to each
merous [families or households]. (S, ].*) first is also applied to an ass, as meaning Fat; of these words :] ^sU-j* differs in some respects
9 I Si 3 ot 3 * * i whose back is even by reason of the fat. (Lh, TA.) 9- - 9 'i
^J-ojl, whence aJUjb ajjfc.1: see the next pre- 9 3 03 from ^j\ and from j^>\: Sh asserts it to be syu.
ceding paragraph, last sentence but one. JijJloj A boy, or young man, light, or active, with jAj ; but AHeyth says that this is a mistake :
9** s 9*ot (TA:) [it is so, however, sometimes, accord, to
upon whom his pursuer can hardly lay hold by
AJUJI : see Jjt, in four places. several authorities, as has been shown in art. JAJ ;
reason of his lightness in his running, and his and particularly as meaning fortune, or fate:]
J>*jt: see <Uyjl. going this way and that, quickly, and deceitfully, IAth says that it is applied to the whole of what

J-*jl JL shoemakers knife (S, K, TA) wtlA JO S
wAicA Ae cuts the leather. (TA.) [In the TA, is termed jfejJt [as meaning time], and to a
in art. ^>ji, it is expl. as meaning A shoemaker's
1254 [BOOK I .

portion thereof: AHeyth says that it is the cMi it is also applied to the time, or period, of the l>*j (S, Mgh, Msb, KI) and t ^ j , ( ? , TA,)
[i. e. season] of fruit, of ripe dates, and of heat reign, rule, prefecture, or the like, of a man: applied to a man, (S, Msb, TA,) Having, or
and cold: and that it may be [a period of] two [and to the life-time of a man :] with the philo- affected with, a malady of long continuance;
months [as meaning any one of the six seasons ofsophers, it signifies the measure of the motion of (Mgh, Msb, TA ;*) as also **JJy>;(Har p. 182;)
the solar year] to six months [as meaning the *0 t ** or crippled, or deprived of the power to move or
half-year often termed summer and the half-year the ninth (or greatest") sphere (yJUs^t .iUilt):
to stand or to walk, by disease, or by a protracted
often termed winter] : (TA:) [thus] it is applied
(TA:) [and there are various other explanations disease: (TA:) or having what is termed iiUj
to any one of the four quarters of the year;
(Msb, TA;) the first of which [in the order in belonging to the conventional language of the [expl. below], i. e. 2*U : (KI, TA :) or afflicted
which they are commonly mentioned by the schools, not to the proper language of the Arabs: [with what is so termed] : (S:) pi. 0>**j> (?>
Arabs, i. e. autumn,] is called by the Arabs [of (see the " Diet of the Technical Terms used in the TA,) of the former, (TA,) and yjX), (Msb, J,
3 3 * **
Sciences of the Musalmans:")] the pi. (of >oj, TA,) [likewise] of the former, (Msb,) or of the
ana ana
the classical age] *eij>\, but vulgarly \JujtiJ\; Msb) is o W ' i>*jt (that of cM)> Msb) latter, as also &uj. (TA.) _ _ [Hence,] j3U ',
called by the former name because the first rain - Ot ff " 0*3 'S 3 * * 3 '
is therein, giving growth to [the herbage called] <U*jt. (, Msb, KI.) [The dim. of ^ytj, I. e. i >-oj, <L&jM v>j JUJt \[He is remiss in respect of
the JUJJ ; and called by the latter name because see below.] In the following trad., <*>/* 'M briskness or promptness, powerless in respect of
the fruits are gathered therein ; and it commences l>j& 0-4^1 y j J&% *oU>lt [When the time desire]. (TA.)
when the sun enters Libra: the second [i. e. becomes contracted, the dream of the believer will 9*03 "
winter] is called 2UJI; and commences when the scarcely ever, or never, be false], what is meant <Uj: see \J*j, second sentence.
sun enters Capricornus: the third [i e. spring] is is the end of time; and the approach of the re- ****
JO fi J i surrection ; because when a thing becomes little, 2i*j A space, or period, or a long space or
&st 8en
its extremities contract: or what is meant is the period, of time. (TA.) See also >*,> l ~
Juoll, vulgarly called %ti^; and commences tence.
day's and the night's becoming equal; for the
when the sun enters Aries: the fourth [i. e. 9 * * 9 * *
interpreters of dreams assert that the times [of
3 0* 30 3 ijUj: see 0*), third sentence, and again in
dreams] most true of interpretation are the season
summer] is lJ}\, vulgarly called uuoll; and two places in (>*)
the latter part of the paragraph.
* The twowhen following tables exhibit the principal of the breaking forth of the blossoms and that of &+*}: see
commences the sun enters Cancer: (Msb :)*
divisions of the Arabian Calendar. The latter of the ripening of the fruit, which is when the day ,*i
them shows the places of the months in relation and the night become equal: or what is meant is ^>-oj [dim. of y*j]. You say, o**?* * ' i 4^*J>
to the solar year at the period when they received the coming forth of El-Mahdee, when the year 0* **'
the names by which they are here designated. will be like the month, and the month like the meaning thereby C*3^\ ^ji-lp; (S, K;) [i. e.
week, and the week like the day, and the day I met him some time ago;] like as one says
like the hour, deemed short because deemed 0*3 * * *0l * 0*
delightful: (K in art. *J>J:) or it alludes to the^gjytH Oli, meaningjtl^fr^t ^i : (S:) or mean-
Together shortness of lives and the scantiness of blessings. 9 *Ot ** - *
called (TA in that art.) In another trad, it is said, ing ilj^l lyJ ie.Lt ^ [iti a time consisting of
by some iJ3t.>j>d, ijUjt UJU c<il&, meaning [She used to
some, or several, subdivisions]: (TA:) or CriS
ju)t and come to us] in the life-time [lit times] of Kha- 0*3 * Ot 3* * * 6 3
* *. 0 3 33** Cx-^l means O^J' ^-^ ^* [three seasons ago;
deejeh. (TA.) And one says also, Jto <CJU to or, app., three or more, to ten; (agreeably with
v &Uj, meaning (jUj X [i. e. I have not met **> - J * " *
him for a long time past: but in this case, accord, an explanation of ^jydl Ol$ voce j i ;) by &\*j\
to the more approved usage, one should say jJ> being app. meant periods of two, or three, or six,
Together J months]; (T in art. j j ;) and the like is said by
9*** 9 ** 03 *** 303 ** 03
called IAar. (TA in art ^-j-.)
by some iiej and ^Uj j-*>, or l U j ju* and iA*J **]
3 0* 30 a July , s , >, (For authorities, and further information, see the
30 S (Lh,KI*TA.) SiUJ an inf. n. of ^y>j [q.v.]. (S,M|b,K:.)__
JaJUl: vjua)l g - r ' - - S - - words here mentioned, and more particularly *y [Used as a simple subst] it signifies also A
Summer. I Sept. J ' W ' f c * ) and -^j; under the latter of which it is said that 9*~ '
the third and last of the Six Seasons are called by disease, or an evil affection, syn. iii, (S,) or <UU,
THE MONTHS. THE PERIODS OF BAIN. 3 3 S 331 j 3 (K,) in animals: (S:) [and particularly, in a
*0* Sept some, respectively, ^ w t *fc" and JyiJI *&"; man, a disease of long continuance: or such as
11. SjJuUUj
'a , Oct. and also that the appellations of the 3rd and 4th cripples, or deprives of the power to move or to
i 0*
12. aa*>JU} months are differently pronounced by different stand or to walk: (see j>j and j>oj:)] or want
' / a . T Nov. persons; and that some exclude the ,-03 from of some one or more of the limbs, or members;
1. jym~}\ J 3 ' and privation of the powers, or faculties. (Har
,,, Dec. i the rains called *ttj)\: and for the Calendar of p. 315.) And i. q. jJo) [app. as meaning An evil
2. jiu 2. <h\
jmt * *o' Jan, the Mansions of the Moon, see j*ri&\ Jjtu, in
event or accident, a misfortune, or a calamity],
, ' Jt, Feb art Jjj.) The months are said to have received
(KL.) Kho Love. (KI.)
3. ^SjJt the names here given to them from Kil&b Ibn-
% ++ 9- "
, i . *, Mar. : Murrah, an ancestor of Mohammad, about two
centuries before El-Islam. These months were [jQloj <UU A while; an indefinite short time;
*. " ".. '. Apr. 4. J U lunar; and from this period, with the view of as distinguished from <&JU feC, which is an
. ** May adapting their year to the solar, the Arabs added astronomical hour: and so, often, iftC alone.]
3 *0i -
*.'; June \j*}** ' see k>*j'
8. )Uxf a month, which they called i^Ji\, at the end of
3 .** July Mostly every three years, until they were forbidden to do O*oj-o Of long continuance; of long standing;
so by the Kur-an (ch. ix.): but the months still over which a long time has past. (TA.) [You
9 a* Aug.
io. jiys. retrograded through the- seasons, though much say Cyj* *'" "tale waterC\ And ^*j Jv*-
Sept.. Q. 1: see the next
more slowly. The abolition of the intercalation [Chronic cough]. (KIparagraph.
voce UjLeu.)
was proclaimed by Mohammad at the pilgrimage
in the tenth year of the Flight.
BOOK I . ] Jlr*) J*) 1255
93* *. '' *' Msb, KI,) aor. - , (S, TA,) or - J , (Msb,) inf. n.
Q. 4. Cj?rjl STAey (the stars) *Aoe, (S, KI,)
and were intensely bright. (TA.) _ It (the eye) iij .4. suspicion: whence the saying, " iij yi\ iyj (S, Msb, TA) and i{jj, (TA,) It became
became red by reason of anger, (KI,) on the occa- Uj jL\ <L j!i 2%e ape, or baboon, or monkey, retained, or suppressed. (S, Msb, K, TA.) -
sion of some distressing event; (TA;) as also (>j21\,) worse than'he Tis the person who has con- Also He, or it, clave to the ground. (K.)
t c ^ j . (AZ, S, JL) J^ojl It (the face) ceived a suspicion: (A, TA:) [for] _ iij y\, (so He hastened, or made haste. ( K . ) _ _ A n d He
grinned, so as to display the teeth; or became in three copies of the S and in my MS. copy of was, or became, affected with a lively emotion,
contracted, with a stern, an austere, or a the KI,) or t i i j yf\, (thus in the CKI and TKI and either of joy or of grief; syn. ^ji. (Kl.)sa:
morose, look. (KI.)-_2t (a day) became in- JM, [in the second and third of which it is ex- See also 2, in two places: and see 4. _ Uj is also
tensely cold. (KI.) expl. in the K as signifying JUi- [He throttled,
pressly said to be " with kesr," which, however,
*0* or strangled]: but [SM says,] I have not found
the author of the K should have added, accord, to any of the leading lexicologists to have mentioned
jih-ej Intense cold. (S, KI.) Such is prepared
his usual practice, if he meant it to be thus,]) this, unless it be a mistranscription for tji**- [a
by God as a punishment for the unbelievers in
signifies >ji)\. (S, K.) meaning assigned to this verb below: see 4].
the latter state. (TA.) In the Klur lxxvi. 13,
a 3t . (TA.)
\ti*r*J means Hurting cold: (Bd:) or [simply] iij yj\: see what next precedes, m two places.
cold: (Jel:) or, accord, to some, it there has the * * O** 9** 9* O*
9**.** ^^ " 9 **
meaning next following. (Bd, Jel.) _ The moon; yjij iU, and , j j j \ft, [which suggests that y} 2. 4gAc Uj, inf. n. iij3, He straitened, or
(KI;) inthedialofTeiyi. (TA.) is an inf. n. used as an epithet,] A water, and oppressed, him; made strait, or close, to him;
jyj* Laughing so as to shorn the teeth : (]:)waters, small in quantity, and narrow: (K:) (S,KI,TA;) as also A^ ttij. (TA.) The verb
from the likeness to the shining of stars. (TA.) 9 ** '* occurs without *, written ^Jj, by poetic license,
_ _ Angry : (KI:) or violently angry. (S.) [for] , j j j signifies strait, or narrow; like *Uj and in a saying of a rajiz cited in art. f-J-t>, as an ex. of
i - the word i l j l i . . (S.) And Sj\LmJ\ o^St- t |^|ij
j J j [which do not belong to this a r t ] : (TA:) or
occurs in a trad, as meaning They made the stones
UJ yj IU means [a place of water] of which one
strait, or close, to him, or upon kirn. (TA.)
33 * * 3 * knows not whether there be in it water or
** 30
1: see 4, in five places. = s A.*ift Qj, [aor., not. (K.) 4. J**JI (j* Ujl He made him to ascend the
accord, to rule, -, or the sec. pers. may be C-iij, -- i * " JO
* " ^Uj JJa Short [or contracted] shade; like !Uj
mountain. (Msb, KI,* TA.) _ Ujl also signifies
and the aor. - , and the inf. n., in this case, ^ j , [mentioned in art. Uj]. (KI.) iUJI: (S, KI, TA:) so in the s a y i n g , ^ 1 ,^1 olijl
which see below, but the TK makes its aor. to .jilij A fluid like mucus, that falls from the
i. [He constrained him to have recourse to, or to do,
be *, and the inf. n. &j,] His sinews dried up. noses of camels: (K:) but the more approved
(KI.) Ijji O) means jLii v>5. [which may word is ^ U j . (TA.) 3.0* P
be rendered He kept in, or retained, kis urine, 2 ** the thing]. (TA.) _ _ aiy Ujl He retained, or
and then dribbled it, or Aw urine was kept in, or (Jlij A man who suffices for himself, without suppressed, kis urine ; (Msb, K ;*) as also t Uj ;
9 Ml any other. (K.) the latter verb being trans, as well as intrans.
retained, and then dribbled]. (TA. [See y>-jj]) s* (Msb.)
4. aitfjl I thought him to possess good or evil; ,^)tij One who opines, or conjectures, much; *""" 9
as also " <iij, aor. - , inf. n. >j : or both mean I i. q. J&. (TA.) !Uj Straitness, or narrowness; syn. J>*o. (S.
imputed, or attributed, to him good or evil: 9 M [So in my copies: perhaps a mistranscription for
0 * * * 3 . 3 * *' ,j-Jj One suppressing his urine and his ordure: J>*-?, a meaning mentioned in the next sentence.])
(Msb:) or j*ji~t U^li " ,j orj^t he thought such occurring in a trad.: or, as some say, it is o-t-ij, ' 9* * 9 **
[q. v.,] with ^>. (TA. [But see 1, and see also = Strait, or narrow; syn. J~o: you say ,jlCo
a one to possess good or evil; like <uj\; syn. o\> <UB:
what here follows.]) JUj [^l strait, or narrow, place]: and l\jj JSJ [A
' 330*0t
j^oimf I thought him to possess [property and (as i -t narrow well]: so in the Faik. (TA.) _ Short
(K:) or, accord, to Lh, one says, Jlj <Ujl and
appears from what is said below on his authority) j^yl One suppressing his urine [or his ordure] ; (S, K) and compact, or contracted: (K:) applied
- 3 30** syn. J>>U.: such is one of the persons forbidden, to a man: and to shade. (S.) Retaining, or
wealth] : but " <Uij is what the vulgar say, and is in a trad., to act as >UI to others. (TA in art. suppressing, kis urine; (S, Msb, K ; ) as also
wrong. (TA.) And %^i <CUijl, (S,) or U#, JJOJ : mentioned also, but not expl., in the present t ^ i l j . (Msb.) So in a trad, in which it is said
(K,) and also U*j t &j, (Har p. 112,) [and art. in the TA.) [See also the next preceding that a man is forbidden to pray when he is *Uj;
paragraph.] (S, TA;) or where it is said that the prayer of one
accord, to Golius * Aiiijjl, mentioned by him as
from the S, but not found therein by Freytag, 1. J ^ J I ^ Uj, (S, Msb, KI,) aor. - , (Msb, who is t ^ i l j will not be accepted: (Msb:) or the
nor by me in either of my copies,] / suspected K,*) inf. n. t'Jj and j j , (S, Msb, KI,) He latter word in this case means one who is ascending
him of a thing, or of such a thing: (S, K, and a mountain; because he has not full power [to
O* I'*
3*0 3 3* pray], or because he is straitened by being out
Har ubi supra:) [but] Lh says, O^j^' 0& ^ ascended the mountain. (S, Msb, K.) _ <u)t Uj, of breath. (TA.) = Also, [app. because of its
o* ' a -t * *033 *" S "*
j*JI iJ [app. meaning that ^jl is not said in (S, K,) aor. as above, (KI,) inf. n. lyj (S, K) and narrowness,] A grave. (TA.)
relation to that which is good: see what is cited ?tjj, (KI,) He (a man, S) had recourse to it (a 0*
Of Jo* thing, TA) for refuge, protection, preservation, *^ij A small skin for water or milk. (K.)
on his authority above]. (TA.) And^*^ly aijt concealment, covert, or lodging. (S, K.) _ And [See also ^jj, in art. ^ij.]
- ~~
He suspected him of the thing, or affair; like He approached it, or drew near to it; (K, TA;) ^jilj: see ?Uj, in two places.
<Uil. (S.) And \jSii Qjj >iJo [He is suspected of * 0 * t'* i.o'l
such a thing]. (S.) Hassan says, namely, a thing. (TA.) [Hence,] ^~^.JI Uj,
Ujt More, or most, strait: so in the saying
. * i *J * 9 " 9 * * (S,) or ^ f . pa. U, inf. n. J^j, (TA,) He drew
UUjI $\ Li jJI y. y^-Ji y J& [He used not to
**iji 0*P ** O'jj <j\<*. * near to the [age ot] fifty [years]. (S, T A . ) _ U j
love, of worldly enjoyments, J*} or blessings, save the
# ** said of the shade, (S, K,) It became short; (S;)
i.e. [Chaste, staid,] she is not suspected of evil: it contracted, shrank, or drew together. (KI.) __ more, or most, strait thereof]. (MF.)
Q. 2. Uji* j-*jj-* &e behaved proudly, or
f 1 1 ^" i. #*' i. O 3 i Said of a place, (TA in art. y),] It was, or be-
haughtily, to us, (K,* TA,) and frowned, or
[in which t^p may be from TwJj or from CJjl:] came, strait, or narrow; and Uj, without , inf. n. looked sternly, austerely, or morosely. (TA.)
but some restrict themselves to the quadriliteral *3S a 158
verb[oj1]. (Msb.) yj, is a dial. var. thereof in this sense. (ISd, K,
8: see 4. TA; all in art. > i j . ) _ S a i d of the urine, (S,

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