Characteristics: Mnemonic UML Diagram Semantic Network

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Mind maps are, by definition, a graphical method of taking notes. The visual basis of them helps
one to distinguish words or ideas, often with colors and symbols. They generally take a
hierarchical or tree branch format, with ideas branching into their subsections. Mind maps allow
for greater creativity when recording ideas and information, as well as allowing the note-taker to
associate words with visual representations. Mind maps and concept maps are different in that
mind maps focus on only one word or idea, whereas concept maps connect multiple words or

A key distinction between mind maps and modelling graphs is that there is no rigorous right or
wrong with mind maps, relying on the arbitrariness of mnemonic systems. A UML Diagram or
a Semantic network have structured elements modelling relationships with objects connected by
lines for relationships. This is generally done in black and white with clear and agreed
iconography. Mind maps are for a different purpose, being collections of words structured by the
mental context of the author with visual mnemonics to help in memory and organisation, so the
use of colour and icons and visual links is informal but necessary to the proper function of the
mind map.

[edit]Mind map guidelines

Mind map of mind map guidelines

In his books on Mind Maps author Tony Buzan suggests using the following guidelines for
creating Mind Maps:

1. Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors.
2. Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your Mind Map.
3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
4. Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line.
5. The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The central lines
are thicker, organic and flowing, becoming thinner as they radiate out from the centre.
6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image they support.
7. Use multiple colors throughout the Mind Map, for visual stimulation and also to
encode or group.
8. Develop your own personal style of Mind Mapping.
9. Use emphasis and show associations in your Mind Map.
10. Keep the Mind Map clear by using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to
embrace your branches.

This list is itself more concise than a prose version of the same information and the Mind Map of
these guidelines is itself intended to be more memorable and quicker to scan than either the
prose or the list.


Pictorial methods for recording knowledge and modelling systems have been used for centuries
in learning, brainstorming, memory, visual thinking, and problem solving by educators, engineers,
psychologists, and others. Some of the earliest examples of such graphical records were
developed by Porphyry of Tyros, a noted thinker of the 3rd century, as he graphically visualized
the concept categories of Aristotle. Philosopher Ramon Llull (1235–1315) also used such

The semantic network was developed in the late 1950s as a theory to understand human learning
and developed further by Allan M. Collinsand M. Ross Quillian during the early 1960s.

British popular psychology author Tony Buzan claims to have invented modern mind mapping.
He claimed the idea was inspired by Alfred Korzybski's general semantics as popularized in
science fiction novels, such as those of Robert A. Heinlein and A.E. van Vogt. Buzan argues that
while "traditional" outlines force readers to scan left to right and top to bottom, readers actually
tend to scan the entire page in a non-linear fashion. Buzan also uses popular assumptions about
the cerebral hemispheres in order to promote the exclusive use of mind mapping over other forms
of note making.
The mind map continues to be used in various forms, and for various applications including
learning and education (where it is often taught as "webs", "mind webs", or "webbing"), planning,
and in engineering diagramming.

When compared with the concept map (which was developed by learning experts in the 1970s)
the structure of a mind map is a similar radial, but is simplified by having one central key word.


Rough mindmap notes taken during a course session

A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which
associated ideas, words and concepts are added.

Mind maps have many applications in personal, family, educational, and business situations,
including notetaking, brainstorming (wherein ideas are inserted into the map radially around the
center node, without the implicit prioritization that comes from hierarchy or sequential
arrangements, and wherein grouping and organizing is reserved for later stages), summarizing,
revising, and general clarifying of thoughts. One could listen to a lecture, for example, and take
down notes using mind maps for the most important points or keywords. One can also use mind
maps as a mnemonic technique or to sort out a complicated idea. Mind maps are also promoted
as a way to collaborate in color pen creativity sessions.

Mind maps can be used for:

 problem solving
 outline/framework design
 anonymous collaboration
 marriage of words and visuals
 individual expression of creativity
 condensing material into a concise and memorable format
 team building or synergy creating activity
 enhancing work morale

Mindmaps can be drawn by hand, either as "rough notes" during a lecture or meeting, for
example, or can be more sophisticated in quality. An example of a rough mind map is illustrated.
There are also a number of software packages available for producing mind maps.

[edit]Effectiveness in learning
Buzan[2] claims that the mind map is a vastly superior note taking method because it does not
lead to a "semi-hypnotic trance" state induced by other note forms. Buzan also argues that the
mind map uses the full range of left and right human cortical skills, balances the brain, taps into
the alleged "99% of your unused mental potential", as well as intuition (which he calls
"superlogic"). However, scholarly research suggests that such claims may actually
be marketing hype based on misconceptions about the brain and the cerebral hemispheres.
Critics argue that hemispheric specialization theory has been identified as pseudoscientific when
applied to mind mapping.[3]

Farrand, Hussain, and Hennessy (2002) found that spider diagrams (similar to concept maps)
had a limited but significant impact on memory recall in undergraduate students (a 10% increase
over baseline for a 600-word text only) as compared to preferred study methods (a 6% increase
over baseline). This improvement was only robust after a week for those in the diagram group
and there was a significant decrease in motivation compared to the subjects' preferred methods
of note taking. Farrand et al. suggested that learners preferred to use other methods because
using a mind map was an unfamiliar technique, and its status as a "memory enhancing"
technique engendered reluctance to apply it. Nevertheless the conclusion of the study was "Mind
maps provide an effective study technique when applied to written material. However before mind
maps are generally adopted as a study technique, consideration has to be given towards ways of
improving motivation amongst users."[4]

Pressley, VanEtten, Yokoi, Freebern, and VanMeter (1998) found that learners tended to learn far
better by focusing on the content of learning material rather than worrying over any one particular
form of note taking.[5]
Student Computing Skills Checklist

Wondering if your computer skills are up to the challenge of attending nursing courses in Ann
Arbor or online? Take a look at the list below; it contains the bare-bones computer skills you'll
need to be successful, and a number of resources to learn if you're new to computing.

Skill Instructions
Basic computer skills
• Basic Windows skills: starting programs, moving "Welcome to Windows XP" by U-M's
and resizing windows, the Start Menu, Knowledge Navigation Center
understanding how your computer is organized
"Entry-Level Computer Skills"
Interactive tutorials by
• Save files to a variety of locations and media; be "I Know I Saved It, Now Where Is
able to find and open these files later; use "Save It?" by U-M's Knowledge Navigation
as..." Center
Web skills
• Connect to the internet using your home Contact your Internet Service
computer setup (may be dial-up, cable modem, Provider: Comcast, Charter, AOL,
etc.) Earthlink, etc.
• Navigate web pages by following links, using the "Using Internet Explorer Buttons"
BACK button, filling in forms, making and using by Internet4Classroom
Favorites (Bookmarks) and using the REFRESH
button. "Using Netscape Toolbar Buttons"
by Internet4Classroom
• View a web page by typing in a URL. "Understanding URLs" by
• Conduct simple web searches (Google or Yahoo) "Google Unleashed" and "Academic
using AND, OR, NOT to refine your search Searching with Google" by U-M's
Knowledge Navigation Center
E-mail skills
• Log into an e-mail account (your existing account Contact your Internet Service
or your U-M account) Provider, or see "Using U-M
• Read messages WebMail"

• Create messages
See also "Accessing ITCS Mail" for
• Attach files complete info on your U-M e-mail
• Navigate from a URL in an e-mail message to the account, configuring Outlook or
web page, both by clicking the link and by Eudora, and combatting spam and
pasting the URL into a web browser viruses.
Office software skills
• Type. Can be "hunt and peck" typing, but you Free online touch-typing course
need to be comfortable typing a lot.
• Create basic Word documents "Entering and Editing Text in MS
Word" by Internet4Classroom
• Use basic formatting: font, font size, bold, italic, "Using the Formatting Toolbar in
center, bullets MS Word " by Internet4Classroom
• Tables "Creating Basic Tables in Microsoft
Word" by Microsoft
• Insert pictures "Using Clip Art and Graphics" by U-
M's Knowledge Navigation Center
• Margins and paper orientation "Page Options in Microsoft Word"
by Internet4Classroom
• Line spacing (single, double, etc

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