Parking SHEV Calc

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Parking level 5.00

Smoke deposit and ventilators
Entrainment coefficient for large fire plume
Ce = 0,19 kg.m
-5/2 -1
.s (Ce=0,19/0,337-p.56)
Perimeter of fire, measured horizontally
P = 9,00 m
(table 1-p.32)
Af = 5,00 m
Plan area of fire (table 1-p.32)
Heat release rate per square meter
qf = 625 kW/m 2
from the fire (table 1-p.32)
Height of clear air beneath the smoke reservoir's
Y = 2,75 m buoyant smoke layer, i.e. height from base of the
fire to the dmoke layer
Convective heat flux in the smoky gases in the
Ql = 2500,00 kW
smoke reservoir's buoyant layer
c = 1,01 -1 .K
Specific heat of air at constant pressure
tambient = 25,00 C Ambientairtemperature
Tamb = 298,15 K Absoluteambienttemperature
amb = 1,20 kg/m3 Densityofairatambienttemperature
Downstand factor expressing the dependence of mass
flow rate and layer deptth on the effects of a
= 36,00 kg.K1/2.L-5/2 downstand at right angles to the direction of flow
The width of the smoke reservoir measured at a right
Wl = 42,00 m angle to the direction of the smoke flow
Ai = 41,00 m
Total geometric area of all air inlets
Coefficient of discharge i.e. coefficient of
Ci = 0,60 - performance of an opening supplying inlet air
(Ci=0,60- p.45)
g = 9,81 m/s2 Acceleration due to gravity
Depth of buoyant smoke layer beneath the n'th
dn = 0,32 m individual ventilator or smoke intake
Characteristic linear dimension of a smoke exhaust
DV = 5,00 m ventilator
Plumes above large fires - where the clear
height Y is specified
Mass flow rate of smoky gasses rising trough a
Mf = 7,80 kg/s specified height above the fire

Mass flow rate of smoky gasses entering the smoke

Ml = 7,80 kg/s reservoir's buoyant layer

Temperature of the buoyant smoke layer

Average temperature above ambient temperature of
l = 317,41 C the gases in a buoyant smoke layer in a smoke

Minimum depth of reservoir layer for

flow toward exhaust ventilators

Depth of buoyant smoke layer in a smoke reservoir,

dl = 0,32 m measured from the ceiling to the visible base of the
smoke layer

Absolute average temperature in a smoke reservoir's

Tl = 615,56 K buoyant layer

Total volumetric exhaust flow rate of

powered ventilator/s exhausting smoke
from smoke reservoir

Total volumetric exhaust rate from the smoke

vl = 13,42 m3/s reservoir



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