The document discusses smoke deposits and ventilators in a parking level -5. It provides various measurements and parameters related to a fire including: the perimeter and plan area of the fire, heat release rate per square meter, height of clear air beneath the smoke layer, convective heat flux in smoky gases, ambient temperature, density of air, mass flow rate of smoky gases rising and entering the smoke reservoir layer, temperature of the buoyant smoke layer and gases, depth of the smoke layer, absolute average temperature in the smoke reservoir layer, total exhaust flow rate from ventilators exhausting smoke from the reservoir, and total exhaust rate from the smoke reservoir.
The document discusses smoke deposits and ventilators in a parking level -5. It provides various measurements and parameters related to a fire including: the perimeter and plan area of the fire, heat release rate per square meter, height of clear air beneath the smoke layer, convective heat flux in smoky gases, ambient temperature, density of air, mass flow rate of smoky gases rising and entering the smoke reservoir layer, temperature of the buoyant smoke layer and gases, depth of the smoke layer, absolute average temperature in the smoke reservoir layer, total exhaust flow rate from ventilators exhausting smoke from the reservoir, and total exhaust rate from the smoke reservoir.
The document discusses smoke deposits and ventilators in a parking level -5. It provides various measurements and parameters related to a fire including: the perimeter and plan area of the fire, heat release rate per square meter, height of clear air beneath the smoke layer, convective heat flux in smoky gases, ambient temperature, density of air, mass flow rate of smoky gases rising and entering the smoke reservoir layer, temperature of the buoyant smoke layer and gases, depth of the smoke layer, absolute average temperature in the smoke reservoir layer, total exhaust flow rate from ventilators exhausting smoke from the reservoir, and total exhaust rate from the smoke reservoir.
The document discusses smoke deposits and ventilators in a parking level -5. It provides various measurements and parameters related to a fire including: the perimeter and plan area of the fire, heat release rate per square meter, height of clear air beneath the smoke layer, convective heat flux in smoky gases, ambient temperature, density of air, mass flow rate of smoky gases rising and entering the smoke reservoir layer, temperature of the buoyant smoke layer and gases, depth of the smoke layer, absolute average temperature in the smoke reservoir layer, total exhaust flow rate from ventilators exhausting smoke from the reservoir, and total exhaust rate from the smoke reservoir.
Smoke deposit and ventilators Entrainment coefficient for large fire plume Ce = 0,19 kg.m -5/2 -1 .s (Ce=0,19/0,337-p.56) Perimeter of fire, measured horizontally P = 9,00 m (table 1-p.32) Af = 5,00 m 2 Plan area of fire (table 1-p.32) Heat release rate per square meter qf = 625 kW/m 2 from the fire (table 1-p.32) Height of clear air beneath the smoke reservoir's Y = 2,75 m buoyant smoke layer, i.e. height from base of the fire to the dmoke layer Convective heat flux in the smoky gases in the Ql = 2500,00 kW smoke reservoir's buoyant layer c = 1,01 -1 .K -1 Specific heat of air at constant pressure tambient = 25,00 C Ambientairtemperature Tamb = 298,15 K Absoluteambienttemperature amb = 1,20 kg/m3 Densityofairatambienttemperature Downstand factor expressing the dependence of mass flow rate and layer deptth on the effects of a = 36,00 kg.K1/2.L-5/2 downstand at right angles to the direction of flow (=36/78-p.72) The width of the smoke reservoir measured at a right Wl = 42,00 m angle to the direction of the smoke flow Ai = 41,00 m 2 Total geometric area of all air inlets Coefficient of discharge i.e. coefficient of Ci = 0,60 - performance of an opening supplying inlet air (Ci=0,60- p.45) g = 9,81 m/s2 Acceleration due to gravity Depth of buoyant smoke layer beneath the n'th dn = 0,32 m individual ventilator or smoke intake Characteristic linear dimension of a smoke exhaust DV = 5,00 m ventilator Plumes above large fires - where the clear height Y is specified Mass flow rate of smoky gasses rising trough a Mf = 7,80 kg/s specified height above the fire
Mass flow rate of smoky gasses entering the smoke
Ml = 7,80 kg/s reservoir's buoyant layer
Temperature of the buoyant smoke layer
Average temperature above ambient temperature of l = 317,41 C the gases in a buoyant smoke layer in a smoke reservoir
Minimum depth of reservoir layer for
flow toward exhaust ventilators
Depth of buoyant smoke layer in a smoke reservoir,
dl = 0,32 m measured from the ceiling to the visible base of the smoke layer
Absolute average temperature in a smoke reservoir's
Tl = 615,56 K buoyant layer
Total volumetric exhaust flow rate of
powered ventilator/s exhausting smoke from smoke reservoir
论文4 Predicting Heat Fluxes (Radiation & Convection) Profile Received by Horizontal & Vertical Targets From Facade Flame Ejected From the Opening of Compartment Fire.