Cultural Citizenship Survey
Cultural Citizenship Survey
Cultural Citizenship Survey
Commerce and culture are becoming ever more closely intertwined. Yet our
understanding of why and how commercial brands engage in cultural partnerships
and which brands are strongest in what we call cultural citizenship is vague at best.
of consumer is generally perceived to be positive, for both the arts and for brands. Fashion,
financial services, spirits, and automotive industries are leading the way in their
brands with engagement with the culture sector.
arts and culture The observations here are based on (1) soft data gleaned from open-ended
questions in our late-2016 online survey; (2) hard data based on multiple-choice
over the past questions and indicators of brands cultural engagement, along with numeric
rankings of 57 culturally active brands; and (3) in-depth research on current trends
decade. and practices in the field.
Future studies will take the temperature of our anonymous expert panel to describe
year-on-year trends in the context of further analyses of brand engagement in
culture. We will evaluate the cultural activities of specific brands and create indexed
rankings of the worlds leading cultural-citizen brands.
An Expanding Field Why is there increasing brand
Responses from the international arts, involvement? Simply put, brands profit
marketing, and branding experts in from these relationships in the currency
our poll offer a snapshot of current of reputation, awareness, and trust.
professional attitudes about links The development and expansion of
between arts and brands. Taken the field of artist-brand collaborations,
...brands profit together, the answers suggest that an advertising executive noted,
brand engagement with the arts is is tied to the rise of experiential
from these clearly on the rise. This is generally marketing. A veteran of magazines
and art-business marketing tied the
relationships welcomedon both sides.
rise of art engagement to systemic
changes in brand communications. As
in the currency When done well, and with an eye to
the integrity of the art and institutions the print industry declines and ad-
of reputation, that support it, and with a long-term blocking becomes more sophisticated,
brands will increasingly turn to soft
plan for sustainability, said one
awareness, and respondent, this kind of patronage is diplomacy. For brands, art and
culture are the only way to really gain
positive. A marketing manager with
trust. experience in the art and music worlds power and transcend time, noted a
put it this way: Overall, I think it is a luxury marketing expert.
good thing that brands want to take
part in the arts discourse. It opens Several of the respondents took note
up the art world to new distribution of an increase in quality and depth
channels, ideas, audiences, and of brands engagement, along with
possibilities. growing diversity of business sectors
engaged in the arts. The visual arts,
especially, are attracting interest from
CHANGE IN engagement of consumer brands commercial brands. As a strategist
with arts and culture in the past decade and creative director for luxury and
consumer brands put it: Today, the
contemporary art scene has become
what cinema was in the fifties and
sixties, fashion in the eighties and
nineties. ... Simply, it is mega-cool.
Hence, aspirational brands all jump on
the train.
VIEWS ON BRANDS TAKING AN ACTIVE ROLE Brands still face hurdles as they try to
IN ARTS AND CULTURAL PATRONAGE collaborate in the cultural sphere. I
think one of the biggest struggles in this
field is to get away from the knee-jerk
reactions that so many well-meaning art
lovers have to corporate involvement in
the arts, noted a business development
consultant. Better, smarter engagement
is how this can be done.
7 Arts expenditure as percentage of total company revenue But for brands, simply engaging with
culture is not enough. Brands need to
8 Existence and number of cultural facilities named after company/brand
absorb, integrate, and communicate
9 Existence of a corporate art collection their cultural citizenship. As a business
executive in the poll argued, the
10 Size or value of corporate art collection
rewards of engagement will accrue
to those willing to incorporate the
importance of the arts and society
Moving from sponsorship to (community) into the public corporate
partnership demands adjustments ethos and formal mission statements,
on both sides. Brands must acquire and, extremely important, incorporate
expertise and act thoughtfully in the art the supported art (or art form) into
For this survey of cultural citizenship, Culture Projects develops and publishes prepared by Culture Projects for
we invited 50 anonymous international original research and insight into its Cultural Citizenship Project.
arts, brands, and marketing experts current trends in arts and culture and The information contained herein
to fill out an online poll. We asked offers strategic counsel to institutions, is based on sources believed to
12 questionseight closed-ended companies, and government entities be reliable. However, we do not
and four open-ended ones. The seeking to maximize the value of their accept any liability for any loss
data analysis in this report was engagement with the arts. or damage resulting from its use.
derived mostly from the former, and The information contained herein
although 50 responses may not be CULTURAL CITIZENSHIP PROJECT represents best efforts to compile
representative of all brand and cultural The Cultural Citizenship Project provides data based on available information
specialists, the high response rates for fact-based analyses of engagement and information and opinions
each question mean that all numbers between commercial brands and the provided by the participants in
used in this report are significant arts, drawing on the opinions of an our survey. All experts in the poll
(p<=.05). The initial list of 57 brands anonymous panel of international will remain anonymous. This
was compiled on the basis of desk experts and quantitative assessment of document is not intended for
research and preliminary input from polling and business data. distribution, publication, or use
experts. Future studies will expand the in any jurisdiction where such
number of included brands. We do Project Lead Partners: distribution, publication, or use
not claim that the list here represents Andrs Sznt, Ian Charles Stewart, would be unlawful, nor is it aimed
all culturally active brands. We invite Adam Levine at any person or entity to whom it
brands seeking to be included in the Research Analyst: Masha Sergeeva would be unlawful to address such
analysis to contact Culture Projects. Contact: info@cultureprojects a document.
All data, conclusions and materials Copyright Culture Projects Culture Projects.
Statistical inferences from 50 Which Brands are Noticed Which Got the Highest
individualseven when they for their Cultural Ranking Overall?
are experienced artists, museum Engagement? Familiarity with a brands cultural
and gallery leaders, marketing Respondents were asked to rate engagement is one thing. What
and PR executives, and widely 57 brands. They were not asked to respondents think about the brands
published authorsunderstandably score all of them, only the ones they engagement is another. When it comes
have limitations. Moreover, the knew enough about to rate. Thus, the to the average rankings received from
respondents in this survey evaluated number of rankings can be read as respondents who were familiar with a
brands from a predetermined list a proxy for awareness of a brands brands cultural engagementwhat we
of 57, which is a strong sample, cultural engagement. In terms of such call expert rankingthe top five brands
but not a comprehensive one. cultural-citizenship awareness, the turned out to be UBS, BMW, Deutsche
Importantly, the results reflect leading brand in our listi.e., the one Bank, Louis Vuitton, and Sothebys,
scoring by the expert panel, not scored by most respondentswas in that order. These brands, in other
a composite index informed by Absolut. The Swedish vodka brand that words, are held in the highest esteem
a range of weighted indicators. was a pioneer in art-based marketing for their cultural activities by those
Future reports will delve into data was followed by Bloomberg (a company who know their activities well enough
in greater depth. Meanwhile, some with strong philanthropic ties and a to provide a score. (It is important to
initial quantitative conclusions can celebrity owner). Three brandsUBS, remind: Only brands on the list were
be gleaned with a robust level of Louis Vuitton, and Sothebystied for ranked.)
confidence. the third position in the level of cultural-
engagement awareness.
included brands
UBS Illy Pinterest
BMW Cond Nast Comme Des Garons
Louis Vuitton UnionPay HSBC
Deutsche Bank NetJets H&M
Davidoff Ford Motor Pictet
Chevron Volkswagen/Audi British Airways
Absolut Bloomberg Lavazza
Sothebys Coca Cola Tumblr
Axa Instagram Levis
Ruinart Google Toyota
Audemars Piguet Twitter IBM
Prada Bacardi Apple
Swarovski Bank of America Target
Rolex Citibank Facebook
Xerox Snapchat ING
Hewlett Packard BP Unilever
WeChat Marc Jacobs LOreal
Rolls Royce Yves Saint Laurent ISBC
JP Morgan Chase American Express Shell