2.BIAGTAN Vs Insular
2.BIAGTAN Vs Insular
2.BIAGTAN Vs Insular
Disability Waiver of Premium Certificate is granted Defendant company, while admitting the above-
to the insured; or recited circumstances under which the insured met his
3. (3)The Insured engages in military, naval or death, disclaimed liability under its accidental death
aeronautic service in time of war; or benefit clause under paragraph 5 of its stipulated
4. (4)The policy anniversary immediately preceding the Exceptions on its theory that the insureds death
sixtieth birthday of the Insured is reached.
resulted from injuries intentionally inflicted by a
third party, i.e. the robbers who broke into the
It is undisputed that, as recited in the lower courts insureds house and inflicted fatal injuries on him.
decision, the insured met his death, as follows: that The case was submitted for decision upon the
on the night of May 20, 1964 or the first hours of May parties stipulation of facts that (1) insurance
21, 1964, while the said life policy and supplementary companies such as the Lincoln National Life Insurance
contract were in full force and effect, the house of Co. and Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada with which
insured Juan S Biagtan was robbed by a band of the deceased insured Juan S. Biagtan was also insured
robbers who were charged in and convicted by the for much larger sums under similar contracts with
Court of First Instance of Pangasinan for robbery with accidental death benefit provisions have promptly paid
homicide; that in committing the the benefits thereunder to plaintiffs-beneficiaries; (2)
the robbers who caused the insureds death were
2 Idem, pp. 8-10, italics furnished. charged in and convicted by the Court of First Instance
of Pangasinan for the crime of robbery with homicide;
and (3) the injuries inflicted on the insured by the
VOL. 44, MARCH 29, 67
robbers consisted of five mortal and four non-mortal
wounds. 4
malefactors in making a thrust with their sharp-pointed It is respectfully submitted that the lower court
instrument on any person, the victim in particular, the case
committed no error in law in holding defendant
falls squarely within the ruling in the Calanoc vs. Court of
insurance company liable to plaintiffs-beneficiaries
Appeals case.
It is the considered view of this Court that the under its accidental death benefit clause, by virtue of
insured died because of an accident which happened on the the following considerations:
occasion of the robbery being committed in his house. His
1. The case of Calanoccited by the lower court is 5 Idem, pp. 49-54, italics furnished.
6 98 Phil. 79.
indeed controlling here. This Court, there construing a
does not amount to murder, it must be held to be a 2. Defendant company patently failed to discharge its
pure accident on the part of the victim, compensable burden of proving that the fatal injuries were inflicted
with double-indemnity, even though the malefactor is upon the deceased intentionally, i.e. deliberately. The
criminally liable for his act. This Court rejected the lower court correctly held that since the case was
insurance-companys contrary claim, thus: submitted upon the parties stipulation of facts which
Much less can it be pretended that Basilio died in the did not cover the malefactors intent at all, there was
course of an assault or murder considering the very nature
an utter absence of evidence in this case as to the real
of these crimes. In the first place, there is no proof that the
intention of the malefactors in making a thrust with
death of Basilio is the result of either crime for the record is
barren of any circumstance showing how the fatal shot was their sharp-point-ed instrument(s) on any person, the
fired. Perhaps this may be clarified in the criminal case victim in particular. From the undisputed
now pending in court as regards the incident but before facts, supra, the robbers had rushed towards the
that is done anything that might be said on the point would doors of the second floor room, where they suddenly
be a mere conjecture. Nor can it be said that the met a person . . . who turned out to be the insured
killingwas intentional for there is the possibility that the Juan S. Biagtan who received thrusts from their
malefactor had fired the shot merely to scare away the sharp-pointed instruments. The thrusts were indeed
people aroundfor his own protection and not necessarily to properly termed purely accidental since they seemed
kill or hit the victim. In any event, while the act may not to be a reflex action on the robbers part upon their
exempt the triggerman from liability for the damage done, being surprised by the deceased. To argue, as
the fact re-
_______________ defendant does, that the robbers intent to kill must
necessarily be deduced from the four mortal wounds
inflicted upon the deceased is to beg the question. 4. It has long been an established rule of
Defendant must suffer the consequence of its failure to construction of so-called contracts of adhesion such as
discharge its burden of proving by competent evidence, insurance contracts, where the insured is handed a
e.g. the robbers or eye-witnesses testimony, that the printed insurance policy whose fine-print language has
fatal injuries were intentionally inflicted upon the long been selected with great care and deliberation by
insured so as to exempt itself from liability. specialists and legal advisers employed by and acting
3. Furthermore, plaintiffs-appellees properly assert exclusively in the interest of the insurance company,
in their brief that the sole error assigned by defendant that the terms and phraseology of the policy,
company, to wit, that the fatal injuries were not particularly of any exception clauses, must be clearly
accidental as held by the lower court but should be expressed so as to be easily understood by the insured
held to have been intentionally inflicted, raises a and any ambiguous, equivocal or uncertain terms are
question of factwhich defendant is now barred from to be construed strictly and most strongly against the
raising, since it expressly limited its appeal to this insurer and liberally in favor of the insured so as to
Court purely on questions of law, per its notice of effect the dominant purpose of indemnity or payment
appeal. Defendant is therefore confined to raising
9 to the insured, especially where a forfeiture is
only questions of law and no other questions involved.
_______________ The Court so expressly held in Calanoc that:
x x x While as a general rule the parties may limit the
7 Idem, at page 83, italics furnished.
8 At page 3.
coverage of the policy to certain particular accidents and
9 Rec. on Appeal, p. 56.
risks or causes of loss, and may expressly except other risks
or causes of loss therefrom (45 C.J.S. 781-782), however, it
72 is to be desired that the terms and phraseology of the
72 SUPREME COURT exception clause be clearly expressed so as to be within the
REPORTS easy grasp and understanding of the insured,for if the terms
ANNOTATED are doubtful or obscure the same must of necessity be
Biagtan vs. The Insular Life interpreted or resolved against the one who has caused the
Assurance Company, Ltd. obscurity. (Article 1377, new Civil Code) And so it has been
generally held that the terms in an insurance policy, which
under Rule 42, section 2 of the Rules of Court and is
are ambiguous, equivocal, or uncertain xxx are to be
deemed to have conceded the findings of fact of the construed strictly and most strongly against the insurer,
trial court, since he thereby waived all questions of and liberally in favor of the insured so as to effect the
facts. dominant purpose of indemnity or payment to the insured,
especially where a forfeiture if involved (29 AM. Jur., 181),
and the reason for this rule is that the insured usually has The Court has but recently reiterated this doctrine
no voice in the selection or arrangement of the words in Landicho vs. GSIS and again applied the
employed and that the language of the contract is selected provisions of Article 1377 of our Civil Code that The
with great care and deli- interpretation of obscure words or stipulations in a
contract shall not favor the party who caused the
10 SEC 2. Appeal on pure question oflaw.Where the appellant obscurity.
states in his notice of appeal or record on appeal that he will raise only 5. The accidental death benefit clause assuring the
questions of law, no other questions shall be allowed, and the evidence
need not be elevated. (Rule 42) insureds beneficiaries of double indemnity, upon
11 See 2 Morans Comments on Rules of Court, 1970 Ed pp. 456-457 payment of an extra premium, in the event that the
and cases cited therein. insured meets violent accidental death is contractually
73 stipulated as follows in the policy: that the death of
VOL. 44, MARCH 29, 73 the insured resulted directly from bodily
1972 injury effected solely through external and violent
Biagtan vs. The Insular Life meanssustained in an accident, supra. The policy then
Assurance Company, Ltd. lists numerous exceptions, which may be classified as
beration by experts and legal advisers employed by, and follows:
acting exclusively in the interest of, the insurance company. Injuries effected through non-external
(44 CJ.S., p. 1174) meanswhich are excepted: self-destruction, bodily or
Insurance is, in its nature, complex and difficult for the mental infirmity or disease, poisoning or infection,
lay man to understand. Policies are prepared by experts who injuries with no visiblecontusions or exterior wounds
know and can anticipate the bearing and possible (exceptions 1 to 4 of policy clause);
complications of every contingency. So long as insurance Injuries caused by some act of the insured which
companies insist upon the use of ambiguous, intricate and is
technical provisions, which conceal rather than frankly _______________
disclose, their own intentions, the courts must, in fairness to
those who purchase insurance construe every ambiguity in Italics furnished.
favor of the insured. (Algoe vs. Pacific Mut. L. Ins. Co., 91 L-28866, prom. March 17, 1972, per Concepcion, C.J., and cases
Biagtan vs. The Insular Life by external and violent meansin the very language
Assurance Company, Ltd. of the policy.
proscribed by the policy, and are therefore similarly It is obvious from the very classification of the
excepted: injuries received while on police duty, while exceptions and applying the rule of noscitus a
travelling in any form of submarine transportation, sociis, that the double-indemnity policy covers the
or in any violation of law by the insured or assault insured against accidental death, whether caused by
provoked by the insured, or in any aircraft if the fault, negligence or intent of a third party which is
insured is a pilot or crew member; [exceptions 5 (a), (c) unforeseen and unexpected by the insured. All the
and (d), and 6 of the policy clause]; and associated words and concepts in the policy plainly
Accidents expressly excluded: where death exclude the accidental death from the coverage of the
resulted in any riot, civil commotion, insurrection or policy only where the injuries are self-inflicted or
war or atomic energy explosion. (Exceptions 5[b] and 7 75
of policy clause). VOL. 44, MARCH 29, 75
The only exception which is not susceptible of 1972
classification is that provided in paragraph 5(e), the People vs. Imperio
very exception herein involved, which would also attended by some proscribed act of the insured or are
except injuries in-flicted intentionally by a third party, incurred in same expressly excluded calamity such as
either with or without provocation on the part of the riot, war or atomic explosion.
insured, and whether or not the attack or the defense Finally, the untenability of herein defendant
by the third party was caused by a violation of the law insurers claim that the insureds death fell within the
by the insured. exception is further heightened by the stipulated fact
This ambiguous clause conflicts with all the other that two other insurance companies which likewise
four exceptions in the same paragraph 5 particularly covered the insured for much, larger sums under
that immediately preceding it in item (d) which similar accidental death benefit clauses promptly paid
excepts injuries received where the insured has the benefits thereof to plaintiffs-beneficiaries.
violated the law or provoked the injury, while this I vote accordingly for the affirmance in toto of the
clause, construed as the insurance company now appealed decision, with costs against defendant-
claims, would seemingly except also all other injuries, appellant.
intentionally inflicted by a third party, regardless of Decision reversed.
any violation of law or provocation by the insured,and
defeat the very purpose of the policy of giving the
insured double indemnity in case of accidental death