A Guide To Memorising The Quran by Shaykh Nagib Khan
A Guide To Memorising The Quran by Shaykh Nagib Khan
A Guide To Memorising The Quran by Shaykh Nagib Khan
memorising the Qur'an or have already started this blessed task.
One of the contributing factors towards this book was that when
I started the first Hifdh school in Bristol, one very sincere parent
approached me and asked me that he was very interested to enrol
his son into my class but out of curiosity wanted to know what
exactly Hifdh was, was there a set syllabus or study structure or a
guide book, both for the parents and students.
Nagib Khan.
23 August 2006
References from the Qur'an
Verily We revealed the reminder (Qur'an) and We are its
(Al Hijr, ayah no.9)
Falsehood cannot come to it from before nor from behind it. (It
is) a revelation from the All-Wise, the owner of All-Praise.
(Fussilat, ayah no. 42)
References from the Sunnah
1. A person well-versed in reading the Qur'an is equal in rank to
the Noble, pious, Scribes (angels who record all deeds). He who
finds difficulty in reciting the Qur'an will obtain two rewards.
(Bukhari, Muslim)
7. Whoever listens to the recitation of even a single ayah obtains
such a virtue which continuously multiplies. The one who recited the
ayah will on the Day of Resurrection find the recited ayah in the
form of Noor (light this will be of greater value and significance
than the virtue which the listener had gathered). (Ahmad).
8. The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it.
9. On the Day of Resurrection the Qur'an will ask Allah to cloak its
reader with garments of honour and respect. A crown of honour
will then be placed on the head of the reciter. The Qur'an will then
ask Allah to shower His pleasure on the reciter. Allah will then
become pleased with him. The reciter will then be told to recite the
Qur'an, and will be given a virtue/reward for each ayah he reads.
10. A man of the Qur'an will be told, "Read and ascend! Read
(correctly) in the same way as you read with care on earth. Indeed,
your station will be at the last verse that you recite. (Tirmidhi, Abu
11. Allah says: "If anybody finds no time for my remembrance and
for begging favours of me, because he remains busy with the Holy
Qur'an, I shall give him more than what I give all those who beg
favours of me". The superiority of the word of Allah over all other
words is like the superiority of Allah over the entire creation.
12. Undoubtedly through this book Allah exalts some people and
abases others. (Muslim)
13. Retain and safeguard the Holy Qur'an in your memory. By the
one in whose hand is my life, it (the Qur'an) slips more quickly away
from one than a camel from its fetters. (Bukhari & Muslim)
Facts about the Qur'an
The Qur'an is in the Arabic Language.
The Holy Qur'an says that no man will be able to forge even a
part of it and that no corruption shall touch it from any side. It
is a miracle that the Holy Qur'an has remained unchanged and
unaltered during all these 1400 years and it shall remain so till
the Day of Resurrection, for Allah, has taken it on Himself to
protect it.
For easy daily recitation, the Qur'an is divided into thirty equal
parts. On average one part takes twenty-four reading minutes,
thus the whole Book requires twelve reading hours. There are
114 chapters, and 6,226 verses, containing 99,464 words made
up of 330, 113 letters. Allah knows best
Hafiz Ibn Qayyim Al Jawzi (rah) writes:
Why Memorise the Qur'an?
Q1) Why should we memorise the Qur'an?
While driving
While walking
While lying down
While riding a bike
While sitting
While operating a machine
17. A good Hafidh can quote the Qur'an verses with reference at
any time.
18. The Qur'an is the word of Allah.
The scholars have listed many more reasons for why we should
memorise the Qur'an. We will not list all the reasons here to avoid
lengthening the book.
Note: One should remember that one who memorises the Qur'an
will only be able to reap these benefits if he is sincere in his motive
for becoming a Hafidh and that he lives according to its teachings.
Q2) What are the benefits that a Hafidh gets in this life and
the hereafter, and what about his relatives and offspring?
The Hafidh (the person who has memorized the Qur'an) should
not have any intention of gaining worldly benefits by memorizing
the Qur'an, because his memorization thereof is not a product to
be traded with in this world, rather it is an act of worship which is
done for the sake of his Lord.
Allah has given special privileges to the one who memorizes the
Qur'an in a number of ways in this world and in the Hereafter, for
then by the one who has most knowledge of the Sunnah; if they are
equal in knowledge of the Sunnah, then by the one who migrated
(made hijrah) first; if they are equal in terms of hijrah, then by the
one who became Muslim first. No man should lead another in
prayer in his domain of authority, or sit in his place in his house,
except with his permission. (Muslim)
With regards to the Hereafter:
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Qur'an will come on the
Day of Resurrection and will say, 'O Lord, adorn him.' So he will be
given a crown of honour to wear. Then it will say, 'O Lord, give him
more.' So he will be given a garment of honour.' Then it will say, 'O
Lord, be pleased with him.' So Allah will be pleased with him. Then
it will be said to him, 'Recite and advance in status, and for each
verse you will gain one more hasanah (reward for good deed).
and Surah Al 'Imraan, for they will come on the Day of
Resurrection like two clouds or two shades or two flocks of birds in
ranks, pleading for those who recite them. Recite Surah al-Baqarah
for to take recourse to it is a blessing and to give it up is a cause of
grief, and those engaged in witchcraft cannot confront it. (Muslim)
Q3) As the Qur'an is in Arabic, does every person who wants
to become a Hafidh have to understand the Arabic Language?
There have been cases where people have become Hafidh of the
whole Qur'an just by listening to different people reading the
Qur'an and by listening cassettes etc. There are also many cases of
blind people memorising the Qur'an either through repetition or
Braille some even went on to become masters in the field of
Qur'anic studies and recitation.
Q4) I am in my early Twenties, and currently working too, is
it possible for me to memorise the Qur'an or will I have to
give up my Job etc to do Hifdh
It is never too late to learn the Qur'an. Allah swt has Himself
declared that to memorise the Quran it has been made possible
(even easy) for those who want to achieve this great task. There is
no denying that you will be required to sacrifice and dedicate a lot
of your time, however it does not require leaving work or other
studies for it to be possible. You will have to be good at time
management to ensure that the progress of Hifdh is not affected by
other responsibilities and commitments. The ideal thing for you to
do would be to look for a dedicated, qualified teacher and start the
Hifdh under their guidance and supervision.
Requirements before Starting to Memorise the
Holy Qur'an.
Q8) I always hear people saying Tajweed is important. Could
you please explain in simple terms, exactly what Tajweed is,
as we were taught Qur'an at a very young age and have never
heard of Tajweed before. Is Tajweed a recent concept that has
been brought to our attention?
Basically, as we are aware that every language has rules and even the
way a letter or a word is pronounced can have an immediate effect
on the meaning. Similarly the Qur'an has many rules and regulations
in terms of pronunciation and reading. All these rules of correct
recitation are within the science of Tajweed.
Q9) If the parents do not know Tajweed, should they try and
teach their child whatever little they know?
Q11) Should a child complete the recitation of the whole
Qur'an before starting the memorisation course?
Choosing the Right School/Right Teacher.
It is not permissible to learn the Qur'an without Tajweed.
It is not permissible to teach the Qur'an incorrectly.
It is not permissible to listen to the Qur'an being recited
Read it correctly and it will protect you.
Read it incorrectly and it will curse you.
4) It is unfair on the student as he will be dedicating many precious
hours of his with hard work on something which will have to be
corrected or re-learned again in the end.
Note: We request all parents and teachers to consider this point and
not to take it lightly, as every child in our custody is an Amaanah
(Trust) from Allah swt. When we send our children to any school
or activity we ensure that we choose the best school and the best
teachers who are teaching in the correct manner. Don't you think
that the Qur'an deserves the same attention if not more attention
due to its importance and status?
There is no definite answer for that but the earlier a child starts the
memorisation the better. However this depends on the child's
ability. The benefit is that it will be easier for the child because the
mind is still young and absorbing.
Tajweed and correct recitation.
Q14) We have heard many people say that Tajweed is not very
important as long as the meanings do not change. How true is
this statement?
Sometimes the reason for this is that the child is adamant and
insistent that they want to start memorisation, whereas they are not
ready, and due to this, to keep the students interest and also to keep
the student happy, the teacher agrees for him to start the
memorisation hoping that as time passes they will improve in their
recitation but in many cases this is not achieved.
At other times the parents are very persistent that they want their
child to commence the memorisation of the Qur'an and this
sometimes puts pressure on the teacher. Here too the teacher allows
the student to commence the memorisation with the hope that the
child will improve in due course. Again in most cases this is not
One must also not rule out that at times an individual is not capable
of this, either due to preoccupation, distraction or even a natural
inability to memorise so much. In this case too the student may
initially start off well but fall short en route. An experienced teacher
will recognise this and will advise against continuing.
Memorisation Timescale Chart
1 17 7 9
2 8 9 18
3 5 10 13
4 4 4 24
5 3 6 7
6 2 11 4
7 2 6 3
8 2 2 12
9 1 11 12
10 1 9 3
11 1 8 6
12 1 5 15
13 1 4 6
14 1 3 0
15 1 2 1
16 1 1 6
17 1 0 10
18 0 11 19
19 0 11 1
20 0 10 16
This chart explains that if a person learns a certain amount of verses daily
without any breaks or gaps then how long it would take them to complete the
memorisation of the Qur'an. Punctual daily recitation of the Qur'an will greatly
assist in memorisation of the Qur'an. Those who can not recite fluently
normally have to devout double time and effort due to this.
Starting Hifdh.
Mental Preparation
For Parents:
1. It is very important for the parents to be mentally focused and to
take interest in the study of the child.
2. The parents should acknowledge and accommodate the fact that
now the child is starting to memorise the Qur'an and that they must
be there to support and encourage the child at every step.
3. The parents must have confidence in and respect for the child's
Qur'an teacher as he/she is assisting the child to achieve the
greatest task.
4. The parents must positively accept any reprimand or criticism
from the child's teacher as they are here to help and not here to
hinder the progress of the child.
5. Hifdh is a great task and will require a lot of time, effort and
commitment. Parents should try to plan their activities around the
child's memorisation program so that disruption for the child is
kept to a minimum.
6. The parents should make it a point to become obedient to Allah
at all times and to regularly offer optional prayers, and pray for the
child's success. This will have a great impact on the child's progress.
8. The parents should take extra care in the food they provide for
the student. Many great scholars generally advice that eating out
from takeaways and restaurants should be avoided or minimised
because many a times although the food is Halal, the person
preparing it might be listening to music etc while preparing the
food instead of remembering Allah swt which will definitely have
an effect on the consumer, and so too in this case, on the Hafidh .
1. The student must undertake this task for the pleasure of Allah
swt, alone.
2. The student should be grateful to Allah swt for allowing him/her
to undertake this great task.
2. The student must bear this in mind that the teacher is here to
help and support: therefore all relevant instructions must be
3. This is the most important task that the student is undertaking:
they must at all times accept that the effort and work that they are
encouraged to put into this must be at a corresponding level.
4. Set regular goals (with the advice of the teacher) and work hard
to achieve these goals.
5. Be mindful of Allah at all times.
6. Remember that there is nothing difficult - if the correct effort
and devotion is demonstrated In Sha' Allah.
The friends of a child who is undertaking the memorisation course
must be taught the following:
1. To always be positive towards him and his task.
2. To always encourage him to concentrate and work hard to
achieve his goal.
3. To always planning activities during the memorisation
programme, but rather to work around them.
4. To give him utmost respect due to the connection he has with the
The family of the child who is memorising the Qur'an should:
1. Show him utmost respect
2. Try to be positive and to encourage him continuously.
3. Do not force him to recite in front of a crowd. In Sha' Allah,
gradual encouragement is the best way forward.
4. Avoid putting him in an embarrassing situation especially in the
early stages of Hifdh.
5. Be patient with their progress and not discourage them by using
belittling phrases especially not in public.
Physical Preparation
Q19) Could you please clarify the facts about the hair length
etc for a student of Hifdh?
However there are many rules and regulations for the permissibility
of the Zulfa which need to be understood.
Many great scholars of Qur'an however have adopted this view and
advice those undertaking the Qur'an Memorisation not to keep long
hair but rather to keep their hair short at all times. Some reasons for
them adopting this view are stated below:
Advice: We would like to advice each student undertaking the
Tahfeedh course to directly approach their teacher and sincerely ask
for their advice and guidance in this and all other matters, and
whatever advice is given should be accepted fully. Inshallah there
will be great blessings in that.
Different Routes of Memorising the Qur'an.
Q21) We have been told that there are different routes laid
down by the experts teaching memorisation of the Qur'an. Is
this true and if so could you please tell us about the preferred
or most popular route adopted?
3. The third route is that the students are made to memorise the
most well-known chapters first, to get them into a routine and
thereafter they memorise the rest of the Qur'an. Below are the
most popular chapters for this method.
a. Surah al-Fatihah,
b. 30th Juz
c. 29th Juz or specifically Surah Mulk
d. Surah Yaseen.
e. Surah ar-Rahman
f. Surah al-Waqia'h
g. Surah as-Sajdah
h. Surah al-Kahf
i. Surah Jummu'ah
Please note that there are many other methods and routes too, but
the methods described are the most common. Other methods too
are acceptable as through experience, each teacher has his/her own
way of assessing and steering the child. They can advise the parent
on the best route to take.
Classroom Conditions
Q22) What facilities should be available to ensure that the
child is comfortable during Hifdh?
The parents and the teachers should both ensure that the class is in
a good state and condition. Many times the parents do not even
enter the classroom throughout the memorisation period. It is very
important for the parent to ensure that the class teacher or school
are providing a good facility and instead of taking a negative
attitude towards the madrassah, the parents should themselves see
how they can assist and contribute to the well being of the
classroom and their child.
The class:
1. Must be clean and tidy.
2. Must have enough natural light
3. Must have good circulation of fresh air.
4. Must not have such posters etc which can be distracting.
5. Should not be in a noisy or busy place where sounds of cars,
people, etc distract the children's attention.
6. Each student should have amply space and the room should not
be over crowded.
Q23) How long would it take for someone to complete the
Actual Memorisation
Q25) Are there any important procedures to be aware of when
learning new parts of the Qur'an?
The Principle of Recitation
mind long enough for you to gain the sense of the sentence or
paragraph. However, the primary memory has a very limited
capacity, and as you continue to read, you displace the words and
ideas of the initial paragraphs with the words of subsequent
paragraphs. This is one reason for not remembering everything in
the first part of the chapter by the time we reach the end of the
chapter when we read continually without taking a break or taking
time to review what we have already read. It is only when we recite
or contemplate the idea conveyed by a sentence or paragraph that
the idea has a chance of moving on into the secondary or long-
term memory.
All verbal information goes first into the primary memory (short-
term memory). When it is rehearsed (recited), part of it goes into
our secondary (long-term) memory. The rest of it, usually the part
we are least interested in, returns to the primary memory and is
then forgotten.
Learning The New Lesson
Here again the emphasis is given on the point that if the recitation
is fluent and correct then the need will not arise to read, correct and
reread the lesson to the teacher before memorisation.
c) Once the 12 lines have been recited a few times and are fluently
recited that is when the student should start memorisation.
Memorising The New Lesson
Revision of the new lessons
Immediate Revision.
Immediately after you have memorised all 12 verses recite the whole
new lesson a few times looking away from the page. If possible try
to read it to someone immediately.
After you have recited the new lesson to your teacher, immediately
thereafter recite it at least three times and correct any mistakes
At the end of the day read the new lesson a few times again. You
might have to look into the page and recite it a few times to re-
familiarise your self with the new lesson. This is very common and
there is nothing to panic about.
Firstly, the student should ensure that each ruku has been perfected
before progressing to the next and thereafter ensure that each
Quarter is perfected before moving on to the next. A competent
teacher will ensure that this is happening, and that progress is not
compromising previous lessons.
The best time to learn the new lesson is when one's mind is quite
relaxed. Generally this is at the time of Fajr (the Morning Prayer)
and after the Magrib salah (the prayer after sunset).However this
differs for every student.
Q31) How should one memorise a verse which is extremely
long eg. Verse 282 of Surah al-Baqarah (Chapter two)?
Q34) Many students keep mentioning that certain chapters of
the Qur'an are extremely difficult to memorise eg. Surah Jinn.
Please advise us.
Yes this is true that some parts and chapters are quite difficult
initially due to either repetition of similar verses, etc. but this is
usually over exaggerated by students, and indeed many students can
even list similar verses to a particular verse, which would if a
person is attentive get rid of the difficulty. We advise the students
to try hard and if they find any particular part difficult then they
need to devout extra time and effort to perfect and overcome the
difficulty. With an ounce of effort from one's own side, Allah will
make it easy.
One reason for this difficulty can be that initially when the previous
lesson was learned it was not perfected and the weakness has
remained. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the previous lesson a
few times before it is recapped in the mind. The main cause for
students forgetting their previous day's lesson is negligence or
Q37) Students tend to make a lot of mistakes when reciting
their revision. What is the cause of this?
To decrease the rate of mistakes, the teacher can set a target for the
student eg. the student is not permitted to make more than 3 or 4
mistakes in a surah (chapter) or in a quarter Juz. Sometimes sinning
and disobedience to Allah can be the cause of forgetting the
memorised parts.
Q40) Is it necessary for a student to learn from one print of
the Qur'an or can he learn from different prints of the
The mistakes should be marked clearly and at all times this fact
must be kept in mind that this is the Qur'an and not any ordinary
book and so the factor of respect must be bore in mind at all times.
Part Time Memorisation
Proposed time-scale for an average student memorising the
Bearing in mind the give and take factor of unexpected holidays,
sicknesses etc generally the above chart can be used as a guiding
After Completing Hifdh
Q43) What should a Hafidh do to retain the learnt parts once
the Hifdh course has been completed?
A) Tilaawah
The first practice is that one should continuously recite the Qur'an.
This will keep the memorized parts fresh in the mind, and easy to
recall. In addition Tilaawah is necessary so that one can recall it on
the Day of Judgement. Mulla Ali Qari has quoted from one hadith
that, if a person reads the Quran very often in this life, he will
remember it in the life Hereafter, otherwise he will forget it."
In the same regard there is a hadith regarding a hafidh praying
C) Taraweeh
This is the 'litmus test' for every Hafidh and gauges whether he still
remembers the Qur'an well enough so that he can recite
approximately one juz or so every day in Taraweeh. A Hafidh
should recite Taraweeh every year so that he can himself see the
status of his hifdh, and identify and fix weaknesses if any. In
addition, it should be remembered that it is not necessary to lead
the Taraweeh in front of lots of people, but it can also be
performed at home or at a friend's home or where a few people can
gather to pray.
D) Reciting to Others
All Hafidh should make an effort and a regular habit of reciting to
others. This has many benefits and is at the same time a sunnah. In
this way regular completions of the Qur'an will take place which
will assist in making the memorised parts stronger.
E) Teaching and Listening to Others.
A Hafidh should try and engage in the teaching of the Qur'an. This
will also assist in retaining the memorised parts and at the same
time is a virtuous act.
A Hafidh should try to regularly listen to others reciting the Qur'an
F) Learn Arabic
All those who memorise the Qur'an should not just be content with
its memorisation but rather after the completion should try and
learn Arabic and the other sciences of the Qur'an. This will most
definitely assist in retaining the memorised parts and will assist in
implementing the teaching of the Qur'an in to one's life too.
May Allah bless us all with the blessing of memorising the Qur'an
and to implement all the teachings of the Qur'an in our life.
100 Facts about the Qur'an
100 Facts Every Student of Hifdh Should Know about the
11) What are the other names of the Qur'an according to the
Qur'an itself ?
A) al-Furqaan, al-Kitaab, al-Dhikr, al-Noor, al-Huda.
12) How many Makki Suwar (chapters) are there in the Qur'an?
A) 86.
13) How many Madani Suwar (chapters) are there in the Qur'an?
A) 28.
19) How many times is the word 'Allah' repeated in the Qur'an?
A) 2698.
20) How many different types of Aayaat (verses) are there in the
A) 10.
22) At the time of the death of Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) how many Huffadh were there?
A) 22.
23) How many Aayaat (verses) on Sajdah (prostation) are there in
the Qur'an?
A) 14.
24) In which Juz (part) and Surah (chapter) do you find the first
verse of Sajdah (prostration)?
A) 9th Juz, 7th Chapter- Surah-al-Araaf, Verse206.
25) How many times has the Qur'an mentioned about Salaah
A) 700 times.
29) How many times has the name of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) been mentioned in the Qur'an?
A) Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) - 4 times.
Ahmed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) -1 time.
most in the Qur'an?
A) Musa (Alaihis-Salaam).
32) Who was the first person who counted the Aayaat (verses) of
the Qur'an?
A) Aisha (Radhiallahu Anha).
35) Who recorded the Qur'an in the writing style of the Quraysh
A) Usman (Radhiallahu Anhu)
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) recite to one of his enemies, Utba, who
after listening to it fell in Sajdah (prostation)?
A) The first five Ayaat of Ham-Meem-Sajdah.
39) Which is the first and the most ancient Mosque according to the
A) Kaabah.
40) In the Qur'an, mankind is divided into two groups. Which are
those two groups?
A) Believers and disbelievers.
41) Who is the man about whom, Allah has said in the Qur'an that
his body is kept as an admonishing example for future generations
to come?
A) Fir'aun (Pharaoh).
42) Besides the body of Pharaoh, what is that thing which is kept as
an admonishing example for future generations to come?
A) Noah's Ark.
43) After the great Flood of the Prophet Noah, where did the Ark
come to rest? What is mentioned in the Qur'an?
A) Mt. Judi.
47) Which was the agreement that was titled 'Fathum Mubeen' (the
clear victory) without a battle taking place?
A) Treaty of Hudaibiya.
48) What are the different names used for Satan or the Devil in the
A) Iblees and Ash-Shaitaan.
49) Which category of creature does the Qur'an put 'Iblees' into?
A) Jinn.
50) What were those acts of worship and prayers that were ordered
by Allah to the community of Bani Israeel and which were
continued by the Muslim Ummah also?
A) Salah and Zakah (al-Baqarah:43).
51) The Qur'an repeatedly warns of a certain day. What day is it?
A) Yaum al-Qiyamah (the Day of Judgement).
52) Who were those people with whom Allah was pleased and they
were pleased with Him, as mentioned in the Qur'an?
A) The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi
54) In which year were the symbols of the vowels inserted in the
A) 43 Hijri.
56) Which is the first Residential University where the faculty of the
Qur'an was established for the first time?
A) Masjid-un-Nabawi (The Prophet's Masjid) in Madinah.
57) By what name did the Qur'an address those noble and pious
people who were selected by Allah to convey His message to
A) Nabi (Prophet) and Rasool (Messenger).
61) What are the two most important types of kinds of Aayaat
(Verses) found in the Qur'an?
A) Muhkamaat (Commands) and Mutashabihaat (allegorical).
66) How long did Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
receive the revelation of the Qur'an in Madinah?
A) 10 Years.
67) Where was the first Surah revealed?
A) In Makkah.
69) How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the
A) Approximately 22 years, 5 months and 14 days.
73) What is the Surah (Chapter) revealed as a whole at one time and
found first place in the Qur'an?
A) Surah al-Fatihah.
74) Who was the only lady whose name is found in the Qur'an?
A) Mariam (Alaihis-salaam).
75) In which Surah (Chapter) of the Qur'an do you find the most
A) Surah al-Baqarah.
76) When and Where did the Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) and Jibreel (Alaihis-salaam) meet for the second time?
A) On Friday,18th Ramadan, in the Cave of Hira.
77) What was the interval between the first and the second
A) 2 years and six months.
78) Which is the Surah (Chapter) that doesn't start with Bismillah?
A) Surah al-Taubah or Bara'a.
80) How many Surah (Chapter) in the Qur'an have the titles named
after different Prophets?
A) 6 Surah (Chapters):
a) Surah Yunus.
b) Surah Hood.
c) Surah Yusuf.
d) Surah Ibrhm.
e) Surah Nuh.
f) Surah Muhammed.
companions had compiled the Qur'an (or specifically the verses that
they had in their collection) in the form of a book?
A) 75 companions.
85) Which is that only book which is completely memorized by
millions of people in the world?
A) al-Qur'an.
86) Which Surah is it recorded that the Jinn heard a few verses of
the Qur'an and say to each other, "We have heard a unique
discourse which shows the right path, verily we believe in it."
A) Surah al-Jinn.
88) Into how many languages of the world has the Holy Qur'an
been translated?
A) Nearly 103 languages.
89) Who was the first translator of the Holy Qur'an into Urdu?
A) Moulana Shah Rafiuddin Muhaddith Dehlavi.
91) Who was the Prophet mentioned in the Qur'an whose three
generations of descendents were prophets?
A) Ibrahim (Alaihis-salaam).
92) What is that book which abolished all old rules and regulations?
A) al-Qur'an.
93) What does the Qur'an say about property and wealth?
A) They are tests of one's faith.
94) According to the Qur'an who is "khaatamun Nabiyyeen" (the
last of the Prophets)?
A) Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
95) What is the name of the book that tells us clearly about the
reality of the beginning and the end of the world?
A) al-Qur'an.
96) In the Qur'an what other name is given to the city of Makkah?
A) Bakkah, Ummul Qura, and Baladul Ameen.
97) According to the Qur'an what other name is given to the city of
A) Yathrib.
98) Whose descendents are known as the "Banu Isra'eel" according
to the Qur'an?
A) The descendents of Prophet Yaqoob (Alaihis salaam) who is
also known as Isra'eel.
99) Which are the Masjids that are mentioned or referred to in the
A) There are 5 Masjids:
a) Masjid-ul-Haram.
b) Masjid-ul-Nabawi.
c) Masjid-ul-Aqsa.
d) Masjid Quba.
e) Masjid-ul-Dhirar.
Ayah (singular) Aayaat (Pl) - (It would be incorrect to say
Barakah - Blessings
Dhikr - Rememberance
Noor - Light
Nafl (singular) Nawaafil (Pl) - Optional Prayers.
Ummah - Nation
Wudhu - Ablution
References and Credits
3) www.carrolltonmasjid.org
If you find any errors in this book then please do inform us so that
we may rectify any errors.
Who came at different times but their message was the same
Count Allah's Blessings
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof
overhead and a place to sleep... you are richer than 75% of this
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in
a dish someplace ... you are among the top 8% of the world's
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... you
are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.
If your parents are still alive and still married... you are amongst a
blessed few.
If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly
thankful... you are blessed because the majority can, but most do
If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in
that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more
blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at