Wedding Reception Script (Jezreel & J-Ann) (Nearly Done)
Wedding Reception Script (Jezreel & J-Ann) (Nearly Done)
Wedding Reception Script (Jezreel & J-Ann) (Nearly Done)
Time: 5:30-9:30 PM
(Call to Order)
JEZ: Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen. May I have your attention please? We
are about to begin our Dinner Reception so please find a seat and make
yourself comfortable.
J-Ann: Let us begin this celebration with a prayer. Let us all stand, bow down our
heads and put ourselves in the presence of our Almighty God as Pastor
Estillore will lead us in the prayer.
J-Ann: A very good evening to everyone and welcome to Kelvin and Ruths Dinner
Reception. We are done with the solemn part of the celebration and we
thank those people who were with us earlier at the New Hope Bible Baptist
Church for the wedding ceremony. And for those who just join in, our
warmest welcome to you all!
JEZ: And so, here we are in the Casa Rugina for the most exciting part the
Dinner Reception for our newly weds in the celebration of the beginning of
their new life together. So sit down, relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.
JEZ: I am Jezreel Madsa and I am one of the good friends of the groom
J-Ann: And I am J-Ann also one of the bridesmaids. And we have been given the
task by the bride herself to be your emcee for tonight.
JEZ: We thank you all for gracing this joyful occasion especially to those who
took a leave of absence from work or from school and to those who have
traveled many miles just to be with us.
J-Ann: In behalf of Kelvin and Ruth as well as their parents, we would like to
express their heartfelt gratitude for your presence at this memorable
occasion. It is indeed a pleasure to have you all tonight.
JEZ: At this point, let us now witness the parade of the wedding entourage.
Are we all excited to see the newly weds??
J-Ann: We saw the fresh and young, lets go to the people we have here in front:
they are the young at heart and spirit, the very gracious and generous
PRINCIPAL SPONSORS. Let me introduce them one by one . . . starting off
with ninang . . . .
J-Ann: One of the parents dreams is to see the wedding of their children. I am
sure our couples parents are equally excited as them. Let us recognize
these very special people in the hearts of the newly weds. Ladies and
gentlemen, it is with great pleasure to introduce to you the parents of the
JEZ: And now here comes the parents of the groom, looking happy and proud.
Please welcome ________ and ________
J-Ann: At this point I assume that everyone has settled down and we are all ready
to welcome the newlyweds. May I request our lovely Matron of Honor,
Ms.______ to please facilitate the welcoming party for our newly weds.
JEZ: Tonight calls for a grand celebration and it is our distinct pleasure to
introduce to you the very first time KELVIN and RUTH as husband and wife.
So without any further ado, let us all rise and give our warmest welcome to
Mr and Mrs Kelvin Amoin.
J-Ann: Congratulations Kelvin and Ruth Amoin and best wishes to both of
you! We also wish you to be blessed with a long and happy life together
with your future children.
JEZ: Wow, that was very lovely and awesome. So there you have it ladies and
gentlemen our newly lovely couple. Let us again give them a round of
Mother-and-Son Dance
J-Ann: Now, I guess everyone is so eager to see the first dance of the couple as
husband and wife; but before that, Sir, Kelvin, its time for you to take the
hand of your mother for a mother-and-son dance.
JEZ: And now, I would like to call on the brother of the Bride to take the hand of
her sister for their dance for a brother-and-sister dance.
J-Ann: Ladies and gentlemen, we now come to that very special part of every
wedding party, steeped in symbolism. THE BRIDAL WALTZ. This is the
moment when the groom walks his bride to the dance floor and they begin
a dance that will last the rest of their lives. Put your hands together for
Kelvin and Ruth as they begin their special dance as husband and wife.
JEZ: Now at this point, I am sure that everyone is starving by the excitement and
jubilant atmosphere, so am I. So as we are about to partake our meal let us first ask
__________ to lead us the prayer for our meal.
JEZ: You may queue up here in front where you may get food for your table.
Waiters will also be attending your table to attend your needs. Thank you.
J-Ann: Meanwhile, the Kalma Boys Band will be serenading the couple with an
Audio-visual presentations to be followed.
J-Ann: We will now resume our program. And its time for desert. We have here a
beautiful wedding cake. May I now request Kelvin and Ruth to do the
honors of cutting the wedding cake.
Jez: The ceremonial cutting of the cake is meant to symbolize the couples
sharing of responsibilities. The bigger the slice the greater the
responsibility . . . So let us witness who takes the bigger slice.
J-Ann: So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, the cake has been cut. May I
now request the waiters to please serve the cake to our guests.
Jez: A celebration is not complete without a toast and a bottle of good wine.
Let us now bring out the wine and may we request the Best Man to lead us
the toast.
BESTMAN: (Personal Message) . . . Everyone let us all raise our glasses and join me in
toasting for Kelvin and Ruth.
BESTMAN: Heres a good health, happiness and Gods compassion to Ruth and
Kelvin. Cheers!!!!
J-Ann: Thank you ladies and gentlemen and you may now be seated.
Jez: The bride and groom will now do the dove release. May I request the
newlyweds to please come forward and each get a dove.
(While the Newlyweds comes forward and prepare for the dove release, background
music starts playing and Emcee says the following . . .)
J-Ann: The two doves signify Kelvin and Ruths being released to start a new
journey together. Like the two pairs of dove, whatever happens they will
always try to seek the comfort of each other.
Jez: This is where they know that they will always find a love. A dove always
chooses one mate for life, and signifies love, faithfulness, joy and hope.
J-Ann: I guess Ruth and Kelvin are now ready so we will now release the doves. At
the count of three release the doves. Ready when you are. One Two
Three and Off they go!! That was really beautiful.
Jez: It is said that our parents are our first teachers having raised us patiently
from childhood to adulthood. They have been our source of comfort,
support and inspiration.
J-Ann: Kelvin and Ruth are truly blessed with such wonderful parents and I am
quite sure when it comes to knowing what marriage is all about, they
always have a word or two to share to their children.
JEZ: Ok now let us all have some fun and its time for the traditional Bouquet
Throw. At this point we would like to request all the single ladies to please
come forward for the bouquet throw. We would also like to request the
bride to come forward and take her place at the center stage.
J-Ann: Ladies kindly take your place behind the bride and be prepared to catch the
bouquet. It is said that whoever will catch the bouquet will soon be the next
bride. So is everyone in? Ready when you are in the count of three the
bride will throw the bouquet. May I also request the audience to please join
in the counting.
(Instructions: Emcee make sure that everyone is in place)
Ready when you are ladies. Let us now do the countdown. One Two
Three. . . and there it goes!
JEZ: May I request for the lady who was able to catch the bouquet to please
come forward.
J-Ann: Congratulations ate, May I have your name please? Ok lets gives a big
hand to ate ________