Barangay Sports Fest Committees

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Barangay Sports Fest Committees

Name Duty Assignment Remarks

Lea Lie Cadornigara -to organize and Organizer/Chairman Accomplished
manage the hole
Prince Niel Senon -to handle the Administration Accomplished
logistical and larger Committee
details such as
budget, venue,
attendance, etc…
Jeezreel Demabildo -to handle Finance Director Accomplished
everything in
financial field.
Jaspher Tomines Jr. -responsible for Programme Accomplished
planning, Coordinator
implementing, and
evaluating the
Bernard JB -to operate the Sound and technical Accomplished
Garduque sound system and operator
that technical
system use in the
entire program.
Althea Camille Somo -to design, to Venue/Hall Accomplished
prepare the venue Preparation
especially the stage.
Samantha Daquipa -to find strategic Sponsorship Accomplished
partners for event. committee
Alexander Mordize -whose goal is to Marketing and Accomplished
promote the Promotion committee
purpose of an event.
Antipas Medical Team -to monitor the Medical Committee Accomplished
health and medical
Antipas BPAT -Secure the whole Security Committee Accomplished
safety in an event.
Barangay Sports Fest Committees
Name Duty Assignment Remarks
Windie Hyde -to organize and Organizer/Chairman Accomplished
Dela Cruz manage the hole
Krizelle Chiva -to handle the Administration Accomplished
logistical and larger Committee
details such as
budget, venue,
attendance, etc…
Britney Gelverio -to handle Finance Director Accomplished
everything in
financial field.
Bryan Gelverio -responsible for Programme Accomplished
planning, Coordinator
implementing, and
evaluating the
Ira Dela Cruz -to operate the Sound and technical Accomplished
sound system and operator
that technical
system use in the
entire program.
Glycerie Vasquez -to design, to Venue/Hall Accomplished
prepare the venue Preparation
especially the stage.
Yang Endrina -to find strategic Sponsorship Accomplished
partners for event. committee
Wal Graceter -whose goal is to Marketing and Accomplished
Sobrevega promote the Promotion committee
purpose of an event.
Antipas Medical Team -to monitor the Medical Committee Accomplished
health and medical
Antipas BPAT -Secure the whole Security Committee Accomplished
safety in an event.

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