Version History
Version Date Comment
1.0 18/04/2017
1.1 20/04/2017
1.0 Overview
The usage of water as a source of energy has been under development since the 1970s. During that time there
was a concern for the depletion of fossil fuels (especially oil) in the near future. Today that threat still exists but
an even greater threat exists for the environment. The greenhouse gas emissions through the burning of fossil
fuels has been damaging the earths atmosphere, specifically the ozone layer. Energy is a commodity which
nobody wants but everybody needs; no one enjoys paying for electricity but we are at such a point that it
is an integral part of the way of life. It is essential to explore new ways of harnessing energy through non-
polluting ways in order to be able to replace the conventional fossil-fueled sources before atmospheric
pollution causes irreversible and probably disastrous changes to our ecosystem. [1]
As the search for renewable energy increases, there has been an increase in interest in tidal energy. There
are 2 methods of harnessing tidal power: extracting directly from the tidal stream or storing the tidal flow
behind a barrage. The energy density in most marine turbines is low, conditions such as flows past
headlands around islands and through straits and shallows can give rise to current flow speeds (2-3m/s).
The predictability of ocean and tidal currents makes this energy source particularly attractive compared to
other renewable energy sources. [2]
A marine current turbine can be described as a set of hydrofoil blades that are arranged such that,
when the flow passes them, the blades rotate about an axis and can be used to produce
electricity. Although the tidal turbines may seem very similar in design to that of wind turbines, there is
still a vast difference in terms of maturity. Wind turbines have a fairly uniform design approach whereas
tidal turbines are still in its early stages of development. [2]
u igure below. The water flows over
A r and under the inlet guide-vane. The
Savo b inlet guide-vane is used to direct the
nius i flow so that the water is targeted at
rotor n the rotor at the correct angle for
is e maximum efficiency. The water then
classi s flows over the upper rotor blades,
fied through the center to the lower rotor
as a t blades producing more torque. [4]
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torqu t
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These turbines are placed in ducts to be deployed underwater in order to be able to convert
marine currents into kinetic energy and then to electrical energy.
2.0Project Scope
1. To design and test a marine ducted turbine with different blade configurations.
2. Only 2 turbines will be tested (Savonious and Cross-flow turbine) with 3 blade configurations
of each (Savonius 3, 5, 7 blades and Cross-flow 25, 30, 35 blades).
3. The duct type used is shown in Fig. 3.
4. Only simulations will be analyzed.
3.0Out of Scope
1. No other turbine will be considered.
2. Only the stated duct type will be used.
3. Apart from simulations, no model will be constructed by the team.
4.0 Deliverables
Project Proposal
Mid-Term Report
CAD of Turbines
ANSYS Results
Final Report
Poster Submission
1. Project proposal.
2. Mid-term report.
3. Final report.
4. Project management sheet with attached agenda of meetings.
5. Detailed modelling of 3, 5 and 7 blade Savonius turbines.
6. Detailed modelling 25, 30 and 35 blade cross-flow turbines.
7. Performance analysis for both turbine types on ANSYS.
1. Skill level the level of knowledge possessed by team members in modelling and
analytical simulations are not great
2. Resources computers may not be available at all times for modelling and simulation purposes
3. Deadlines (Semester 2 - Week 12, 13 October 2017)
1. Resources will be made available for team members upon request
2. Data will be provided by supervisors on time
3. Decisions will be made on time.
4. Tasks will be divided evenly amongst group members.
1. The University of the South Pacific
2. Project Supervisors
3. Course coordinator
9.0Budget Plan
The budget for this project is as follows:
Solidworks student edition: $220.00
ANSYS: $523.00
Total designing hours: 162 hours
Total Simulation hours: 564 hours
Cost per hour: $20
Total costing for project: (162+564) 20 + 220 + 523 = $15,263.00
11.0 Conclusion
A project scope statement gives a fair idea as to what is expected in a project and how it will be
achieved. This project scope statement was compiled to the best of the teams knowledge and it gives a
fair idea of what the project is about, what deliverables are to be handed, what the constraints and
assumptions are and finally the stakeholders in the project.
12.0 References
[3] Y. Kyozuka, "An Experimental Study on the Darrieus-Savonius Turbine for the
Tidal Current Power Generation," Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, vol. 3,
no. 3, pp. 439-449, 2008.
[4] Renewables First, "Crossflow Turbines," [Online]. Available:
learning-centre/crossflow-turbines/. [Accessed 01 March 2016].
[5] J. N. Goundar, N. Chettiar, S. Narayan, A. Deo and D. Prasad, "Design of a Ducted Cross
Flow Turbine for Fiji," Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 772, pp. 561-565, 2015.