Step by Step How To Configure Intercom (Commend)

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Security System of TFD Project

Author : Ade Eka Saputri

Step by Step How to Configure ACS Intercom System

A. Intercom Server to Intercom Base Station :
1. Make sure all wiring and termination is correct.

Picture 1. Wiring and Termination Drawings for Intercom

2. Wiring connection in Intercom Server

Picture 2. Wiring in Intercom Server

3. Wiring connection from Terminal Block to Base Station is like picture 1. Connection from Terminal Block have
4 port connection, such as : 1 (POWER) *unused
7 (POWER) *unused
13 (Data A) / Brown Cable
19 (Data B) / White Brown Cable
Security System of TFD Project
Author : Ade Eka Saputri
Refer to manual, since for Base Station and Outdoor Base Station power is included in Data A and Data B,
means we just need connection Data A and Data B. Wiring connection in the TB is port 13 and 19, see below
picture :

Data A

Data B

Picture 3. Terminal Block Wiring from Intercom Server to Intercom Base Station

Use these 2 connections wiring to Intercom Base Station with RJ-11/ RJ-12 connector.

4. Wiring connection to Base Station, such as : Blue (POWER) *unused

White Blue (POWER) *unused
Brown (Data A)
White Brown (Data B)

Picture 4. RJ-11 / RJ-12 wiring for Connection for Base Station

Security System of TFD Project
Author : Ade Eka Saputri
5. Plugging the connection of RJ-11 / RJ-12 to the Base Station

Picture 5. RJ-11 / RJ-12 for Connection to Base Station

6. Base Station automatically turn on after RJ-11 / RJ-12 plugged

Picture 6. Base Station Turn On

Security System of TFD Project
Author : Ade Eka Saputri
B. Intercom Server to Intercom Outdoor :

1. Make sure all wiring and termination is correct.

Picture 1. Wiring and Termination Drawings for Intercom

2. Wiring connection from Terminal Block to Base Station is like picture above. Connection from Terminal Block
have 4 port connection, such as : 5 (POWER) *unused
11 (POWER) *unused
17 (Data A) / Orange Cable
23 (Data B) / White Orange Cable
Refer to manual, since for Base Station and Outdoor Base Station power is included in Data A and Data B,
means we just need connection Data A and Data B. Wiring connection in the TB is port 17 and 23, see below
picture :

Data A

Data B

Picture 2. Terminal Block Wiring from Intercom Server to Intercom Outdoor Station
Security System of TFD Project
Author : Ade Eka Saputri

Use these 2 connections wiring to Intercom Base Station with pluggable screw terminals.

7. Wiring connection to Outdoor Station, such as : Orange (POWER) *unused

White Orange (POWER) *unused
Green (Data A)
White Green (Data B)

Picture 3. Wiring for Connection for Outdoor Station

8. Setting Jumper inside Outdoor Station

Picture 4. Setting Jumper for Outdoor Station

Security System of TFD Project
Author : Ade Eka Saputri
9. Outdoor Station automatically turn on

Picture 5. Outdoor Station Turn On

Security System of TFD Project
Author : Ade Eka Saputri
C. How to Make a Call :

1) For Call Specific to the Base Station :

- Press Base Station number, e.g : 101 (Base Station will be accepted call automatically, without press
any key)

2) For Fast Dial Call to the Base Station :

- Press T or 0 key (for call to all Base Station), then Base Station will be ringing and should be press
(Enter) key for accept the call (since this call is fast dial to all Base Station)

D. How to Changed message on the screen of Wallmount Station :

1. Connect port LAN of the Intercom Server to the port LAN of the PC/Laptop
2. Install WinPcap (software package from Commend Intercom)

Picture 1. WinPcap Software

3. Install NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU (software package from Commend Intercom)

Picture 2. NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU Software

4. Install CCT 800 6.0 Build 1001 Setup (software package from Commend Intercom)

Picture 3. NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU Software

- Username : Admin
- Organization : Vector InfoTech
- Product Key : H3NO-0000-0000-0000
Security System of TFD Project
Author : Ade Eka Saputri

5. Open CCT 800 6.0 Build 1001

Picture 4. CCT 800 Software

6. Click 'Configuration' -> 'Intercom' -> Click 'Query Network' (on the tab of Network)
7. Click 'Subscriber' -> 'General' -> Select 'Naming'

Cannot changed
Changed to be 'Press
T to Call!'

Picture 5. CCT 800 Software for Changed Naming

' - Description : ex . Station 109 (this message can't change) -> 'Save'

- Display text : ex. 109 -> changed to be 'Press T to Call!' -> 'Save'

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