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Question Bank in Illumination

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Question Bank in Illumination factor is 1.

4 and the coefficient of utilization is

0.50, determine the number of fluorescent lamp
1. EE Board Exam April 1992 required. Assume luminous efficiency of the
A piece of paper lies on a table 2 m away from a fluorescent tube as 50 lumens per watt for 80-
point directly below a bulb of 100 cd and is 4 m watt lamp.
above the table. Calculate the illumination on the A. 62 lamps C. 63 lamps
center of the paper in lux. B. 65 lamps D. 64 lamps
A. 5.2 C. 4.5
B. 5.7 D. 3.4 9. EE Board Exam April 1990
A hall 30 m long and 12 m wide is to be
2. EE Board Exam April 1989 illuminated and the illumination required is 50
A medium unshaded lamp hangs 8 m directly meter-candles. Calculate the number of lamps
above the table. To what distance should it be required taking a depreciation factor of 1.3 and
lowered to increase the illumination to 4.45 times utilization coefficient of 0.5 given that the output
its former value? of the lamp to be used is rated 100 W, 1615
A. 4.02 m C. 3.79 m lumens.
B. 3.86 m D. 4.21 m A. 30 C. 28
B. 29 D. 27
3. EE Board Exam April 1994
A floodlight emitting 25,000 candelas in the 10. EE Board Exam April 1993
center of its beam is aimed at 60 to a point on A room 20 m x 10 m is to be illuminated by eight
the ground 20 meters away. The illumination of lamps and the average illumination is to be 50
the point in lux is lumens per meter. If the utilization factor is 0.48
A. 54.12 C. 31.25 and depreciation factor 1.2, calculate the mean
B. 62.5 D. 625 spherical power per lamp.
A. 249 cp C. 235 cp
4. EE Board Exam April 1985 B. 255 cp D. 224 cp
A light is to be placed on a wall in order to obtain
maximum brightness of illumination. To achieve 11. EE Board Exam October 1991
this brightness, how high on the wall should this It is required to provide illumination of 150 meter-
light bulb be placed to a point on the floor that is candle in a factory hall 45 m x 15 m. Assume that
3.6 m from the wall? the depreciation factor is 0.80, coefficient of
A. 2.54 m C. 2.08 m utilization is 0.40 and efficiency of the lamp is 20
B. 2.25 m D. 2.86 m lumens per watt. Calculate the number of 250 W
5. EE Board Exam October 1991 A. 60 C. 63
A lamp of 500 cd is placed at the center of a B. 62 D. 61
room, 20 m x 10 m x 5 m. Calculate the
illumination in each corner of the floor. 12. EE Board Exam March 1998, September 2000
A. 0.83 lux C. 0.78 lux The illumination of a room is being designed. The
B. 0.81 lux D. 0.98 lux data are as follows:
Room length = 30 ft
6. EE Board Exam October 1991 Room width = 20 ft
A lamp of 500 cd power is placed at the center of Coefficient of utilization = 0.6
a room, 20 m x 10 m x 6 m. Calculate the Maintenance factor = 70%
illumination in a point in the middle of a 10 m wall Required foot-candle = 50
at a height of 2 m from the floor. Lumens per lamp = 3300
A. 4.75 lux C. 4.69 lux Watts per lamp = 53
B. 4.98 lux D. 4.88 lux Voltage = 220
Power factor = 75%
7. EE Board Exam October 1992 What is the total current of the lamp required to
Luminaires of 2000 lumens output will be satisfy the requirements?
installed in a room. The desired illumination is A. 21 A C. 7 A
200 foot-candle. The coefficient of utilization is B. 15 A D. 25 A
0.45 and maintenance factor is 90%. Determine
the number of luminaires needed if the size of the 13. EE Board Exam October 1989
room is 120 m . The floor area of a room is 10 meters by 10
A. 30 C. 32 meters. The desired illumination level is 150 lux.
B. 28 D. 36 Assume the coefficient of utilization is 0.51, the
maintenance factor is 0.95 and in the market a
8. EE Board Exam October 1993 fluorescent luminaire provide 1200 lumens output
A hall 35 m x 20 m is to be provided with a of light. Determine the number of luminaires
general illumination of 130 lux. If the depreciation needed for the room.
A. 24 lamps C. 25 lamps B. 10,050 lumens
B. 28 lamps D. 26 lamps C. 6,300 lumens
D. 12,800 lumens
14. REE Board Exam September 2001
The illumination of a room having dimensions of 22. REE Board Exam September 2001
20 x 10 sq ft is 50 fc. Find the luminous flux if the A 40 ft by 20 ft office is to be illuminated with
maintenance factor is 70% and the illumination duplex fluorescent luminaires at a level of 50
factor is 0.60. footcandles. The maintenance factor and
A. 35,760 C. 23,810 coefficient of utilization are estimated to be 70%
B. 15,150 D. 20,345 and 60%, respectively. Each fluorescent
produces 3,300 lumens. How many luminaires
15. REE Board Exam April 1997 are required?
Which of the following affect the overall efficiency A. 18 C. 14
of a lighting installation? B. 8 D. 28
A. age of lamp C. voltage
B. dust and dirt D. all of these 23. Candela is the unit of
A. flux C. illumination
16. REE Board Exam April 1995 B. luminous intensity D. luminance
The rate of passage of radiant energy evaluated
by reference to the luminous sensation produced 24. The unit of illuminance is
by it is called A. lumen C. lux
A. luminous flux B. cd/m D. steradian
B. luminous radiation
C. luminous plane 25. The illumination at various points on a horizontal
D. luminosity surface illuminated by the same source varies as
3 2
A. cos C. 1/r
17. EE Board Exam April 1993 B. cos D. cos
An instrument used to measure the intensity of a
light source 26. The M.S.C.P. Of a lamp which gives out a total
A. illumination meter C. cygnometer luminous flux of 400 lumen is ____ candela.
B. Bensen photometer D. candle meter A. 200 C. 50
B. 100 D. 400
18. REE Board Exam April 1993, April 1992
The ratio of lumens reaching the work plane 27. A perfect diffuser surface is one that
divided by the total lumens generated by the light A. diffuses all the incident light
is B. absorbs all the incident light
A. room ratio C. transmits all the incident light
B. coefficient of utilization D. scatters light uniformly in all directions
C. illumination factor
D. maintenance factor 28. The direct lighting scheme is most efficient but is
liable to cause
19. REE Board Exam September 2004 A. monotony
A light source has an illumination of 100 B. glare
footcandles (fc), what is the illumination in lux? C. hard shadows
A. 1,204 C. 1,496 D. both B and C
B. 1,075 D. 1,360
29. Total flux required in any lighting scheme
20. REE Board Exam April 2004 depends inversely on
A room with dimensions of 72 ft x 36 ft x 13 ft A. illumination
requires 50 footcandles, maintenance factor of B. surface area
0.7, coefficient of utilization of 0.46 and RI of 4. C. utilization factor
Calculate the required lumens output of the D. space/height ratio
A. 144,000 C. 402,485 30. Flood lighting is NOT used for ____purposes.
B. 136,800 D. 74,690 A. reading C. advertising
B. aesthetic D. industrial
21. REE Board Exam September 2001
The illumination of a room is being designed. The 31. Which of the following lamp has minimum initial
illumination intensity required is 50 footcandles. cost of installation but maximum running cost?
The maintenance factor is 70% and coefficient of A. incandescent
utilization is 0.6. If the room is 20 ft by 15 ft, what B. fluorescent
is the total required lumens output of the lamp? C. mercury vapor
A. 35,000 lumens D. sodium vapor
32. An incandescent lamp can be used D. Quality factor
A. in any position
B. on both ac & dc supply
C. for street lighting
D. all of the above

33. The average working life of a fluorescent lamp is

about ____ hours.
A. 1000 C. 3000
B. 4000 D. 5000

34. The luminous efficiency of a sodium vapor lamp

is about ____ lumen/watt.
A. 10 C. 50
B. 30 D. 70

35. A room measuring 40 ft by 80 ft is to be

illuminated by fluorescent lamps arranged in 16
rows. Each fixture has 2 fluorescent lamps having
an output of 3300 lumens per lamp. The
maintenance factor and utilization factor are 0.65
and 0.75 respectively. If the required illumination
is 60 cp, calculate the number of fixtures
A. 120 C. 60
B. 80 D. 150

36. A room measuring 40 ft by 80 ft is to be

illuminated by fluorescent lamps having an output
of 3300 lumens per lamp arranged in 4 rows. The
maintenance factor and utilization factor are 0.7
and 0.6 respectively. If the required illumination is
60 cp, calculate the number of fixtures required in
each row.
A. 70 lamps per row
B. 140 lamps per row
C. 35 lamps per row
D. 40 lamps per row

37. The floor area of a room is 10 meters by 10

meters. The desired illumination level is 150 ft-
candle. Assume the coefficient of utilization is
0.51, the maintenance factor of 0.95 and in the
market a fluorescent luminaire provides 1,200
lumens output of light. Design the number of
luminaries needed for the room.
A. 198 C. 365
B. 278 D. 154

38. Two lamps are placed 100 m apart. Lamp A and

lamp B have luminous intensity of 150 and 450
candelas respectively. Lamp A is placed 15 m
above the ground while lamp B is placed 20 m
above of the same level. What is the illumination
at the center of the lamp posts at ground level?
A. 0.016 C. 0.06
B. 0.07 D. 0.04

39. A measure of the lumen output per watt input

produced by the light source.
A. Lumen
B. Efficacy
C. Coefficient of utilization

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