Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice:: Jobs 19-J1-J19 (Plate)
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice:: Jobs 19-J1-J19 (Plate)
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice:: Jobs 19-J1-J19 (Plate)
The thickness of the metal, the design of the parts and Plate PreparationAluminum plates may be prepared
assemblies, production quantities, and the equipment for welding by mechanical or thermal cutting processes.
available must be considered. Plasma arc cutting (PAC) is used a great deal. Mechanical
The best welding methods for aluminum are the gas processes include machining, shearing, sawing, chipping,
tungsten arc welding (GTAW, also known as TIG) and and filing. Any contaminant, such as oil or grease, must
the gas metal arc welding (GMAW, also known as MIG) be removed from the prepared surface.
processes. Because of the shielding gas, each offers good In addition to the contamination that may be on the
protection for the weld pool. The gas shield is transparent surface of the plate due to joint preparation, there is also
so that the welder can see the fusion zone. This helps in an oxide film. It is necessary to remove this material from
making neater and sounder welds. the plate and filler metal before welding. Contamination
One disadvantage in the welding of aluminum is the may be removed from the surface with caustic soda, acids,
fact that it does not change color when it approaches and certain solutions. Mechanical methods include stain-
the melting point, as most other metals do. The flux less-steel wire brushing, scraping, filing, and the use of
required when welding with other processes also stainless-steel wool. The interval between cleaning and
causes a glare in the weld pool and emits a consider- welding should be as short as possible, since aluminum
able amount of smoke. When TIG welding, there is no reoxidizes so rapidly.
glare or smoke, and the weld pool is clearly visible to When aluminum is welded from one side only, some
the welder. type of backup may be desirable to control penetration.
The gas tungsten arc welding process is preferred Backup strips may be made of steel, copper, or stainless
for welding aluminum sections less than 18 inch in steel. For certain welding jobs, especially pipe, the back-
thickness. This method can also be used on heavier ing may consist of an inert gas shield.
sections, but the gas metal arc welding process, Chap-
ter 21, is usually chosen for its higher welding speed Preheating Aluminum alloys are of two types, the work-
and economy. In this chapter we are concerned with hardenable alloys such as EC, 1100, 3003, 5052, 5083,
the TIG welding of aluminum. The welding of alumi- and 5086; and the heat-treatable alloys such as 6061,
num with the MIG process is discussed in Chapters21 6062, 6063, 7005, and 7039. Alloys in the 2000 and 7000
and 22. series can also be welded with either the gas metal arc
All types of aluminum alloys can be welded with welding process or resistance welding.
the TIG process, including those alloys in the 1000, Heat-treatable alloys may be preheated to keep crack-
1100, 3000, 5000, 6000, and 7000 series. (Refer to ing to a minimum. These alloys are heated at tempera-
Table 3-23, page 94, for the classification system of alu- tures above 900F and then given a low temperature aging
minum alloys.) Alternating current with stabilization is treatment above 300F. Heat treatment is not generally
recommended. Welding is possible with direct current required in the welding of work-hardenable aluminum
electrode negative, but it is not as successful as with alloys.
stabilized alternating current. The shielding gas is usu- Preheating is necessary if the mass of the base metal
ally argon. is such that heat is conducted away from the joint so fast
that the welding arc cannot supply the heat required to
produce fusion. Insufficient heat results in poor fusion of
the weld bead and inadequate melting of the base metal.
Preheating the parts being joined helps produce a satisfac-
S H OP TAL K tory weld, reduces distortion and cracking in the finished
product, and increases welding speed. Mechanical prop-
Aluminum erties of certain aluminum alloys will decline with exces-
Aluminum is harder to resistance weld than sive preheat temperatures. Special consideration should
steel because, comparatively, it be given to the amount of time heat is applied for each
1. Melts at a lower temperature (1,220F). application.
2. Has a shorter weld time due to higher thermal In gas tungsten arc welding, preheating is necessary
conductivity when welding plate over 38 inch thick. With the enhanced
3. Has 4 to 5 times lower electrical resistance square wave a.c. power sources, preheating may be elimi-
4. Has a surface of protective oxide nated on thicker sections.
5. Has different dynamic material resistance One of the advantages of gas metal arc welding is that
preheat is seldom required, regardless of plate thickness.
594 Chapter 19 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 19-J1J19 (Plate)
Welding Technique Because aluminum alloys have rela-
tively high coefficients of thermal expansion compared
with most weldable metals, there may be a problem with
distortion whenever unequal expansion or contraction oc-
curs. You will recall that control of distortion is a mat-
ter of proper design, joint preparation and fitup, choice
of welding process, and the use of a proper welding
In planning the sequence of welding, individual pieces
and members must have freedom of movement. Joints that
are likely to contract a great deal should be welded first.
Welding should be done on both sides of the structure at
the same time and alternated from one side to the other to
equalize stresses. The weld should be completed as rap-
idly as possible without interruption.
Because of the high thermal conductivity of aluminum,
a very high heat input must be maintained in the weld
zone to balance the heat loss to the adjacent metal. Be-
cause of the intense temperature of the tungsten arc, little
difficulty is encountered.
The molten pool of aluminum has a high degree of sur-
face tension and solidifies rapidly so that it is possible to
weld in all positions, Fig. 19-1. Fig. 19-1 This aluminum weldment was manually welded
using the GTAW-P process without a foot control but with the
When welding aluminum, the old practice was to
use of a sequence control button or switch mounted on the
ball or round the end of the electrode before welding torch. Note the degree of weld pool control where the three
to keep the arc steady. The ball was required with con- corner joints came together, and consistent weld pool con-
ventional a.c. sine wave power sources. A more tapered trol across the joints. The weldment has been rotated 90 for
tungsten can now be used with the enhanced square picture purposes. The pictorial view shows the position it was
wave power source. This type of power source with fre- welded in. The corner and butt joints were all CJP while the lap
and T joints could have no melt through to the back side of the
quency control and a tapered tungsten allows the arc to joints. Material was approximately 18 inch thick, pipe OD was
be directed into the joint. This allows the aluminum to 2inches, and the top piece was approximately 4 inches square.
be welded with a.c. much like stainless steel is welded Edward R. Bohnart
with DCEN, with its small focused weld pool and no
arc wandering.
is a great deal of similarity, however, and the practice
gained in welding these steels will make it easier for
For video of GTAW a.c. square wave arc on you to learn to weld the stainless steels. There is also
aluminum with no arc wander, please visit the matter of cost to consider. By practicing on carbon and low alloy steels, you can gain a great deal of expe-
rience with the gas tungsten arc process at the lowest
possible cost.
If the end is uneven, the arc may move from side to TIG welding of carbon steels is usually done on light
side. The method for balling the end of the electrode is gauge materials that require relatively less heat than
given in Chapter 18, pages 577579. Consult Tables19-1 heavy plate. A given size electrode also requires less heat
and 19-2 (p. 596) for the common filler metals to be used in the welding of carbon steel than the same size used
and the proper operating conditions for welding alumi- in the welding of aluminum. Lower current results in a
num with alternating current. smaller arc. The small arc is more difficult to see than the
arc for aluminum welding. For this reason a lighter shade
Carbon and Low Alloy Steels of welding lens is recommended when welding carbon
The welding of carbon steels is not taught until after you steels.
have mastered the welding of aluminum because they When welding carbon steels, the best results are ob-
are a little easier to weld than the stainless steels. There tained with direct current electrode negative. Use argon
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 19-J1J19 (Plate) Chapter 19 595
Table 19-1 Chemical Compositions
Weight percent single values are maximums. If other elements are detected, they cannot exceed the limits specified for other elements.
Weight percent single values are maximums. If other elements are detected, the amount of those elements shall be determined and cannot exceed 0.5%, excluding irons.
Source: Data extracted from AWS filler metal specifications A5.9, A5.10, and A5.18
Table 19-2 Operating Conditions with Stabilized A.C. Current and Argon Shielding
Gas: Aluminum1
596 Chapter 19 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 19-J1J19 (Plate)
as the shielding gas and cerium, lanthanum, or thoriated You will recall from Chapter 3 that there are three gen-
electrode with a tapered electrode tip. eral types of stainless steel, and all can be welded with the
The sharpened electrode makes it easier to control the gas tungsten arc process. Steels in the 300 series, which
arc and the weld bead size. Because the current is DCEN, are referred to as the austenitic type, are chromium-
it takes a lot of heat to melt the sharpened electrode. Make nickel steel alloys. They are highly weldable. These steels
sure that the electrode does not touch the weld pool. The are hardenable only by cold working. A second type is the
molten metal will contaminate it and cause an erratic arc. martensitic steels. They are straight-chromium stainless
Use a filler rod that matches the base metal. steels in the 400 and 500 series. These steels are harden-
Set the high frequency switch in the start only position. able by rapid cooling from a high temperature. A third
It is not necessary to use continuous high frequency as was type in the 400 series is ferritic steels. It has a straight-
needed with the conventional a.c. sine wave power source. chromium content of approximately 11.5 to 18 percent.
If the power source is equipped with a lift arc or touch Ferritic steels are nonhardenable in certain high carbon-
start control feature, this can be selected. The scratch start chromium combinations. Lower chromium grades may be
is not recommended, because the weld or tungsten can air hardened.
be contaminated, especially with the inverter-type power Stainless steels have a high resistance to corrosion and
source. high temperatures, excellent strength-to-weight ratios,
Less heat is needed to start the weld pool in carbon and a high degree of ductility. They can be fabricated by
steel than aluminum. Since the machine heat setting the same methods as carbon steel. Their thermal conduc-
may be held fairly steady from start to finish, a foot- tivity, however, is about 50 percent less than that of car-
operated heat control is not absolutely necessary. The bon steel, so heat stays in the weld zone. Because their
welding heat can be controlled by varying travel speed. thermal expansion is about 50 percent greater than that of
In order to obtain the highest weld quality, however, a carbon steel, there is a problem with distortion. Distortion
heat control should be used. Consult Tables 19-1 and and heat retention can be minimized through the use of
19-3 for the common filler metals to be used and the proper jigs and fixtures. Reduction of heat input by using
proper operating conditions for the welding of low car- GTAW-Pulse is also very helpful to control distortion,
bon steel with DCEN. Fig.19-2, page 598.
The gas tungsten arc welding process makes it possible
Stainless Steel Stainless steel is one of the most widely to weld stainless steels without the problems of flux and
used of all the alloys. It is suitable for all types of welded weld spatter. The dangers involved in multipass welding
fabrications in which strength and resistance to high due to heavy slag are not present.
temperatures, pressures, and corrosion are desired. Root Stainless steel can be successfully welded with either
passes laid down by gas tungsten arc welding are always direct current electrode negative or alternating current
specified for X-ray quality welds in large, heavy-walled with stabilization. Much greater penetration and weld-
pipe for nuclear power plants, hygenic applications, and ing speed can be obtained with direct current electrode
other critical services. Stainless steel is made in all stan- negative. When welding with DCEN, high frequency is
dard steel shapes and forms. usually used only to start the weld. Consult Tables 19-1
Table 19-3 Operating Conditions with DCEN and Argon Shielding Gas: Carbon Steel Plate
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 19-J1J19 (Plate) Chapter 19 597
and 19-4 for the common filler metals to be used and smoother arc action and gives good results when weld-
the proper operating conditions for welding stainless ing the thinner gauges. Helium shielding produces
steel with DCEN. a hotter arc than argon and permits higher welding
A 1 or 2 percent cerium, lanthanum, or thoriated tung- speeds and deeper penetration, particularly on heavier
sten electrode is used. materials. Welding research has determined that argon-
Either argon or helium (or a mixture of these hydrogen mixtures of about 1 to 7 percent hydrogen
gases) may be used as a shielding gas. Argon provides are the equivalent of helium and produce sound welds
in austenitic stainless steels. Shielding the back side of
the weld may be necessary to prevent oxidation and to
promote maximum corrosion resistance. One method is
to introduce argon or a backup powder under the weld
with some type of backing device to confine the gas to
the weld area.
See Fig. 19-3 for the color indications that denote the
amount of acceptable oxidization when welding stain-
less-steel pipe and tubing as used in the food processing
industry. The type of welding current and polarity have
a large effect on welding penetration. Developments
have been made in producing chemical fluxes that af-
fect the surface tension of the weld pool molecules and
allow improved penetration on certain metals. The flux
is applied prior to welding, and for a given amperage,
penetration will be increased. Figure 19-4 shows ex-
amples of weld profiles with and without the use of a
Fig. 19-2 This stainless-steel weldment was manually welded welding flux.
using the GTAW-P process without a foot control but the use of One of the principal differences between welding
a sequence control button or switch mounted on the torch. Note
the degree of weld pool and heat input control where the three
stainless steel and aluminum is that aluminum requires
corner joints come together. This was presented for inspection more heat and a faster speed of travel. Take care in the
in the as-welded condition. Note the uniform heat color marks selection of filler rod size. If the rod diameter is too large,
along the joints and the lack of buckling and distortion. All cor- it will soak up a good deal of heat and make welding more
ner and butt joints required CJP, while T and lap joints could difficult.
have no melt-through on the back side of the joint. The small It is important that the filler rod match the type of
tube extending from one end is for purging. The material was
approximately 14-gauge 304 stainless steel. All welding was stainless steel being welded. The rod must also deposit
done with the weldment orientated in the position shown. metal that has the physical and chemical properties that
Edward R. Bohnart the job requires.
Table 19-4 Operating Conditions with DCEN and Argon Shielding Gas: Stainless Steel1
598 Chapter 19 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 19-J1J19 (Plate)
The strength-to-weight ratio of
magnesium alloys is good. The
thermal conductivity is rela-
tively higha little less than
Welding magnesium is similar
to welding aluminum. The same
type of joints and method of joint
preparation are used. Careful
Fig. 19-3 Weld discoloration levels inside of austenitic stainless-steel pipe. Sample 1 has cleaning of the workpiece is al-
10ppm oxygen, sample 5 has 200 ppm, and sample 10 has over 25,000 ppm. Samples 5 and ways required, since magnesium
under are generally considered acceptable in the as-welded condition. Proper purging is critical oxidizes readily. The parts should
for hygienic quality welds. American Welding Society. D18.1:1999, Figure 2 be degreased by chemical clean-
ing and/or mechanically cleaned
with abrasives.
Rolled or extruded magnesium sections can be joined
easily to each other or to castings. All welds are made
without flux and usually have more than 90 percent of the
tensile strength of the annealed base metal.
Either alternating current with stabilization or
DCEN may be used. The shielding gas may be argon
or helium.
Consult Table 19-5 (p. 600) for the proper operating
conditions for the welding of magnesium with alternating
Titanium is lightweight, has excellent corrosion resis-
tance, and has a high strength-to-weight ratio that makes
it a desirable metal for applications in the chemical,
aerospace, marine, and medical fields. Its use in the pet-
rochemical industry and in the manufacture of sports
equipment are some more recent applications. Many
Fig. 19-4 At a given amperage level, note the increased consider titanium to be very hard to weld. Titanium al-
penetration achieved with the flux on this application. loys can be embrittled by failure to follow proper weld-
Navy Joining Center
ing techniques, but titanium is much more readily welded
than typically believed.
Before welding titanium, it is essential that the weld
Travel speed is slow with relatively low heat, and it
area and the filler metal be cleaned. All mill scale, oil,
takes considerable skill to keep from burning through
grease, dirt, grinding dust, and any other contamination
thin materials. Because stainless steel distorts much
must be removed. If the titanium is scale-free, degreas-
more than carbon and low alloy steels during weld-
ing is all that is required. If oxide scale is present, it
ing, proper tacking, weld sequencing, and clamping are
should be degreased prior to descaling. An area at least
1 inch around where the weld is to be made should
be cleaned. The joint edges should be brushed with a
Magnesium stainless-steel wire brush and degreased with acetone
Many people mistake magnesium for aluminum be- just prior to welding. Any titanium part handled after
cause they are similar in appearance and character- cleaning should be done so using a white glove proce-
istics. Magnesium is a very light material. It is about dure to eliminate recontamination of the weld area. The
two-thirds the weight of aluminum and one-quarter cleaned parts should be welded within a few hours or
the weight of steel. The melting point of magnesium is properly stored by wrapping in lint-free and oil-free
1,204F, while the melting point of aluminum is 1,218F. materials.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 19-J1J19 (Plate) Chapter 19 599
Table 19-5 Operating Conditions with Stabilized A.C. Current and Argon Shielding
Gas: Magnesium1
Table 19-6 Operating Condition with DCEN and Argon Shielding Gas: Titanium1
Work Thickness Welding Current, Tungsten Filler Rod Cup2 Gas Flow3
(in.) Flat Position (A) Diameter (in.) Size (in.) Size (ft3/h)
65105 1
16 1
16 15
75125 1
16 1
16 15
8 95135 1
16 3
32 15
150225 3
32 3
32 20
4 225300 1
8 1
8 20
8 225350 1
8 1
8 20
2 250350 1
8 1
8 20
Cup size should be as large as possible, that is, 1 in. or larger. A gas lens should be used, and a trailing gas shoe can also be adapted.
his is the torch (primary) shielding gas flow rate; a trailing (secondary) shield gas flow rate should be two to four times this rate. A trailing shielding gas is generally required for
welding titanium.
If grinding or sanding is used to clean titanium or pre- Alpha alloy Alpha alloys are generally single-phase
pare a joint, be very cautious of the fine titanium dust par- alloys that contain up to 7 percent aluminum and a
ticles. Titanium is flammable, and the smaller the dust small amount (<0.3 percent) of oxygen, nitrogen, and
particles, the more flammable they are. Excess heat input carbon.
from grinding operations can cause oxidation on the sur- Alpha-beta alloys Alpha-beta alloys have a
face of the metal that could lead to weld failure. characteristic two-phase microstructure brought
Consult Table 19-6 for the proper operating conditions about by the addition of up to 6 percent alumi-
for the welding of titanium with DCEN. num and varying amounts of beta formers. Beta
These welding parameters are usable on the three types forming alloys are vanadium, chromium, and
of titanium alloys. The three types of titanium alloys are: molybdenum.
Titanium (CP) Commercially pure (98 to 99.5 percent Table 19-7 shows some of the relative weldability of these
Ti) can be strengthened by small additions of oxygen, alloy groups. Also displayed are recommended filler met-
nitrogen, carbon, and iron. als. When welding titanium or one of its alloys, the filler
600 Chapter 19 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Practice: Jobs 19-J1J19 (Plate)