Syllabus 7th and 8th Grade

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Seventh/Eighth Grade Intermediate Band

Syllabus 2017-18
Jennifer Peterson
Director of Band

Middles School Band Website:

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to introduce and develop techniques of instrument playing, ensemble
playing, and music reading.

Course Materials

Student provides:

a. Instrument, accessories, book - SEE ATTACHED SUPPLY LIST.

b. Name and Identification tags on instrument case. (Masking tape is not acceptable)
c. PENCIL to be kept in the band folder

School provides:

a. Music folder
b. Sheet music

Students are graded on the following:

Performance participation at required performances

written work
playing tests
daily participation

Daily Grade
Students will be given a grade on how well they demonstrate proper rehearsal and playing techniques. Most
of these techniques are taken from the music Standards of Learning. The techniques that will be evaluated
a. being on time to class and seat
b. having properly maintained instrument and materials (book, pencil, music, etc.)
c. refraining from chewing anything
d. remaining quiet while the director is talking or the group is playing
e. putting materials away at the end of class
f. demonstrating proper posture, instrument position, and hand position
g. being respectful to the teacher and other students
h. participation in class activities
i. demonstrating proper playing skills
Written/Playing Assignments

There will be numerous written and playing tests throughout the year. Some assignments will receive
numerical grades and others will receive letter grades. Letter grades will be converted using the countys
grading scale. Late work may receive a reduced grade. An assignment that is not turned in will receive a 0.

Practice Evaluation/Practice Pass Cards

Practice Cards may be given some weeks to document the amount of time, and the content, that each
student practices. Cards must be signed by a parent/guardian. Late work may receive a reduced grade.

Performance Participation

Since band is a performing art, concerts and performances are the culmination of what we learn in class.
Each student is expected to attend all required performances. A band is a large team in which the absence of
one team member can hinder the success of the remaining members. To receive the full grade each student
must remain for the duration of all groups performing on the concert, and must demonstrate proper audience
and performance etiquette. To make up the grade for missing a performance excused (illness or prior
approval from the director), the student must perform a solo in front of the grade. Cell phones are not
permitted to be in the students possession during a concert. As our performances are a special event, we
have a special uniform listed below. This is also a way to teach our students we dress certain ways for
certain occasions.

Concert Attire
Band polo
Black dress pants (NOT jeans, NOT yoga pants, NOT sweat pants)
Black socks
Black dress shoes (not Nike, etc. tennis shoes)


Band is a team, and everyones mutual respect for the other team members is crucial to our success. As long
as we respect each other equally, discipline problems will be minimal. Problems that begin to interfere with
class progress will be handled with teacher-student conferences, parent contacts, and then office referrals.

* * Behavior that is belligerent or may threaten the safety of a student will result in an immediate
referral to the appropriate grade level administrator.

School-wide Tardy Policy

We will follow the school-wide policy regarding tardies as outlined in the daily planner.

Teachers Philosophy

It is my belief that all children can experience success in music. I will operate our classroom in a positive
and supportive manner focusing on the student at all times. I am excited to offer your child an opportunity
that we hope will be one of the most memorable experiences of his/her middle school career. Please call at
anytime with questions or concerns.
Westmoreland Middle School

Students Name ______________________________________

I have read the syllabus and understand the manner in which I/my
child will be graded. I also understand the discipline procedure, have
put performance dates on my calendar, and understand other
practices and procedures outlined in the syllabus.

Students Signature____________________________________

Parents Signature

Parents Daytime Phone #(s)______________________________

Parents Email

to participate in class activities and receive the full daily grade. If you have
had a problem obtaining an instrument or materials by that time, please send a
note or email letting me know. If I know what is going on I can try to make
arrangements for your child to borrow materials.

Due on the second day of class. Thank you!

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