Revolution Prep SAT Tutoring Companion - Student
Revolution Prep SAT Tutoring Companion - Student
Revolution Prep SAT Tutoring Companion - Student
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Revolution Prep
SAT Workbook
This workbook is for the exclusive use of Revolution Prep, LLC and its students and is not legal for resale.
2015 Revolution Prep, LLC. All rights reserved. Version 12-15.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the content in this manual,
Revolution Prep assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of
the information contained herein.
This product is not endorsed by the College Board., nor any other agency or school. Any similarity to other
printed material is purely coincidental.
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SAT Table of Contents
Table of Contents
3 3
SAT Table of Contents
SAT Reading: Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning (Page 27)
SAT Writing: Punctuation (Page 39)
SAT Math: Foundations of Arithmetic and Algebra (Page 47)
4 4
SAT Table of Contents
Extra Content
5 5
6 6
SAT Introduction to the SAT: Test Overview
7 7
SAT College Admissions
Georgetown, Cornell, Emory, UCLA, USC, UC Berkeley, Rice, NYU, Notre Dame, Most Competitive
Grinnell, Univ. of Michigan 1400-1500
Indiana State, Cleveland State, Cal State Long Beach, Less Competitive
San Diego State, Coppin State, Indiana Univ. of Penn. 1000-1100
8 8
SAT Structure and Scoring
Reading and Writing questions are of randomly varying difficulty throughout each
The Math and the combined Reading and Writing tests are each scored from 200 to
Your COMPOSITE SCORE is the total of these two scores (400 to 1600).
The Essay is scored from 6 to 24. The Essay DOES NOT factor into your composite
9 9
SAT Content
If you are reading this, then its already clear you can read boring
material. Now, you just need to learn how to answer the questions
This has a lot less to do with knowledge than with your ability to survive
mind-numbing reading passages.
All the math you were trying to forget: Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Coordinate &
Plane Geometry, and Trigonometry.
10 10
SAT Guessing and Pacing
There is NO PENALTY for wrong answers on the SAT and every question is
If youre unsure whether youve wasted a lot of time on a question, you already have!
o If you stare at a question and CANT figure out anything, MOVE ON!
The LONGER a question takes, the LESS it can help your score.
11 11
12 12
SAT Introduction to the SAT: Content Overview
13 13
SAT Reading Introduction
Test 1: Reading
Section Structure
14 14
SAT Reading Introduction
Test 1: Reading
Reading Strategy
The Passage
1. Read Read the introductory blurb and the passage using your Two-Track
2. Ask Ask yourself questions that help you focus on the authors argument. Do
this for each sentence and for each paragraph.
3. Reflect Pause before answering the questions and try to BRIEFLY describe
the author, the subject of the passage, and the main points.
1. Cover Cover the answer choices with your hand, then read the question.
2. Anticipate Figure out how YOU would answer the question. Use any line
references that may be provided to help.
3. Reveal Once you have your answer in mind, uncover the answer choices.
4. Eliminate Compare their answer choices with your answer, and
15 15
SAT Writing and Language Introduction
Section Structure
16 16
SAT Writing and Language Introduction
Dont stop reading when you see an underlined word or phrase READ TO THE END OF
The SIMPLEST AND MOST DIRECT phrasing of a sentence is usually the best answer
17 17
SAT Math Introduction
Section Structure
o Formulas, expressions, and equations
Data analysis
o Ratios, proportions, and percentages
Advanced math
o Quadratics and polynomials
Additional topics
o Geometry and trigonometry
18 18
SAT Math Introduction
3. Make Sure - What is the SPECIFIC answer they are asking for? Make sure youre
not falling for one of the SATs tricks.
4. Execute - Plug in the information from the problem, carefully write out ALL
STEPS, and solve the problem. After youve got an answer, check your work, and
make sure your answer makes sense.
ISME Application
The average (arithmetic mean) score of six teams is 80 points. If the average score of four
of the teams is 75 points, then what is the average number of points scored by the other
two teams?
A) 82.5
B) 85
C) 88.3
D) 90
19 19
SAT Essay Introduction
Section Structure
Reading Comprehension
Analyzing Arguments
Effective Writing Communication
20 20
SAT Essay Introduction
Essay Strategy
1. Read the essay prompt The prompt is the same for each essay. The provided text
will change.
2. Read and notate the provided text Analyze the text for the authors thesis and
how the author supports that thesis through the use of argumentative techniques.
3. Write an I-B-C - This is your brief outline. It only needs to make sense to you.
I: Introduction What is the authors thesis? What are the major argumentative
techniques used to support the thesis?
B: Body This is the meat of your essay. Jot down two or three argumentative
techniques and how the author used those techniques to support the thesis.
C: Conclusion A BRIEF wrap-up. Jot down a phrase that ties everything together
4. Write Your Essay Let your I-B-C notes be your guide. Follow traditional essay
Key Points
Before you start writing your essay, take three minutes to BRAINSTORM & ORGANIZE.
Make sure your ESSAY STRUCTURE includes Intro, Body, and Conclusion paragraphs.
Make sure your ESSAY CONTENT includes a Thesis and Supporting Evidence.
21 21
22 22
SAT The Test Zone
23 23
SAT The Test Zone
24 24
SAT The Test Zone
The TEST ZONE is a state in which you are in complete control of yourself and the exam, so you
can MAKE THE TEST WORK FOR YOU, not the test makers.
25 25
SAT The Test Zone
Warning signs:
Helpful remedies:
Make the effort to stay focused for the entirety of every class.
Take your practice tests seriously. Bring the intensity that you would bring to the official test.
Do your homework assignments in one sitting.
Warning signs:
Helpful remedies:
Attack the exam aggressively, as though you were battling a mortal enemy.
Use the strategies and do not take shortcuts.
Always give it a shot, write things down, get your pencil moving.
Warning signs:
Helpful remedies:
Practice outside of class in a public place to get used to dealing with distractions.
Develop a routine and follow it for the practice exams.
26 26
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning
SAT Reading:
Determining Central Ideas,
Themes, and Meaning
27 27
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Reading for Main Ideas
When reading on the SAT, it is important to read for an understanding of what the text is
about (as opposed to what happens).
Facts, lists, and details are unimportant to your initial understanding of a text.
Think big picture!
Main ideas are usually located at the beginning and the end of a paragraph. Details
tend to be found in the middle of a paragraph.
28 28
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Effective Reading
Whenever you read, there are two parts of your brain at work:
1) The part of your brain that reads the words on the page.
2) The part of your brain that thinks about other stuff.
To ensure focus, periodically stop and ask yourself questions while you read!
Once we know how to identify main ideas, we can focus our time and attention on the most
important parts of a text.
29 29
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Effective Reading
30 30
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Effective Reading
31 31
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Passage #1
Questions 1-10 are based on the following But there is also a new flexibility associated with
passage. 45 the electronic media which is at odds with the very
idea of standardization and regulation.
In the following passage, an educator questions the Even where print appears on the screen, it is
importance of standardization in spelling. not fixed; it moves, it can be changed. There isnt
the same sense of a finished product, or of a fixed
Line Correct spelling has been held up as a measure 50 meaning. Electronic publications have an air of
of literacy (or illiteracy). Those who have taken the fluidity, fleetingness, ephemeralness about them.
same license as Shakespeare and spelled their Pluralism and diversity are much more the current
name in a variety of ways have been labeled as values, than standardization.
5 nonstandard, or as character-deficient. So, for example, when I come up with my own
That is not the only side effect that there has 55 creative representations of words on my e-mail,
been: countless members of society have had their those whom I am contacting dont think that I am
confidence eroded and their writing and reading ignorant or reprehensible. Neither the medium nor
efforts dampened by the trap of correct spelling. the form is seen as definitive or authoritative as
10 It isnt too much to suggest that the obsession with the printed page used to be. Those who are
standardization (and the punishment of 60 connecting to my messages are likely to assume
nonstandard or incorrect forms) has contributed that I am not a good typist, or that there is no
to ratings on illiteracy. With so many mistakes to spellchecker on my e-mail if they notice my
be made, some people are just too frightened to try nonstandard offerings at all.
15 to write or read. Yet these mistakes didnt even I have no doubt that they will not only work out
exist in Shakespeares era. 65 what my message means, but that I will provide
Spelling has definitely been used throughout them with some entertainment in the process.
the last century of print to make moral judgments Besides, if there are people who do object, they
about individuals and the state of society. It was have the solution close at hand. Let them use their
20 not uncommon prior to spellcheckers to find own spellchecker to standardize the message. But
that job applicants would be eliminated on the 70 it is their problem, not mine, if they cannot cope
grounds of a spelling error, for example. To be with the pluralism.
unable to spell was a measure of ignorance; to People spelled creatively before print, and no
neglect to look up a word in a dictionary and find doubt they will again after the values and mindset
25 the correct form was considered a measure of of standardization have begun to recede. It could
carelessness, slothfulness and irresponsibility all 75 be that in the not-too-distant future, when the
of which were disqualifications for the job. population once again spells a word the way it
The conventional wisdom now is that young sounds (as they work on their e-mail or electronic
people dont spell as well as their parents; that bulletin boards), that scholars will look back on the
30 computers and spellcheckers mean that they dont print period, and standardization, as the
keep the rules in their heads any more, but are 80 aberration in communication. Then they will see
content to access a computer program. This is fine, mindlessness not in those who defied the spelling
as far as most young people are concerned; they conventions, but in those who insisted that such
want to be able to do it, not to know it. But it is arbitrary mechanics should ever have been
35 often taken as a sign of moral decadence by the committed to memory, and then used as a standard
older generation, rather than as evidence that the 85 of worthiness.
information medium is changing.
There are many reasons that standardization in
spelling is not as important today; its partly
40 because of spellcheckers that the same energy is
not put into drilling the young to memorize all the
rules. They simply dont need to learn them off by
heart any more, if they are working on a computer.
32 32
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Solving Questions
Solving Reading Questions on the SAT: There are four steps to solving reading
questions on the SAT.
2) Anticipate an answer to the question. How would YOU answer the question? Use the
notes you took while reading!
3) Reveal the answers and then eliminate answers that are clearly incorrect. Answers
are clearly incorrect because they do not align with your anticipation!
4) Make a decision among whatever choices remain. Avoid answers with absolute
language and/or non-relevant information.
What makes wrong answers wrong can generally be reduced to a few words the words
that make a wrong answer Out of scope.
It talks about something from a part of the passage outside of the part the question is
referring to.
33 33
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Passage #1 Questions
1 5
The passage is written from the perspective Which choice provides the best evidence for the
of someone who is answer to the previous question?
A) actively involved in linguistics research. A) Lines 17-19 (Spellingsociety)
B) a participant in a recent debate in the B) Lines 28-32 (The conventionalprogram)
field of linguistics. C) Lines 32-34 (This is it)
C) a historian of linguistics. D) Lines 38-42 (There arerules)
D) an advocate for further linguistics
3 7
In the passage, the author references Which choice provides the best evidence for the
Shakespeare in order to answer to the previous question?
A) supply a revisionist theory. A) Lines 38-42 (There arerules)
B) disprove a historical misconception. B) Lines 42-43 (They simplycomputer)
C) provide a broader context. C) Lines 50-53 (Electronicstandardization)
D) invoke an illustrious prose stylist. D) Lines 72-74 (Peoplerecede)
4 8
According to the passage, why do young The first sentence of the seventh paragraph
people favor nonstandard spelling? (lines 54-57) most directly responds to which of
the following statements?
A) Young people view nonstandard spelling
as an opportunity to rebel against their A) Lines 17-19 (Spellingsociety)
parents. B) Lines 28-32 (The conventionalprogram)
B) Young people are following the lead of C) Lines 38-42 (There arerules)
linguistics scholars. D) Lines 47-48 (Evenchanged)
C) The education of young people does not
stress the rules of standard spelling.
D) Young people view the result of spelling
as more important than the method of
34 34
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Passage #1 Questions
35 35
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Passage #2
Questions 11-20 are based on the following We're here in Washington also to say that the
passage. 50 problem of this war is not just a question of war
and diplomacy. It's part and parcel of everything
This passage is adapted from the Vietnam that we are trying as human beings to
Veterans Against the War Statement by John communicate to people in this country: the
Kerry to the Senate Committee of Foreign question of racism, which is rampant in the
Relations 55 military; and so many other questions also: the use
of weapons; the hypocrisy in our taking umbrage in
And suddenly we are faced with a very the...Geneva Conventions and using that as
sickening situation in this country because theres justification for continuation of this war, when we
no moral indignation, and if there is it comes from are more guilty than any other body of violations of
Line people who are almost exhausted by their past 60 those Geneva Conventions -- in the use of free-fire
5 indignincies [sic], and I know that many of them zones, harassment interdiction fire, search and
are sitting in front of me. The country seems to destroy missions, the bombings, the torture of
have lied -- lain down and accepted something as prisoners, the killing of prisoners -- accepted policy
serious as Laos, just as we calmly shrugged off by many units in South Vietnam. That's what
the loss of 700,000 lives in Pakistan, the so-called 65 we're trying to say. It's part and parcel of
10 greatest disaster of all times. everything.
But we are here as veterans to say that we An American Indian friend of mine who lives on
think we are in the midst of the greatest disaster of the Indian nation of Alcatraz put it to me very
all times now because they are still dying over succinctly. He told me how as a boy on an Indian
there, and not just Americans, Vietnamese, and we 70 reservation he had watched television and he used
15 are rationalizing leaving that country so that those to cheer the cowboys when they came in and shot
people can go on killing each other for years to the Indians. And then suddenly one day he stopped
come. in Vietnam and he said, "My God, I'm doing to
Americans seem to have accepted the idea that these people the very same thing that was done to
the war is winding down, at least for Americans, 75 my people," -- and he stopped. And that's what
20 and they have also allowed the bodies, which were we're trying to say, that we think this thing has to
once used by a President for statistics to prove that end.
we were winning this war, to be used as evidence
against a man who followed orders and who
interpreted those orders no differently than 11
25 hundreds of other men in South Vietnam.
We veterans can only look with amazement on the The central problem that Kerry describes in
fact that this country has not been able to see that the passage is that
there's absolutely no difference between a ground
troop and a helicopter crew. And yet, people have A) there is no end in sight to the Vietnam
accepted the differentiation fed them by the War.
Administration. No ground troops are in Laos, so B) more American soldiers are dying in
it's alright to kill Laotians by remote control. But Vietnam now than during earlier parts
believe me, the helicopter crews fill the same body of the war.
bags and they wreak the same kind of damage on C) the American public has come to accept
the Vietnamese and Laotian countryside as anyone the current situation in Vietnam.
else, and the President is talking about allowing D) the United State is imminently close to
that to go on for many years to come. And one can defeat in Vietnam.
only ask if we will really be satisfied when the
troops march in to Hanoi.
40 We are asking here in Washington for some
action, action from the Congress of the United
States of America which has the power to raise and
maintain armies and which by the Constitution
also has the power to declare war. We've come
45 here, not to the President, because we believe that
this body can be responsive to the will of the
people; and we believe that the will of the people
says that we should be out of Vietnam now.
36 36
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Passage #2 Questions
12 15
Kerry implies that which of the following is a The author italicizes the word now in line
relatively recent development? 13 primarily to
A) The understanding that the Vietnam A) highlight the difference between a past
War will not end. situation and a present situation.
B) The involvement of American Indian B) reflect the severity of growing social
soldiers in fighting the Vietnam War. divisions.
C) The belief that certain methods of killing C) question the feasibility of a situation.
enemies are more acceptable than D) stress the urgency of an issue.
D) The ability of the United States
Congress to limit the United States
involvement in the Vietnam War.
As used in line 30, fed most nearly means
13 A) consumed.
B) eaten.
Which choice provides the best evidence for C) spread.
the answer to the previous question? D) told.
A) Lines 11-14 (ButAmericans)
B) Lines 29-31 (And yetadministration)
C) Lines 40-44 (We arewar) 17
D) Lines 67-69 (An Americansuccinctly)
As used in line 42, raise most nearly means
A) boost.
B) enhance.
14 C) form.
D) lift.
The second paragraph (lines 11-17) implies
A) the lives of people of different 18
nationalities have similar value.
B) the United States is currently acting in a Kerry contends that the situation he
treacherous manner. describes in the passage has become so dire
C) more American soldiers are dying each that
day than Vietnamese soldiers.
A) it has done irreparable harm to the
D) the United States military leaving
United States.
Vietnam will help expedite Vietnams
B) it has eroded the principles underpinning
return to stability.
the United States.
C) it has prevented the United States
military from carrying out its assigned
D) it has caused social divisions which will
last for generations.
37 37
SAT Determining Central Ideas, Themes, and Meaning: Passage #2 Questions
38 38
SAT Punctuation
SAT Writing:
39 39
SAT Punctuation: Comma Usage
A SAT error is to use commas in a way that does not align with their grammatical function.
Identifying Comma Usage Issues on the SAT: If a comma is located in the sentence or
the answer choices, check to see if it is performing one of the four functions of commas:
separating items in a list; pairing with a conjunction to join two complete
sentences; separating an introductory thought, or separating a descriptive
1 3
B) exams and performing
C) exams, and performing
D) exams, and to perform
40 40
SAT Punctuation: Colon Usage
A SAT error is to use colons in a way that does not align with their grammatical function.
Identifying Colon Usage Issues on the SAT: If a colon is located in the sentence or the
answer choices, check to see if it is performing one of the two functions of colons:
introducing a list or joining a phrase with additional details about that phrase.
4 6
Individuals all over the world can tap Grace, on the other hand, decided to
into developments in three areas: climb every tree she could swing
computing, networking, and software herself into. I was enchanted by the
engineering. tiniest thing of all looking: down,
while my husband tried to snap the
A) NO CHANGE perfect sunset, I thought I saw a
B) the areas of: miniature seashell buried in the rock
C) three areas at my feet.
D) three areas;
B) all: because
C) all looking,
D) all: looking
B) memories,
C) memories:
D) memories
41 41
SAT Punctuation: Contractions
Punctuation: Contractions
A SAT error is to use apostrophes to form contractions whose constituent words do not fit
within the sentence.
7 9
B) its
C) their
D) there
42 42
SAT Punctuation: Dash Usage
A SAT error is to use dashes in a way that does not align with their grammatical function.
Identifying Dash Usage Issues on the SAT: If a dash is located in the sentence or the
answer choices, check to see if it is performing one of the three functions of dashes:
separating a descriptive phrase, introducing a change in tone, or presenting an
10 12
John was very excited to win the two Tom was gentle, but persistent, with
concert tickets it was the first time Susan he knew someday he would
he had ever won a radio contest, and make her his wife.
he knew exactly who he would bring.
A) NO CHANGE B) Susan, and he
B) contest and C) Susan, he
C) contest. And D) Susan: and
D) contest: and
B) player; but that
C) process: that
D) player but that
43 43
SAT Punctuation: Possession
Punctuation: Possession
A SAT error is to use apostrophes in a way that does not correctly indicate possession.
Identifying Possession Issues on the SAT: Look for apostrophes in the sentence or in
the answers choices. Possession errors on the SAT include the text missing an
apostrophe when there is possession, having an apostrophe when there is no
possession, or placing an apostrophe in the incorrect location when indicating
13 15
B) governments B) newspaperss
C) governments C) newspapers
D) governments D) newspapers
B) childrens
C) childrenss
D) childrens
44 44
SAT Punctuation: Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments
A SAT error is to either use incorrect punctuation when joining two complete sentences or
to use incorrect punctuation when joining two sentence fragments.
Identifying Run-on Sentence and Sentence Fragment Issues on the SAT: Look for
two thoughts joined by some punctuation. Two complete sentences can only be joined using
a period, a semi-colon, or a comma joined with a conjunction.
16 18
My therapist tells me that fear is a Lying within the solar system beyond
normal. Legitimate response to the orbit of Neptune are the dust
genuine danger. Easy for her to say. grains of the Kuiper Belt. Cosmic rays
Ive never known anyone to be bombard the Earth.
attacked by a pantry, but I still feel a
thrill of panic whenever having to Which choice most effectively
reach for that last, forgotten jar of combines the underlined sentences?
A) Dust grains located in the Kuiper
A) NO CHANGE Belt, which lies within the solar
B) normal, legitimate system beyond the orbit of
C) normal; legitimate Neptune, resulting in the Earth
D) normally, legitimate being bombarded by cosmic rays.
B) Dust grains located in the Kuiper
Belt, which lies within the solar
system beyond the orbit of
17 Neptune, result in the Earth being
bombarded by cosmic rays.
Many seed savers order endangered C) Located in the Kuiper Belt, which
plants through a small, but growing lies within the solar system beyond
number of organizations that the orbit of Neptune, dust grains
specialize in rare seeds. that bombard the Earth with
cosmic rays.
A) NO CHANGE D) The Earths bombardment by
B) small but growing cosmic rays, as a result of dust
C) small; but growing grains located in the Kuiper Belt,
D) small but growing, which lies within the solar system
beyond the orbit of Neptune.
45 45
SAT Punctuation Review
1 5
A) features as its
B) features: its
C) features, therefore
D) features, but its
46 46
SAT Foundations of Arithmetic and Algebra
SAT Math:
Foundations of
Arithmetic and Algebra
47 47
SAT Foundations of Arithmetic and Algebra: Terms and Operations
Additional Terms
Term Definition
Coefficient A number used to multiply a variable.
Constant A number on its own.
Variable An alphabetic character representing a number.
1 2
. . . .
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
48 48
SAT Foundations of Arithmetic and Algebra: Exponents
Positive powers Multiply the base by itself as many times as the exponent tells you to. 35 =
Put a one over the base and multiply the base by as many times as the
Negative powers 35 =
exponent tells you to.
Powers on fractions Multiply the fraction by itself as many times as the exponent tell you to. ( 3 )3 =
Multiplying powers When multiplying similar bases with powers, add the powers together. 33 x 34 =
Dividing powers When dividing similar bases with powers, subtract the powers. ( )=
Raising a power to
When raising a power to another power, multiply the powers. (35)3 =
another power
The numerator of the fractional power represents the power and the 1
Fractional powers 32 =
denominator of the fractional power represents the root.
3 5
If 2 = 12 , x > 1, and q + r = 36,
Which real number satisfies (3x)(27) what is the value of q r ?
= 912 ?
// / / /
. . . .
0 0 0 0
4 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
4 4 4 4
4 5 5 5 5
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
A) 4
B) 11
C) 4
D) 11
49 49
SAT Foundations of Arithmetic and Algebra: Absolute Value
An absolute value is a numbers distance from zero. As such, absolute values are
never negative.
Set Up: Create two equations and solve for the two values of the given variable.
6 8
B) 4 + 4 A) 0
B) 1
C) + 4 + 4 C) 4
D) There is no such value of n.
D) + 4 4
A) 3
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
50 50
SAT Foundations of Arithmetic and Algebra: Percentage
Identify: Questions that involves percentages or give before and after numbers.
Set Up: To determine percent change, plug any elements you know into the percent
change formula.
9 10
51 51
SAT Foundations of Arithmetic and Algebra Review
1 4
A) 51
B) 80
C) 108
D) 205
A) 19.2
B) 28.8
C) 140.8 5
D) 148
Jasons dealership sells cars and trucks.
Last month, his dealership sold 80 cars
and 54 trucks. This month, the number of
cars sold declined by 20 percent, and the
number of trucks sold increased by 50
3 percent. What was the percent increase in
the total number of the two items sold by
NO CALCULATOR the dealership? (Round your answer to the
nearest tenth.)
5 + 4 > 10 is equivalent to which of the
following expressions?
// / / /
A) 3 < x < 10
. . . .
0 0 0 0
35 1 1 1 1
B) 10 < x <
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
C) x < 3 and x > 10 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
70 6 6 6 6
D) x < 10 and x > 3 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
52 52
SAT Passage Analysis
SAT Writing:
Passage Analysis
53 53
SAT Class 3: Passage Analysis: Adding Precision
54 54
SAT Passage Analysis: Introductions and Conclusions
55 55
SAT Class 3: Passage Analysis: Main Idea Analysis
Identifying Passage Analysis: Main Idea Analysis Questions on the SAT: The
question will ask what meaning will be added or lost if a word or phrase is added,
deleted, or modified, or which choice most effectively develops a main idea. Remember
to align your answer with the main idea(s) of the surrounding text.
56 56
SAT Passage Analysis: Sequence
Identifying Passage Analysis: Sequence Questions on the SAT: The question will ask
which sequence of sentences within a paragraph, or which sequence of
paragraphs within a passage, is most logical. To deduce proper sequencing, look for a
topic sentence to use as Sentence 1 or look for connections between ideas to link
different sentences.
A) before sentence 1.
B) before sentence 2.
C) before sentence 3.
D) before sentence 4.
57 57
SAT Passage Analysis Review
58 58
SAT Passage Analysis Review
59 59
60 60
SAT Plug and Chug & Backsolving
SAT Math:
Plug and Chug &
61 61
SAT Plug and Chug & Backsolving: Plug and Chug
Identify: Problems with variable(s) in the question and variable(s) in the answer choices.
The phrase in terms of often indicates a plug and chug question.
Set Up: Pick number(s) for the variable(s) and solve the question as though the variable(s)
is/are your number(s). Plug your number(s) into the answer choices and look for the same
value. If more than one answer choice works, pick different number(s) to eliminate the
remaining choice(s).
1 3
A) II only
B) III only
C) I and III
2 D) II and III
A) y= 4
B) y = (x 2)3
C) y = x2 + 4
D) y = x2 10
62 62
SAT Plug and Chug & Backsolving: Backsolving
Identify: Problems with variable(s) in the question and numbers in the answer choices.
Set Up: Plug the answer choices into the question as the variable(s). Look for the answer
that generates the desired value.
4 6
A) (0, 4)
B) (4, 0)
2 2
5 C) ( 3, 3 )
D) ( 8, 8 )
x + 5y = 10
5x + 10y = 35
A) (1, 5)
B) (5, 1)
C) (10, 0)
D) (0, 10)
63 63
SAT Plug and Chug & Backsolving Review
1 3
B) ab3
C) a2b2
D) a
A) 2
B) 4
C) 2ab
D) 4a2b2
64 64
SAT Translating Word Problems
SAT Math:
Translating Word
65 65
SAT Translating Word Problems: Translation Table
Use the following chart to assist in translating word problems into algebra.
Term Translation
Groups of (a number),
Number of Times, Variable (x , y, etc.)
Equals, Is =
And, Plus, Sum +
Product x
Meet or exceed,
Greater Than or Equal To
Less Than <
Less Than or Equal To
66 66
SAT Translating Word Problems: Linear Equations
Identify: A word problem that mentions a linear model. A linear model relates to the
formula y = mx + b, where m is the slope (the rate of change) and b is the y-
intercept (the amount when x = 0).
Set Up: Plug the given information into slope intercept form (y = mx + b) and then
solve for the requested information.
1 3
67 67
SAT Translating Word Problems: Non-Linear Equations
Identify: After translating a word problem equation there is one equation and/or you are
solving for the value of a variable.
Set Up: Follow the below steps after translation (where necessary):
4 6
5 30
A) f(t) = 14 45t
James is renting a hotel room for his
vacation to Berlin. The hotel charges 14 30t
a one-time flat fee of $200 plus $110 B) f(t) = 14 45
per day. A tax of 5% is also applied to
the daily cost. Which of the following 45t
C) f(t) = 14 30
represents Jamess total cost, in
dollars, for renting a hotel for h 17 45t
D) f(t) = 14
days? 30
A) 1.05(110h) + 200h
B) 1.05(310h)
C) 1.05(110h + 200)
D) 1.05(110h) + 200
68 68
SAT Translating Word Problems: System of Equations
Identify: After translating a word problem equation there are multiple equations
and/or inequalities.
1) Group like terms (variables with the same exponent and/or whole numbers).
2) Add, subtract, or substitute between the given equation.
3) Solve for the equations and/or for the requested variable.
7 8
B) x + y = 22 9
A) 0.6s + 10
B) 1.3s + 6.5
C) 1.3s + 3
D) 2.6s + 1.5
69 69
SAT Translating Word Problems Review
1 3
A) C(j) = 45 + 1.5j
B) C(j) = 45j + 1.5 // / / /
C) C(j) = 45j . . . .
D) C(j) = 46.5j 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
70 70
SAT Translating Word Problems Review
Sir Isaac Newtons Second Law of Motion Heather and her friends celebrate her
states that the vector sum of the birthday each year at a family
external forces F on an object, in newtons entertainment center. For every dollar spent,
(N), is equal to the mass m of that object, Heather and her friends receive a certain
in kilograms (kg), multiplied by the number of tokens that can be used to play
acceleration vector a of the object, in games. While making the conversion from
meters per second squared (m/s2). dollars to tokens, the entertainment center
charges a flat fee of 2% on each dollar spent.
Dr. Shao calculates that a projectile This charged fee is not converted into tokens.
weighing 0.0018 kg and traveling with an
acceleration of 5.7 x 10^5 m/s2 will have a This year, Heather and her friends
total force of 1026.1 N. purchased 2500 tokens at the entertainment
center for 675 dollars.
Newtons Second Law of Motion can be 7
applied to any object in motion, such as a
bowling ball rolling down a bowling lane or What was the exchange rate, in tokens per
a plane taking off from an airport runway. one dollar? (Round your answer to the
Dr. Shao calculates that a racecar nearest tenth.)
weighing 850,000 grams has a total force
of 40,000 newtons when crossing the finish
line at the end of the first lap. What was
the acceleration of the racecar at the
moment of crossing the finish line, in
meters per second squared? (Round to the 8
nearest hundredth.)
The family entertainment center sells a
prepaid gift card worth 10,000 tokens.
Heather and her friends can buy the prepaid
gift card using dollars at the entertainment
6 centers exchange rate with no fee, but they
As a race progresses, the racecar loses will lose any tokens left unused on the
fuel. At the end of a later lap, the racecar prepaid card at the end of the day. What is
is calculated to weigh 840 kilograms and the least number of the 10,000 tokens on the
to have an acceleration of 61.72 meters per prepaid gift card Heather and her friends
second squared. At the end of this lap, the must use for the prepaid gift card to be
total force of the racecar is what percent cheaper than buying all of the tokens with
greater than the total force of the racecar the 2% fee? (Round your answer to the
at the end of the first lap. (Note: Ignore the nearest whole number of tokens.)
percent symbol when entering your
answer. Round to the nearest tenth of a
71 71
72 72
SAT Command of Evidence
SAT Reading:
Command of Evidence
73 73
SAT Command of Evidence
Command of Evidence
On Command of Evidence questions, pick the lines with the main idea that most-closely
aligns with the answer to the previous question.
74 74
SAT Command of Evidence
Command of Evidence
On Command of Evidence questions, pick the lines with the main idea that most-closely
aligns with the answer to the previous question.
The month was September and the place was in someone come out upon it with a quick, buoyant
the neighborhood of Bridgetown, on the island of step, and then she saw him stop and gaze steadily
Barbados. The seventeenth century was not up the river. At this she turned her head, and her
Line seventeen years old, but the girl who walked slowly 45 eyes went out over the beautiful landscape and the
5 down to the river bank was three years its senior. wide terraces rising above each other towards the
She carried a fishing-rod and line, and her name sky.
was Kate Bonnet. She was a bright-faced, quick- It is astonishing how soon after this a young
moving young person, and apparently did not expect man dressed in a brown suit, and very pleasant to
to catch many fish, for she had no basket in which to 50 look upon, came rapidly walking along the river
10 carry away her finny prizes. Nor, apparently, did bank. This was Master Martin Newcombe, a young
she have any bait, except that which was upon her Englishman, not two years from his native land,
hook and which had been affixed there by one of the and now a prosperous farmer on the other side of
servants at her home, not far away. In fact, Mistress the river.
Kate was too nicely dressed and her gloves were too
15 clean to have much to do with fish or bait, but she
seated herself on a little rock in a shady spot not far
from the water and threw forth her line. Then she
gazed about her a little up the river and a bit down 3
the river. The passage suggests that Kate believes the
20 It was truly a pleasant scene which lay before her proper attitude is one of
eyes. Not half a mile away was the bridge which
gave this English settlement its name, and beyond A) thoughtfulness.
the river were woods and cultivated fields, with here B) wistfulness.
and there a little bit of smoke, for it was growing C) annoyance.
25 late in the afternoon, when smoke meant supper. D) repose.
Beyond all this the land rose from the lower ground
near the river and the sea, in terrace after terrace,
until the upper stretches of its woodlands showed
clear against the evening sky.
30 But Mistress Kate Bonnet now gazed steadily 4
down the stream, beyond the town and the bridge, Which choice provides the best evidence for
and paid no more attention to the scenery than the the answer to the previous question?
scenery did her, although one was quite as beautiful
as the other. This, she believed, was the proper A) Lines 1-3 (The monthBarbados)
35 attitude for fishing. There was a bunch of white B) Lines 20-21 (It waseyes)
flowers in the hat of the young girl. It was not a very C) Lines 26-29 (Beyondsky)
large one, and not a very small one, but of such a D) Lines 30-35 (Butfishing)
size as might be easily seen from the bridge, had
any one happened to be crossing about that time.
40 And, in fact, as the wearer of the hat and the white
flowers still continued to gaze at the bridge, she saw
75 75
SAT Command of Evidence Review
Questions 1-10 are based on the following passage. the French Revolution, Louis XVI lost his head
and Choiseul his job. The greatest haul of
In the following passage, a scholar discusses the Parthenon sculptures was to be made by British
Parthenon a Greek temple renowned for its nobleman and diplomat Thomas Bruce,
architectural beauty and the controversy 50 the Earl of Elgin, who was inadvertently to
surrounding the ancient sculptures known as the impart a new word to the French language:
Elgin Marbles that once adorned the temple. elginisme, defined as a form of vandalism
consisting of taking works of art from their
I first saw the Parthenon in 1954 from the deck countries of origin to put them in public or
of an elderly liner named the Nea Hellas as she 55 private collections.
approached the dock at Piraeus. Distance hid the Elgins initial purpose was merely to make
Line temples scars, and it had many, for it was almost drawings and plaster casts of the Parthenon
5 two and a half millennia old. It was begun in 447 Marbles to serve as models for English taste. The
BC when Athens was the leader of an alliance to person most responsible for diverting Elgins
check the ambitions of the Persian Empire. By 60 project from its original intention was his
mid-century, it was clear that Persias chaplain, Philip Hunt. A firman1 from the
expansionism was well in check, and Athens Ottoman government gave Elgins party the
10 redirected the revenues of her alliance into a explicit right to measure, draw, and make plaster
building program. The tour guides who lead the casts of the sculptures. But the final
hordes of sightseers around the Acropolis 65 controversial clauses of the firman, inspired by
nowadays like to refer to the Parthenon as the Hunt, instructed Athens authorities not to make
symbol of Athenian democracy. In fact, it is a any opposition to the taking away of some pieces
15 monument to profitable imperialism. of stone with inscriptions, and figures.
But great works of art and architecture On the basis of this vague authorization, Elgin
transcend the motives of their founders. Imperial 70 took away 247 feet of the frieze that ran round
Athens became a model for the ancient world and the outside of the cella wall, seventeen figures
remains the heartland of classical culture. The from the pediment, a caryatid from the Porch of
20 Parthenon helped guarantee that. It may not have the Maidens . . . In fact, Hunt contemplated
symbolized democracy, but it did come to symbolize taking away all of this exquisite temple, but the
what the classical heritage was all about. 75 British Navy would have had to contribute a
With the eighteenth century, the rediscovery of frigate, and no ship was to be had. Louis Fauvels
Greece began. In 1748, a British society of wagon was the only vehicle in Athens that could
25 noblemen who had visited Italy and acquired an transport heavy sculptures to the port. It was
appreciation of classical architecture commissioned 80 fortunate that the early nineteenth century did
James Stuart, a painter-architect, and Nicholas not have modern moving equipment.
Revett, an architect draughtsman, to visit Greece Elgin was not immune to the profit motive,
and produce drawings of as many of the ancient but he made no money out of the Elgin Marbles
30 monuments as they could. Stuart and Revett when he sold them in 1816 to the British
founded the Greek Revival style, which would ride 85 government. He also lost his reputation, for
the full flood of the nineteenth century which Lord Byron2 was partly responsible, for in
romanticism and, in the United States, would the controversy surrounding the removal of the
become virtually the official architecture of the Parthenon sculptures from Athens, Byrons voice
35 new republic. carried special weight. Fair Greece! sad relic of
The collectors soon followed. The French were 90 departed worth/Immortal, though no more;
in the forefront. Comte Marie-Gabriel de Choiseul though fallen, great! he wrote in Childe Harolds
Gouffler became Louis XVIs ambassador to Pilgrimage. Byron popularized what was a novel
Turkey, and his agent in Athens was Louis Fauvel, idea at the time, that a countrys art is its
40 who contrived to corner the antiquities market and heritage. Art if it is old enough consists not
imported a wagon that was the only conveyance in 95 merely of articles to be bought and sold at
Athens sturdy enough to carry off large pieces of auction. It expresses the spirit of a people.
sculpture. If all had gone smoothly, the Parthenon The question of the repatriation3 of the
Marbles, as the Greeks call them, would not be in Marbles began virtually at the same time that
45 the British Museum but in the Louvre. But with Britain decided to purchase them. In 1983, Greek
76 76
SAT Command of Evidence Review
77 77
SAT Command of Evidence Review
4 8
Which choice provides the best evidence for Which choice provides the best evidence for
the answer to the previous question? the answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 23-24 (With thebegan) A) Lines 23-24 (With thebegan)
B) Lines 36-43 (The Frenchsculpture) B) Lines 43-45 (If allLouvre)
C) Lines 45-47 (But withjob) C) Lines 85-89 (He alsoweight)
D) Lines 52-54 (The personHunt) D) Lines 92-94 (Byronheritage)
The authors description of the firman
suggests that It can be surmised from the passage that
Elgins party
A) Elgin was craftier than the Turkish
rulers suspected. A) profited handsomely from taking the
B) the Turkish rulers did not intend for Marbles.
Elgin to remove as much of the B) received strong opposition from French
Parthenon as he did. authorities.
C) eighteenth-century Athenian decrees C) were lauded as heroes upon their return
were often unclear. to Britain.
D) the original wording of the firman had D) wanted to take more material than just
been altered. the Marbles.
Which choice provides the best evidence for Which choice provides the best evidence for
the answer to the previous question? the answer to the previous question?
A) Line 36 (The collectorsfollowed) A) Lines 43-45 (If allLouvre)
B) Lines 47-55 (The greatestcollections) B) Lines 56-58 (Elginstaste)
C) Lines 65-68 (But thefigures) C) Lines 73-76 (In facthad)
D) Lines 79-81 (It wasfortunate) D) Lines 82-85 (Elgingovernment)
The author characterizes Lord Byron as
78 78
SAT Solving Non-Linear Equations
SAT Math:
Solving Non-Linear
79 79
SAT Solving Non-Linear Equations: Single Equation Questions
Identify: A question (before or after translation from a word problem) has one equals
sign and/or inequality or you are solving for the value of an equation.
1) Group like terms (variables with the same exponent and/or whole numbers).
2) Multiply by a common denominator and/or cross-multiply to remove fractions.
3) Solve for the variable.
1 3
If 6 = z and z = 4, what is the
(4x2y 2y2 + 5xy2) (x2y + xy2 5y2) value of x ?
D) 2y + 9
80 80
SAT Solving Non-Linear Equations: Systems of Equations Questions
1) Group like terms (variables with the same exponent and/or whole numbers).
2) Add or subtract given equations (if possible).
3) If you cannot add or subtract, then substitute between equations and solve.
6 8
y = ax2 + b
In the system of equations above, a
NO CALCULATOR and b are constants. Which of the
following represents a range of
3y 4x
If 2x = 6, what is the value of y ? possible real solutions of a and b ?
81 81
SAT Solving Non-Linear Equations: Rewriting Equations
Set Up: Use algebraic operations and/or substitution to convert the provided
expression into the desired equation. The phrase in terms of translates to solve
for the first variable. Thus, if a question asks to solve a in terms of b, you should solve
the equation for a. The b variable will appear on the right side of the equation.
10 12
6 1 qq
If = 3g where g 0 and f 2, F = k r12 2
2f + 1
what is g in terms of f ? Coulombs Law: At a distance, r, the
electrostatic force, F, experienced by
two objects, q1 and q2, can be
A) g = 2f + 1 measured by the above formula,
2 where k is Coulombs Law Constant.
B) g =
2f + 1
1 Which of the following equations
C) g = 2 expresses the square of the distance
1 that separates two objects in terms of
D) g = 2 f + 2 the total electrostatic force,
Coulombs Law Constant, and the
individual charges of the two objects.
If x = a2 , where a > 0 and x > 0, Fk
A) r2 = q q
which of the following equations 1 2
D) a = x4
82 82
SAT Solving Non-Linear Equations Review
1 5
In 2014 (the following season), the same
team wanted to increase its projected win
total from 2013 by 10 games (use your
rounded answer from question 6 as the
3b2 + 13 x = 8 projected win total for 2013). If the team
allowed the same number of runs in 2014 as
If b > 0 and x = 3 in the equation above, it did in 2013, how many additional runs
what is the value of b ? (compared to 2013) would it have to had
scored in 2014 to reach its desired projected
win total? (Round to the nearest whole
83 83
84 84
SAT Wordiness and Redundancy
SAT Writing:
Wordiness and
85 85
SAT Wordiness and Redundancy: Wordiness
Wordiness occurs when an underlined phrase uses more words than it needs.
Identifying Wordiness on the SAT: Look for the use of passive voice, the presence of
several two or three letter words, or the inclusion of an unnecessary ing verb.
On the SAT, if you are stuck between two or more choices, pick the answer that
has the fewest number of words.
1 3
Marcus Garvey was born in Jamaica The local football team has ardent
in 1887 and went to be in college in fans. These people show up hours
London just before World War I. before the games start and cheer
loudly from kickoff until the final
A) NO CHANGE whistle.
B) would have been in
C) attended A) NO CHANGE
D) went to attend B) fans, who go to the stadium every
C) fans, who greatly love the team.
D) fanslovers of the team.
B) as a result of the reason
C) because
D) DELETE the underlined portion.
86 86
SAT Wordiness and Redundancy: Redundancy
Common redundancies:
4 6
During the camping trip, Tom On June 6th, 1944, over 100,000
remarked that the night sky was members of the Allied forces landed
more clearer than hed ever seen it in on beaches in Northern France.
his life. Because of the bravery of the
soldiers courageous actions, the
A) NO CHANGE Allied army was able to gain a
B) clearer foothold in Europe.
C) as clear
D) DELETE the underlined portion. A) NO CHANGE
B) the brave efforts of so many
C) the brave and courageous actions
of the soldiers,
D) the soldiers courageous actions,
To monitor the inclement weather,
the school principal requested hourly
weather updates from his assistant
every 60 minutes.
B) at the top of the hour
C) as clear
D) DELETE the underlined portion.
87 87
SAT Wordiness and Redundancy Review
1 4
Environmental managers say that fire is a I would be starting college in a month and
part of maintaining the proper balance of decided that, instead of living in the stark
underbrush and new-growth trees. and unimaginative dorms, I would live in a
Moreover, they argue that smaller, historic neighborhood within walking
natural fires may prevent uncontrolled, distance of my school.
larger blazes. To some, this is just a
rhetorical debate. But to those of us who A) NO CHANGE
live with wildfires, the choice can come B) neighborhood for walking to school.
down to life or death. C) neighborhood, where walking to school
would be convenient.
A) NO CHANGE D) neighborhood by my school that I could
B) us living or dying. walk to.
C) whether we live or die.
D) us being alive afterwards, or not.
B) more land than the property covers in
the present
C) more land than the deed had originally
D) more land than granted by the deed
88 88
SAT The Essay
89 89
SAT SAT Essay Introduction
Some colleges require the SAT essay. Other colleges do not. Most colleges will accept
scores from the SAT essay even if they do not require it.
You should decide whether to take the SAT essay based on the requirements of the
colleges to which youre thinking about applying. Colleges websites will tell you
whether or not they require the SAT essay.
The grade is based on your ability to evaluate how an author makes an argument.
The SAT essay prompt will always relate to a controversial issue, and it will
provide you with a persuasive argument taking one side of that issue. An
example of a prompt is below:
Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Bryans claims,
but rather explain how Bryan builds an argument to persuade his
90 90
SAT SAT Essay Scoring
Students receive a score on a 6-24 scale, which is based upon subscores in three
domains. The SAT essay score does not affect the 400-1600 SAT composite score.
Each of the three domains is scored on a 2-8 scale (two graders give each domain a score
from 1 to 4). The maximum score that a student can receive is 24.
Evaluation of the authors use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive
elements; support for claims or points made in the response; focus on features of the text
most relevant to addressing the purpose.
Use of a central thesis; use of effective organization and progression of ideas; use of
varied sentence structures; use of consistent style and tone; command of the conventions
of standard written English.
91 91
SAT Outlining Your SAT Essay
1. Read the essay prompt The prompt is the same for each essay. The provided text will
2. Read and notate the provided text Analyze the text for the authors thesis and how
the author supports that thesis through the use of argumentative techniques.
3. Write an I-B-C - This is your brief outline. It only needs to make sense to you.
I: Introduction What is the authors thesis? What are the major argumentative
techniques used to support the thesis?
B: Body This is the meat of your essay. Jot down two or three argumentative techniques
and how the author used those techniques to support the thesis.
C: Conclusion A BRIEF wrap-up. Jot down a phrase that ties everything together
4. Write Your Essay Let your I-B-C notes be your guide. Follow traditional essay structure.
92 92
SAT Argumentative Techniques: Ethos
Argumentative Techniques
There are several categories of argumentative techniques that authors can use on the SAT
essays provided text.
Ethos, or ethical appeal, means convincing by the character and credibility of the
author to support the validity of a thesis.
Ethos Example
Dolly seems a very ordinary sheep just an amiable Finn-Dorset ewe yet as all the
world has acknowledged, if not entirely for the right reasons, she might reasonably claim to
be the most extraordinary creature ever to be born. Mammals are normally produced by the
sexual route: an egg joins with a sperm to form a new embryo. But in 1996 Keith
Campbell and I, with our colleagues at Roslin Institute and PPL, cloned Dolly from a
cell that had been taken from the mammary gland of an old ewe and then grown in culture.
We fused that cultured cell with an egg from yet another ewe to reconstruct an embryo
that we transferred into the womb of a surrogate mother, where it developed to become a
lamb. This was the lamb we called Dolly: not quite the first mammal ever to be cloned,
but certainly the first to be cloned from an adult body cell. Her birth overturns one of the
deepest dogmas in all of biology, for until the moment in February 1997 when we made her
existence known through a brief letter in the scientific journal Nature, most scientists
simply did not believe that cloning in such a way, and from such a cell, was possible.
93 93
SAT Argumentative Techniques: Logos
Logos, or logical appeal, means convincing by the use of reason to support the
validity of a thesis.
Logos Example
Over the long span of history from the founding of the nation in 1776 until
1965, immigration varied widely but averaged around 230,000 a year. This was a
phenomenal flow into a single country, unmatched in world history. It should be noted that
during large parts of that period, the United States with vast expanses of virtually open
land was much better able than today to handle 230,000 newcomers annually. Suddenly
in the 1970s and 1980s, at the very time that the majority of Americans were
coming to the conclusion that the U.S. population had grown large enough, immigration
soared above American tradition, averaging more than 500,000 a year. And it ran
around 1 million a year during the 1990s.
94 94
SAT Argumentative Techniques: Pathos
Pathos, or emotional appeal, means convincing by the use of emotion to support the
validity of a thesis.
Pathos Example
Fewer adolescences engaging in the study of the maths and sciences is a threat to
societys future well-being. This is because these pursuits are a foundation of widening
knowledge and improving the quality of life for all of mankind. As more teenagers
around the world shift their interests to the liberal arts, we threaten the emergence of a
less innovative and less productive society, where we cannot guarantee that the
lives of our children will be better than our own.
95 95
SAT Argumentative Techniques: Figurative Language
Figurative language is the use of words in figures of speech to support the validity
of a thesis.
The use of alliteration (repetition of the same initial letter or sound in a group
of words).
The use of hyperbole (dramatic exaggeration).
The use of imagery (vivid and descriptive language).
The use of metaphor (stating a fact through the use of comparison).
The use of simile (the use of like or as to compare one object to another)
The use of personification (human characteristics being given to an animal or
Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides
holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of
making us tolerant of each others storiesand even convictions. The Lawyerthe best of
old fellowshad, because of his many years and many virtues, the only cushion on deck,
and was lying on the only rug. The Accountant had brought out already a box of dominoes,
and was toying architecturally with the pieces. Marlow sat cross-legged, leaning against
the mast. He had sunken cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight back, and, with
his arms dropped, the palms of his hands outwards, resembled an idol. The
Director, satisfied the anchor had good hold, made his way forward and sat down amongst
us. We exchanged a few words lazily. Afterwards there was silence on board the yacht. For
some reason or another we did not begin that game of dominoes. We felt meditative, and fit
for nothing but placid staring.
96 96
SAT Argumentative Techniques: Sample Paragraph
97 97
SAT Argumentative Techniques: Sample Paragraph
98 98
SAT SAT Essay Example
I want to suggest this truth, that if the gold standard is a good thing we ought to
declare in favor of its retention and not in favor of abandoning it; and if the gold
standard is a bad thing, why should we wait until some other nations are willing to
help us to let it go?
Here is the line of battle. We care not upon which issue they force the fight. We are
prepared to meet them on either issue or on both. If they tell us that the gold standard
is the standard of civilization, we reply to them that this, the most enlightened of all
nations of the earth, has never declared for a gold standard, and both the parties this
year are declaring against it. If the gold standard is the standard of civilization, why,
my friends, should we not have it? So if they come to meet us on that, we can present
the history of our nation. More than that, we can tell them this, that they will search
the pages of history in vain to find a single instance in which the common people of
any land ever declared themselves in favor of a gold standard. They can find where
the holders of fixed investments have.
Mr. Carlisle said in 1878 that this was a struggle between the idle holders of idle
capital and the struggling masses who produce the wealth and pay the taxes of the
country; and my friends, it is simply a question that we shall decide upon which side
shall the Democratic Party fight. Upon the side of the idle holders of idle capital, or
upon the side of the struggling masses? That is the question that the party must
answer first; and then it must be answered by each individual hereafter. The
sympathies of the Democratic Party, as described by the platform, are on the side of
the struggling masses, who have ever been the foundation of the Democratic Party.
There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just
legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on
those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses
prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests
upon it.
99 99
SAT SAT Essay Example
I shall not slander the fair state of Massachusetts nor the state of New York by saying
that when citizens are confronted with the proposition, Is this nation able to attend to
its own business?I will not slander either one by saying that the people of those
states will declare our helpless impotency as a nation to attend to our own business. It
is the issue of 1776 over again. Our ancestors, when but 3 million, had the courage to
declare their political independence of every other nation upon earth. Shall we, their
descendants, when we have grown to 70 million, declare that we are less independent
than our forefathers? No, my friends, it will never be the judgment of this people.
Therefore, we care not upon what lines the battle is fought. If they say bimetallism is
good but we cannot have it till some nation helps us, we reply that, instead of having a
gold standard because England has, we shall restore bimetallism, and then let
England have bimetallism because the United States have.
If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing,
we shall fight them to the uttermost, having behind us the producing masses of the
nation and the world. Having behind us the commercial interests and the laboring
interests and all the toiling masses, we shall answer their demands for a gold
standard by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this
crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.
Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Bryans claims,
but rather explain how Bryan builds an argument to persuade his
100 100
SAT SAT Essay Brainstorming
Essay Brainstorming
Which of the below argumentative techniques does the author use to further his essay?
How are the techniques used in advancing his thesis?
Ethos Logos
101 101
Use your brainstorming to assist in writing your essay. Create an I-B-C outline to organize
your thoughts.
102 102
SAT SAT Essay Review #1
MR. PRESIDENT: No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as
abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But
different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it
will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do, opinions
of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and
without reserve.
Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to
shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she
transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous
struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes,
see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal
salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.
I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I
know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I
wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last
ten years, to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace
themselves, and the House? Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been
lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not
yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of
our petition comports with these war-like preparations which cover our waters and
darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?
Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to
win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war
and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask, gentlemen, sir, what
means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can
103 103
SAT SAT Essay Review #1
They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary.
But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be
when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every
house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the
means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the
delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir,
we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath
placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and
in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our
enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a
just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to
fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant,
the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to
desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in
submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the
plains of Boston! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.
It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there
is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will
bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field!
Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is
life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give
me liberty or give me death!
Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Henrys claims,
but rather explain how Henry builds an argument to persuade his
104 104
SAT SAT Essay Review #2
When a young woman graduates from college and starts looking for a job, she is likely
to have a frustrating and even demeaning experience ahead of her. If she walks into
an office for an interview, the first question she will be asked is, "Do you type?''
There is a calculated system of prejudice that lies unspoken behind that question.
Why is it acceptable for women to be secretaries, librarians, and teachers, but totally
unacceptable for them to be managers, administrators, doctors, lawyers, and Members
of Congress? The unspoken assumption is that women are different. They do not have
executive ability orderly minds, stability, leadership skills, and they are too
It has been observed before, that society for a long time discriminated against another
minority, the blacks, on the same basis - that they were different and inferior.
As a black person, I am no stranger to race prejudice. But the truth is that in the
political world I have been far oftener discriminated against because I am a woman
than because I am black.
More than half of the population of the United States is female. But women occupy
only 2 percent of the managerial positions. They have not even reached the level of
tokenism yet. No women sit on the AFL-CIO council or Supreme Court There have
107 107
SAT SAT Essay Review #2
Considering that there are about 3 1/2 million more women in the United States than
men, this situation is outrageous.
It is true that part of the problem has been that women have not been aggressive in
demanding their rights. This was also true of the black population for many years.
They submitted to oppression and even cooperated with it. Women have done the
same thing. But now there is an awareness of this situation particularly among the
younger segment of the population. As in the field of equal rights for blacks, Spanish-
Americans, the Indians, and other groups, laws will not change such deep-seated
problems overnight, but they can be used to provide protection for those who are most
abused, and to begin the process of evolutionary change by compelling the insensitive
majority to reexamine its unconscious attitudes.
It is for this reason that I wish to introduce today a proposal that has been before
every Congress for the last 40 years and that sooner or later must become part of the
basic law of the land -- the equal rights amendment.
Let me note and try to refute two of the commonest arguments that are offered against
this amendment. One is that women are already protected under the law and do not
need legislation. Existing laws are not adequate to secure equal rights for women.
Sufficient proof of this is the concentration of women in lower paying, menial,
unrewarding jobs and their incredible scarcity in the upper level jobs. If women are
already equal, why is it such an event whenever one happens to be elected to
It is obvious that discrimination exists. Women do not have the opportunities that
men do. And women that do not conform to the system, who try to break with the
accepted patterns, are stigmatized as ''odd'' and "unfeminine."
A second argument often heard against the equal rights amendment is that it would
eliminate legislation that many States and the Federal Government have enacted
giving special protection to women and that it would throw the marriage and divorce
laws into chaos.
As for the marriage laws, they are due for a sweeping reform, and an excellent
beginning would be to wipe the existing ones off the books. Regarding special
108 108
SAT SAT Essay Review #2
Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Chisholms
claims, but rather explain how Chisholm builds an argument to
persuade her audience.
109 109
112 112
SAT Transitions
SAT Writing:
113 113
SAT Transitions: Conjunctions
Transitions: Conjunctions
Conjunctions are the most common type of transition. Conjunctions can indicate agreement
(cause and effect), disagreement (contrast), or the order in which events took place.
1 3
Landslides can follow heavy rains as Adam Smith wrote, It is not from the
hillsides are stripped of trees and benevolence of the butcher, the
shrubs. These landslides can pollute brewer, or the baker, that we can
water sources and result in the loss of expect our dinner, but from their
the topsoil necessary to support new regard to their own interest. On the
growth. Instead, stripped hillsides are other hand, the butcher does not cut
extremely unstable. This can also pose meat because the community desires
a threat to homes in the area. it, but rather because he can earn
money by doing it.
B) Despite this A) NO CHANGE
C) Nevertheless B) In spite of this
D) Moreover C) In other words
D) Despite this
B) therefore,
C) however,
D) in short,
114 114
SAT Transitions: Main ideas
When a transition links sentences within a paragraph, it is essential that the transition
logically connects the main idea of one sentence to the main idea the of sentence before
and/or after it.
Identifying Transition (Main Ideas) Issues on the SAT: Look for a transition that
links two sentences within a paragraph. Does the transition logically connect the idea(s)
within each sentence?
4 6
With the recent reduction of office The internet has billions of webpages
staff, the finance team has been asked which, in total, contain more
to take on additional duties. Working information than all of the worlds
for the company, the accountants are libraries combined. Understanding
now responsible for mailing packages the need to quickly navigate all of
and restocking office supplies. these options, Larry Page and Sergey
Brin founded Google in 1998.
B) Likewise, A) NO CHANGE
C) For these reasons, B) While studying for their Masters
D) In addition to creating financial degrees at Stanford,
reports, C) Looking towards the future,
D) DELETE the underlined portion.
B) Especially popular during the
C) Although it is more expensive than
other entertainment options,
D) During periods of economic growth,
115 115
SAT Transitions Review
1 4
Although computers are used to store People with red hair have contributed a
confidential data of a political, social, or tremendous amount to society. It is thus
economic nature, our dependence on disconcerting that red hair is sometimes
computer technology may signal new risks held in low esteem. There are estimates
to match new possibilities. that red hair will be extinct by 2060.
B) Moreover
C) Despite this
D) On the contrary
B) Given that,
C) By contrast,
D) Thereafter,
116 116
SAT Solving Linear Equations
SAT Math:
Solving Linear
117 117
SAT Solving Linear Equations: Slope-Intercept Form
Solving Linear Equations: Slope-
Intercept Form (x2, y2)
(x1, y1) slope (m)
Identify: The question will give you at least y-intercept (b)
one point, a slope, and/or a y- or x-
intercept of a line. x
(0 , b)
1 3
A) 1.5
B) 1.25
C) 0.5
D) 0.75
118 118
SAT Solving Linear Equations: Slope
Set Up: The slope of a line (m) represents average (arithmetic mean) rate of change.
The y-intercept (b) represents the value of y when x equals 0.
119 119
SAT Slope
Identify: You will be given two points on a (x2, y2)
line in the xy-coordinate plane and be asked
(x1, y1) slope (m)
about the slope.
Slope Formula
change in y (rise) y2 y1
slope (m) = =
change in x (run) x2 x1
6 8
A line in a coordinate plane includes The graph of the linear function f has
points (2, b) and (12, 6). The slope of intercepts at (0, a) and (b, 0) in the xy-
the line is 0.4. What is the value of b ? plane. If a b = 0, which of the
following is true about the slope of the
graph of f ?
A) It is positive.
7 B) It is negative.
C) It equals zero.
D) It is undefined.
(4, 5)
(2, 1) (8, y)
a O
(4, 4)
120 120
SAT Solving Linear Equations Review
Questions 1, 2, and 3 relate to the Based upon the data in the graph, what
following information. would be closest to the expected velocity,
in kilometers/hour (km/hr), of a car that
6 has been traveling for 12 seconds?
Time (seconds)
A) 100 km/hr
B) 120 km/hr
3 C) 150 km/hr
2 D) 180 km/hr
0 20 40 60 80
Velocity (kilometers/hour)
Which of the following represents the In the system of linear equations below,
relationship between s and V ? a is a constant. If the system has infinite
solutions, what is the value of a ?
1 3
A) s = 15V 8x 7y = 12
1 15
B) s = V ax 7 y = 60
C) s = 15V + 5
D) s = 15V + 5
121 121
122 122
SAT Ratio, Proportion, and Unit Conversion
SAT Math:
Ratio, Proportion, and
Unit Conversion
Important Formulas
Ratio Formula Direct Proportional Relationship
One Part One Part One Part
Ratio = =
Another Part Whole Thing Whole Thing
Desired Outcomes
Probability =
Total Outcomes
123 123
SAT Ratio, Proportion, and Unit Conversion: Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Identify: If you see a question that defines a ratio and/or a proportional relationship.
Set Up: Write down the ratio and/or proportional relationship formulas and fill in
the provided information to solve the question. For proportional relationships, cross
multiply to solve for the unknown variable. Make sure your units are consistent.
1 3
The scale on a wilderness map is such Census data for two local towns was
that 0.25 inches represents 0.5 miles. If recently released. The data are shown
a trail measures 2 inches on the map, in the table below.
how many feet long is the actual trail?
Male Female Total
(1 mile = 5280 feet)
City A 2,342 4,523 6,865
City B 4,352 2,123 6,475
A) 1,320 Total 6,694 6,646 13,340
B) 5,280
C) 10,560 Based on the data, how many times as
D) 21,120 likely is it that a randomly selected
person would be a female in City A as
compared to a randomly selected
person being a female in City B?
(Round to the nearest hundredth.)
A) 0.50 times as likely
A local restaurant serves soda to B) 0.75 times as likely
customers by the pint. Each week, the C) 1.51 times as likely
restaurant receives a 20 gallon D) 2.01 times as likely
shipment of soda syrup. How many
customers can be served with this
shipment? (1 gallon = 128 ounces; 1
pint = 16 ounces)
124 124
SAT Ratio, Proportion, and Unit Conversion: Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Identify: If you see a question that defines a ratio and/or proportional relationship
between two or more things expressed with a colon.
Set Up: Represent each number in the ratio as the coefficient of a variable. Each
coefficient represents a portion of the overall total.
4 5
125 125
SAT Ratio, Proportion, and Unit Conversion: Probability
Set Up: List the elements you know, and plug them into the probability formula.
Probability Formula
Desired Outcomes
Probability =
Total Outcomes
6 7
A) 0.217
B) 0.444
C) 0.556
D) 0.783
126 126
SAT Ratio, Proportion, and Unit Conversion: Unit Conversion
Unit Conversion
Identify: You are being asked a question which asks for a conversion between different
Set Up: Use relevant conversions to cancel units between the provided unit(s) and the
desired unit(s).
8 10
Kathleen runs two miles in 13.5 A typical image taken by Erins cell
minutes. If she runs at the same rate, phone camera is 17.5 megabits in size.
which of the following is the closest to Erin can upload her photos to the
the distance she will run in 5,000 internet at a rate of 12 kilobits per
seconds? second for a maximum of 10 hours each
day. If 1 megabit equals 1,024 kilobits,
A) 7.5 miles what is the maximum number of
B) 10.0 miles typical images that Erin can upload to
C) 12.5 miles the internet each day?
D) 15.0 miles
A) 800
B) 2,780
C) 7,650
D) 12,700
127 127
SAT Ratio, Proportion, and Unit Conversion Review
1 4
A) 280
B) 320
C) 420
Jack traveled by speedboat at an average D) 520
speed of 45 miles per hour for 4.5 hours
and consumed fuel at a rate of 12 miles per
gallon. How many gallons of fuel did the
speedboat use for the entire 4.5-hour trip?
(Round to the nearest gallon.)
128 128
SAT Words in Context
129 129
SAT Words in Context (Reading)
To solve Words in Context questions, first anticipate a word or tone that fits within the
surrounding text. Then, use your anticipation to eliminate answers that do not align
with your anticipation.
130 130
SAT Words in Context (Writing)
To solve Words in Context questions, first anticipate a word or tone that fits within the
surrounding text. Then, use your anticipation to eliminate answers that do not align
with your anticipation.
131 131
SAT Words in Context Review
132 132
SAT Words in Context Review
133 133
134 134
SAT Parallelism
SAT Writing:
135 135
SAT Parallelism
Proper grammar requires that all items in a list or all related clauses be in the same
grammatical form (nouns, verbs, correlative conjunctions, etc.).
Identifying Parallelism Issues on the SAT: Look for two or more items or clauses in a
1 3
B) To withdraw money for his rent,
on Friday Steve drives to the
C) Steve drives the bank on Friday
to withdraw money for his rent.
D) Steve withdraws money from the
bank to pay his rent.
136 136
SAT Parallelism: Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions are conjunctions that come in pairs, and you have to use both of
them to maintain parallelism in a sentence.
Identifying Parallelism Issues: Correlative Conjunctions on the SAT: Look for the
below conjunctions. Do they occur in a grammatically correct pairing?
between and
both and
either or
neither nor
not but
not only but also
4 5
During the early part of the 21st Research on dinosaur fossils not only
century, companies have increasingly raises questions about the
promoted fitness for employees. In appearance of dinosaurs (feathers?
light of the resulting benefits, not wings? scales?), but also allows us to
only to employee productivity and better classify different types of
again to the bottom line of dinosaurs.
corporations in the form of reduced
health care costs, an expansion of A) NO CHANGE
these programs can be expected. B) and also allows
C) it also allows
A) NO CHANGE D) allowing
B) but it benefits
C) as also to
D) but also to
137 137
SAT Parallelism Review
1 4
In recent years, genetic modifications have Selling old items can be achieved in a
increased crop yields and enhanced the variety of ways: some people have garage
nutritional content of food on the market. sales, others are putting ads in
These developments have both newspapers, and still others choose online
revolutionized food creation and inspired auctions to clean out their basements.
ethical debates about inserting human
engineering into natural processes. A) NO CHANGE
B) they put
A) NO CHANGE C) by putting
B) and also inspired D) put
C) but also inspired
D) will inspire
The shopping malls construction is not
Increases in the stock market result from going according to plan this morning.
a healthy economy and because people are Neither the foreman or the building
confident in the government. materials has arrived on time.
B) because of the confidence B) Either the foreman or the building
C) confidence materials
D) being confident C) Either the foreman nor the building
D) Neither the foreman nor the building
B) nor return the gift
C) but return the gift
D) or to return the gift
138 138
SAT Average, Median, and Mode
SAT Math:
Average, Median,
and Mode
Important Formulas
139 139
SAT Average, Median, and Mode: Average (Arithmetic Mean)
Identify: If you see the term average (arithmetic mean) in a math question, it is an
average question.
Set Up: Immediately write down the average formula. Plug whatever information is
given in the question into the formula and solve for whatever is missing in the equation.
Repeat as necessary.
1 3
John runs the 400 meter dash for his A company receives customer
high school track team. In his first satisfaction ratings on a scale of
five races this year, John ran the 400 integers from 0 to 10, inclusive. On
meter dash in the following times: the first six surveys that the company
52.4 seconds, 54.6 seconds, 53.2 received, the average (arithmetic
seconds, 56.4 seconds, and 55.9 mean) of the ratings was 7.7. What is
seconds. What is the average time, the least rating the company can
in seconds, that Jonathan completed receive on the seventh survey and still
these five races? (Round to the be able to have an average of at least
nearest tenth of a second.) 8 for the first 10 surveys? (Round to
the nearest tenth.)
140 140
SAT Average, Median, and Mode: Median and Mode
Identify: If you see the term median or mode, it is a median and mode question.
Set Up: Median is the middle number in a set arranged from least to greatest. Mode
is/are the number(s) that appear(s) most frequently in a set.
4 5
A researcher chose 250 third graders A) Many of the boats have values
from two local towns and asked each between $85,000 and $145,000.
student how many siblings he or she B) There are a few boats that are
has. The results are shown in the table valued much less than the rest.
above. What is the median number of C) There are a few boats that are
siblings for all students surveyed? valued much more than the rest.
D) It cannot be determined from the
A) 1.5 given information.
B) 2.5
C) 3
D) 3.5
141 141
SAT Average, Median, and Mode Review
Questions 1 and 2 relate to the following NO CALCULATOR
In Jessicas bowling league, the mean
The histogram below shows the distribution of score of all female players is 185, and the
scores on a recent test. mean score of all male players is 149.
Which of the following must be true about
5 the mean score b of the combined group of
4 male and female members of the bowling
3 league?
A) b < 149
1 B) b = 167
0 C) 149 < b < 185
67 72 83 88 91 94 98 99 D) b > 185
D) 90.8 4
2 1
Which of the following is the median score 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
of the 12 students? Height (inches)
A) 85.5
B) 88.0 What is the average (arithmetic mean)
C) 89.5 height of the members of the basketball
D) 91 team? (Round to the nearest tenth of an
142 142
SAT Average, Median, and Mode Review
A) 2x + 6
B) 2x + 14
C) 4x + 7
D) 8x + 4
143 143
144 144
SAT Functions
SAT Math:
145 145
SAT Functions: f(x)
Functions: f(x)
Identify: Any question that includes function notation with numbers or variables
such as f(4), g(t), or h(6).
Set Up: The number or variable in the parentheses is the item to plug in to the function
wherever you see a variable.
1 3
q(t) = 3t + 4a
If f(x) = 2x2 + 8, what is f(3s) equal
to? In the function above, a is a constant. If
q(6) = 10, what is the value of q(9) ?
A) 12s + 8
B) 12s2 + 8
C) 18s + 8
D) 18s2 + 8
A) 3
B) 8
C) 15
D) 20
146 146
SAT Functions: f(x a)
Functions: f(x a)
Identify: Any question that includes function notation with a variable AND a
number and/or a second variable in the original function such as f(x 3), g(t + 4),
or h(a + b)
Set Up: If the original input is an equation (for example, x 1), first solve for the variable
by setting the two values in parentheses equal to one another and then input the new value
into the equation.
5 7
147 147
SAT Functions: Graphs
Functions: Graphs
Set Up: The input to the function (what is inside the parentheses) is also an x-
coordinate on the graph. The output of the function is the corresponding y-
coordinate on the graph.
y = f(x)
y = g(x)
8 10
The graph of y = f(x) is shown above. Graphs of the functions f and g are
What is f(3) ? shown in the xy-plane above. For which
of the following values of x does f(x) +
g(x) = 7 ?
A) 0
B) 1
9 C) 4
D) 5
A) g(1)
B) g(3)
C) g(5)
D) g(6)
148 148
SAT Functions: Tables
Functions: Tables
Set Up: Pick a variable (x) from the table and plug it into each of the answer
choice functions. The output value should equal the corresponding f(x) from the table.
11 12
x 2 4 6 8 x 0 1 2 3
f(x) 0 4 8 12 y 0 2 4 6
The table above gives values of the The table above gives values of the
linear function f(x) for selected linear function f(x) for selected
values of x. Which of the following values of x. Which of the following
defines f(x) ? defines y ?
A) f(x) = x + 2 A) y=x
B) f(x) = x 2 B) y = x2
C) f(x) = 2x + 2 C) y = 2x
D) f(x) = 2x 4 D) y=x+1
149 149
SAT Functions Review
1 4
If h(x) = 12x + 14, then h(13) =
15 10 5 O 5 10 15 x
The complete graph of the function f is
above. Which of the following are equal to
15 ?
If f(x 4) = 3x + 4, then f(5) =
I. f(15)
II. f(5)
A) 5
III. f(15)
B) 7
C) 23
A) II only
D) 31
B) I and II only
C) II and III only
D) I, II, and III
q 1 0 1 2
f(q) 4 2 0 2
150 150
SAT Evaluating Quantitative Information
151 151
SAT Evaluating Quantitative Information
To solve quantitative information questions, there are two things to keep in mind:
1) What is the data about?: This can be determined by answering the question
What does the header of the graphic say?
2) What does the data in the graphic show about this topic?: It is
important to look for trends in the data (When one thing increases, another
thing increases; some things are above average and some things are below
average, etc.).
Selected Occupations
Percent Increase in Employment, Projected 2015-2025
Biomedical Engineers
Physical Therapists
152 152
SAT Evaluating Quantitative Information
Figure 1 Figure 2
Human Body, Fraction of Mass by Element Human Body, Atomic Percent1
Oxygen 24%
Hydrogen 62%
Oxygen 66%
1Atomic percent gives the percentage of one kind of atom relative to the total number of atoms.
2 3
Which choice is supported by the data in Taken together, the two figures suggest
the first figure? that
153 153
SAT Evaluating Quantitative Information
B) Lincoln, Bell, Breckinridge
C) Lincoln, Breckinridge, Douglas
D) Breckinridge, Lincoln, Douglas
154 154
SAT Evaluating Quantitative Information Review
155 155
SAT Evaluating Quantitative Information Review
Figure 1 Figure 2
Zone A Zone B
20 20
Percentage of weeds killed
10 10
5 5
0 0
Untreated Treated Untreated Treated
B) Considering the results of the weeds
treated in Zone B, the results in Zone
A are likely an anomaly.
C) The weeds killed in Zone A also grew
back less quickly than the weeds killed
in Zone B.
D) This result was not replicated on the
weeds treated in Zone B.
156 156
SAT Pronouns
SAT Writing:
157 157
SAT Pronouns: Singular vs. Plural
Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Pronouns are used to reduce the amount
of repetition in a sentence.
A pronoun error on the SAT is to have a singular subject paired with a plural
pronoun or a plural subject paired with a singular pronoun.
Identifying Singular vs. Plural Pronoun Issues on the SAT: Look for an underlined
pronoun in the sentence. To check for singular vs. plural agreement, find the noun
which the pronoun in replacing. Is the noun singular or plural? Does the pronoun
1 3
B) its B) it improve
C) there C) they improve
D) his or her D) they improves
Many towns have started to install
cameras on highways to improve
safety. However, some studies indicate
that instead of these cameras
improving safety, they actually
increase the number of accidents.
B) they actually increases
C) it actually increases
D) it actually increase
158 158
SAT Pronouns: Personal Pronouns
Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Pronouns are used to reduce the amount
of repetition in a sentence.
A pronoun error on the SAT is to switch between the types of personal pronouns (1st,
2nd, and 3rd person pronouns).
Identifying Personal Pronoun Issues on the SAT: Look for one or you in the
sentence. A sentence can use one (3rd personal pronoun) or you (2nd person pronoun), but
cannot switch between them.
4 6
B) you must firstly B) hurt oneself,
C) you must first C) hurt yourself:
D) they must first D) hurt yourself,
B) you must be allowing
C) one must allow
D) we must allow
159 159
SAT Pronouns: Possessive Pronouns
Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Pronouns are used to reduce the amount
of repetition in a sentence.
Identifying Possessive Pronoun Issues on the SAT: Look for pronouns that indicate
possession in the sentence (my, her, your, their). Are they aligning with the subject
We, our, and ourselves are only valid when the writer is part of the group being
7 9
B) there
C) their
D) its
160 160
SAT Pronouns: Pronoun Case
Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Pronouns are used to reduce the amount
of repetition in a sentence.
A pronoun error on the SAT is to have two pronouns, or a pronoun next to a noun, in
a sentence while misusing one, or both, of the words.
Identifying Pronoun Case Issues on the SAT: Look for two underlined pronouns
or a pronoun next to a noun. To check usage, read the sentence twice and plug in one
subject each time. Use your grammar ear to identify errors.
10 12
B) he and her were
C) her and him were
D) he and she were
161 161
SAT Pronouns: Unclear Pronoun Subject
Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Pronouns are used to reduce the amount
of repetition in a sentence.
Identifying Unclear Pronouns Subject Issues on the SAT: Look for an underlined
pronoun. Is the pronoun replacing a noun? Is there vagueness about which noun the
pronoun is replacing?
13 15
Death Valley is located in the east- After adjusting the data, the mortar
central part of California, and is part revealed that the Pyramid must have
of the larger Mojave Desert. It was been built between 3100 B.C. and
named by miners who were heading 2850 B.C., with an average date of
west during the 1849 California gold 2977 B.C. This discovery was
rush. Many miners died trying to controversial because it suggested
cross it. that the structure was built more
than 400 years earlier than most
A) NO CHANGE archeologists originally believed.
B) the valley
C) over A) NO CHANGE
D) OMIT the underlined portion B) these dates
C) it was
D) they
B) its
C) my fathers
D) my
162 162
SAT Pronouns Review
1 4
When a teenager moves out of their Because computer science jobs will become
parents house to attend college, the so prevalent during our lifetimes, students
parents often feel a mixture of joy and should be required to learn computer
sadness upon realizing that their child has programming before they graduate high
become an adult. school.
B) its B) ones
C) theyre C) his or her
D) his or her D) their
2 5
In 1689, France held many settlements When a massive star dies its core collapses
that lay north of the English colonies, but on itself, greatly increasing its density.
they also claimed southern land in the
Mississippi River Valley. A) NO CHANGE
B) its
A) NO CHANGE C) the cores
B) they also claim D) OMIT the underlined portion
C) it also claimed
D) it also claims
B) my sister and I
C) my sister and me
D) her and I
163 163
164 164
SAT Verbs
SAT Writing:
165 165
SAT Verbs: Subject-Verb Agreement
In proper grammar, singular subjects are paired with singular verbs and plural subjects are
paired with plural verbs.
Identifying Subject-Verb Agreement Issues on the SAT: Look for an underlined verb
in the sentence. To check for subject and verb agreement, place the verb and its
subject directly next to each other, read them together, and check using your
grammar ear.
1 3
B) are notable for its
C) is notable for their
D) is notable for its
166 166
SAT Verbs: Tense
Verbs: Tense
In proper grammar, verb tense must align with the tense of the surrounding text.
Identifying Verb Tense Issues on the SAT: Look for an underlined verb in the sentence.
When checking tense alignment, look for descriptive text (ending in 1994) and
the tense of surrounding verbs to indicate the tense of the sentence.
4 6
The Beatles were one of the worlds The documentary of the 2010
most popular musical groups until championship shows the final, tense
internal discord drove the members moments of the game. The rabid fans
apart; the band breaks up in 1970. cheer as the captain walked to the
free throw line to attempt the
A) NO CHANGE winning shots.
B) had broken up
C) broke up A) NO CHANGE
D) breaking up B) had walked
C) would walk
D) walks
B) was considered
C) would be considered
D) has been considered
167 167
SAT Verbs Review
1 4
Edward Abbeys essays earn him praise as The class of students were excited when
a leading American environmentalist Mr. Smith said they would be watching a
during the late 1960s, a period during movie.
which he wrote prolifically.
A) NO CHANGE B) was excited
B) earned him praise C) is excited
C) have earned him praise D) are excited
D) would earn him praise
There is an ongoing disagreement between
All cells, even the specialized cells in a those who want to actively manage the
large, multi-cellular creature, have several environment and those who believe that
things in common. For example, all cells humans should take a hands off
are composed of approximately 90% water. approach. For example, some people
A thin, protective covering called a advocate active management of forests
membrane enclosing every cell. that include removing trees and brush to
prevent wildfires.
B) enclose A) NO CHANGE
C) encloses B) includes
D) encloses with C) will include
D) including
B) was available
C) have been available
D) has been available
168 168
SAT Quadratics and Polynomials
SAT Math:
Quadratics and
Important Formulas
Quadratic Formula
b b 4ac
169 169
SAT Quadratics and Polynomials: Quadratics
Identify: Look for a quadratic equation or binomials (two things in parentheses being
multiplied together).
Set Up: Keep the FOIL rules in mind: First, Outer, Inner, Last.
1 3
A) 3 and 4
B) 6 and 12
C) 17 and 18
D) 24 and 36
4x4 + 16x2y2 + 16y4
A) (2x2 + 4y2)2
B) (2x + 4y)4
C) (4x2 + 2y2)2
D) (4x + 2y)4
170 170
SAT Quadratics and Polynomials: Polynomial Division
Set Up: When dividing, focus on the left-most part of the divisor. This is the part of
the equation that will go into the dividend.
4 5
3x 4 12x2 12x + 20
The expression x + 2 is equivalent The expression = 6x
ax + 2
to which of the following? 44
12 + ax + 2 is true for all values of
10 2
A) 3x x + 2 x a, where a is a constant. What is
10 the value of a ?
B) 3x +
10 A) 12
C) 3 + x + 2 B) 2
C) 2
10 D) 12
D) 3 x + 2
171 171
SAT Quadratics and Polynomials: Polynomial Factors
6 8
A) x
B) x+4
C) x4
D) x8
A) C)
B) D)
172 172
SAT Quadratics and Polynomials: Polynomial Solving - Quadratic Formula
Set Up: If possible, convert the equation into the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 and then plug the
given information into the Quadratic Formula.
Quadratic Formula
b b 4ac
A zero (or root) of a polynomial function is a number that, when plugged in for the
variable, makes the function equal to zero.
9 10
1 g2 + 4b
B) 2g 2
1 g2 + 4b
C) 4g 2
1 g2 + 16b
D) 4g 2
173 173
SAT Quadratics and Polynomials: Polynomial Solving - Completing the Square
Identify: A question which requires finding the solutions to a polynomial equation with
complex factors.
Step 2: Move the number term to the right side of the equation.
Step 3: Take half of the coefficient(s) of the variable term(s), and then square this/these
number(s). Add this/these square(s) to both sides of the equation. Convert the left-hand side to
squared form, and simplify the right-hand side.
Step 4: Rewrite the equation in the desired form (equation of a circle, vertex of a parabola, etc.).
11 12
A) y = 8(x + 2)2 + (18)
B) y = 8(x 2)2 + (18)
1 18
C) y = 4(x 2)2 + ( 4 )
D) y = (x 4)(x 2)
174 174
SAT Quadratics and Polynomials: Higher-Order Equations
Identify: A question will involve the solution to a polynomial formula where the
highest power is greater than 2.
Set Up: If the highest power is even, let x2 = a, solve for a, then replace a with x2 and
solve to get the answers to the original equation. If the highest power is odd, factor out
an x, and then follow the steps for an even power.
A zero (or root) of a polynomial function is a number that, when plugged in for the
variable, makes the function equal to zero. A polynomial of degree n will have n roots,
some of which may be multiple roots (they repeat).
13 14
175 175
SAT Quadratics and Polynomials Review
1 5
A) 8 x + 4
2 38
B) 8
2x2 3x 2 = 0
C) 8 +
If a and b are two solutions of the equation x+4
above, and a > b, which of the following is 38
the value of a + b ? D) 8 +
x2 + y2 10x + 8y = 59
The equation of a circle in the xy-plane is
If x + 6 is a factor of x2 + bx + b, where b is
shown above. What is the area of the
a constant, what is the value of b ?
A) 100
B) 1,000
C) 2,500
D) 10,000
176 176
SAT Analyzing Multiple Texts
SAT Reading:
Analyzing Multiple Texts
177 177
SAT Analyzing Multiple Texts
Identifying and Analyzing Multiple Texts Questions on the SAT: One SAT reading
portion is comprised of two passages which are followed by questions that relate to both
Approaching Multiple Texts on the SAT: Multiple texts selections on SAT Reading
always share a common theme/topic, with each passage having a different
perspective on that theme/topic. A Venn Diagram can help to organize this information
for making anticipations.
Solving Multiple Texts Questions on the SAT: There are four steps to solving Multiple
Texts questions on the SAT.
2) Anticipate an answer to the question. How would YOU answer the question? Use the
notes you took while reading!
3) Eliminate answers that are clearly incorrect. Answers are clearly incorrect because
they do not align with your anticipation!
4) Make a decision among whatever choices remain. Avoid answers with absolute
language and/or non-relevant information.
178 178
SAT Analyzing Multiple Texts
Identifying and Analyzing Multiple Texts Questions on the SAT: One SAT reading
portion is comprised of two passages which are followed by questions that relate to the
Analyzing Multiple Texts Strategy: After reading each individual passage, stop and
answer only the questions that relate to that passage. After answering all questions
that relate to only one passage, then answer the questions that refer to both
Passage 1
179 179
SAT Analyzing Multiple Texts
Identifying and Analyzing Multiple Texts Questions on the SAT: One SAT reading
portion is comprised of two passages which are followed by questions that relate to the
Analyzing Multiple Texts Strategy: After reading each individual passage, stop and
answer only the questions that relate to that passage. After answering all questions
that relate to only one passage, then answer the questions that refer to both
Passage 1
180 180
SAT Analyzing Multiple Texts Review
These passages present two perspectives on the multimillionaire beachfront property owners. The
issue of sand erosion and beach replenishment in sand replenishment project protects the real estate
California. value of residential and business properties along
45 the shoreline, but does little to profit the ocean
Passage 1 environment and the community at large.
Landlords must make a decision: pass this ballot
Responsibilities pertaining to property and land measure to obtain their sand and keep their renters,
use are agreed upon within a signed, binding or let the ballot measure fail and watch their
contract. While it is fathomable that a disagreement 50 renters dissipate like the sand.
Line with the owner of an adjacent property may occur, a
5 difficulty arises in defining the party liable for Passage 2
necessary maintenance when said disagreement is
over the deterioration of a naturally occurring, Consequentialism refers to those moral theories
communally owned parcel, such as a beach. In which hold that the consequences of a particular
California, the coastal city of Encinitas is slowly action form the basis for any valid moral judgment
10 watching its shoreline wash away. The beach has a about that action. Thus, from a consequentialist
massive sand deficit with over 100,000 cubic yards 55 standpoint, a morally right action is one that
of sand lost on an annual basis. The sand erosion is produces a good outcome, or consequence. In its
a natural occurrence, but beachfront property simplest terms, the end justifies the means. In
owners and the city government are attempting to Encinitas, California, environmentalists and city
15 fight mother nature with a sand replenishment officials agree upon the desired end, but cannot
project. This involves dredging up 2 million cubic 60 agree upon the means to bring it about. At issue is
yards of sand from the ocean bottom at a cost of $25 the sand replenishment project on the November
million. ballot. Because of sand erosion, the bluffs along the
To raise the requisite $25 million, a transient citys coastline have been collapsing for seven
20 occupancy tax is being proposed on the November years, hurting beachgoers, with one incident
ballot. It would increase the 10% tax on motel rooms 65 resulting in death. In an attempt to resolve this
and other short-term vacation rentals to 13%, crisis, a sand replenishment project is being
dedicating the extra 3% entirely to the sand debated by the general public, but the devil is in
replenishment project. Motel and vacation rental the details. Most agree that the eroding beach
25 owners argue that if vacation renters are asked to needs to be replenished, but to what degree
pay higher fees, it will make vacation rentals 70 depends upon the negative environmental impact
unaffordable and out of reach for many tourists, one is willing to accept. It is the modus operandi of
especially in a stagnant economy. They contend that the project that could lead to varying degrees of
if the renters dont come to Encinitas, then theyll environmental degradation. The short-term
30 spend their money on vacations elsewhere, causing incontestable result is that further erosion of the
the regional economy to suffer as well. But it is not 75 70-foot-tall bluffs will be abated, resulting in the
clear how likely this outcome is. Vacationers who preservation of bluff-top homes above and the
are already accustomed to paying $3,000 a week in protection of pedestrians on the beach below. Aside
rent, plus a $300 tax, are unlikely to be dissuaded from the natural ebb and flow of the beachfront,
35 by an extra $90, especially considering that the the man-made causes for the beachs erosion are
ancillary capital will keep their favorite vacation 80 coastal development, the damming of rivers, sand-
spot in pristine condition year after year. mining operations, jetty construction, harbor
The other alternative would be to share the cost dredging, and seawalls.
of the sand replenishment project through local, The citys rejoinder is to deposit a substantial
40 state, and federal funds, but that would turn the amount of sand onto the beach once every few
project into a public welfare program for 85 years, combined with the building of artificial reefs
181 181
SAT Analyzing Multiple Texts Review
Which choice does the author of Passage 1 A) allow for the creation of more natural
explicitly cite as something that influences the habitats.
behavior of vacationers? B) trivialize the danger of beach erosion.
C) not impact the environment in any way.
A) Eroded beaches D) be a better response to the problem than
B) Increased costs trying to eliminate the causes of erosion.
C) Weather
D) The national economy
3 Which choice provides the best evidence for the
answer to the previous question?
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
answer to the previous question? A) Lines 51-54 (Consequentialismaction)
B) Lines 77-82 (Asideseawalls)
A) Lines 12-16 (The sandproject) C) Lines 83-86 (The cityserosion)
B) Lines 24-28 (Moteleconomy) D) Lines 99-104 (The meansenjoy)
C) Lines 42-46 (The sandlarge)
D) Lines 47-50 (Landlordssand)
182 182
SAT Analyzing Multiple Texts Review
8 10
The passages can both be best described as In both passages, the authors indicate that
beach replenishment is
A) explanations of a problem.
B) stories of human peril. A) a struggle against nature.
C) illustrations of a commonly held belief. B) an economic crisis.
D) introductions into natural phenomena. C) a battle between government and
D) an important civic duty.
183 183
184 184
SAT Prepositions
SAT Writing:
185 185
SAT Prepositions
Prepositions are words that combine with a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun to show its
relationship to another word in the sentence.
Identifying Preposition Issues on the SAT: Look for a noun paired with an improper
preposition. Use your grammar ear to help determine if the preposition is correct.
1 3
Intense family feuds were common in As many students before him, Alan
the United States during the 19th arrived at college feeling a
century. A particularly well-known combination of nervousness and
dispute was among the Hatfield and excitement.
McCoy families.
B) within C) Like
C) throughout D) DELETE the underlined portion.
D) between
B) with them
C) for him
D) for them
186 186
SAT Prepositions Review
1 4
When dropping a piece of sodium into Erik put a lot of effort into planning his
water, it is important to wear goggles and date with Michele, so he was relieved
stand behind a safety shield. This when she responded positively for the
protection is needed because the quiche he made for the occasion.
interaction between the two substances
can cause an explosion. A) NO CHANGE
B) in
B) between D) with
C) within
D) OMIT the underlined part
B) in the
C) that
D) that the
187 187
188 188
SAT Adjectives and Adverbs
SAT Writing:
Adjectives and Adverbs
189 189
SAT Adjectives and Adverbs
Adjectives are words or phrases that modify (describe) nouns and pronouns.
Adverbs modify (describe) everything but nouns and pronouns (adjectives, verbs,
other adverbs).
Identifying Adverb Issues on the SAT: Look for adjectives describing words or phrases
that are not nouns or pronouns, or for adverbs describing words or phrases that are not
verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
1 3
Hoping for a peaceful day at the Sarah and Steve were transfixed by
aquarium, the parents beseeched their the sunset: it was deeply red and it
young son to behave mature like the stretched across the horizon.
older children.
A) NO CHANGE B) deep red
B) behaves mature C) so deeply red
C) behave maturely D) deeper red
D) behaving maturely
B) repeated interruption
C) repeatedly interruption of
D) repeatedly interrupting
190 190
SAT Adjectives and Adverbs Review
1 4
The apartment building, located in an area of The tortoise demonstrated that even if you
the city known for its beautiful murals, offers move very slow, with enough ingenuity you
affordable housing in a cultural diverse can still win the race.
A) NO CHANGE B) very slower
B) cultural so diverse C) very slowly
C) cultural; diverse D) very slowest
D) culturally diverse
Jeffrey was running behind schedule, so he
Ryan tackled the problem deftly, employing had to eat fast and to dress with haste in
the skills he had learned in the armed forces. order to make it on time.
B) fast B) eat fast and to dress with haste
C) with deftness C) eat quickly and dress hastily
D) with much deftness D) eat fast and to dress hastily
B) to be meticulous
C) with meticulousness
D) meticulously
191 191
192 192
SAT Circles
SAT Math:
Important Formulas
Area Formula Circumference Formula
Area = r2 Circumference = 2r
193 193
SAT Circles: Area and Circumference
Circumference = 2r
1 3
A) 12
B) 36
C) 48
D) 72
194 194
SAT Circles: Arc and Sector
4 6
A) 15
B) 30
C) 45
D) 60 In the figure above, the circle has
center O and has radius 12. If the
length of arc NM is between 8 and 9,
not inclusive, what is one possible
integer value of x ?
195 195
SAT Circles: Chords
Circles: Chords
Pythagorean Theorem
a2 + b2 = c2
7 8
The area of the above circle is 256, the The circle above has a radius of r
distance from point C to point D is 12, inches, and chord CD is parallel to
and AB is the circles longest chord. the diameter AB. If the length of CD
What is the distance from point D to
point A ? is 37 of the length of AB, what is the
distance between the chord and the
A) 16
diameter in terms of r ? (Round to
B) 16 2
C) 20 the nearest hundredth.)
D) 20 2
A) 0.43r
B) 0.57r
C) 0.76r
D) 0.90r
196 196
SAT Circles Review
1 4
In a circle with a radius of 20 inches, what
x2 + y2 6x 10y = 30
is the area of a sector of the circle with a
central angle measure of 144 ?
The equation of a circle in the xy-plane is
shown above. What is the area of the
A) 40
B) 100
C) 144
A) 46
D) 160
B) 64
C) 144
D) 286
In a circle with a diameter of inches,
what is the length, in inches, of an arc of
the circle with a central angle measure of
45 ?
A) 4
B) 8
C) 4(1 + 2)
D) 32(1 + 2)
197 197
198 198
SAT Triangles
SAT Math:
Important Formulas
Area Formula Pythagorean Theorem
1 a2 + b2 = c2
Area = bh
Rule of 180
a c
a + b + c = 180
199 199
SAT Triangle Basics
Triangle Basics
1. In all triangles, the biggest side is opposite the biggest angle. The same is true
for the smallest side being opposite the smallest angle.
3. The sum of ANY two sides of a triangle MUST be greater than the third side.
4. The AREA of any triangle is 2(base)(height) .
NO equal sides, NO equal angles TWO equal sides, TWO equal angles
are always opposite the
x x
THREE equal sides, THREE equal angles
Each angle
is always
60 60
Similar Triangles
Similar triangles have the same angle measures, which means that corresponding side
lengths are proportional.
B If: Then:
b a=d
b=e A B C
= =
c =f D E F
a c d f
200 200
SAT Triangles: Angles (Rule of 180)
Rule of 180
a + b + c = 180
1 2
201 201
SAT Triangles: Area
Triangles: Area
3 4
202 202
SAT Triangles: Side Lengths (Pythagorean Theorem)
5 6
In the right triangle above, if y = 12, In pentagon ABCDE above, what is the
what is the value of x? value of y ?
A) 5 A) 57
B) 9 B) 73
C) 13 C) 87
D) 15 D) 95
203 203
SAT Triangles: Special Right Triangles
Identify: If you see a right triangle with the angles 30-60-90 or 45-45-90.
Set Up: Use special right triangle ratios to solve the problem.
30-60-90 45-45-90
60 2x 45
x 2
x x
30 45
x 3 x
7 8
A) 30
B) 45
C) 60
D) 90
204 204
SAT Triangles: Similar Triangles
Set Up: If triangles have similar angle measures, then their side lengths are
In the circle shown above, E is the In the figure above, if the legs of
center and lies on AD and CB. Which triangle EFG are parallel to the axes,
of the following statements is true? which of the following could be the
lengths of the sides of EFG ?
A) AEB measures 54
B) AB is parallel to CD A) 4, 8, and 4 5
C) AB BE B) 4, 6, and 2 13
D) CD AE C) 6, 8, and 10
D) 6, 8, and 14
205 205
SAT Triangles Review
1 3
206 206
SAT Quadrilaterals and Polygons
SAT Math:
Quadrilaterals and
Important Formulas
Area Formula Perimeter Formula Angle Relationship
Area = bh Perimeter = 2b + 2h x y
(In a square, b and h are equal) (In a square, b and h are equal)
x + y = 180
y x
Area Formula Angle Relationship
b1 + b2 x
Area = ( 2 )h
x + y = 180
Sum of Interior Angles = 180 (n 2)
n = number of sides
207 207
SAT Quadrilaterals and Polygons: Rhombus Questions
Set Up: Write down the appropriate formula(s) and/or relationship(s) to find the
missing information.
1 3
2 A) 2 2
B) 4
C) 4 2
D) 8
208 208
SAT Quadrilaterals and Polygons: Trapezoid Questions
Identify: Any question that references the area and/or angles of a trapezoid.
Set Up: Write down the appropriate formula and/or relationship to find the missing
5 7
209 209
SAT Quadrilaterals and Polygons: Polygons
Identify: Look for regular shapes with more than four sides. Regular shapes have
sides that are all equal and interior (inside) angles that are all equal.
Set Up: For area problems, try to break the polygon into smaller figures such as
triangles. For angle problems, use the Sum of Interior Angles formula.
8 10
210 210
SAT Polygons and Quadrilaterals Review
1 5
2 K
A) 5
B) 5
C) 0
D) 5
The lengths of two opposing sides of a
square are decreased by 40 percent. By
what percent would the lengths of the
other two sides have to be increased so
that the area of the new figure (a
rectangle) is the same as the area of the
original square? (Round to the nearest
211 211
212 212
SAT Lines and Angles
SAT Math:
Lines and Angles
Important Formulas
Rule of 180
x z
x + y + z = 180
213 213
SAT Intersecting Lines
1 2
A) k+n+r
B) k+p+s
C) n+p+s
D) n+p+t
214 214
SAT Rule of 180
3 4
A) x
B) 4x
C) 180 x
D) 360 4x
215 215
SAT Lines and Angles Review
1 3
A) 21.5
B) 22
C) 23
D) 23.5
I. j = l
2 II. k = z
III. l = z
A) I and II only
B) I and III only
C) II and III only
D) I, II, and III
A) 140
B) 180
C) 220
D) Cannot be determined
216 216
SAT Word Choice
SAT Writing:
Word Choice
217 217
SAT Word Choice: Frequently Confused Words
An error on the SAT is to use a word that sounds similar to a word that works in the
context of the sentence, but has a different meaning.
Identifying Frequently Confused Words Issues on the SAT: Look for words that have
homophones which may confuse your grammar ear.
1 3
With the increased risk resulting from A noteworthy effect of the Supreme
easily accessible digital resources, Courts ruling is that the government
schools have required students to be can no longer restrict the amount of
more diligent in siting their sources. money companies donate to Political
Action Committees.
B) siting his or her sources A) NO CHANGE
C) citing their sources B) An important affect
D) citing his or her sources C) One effect significantly
D) One significant affect
B) excepted then
C) accepted than
D) accepted then
218 218
SAT Word Choice: Inconsistent Tone and/or Style
Identifying Inconsistent Tone and/or Style Issues on the SAT: Inconsistencies can
include the use of vague language, overly informal language, colloquialisms, or jargon
(vocabulary of a particular group).
4 6
B) slash traffic delays
C) lead to plummeting commute
D) mitigate traffic issues
219 219
SAT Word Choice Review
1 4
After the great winter storm of 1992, While historically the Chinese economy
sidewalks and roadways were slick for a has not had an affect on Western stock
prolonged stretch of time. The newscasters prices, increasing globalization makes this
on all stations warned viewers to precede no longer the case.
with caution.
A) NO CHANGE B) significant effect
B) precede with caution C) effect
C) proceed in caution D) affected
D) proceed with caution
Upon arriving at the scene, the firefighter
Even though Americans may hold their found the residences engulfed in flames
noses at lobbyists, interest groups have and the surrounding homes at imminent
considerable influence over public policy. danger.
B) profoundly distaste B) in imminent
C) dislike C) at eminent
D) unanimously oppose D) in eminent
B) shouting out
C) expressing their disgust
D) upset
220 220
SAT Statistics
SAT Math:
Important Formulas
Exponential Growth Exponential Growth
(Non-Doubling) (Doubling) Exponential Decay
y = C(1 + r)t y = a(2) b y = C(1 r)t
221 221
SAT Statistics: Exponential Growth and Exponential Decay
Set Up: Write down the exponential growth and/or exponential decay formula and
plug in the given information to solve for the unknown quantity.
Exponential Growth (Non-Doubling) Exponential Growth (Doubling) Exponential Decay
y = C(1 + r)t y = a(2) b y = C(1 r)t
y = Final Amount y = Final Amount y = Final Amount
C = Initial amount x = Duration C = Initial amount
r = Rate of Change a = Original Amount r = Rate of Change
t = Time b = Doubling Time t = Time
1 3
222 222
SAT Statistics: Interpreting Charts and Graphs
Identify: The question will describe a survey, poll, experiment, or other situation,
using a chart, table, and/or graph.
Set Up: Review the titles of any tables, and the headings of any axes. Make sure that
you are using data from the correct location(s).
4 5
10 1000
Stock Price
0 500
223 223
SAT Statistics: Line of Best Fit
Identify: A question will reference the line of best fit for a given collection of data
(usually arranged in a scatter plot).
Set Up: The line of best fit is a line on a graph that shows the general direction that a
group of points seems to be heading. The slope (rise over run) of a line of best fit
describes the trend of the collected data.
1300 problem?
1000 A) The predicted average increase in
900 SAT score for every day increase of
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
B) The predicted increase in days
Days Studied
studied for each additional average
point scored on the SAT.
Ben works as a SAT tutor on
C) The predicted number of days
weekends during the summer.
studied for a student who receives
The scatterplot above shows the
a score of 850.
relationship between the average SAT
D) The predicted average SAT score
score and the total number of days
for a student who studied for 12
studied for each of Bens students.
The line of best fit is also shown.
Based on the line of best fit to the
data shown, which of the following
Based on the line of best fit to the values is closest to the average
data shown, which of the following is increase in SAT score for each
closest to the average SAT score for a additional day studied?
student who studied for 21 days?
A) 5
A) 1050 B) 15
B) 1150 C) 30
C) 1250 D) 50
D) 1350
224 224
SAT Statistics: Surveys, Research, and Margin of Error
Identify: A question will reference some form of data collection and/or the terms
margin of error, sample/sample error, or association.
Set Up: To decrease the margin of error (the amount of random sampling error) or increase
the association (the strength of the connection between different data points) in the results
of a survey, additional information must align with the population in the original
9 10
225 225
SAT Statistics: Standard Deviation
Identify: The question or the answers will reference the term standard deviation.
Set Up: In a data set, a small standard deviation means that the values in the data set are,
on average, close to the mean of the data set, and a large standard deviation means that the
values in the data set are, on average, further away from the mean.
11 12
Which of the following is true about the Which of the following is true about the
data shown for these two surveys? data shown for these two classes?
226 226
SAT Statistics Review
Questions 3 and 4 relate to the
Number of Horseshoe Crabs
30 following information.
20 Chelsea runs Chelseas Freezee Popsicle
15 Emporium, which sells Freezee Pops
10 during the summertime. The scatterplot
5 below shows the relationship between the
0 temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, and
the number of Pops sold on a given day
last summer.
The line graph above shows the number of 100
horseshoe crabs counted along the ocean
Pops Sold
during a given week in Capital City.
According to the graph, what was the
greatest decrease in the number of 40
horseshoe crabs counted between two 20
consecutive days? 0
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94
A) 10 crabs
Temperature (Degrees Fahrenheit)
B) 12 crabs
C) 13 crabs
D) 14 crabs 3
Based on the line of best fit for the data
(not shown), which of the following is
closest to the number of Pops sold on a day
Total Packages Sold
227 227
SAT Statistics Review
5 7
A) f(b) = 550(0.73)b A)
B) f(b) = 550(0.27)b
C) f(b) = 0.73(550)b
D) f(b) = 0.27(550)b
228 228
SAT Graphing
SAT Math:
Important Formulas
Center: (h, k)
Radius: r
If: a > 0; parabola opens up (u-shaped). If: a < 0; parabola opens down (n-shaped)
x-coordinate of the vertex (highest or lowest point of the curve): 2a
A parabolas axis of symmetry passes vertically through the vertex.
229 229
SAT Graphing: Circles
Graphing: Circles
(x, y)
Identify: Look for questions that reference the
(h, k)
graphing formula of a circle.
Set Up: Plug in the elements from the question
into the circle equation.
Circle Graphing Equation
Circle Equation: (x h)2 + (y k)2 = r2
Center: (h, k)
Radius: r
1 3
A) x2 + y2 = 24
B) (x + y)2 = 24
C) x2 + y2 = 2882
D) x + y = 2882
230 230
SAT Graphing: Parabolas
Vertex: (h, k)
4 5
A) y = 2x2 + 4x + 48
B) y = 2(x 2) 48 Which of the following is an
C) y = 2(x 1)2 + (50) equivalent form of the equation of the
D) y = (x 2)(2x 4) graph shown in the xy-plane above,
from which the coordinates of the
vertex A can be identified as
constants in the equation.
A) y = (x + 2)2 + 2x
B) y = (x + 2)2 + 2
C) y = (x 2)2 + 2
D) y = (x 2)2 + 2
231 231
SAT Graphing Review
1 3
A) 4a
B) 2a
C) 6a
D) 10a
A) y = (x 3)3 + (48)
B) y = 3(x 3)2 + ( )
D) y = (x + 6)(3x 6)
232 232
SAT Interpreting Equations
SAT Math:
Interpreting Equations
233 233
SAT Interpreting Equations: Linear Equations
Identify: A question asks about an equation model that can be written in the form
y = mx + b.
Set Up: Identify the units represented by x and y (the answer must relate to these
units) and then plug numbers in for x to identify trends in the data.
1 2
234 234
SAT Interpreting Equations: Non-Linear Equations
Set Up: Translate the information in question into a formula on your own and
then compare your equation to the one given. If there are two things performing a
task at rates that are different magnitudes (one thing is twice as fast as the other, for
example), then the faster thing is represented by a variable and the slower thing is
represented by a multiple of that variable.
3 4
1 1 1 1 1 1
12 + 8 = t 12 + 8 = t
John is currently using two computers John is currently using two computers
to help him solve a complicated to help him solve a complicated
equation. One of the computers can equation. One of the computers can
solve the problem in twelve hours and solve the problem in twelve hours and
the other computer can solve the the other computer can solve the
problem in eight hours. The equation problem in eight hours. The equation
above describes the situation. Which above describes the situation. Which of
1 1
of the following describes what 12 the following describes what t
represents in this equation? represents in this equation?
235 235
SAT Interpreting Equations Review
1 3
Emily receives a bonus from her company Timothy shovels driveways during the
each time she sells a convertible. This winter. If Timothys payment for each
bonus is added to a flat annual salary driveway shoveled is modeled by the
which Emily receives regardless of the equation P = 20 + 10h , where h represents
number of convertibles she sells. Emilys time spent shoveling, in hours, which of
overall income is modeled by the equation the following statements is true?
I = 750c + 30,000, where c represents the
number of convertibles that Emily sells. A) For every increase in shoveling of ten
hours, Timothy receives 10 more
Which of the following statements is true? dollars in payment.
B) For every increase in shoveling of ten
A) For every convertible that Emily sells, hours, Timothy receives 10 less dollars
she receives an additional 30,000 in payment.
dollars. C) For every increase in shoveling of one
B) Emily must sell 750 convertibles to hour, Timothy receives 10 more dollars
receive a bonus. in payment.
C) Emily will receive a minimum of 750 D) For every increase in shoveling of one
dollars. hour, Timothy receives 10 less dollars
D) For every convertible Emily sells, she in payment.
will receive a bonus of 750 dollars.
1 2 1
+ =
A moving company estimates the price of a John and Jim are working together to
move, in dollars, using the expression 500 move a pile of mulch onto their mothers
+ 20ab, where a is the number of movers flower bed. John can shovel half as fast as
who will be working and b is the total Jim, and together they can complete the
number of hours the move will take using job in 5 hours. The equation above
a builders. Which of the following is the represents the situation described. Which
best interpretation of the number 20 in the of the following describes what the
expression? expression x represents in the equation?
236 236
SAT Advanced Grammar
SAT Writing:
Advanced Grammar
237 237
SAT Advanced Grammar: Affect vs. Effect
Identifying Affect vs. Effect Issues on the SAT: Looks for the word affect or effect
underlined in a sentence.
Affect means to produce a change or to act in a way you do not feel (used as a verb).
The weather affected Jeremys plans.
1 3
Despite the potential affect that the When Tom Brady was injured in 2007,
weather would have on their trip, Eric many speculated that this injury would
and Nathan went ahead with their adversely effect his career. However,
plan to hike the Grand Canyon. Brady won the MVP award in 2010
and a fourth championship in 2015.
B) affect of A) NO CHANGE
C) effect that B) adversely affect
D) effect of C) adverse effect
D) adverse affect
B) effect on
C) affecting on
D) effect
238 238
SAT Advanced Grammar: Parallel Comparisons
An error on the SAT is to set up a comparison (words linked by like, than, or as)
where the items being compared are not of the same type.
Identifying Parallel Comparison Issues on the SAT: Look for a comparison being
made in the sentence. Are the items of the same type?
4 6
As an avid mystery reader, Patrick felt The fur coats of dachshunds, often
that novels by John Grisham were smoother and shorter than wheaten
more enjoyable than other authors. terriers, make dachshunds preferable
to pet owners with allergies.
B) enjoyable, more so than other A) NO CHANGE
authors. B) The fur coats of dachshunds, which
C) more enjoyable than books by other are often smoother and shorter than
authors. wheaten terriers
D) more enjoyable, particularly when C) The fur coats of dachshunds, often
compared to other authors. smoother and shorter than that of
wheaten terriers
D) The fur coats of dachshunds, often
5 smoother and shorter than those of
wheaten terriers
After her company had relocated her,
Dana was disappointed to learn that
owning a car in Japan is more
expensive than the United States.
B) cars in the United States
C) owning a car in the United States
D) owning a car
239 239
SAT Advanced Grammar: Misplaced Modifiers
An error on the SAT is to have a descriptive word or phrase that is NOT next to what
it is describing.
Identifying Misplaced Modifier Issues on the SAT: Look for a descriptive phrase
that is next to a comma. What is being described (the subject of the sentence) must come
directly after the comma.
7 9
B) Known as Tommy John Surgery,
C) It is known as Tommy John
D) Tommy John Surgery,
240 240
SAT Advanced Grammar: Noun Agreement
An error on the SAT is to have a singular noun representing another plural noun, or
a plural noun representing another singular noun.
Identifying Noun Agreement Issues on the SAT: Look for an underlined noun and
then identify the noun it is representing. Are they both singular? Are they both
10 12
B) also will be working as a teacher B) is all an important element
C) also work as teachers C) have all been important elements
D) are also working as teachers D) are all important elements
B) a quick learner and adapter
C) both quick learners and adapters
D) possess the ability to learn and
241 241
SAT Advanced Grammar: Who, Whom, That, Which, and Whose
An error on the SAT is to misuse the words who, whom, that, which, and whose.
Identifying Who, Whom, That, Which, and Whose Issues on the SAT: Look for the
word(s) who, whom, that, which, or whose in a sentence. Use the following rules to identify
correct usage.
Who and Whom are used with sentence subjects or objects that are a person.
Who is used with a sentence subject (We all know who was responsible for the
Whom is used with a sentence object (You gave the card to whom?).
That and which are used with sentence subjects or objects that are not a person.
Whose is used to indicate possession for persons and things (Whose jacket is this?).
13 15
B) whom B) whos
C) who C) with
D) which D) whose
B) who
C) whose
D) that
242 242
SAT Advanced Grammar Review
1 4
Dunbars breakthrough came at the age of One of the primary causes for the financial
20, when he gave his first public reading crisis of 2008 was the effect of banks
before the Western Association of Writers. granting loans to people who could not pay
The praise he gathered attracted the them back.
attention of other writers, whom began to
take an interest in his career. A) NO CHANGE
B) the affect of
A) NO CHANGE C) an effect of
B) writers, that D) an affect of
C) writers, who
D) writers
B) the Greek playwright Aeschylus
C) writers of Greek tragedies
D) the works of the Greek tragedian
243 243
244 244
SAT Geometry in Three Dimensions
SAT Math:
Geometry in Three
Important Formulas
Cone Volume Sphere Volume
1 4
Volume = r2 h Volume = r3
3 3
245 245
SAT Cones
1 2
A) 1,200
B) 2,000
C) 3,000
D) 7,500
246 246
SAT Cylinders
Identify: Any question that references the
surface area or volume of a cylinder.
Volume = r2 h
3 4
247 247
SAT Rectangular Prisms and Spheres
Rectangular Prisms
5 6
The edges of a cube are each 4 feet A large cube has edges that are four
long. What is the surface area, in times as long as those of a small cube.
square feet, of this cube? The volume of the large cube is how
many times the volume of the small
A) 8 cube?
B) 16
C) 64 A) 4
D) 96 B) 16
C) 64
D) 256
248 248
SAT Rectangular Prisms and Spheres
Identify: Any question that references the
volume of a sphere.
7 8
A) 5,000
B) 10,000
C) 20,000
D) 50,000
249 249
SAT Rectangular Pyramids
Rectangular Pyramids
9 10
A) 1056
B) 40
C) 2112
D) 60
250 250
SAT Hexagonal Prisms
Hexagonal Prisms
11 12
251 251
SAT Geometry in Three Dimensions Review
1 4
8 ft
Monica currently has two dice of different 6 ft
sizes. If the length of the larger die is four A hut is built from a right circular cone
times greater than the length of the and a right cylinder with internal
smaller die, how many times greater is the measurements represented by the figure
volume of the larger die? above. Of the following, which is closest to
the volume of the hut, in cubic feet?
A) 245
B) 320
C) 456
D) 524
S = 2 2 + 2rh
12 ft
252 252
SAT Advanced Concepts (Math)
SAT Math:
Advanced Concepts
Important Formulas
253 253
SAT Advanced Concepts (Math): Complex Numbers
Set Up: Use i = to solve the question. Since i is a radical, i should not appear in the
denominator of a fraction.
1 3
For i = 1 , what is the sum (5 3i ) 4 3i
+ (8 2i) ?
If the expression above is rewritten in
A) 3 5i the form a + bi, where a and b are
B) 3 + 5i real numbers, what is the value of a ?
C) 13 5i (Note: i = 1)
D) 13 + 5i
A) 26 4i
B) 38 4i
C) 26 + 4i
D) 38 + 4i
254 254
SAT Advanced Concepts (Math): Compound Interest
Identify: The question will ask about compound interest. Compound interest is an
example of exponential growth.
Set Up: Use the compound interest formula to solve the question.
4 6
A) $456.12
B) $524.67
C) $586.76
Timothy found an account that earns 6 D) $657.97
percent compounded monthly. Timothy
made an initial deposit of $25 into his
account. After 10 years, how much
money will Timothy have in his
A) $45.48
B) $52.84
C) $58.45
D) $71.24
255 255
SAT Advanced Concepts: Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, and Tangent
opposite adjacent opposite
sin = cos = tan =
hypotenuse hypotenuse adjacent
7 8
A) sin B
B) tan B
C) tan C In triangle ABC, the measure of A is
D) cos C 90, AB = 5, and BC = 13. Triangle
XYZ is similar to triangle ABC, where
vertices X, Y and Z correspond to
vertices A, B, and C, respectively, and
each side of triangle XYZ is eight
times the length of the corresponding
side of triangle ABC. What is the
value of tan Y ?
256 256
SAT Advanced Concepts (Math): Unit Circle
10 11
a 3
A) x 2
In the above right triangle sin a = 8. B) x + 2
What is cos (90 a) ?
C) x +
D) x 2
257 257
SAT Advanced Concepts (Math): Review
1 3
In the xy-plane below, O is the center
of the circle, and the measure of
AOB is radians. What is the value Which of the following is equal to
of b ?
A) cos(5)
B) sin(5)
C) cos(10)
D) sin(10)
258 258
SAT Advanced Concepts (Math): Review
5 6
NO CALCULATOR Suppose 0 < x < 90 and tan x = 11.
1 46i
D) 29 29
259 259
260 260
SAT Practice Reading Passages
SAT Reading:
Practice Passages
261 261
SAT Practice Reading Passage #1
Reading Test
Practice Passages
Questions 1-11 are based on the following main customers in the area shifted to the
passage. European supplier. Few of them, it seems, realize
25 let alone care that the stuff comes from Europe.
The following excerpt meditates on trends in In the new mental geography created by the
technology and their effects on business. railroad, humanity mastered distance. In the
mental geography of e-commerce, distance has
Line E-commerce is to the Information Revolution been eliminated. There is only one economy and
what the railroad was to the Industrial Revolution 30 only one market.
a totally new, totally unprecedented, totally One consequence of this is that every business
unexpected development. And like the railroad 170 must become globally competitive, even if it
5 years ago, e-commerce is creating a new and manufactures or sells only within a local or
distinct boom, rapidly changing the economy, regional market. The competition is not local
society, and politics. 35 anymore in fact, it knows no boundaries. Every
One example: a mid-sized company in Americas company has to become transnational in the way it
industrial Midwest, founded in the 1920s and now is run. Yet the traditional multinational may well
10 run by the grandchildren of the founder, used to become obsolete. It manufactures and distributes
have some sixty percent of the market in in a number of distinct geographies, in which it is a
inexpensive dinnerware for fast food eateries, 40 local company. But in e-commerce there are
school and office cafeterias, and hospitals within a neither local companies nor distinct geographies.
hundred-mile radius of its factory. China is heavy At the same time, it is not yet clear what kinds
15 and breaks easily, so cheap china is traditionally of goods and services will be bought and sold
sold within a small area. Almost overnight this through e-commerce and what kinds will turn out
company lost more than half of its market. One of 45 to be unsuitable for it. This has been true
its customers, a hospital cafeteria where someone whenever a new distribution channel has arisen.
went surfing on the Internet, discovered a Twenty-five years ago it was generally believed
20 European manufacturer that offered china of that within a few decades the printed word would
apparently better quality at a lower price and be dispatched electronically to individual
shipped cheaply by air. Within a few months the 50 subscribers computer screens. Subscribers would
262 262
SAT Practice Reading Passage #1
then either read text on their computer screens or 2
download it and print it out. This was the
assumption that underlay the CD-ROM. On the whole, the authors attitude toward e-
Thus many newspapers and magazines, by no commerce is one of
55 means only in the United States, established
themselves online; few, so far, have become gold A) reconsideration.
mines. But anyone who twenty years ago predicted B) caution.
the business of and C) zeal. that is, that books would be D) acceptance.
60 sold on the Internet but delivered in their heavy,
printed form would have been laughed off the
podium. Yet and 3
are in exactly that business, and they are in it
worldwide. The first order for the U.S. edition of The author suggests that, when it comes to
65 my most recent book, Management Challenges for making purchases, consumers are
the 21st Century, came to, and it came
from Argentina. A) primarily concerned with price.
Where to manufacture, where to sell, and how B) culturally ignorant.
to sell it will remain important business decisions. C) cheated by local companies.
70 But in another twenty years they may no longer D) technologically driven.
determine what a company does, how it does it,
and where it does it, so momentous have been the
changes brought about by e-commerce. 4
Which choice provides the best evidence for Revenue by Year the answer to the previous question?
Revenue (in United States dollars)
The primary purpose of the passage is to The author highlights online newspapers
A) warn about the encroachment of foreign and magazines to underscore
businesses. A) an alarming global movement.
B) predict the organizational structure of B) an inability to make money in the digital
businesses in the internet age. publishing industry.
C) illuminate the nature of different C) the misguided aspirations of online
technological revolutions. publications capitalism.
D) discuss the growing impact of e- D) an inaccurate prediction of technological
commerce on global industry. trends.
263 263
SAT Practice Reading Passage #1
7 10
Which choice provides the best evidence for The authors use of the words what, how,
the answer to the previous question? and where in lines 71-72 in the final
paragraph function mainly to
A) Lines 37-38 (Yetobsolete)
B) Lines 47-50 (Twenty-fivescreens)
A) highlight how e-commerce industries
C) Lines 54-57 (Thusmines)
will conduct business in the future.
D) Lines 57-62 (Butpodium)
B) indicate that e-commerce companies will
fully replace traditional businesses
within the next 20 years.
C) advocate for the increased regulation of
8 e-commerce.
D) emphasize the revolutionary impact of e-
As used in line 49, dispatched most nearly
A) dismissed.
B) replaced. 11
C) sent.
D) overthrown. According to the graph, which statement is
true about revenue from 2004 to
264 264
SAT Practice Reading Passage #2
Questions 12-21 are based on the following anything if its all you have. Maybe the less you
passage. have, the more you are required to boast.
The floor of the Salinas Valley, between the
The following excerpt from a novel describes a ranges and below the foothills, is level because this
childs impression of the California landscape. 45 valley used to be the bottom of a hundred-mile
inlet from the sea. The river mouth at Moss
Line The Salinas Valley is in Northern California. It Landing was centuries ago the entrance to this
is a long narrow swale between two ranges of long inland water. Once, fifty miles down the
mountains, and the Salinas River winds and twists valley, my father bored a well. The drill came up
up the center until it falls at last into Monterey 50 first with topsoil and then with gravel and then
5 Bay. with white sea sand full of shells and even pieces of
I remember that the Gabilan Mountains to the whalebone. There were twenty feet of sand and
east of the valley were light gay mountains full of then black earth again, and even a piece of
sun and loveliness and a kind of invitation, so that redwood, that imperishable wood that does not rot.
you wanted to climb into their warm foothills 55 Before the inland sea the valley must have been a
10 almost as you want to climb into the lap of a forest. And those things had happened right under
beloved mother. They were beckoning mountains our feet. And it seemed to me sometimes at night
with a brown grass love. The Santa Lucias stood up that I could feel both the sea and the redwood
against the sky to the west and kept the valley forest before it.
from the open sea, and they were dark and 60 I have spoken of the rich years when the
15 brooding unfriendly and dangerous. I always rainfall was plentiful. But there were dry years
found in myself a dread of west and a love of east. too, and they put a terror on the valley. The water
Where I ever got such an idea I cannot say, unless came in a thirty-year cycle. There would be five or
it could be that the morning came over the peaks of six wet and wonderful years when there might be
the Gabilans and the night drifted back from the 65 nineteen to twenty-five inches of rain, and the land
20 ridges of the Santa Lucias. It may be that the birth would shout with grass. Then would come six or
and death of the day had some part in my feeling seven pretty good years of twelve to sixteen inches
about the two ranges of mountains. of rain. And then the dry years would come, and
From both sides of the valley little streams sometimes there would be only seven or eight
slipped out of the hill canyons and fell into the bed 70 inches of rain. The land cracked and the springs
25 of the Salinas River. In the winter of wet years the dried up and the cattle listlessly nibbled dry twigs.
streams ran full force, and they swelled the river Then the farmers and the ranchers would be filled
until sometimes it raged and boiled, bank full, and with disgust for the Salinas Valley. Some families
then it was a destroyer. The river tore the edges of would sell out for nearly nothing and move away.
the farm lands and washed whole acres down; it 75 And it never failed that during the dry years the
30 toppled barns and houses into itself, to go floating people forgot about the rich years, and during the
and bobbing away. It trapped cows and pigs and wet years they lost all memory of the dry years. It
sheep and drowned them in its muddy brown was always that way.
water and carried them to the sea. Then when the
late spring came, the river drew in from its edges
35 and the sand banks appeared. The Salinas was
only a part-time river. The summer sun drove it
underground. It was not a fine river at all, but it
was the only one we had and so we boasted about it
how dangerous it was in a wet winter and how
40 dry it was in a dry summer. You can boast about
265 265
SAT Practice Reading Passage #2
12 15
The primary purpose of the passage is to Which choice provides the best evidence for
the answer to the previous question?
A) describe a particular landscape
objectively. A) Lines 6-11 (I remembermother)
B) evoke personal responses to a landscape. B) Lines 17-20 (WhereLucias)
C) encourage the reader to visit the Salinas C) Lines 23-25 (From bothriver)
Valley. D) Lines 41-42 (Maybeboast)
D) champion the protection of a special
portion of the American countryside.
266 266
SAT Practice Reading Passage #2
19 21
The description of the piece of redwood The authors use of the word forgot (line 76)
(lines 53-54) implies that the author suggests that, in relation to the people (line
76), the author
A) desires to live a long life.
B) laments the loss of the great ancient A) has a greater capacity for memory.
forest. B) appreciated the river more.
C) values the redwood more than other C) was more bound to the land.
trees. D) views life in a larger temporal context.
D) prizes its endurance.
267 267
SAT Practice Reading Passage #3
Questions 22-32 are based on the following solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been
passage. overshadowed by task forces of scientists in
laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion,
This passage is adapted from the Farewell Address the free university, historically the fountainhead of
of Dwight Eisenhower (January 17, 1961). 55 free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced
a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly
A vital element in keeping the peace is our because of the huge costs involved, a government
military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, contract becomes virtually a substitute for
ready for instant action, so that no potential intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard
Line aggressor may be tempted to risk his own 60 there are now hundreds of new electronic
5 destruction. Our military organization today bears computers.
little relation to that known by any of my The prospect of domination of the nations
predecessors in peacetime, or indeed by the scholars by Federal employment, project
fighting men of World War II or Korea. Until the allocations, and the power of money is ever present
latest of our world conflicts, the United States had 65 and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding
10 no armaments industry. American makers of scientific research and discovery in respect, as we
plowshares could, with time and as required, make should, we must also be alert to the equal and
swords as well. But now we can no longer risk opposite danger that public policy could itself
emergency improvisation of national defense; we become the captive of a scientific technological
have been compelled to create a permanent 70 elite. It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to
15 armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to balance, and to integrate these and other forces,
this, three and a half million men and women are new and old, within the principles of our
directly engaged in the defense establishment. We democratic system - ever aiming toward the
annually spend on military security alone more supreme goals of our free society.
than the net income of all United States
20 corporations. This conjunction of an immense Figure 1
military establishment and a large arms industry Total United States (US) Defense Expenditures:
is new in the American experience. The total Military Research and Development
influence - economic, political, even spiritual is 90
felt in every city, every State house, every office of 80
Spending (in billion of
imperative need for this development. Yet we must 60
not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our 50
toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is 40
the very structure of our society. In the councils of 30
30 government, we must guard against the 20
acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether 10
sought or unsought, by the military-industrial 0
complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of 1962 1971 1980 1989 1998 2007 2016
misplaced power exists and will persist. We must
Fiscal Year
35 never let the weight of this combination endanger
our liberties or democratic processes. We should Figure 2
take nothing for granted. Only an alert and US Military Research and Development as
knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper Percent of Defense Outlay
meshing of the huge industrial and military
40 machinery of defense with our peaceful methods 14%
and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper 12%
together. 10%
268 268
SAT Practice Reading Passage #3
22 26
The primary purpose of the passage is to As used in line 27, grave most nearly
A) discuss the growing influence of military
industry in national affairs. A) deadly.
B) predict the organizational structure of B) inevitable.
businesses in the military-industrial C) intense.
age. D) serious.
C) illuminate the evolution of military
D) warn about the increasing impact of
military industry on global politics. According to the author, a recent
development is
269 269
SAT Practice Reading Passage #3
270 270
SAT Practice Reading Passage #4
Questions 33-42 are based on the following us exactly when the universe began.
passage. Despite the many extraordinary
accomplishments of the Hubble Telescope, it has
The passage below discusses the Hubble Space not had an easy life. In 1993, scientists discovered
Telescope. 45 that some of the images returned by Hubble were
fuzzy. Because the telescope was low in Earths
Have you ever wondered what a star looks like orbit, it could be serviced by a space shuttle, so a
up-close? Or maybe youve dreamed of a close shuttle was employed to fix Hubbles cameras. This
encounter with the surface of a far away planet. first servicing mission in December 1993 was a
Since 1990, the Hubble Telescope has been offering 50 great success. Several other shuttle missions to
5 scientists and curious amateurs alike data and repair and upgrade Hubble have since been made,
images of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, each meeting with the same success as the first.
never before seen by the human eye. During its time in space, Hubble has observed
Originally designed in the 1970s, this far- various parts of the universe. It has provided
reaching telescope was named for scientist Edwin 55 scientists with images that have had an impact on
10 P. Hubble. During the 1920s, Dr. Hubble outlined several areas of astronomy. For example, observing
a classification system for galaxies, which is still in objects in our own solar system, Hubble provided
use today. He also discovered a relationship spectacular views of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9s
between a galaxys distance and the speed with collision with Jupiter. Its cameras delivered the
which it is moving. Before the launch of the Hubble 60 first detailed images of Pluto and its moon,
15 Telescope, distances to far-off galaxies were not Charon. The telescope has documented the births
well known. Questions such as how rapidly the and deaths of many stars, as well. It provided the
universe is expanding, and for how long, created first visual proof that cosmic dust encircling young
great controversy. One of the Hubble Telescopes stars is a common phenomenon. Hubble has also
primary goals is to determine the accuracy of Dr. 65 delivered many colorful pictures of stellar deaths,
20 Hubbles predictions, as well as to answer many of including the destruction of a massive star called
the questions surrounding space exploration. Supernova 1987A.
Human fascination with space began hundreds Hubble has also managed to probe the central
of years ago. That interest has not waned, and regions of galaxies, crowded with stars, dust, and
today, the Hubble Telescope orbits 375 miles above 70 gas. It has provided evidence that large black holes
25 Earth, working nonstop to unlock the secrets of the make up the centers of many galaxies. These black
universe. It uses state-of-the-art instruments to holes are thought to be created after the death of a
provide amazing views of the universe that cannot large star. Because a black hole has a very strong
be made using ground-based telescopes. The gravitational pull, cosmic dust, planets, and other
reason for this is that, from the ground, we look at 75 objects tend to swirl around it. This creates a
30 stars and other objects in space through the common spiral galaxy, such as our own, the Milky
Earths atmosphere. Our atmosphere is full of Way. It is clear that the Hubble Telescope has
clouds, dust, and pollution, which causes made many significant contributions to the study
everything we see to shimmer and shake. This of space. Scientists reviewing Hubbles data are
makes it very difficult for scientists on the ground 80 getting closer to answering questions related to the
35 to make steady, accurate measurements of objects size and age of the universe. Edwin P. Hubble
moving in space. With assistance from the Hubble would most likely be amazed at the data and
Telescope, astronomers can pinpoint the location of images returned to us by his namesake. Since it is
faraway stars and galaxies, and measure the scheduled to stay in orbit indefinitely, the Hubble
speeds and distances of astronomical objects much 85 Telescope should continue transmitting pictures of
40 more precisely. Astronomers may one day even tell the universe for years to come.
271 271
SAT Practice Reading Passage #4
33 37
The passage is written from the perspective of Which choice provides the best evidence for
someone who is the answer to the previous question?
The passage suggests that Edwin P. Hubble
was Which choice provides the best evidence for
the answer to the previous question?
A) very effective at persuading others to
adopt his ideas. A) Lines 26-28 (It usestelescopes)
B) committed to the exploration of a variety B) Lines 44-46 (In 1993 fuzzy)
of sciences. C) Lines 50-52 (Severalfirst)
C) the most important scientific mind in D) Lines 77-79 (It isspace)
regards to discoveries in the field of
D) an instrumental scientist who made
great contributions to our understanding
of the universe.
272 272
SAT Practice Reading Passage #4
The function of the fourth paragraph (lines
41-52) is to
A) speculation.
B) opinion.
C) historical reference.
D) observation.
273 273
SAT Practice Reading Passage #5
Questions 43-52 are based on the following The other alternative would be to share the cost
passage. of the sand replenishment project through local,
40 state, and federal funds, but that would turn the
These passages present two perspectives on the project into a public welfare program for
issue of sand erosion and beach replenishment in multimillionaire beachfront property owners. The
California. sand replenishment project protects the real estate
value of residential and business properties along
Passage 1 45 the shoreline, but does little to profit the ocean
environment and the community at large.
Responsibilities pertaining to property and land Landlords must make a decision: pass this ballot
use are agreed upon within a signed, binding measure to obtain their sand and keep their renters,
contract. While it is fathomable that a disagreement or let the ballot measure fail and watch their
with the owner of an adjacent property may occur, a 50 renters dissipate like the sand.
5 difficulty arises in defining the party liable for
necessary maintenance when said disagreement is
over the deterioration of a naturally occurring, Passage 2
communally owned parcel, such as a beach. In
California, the coastal city of Encinitas is slowly Consequentialism refers to those moral theories
10 watching its shoreline wash away. The beach has a which hold that the consequences of a particular
massive sand deficit with over 100,000 cubic yards action form the basis for any valid moral judgment
of sand lost on an annual basis. The sand erosion is about that action. Thus, from a consequentialist
a natural occurrence, but beachfront property 55 standpoint, a morally right action is one that
owners and the city government are attempting to produces a good outcome, or consequence. In its
15 fight mother nature with a sand replenishment simplest terms, the end justifies the means. In
project. This involves dredging up 2 million cubic Encinitas, California, environmentalists and city
yards of sand from the ocean bottom at a cost of $25 officials agree upon the desired end, but cannot
million. 60 agree upon the means to bring it about. At issue is
To raise the requisite $25 million, a transient the sand replenishment project on the November
20 occupancy tax is being proposed on the November ballot. Because of sand erosion, the bluffs along the
ballot. It would increase the 10% tax on motel rooms citys coastline have been collapsing for seven
and other short-term vacation rentals to 13%, years, hurting beachgoers, with one incident
dedicating the extra 3% entirely to the sand 65 resulting in death. In an attempt to resolve this
replenishment project. Motel and vacation rental crisis, a sand replenishment project is being
25 owners argue that if vacation renters are asked to debated by the general public, but the devil is in
pay higher fees, it will make vacation rentals the details. Most agree that the eroding beach
unaffordable and out of reach for many tourists, needs to be replenished, but to what degree
especially in a stagnant economy. They contend that 70 depends upon the negative environmental impact
if the renters dont come to Encinitas, then theyll one is willing to accept. It is the modus operandi of
30 spend their money on vacations elsewhere, causing the project that could lead to varying degrees of
the regional economy to suffer as well. But it is not environmental degradation. The short-term
clear how likely this outcome is. Vacationers who incontestable result is that further erosion of the
are already accustomed to paying $3,000 a week in 75 70-foot-tall bluffs will be abated, resulting in the
rent, plus a $300 tax, are unlikely to be dissuaded preservation of bluff-top homes above and the
35 by an extra $90, especially considering that the protection of pedestrians on the beach below. Aside
ancillary capital will keep their favorite vacation from the natural ebb and flow of the beachfront,
spot in pristine condition year after year. the man-made causes for the beachs erosion are
274 274
SAT Practice Reading Passage #5
275 275
SAT Practice Reading Passage #5
47 50
The author of Passage 2 implies that the Which statement most appropriately
movement of sand onto the beach will describes a distinction between the passages?
A) allow for the creation of more natural A) Passage 1 emphasizes the importance of
habitats. the beach replenishment project, while
B) trivialize the danger of beach erosion. Passage 2 does not.
C) not impact the environment in any way. B) Passage 1 fails to include facts and
D) be a better response to the problem than figures, while Passage 2 includes such
trying to eliminate the causes of erosion. data.
C) Passage 1 depicts the beach
replenishment project as significant,
whereas Passage 2 does not.
48 D) Passage 1 is centered around the
economic impact of the beach
Which choice provides the best evidence for replenishment project, whereas Passage 2
the answer to the previous question? is not.
276 276
SAT Practice Writing Passages
SAT Writing:
Practice Passages
277 277
SAT Practice Writing Passage #1
Each passage below is accompanied by a number of questions. For some questions, you will
consider how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For other
questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence
structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied by one or more
graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make revising and editing
Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage. Other questions will
direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.
After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively improves
the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of
standard written English. Many questions include a NO CHANGE option. Choose that
option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is.
278 278
SAT Practice Writing Passage #1
279 279
SAT Practice Writing Passage #1
during the cooler months. 8
At this point, the writer is considering adding the
A well-designed green roof also adds to the
following sentence
aesthetic appeal of any building. Many visually
As a bonus, green roofs also operate as noise
stunning plants thrive in rooftop gardens. During insulators, muffling outdoor traffic and
construction sounds.
the growing season, birds and butterflies will
Should the writer make this addition here?
frequent, and sometimes even build nests in, these
A) Yes, because it further highlights the key role
roof parks. In office buildings, green roofs are nearly of green roofs in protecting the environment.
B) Yes, because it provides an additional example
always accessible, not only for maintenance
of the insulation benefits of green roofs.
purposes, 9 but to allow employees a quiet place C) No, because it unnecessarily repeats
information from earlier in the passage.
to relax and commune with nature. In todays world D) No, because it disrupts the flow of the
paragraph by supplying irrelevant
of pavement and concrete, these roofs quickly information.
280 280
SAT Practice Writing Passage #1
new building to include a green roof.
Which choice offers an accurate representation of
Even considering all of these expenses, however,
the data in the chart?
most proponents of green roof construction are
convinced that the savings on total costs over the B) that the total costs over the lifespan of a green
roof approximately equals those of a
lifespan of a green roof more than make up for the traditional roof
C) that even though the total costs of a green roof
initial investment. 11 A properly installed green are greater than those of a traditional roof over
the green roofs lifetime, it is still worth the
roof is likely to last 10 to 20 years longer than a investment
D) it is too soon to calculate the costs of owning a
traditional slate or shingled roof, primarily because green versus owning a traditional roof.
Cost (dollars)
50,000 Traditional
40,000 Roof
20,000 Green Roof
Year 2 Year 4 Year 6 Year 8 Year 10
Year of ownership
281 281
SAT Practice Writing Passage #2
282 282
SAT Practice Writing Passage #2
283 283
SAT Practice Writing Passage #2
284 284
SAT Practice Writing Passage #2
A) where it is now.
B) before paragraph 1.
C) before paragraph 2.
D) before paragraph 3.
285 285
SAT Practice Writing Passage #3
Exploration Skeptics
B) decades, NASA programs
In recent 23 decades NASA programs have C) decades; NASA programs
D) decades
been the subject of much ridicule. Critics argue that
since the Apollo missions, little substantial progress
the Atlantic.
In 1485, Columbus presented his exploration
plans in Portugal, Genoa, and Venice, and was
286 286
SAT Practice Writing Passage #3
After continually lobbying at the Spanish court Which choice most effectively combines the
underlined sentences?
and two years of negotiations, Columbus finally
A) The result was an infeasible plan, the vast
managed to secure funding for his voyage in 1492, underestimation of the westward expanse
between Europe and Asia, to would-be backers.
when Ferdinand intervened on the explorers behalf. B) In initial meetings, would-be backers agreed
that Columbus's plan was infeasible because he
Ferdinand later claimed credit for being the had vastly underestimated the size of the
westward expanse between Europe and Asia.
C) The vast underestimation of the size of the
westward expanse between Europe and Asia
was the infeasible plan to would-be backers.
D) In initial meetings, would-be backers agreed
that Columbus's plan was infeasible; it was the
vast underestimation of the size of the
westward expanse between Europe and Asia.
287 287
SAT Practice Writing Passage #3
288 288
SAT Practice Writing Passage #4
observation, by going to all of the wars of his time, The writer is considering deleting the underlined
portion. Should the writer make this change?
hunting and fishing for great beasts, marrying four
A) Yes, because it provides information that is not
times, occasionally getting into fistfights, and factually accurate.
B) Yes, because it introduces information that is
drinking to excess. 37 Hemingways writing has irrelevant at this point in the passage.
C) No, because it provides a logical conclusion to
the paragraph.
D) No, because it provides a specific example in
support of arguments made elsewhere in the
289 289
SAT Practice Writing Passage #4
290 290
SAT Practice Writing Passage #4
B) view; they
C) view, it
D) view, they
291 291
292 292
SAT Appendix: Answers
293 293
SAT Reading Answers
294 294
SAT Reading Answers
1) C Evaluating Quantitative
2) A
3) C 1) D
4) A 2) B
3) A
Words in Context
4) C
Evaluating Quantitative
1) D
Information Review
2) D
3) C 1) C
4) C 2) D
5) A 3) A
4) D
295 295
SAT Writing Answers
4) A Wordiness and 4) D
3) D Redundancy:
5) C 5) C
4) B Redundancy
6) D 6) A
Passage Analysis: Main 4) B
Punctuation: Transitions Review
Idea Analysis
Contractions 5) D
6) D
7) A 5) C 1) B
8) C 6) A 2) B
Wordiness and
9) C 3) B
Redundancy Review
Passage Analysis:
Sequence 4) D
Punctuation: Dash
Usage 1) A
7) B 2) C
10) B 8) B 3) D
11) D
4) A
12) A
Passage Analysis Review 5) B
1) D
2) C
13) B 3) C
14) A 4) D
15) C
5) A
Punctuation: Run-ons
and Sentence
16) B
17) B
18) B
Punctuation Review
1) C
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) A
6) A
7) B
296 296
SAT Writing Answers
1) C 1) D 1) C 1) D
2) A 2) A 2) D 2) D
3) B 3) C 3) A 3) C
10) D
11) D
12) B
Unclear Pronoun
13) B
14) C
15) B
Pronouns Review
1) D
2) C
3) C
4) D
5) C
297 297
SAT Writing Answers
298 298
SAT Math Answers
1) A
1) D 1) B 1) D
2) 5
2) 0 2) A 2) 544
3) C
3) D 3) 3
Exponents 4) 96
Non-Linear Equations
Backsolving 5) A
3) 21 4) 3
4) D Systems of Equations
4) C 5) D
1 5) B 6) C
5) or 0.333 6) 7.15
3 6) D
7) 1
Absolute Value System of Equations
Plug and Chug & 8) C
Backsolving Review 9) C
6) D 7) A
7) D 1) A 8) 10
Rewriting Equations
8) D 2) C 9) B
3) C 10) B
Percentage Translating Word
4) B 11) A
Problems Review
12) D
9) C
1) B
10) B Solving Non-Linear
2) A
11) 60 Equations Review
3) D
4) 36
Foundations of 1) C
Arithmetic and Algebra 5) 47.06
2) A
Review 6) 29.6
3) 5
7) 3.8
4) 6
1) 12 8) 9804
5) 2
2) C
6) 93
3) C
7) 111
4) B
5) 8.2
299 299
SAT Math Answers
Solving Linear Ratio, Proportion, and Average, Median, and Functions (Page 145)
Equations (Page 117) Unit Conversion Mode (Page 139)
(Page 123) Functions: f(x)
Slope-Intercept Form Average (Arithmetic
Ratios and Proportional Mean) 1) D
Relationships 2) B
1) A
1) 54.5 3) 14
2) B
1) D 2) 200 4) 8
3) A
2) 160 3) 4
3) D Functions: f(x a)
Slope-Intercept Form
Application Median and Mode
Ratios and Proportional 5) C
Relationships (Colon) 6) 603
4) C 4) A
7) 14
5) A 5) B
4) 90
5) 32 Functions: Graphs
Slope Formula Average, Median, and
Mode Review 8) 1
6) 2 9) C
1) A 10) D
7) 4
6) or 0.55 2) B
8) B 20
3) C Functions: Tables
7) C
Solving Linear 4) 79.5
11) D
Equations Review 5) C
Unit Conversion 12) C
1) A Functions Review
8) C
2) B 9) D
1) 170
10) 24
3) D 2) D
8 3) B
4) or 2.667 Ratio, Proportion, and
Unit Conversion Review 4) B
5) or 0.625 5) D
1) D
2) 288
3) 17
4) D
5) D
300 300
SAT Math Answers
Quadratics and Circles (Page 193) Triangles (Page 199) Quadrilaterals and
Polynomials Polygons (Page 207)
(Page 169) Circles: Area and Triangles: Angles (Rule
Circumference of 180 Rhombus Questions
1) 40 1) D 1) 220
1) 39 2) B 2) D 2) 5
2) A 3) 37.5 3) C
Triangle: Area 4) 64
3) C
Circles: Arc and Sector 3) D Trapezoid Questions
Polynomial Division 4) B
4) A 5) 225
4) D 5) 144 Triangles: Sides Lengths 6) 370
(Pythagorean Theorem)
5) C 6) x = 39, 40, 41, or 42 7) C
5) B
Circles: Chords Polygon Questions
Polynomial Factors 6) D
8) 270
6) C 7) C Triangles: Special Right
Triangles 9) 3
7) A 8) D
10) C
8) D 7) 27
Circles Review Quadrilaterals and
8) B
Quadratic Formula Polygons Review
1) D Triangles: Similar
2) 10 Triangles 1) 10
9) B
3) C 2) 4
10) A 9) B
4) B 3) 66.7
10) B 4) 10
Completing the Square
5) D
Triangles Review 6) B
11) 5
12) B 1) 288
2) 300
Higher-Order 3) 17
Equations 4) C
13) C
14) C
Quadratics and
Polynomials Review
1) 32
2) or 1.5
3) or 7.2
4) C
5) A
6) A
301 301
SAT Math Answers
Lines and Angles Statistics (Page 221) Graphing (Page 229) Interpreting
(Page 213) Equations (Page 233)
Statistics: Exponential Graphing Circles
Intersecting Lines Growth and Exponential Interpreting Linear
Decay Equations
1) 22
1) 405
2) C
2) B 1) 0.65 1) A
3) A
2) D 2) D
Rule of 180 3) C Graphing Parabolas
Interpreting Non-Linear
3) 115 Statistics: Interpreting Equations
4) C
4) B Charts and Graphs
5) B 3) C
4) C 4) B
Lines and Angles
5) C Graphing Review
Interpreting Equations
Statistics: Line of Best 1) 180 Review
1) C
Fit 2) D 1) D
2) C
3) A 2) D
3) B 6) B
4) C 3) C
7) A
4) B
8) C
Statistics: Surveys,
Research, and Margin of
9) C
10) A
Statistics: Standard
11) B
12) A
Statistics Review
1) C
2) B
3) B
4) A
5) A
6) D
7) A
302 302
SAT Math Answers
3) 25 Compound Interest
4) 8
4) 1.03
Rectangular Prisms 5) A
6) D
5) D
6) C Trigonometry: SOH-
7) C
7) 12
8) 5.6
8) C
9) or 2.4
Rectangular Pyramids 5
9) 27 Unit Circle
10) A 7
10) or 0.875
Hexagonal Prisms 11) B
11) 140.3
Advanced Concepts
12) 60 Review
Geometry in Three
1) 48
Dimensions Review
2) 3
3) 20
1) 1800
4) C
2) 64
5) C
3) A
6) A
4) B
5) A
303 303
304 304
SAT Appendix: Common Math Formulas
Common Math Formulas
305 305
SAT Appendix: Common Math Formulas
Average Graphing
Sum Circle
Average =
Total Number
(x h)2 + (y k)2 = r2
Trapezoid Area
Exponential Growth Exponential Decay
b1 + b2
Area = ( )h
y = C(1 + r)t y = C(1 r)t 2
Cylinder Volume Cylinder Surface Area
Desired Outcomes
Probability =
Volume = r2h Surface Area = 2r2 + 2rh Total Outcomes
Rectangular Prism Volume Rectangular Prism Surface Area
Volume = lwh Area Pythagorean Theorem
Surface Area = 2wl + 2hl + 2hw
Area = bh a2 + b2 = c2
Rectangular Pyramid Volume Sphere Volume
1 4 3 Trigonometry
Volume = lwh Volume = r
3 3
opposite adjacent opposite
sin = cos = tan =
hypotenuse hypotenuse adjacent
306 306
SAT Appendix: Table of Contents
Table of Contents
307 307
SAT Appendix: Table of Contents
SAT Reading
SAT Writing
308 308
SAT Appendix: Table of Contents
SAT Math
SAT Essay
SAT Essay (Page 89)
309 309
310 310
311 311
312 312