Training Plan 2016 04 01

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Philippines Manila Mission

Vision: We will help bring Heavenly Fathers children back to Him by having every companionship in the mission
complete one Conversion Indicator every week. These conversion indicators are Baptism, Full Activity in the Church,
Temple Preparation and Temple Ordinances. We will do this by focusing on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, being exactly
obedient and being completely humble. We will work closely with our local leaders and members. We will plan effectively,
use our time wisely and invite for baptism in every lesson.

Training Plan April 2016

Week 1 April 5th - Teach that the needs of the investigator and the promptings of the Spirit should guide the
Please review what was taught in the last district meeting and have missionaries share how they applied what they
learned during the past week. Assess the condition of each companionships Conversion Indicator sheet and discuss how
each companionship can have an indicator weekly.

-Read and discuss D&C 50:13-22. Emphasize the principles of teaching by the Spirit from verse 22.
-Read and discuss the introduction to chapter 10 of Preach My Gospel, How Can I Improve My Teaching Skills? pg 175-76

Practice asking inspired questions, listening, discerning, and teaching doctrine according to the investigators needs: Show
the video segment Teach People, Not Lessons: Jynx (6:33). Discuss how the missionaries listened, asked inspired
questions, discern needs, and taught doctrine according to those needs. In the practice (real-play) have missionaries
either teach part of a lesson or follow up on previous commitments. (Follow the training model to evaluate and re-
practice. Please allow 40 minutes to practice.)

Week 2 April 12th Zone Meeting

Please review what was taught in the last district meeting and have missionaries share how they applied what they
learned during the past week. Assess the condition of each companionships Conversion Indicator sheet and discuss how
each companionship can have an indicator weekly. Review your zones emergency preparedness plan.

A Training plan and supplement will be sent out with the MLC notes prior to Zone Meeting.

Week 3 April 19th - Teach the role of asking inspired questions and listening in discerning the spiritual needs of
Please review what was taught in the last district meeting and have missionaries share how they applied what they
learned during the past week. Assess the condition of each companionships Conversion Indicator sheet and discuss how
each companionship can have an indicator weekly.

-Read and discuss Alma 18 (or Alma 22:4-18). Emphasize how Ammon (or Aaron) asked inspired questions, listened,
discerned, and taught simply and clearly according to the needs of the person he was teaching.
-Show video segment Teach People, Not Lessons: Tabitha and James (5:59). Discuss Elder Jeffrey R. Hollands statement
that begins the video segment and talk about how the missionaries: 1. Focused on the needs of Tabitha and James. 2.
Listened and asked inspired questions. 3. Were able to discern Tabithas and James needs and teach the doctrine
according to those needs.
-Remind missionaries that they are sent forth to teach, not to be taught (see D&C 43:15). Once missionaries have
discerned needs, their calling is to teach that portion of the doctrine that is meted for the investigator (see D&C 84:85).

Practice asking inspired questions, listening, discerning, and teaching doctrine according to the investigators needs: Show
the video segment Teach People, Not Lessons: Remigio (5:02). Discuss how the missionaries listened, asked inspired
questions, discern needs, and taught doctrine according to those needs. In the practice (real-play) have missionaries
either teach part of a lesson or follow up on previous commitments. (Follow the training model to evaluate and re-
practice. Please allow 40 minutes to practice.)

Week 5 April 26th - - Teach as inspired from Preach My Gospel

Please review what was taught in the last zone meeting and have missionaries share how they applied what they learned
during the past week. Assess the condition of each companionships Conversion Indicator sheet and discuss how each
companionship can have an indicator weekly. Review your districts emergency preparedness plan.

-Pray about and seek the guidance of the Spirit to teach as inspired. Focus on a principle found in Preach My Gospel.
-Discus the challenges in the district and ways to solve those challenges or concerns.
-Discuss the progress and needs of investigators and how you can help them to further progress in the gospel.

-Create a practice teaching based on inspiration that focuses on the needs of the investigators. (Follow the training model
to evaluate and re-practice. Please allow 40 minutes to practice.)
***note: Those who have interviews that conflict with the regular preparation day or district meeting schedule
will hold district meeting on the 27th

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