What Are Differences Among Approach, Method and Technique?

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What are differences among approach, method and technique?


Approaches A method is a set of Skills as listening,

are the procedures or a speaking, writing,
principles in collection of reading each have
which the techniques used in a their own technique
teaching of systematic way
languages is which is hoped will
supported, result in efficient
conformed by learning. a method
linguistic and will consist of a
psychological number of
elements that techniques, probably
lead us to arranged in a specific
linguistic order.
theory and Each method is
the based on a
production of determined approach
aids. and it depends on
various factors such
as: age, objectives,
advanced), attitude
aptitude, motivation,
Four or five main principles for each approach.

Approaches Principles

Professor SkinnerHarvard University.

Explain us how we learn to do things
The In teaching class stimulus can be a question,
Behaviourist astatement, a single word, a mime and so o
Approach Habits are being formed.
Do things over and over.
Reward is positive.
Create day to day behavior.

Approaches Principles
Mental abilities are being reflected in the
language skills.
Mental abilities are being reflected in the
language skills.
Native speakers make several errors when
The Competence is what is grammatically correct.
mentalist Performance is the practice (Faulty
approach representation of competence)
Performance is the practice (Faulty
representation of competence)
Relation knowledge and speaking.
We all have psychological restrictions.
Relation competence and performance.

Approach Principles
Jonson and Morrow.
Communicative purpose of language.
Organize teaching materials according the
The Learn how to communicate by communication.
comm Practicing some function within a social
unicati context.
ve Relation form and meaning.
appro Useful communication.
Pupils must give a significative meaning what
they lean.
How children use the language.

Appr Principles
Curran 1976.
Gattegno 1972.
The The focus is in ones mental private world.
huma Method: The silent way, community language
nistic learning and Suggetopedia.
appro Student should be relaxed.
ac Students want a secure environment.
Teachers develop all the potentialities of the
Student as a human being

Approac Principles

Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrel 1983.


Differences between acquisition and learning

The natural order hypothesis
The monitor hypothesis
The input hypothesis
The The affective filter.
Natural Input is s important in this approach
approa Activities: Games, role plays, dialogs, group work and
ch discussions
Stages: Preproduction Early production Extended production
Language emerge
we learn a second language listening so much.
Acquisition over processing of learning.
Students dont speak first

es Principles

Focused in outputs of learning.

Functional and interactional perspective.
Compet Relation: language social context.
ency- Designed in relation with competencies.
based Competencies are the students essential skills for an
languag effective performance of the real world task or
e activity.
teachin Outcomes are really important.
g Apply skills in varied situations.
Students have to be prepared for life.
CBL is based in competencies.
Approaches Principles

Promote students to be more socials.

Tries to create a better relation between students.
Students have an active role in classroom.
Teacher provide a variety of curricular materials to stimulate his /
her students
Cooperative Students should be cooperatives.
language Don not create competitions.
learning Promote interaction between students.
Promote students to get achieves

Approaches Principles

Adapt a situation in his / her native tongue to the second

language which They are learning.

They develop some skills such as note talking, summarising and

extracting key information from texts.

Context- The teacher should find a topic that could be interesting for
based children.
Students share and compare actively information between their

Learning through these way motive students.

They improve according their educational skills
Students find complementary information in order to support
another one
It depends of the willingness of students
Approac Principles

Michael Lewis 1993.

Students should not learn grammar, functions,
notions, etc.
Native speakers also have some mistakes.
The Students try to develop what they know in order to
lexical be more fluent
approac Students learn through word and words.
h conventions
Students learn to collocate words and their
function by themselves.
Students should try to develop their stock of
Students learn breaking doing wholes into parts.


Howard Gardner 1993

People need to learn how to combine their
abilities in order to be a better person.
Every person has a different way to learn.
Logical / mathematical
Multiple Musical
intelligences Dolidy / kinaesthetic

Every single person has their own abilities and

Intelligences must be acknowledged and
developed in education.
Training and practice are important.
It is better when students with different
intelligences work together.
Approaches Principles

Jhon Glindler and Richard Blandler 1970.

People have the power to control their own and peoples
Our senses are in relation with our neurological process
Neurolinguistic People should know what They want
programming People have the control of his / her mind.
What we need is within us.
Mind and body are interconnected.
People change of decision until obtain what They wanted

Approaches Principles

The task is an instrument to achieve an outcome

The activity reflects the real life
Task based The task create an opportunity for language acquisition
language teaching

Approaches Principles

Emphasises learning to read and write naturally with a focus

on real communication and reading writing for pleasure.
The use of authentic material.
Whole language The use of authentic literature rather than artificial, specially
prepared texts and exercises designed to practice individual
reading for the reason of comprehension and for a real
Is important that the taking of risks and the acceptance of
errors are signs of learning, rather than failure.

Adopts any technique or procedure, for

The eclectic successful learning.
approach Teaching English as a Foreign
Language (TEFL) has many

It is much more flexible.

It can easily be adapted to different

teaching situations.
Define each method to teach learn a second language and for each one name at
least five of its procedures.


The method consisted -Short vocabulary quiz.

of giving the students
grammatical rules and -Students are asked to read aloud in the
paradigms. target language from the reading selection in
The Paradigms are lists of the book.
grammar forms arranged -Students begin to translate the sentences of
translation according to a the passage into their native language.
method grammatical pattern. -The core of the lesson now begins with the
grammar explanation.
Written task sometimes translating sentences.


-The teacher comes into the classroom and immediately
It has often begins speaking in the target language, greeting
been pointed students and asking about classroom objects.
out that the -The lesson develops next around the picture, which the
direct method teacher uses to teach the core vocabulary.
has developed -Once the vocabulary has been taught and absorbed,
The direct as a reaction to the teacher asks then students to rea d a passage on a
method the grammar similar theme aloud from their text.
translation -Then lesson cocludes with a song.
That teaching should
The reading focus on reading as grammar rules
method a more attainable
and appropriate goal
for school students.


The class repeats the lines of a new
It took some time for this dialogue, following the teachers model.
theoretical discussion on The teacher moves on to the pattern
develop into a fully-fledged drilling phased of the lesson, in which
methods, and this was structures that were used in the dialogue
the first time that language are now drilled one by one.
The audio teaching methods became A chain drill is used as a final
lingual primary responsive to consolidating activity.
method linguistic and Through the entire lesson, the teacher has
psychological theory rather listened on absolutely correct forms; errors
than to the intuitions and have been corrected on the spot.
arguments of successful
Principles: first listening,
then speak, then read, and
finally write the language.


This method is widely uses at the time of writing and The use, too, is
very large numbers of textbooks are based on it. But it made of
also has important links with the audio-lingual method, repetitions and
especially as far as the way the language to be taught analogues
is organized the structural ingredien pattern or
The dialogues
situational pattern drilling.

This method is a reaction Chomsky considered that the

of the behaviourist learning of language was a
aspect of the audio cognitive process of formulation
lingualism and his best and evaluation of the hypothesis.
follower was the linguistic
from the U.S.A.
The cognitive method


This method to For example children can speak using word

language learning as I invite, Id like to invite, what are yo
places major doing this weekend?, nothing much, etc.
emphasis on the
purpose(s) of the
The functional / speech act. It
notional syllabus focuses on what
people want to do or
what they want to
accomplish trough

The use of the word The teachers used extremely creatively

silent because is for various purposes from teaching
based on the pronunciation to story-telling. Also they
premise that the should modelling a new structure of
teacher should be as vocabulary, listening more carefully,
silent as possible in then experiment own production of the
the classroom in utterance. Its important problem-solving
e silent way order to encourage in language classrooms.
the learner to
produce as much
language as possible


The original for suggestopedia
The approach was presented by Lozano consisted of, the
based on the power used of extended dialogues, often
of suggestion in several pages in length, accompanied
learning; the notion by vocabulary lists and observations
Suggestopedia being that positive on grammatical points. Typically these
suggestion would dialogues would be read aloud to the
make the learner students to the accompaniment of
more receptive and, music.
in turn, stimulate,
In the classroom, the teacher and the
Is based on the theory that students take the roles, students
the memory is enhanced respond physically to the words of the
though association with teacher. The activity can be simple or
physical movement. It is also more complex grammar.
closely associated with
Total theories of mother tongue Asher provides a lesson-by- lesson
physical language acquisition in very account of a course taught according
response young children. to TPR principles, which serves as a
source of information on the
procedures used in the TPR


This method is based There are five stages:

on the decisions of Reflection. Students think about what
the class. Students theyd like to talk about in a circle for
join around the make a dynamic.
teacher and tell them Recorded conversation.
Community what they want to Discussion.
language learning learn. Transcription.

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