Risk Management
Risk Management
Risk Management
HBRC Journal
KEYWORDS Abstract The aim of this paper is to identify the latest top major risk probabilities in construction
Risk management; projects in Egypt according to political and economic variables between the time period Jan 2011
Construction projects; and Jan 2013. Risks were prioritized according to their signicance of inuences and their sources,
Egypt whether internal or external. The paper describes, on the basis of a questionnaire survey of project
management practices, the construction risks, which are generally perceived as events that inuence
project objectives of cost, time and quality. A statistical analysis was carried out in order to identify
the top major construction project risks. It is concluded that however risk factors vary considerably
across industry and countries, the study of risk management for construction projects will provide a
reference for other projects that might be executed in similar circumstances. The paper ends up with
suggesting the risk response strategies appropriate for each type of identied risk. The research nd-
ings will contribute to both practice and research in risk management for the Egyptian construction
industry and will also provide valuable information for international companies which intend to
provide construction projects in Egypt.
2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Housing and Building National Research
Great efforts are needed to identify and manage the top major
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +20 1001505644. risks resulting from the emerging political and economic
E-mail address: hamdy9@hotmail.com (A.H.M. Mohamed). variables from January 2011 to January 2013 in the Egyptian
Peer review under responsibility of Housing and Building National construction industry. In this critical period, the construction
Research Center. activities in Egypt were exposed to many risks which were
partly neglected and needed proper management.
This paper rstly presents a literature review on risks, risk
Production and hosting by Elsevier management and the types of risks that normally accompany
1687-4048 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Housing and Building National Research Center.
130 L.M. Khodeir, A.H.M. Mohamed
construction projects. The paper then discusses the current dening the objective of the project (what is to be achieved)
practice of risk management in Egypt. The nature of Risks and making sure about the procedures needed to achieve
in this period drastically changed due to the emergence of some success [7]. The process of management of risks also includes
political and economic variables. The ndings of this paper risk response strategies that are dened as risk retention, risk
will contribute to both the practice and research aspects of risk transfer, risk reduction and risk avoidance [8].
management for the Egyptian construction industry and will
provide valuable information for international companies Classication of risk
which intend to provide construction projects in Egypt.
Risk classication is an integrative part of risk identication;
Dening risk its main objective is to structure the diverse risks affecting a
construction project [7]. Risk passed through many serious
Risk management is essential to construction activities in tries to classify its sources as a step to help project managers
minimizing losses and enhancing protability. In general, the to predict risks. Although many ways can be used to classify
construction industry is widely associated with a high degree the risks associated with construction projects, the reasoning
of risk due to the nature of construction business activities, for choosing a method must serve the purpose of the research.
processes, environment and organization. Construction In this paper, risks are grouped with reference to the project
projects entail long period, complicated processes, nancial management institute (PMI), which classied risks into exter-
intensity and dynamic organization structures [1]. This type nal and internal, in order to study risks according to the polit-
of risk has gained vast attention from construction project ical and economic variables.
managers because of both time and cost overruns that are Though internal risks may be under control of the project
almost part of any construction project [2]. manager, they cause uncertainty that may affect the project.
There were many different attempts to dene risk, among They includes technical risks (government regulations, natural
which was that risk is the potential for unwanted or negative hazards, labor stoppage, cash ow problems, safety issues and
consequences of an event or activity [3]. natural catastrophes), nontechnical risks (changes in technol-
Risk can also be generally recognized among those within ogy, changes in state of the art, design issues and operations/
the construction industry as the phenomenon of continually maintenance issues) and legal risks (licenses, patent rights, law-
facing a variety of situations involving many unknown, unex- suit, subcontractors performance and contractual failure).
pected, frequently undesirable and often unpredictable factors External risks are out of the project managers control, but
[4]. But the latter denition of risk tends to ignore its double- may affect the direction of the project; these risks include costs,
edged nature, which was recognized in dening risk as the borrowing rates and raw material availability [12].
chance of something happening that will have an impact on
objectives; may have a positive or negative impact [5]. Current practice of risk management techniques in Egypt
This paper aims at identifying the top major risks regardless
of their nature of impact, whether positive or negative, The construction industry in Egypt is one of the main supports
through considering the probability of their occurrence and of Egyptian economy. The rapid growth of the Egyptian Con-
their impact or magnitude of consequence. struction Projects together with the unrest of the Egyptian
society due to political and economic variables in the period
Sources of risk in construction projects that followed the 25th January Revolution calls for massive
development in risk management techniques. These variables
Sources of risk inuence projects performance in terms of bring opportunities to researchers in the eld of project man-
time, cost and quality in negative or positive ways. These agement to develop effective risk management techniques to
sources are classied according to their nature into physical, cope with risks associated with construction activities and to
environmental, design, logistics, nancial, legal, political, con- implement the projects in accordance with project objectives
struction and operation risks [2]. They are also classied into including time, cost, quality and safety.
internal and external risks. Internal risks include nancial, Another factor that adds additional risks to construction
design, contractual, construction, personal and operational projects in Egypt is the participation of foreign partners with
risks, whereas external risks include economic, social, political, the local stakeholders. This imposes risks such as differences
legal, public, logistical and environmental risks [6]. in practices between domestic and foreign partners, policy
and nancial risks and legal and political risks. In addition
Management of risk to those risks, the ination rate in Egypt is quite high:
10.2% (2011 EST.) [9], while the national currency is relatively
Risk management in the context of construction projects is a weak, as in Feb. 2013 the USD reached 6.73 Egyptian pounds
systematic way of identifying, analyzing and dealing with risks [10]. The above mentioned factors emphasize the vitality of
associated with a project with the aim of achieving the project monitoring and controlling the efciency of risk management
objectives [7]. Although risks cannot be excluded, they can be practices in construction projects in Egypt.
effectively managed. The PMBOK described management of The political and economic variables in the discussed period
risk as the processes concerned with conducting risk in Egypt have been accompanied by a group of key risks, like
management planning, identication, analysis, responses and the workers strikes, lack of fuel, unsecured roads between
monitoring and control on a project [12]. cities, changes that took place on the level of governmental
Risk management starts with an early and effective identi- ofcials, in addition to re risks and major changes in currency
cation and assessment of risks [1]. The process focuses on prices. These risks that have lately become obvious and
Identifying the latest risk probabilities affecting construction projects 131
devastating were identied as major risks that entail efcient Work experience variable group
risk management strategies in the form of suitable mitigation Two categories of respondents based on work experience are
actions. represented: the rst refers to more than or equal 10 years of
working experience, while the other group is less than 10 years
Study objective of working experience. The questionnaires were completed by
top management in the organizations (mainly directors and
The objective of this paper is to identify the latest top major partners) and almost all of them (more than 90%) had over
risk probabilities that affected construction projects in Egypt. 10 years of construction experience. The respondents thus have
This was fullled through obtaining feedback from different the required professional and academic qualications.
practitioners on the different aspects of risk management that
aimed at: Job position variable group
A wide range of job position groups are included in this study;
Examining risk perception by the construction industry. these groups are Management, top managers, Project
Identifying the latest probabilities of risk that were not Managers, Managers and vice-managers of functional
weighed before in the risk management practices in departments, employees and project team members.
Egyptian projects.
Classifying different types of risks regarding their source Company type variable group
(external or internal risks).
This study included a variety of company types: government-
Suggesting a strategy to manage risk in the form of a
owned companies, joint venture companies and private
mitigation action for each type of identied risk.
Verication of Samples
In this part, the paper suggests suitable risk response strategies Recommendations
for the seven major identied key risks. The strategies include
the implementation of some positive risk responses, such as This paper provides a number of recommendations for deci-
exploiting, sharing, enhancing and accepting, and other sion makers in construction projects in Egypt. These are:
Table 3 Identifying, analyzing and classifying the top major risks due to economic and political variables.
Rank Id of top major risk Aecting variable Source of risk Risk factor/index R Deviation/variance
(Eq. (2)) (Eq. (1))
Economic Political Internal External
p p p
1 Currency uctuation 0.49 0.2
p p p
2 Change in taxation/new tax rates 0.48 0.2
p p p
3 Change energy cost/lack of fuel 0.44 0.2
p p
4 Safety/unsecured roads 0.43 0.2
p p
5 Ocial changes 0.4276 0.2029
p p p
6 Workers Strikes 0.43 0.2
p p p
7 Fire risk 0.42 0.2
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