Pipingpressuretest 706 PDF
Pipingpressuretest 706 PDF
Pipingpressuretest 706 PDF
for Pipelines
Document Number EN-MPS-706
Revision 2
Approved By Ric Morris
McMurdo, Palmer, and South Pole Stations
November 11, 2004
Active Divisions/Departments
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. i
Purpose................................................................................................................................ 1
Responsibility ..................................................................................................................... 1
Plumbing Foreman and Project Engineer, FEMC........................................................... 1
Personnel ......................................................................................................................... 1
Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 1
Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 2
Tools and Equipment....................................................................................................... 2
Ensuring Safety of Work Site.............................................................................................. 2
Conducting the Pressure Test.............................................................................................. 3
References........................................................................................................................... 4
Records ............................................................................................................................... 4
This procedure outlines the necessary actions and safety practices for pressure
testing all new fuel line piping and other piping air tests at McMurdo, Palmer,
and South Pole Stations.
In order to ensure the integrity of pipeline in and around all Stations, RPSC
will perform pressure testing. Due to the freezing risks associated with
pressure testing with water and the environmental hazards of hydrotesting
with fuel, RPSC uses pneumatic (air) testing. The pressure testing procedures
adopted by RPSC follow API and ASME recommended standards and
practices. The procedures also outline proper safety practices that must be
followed in order to minimize risks.
All personnel within test area shall be required to wear eye and hearing
Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE).
Chicago quick couplings and an air compressor (currently using Sul-Air
Type compressor, exact equipment type may vary).
This information should be provided if the test occurs in town or near a high
traffic area. Pedestrians must be advised to avoid the area.
Results After following the above procedures, the necessary steps to ensure
safety will be complete.
ASME b31.1, 137.5 American National Standard for Pressure Piping; API
Recommended Practice 1110 Pressure Testing of Liquid Petroleum Pipelines
Pressure/Leak Testing Sheet (EN-MPS-706a)
Pressure and Temperature Log (EN-MPS-706b)
See the Pressure/Leak Testing Sheet and the Pressure and Temperature Log,
under the FEMC-MPS tab of the FEMC Records Management Table (EN-D-
(All forms are located on Common drive I:/Perm/Procedures/Master
List/FEMC forms)