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Pressure Testing Procedures

for Pipelines
Document Number EN-MPS-706
Revision 2
Approved By Ric Morris
McMurdo, Palmer, and South Pole Stations
November 11, 2004

Active Divisions/Departments

Raytheon Polar Services Company

Facilities, Engineering, Maintenance, and Construction (FEMC)
Contract No. OPP 0000373
Raytheon Polar Services Company EN-MPS-706
Pressure Testing Procedures for Pipe Lines Revision 2

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. i
Purpose................................................................................................................................ 1
Responsibility ..................................................................................................................... 1
Plumbing Foreman and Project Engineer, FEMC........................................................... 1
Personnel ......................................................................................................................... 1
Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 1
Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 2
Tools and Equipment....................................................................................................... 2
Ensuring Safety of Work Site.............................................................................................. 2
Conducting the Pressure Test.............................................................................................. 3
References........................................................................................................................... 4
Records ............................................................................................................................... 4

Facilities, Engineering, Maintenance, and Construction (FEMC) i

Contract No. OPP 0000373
Raytheon Polar Services Company EN-MPS-706
Pressure Testing Procedures for Pipe Lines Revision 2

This procedure outlines the necessary actions and safety practices for pressure
testing all new fuel line piping and other piping air tests at McMurdo, Palmer,
and South Pole Stations.


Plumbing Foreman and Project Engineer, FEMC


Plumbing Work Center Foreman, Pipefitters, FEMC Construction

Coordinator, Project Engineer, NSF Station Manager

In order to ensure the integrity of pipeline in and around all Stations, RPSC
will perform pressure testing. Due to the freezing risks associated with
pressure testing with water and the environmental hazards of hydrotesting
with fuel, RPSC uses pneumatic (air) testing. The pressure testing procedures
adopted by RPSC follow API and ASME recommended standards and
practices. The procedures also outline proper safety practices that must be
followed in order to minimize risks.

Facilities, Engineering, Maintenance, and Construction (FEMC) Page 1 of 4 pages

Contract No. OPP 0000373
Raytheon Polar Services Company EN-MPS-706
Pressure Testing Procedures for Pipe Lines Revision 2


Tools and Equipment

All personnel within test area shall be required to wear eye and hearing
Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE).
Chicago quick couplings and an air compressor (currently using Sul-Air
Type compressor, exact equipment type may vary).

Ensuring Safety of Work Site

Pneumatic testing can be dangerous and should be performed with caution

and careful attention to all safety procedures. To ensure the safety of all
workers and residents, the following safety precautions must be completed
prior to conducting the pressure testing:

1. Notify station personnel of area to be avoided due to risks during

pressure testing.

2. Ensure that no high pressure testing occur in the work centers.

3. Ensure personnel conducting the test stand behind a barrier during


4. Mark off the area as a dangerous site.

This information should be provided if the test occurs in town or near a high
traffic area. Pedestrians must be advised to avoid the area.

Results After following the above procedures, the necessary steps to ensure
safety will be complete.

Facilities, Engineering, Maintenance, and Construction (FEMC) Page 2 of 4 pages

Contract No. OPP 0000373
Raytheon Polar Services Company EN-MPS-706
Pressure Testing Procedures for Pipe Lines Revision 2

Conducting the Pressure Test

To conduct a pressure test of pipelines in or around all Stations, complete the
following steps:
1. Identify the maximum test pressure to be used, as determined by the
Project Engineer.
2. Identify the steel pipe to be tested.
When possible, the recommended maximum test length is 400 feet.
3. Examine all connections prior to the test to ensure proper tightness.
4. Determine the pressure rating for all connected fittings and devices to
ensure they are rated for the maximum test pressure.
5. Place a 150# blind flange or other suitable cover on all openings that are
not closed off by valves.
6. Plug all test, drain, and vent ports that are not required for the test.
7. If the section of pipe being tested is isolated from other sections by in-line
valves, ensure the portion not being tested is open to the atmosphere.
8. Apply a preliminary test pressure of 25 psi, or as directed by the Project
Note This pressure should be held for a minimum of 10 minutes to
allow for the location of any major leaks. If leaks are detected
during this step, or at any time during the test, relieve the pressure
and consult the Project Engineer for instruction.
9. Apply the test pressure in increments of 25 psi, or as directed by the
Project Engineer, until the maximum test pressure is reached. Hold
pressure for 5 minutes at each 25-psi increment before adding more
Note The maximum test pressure (rule of 150%) of the maximum
system operating hydrostatic pressure on the fuel distribution
system, this pressure should be verified by the Project Engineer
prior to testing.
10. Hold the maximum test pressure for 10 minutes.

Facilities, Engineering, Maintenance, and Construction (FEMC) Page 3 of 4 pages

Contract No. OPP 0000373
Raytheon Polar Services Company EN-MPS-706
Pressure Testing Procedures for Pipe Lines Revision 2

The NSF Station Manager or other appropriate NSF representative must

observe this step.
11. After the required 10 minutes, reduce the pressure to 100 psi or
predetermined pressure.
12. Hold this pressure for 24 hours.
13. Obtain confirmation of a successful test by the NSF representative after
the 24 hour time period.
14. Remove the pressure, with caution to avoid escaping air stream, debris,
and high decibel noise level.
15. Complete the appropriate following forms Pressure/Leak Testing Sheet
(EN-MPS-706a) and/or the Pressure and Temperature Log (EN-MPS-
706b) and place them in the appropriate engineering files as specified by
the Project Engineer.

Results After completing these steps, pressure testing is completed. Once

the test is successfully completed, then the line is ready for service.

ASME b31.1, 137.5 American National Standard for Pressure Piping; API
Recommended Practice 1110 Pressure Testing of Liquid Petroleum Pipelines
Pressure/Leak Testing Sheet (EN-MPS-706a)
Pressure and Temperature Log (EN-MPS-706b)

See the Pressure/Leak Testing Sheet and the Pressure and Temperature Log,
under the FEMC-MPS tab of the FEMC Records Management Table (EN-D-
(All forms are located on Common drive I:/Perm/Procedures/Master
List/FEMC forms)

Facilities, Engineering, Maintenance, and Construction (FEMC) Page 4 of 4 pages

Contract No. OPP 0000373

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