GigaFrench 4thedition
GigaFrench 4thedition
GigaFrench 4thedition
Marie de France
Marie de France
Download Free PDF
ISBN 978-3-924774-97-4
God, abortion and climate change
2016~4 Edition
Flying Publisher
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Cover Design:
Oliver Barbagallo Milan
N. Allan New York
N.N. Boston
Language and grammar is an ever-changing field. The publishers and
the author of GigaFrench have made every effort to provide
information that is accurate and complete as of the date of
publication. However, in view of the rapid changes occurring in
language teaching, as well as the possibility of human error, this
guide may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical or other
errors. The information contained herein is provided as is and
without warranty of any kind. The contributors to this book,
including Flying Publisher and the author, cannot be held responsible
for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of
information contained herein.
This work is protected by copyright both as a whole and in part.
2016 by Flying Publisher & MDF
ISBN: 978-3-924774-97-4
Published on July 14, 2016
Updated (page 44) on August 11, 2016
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GigaFrench is a free multimedia fast track into the heart of
French and the French people. The 2016 Edition offers a
refreshingly new approach to one of the most beautiful
languages in the world.
To see if you qualify for GigaFrench, please check
your past (page 6)
your present (page 8)
your future (page 9)
After successful admission, start on page 29. Most
importantly, follow the audio download instructions on page
34 you cannot study GigaFrench without the audio files
being on your smartphone! Then continue with the Turbo
Master Class on page 48, a unique and unprecedented
overview of French grammar and a central piece to
GigaFrenchs total immersion strategy.
Marie de France
27 Messidor 224 14 July 2016
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Depending on your time and previous knowledge, you can
choose between a short overview and full immersion:
1. If you learned French earlier in life and if your time is
limited, go through the main text at the beginning of each
Level (page 29, 153, 233, 305, 349, 417, 465 and 483)
and listen to the audio until you understand every single
2. If you have time for an in-depth discovery of the French
language, go through each level until the end.
Before moving ahead, please check if you qualify for
2. You learned French many years ago but feel that you
have forgotten almost everything.
Things weve learned in the past never disappear. They
leave traces in your brain you can quickly reactivate.
GigaFrench will help you retrieve your past knowledge,
explaining everything from the beginning, though
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Admission: Your Past 6
Admission: Your Present 8
Admission: Your Future 9
1 God 29
Words 31
1.1 Power Listening 34
1.1.1 Rule #1: 30 minutes 34
1.1.2 Rule #2: AB Player 34
1.1.3 Background 35
1.1.4 Rule #3: Cutting 36
1.1.5 Details 39
1.1.6 Rule #4: Champagne 42
1.1.7 The benefits of Power Listening 44
1.1.8 Future Research 44
1.2 Turbo Master Class (1) 48
1.2.1 Peanuts 49
1.2.2 Hardcore French 59
1.2.3 Action words 66
1.3 First steps 72
1.4 Avoir 76
1.4.1 Avoir: Prsent (present tense) 76
1.4.2 All you can have 77
1.4.3 Action word timeline 79
1.4.4 Avoir: Imparfait (imperfect tense) 80
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3 Abortion 233
Words 236
3.1 Power Listening 239
3.2 Preview 240
3.3 Master Class (4) 240
3.4 Faire 242
3.4.1 Expressions with faire (2) 244
3.5 Subjonctif 245
3.6 Action words, Group 1: Petting 246
3.6.1 Prsent 247
3.6.2 Imparfait 248
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6 Tourism 417
Words 420
6.1 Power Listening 423
6.2 Preview 424
6.3 Vouloir to want 425
6.4 Group 3: Prendre 426
6.5 Subjonctif (4) 429
6.6 Action Word + Action Word (2) 430
6.6.1 No preposition 430
6.6.2 de 430
6.6.3 431
6.7 Prsent: Ten Action Words (4) 431
6.8 Past Participle 433
6.8.1 Past participles as adjectives 435
6.8.2 Direct object pronouns 435
6.8.3 que 437
6.9 Jokers 438
6.9.1 The next 21 Jokers 438
6.10 Adjectives (6) 439
6.11 Tout 440
6.11.1 Tout: pronoun 440
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7.9.3 482
8 Brexit 483
Words 485
8.1 Power Listening 487
10 Appendix 491
10.1 Savoir 493
10.2 Voir 494
10.3 Devoir 495
10.4 Group 3: Attendre 496
10.5 Group 1: Sucer 497
10.6 Sen aller 498
10.7 Mettre 499
10.8 Rire 500
10.9 Group 3: Recevoir 501
10.10 Group 1: Manger 502
10.11 Vivre 505
10.12 Mourir 506
10.13 Group 1: Mener 507
10.14 Croire 510
10.15 Courir 511
| 25
1. -e -ois
or mute -oix
2. e - -oie
-s -oit
-e 12. r -eur
-es -eurs
-er (verb) 13. r -re
-ez -air
-ai (verb) -aire
3. -airs
14. -an
-ais -en
-ait -ant
-aient -ants
-aie -ent
-aies -ents
4. -u -and
-us -ands
-ue -end
-ues -ends
5. o -au 15. -on
-aux -om
-eau -ons
-eaux -ond
6. u -ou 16. j -ion
17. -un
7. -eu
19. j -ien
20. u -uin
8. i -ie
9. i -ui
10. or eu, u
11. wa -oi
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1 God
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le dieu god le bien the good
exister to exist et and
existe-t-il? does he exist? le mal the evil
une ingalit disparity en tout cas in any case
une injustice injustice si if
la violence violence si moi je if I (stressed)
la torture torture jouer to play
on here: people
regarder to look at
vous you
regardez ! look!
on vous dira people will tell
you une histoire history, story
que that de of
se planquer to hide lhumanit f. humanity
fam. innombrable countless
pour in order to, to le crime crime
mettre to put to the test
lpreuve commis committed
au nom de in the name of
un homme man le prsent present
les hommes here: people un tat state
les here: them qui who
amener here: to get perscuter to persecute
here: to torturer to torture
choisir to choose
entre between refuser to deny
la femme woman
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le droit right be
avorter to abort
toujours always le diable devil
pauvre poor car as, because
nom de Dieu ! bloody hell! pour for
(fam., vulg.) juger to put on trial
nous le we would put
foirer to screw up jugerions him on trial
tout everything guillotiner to guillotine,
souhaiter to wish to decapitate
souhaitons-lui lets wish him Louis XVI King of France
(1754-1793) until 1791
ce this
moins less
petit little
il ne serait que he would only moins que cela less than that
Word cloud 1.1 The most frequent words | All word clouds in this
manual have been generated with Wordle,
Further reading
Moralistic gods, supernatural punishment and the
expansion of human sociality. Nature 2016.
ture16980.html accessed 18 March 2016.
Why big societies need big gods. Science Magazine 2015.
why-big-societies-need-big-gods accessed 18 March
Complex societies evolved without belief in all-powerful
deity. Nature 2015.
without-belief-in-all-powerful-deity-1.17040 accessed
18 March 2016
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1.1.3 Background
Before starting GigaFrenchs Power Listening, consider a
fundamental point of language learning: Listening is harder
than reading. The reason is speed. When you listen to a
native French speaker, youll hear three or more words per
second. If there is only one key word you dont know, the
sentence will remain opaque and unintelligible forever. All
youll see are the backlights of the sentence-train, without
time for a second guess and nobody giving you additional
clues. Youll never catch that train again.
On the contrary, when you read your first French articles you
can stop the train at any time and linger on single words until
you control, guess or remember their meaning (one second,
five seconds, 10 seconds at your speed). Furthermore, after
studying a text a few times, youll also dispose of some subtle
clues to understanding, for example the number of letters in a
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1.1.5 Details First approach
Download the GigaFrench MP3 audio files from Before starting your Power
Listening program (i.e., cutting the audio into portions from 2
to 4 seconds and listening to them with the AB Repeat
Player), we advise you to listen to the entire audio once or
twice while reading the English translation. This way, youll
get familiar with the content of the text.
If you already know some French, listen to the entire audio
file once or twice while reading the French text. That will give
you a feeling of what you know and what you still have to
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Are you
going to the market?
single word, open your eyes and read the sentence again.
Today it may not have gone perfectly; dont worry, in a few
days youll succeed. Friends
It is easier to learn with friends. If you have friends or family
who want to learn French, present them with the GigaFrench
Power Listening Program and explain the benefits to them. In
particular, teach them how to use a worksheet to document
their progress. Describe the extraordinary feeling of
conquering, one after the other, these islands of total
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3. Adjective 6. Adverb
1.2.1 Peanuts
Peanuts are the easy part of French, so easy that you should
master them in less than a month. Peanuts include
The defining feature of peanuts is that they are content-
insensitive: youll read, hear, say and write them in
conversations and writings about ANY subject. In 10 pages
you will see that buying stocks in peanuts is your best French
lifetime investment ever.
2016~4 Edition
50 | Jokers
Jokers comprise three parts of speech (or word classes):
adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions. If you dont know
what these words mean, thats fine; in GigaFrench, well call
them jokers. They have two favorable assets:
1. Jokers are invariable (youll appreciate this feature
when you start struggling with the first variable
2. Jokers, like the article and pronoun peanuts, are few
in number (less than 250, that is, less than 0.25% of
all French words) and can be learned in a month.
Throughout this manual, well present jokers by order of
frequency. The following word cloud shows the Top 21:
1 de of, from, in, about, by, etc. prep
(multiple translations)
2 to, at, from, etc. prep
(multiple translations)
3 et and conj
4 ou or conj
5 qui who, which adv
6 que whom, that; what; than adv
7 o where adv
Word lists are not perfect because many words have more
than one translation. As a result, word lists have been
considered fuzzy and out of focus and have been verboten for
decades. It is certainly true that it is hard to learn words out of
2016~4 Edition
52 | Articles
{AUDIO} Articles, shown in purple, are the baby pool of the
peanuts group. There are just 9 of them and all are easy to
The English the has three French equivalents: le for boys, men
or other masculine words; la for girls, women or other
feminine words; and les for more than one boy, one girl, one
woman or one men. In summary: the = le, la | les. On page
122, well go into the details. For now, be it sufficient to
present the following number/gender scheme:
Masculine Feminine
Singular le la
Plural les
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54 | Pronouns
You certainly know what je taime means: I love you. In what
is undoubtedly one of the major advances in human
civilisation, you have
1. the so-called personal subject pronoun je I
2. the so-called personal object pronoun te you
Lets delve a few inches beneath the pronoun surface. Take,
for example, the outstanding dsirer. Of course, in France,
dsirer to want, to desire is most often used in the pretty
exclusive sexual sense of wanting to kiss, caress, suck and
make love.
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Je te dsire. I want you.
Tu me dsires. You want me.
Il la dsire. He wants her.
Elle le dsire. She wants him.
Je te rsiste. I am resisting* you.
Tu me rsistes. You are resisting me.
Il lui rsiste. He is resisting her.
Elle lui rsiste. She is resisting him.
The news of the day: The 15 personal pronouns je, tu, il, elle,
nous, vous, ils, elles, me, te, le, la, les, lui, leur alone
represent 70% of all French pronouns youll ever hear and
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Fifty percent of the words are gone, the fog has lifted. With all
soft parts hammered out, only granite remains: nouns,
adjectives, action words. The language landscape comes into
The 50% percentage give it some points more, some points
less is a rather constant value, not only in French but in most
other European languages. In other words, around 300 French
peanuts always account for 50% of any subset of 100,000
possible French words in any given text. Do you arrive at the
same conclusion as I do? Yes, indeed, youre right: You
should know these words rather this week than next week!
Learning the peanuts as soon as possible is one of the best
What you see is the hard truth of language learning: There are
thousands of words in your books, tablets or smartphones
but they are just there and they not in your brain. Worse:
youll have to transfer them into your brain one by one and
make stay them there for years, possibly forever.
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60 | Nouns
Providentially, the formal management of French nouns is
straightforward. You have two forms: the singular form and
the plural form and they differ by the final s of the plural:
le soleil the sun
les soleils the suns
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62 | Adjectives
Adjectives are words like seductive, excited, tired, small, big,
etc. In English, they are immutable and dont bother about
number and gender. Be it a man, a woman, two men or three
women, theyll always be seductive, excited, or tired. In
English, adjectives are carved in stone.
Not so in French! French adjectives not only want to know if
the noun it comes with is masculine (boys, men, etc.) or
feminine (girl, women, etc.), they also want to know if there is
only one (singular) or more than one (plural). Fortunately, the
recipe is simple:
add an e if the noun is feminine
add a final s if the noun is a plural
This so-called gender and number variability is a key
feature of French. Well call it the ES rule. Lets put it into a
Gender (Sex)
Masculine Feminine
Number Singular e
(How many?) Plural s es
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Gender (Sex)
Masculine Feminine
Number Singular fatigu fatigue
(How many?) Plural fatigus fatigues
Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine
my mon ma mes
your ton ta tes
his/her son sa ses
our notre notre nos
your votre votre vos
their leur leur leurs
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These are the questions you are likely to hear at the beginning
of your French genesis as soon as the people around you
notice that you speak some French. To answer them, you will
end up talking not only about your present, but also about past
experiences and your future projects. Past, Present, Future
your life is a timeline.
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je I
tu you
il/elle he/she (it)
nous we
vous you
ils/elles they
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1 person singular je/j* I
2 person singular tu [ty] you
3 person singular il/elle he/she (it*)
1 person plural nous [nu] we
2 person plural vous [vu] you
ils/elles [il/l]
3 person plural they
* The French language has no true equivalent for it. Animals and
inanimate objects are all either feminine or masculine.
Thats it!
1. You are familiar with the mechanics of action word
sextets and
2. You know that there is more than one timeslot on
your life timeline.
These are the basics. Now start French for real! First: avoir to
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I. Action Words
1.3 First steps
With action words youll discover words that change the
world, for example faire to do/to make, vouloir to wish,
savoir to know, vivre to live. In grammar, these words are
known as verbs. Well call them action words and include in
this category the so-called auxiliary action words avoir to
have and tre to be.
{AUDIO} Avoir to have is the most important word in French.
Please listen to the audio and learn the following four sextets
(the first 4 of about 100 youll need). First learn every single
form, then memorize the 6-word sequences (for example jai
tu as il/elle a | nous avons vous avez ils/elles ont).
Prsent Imparfait
j ai [e] avais [av]
tu as [a] avais [av]
il/elle a [a] avait [av]
nous avons [av] avions [avj]
vous avez [ave] aviez [avje]
ils/elles ont [] avaient [av]
Alternative presentation:
jai tu as il/elle a
nous avons vous avez ils/elles ont
javais tu avais il/elle avait
nous avions vous aviez ils/elles avaient
jaurai tu auras il/elle aura
nous aurons vous aurez ils/elles auront
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Conditionnel prsent
jaurais tu aurais il/elle aurait
nous aurions vous auriez ils/elles auraient
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1.4 Avoir
As all action words, avoir to have has different tenses
(dimensions of time, time slots; see below). Lets start with
the most important one, the present tense, in French prsent.
The prsent, like all other tenses youll come across later, has
three forms for the singular (when you name only one person:
I, you, she or he) and three forms for the plural (when you
talk about more than one person: we, you, they).
* ils is masculine and used for boys, men or other masculine words
** elles is feminine and used for girls, women or other feminine words
2. Material goods
jai sept voitures I have seven cars
tu as huit appartements you have eight apartments
il/elle a neuf portables he/she has nine cell phones
nous avons dix mille euros we have ten thousand euro
vous avez onze tablettes you have eleven tablets
ils/elles ont douze jeux vido they have twelve video games
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3. Helpful people
jai un boulanger I have an extraordinary
extraordinaire baker
tu as un mdecin you have a skilful doctor
il/elle a un boucher de he/she a trusted butcher
confiance has
nous un pharmacien tout we have a pharmacist
avons prs nearby
vous avez le meilleur you have the best
chocolatier du chocolate maker
monde in the world
ils/elles ont un marchand de they have a remarkable
fruits et lgumes greengrocer
5. Problems, etc.
jai un problme I have a problem
jai mes rgles I have my menstrual period
tu as une hpatite you have hepatitis
il/elle a le sida he/she has AIDS
nous une dpression we have a depression
vous avez une nvrose you have a religious
religieuse neurosis
ils/elles ont une intoxication they have food poisoning
Lets make a short trip into the past, the future and the what
if (the hypothetical). All you need is brain storage capacity
for another 18 words. Are you ready? Lets travel back into
the past.
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The last letters of the avoir forms appear in bold, they are
called fittingly enough endings. For the imparfait, these
endings are ais, - ais, - ait | -ions, -iez, -aient. All you need
to do is attach them to the stem av.
While reading and listening to the imparfait of avoir youll
establish the following rules:
1. The 1st person singular (javais) and the 2nd person
singular (tu avais) are identical.
2. The pronunciation of the three singular forms (avais
avaisavait) and the 3rd person plural (avaient) is
identical [av].
Please memorize the endings ais, - ais, - ait | -ions, -iez, -
aient now! The investment is worth it 1) because they are
identical for all French action words in the imparfait tense;
and 2) because youll soon use them again to build the
conditionnel prsent (the hypothetical; see below, page 83).
In synthesis:
j avais I had
tu avais you had
il/elle avait he or she had
nous avions we had
vous aviez you had
ils/elles avaient they had
The endings of the future tense are ai, -as, -a | -ons, -ez, ont
and youll attach them to aur-, the future stem of avoir (more
about future stems later).
While reading and listening to the futur of avoir youll find
1. The 1st person singular (jaurai) and the 2nd person
plural (vous aurez) sound identical [oe].
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2. The 2nd person singular (tu auras) and the 3rd person
singular (il/elle aura) sound identical [oa].
3. The 1st person plural (nous aurons) and the 3rd person
plural (ils/elles auront) sound identical [o].
Memorize the 6 future endings ai, -as, -a | -ons, -ez, ont
now, because they are identical for all French action words in
the futur. In synthesis:
j aurai I will have
tu auras you will have
il/elle aura he or she will have
nous aurons we will have
vous aurez you will have
ils/elles auront they will have
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In synthesis:
j aurais I would have
tu aurais you would have
il/elle aurait he/she would have
nous aurions we would have
vous auriez you would have
ils/elles auraient they would have
1.4.8 Summary
Lets summarize the first four avoir sextets. The 24 words are
a pillar of the French language, so no need to wait until
tomorrow, memorize them now! Remember also to still know
them in a week, and a month from now!
jai tu as il/elle a | nous avons vous avez ils/elles ont
I have, you have, he or she has | we, you, they have
javais tu avais il/elle avait | nous avions vous aviez
ils/elles avaient
I, you, he or she had | we, you, they had
I, you, he or she used to have | we, you, they used to have
jaurai tu auras il/elle aura | nous aurons vous aurez
ils/elles auront
I, you, he or she will have | we, you, they will have
Conditionnel prsent
jaurais tu aurais il/elle aurait | nous aurions vous auriez
ils/elles auraient
I, you, he or she would have | we, you, they would have
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Futur Conditionnel
Future: I will prs.
have Present conditional
I would have
j aurai aurais
tu auras aurais
il/elle aura aurait
nous aurons aurions
vous aurez auriez
ils/elles auront auraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
Present Imperfect
subjunctive subjunctive:
that I have that I had
que j aie eusse
que tu aies eusses
quil/elle ait et
que nous ayons eussions
que vous ayez eussiez
quils/elles aient eussent
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1.5 Toolbox
Simple tenses
{AUDIO} You cannot continue studying French without
being familiar with these 7 technical terms:
1 Prsent Present
2 Imparfait Imperfect
3 Pass simple Simple past
4 Futur Future
5 Conditionnel prsent Present conditional
6 Subjonctif prsent Present subjunctive
7 Subjonctif imparfait Imperfect subjunctive
Go briefly back to the avoir table and familiarize yourself
with the layout. Fully dressed action words are the
cornerstone of GigaFrench and require an exceptional
degree of flexibility and vivacity. To be in control of French
action words, youll have to know a few dozen tables.
Fortunately, they are only apparently hostile and forbidding.
The more you see of them, the easier it will be to memorize
the distinguishing features.
Progression will be dynamic. In Level 2, youll repeat the
time-line exercise with tre to be; in Level 3 comes caresser
to caress; in Level 5 agir to act. The earlier you are able to
sense (without thinking) the tenses (prsent imparfait
pass simple futur conditionnel prsent subjonctif
prsent), the faster will you master French. Invest now and
start harvesting in a month!
1.6 Intermezzo
Before cashing in your fresh knowledge of jai tu as il/elle
a, etc. and discover sexually promising composed tenses, lets
quickly deal with two of Frenchs important and easy
1.6.1 on (1)
{AUDIO} The two-letter word on is a so-called indefinite
pronoun. Most often, it means we. Note that it is always
accompanied by the 3rd person singular (in red):
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{AUDIO} Participe
1 jai I have le lapin
tu as you have the rabbit
il a he has
known la lapine
elle a she has
the lady rabbit
nous avons we have
le prof
vous avez you have embrass
the teacher m.
ils ont they have kissed
elles ont they have la prof
the teacher f.
le directeur
2 javais I had caressed
the director m.
tu avais you had
il avait he had la directrice
elle avait she had dshabill the director f.
nous avions we had undressed
le journaliste
vous aviez you had the journalist m.
ils avaient they had
elles avaient they had chouchout la journaliste
pampered the journalist f.
le boulanger
3 jaurais I would the baker
tu aurais have, etc. chatouill
tickled la boulangre
il aurait
elle aurait the lady baker
Please note that the past participle is the single most
important feature of French grammar. It must therefore
be as familiar to you as milk, bread and butter. So please
repeat three times:
past participle participe pass
past participle participe pass
past participle participe pass
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Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass plus-que-parfait
Past Past perfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I did that I had done
(extremely rare)
que j aie fait eusse fait
que tu aies fait eusses fait
quil/elle ait fait et fait
que nous ayons fait eussions fait
que vous ayez fait eussiez fait
quils/elles aient fait eussent fait
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Plus-que-parfait :
javais fait tu avais fait il/elle avait fait
nous avions fait vous aviez fait ils/elles avaient
I, you, he/she had done/made | we, you, they had
Conditionnel pass :
jaurais fait tu aurais fait il/elle aurait fait
nous aurions fait vous auriez fait ils/elles auraient
I, you, he/she would have done/made |
we, you, they would have done/made
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Conditionnel pass
Past conditional:
I would have made
j aurais fait lamour
tu aurais fait lamour
il/elle aurait fait lamour
nous aurions fait lamour
vous auriez fait lamour
ils/elles auraient fait lamour
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* The Top 10 French action words are all from Group 3 although this
group comprises only around 350 words. Group 2 action words are
** These action words form the composed tenses with tre. See the
details on page 180.
1.7.6 eu
Finally, well complete our past participle exercise with jai
eu (I had, I have had). Eu is the past participle of avoir. A
quick look is sufficient. Dont spend more than a minute on
the following table:
j ai eu avais eu eus eu
tu as eu avais eu eus eu
il/elle a eu avait eu eut eu
nous avons eu avions eu emes eu
vous avez eu aviez eu etes eu
ils/elles ont eu avaient eu eurent eu
Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass plus-que-parfait
Past Past perfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I had that I had had
que j aie eu eusse eu
que tu aies eu eusses eu
quil/elle ait eu et eu
que nous ayons eu eussions eu
que vous ayez eu eussiez eu
quils/elles aient eu eussent eu
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Plus-que-parfait :
javais eu tu avais eu il/elle avait eu
nous avions eu vous aviez eu ils/elles avaient eu
I, you, he/she had had | we, you, they had had
Conditionnel pass :
jaurais eu tu aurais eu il/elle aurait eu
nous aurions eu vous auriez eu ils/elles auraient
I, you, he/she would have had | we, you, they would
have had
3. Problems, etc.
jaurais eu un problme I would have a problem
tu aurais eu une hpatite you would have hepatitis
il/elle aurait eu le sida he/she would AIDS
have had
nous aurions une dpression we would have a depression
eu had
vous auriez eu une nvrose you would have a religious
religieuse had neurosis
ils/elles une intoxication they would food poisoning
auraient eu alimentaire have had
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Were you prepared for that? Did anyone tell you that French
could be that complicated? Probably not. The French system
of 14 tenses is shocking, indeed. But the worst is over. From
now on, actions words will be yours!
1.7.7 Toolbox 2
Composed tenses
{AUDIO} Please dedicate a few minutes to these 7 technical
1 Pass compos Perfect
2 Plus-que-parfait Past perfect
3 Pass antrieur Preterit perfect
4 Futur antrieur Future perfect
5 Conditionnel pass Past conditional
6 Subjonctif pass Past subjunctive
7 Subjonctif plus-que-parfait Past perfect subjunctive
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Pass antrieur
Pass compos
Conditionnel Pass simple Futur antrieur Conditionnel
pass Imparfait Prsent Futur prsent
Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass prsent
1.9 Prsent
Of the 7 glorious tenses, one tense stands out and will require
your constant attention: the prsent. In French grammar, the
present is more diversified than all other 13 tenses combined.
Pay particular attention to tre to be and caresser to caress.
tre is almost as important as avoir (see page 164) and
caresser is the prototype for more than 95% of all French
action words, the so-called Group 1 action words ending in
er (see page 246).
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Infinitif caresser
Participe pass caress
Impratif caresse | caressons | caressez
Futur Conditionnel
I will caress, etc. prsent
I would caress, etc.
je caresserai caresserais
tu caresseras caresserais
il/elle caressera caresserait
nous caresserons caresserions
vous caresserez caresseriez
ils/elles caresseront caresseraient
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je nai pas I do not have
tu nas pas you do not have
il/elle na pas he/she does not has
nous navons pas we do not have
vous navez pas you do not have
ils/elles nont pas they do not have
Note that whenever a French two-letter word ending in e (je, ce, de,
le, me, ne, que, se, te) comes before a vowel (a,e,i,o,u), the semi-
vowel y or a mute h (more on that later), the final e is replaced by an
apostrophe: j, c, d, l, m, n, qu, s, t. This is true also for que
which becomes qu.
Some examples:
Dieu existe. God exists. wrong
Dieu nexiste pas. God doesnt exist. right
Dieu a cr lhomme God created man in his own wrong
son image. image.
Dieu na pas cr God didnt create man in right
lhomme son image. his own image.
Lhomme a cr Dieu Man created God in his own right
son image. image.
Lhomme a invent Man invented love. right
Dieu est Amour. God is Love. right
1.12 Dessert
Do you want some exclusive action words? Look at this:
{AUDIO} Je lis, jcoute, jcris, je questionne, je rponds, je
narre, je nomme, je discute, jinterpelle, je prie, je pense,
japprends, jenseigne, je jouis, je ris, je vis, donc je suis.
(Stphane Zagdanski)
I read, I listen, I write, I question, I answer, I narrate, I name, I
discuss, I call out, I pray, I think, I learn, I teach, I enjoy, I
laugh, I live, therefore I am.
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II. Grammar
We said earlier that learning French consists of three fairly
distinct tasks:
1. Memorizing the meaning of thousands of words. On
page xxx, well present you with more details.
2. Mastering French action words. The last 40 pages have
shown you the complete picture of avoir. At every level
well repeat the exercise with other action words.
Mastering them is the most painstaking part of French
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Now change gender and number of your little darling and see
how the noun and the adjectives change. Note that
the final s is never pronounced
all four variations of chri (chri, chrie, chris,
chries) and fatigu (fatigu, fatigue, fatigus,
fatigues) have the same pronunciation
1. One male
Mon petit chri est fatigu.
My little darling is tired.
2. One female
Ma petite chrie est fatigue.
My little darling is tired.
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Gender (Sex)
Masculine Feminine
Number Singular mon ma
(How many?) Plural mes
1.15.2 Adjectives
Lets analyse the word petit little in our four sentences.
Mon petit chri ! My little darling! boy or man
Ma petite chrie ! My little darling! girl or woman
Mes petits chris ! My little darlings! boys or men
Mes petites chries ! My little darlings! girls or women
Masculine Feminine
Singular petit petite
Plural petits petites
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Final reminder
Singular: one person, one thing, one idea, one place, etc.
Plural: more than one person, more than one thing, more than one
idea, etc.
Masculine: a boy, a man or another masculine person, thing, idea,
Feminine: a girl, a woman or another feminine person, thing, idea,
Masculine Feminine
Singular ce (cet*) cette
Plural ces
1.15.3 Nouns
Finally, lets check the noun in our four sentences: chri
darling. In French, as in English, you usually add an s to
mark the plural. Some (but not all) words add an e to
distinguish the feminine form.
Again, add
e when the noun is feminine singular (one lady
darling: chrie)
s when the noun is masculine plural (two or more
darlings; in our case chris)
es when the noun is feminine plural (two or more
lady darlings: chries)
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Masculine Feminine
Singular chri chrie
Plural chris chries
1.16 Articles
{AUDIO} English has one definite article the and the
indefinite articles a, an. French has three definite articles (le,
la | les) and three indefinite articles (un, une | des).
lhtel m. hotel
lhistoire f. history
lamour m. love
lorgasme m. orgasm
ljaculation f. ejaculation
leau f. water
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Masculine Feminine
Singular un une
Plural des
Masculine Feminine
Singular du* de la
Number de l**
Plural des*
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Singular Plural
lingalit f. inequality les ingalits
linjustice f. injustice les injustices
la violence violence les violences
le meurtre assassination les meutres
la guerre war les guerres
le gnocide genocide les gnocides
lhomme m. man les hommes
lhistoire history les histoires
1.18 Jokers
You are now familiar with action words (verbs), nouns, and
adjectives. More than 99% of all French words are from these
word classes.
We shall not end Level 1 without talking about the remaining
four word classes. The approximate number of these words is
indicated in parentheses:
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1.18.1 Adverbs
{AUDIO} Adverbs are invariable words that provide
additional information for
an action word
an adjective
or another adverb
The additional information covers a wide range of
phenomena: time and space (when and where), manner (how),
quantity (how often) and degree (comparison).
Lets start with 11 common words:
Adverb of
hier yesterday time
aujourd'hui today time
demain tomorrow time
ici here place
l there place
bien well manner
mal poorly manner
peu few, little quantity
beaucoup a lot quantity
plus more comparison
moins less comparison
1.18.2 Conjunctions
{AUDIO} Conjunctions (literally: joining together) link
similar words or groups of words. French uses two types of
For today, please memorize et and, ou or, mais but, and donc
thus, therefore.
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1.18.3 Prepositions
Prepositions are short words such as at, of, in, on, to, with
which link words in a sentence. They are usually used in
front of nouns (boy, girl, flower, tree) or pronouns (him, her,
them) and show, for example,
1. Where something takes place (at my friends place)
2. When something happens (before making love)
3. Descriptive information (the doctor with the pony tail)
The five prepositions dans, avec, sans, entre and pour are
shown below in proportion to their frequency of use. The even
more frequent de and which have multiple translations are
not shown.
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Youll use the preposition de/d to define possession, origin,
content, cause or other defining features. Depending on the
context, English translations include of, from, in, about and
Possession or belonging le palais du (de+le) the Presidents palace
le portable dOscar Oscars mobile
Origin or starting point Je suis de Paris. Im from Paris.
Material or content une assiette de riz a plate of rice
Cause or authorship mourir damour to die from love
un livre de BSK a book by BSK
about il parle de sa femme he talks about his wife
Matter une pice dor a golden coin
Price un livre de 200 a 200 book
Masculine Feminine
Singular du* de la
Number de l**
Plural des*
The preposition , too, has many different uses.
Location, Jhabite Paris. I live in Paris.
Je vais Londres. Im going to London.
Distance Le Louvre est dix The Louvre is 10
minutes dici. minutes from here.
Time Il viendra midi. Hell come at noon.
Possession Cette maison est Jean- This is Jean-Claudes
Claude. house.
In some infinitive Tu nas rien dire. You have nothing to
constructions say (object).
Masculine Feminine
Singular au* la
Number l**
Plural aux
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account for 75% of the French jokers you will see and hear in
your life. Time has come to learn them ALL with your
smartphone: If you were
Italian Id invite you to Toglitele subito dalle palle!, take
them right out of your balls!
1 de of, from, in, about, by, etc. prep
(multiple translations)
2 to, at, from, etc. prep
(multiple translations)
3 et and conj
4 ou or conj
5 qui who, which adv
6 que whom, that; what; than adv
7 o where adv
1.19 Pronouns
Pronouns are great simplifiers of speech because they replace
nouns (Felix, Charlotte, brother, sister, tree, car) with the
simpler and shorter words he, she, it, etc. You know the
personal subject pronouns (PSPs) je tu il/elle | nous
vous ils/elles:
1 person singular je/j I
2 person singular tu you
3 person singular il/elle he/she (it*)
1 person plural nous we
2 person plural vous you
3 person plural ils/elles they
You also recall the personal object pronouns (POPs: me, te,
le/la | nous, vous, les + lui, leur). Remember the tables from
page 55 showing personal subject pronouns (PSPs) in red and
personal object pronouns (POPs) in blue. Please repeat them:
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Je te dsire. I want you.
Tu me dsires. You want me.
Il la dsire. He wants her.
Elle le dsire. She wants him.
Je te rsiste. I am resisting* you.
Tu me rsistes. You are resisting me.
Il lui rsiste. He is resisting her.
Elle lui rsiste. She is resisting him.
As you see, the main clause is identical, but the relative clause
is radically different. Who has become whom, and the subject
of the relative clause is I. In French, whom would be
translated with que.
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Note that
qui never contracts with other words.
que becomes qu' before a word beginning with a vowel,
most frequently with the personal pronouns il/elle and
At every new level, you will discover more jokers (adverbs,
conjunctions, prepositions). Remember that their number is
limited (<300). However, it may take you substantially
longer to memorize quoique even though, de faon que in
such a way that, jusqu ce que until than simple nouns
such as le pain bread, le fromage cheese and le vin wine. In
any case, mastering adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions
is an immediate task. Remember that they are content-
insensitive and youll use them everywhere, anytime and
independent of the subject you are talking or writing about.
My advice: devote particular attention to these few hundred
words. Youll continue on page 213.
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How would you say, Its four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
oclock? Right: Il est quatre | cinq | six | sept | huit | neuf |
dix | onze heures. Excellent!
1.20.4 dont
The French dont is an unprobably word with means whom/of
which/about whom. The functioning is too complex to be
presented here. Just remember the meaning and find the
detailed discussion on page 399.
1.20.6 Toolbox 3
Remember that you need about 60 technical words to describe
the phenomena of French grammar. Make yourself
comfortable with the following list.
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3. Adjective 6. Adverb
1.21.1 Words
cest fait ! its done! sexuel, -le sexual
aprs after autrefois in the past,
le mois month formerly
le dbat debate
elle est devenue she has juger to judge
become contre against
le vote vote la nature nature
solennel, -le solemn aujourdhui today
reconnatre to recognize
le mardi Tuesday reconnu, -e recognized
avril m. April autre other, another,
une assemble assembly different
national, -e national
le pays country normal, -e normal
le monde world selon according to
autoriser to authorize une expression expression
la personne person un anthropologist
rprimer to repress,
mme same
to crack down
le sexe sex, gender
dont of which, whose
se marier to get married
punir to punish
la loi law
sur on, about
la mort death
le mariage marriage
la mesure measure
une adoption adoption
rester to remain
certainement certainly
marquer to mark
comme like, as
nouveau, new
plus here:: most
marquant, -e striking
une tape stage
le bilan record,
la banalisation trivialization
une orientation orientation
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1.22 Bonjour
After more than 70 pages of rough grammar, it is time for
some social vocabulary.
bonjour good morning
good afternoon
bonjour When meeting a lady, a
Madame gentleman or a young woman,
bonjour add Madame, Monsieur and
Monsieur Mademoiselle when you are not
familiar with a person.
bonsoir good evening
bonne nuit good night At the end of the evening; when
(Madame, going to bed
salut good morning Use salut when you are familiar
good afternoon with a person and when you
good evening call them by their first name.
Dont use salut with the family
name, and not with Monsieur,
Madame, and Mademoiselle!
1.23 Free-Climbing
Now leave the GigaFrench track and stray out into
unchartered language territory on your own. Open and check the headlines. Of
course, you wont understand them all, but some are short and
use words similar to English.
Do you want to hear the sound of those headlines? Google
provides it. Open in your Firefox
browser and install the Google Text-To-Speech add-on. The
add-on converts text to speech in natural sounding voices.
Once installed, double-click with your mouse on any word (or
triple-click on sentences) and hear it instantly. Google TTS is
not 100% perfect, but immensely helpful. Use it regularly.
Well revisit it later.
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Prsent Imparfait
j ai avais
tu as avais
il/elle a avait
nous avons avions
vous avez aviez
ils/elles ont avaient
{AUDIO} Did you appreciate mastering the three most
important composed tenses in Frances favourite action?
Conditionnel pass
Past conditional:
I would have made
j aurais fait lamour
tu aurais fait lamour
il/elle aurait fait lamour
nous aurions fait lamour
vous auriez fait lamour
ils/elles auraient fait lamour
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Finally, have you integrated the all-important gender-number
ES rule?
Masculine Feminine
Singular e
Plural s es
* * *
In Chapter 2, well present the full picture of tre to be. You
will happily discover that you can manage it in pretty much
the same way as you managed avoir. As a preview, take a
peek at the futur future:
j serai I will be
tu seras you will be
il/elle sera he/she will be
nous serons we will be
vous serez you will be
ils/elles seront they will be
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2 Climate Change
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le changement change avoir des to have hot
climatique climate adj. bouffes de flushes
rchauffement warming
m. chaque every, each
rchauffement global warming une anne year
climatique la concentration
provoquer to cause, concentration
to bring about dans in
un homme homme, une atmosphere
mankind atmosphre
nest-il pas isnt it atteindre to reach
le monde world si if
ainsi thus, in this au moins at least
way finir to end
le petit-enfant grandchild l there
pouvoir can, to be able mais non but no
le futur future
ainsi pourront- theyll thus be
proposer to propose
ils able to
un jour one day
le menu menu
se dplacer to move
plus violent more violent
la famine famine,
la barque small boat
comme like, just as
global global,
lacqua alta high water worldwide
la maladie disease
svir to hit, to strike
infectieux, -se infectious
la malaria malaria
bonjour hello
le mur wall
droit straight, right
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Further reading:
DeConto RM, Pollard D. Contribution of Antarctica to past and future
sea-level rise. Nature 2016;531:591-7.
l (accessed 7 April 2016).
Jones N. Climate change threatens Europe's living standards,
(accessed 10 March 2016).
Merchants of Doubt,
and (both accessed
10 March 2016).
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2.2 Preview
If you just want to expand your French vocabulary, go straight
ahead to the next level and find a text about abortion (page
233). If you are more serious about learning French, go
through the following pages. On todays menu: the second
most important French word, tre to be; a new set of 7 x 7
past participles; a preview of irregular future stems; and more
nouns, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions.
Again, listen to the audios until you can discern every single
word and you know the examples and dialogues by heart.
Burn the sentences into your brain.
Why did I construct this surreal nocturnal encounter? Because
it illustrates the way we know words spontaneously, in the
most extreme of situations, and without giving a second
thought to it. And thats the way youll have to know French
words: intuitively and explosively. To achieve such smooth
perfection, you need multiple exposures. Lets see the
The data are both good and bad news. The bad news: language
learning is a concentrated and mostly lonely effort of
hundreds of hours. The good news: language learning is not a
black hole, but predictable and manageable.
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I. Action Words
2.4 tre to be (Introduction)
{AUDIO} tre to be is the second most important word in
French. As with avoir, take all the time you need to get
familiar with it. First learn every form, then memorize the 6-
word sextets (for example, je suis tu es il/elle est | nous
sommes vous tes ils/elle sont). If you are new to French,
memorize the first two sextets. If you learned French before,
memorize them all.
Prsent Imparfait
j suis tais
tu es tais
il/elle est tait
nous sommes tions
vous tes tiez
ils/elles sont taient
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2.4.1 Prsent
{AUDIO} The prsent present tense is, as always, the most
important tense.
j suis [si] I am
tu es [] you are
il/elle est [] he/she is
nous sommes [sm] we are
vous tes [t] you are
ils/elles sont [s] they are
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1. Location in space
je suis au Louvre I am at the Louvre
tu es Montmartre you are at Montmartre
il/elle est sur la Tour Eiffel he/she is on the Eiffel Tower
nous sommes aux Champs- we are at the Champs-Elysees
vous tes aux Halles you are in the Halles
ils/elles sont au Luxembourg they are at the Luxembourg Gardens
2. Appearance
Masculine Feminine
je suis grand grande I am tall
tu es blond blonde you are blond
il est petit he is
elle est petite she is
nous sommes grands grandes we are tall
vous tes blonds blondes you are blond
ils sont petits
they are small
elles sont petites
Masculine Feminine
Singular e
Plural s es
3. Personality
je suis calme I am calm
tu es dbile you are an idiot
il/elle est egoste he/she is selfish
nous sommes calmes we are calm
vous tes dbiles you are idiots
ils/elles sont egostes they are selfish
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4. Sex appeal
Masculine Feminine
je suis sduisant sduisante I am enticing
tu es excitant excitante you are exciting
il est attrayant he is
elle est attrayante she is
nous sommes sduisants sduisantes we are enticing
vous tes excitants excitantes you are exciting
ils sont attrayants
they are attractive
elles sont attrayantes
5. Profession
je suis mdecin I am a physician
tu es cinaste you are a filmmaker
il/elle est professeur he/she is a teacher
nous sommes artistes we are artists
vous tes architectes you are architects
ils/elles sont ingnieurs they are engineers
Some professions continue to use the same form for both men
and women.
6. Nationalities
Note that adjectives which refer to nationalities are not
Masculine Feminine
je suis franais franaise I am French
tu es anglais anglaise you are English
il est allemand he is
elle est allemande she is
nous sommes espagnols espagnoles we are Spanish
vous tes amricains amricaines you are American
ils sont mxicains
they are Mexican
elles sont mxicaines
7. Passive voice
Youll also use tre to express the passive voice of action
I est poursuivi par la police.
He is (being) chased by the police.
Pass compos
I a t poursuivi par la police.
He was (being) chased by the police.
More about the passive voice in Level xxx.
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j tais I was
tu tais you were
il/elle tait he or she was
nous tions we were
vous tiez you were
ils/elles taient they were
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je serai mdecin I will be a physician
tu seras cinaste you will be a filmmaker
il/elle sera professeur he/she will be a teacher
nous serons artistes we will be artists
vous serez architectes you will be architects
ils/elles seront ingnieurs they will be engineers
To get the futur of tre, all you need is the future stem ser
and attach the future endings ai, as, a | ons, ez, ont.
While reading and listening to the futur of tre youll find
1. The 1st person singular (je serai) and the 2nd person
plural (vous serez) sound identical [se].
2. The 2nd person singular (tu seras) and the 3rd person
singular (il/elle sera) sound identical [sa].
3. The 1st person plural (nous serons) and the 3rd person
plural (ils/elles seront) sound identical [s].
Remember that the futur endings are identical for all French
action words! In synthesis:
je serai I will be
tu seras you will be
il/elle sera he or she will be
nous serons we will be
vous serez you will be
ils/elles seront they will be
Masculine Feminine
je serais sduisant sduisante I would be enticing
tu serais excitant excitante you would be exciting
il serait attrayant he would be
elle serait attrayante she would be
nous serions sduisants sduisantes we would be enticing
vous seriez excitants excitantes you would be exciting
ils seraient attrayants
they would be attractive
elles seraient attrayantes
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In synthesis:
je serais I would have
tu serais you would have
serait he/she would
nous serions we would have
vous seriez you would have
ils/elles seraient they would have
je fus I was
tu fus you were
il/elle fut he or she was
nous fmes we were
vous ftes you were
ils/elles furent they were
2.6.6 Summary
{AUDIO} Lets summarize your first four tre sextets:
je suis tu es il/elle est | nous sommes vous tes
ils/elles sont
I am, you are, he/she is | we, you, they are
jtais tu tais il/elle tait | nous tions vous tiez
ils/elles taient
I was, you were, he/she was | we, you, they were
I, you, he/she used to be | we, you, they used to be
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je serai tu seras il/elle sera | nous serons vous serez
ils/elles seront
I, you, he or she will be | we, you, they will be
Conditionnel prsent
je serais tu serais il/elle serait | nous serions vous seriez
ils/elles seraient
I, you, he or she would be | we, you, they would be
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
Present Imperfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I am that I was
(extremely rare)
que je sois fusse
que tu sois fusses
quil/elle soit ft
que nous soyons fussions
que vous soyez fussiez
quils/elles soient fussent
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2.7.1 Overview
Again, we have highlighted the three composed tenses of
prime importance: the pass compos, the plus-que-parfait
and the conditionnel pass. Again, youll be able to
memorize them within a few minutes. There is only one
complication: tre wants to know if you are a boy or a girl.
Thats how it works: Having seen
je suis tu es il/elle est | nous sommes vous tes
ils/elles sont
jtais tu tais il/elle tait | nous tions vous
tiez ils/elles taient
je serais tu serais il/elle serait | nous serions
vous seriez ils/elles seraient
you can build the pass compos, the plus-que-parfait and
the conditionnel pass in seconds. Just add all.
Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass plus-que-parfait
Past Past perfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I went that I had gone
que je sois all(e) fusse all(e)
que tu sois all(e) fusses all(e)
quil/elle soit all(e) ft all(e)
que nous soyons all(e)s fussions all(e)s
que vous soyez all(e)s fussiez all(e)s
quils/elles soient all(e)s fussent all(e)s
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Pass compos :
je suis all(e) tu es all(e) il/elle est all(e)
nous sommes all(e)s vous tes all(e)s ils/elles
sont all(e)s
I, you, he/she went | we, you, they made
Plus-que-parfait :
je tais all(e) tu tais all(e) il/elle tait all(e)
nous tions all(e)s vous tiez all(e)s ils/elles
taient all(e)s
I, you, he/she had gone | we, you, they had gone
Conditionnel pass :
je serais all(e) tu serais all(e) il/elle serait all(e)
nous serions all(e)s vous seriez all(e)s ils/elles
seraient all(e)s
I, you, he/she would have gone | we, you, they would
have gone
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Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass plus-que-parfait
Past Past perfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I was that I had been
(extremely rare)
que j aie t eusse t
que tu aies t eusses t
quil/elle ait t et t
que nous ayons t eussions t
que vous ayez t eussiez t
quils/elles aient t eussent t
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Il tait 10 heures quand il est It was 10 oclock when he finally
finalement arriv. arrived.
Javais 17 ans quand nous I was 17 years old when we met.
nous sommes rencontrs.
Jtais heureux comme un I was happy as a king.
Nous tions tous les deux We were both very happy.
trs heureux.
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vivre to live
j ai vcu I lived
tu as vcu you lived
il/elle a vcu he/she lived
nous avons vcu we lived
vous avez vcu you lived
ils/elles ont vcu they lived
Now combine jai vcu, etc. with a few possible life events:
J ai vcu une vie heureuse. I lived a happy life
Tu as vcu une priode faste. You lived a prosperous
Il/Elle a vcu un terrible traumatisme. He/She lived a terrible
Nous avons vcu une exprience We had a wonderful
formidable. experience.
Vous avez vcu une soire We had an unforgettable
inoubliable. evening.
Ils/Elles ont vcu une liaison fatale. They lived a fatal
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Infinitive Future
avoir jaurai I will have
tre je serai I will be
Infinitive Future
faire je ferai I will do
aller jirai I will go
vouloir je voudrai I will want
pouvoir je pourrai I will be able
voir je verrai I will see
venir je viendrai I will come
savoir je saurai I will know
devoir je devrai I will have to
falloir il faudra it will be necessary
pleuvoir il pleuvra it will rain
mourir je mourrai I will die
envoyer j'enverrai I will send
2.11 on (2)
{AUDIO} In Level 1 you saw that the indefinite pronoun on
is generally translated with nous and that it is always
accompanied by action words in the 3rd person singular:
On y va ? Shall we go?
On a faim ! We are hungry!
(children coming home)
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In synthesis:
ne not
ne .. jamais never / ever
ne .. rien nothing / anything
ne .. personne nobody / anybody
ne .. plus no more / anymore
ne .. plus jamais never again / ever again
ne .. plus rien nothing again / anything again
ne .. plus personne nobody again / anybody again
ne .. que* only
* ne que has the structure of a negation but is translated with only.
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In the presence of a past participle, pas, jamais, rien and plus
go after the avoir forms and before the past participle:
Il/Elle na jamais travaill. He/She (has) never worked.
Il/Elle na jamais rien vu. He/She never saw anything
He/She has never seen anything.
Tu ne mas jamais aid. You (have) never helped me.
Nous ne lavons plus jamais fait. We never did it again.
Je naime que toi. I love only you.
In the presence of a past participle, personne and que always
go after the past participle:
Je nai vu personne. I didnt see anybody.
Je nai plus vu personne. I havent seen anybody again.
il y a there is / there are
il ny a pas there isnt / there arent
il y avait there was / there were
(there used to be)
il ny avait pas there wasnt/there werent
Pass compos
il y a eu there was / there were
there has been / there have been
il ny a pas eu there wasnt / there werent there has
not been / there have not been
il y aura there will be
il ny aura pas there will not be
Conditionnel prsent
il y aurait there would be
il ny aurait pas there would not be
Some examples:
Il y a un problme There is a problem.
Il ny a pas de pain. There is no bread.
Il y avait beaucoup de travail. There was much work (to do).
Il ny avait rien voir. There was nothing to see.
Il y a eu un grand changement. There was a big change.
Il ny a pas eu de rvolte. There was no insurrection.
Il y aura beaucoup de monde. There will be many people.
Il ny aura plus rien manger. There will be nothing left to eat.
Il y aurait une solution. There would be a solution.
Il ny aurait pas de problmes There would be no problems at all.
du tout.
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II. Grammar
2.15 Articles (2)
The definite articles le and la both become l when they
precede a noun that begins with a vowel or with a so-called
mute h (see details on page 451): lhomme man, lheure hour,
lil eye. The following words are the most frequent - learn
them together with the indefinite article:
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Masculine Feminine
homme man heure hour
il eye enfant child f.
enfant child m. eau water
air air, appearance anne year
an year histoire story, history
amour love ide idea
ordre order paule shoulder
tat state envie desire, longing
esprit spirit affaire matter, affair
arbre tree ombre shade, shadow
argent money, silver odeur smell, perfume
effet effect, result oreille ear
htel hotel image image
escalier stairs impression impression
habitude habit, custom
glise church
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o t (800)
vrit truth, volont will, desire, la sant health
Easy to memorize: libert, beaut, ralit,
autorit, socit, qualit, curiosit, difficult,
obscurit, unit, scurit, activit, dignit,
ternit, clart, possibilit, responsabilit
Gender exception: un t summer, le retrait
pensioner, le dput MP, Member of Parliament
o ure (400)
heure hour, voiture car, peinture painting,
allure appearance; speed, couverture cover,
coverage, chaussure shoe.
Easy to memorize: mesure, nature, figure,
aventure, lecture, littrature, culture,
Gender exception: le murmure whisper, un
augure omen, soothsayer
o ance (240)
impuissance impotence, avance head start,
advance, enfance childhood, vacances (plural)
holiday, connaissance knowledge,
understanding, puissance power, naissance
birth, souffrance suffering, sance session,
ordonnance prescription; order, mfiance
suspicion, distrust, aisance ease
Easy to memorize: chance, confiance,
importance, distance, circonstance, rsistance,
assurance, esprance, indpendance, alliance,
lgance, reconnaissance, tendance, nuance,
assistance, vengeance, ignorance, insistance
o ence (200)
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o ti (3)
la moiti half, una amiti friendship, la piti
2.16.3 s, x, or z
{AUDIO} When a noun (or adjective) ends in s, x, or z in
the singular, dont add a further -s in the plural.
Singular Plural
virus le virus les virus
son le fils les fils
price, prize le prix les prix
choice le choix les choix
gas le gaz les gaz
nose le nez les nez
Frenchman le Franais les Franais
an Englishman lAnglais m. les Anglais
Dutchman le Hollandais les Hollandais
Portuguese le Portugais les Portugais
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Singular Plural
eau f. eaux water
peau peaux skin
bureau bureaux office, desk
oiseau oiseaux bird
morceau morceaux piece
tableau tableaux painting; board
chapeau chapeaux hat
rideau rideaux curtain
bateau bateaux boat, ship
chteau chteaux castle
manteau manteaux coat
plateau plateaux plateau; tray
couteau couteaux knife
cadeau cadeaux present, gift
niveau niveaux level
gteau gteaux cake
cerveau cerveaux brain
pneu pneus tyre
Remember also the petit chri example and that every French
noun is either masculine or feminine and either singular or
plural; remember finally that adjectives must agree in number
and gender with their nouns.
French adjectives can be divided into three groups, two big
groups and one small. Groups 1 and 2, of roughly equal size,
represent the bulk of French adjectives.
1. Adjectives ending with a consonant (mostly d, t,
r, s, n, l)
2. Adjectives ending in e
3. Irregular adjectives
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Masculine Feminine
Singular e
Plural s es
Singular Plural
Singular Plural
poor pauvre pauvres
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Masculine Feminine
ending ending Singular Plural
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Youll see later that every single preposition has multiple uses
requiring different translations.
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Final reminder
1. de + le always contract to du
2. de + les always contract to des
treize 13 vingt et un 21
quatorze 14 vingt-deux 22
quinze 15 vingt-trois 23
seize 16 trente 30
dix-sept 17 trente et un 31
dix-huit 18 trente-deux 32
dix-neuf 19 quarante 40
vingt 20 cinquante 50
soixante 60
soixante-neuf 69
Tu peux venir aujourdhui. You can come today.
Tu viens. You are coming.
Tu peux venir aujourdhui ? Can you come today?
Tu viens ? Are you coming?
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2.20.3 Inversion
A third way of asking a question is the inversion of pronoun
and action word:
Tu peux venir aujourdhui. You can come today.
Peux-tu venir aujourdhui ? Can you come today?
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2.21.4 Toolbox 4
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Simple tenses
1 Prsent Present
2 Imparfait Imperfect
3 Pass simple Simple past
4 Futur Future
5 Conditionnel prsent Present conditional
6 Subjonctif prsent Present subjunctive
7 Subjonctif imparfait Imperfect subjunctive
Composed tenses
1 Pass compos Perfect
2 Plus-que-parfait Past perfect
3 Pass antrieur Preterit perfect
4 Futur antrieur Future perfect
5 Conditionnel pass Past conditional
6 Subjonctif pass Past subjunctive
7 Subjonctif plus-que-parfait Past perfect subjunctive
Following encounters
How are you? Comment allez-vous ? polite
Comment vas-tu ? familiar
Salut, a va ? familiar
Its going well / bad. a va bien / mal.
Fine, thanks. And you? Trs bien, merci, et vous ? polite
Trs bien, merci, et toi ? familiar
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Can you say
je suis tu es il/elle est | nous sommes vous tes
ils/elles sont
I am, you are, he/she is | we, you, they are
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jtais tu tais il/elle tait | nous tions vous tiez
ils/elles taient
I was, you were, he/she was | we, you, they were
I, you, he/she used to be | we, you, they used to be
je serai tu seras il/elle sera | nous serons vous serez
ils/elles seront
I, you, he or she will be | we, you, they will be
Conditionnel prsent
je serais tu serais il/elle serait | nous serions vous seriez
ils/elles seraient
I, you, he or she would be | we, you, they would be
Do you remember the strong sexual connotations of action
words using the auxiliary tre to form composed tenses (pass
compos, plus-que-parfait, conditionnel pass, etc.)?
Infinitif Participe
aller all to go
venir venu to come
entrer entr to enter
rentrer rentr to go back in
sortir sorti to go out, exit
arriver arriv to arrive
rester rest to stay
partir parti to leave
tomber tomb to fall
passer pass to go through (a place)
retourner retourn to go back, return
natre n to be born
mourir mort to die
monter mont to go up, climb
descendre descendu to go down (downstairs),
climb down
Example: je suis venu(e), je suis rentr(e), je suis
sorti(e), je suis arriv(e), je suis tomb(e), je suis
Do you know these important action words with their past
devoir jai d
vivre jai vcu
connate jai connu
boire jai bu
croire jai cru
lire jai lu
rire jai ri
venir je suis venu(e)
devenir je suis devenu(e)
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Do you know the meaning of at least 2 x 7 words of the
following word cloud?
Are you familiar with jamais, rien, personne and plus? Take
a second look:
ne not
ne .. jamais never / ever
ne .. rien nothing / anything
ne .. personne nobody / anybody
ne .. plus no more / anymore
ne .. plus jamais never again / ever again
ne .. plus rien nothing again / anything again
ne .. plus personne nobody again / anybody again
ne .. que* only
Can you recite the surprising series of French numbers from
70 to 79? And do you know the meaning of maintenant,
peut-tre, aussi, dj, ensuite, tt, tard, partout, vite, assez,
trs, trop, encore?
Read the tre table again (page 179). Youll appreciate the
now familiar layout and remember that the tables with
these fully-dressed action words are the cornerstone of
In Level 3, finally, comes the third most important French
word, caresser to pet/caress (a Group 1 action word), with
people petting animals and caressing each other. Youll also
find more nouns, adjectives, jokers and pronouns as
always, well present you with the most frequent French
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3 Abortion
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un avortement abortion la libert liberty
lgal legal difficile difficult
le Nicaragua Nicaragua nier to negate
le Chili Chile une vidence evidence
le pays country entier whole, entire
o where le temps time, weather
la femme woman de tous les of all times
avorter to abort temps
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la substance substance
Nom de Dieu ! Bloody hell! utiliser to use,
le sicle century to employ
nous sommes we are in the
me st
au 21 (vingt- 21 century provoquer to cause,
et-unime) to bring about
sicle la vie life
tous les ans every year important, -e important
plus de more than plus important more important
quarante 40 million que than
millions le ftus foetus
dont of whom le prtre priest
le politicien politician
la moiti half
la condition condition le lobbyiste lobbyist
dangereux, -se dangerous la religion religion
une organisation couter to listen
organisation coutez ! listen!
mondial, -e global,
le jugement judgement
le jugement Last Judgement
la sant health
rpondre de to be
accountable for
estimer to estimate
une hmorragie haemorrhage au nom de in the name of
une infection infection la fille daughter
un effet effect, result saint holy
toxique toxic la Sainte Vierge Holy Virgin
un assassin murderer
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hear each portion of each audio file 100 times. Then will come
the time when youll understand, for the first time and
distinctly, every single word of the MP3 audio file you are
listening to. You'll have conquered an island of total
The 8 audio files of the current GigaFrench edition total about
20 minutes of recording. Listening to them 100 times requires
about 30 hours. A perfect understanding word for word! of
these 8 pieces with more than 2,600 words is just around the
corner of your life. You can do it in less than two months! Go
for it!
3.2 Preview
If your main interest is learning contemporary vocabulary,
memorize all words (100%) and go straight ahead to Junk
Food on page 305.
For a more thorough knowledge of French, please continue
below. The highlights of Level 3 are
the detailed description of faire to make/to do;
the intimate knowledge of the third most important
French word, caresser to caress, to pet;
possessive adjectives;
and, finally, your last big intellectual challenge of
French grammar: POPs, personal object pronouns.
As always, make extensive use of the audio files and listen to
them until you can distinguish every single word.
I. Action Words
As some action words are more important than others, at the
beginning of each level well present one of them with the full
picture of simple tenses. Lets start with faire to make/to do:
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3.4 Faire
Infinitif faire to do, to make
Participe pass fait
Participe prsent faisant
Impratif fais | faisons | faites
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
Pres.subjunctive Imperfect subjunctive
that I do that I did
que je fasse fisse
que tu fasses fisses
quil/elle fasse ft
que nous fassions fissions
que vous fassiez fissiez
quils/elles fassent fissent
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Important information
In the coming levels, youll find many more action word
tables. The default mode of action words is the so-called
indicatif, which expresses facts of life that really happened,
are happening right now or will be happening in the future;
as the indicatif is the default mode, we dont specify it and
simply say prsent, imparfait and futur.
The indicatif is also called mood. Other moods are 1) the
conditionnel (conditional), 2) the subjonctif (subjunctive),
and 3) the impratif (imperative).
Finally, there are three indefinite moods which do not
indicate the person: infinitif (infinitive), participe
(participle) and grondif (gerund).
Does that sound confusing? Indeed it is, so come back
later! For now, just remember that there is a subjonctif
which youll use to express doubts, thoughts, wishes,
beliefs, and worries.
3.5 Subjonctif
Lets introduce the subjonctif prsent. Generally speaking,
youll use the subjonctif after action words (or expressions
like il est prfrable que), which express will/wanting,
doubt, emotion, possibility, necessity, or judgment. Well
go into the details later. Look at only one sentence:
Il faut que tu fasses ton lit.
You must make your bed.
[literally: It is imperative that you make your bed.]
As il faut expresses a necessity, the second part of the
sentence (introduced by que) cannot use the standard prsent
(tu fais); instead, it must use the subjonctif prsent: tu fasses.
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Prsent Imparfait
je caresse caressais
tu caresses caressais
il/elle caresse caressait
nous caressons caressions
vous caressez caressiez
ils/elles caressent caressaient
3.6.1 Prsent
je caresse I caress
tu caresses you caress
il/elle caresse he/she caresses
nous caressons we caress
vous caressez you caress
ils/elles caressent they caress
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3.6.2 Imparfait
Lets continue with the imparfait and express caressing in the
past. To get the imperfect stem
Take the 1st person plural of the prsent: nous
The imperfect stem of virtually all action words both regular and
irregular is formed in this way. An important exception: The
imperfect stem of tre is t: jtais tu tais il/elle tait, etc.
[see page 178].
je caressais I caressed
tu caressais you caressed
il/elle caressait he/she caressed
nous caressions we caressed
vous caressiez you caressed
ils/elles caressaient they caressed
3.6.3 Futur
Now say that youll do some caressing in the future (I will
caress). Take the Futur endings (ai, -as, -a | -ons, -ez, ont)
so familiar from jaurai tu auras il/elle aura | nous aurons
vous aurez ils/elles auront; I, you, he/she will have, etc.)
and attach them to the infinitive of caresser:
je caresserai I will caress
tu caresseras you will caress
il/elle caressera he/she will caress
nous caresserons we will caress
vous caresserez you will caress
ils/elles caresseront they will caress
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je caresserais I would caress
tu caresserais you would caress
il/elle caresserait he/she would caress
nous caresserions we would caress
vous caresseriez you would caress
ils/elles caresseraient they would caress
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The forms ending in red have all the same pronunciation: [fas],
[sa], [pis].
aller vouloir
Subjonctif prsent: Subjonctif prsent:
that I go, etc. that I want, etc.
que j/je aille veuille
que tu ailles veuilles
quil/elle aille veuille
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je caressai I caressed
tu caressas you caressed
il/elle caressa he/she caressed
nous caressmes we caressed
vous caresstes you caressed
ils/elles caressrent they caressed
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or even better
que je caressasse that I caressed
que tu caressasses that you caressed
que il/elle caresst that he/she caressed
que nous caressassions that we caressed
que vous caressassiez that you caressed
que ils/elles caressassent that they caressed
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3.6.8 24 Endings
The endings of 6 single tenses for the vast Group 1 of
French action words (there are more than 6000 of them in a
45,000-word dictionary!) are compressible. The endings of
two tenses prsent and subjonctif prsent are almost
identical (see below, series 1) and the endings of another
two tenses imparfait and conditionnel prsent ARE
identical (2). Add the futur (3) and the pass simple (4)
and you see that you can boil down a complete French
action word to a set of 24 endings:
3. Futur
ai, as, a | ont, ez, ont
4. Pass simple
ai, as, a | mes, tes, rent
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Futur Conditionnel
je caresserai caresserais
tu caresseras caresserais
il/elle caressera caresserait
nous caresserons caresserions
vous caresserez caresseriez
ils/elles caresseront caresseraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je caresse caressasse
que tu caresses caressasses
quil/elle caresse caresst
que nous caressions caressassions
que vous caressiez caressassiez
quils/elles caressent caressassent
Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass plus-que-parfait
Past Past perfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I caressed that I had
que j aie caress eusse caress
que tu aies caress eusses caress
quil/elle ait caress et caress
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# Infinitif Participe Infinitive Past
pass participle
99 offrir offert to offer offered
100 serrer serr to tighten tightened
101 compter compt to count counted
102 travailler travaill to work worked
103 remettre remis to put back put back
104 rappeler rappel to call back called back
105 traverser travers to cross crossed
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Infinitive Future
avoir jaurai I will have
tre je serai I will be
faire je ferai I will do
aller j'irai I will go
vouloir je voudrai I will want
pouvoir je pourrai I will be able
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have the feeling that she doesnt motivate you or, worse,
wants to make you feel like a donkey, fire her.
Find more information about teachers in Chapter 4 of The
Word Brain, page 41ff. Download the free 81-page PDF from
II. Grammar
3.12 Stranger vs. Family (2)
Remember from page90: the English you is tu only for family
members, children or close friends; or when you and the
person you are speaking to agree on using you. In all other
cases when speaking to 1) a person you dont know or 2)
more than one person, family or strangers you must use
vous + the 2nd person plural of the action word: vous avez you
have, vous tes you are, vous caressez you caress, vous
aimez you love, vous faites you do.
In formal situations, you will need to adapt
1. adjectives and
2. past participles associated with tre (see page 180)
in gender and number to the real person.
3.12.1 Adjectives
You are crazy is translated with vous tes fou, vous tes folle,
vous tes fous, vous tes folles, depending on the gender and
how many are crazy.
One person 2 or more persons
1) Family and Tu es fou (masc.). Vous tes fous (masc.).
friends; young Tu es folle (fem.). Vous tes folles (fem.).
2) People you Vous tes fous (masc.). Vous tes fous (masc.).
dont know Vous tes folles (fem.). Vous tes folles (fem.).
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much older than you), youll have to change the ending of the
past participle all gone according to gender and number of
the people you are talking to. As always, use the ES rule:
Masculine Feminine
Singular tes-vous all au tes-vous alle au
cinma ? cinma ?
Plural tes-vous alls au tes-vous alles au
cinma ? cinma ?
3.13.1 Singular
1. Masculine singular: mon
mon pied my foot
mon ordinateur my computer
mon slip my pants (which
are always singular
in French)
2. Feminine singular: ma
ma chaussure my shoe
ma voiture my car
ma maison my house
Masculine Feminine
Singular mon ma
Plural mes
Masculine Feminine
Singular ton ta
Plural tes
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3.13.2 Plural
The English our, your, and their have two translations each,
one for singular possessions (notre, votre, leur) and one for
plural possessions (nos, vos, leurs). Gender doesnt matter.
notre ordinateur our computer
votre voiture your car
leur maison their house
nos ordinateurs our computers
vos voitures your cars
leurs maisons their houses
3.13.3 Exception
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Abortion | 279
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Weak forms Stressed forms
1 sing. je/j I me me moi me
2 sing. tu you te you toi you
3 sing. il he le | lui se him lui soi him
elle she la | lui se her elle soi her
1 plural nous we nous us nous us
2 plural vous you vous you vous you
3 plural ils m. they les | leur se them eux them
elles f. they les | leur se them elles them
1 singular me/m Tu maimes? Do you love me?
2 singular te/t Je taime. I love you.
3 singular le/l Je laime. I love him.
la/l Je laime. I love her.
1 plural nous Tu nous aimes? Do you love us?
2 plural vous Je vous aime. I love you.
(plural or polite form)
3 plural les Je les aime. I love them. (masc. or fem.)
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and for are often omitted in English, in French you must use
the preposition :
Could you tell Marco Pourrais-tu raconter Indirect noun:
this story, please? cette histoire Marco, Marco
sil te plat ?
I gave the young girl Jai donn mon Indirect noun :
my mobile number. numro de portable la jeune fille
la jeune fille.
I explained the Jai expliqu la Indirect noun: les
situation to the situation aux mdecins
physicians. mdecins.
More examples:
1 singular me/m Tu me donnes Are you giving me that
cette pomme ? apple?
2 singular te/t Je ne te donne I am not giving you
rien. anything.
3 singular lui Tu lui donnes un Are you giving him/her a
baiser ? kiss?
1 plural nous Tu nous racontera Will you tell us
tout? everything?
2 plural vous Je ne vous I wont tell you anything.
raconterai rien.
3 plural leur Donnez-leur une Give them (masc. + fem.)
gifle. a slap.
When you compare direct and indirect POPs, youll see that
1) me, te, nous and vous are both direct and indirect
2) le, la, and les are only direct pronouns.
3) lui and leur are only indirect pronouns, lui for both
genders in the singular (to him/for him + to her/for her)
and leur for both genders in the plural (to them/for them).
Il se lave. He is washing himself.
Elle se lave. She is washing herself.
Ils/Elles se lavent. They are washing themselves.
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Pass compos
Il sest lav. He washed himself.
Elle sest lave. She washed herself.
Ils se sont lavs. They washed themselves. m.
Elles se sont laves. They washed themselves. f.
1 singular moi Cest moi que Do you love me? (and nobody
tu aimes ? else)
2 singular toi Cest toi que I love you. (and nobody else)
3 singular lui Cest lui que I love him. (and nobody else)
elle Cest elle que I love her. (and nobody else)
1 plural nous Cest nous Do you love us? (and nobody
que tu aimes ? else)
2 plural vous Cest vous I love you. (plural or polite form)
que jaime.
3 plural eux Cest eux que I love them. (masc.+fem.)
Stressed POPs
moi me
toi you
lui soi him
elle soi her
nous us
vous you
eux them
elles them
Je le lui donnerai. Ill give it to him.
Je le leur enverrai. Ill send it to them.
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More sentences:
Je te le donne tout de suite. Ill give it to you right away.
Tu me le donnes? Can you give it to me?
Il nous la donn hier. He gave it to us yesterday.
Je vous lai dj expliqu. I already explained it to
Je le lui ai donn. I gave it to him.
Je le leur ai envoy. I sent it to them.
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asme (16)
Almost identical to English words (check the audio at
xxx) : enthousiasme, spasme, fantasme, sarcasme,
orgasme, phantasme, ectoplasme, plonasme,
noplasme, cytoplasme, protoplasme, chiasme
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Singular Plural
journal journaux newspaper
hpital hpitaux hospital
animal animaux animal
cheval chevaux horse
travail travaux work, job
corail coraux coral
vitrail vitraux stained glass
mail maux enamel
Singular Plural
festival festivals festival
carnaval carnavals carnival
bal bals ball, dance
Masculine Feminine
Singular e
Plural s es
Note that the plural s is always silent and doesnt change the
pronunciation in the masculine or the feminine:
excitant/excitants : ksit
excitante/excitantes : ksitt
Masculine Feminine
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Final reminder
Adverbs are invariable words which provide additional
information for
a verb
an adjective
or another adverb
The additional information covers time and space (when and
where), manner (how) and quantity (how often), comparison
and frequency.
Final reminder
Prepositions are short words such as at, of, in, on, to, with
which link words in a sentence. They are usually used in
front of nouns (boy, girl, flower, tree) or pronouns (him,
her, them) and show, for example:
1. Where something takes place (at my friends place)
2. When something happens (before making love)
3. Descriptive information (the doctor with the pony tail)
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Read the text several times and analyse it word by word. For
more information about abortion in the world, check
The Worlds Abortion Laws 2016
je faisais tu faisais il/elle faisait | nous faisions vous
faisiez ils/elles faisaient
I, you, he/she did | we, you, they did
I, you, he/she used to do | we, you, they used to do
Conditionnel prsent
je ferais tu ferais il/elle ferait | nous ferions vous feriez
ils/elles feraient
I, you, he/she would do | we, you, they would do
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Subjonctif prsent
que je fasse que tu fasses quil/elle fasse | que nous
fassions que vous fassiez quils/elles fassent
that I, you do, he/she does | that we, you, they do
Can you say :
je caresse tu caresses il/elle caresse | nous caressons
vous caressez ils/elles caressent
I, you caress, he/she caresses | we, you, they caress
je caressais tu caressais il/elle caressait | nous caressions
vous caressiez ils/elles caressaient
I, you, he/she caressed | we, you, they caressed
I, you, he/she used to caress | we, you, they used to caress
Conditionnel prsent
je caresserais tu caresserais il/elle caresserait | nous
caresserions vous caresseriez ils/elles caresseraient
I, you, he/she would caress | we, you, they would caress
Can you repeat the exercise with the following action words?
aimer to love
regarder to look
penser to think
parler to talk, speak
demander to ask
laisser to let
trouver to find
donner to give
passer to pass
arriver to arrive
Do you remember the present tense of aller to go, vouloir to
want, pouvoir to be able to, dire to say, lire to read, voir to
see, savoir to know, venir to come, tenir to hold?
Do you remember the possessive adjectives?
Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Masc. + Fem.
my mon ma mes
your ton ta tes
his/her/its son sa ses
our notre nos
your votre vos
their leur leurs
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Do you remember the personal pronouns?
Weak forms Stressed forms
1 sing. je/j I me me moi me
2 sing. tu you te you toi you
3 sing. il he le | lui se him lui soi him
elle she la | lui se her elle soi her
1 plural nous we nous us nous us
2 plural vous you vous you vous you
3 plural ils m. they les | leur se them eux them
elles f. they les | leur se them elles them
{AUDIO} And finally, are you at ease with 1789 (mil sept
cents quatre-vingt-neuf), the year of the French revolution,
and the following 10 years?
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-neuf 1700+4*20+9 1789
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-dix 1700+4*20+10 1790
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-onze 1700+4*20+11 1791
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-douze 1700+4*20+12 1792
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-treize 1700+4*20+13 1793
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-quartorze 1700+4*20+14 1794
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-quinze 1700+4*20+15 1795
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-seize 1700+4*20+16 1796
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-dix-sept 1700+4*20+17 1797
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-dix-huit 1700+4*20+18 1798
mil sept cents quatre-vingt-dix-neuf 1700+4*20+19 1799
In Level 4, youll explore junk food; the first Group 3
action words and irregulars from Group 1; suck, eat, buy,
and pay; give orders; and continue your regular
explorations of the subjonctif. On the menu
Je prfre que I prefer
Jaime mieux que I prefer
Jattends que I am waiting
Jexige que I demand that
Je veux que I want
Persevere !
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4 Junk Food
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la malbouffe junk food la marge margin
triste sad la socit society
la ralit reality la priphrie periphery
plusplus the morethe
more crever (mourir) to die
pauvre poor arg.
bouffer manger la faim hunger
(manger) la raret rarity
arg. = argot = riche rich
il y a there is
mal badly, poorly
la chance luck, probability
certes certainly
il y a des it is probable
si if chances que that
vivre to live le supermarch supermarket
vous vivez you live offrir to offer
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4.2 Preview
If your main interest is learning contemporary vocabulary,
memorize all words (100%) and go straight ahead to Aesthetic
Medicine on page 349.
For a more thorough knowledge of French, please continue
below. The highlights of Level 4:
The first Group 3 action words
Irregulars from Group 1: suck, eat, buy, pay, etc.
The grondif
Giving orders
Y & en
As always, make extensive use of the audio files and listen to
them until you distinguish and understand every single word.
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I. Action Words
4.4 Aller
Infinitif aller to go
Participe pass all(e)(s)
Participe prsent allant
Impratif va | allons | allez
Futur Conditionnel
j irai irais
tu iras irais
il/elle ira irait
nous irons irions
vous irez iriez
ils/elles iront iraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que j aille allasse
que tu ailles allasses
quil/elle aille allt
que nous allions allassions
que vous alliez allassiez
quils/elles aillent allassent
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Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass plus-que-parfait
Past Past perfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I went that I had gone
que je sois all(e) fusse all(e)
que tu sois all(e) fusses all(e)
quil/elle soit all(e) ft all(e)
que nous soyons all(e)s fussions all(e)s
que vous soyez all(e)s fussiez all(e)s
quils/elles soient all(e)s fussent all(e)s
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4.9.1 Dormir
Infinitif dormir to sleep
Participe pass dormi
Participe prsent dormant
Impratif dors | dormons | dormez
Futur Conditionnel
je dormirai dormirais
tu dormiras dormirais
il/elle dormira dormirait
nous dormirons dormirions
vous dormirez dormiriez
ils/elles dormiront dormiraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je dorme dormisse
que tu dormes dormisses
quil/elle dorme dormt
que nous dormions dormissions
que vous dormiez dormissiez
quils/elles dorment dormissent
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Three exceptions:
avoir ayant
tre tant
savoir sachant
The most current use of the participe prsent is the
combination of en + participe prsent which is called
grondif gerund. The grondif expresses an action that is
related to another action, the main action:
Grondif: en partant Main action word: arriver
En partant tt, nous arriverons lheure.
By leaving early, well arrive on time.
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II. Grammar
4.14 y & en
4.14.1 y
{AUDIO} Y is a so-called adverbial pronoun and means
there. It replaces either places or things introduced by an
action word.
1. Places
Je vais Jy vais. Im going to Paris. Im going there.
Je travaille Jy travaille. I work in the US. I work there.
aux tats-Unis.
Jhabite Jy habite. I live in Italy. I live there.
en Italie.
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4.14.2 en
{AUDIO} The pronoun en replaces a quantity which is either
1. introduced by the partitive articles du, de la, de l, and
2. numbers (1, 7, 33, etc.)
3. adverbs or expressions of quantity such as beaucoup de,
un peu de, un litre de, un kilo de, une bouteille de, etc.
It also replaces things introduced by de, du, de la, de l, des.
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4.15.2 Irregulars
Some nouns are irregular:
Singular Plural
eye lil m. les yeux
heaven le ciel les cieux
Mr. Monsieur Messieurs
Mrs. Madame Mesdames
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Masculine Feminine
Singular mignon mignonne
[mi] [min]
Plural mignons mignonnes
[mi] [min]
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Singular Plural
4.17.2 Adverbs
{Second Round} In Level 3 (page 293) you heard that
the vast majority of adverbs are derived from
adjectives (feminine form plus the suffix ment). In general,
these adverbs correspond to English adverbs ending with ly.
{AUDIO} Only a few of these adverbs are irregular:
1. Some, but not all adjectives ending in ent or ant. They
take the adverb ending emment or amment:
diffrent diffremment differently
vident videmment evidently
rcent rcemment recently
apparent apparemment apparently
conscient consciemment consciously
inconscient inconsciemment unconsciously
frquent frquemment frequently
prudent prudemment prudently, carefully
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Final reminder
Conjunctions (literally: joining together) link similar words
or groups of words. French uses two types of conjunctions:
1. Coordinating conjunctions join elements with an equal
importance. There are only 7 of them: et and, ou or, mais
but, donc thus, car for, because, or yet, ni neither.
2. Subordinating conjunctions link dependent clauses to
main clauses. The most important one is que that. There are
about 50 subordinating conjunctions. You will easily identify
them because most finish with que (parce que because, alors
que while, whereas) or incorporate que (lorsque when,
puisque since [reason]).
4.17.3 Prepositions
{AUDIO} You can classify prepositions by their use. See here
prepositions of time, ordered by frequency of use.
de de midi minuit from noon to midnight
10 heures at 10 oclock
dans dans un mois in a month (future)
en en un mois in (the course of) a month
aprs aprs ljaculation after ejaculation
depuis depuis le dbut from the beginning
avant avant lorgasme before orgasm
pendant pendant les vacances during the holidays
jusque jusqu la fin until the end
ds ds la semaine prochaine as early as next week
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4.18.2 Capitalization
Youll use capitalized words for people (Flix, Oscar, Colin,
lise, Franois), legal entities (Google), nations (la France,
lAllemagne, lItalie, lEspagne, lAngleterre), la gographie,
(le ple Nord), and book titles (Ltre et le Nant). Youll
further capitalize Monsieur and Madame with or without
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344 |
Read the text several times and get accustomed to the idea of
analysing paragraphs word by word and understand the
function of every single word.
Can you recite the prsent of:
dormir to sleep
sentir to feel
mentir to lie
partir to leave
sortir to go out
servir to serve
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Do you know how to give orders using agir to act and
caresser to caress?
Have you memorized the present tense of prendre to take,
devoir to have to, must, mettre to put, suivre to follow, croire
to believe, etc.
Have you enjoyed the most recent list of so enjoyably British
And do you remember that you should avoid soda drinks and
processed foods and, instead, drink water and eat fruits and
In Level 5, youll explore Group 2 action words ending in
ir; manage double pronouns; give orders with pronouns;
and cherry on top discover so-called pronominal
action words and caress yourself. Savour an exclusive
preview of these miraculous words:
se regarder to look at each other
se parler to talk to each other
se tlphoner to phone each other
se retrouver to meet each other
saimer to love each other
sembrasser to kiss
se caresser to caress each other
senvoyer en lair to bonk, to hump, to bang, to screw, to
se disputer to argue
se dtester to hate each other
se quitter to leave each other
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5 Aesthetic Medicine
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la mdecine medicine transformer to transform
esthtique aesthetic monstrueux monstrous
malheureuse- unfortunately le jeu game
ment le morphing morphing
oui yes
ce/cet this vous pouvez you can
europen European augmenter to increase
traverser to cross rduire to reduce
la taille size
lAtlantique m. Atlantic Ocean le sein breast
visiter to visit claircir to clear up
lquateur Ecuador la peau skin
le Brsil Brazil
quelle est what is se faire piler to have your
premier, first body hair
premire removed
la vision vision le laser laser
faire un lifting to get a lifting
mme same la main hand
petit little se faire to get yourself
le nez nose liposucer liposucked
le trait feature, pourquoi pas why not
expression faire disparatre to make
liss smoothed disappear
le sourire smile
fig fixed la lvre lip, labia
les parties genitalia
les yeux eyes gnitales
carquill wide-open de toute obviously
le masque mask
le mdecin physician
en somme in short
avoir peur de to be afraid of
bienvenus welcome
ils nont peur de they arent
rien afraid of
occidental Western anything
il ny pas que its not just plus most
le visage face
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Further reading
L'hymnoplastie, une seconde virginit. Le Monde, 6 July 2012 :
seconde-virginite_1729088_3224.html. Accessed 6 July 2016.
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5.2 Preview
If your main interest is learning contemporary vocabulary,
memorize all the words (100%) and then go straight on to
Tourism, page 417.
For a more intimate experience of French, please do the whole
chapter. The highlights are
Group 2 action words: agir to act
Pronominal action words: se caresser to caress
onself or to caress each other
Four simple and composed tenses of senvoyer en
lair to bonk, have a roll in the hay
Double pronouns
As always, make full use of the audio files and listen to them
until you can distinguish and understand every single word.
I. Action Words
5.3 Venir
Infinitif venir to come
Participe pass venu(e)(s)
Participe prsent venant
Impratif viens | venons | venez
Futur Conditionnel
je viendrai viendrais
tu viendras viendrais
il/elle viendra viendrait
nous viendrons viendrions
vous viendrez viendriez
ils/elles viendront viendraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je vienne vinsse
que tu viennes vinsses
quil/elle vienne vnt
que nous venions vinssions
que vous veniez vinssiez
quils/elles viennent vinssent
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devenir (composed tenses with tre) to become
intervenir (tre) to intervene
prvenir to let someone know, inform
redevenir (tre) to become again
revenir (tre) to come back
se souvenir (tre) to remember
tenir to keep, hold
appartenir to belong
obtenir to obtain
retenir to hold back
soutenir to support
Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass plus-que-parfait
Past Past perfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I came that I had come
que je sois venu(e) fusse venu(e)
que tu sois venu(e) fusses venu(e)
quil/elle soit venu(e) ft venu(e)
que nous soyons venu(e)s fussions venu(e)s
que vous soyez venu(e)s fussiez venu(e)s
quils/ soient venu(e)s fussent venu(e)s
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5.5.1 Prsent
j agis I act
tu agis you act
il/elle agit he/she acts
nous agissons we act
vous agissez you act
ils/elles agissent they act
5.5.2 Imparfait
To get the imperfect forms
Take the 1st person plural of the present tense: nous
Drop the ons ending: agiss
Add the imperfect endings: jagissais, etc.
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j agissais I acted
tu agissais you acted
il/elle agissait he or she acted
nous agissions we acted
vous agissiez you acted
ils/elles agissaient they acted
5.5.3 Futur
Attach the Futur endings (ai, -as, -a | -ons, -ez, ont) to the
infinitive agir:
j agirai I will act
tu agiras you will act
il/elle agira he/she will act
nous agirons we will act
vous agirez you will act
ils/elles agiront they will act
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que j agisse that I act
que tu agisses that you act
que il/elle agisse that he/she acts
que nous agissions that we act
que vous agissiez that you act
que ils/elles agissent that they act
1. The endings of the 1st person singular (que jagisse)
and the 3rd person singular (que il/elle agisse) are
2. The pronunciation of the three singular forms
(agisseagissesagisse) and the 3rd person plural
form (agissent) is identical [ais].
j agis I acted
tu agis you acted
il/elle agit he/she acted
nous agmes we acted
vous agtes you acted
ils/elles agirent they acted
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Futur Conditionnel
j agirai agirais
tu agiras agirais
il/elle agira agirait
nous agirons agirions
vous agirez agiriez
ils/elles agiront agiraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que j agisse agisse
que tu agisses agisses
quil/elle agisse agt
que nous agissions agissions
que vous agissiez agissiez
quils/ agissent agissent
Subjonctif Subjonctif
pass plus-que-parfait
Past Past perfect
subjunctive: subjunctive:
that I acted that I had acted
que j aie agi eusse agi
que tu aies agi eusses agi
quil/elle ait agi et agi
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obir to obey
trahir to betray, let down
jouir to enjoy, come (sexually
gmir to moan
vieillir to grow old
unir to unite
ralentir to slow down
gurir to cure, heal
ragir to react
vomir to throw up, vomit
pourrir to rot, decay
punir to punish
largir to widen, increase
garantir to guarantee, secure
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5.6.1 Se caresser
Infinitive se caresser
to caresse oneself / each other
Participe pass caress
Participe prsent se caressant
Impratif caresse-toi | caressons-nous |
Futur Conditionnel
je me caresserai me caresserais
tu te caresseras te caresserais
il/elle se caressera se caresserait
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je me caresse me caressasse
que tu te caresses te caressasses
quil/elle se caresse se caresst
that I caressed myself, etc.
que je me sois caress(e)
que tu te sois caress(e)
quil/elle se soit caress(e)
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5.6.3 Negation
{AUDIO} To negate a pronominal action word, place ne
before the pronoun (me, te, se, nous, vous, se) and pas,
jamais, plus, etc. behind the action word.
Elle se caresse. Elle ne se caresse pas.
Elle se caresse toujours. Elle ne se caresse jamais.
5.6.4 Imperative
{AUDIO} To form the imperative, attach toi, nous, and
vous to the action word:
Caresse-toi! Caress yourself!
Caressons-nous! Lets caress ourselves!
Lets caress each other!
Caressez-vous! Caress yourselves!
Caress each other!
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1. Nothing
Je veux boire quelque chose. I want to drink something.
Jaime manger cela. I love eating that.
Je sais le faire. I know how to do it.
2. de
Je lui demanderai de venir. Ill ask him to come.
Elle a commenc travailler. Shes begun to work.
5.8.1 No preposition
{AUDIO} The list below shows the 7 most important actions
words which use no preposition.
Formula: [action word] + [action word].
aller to be going to
aimer to like/enjoy
laisser to allow/let (something to be done)
devoir to have to
vouloir to want to
prfrer to prefer to
savoir to know how to
5.8.2 de
{AUDIO} The 7 most important action words followed by the
preposition de.
Formula: [action word] + de + [action word].
dcider de to decide to
continuer de () to continue (-ing)
finir de to finish (-ing)
demander ( to ask (someone) to
quelquun) de
dire ( quelquun) de to tell (someone) to
se souvenir de to remember (-ing)
oublier de to forget to
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{AUDIO} The 7 most important action words followed by the
preposition .
Formula: [action word] + + [action word].
When two French action words come together (see above), the
second action word is always an infinitive:
I love eating.
Jaime manger.
The English continuous form of action words (I am working, I
am going) doesnt exist in French. In French, youll simply
use the prsent for the present continuous: je travaille, je
vais. If you want to stress that an action is ongoing now, use
tre en train de:
Je suis en train de lire.
I am reading (now!).
The English present participle can be used as a noun that
indicates an activity: Reading and writing Again, in
French you must use the infinitive:
Lire et crire est un vrai plaisir.
Reading and writing is a true pleasure.
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II. Grammar
5.12 Ifthen
{AUDIO} Sometimes, your life is subject to conditions,
something might happen or might not happen. To express
these situations, youll use so-called if-then clauses, or
conditional sentences. Conditional sentences are sentences
where 1) one clause states a condition or possibility, while 2)
the second clause gives the result (which, of course, is
dependent upon the preceding condition).
There are different if-then clauses with different degrees of
probability: likely, unlikely, and impossible.
1. Likely
For likely results, the action word of the if-clause uses the
prsent, whereas the action word of the main clause can be in
the prsent, futur, or the impratif.
2. Unlikely
For unlikely results, the action word of the if-clause uses the
imparfait, whereas the action word of the main clause uses
the conditionnel prsent.
3. Impossible
For impossible results, the action word of the if-clause uses
the plus-que-parfait and the action word of the main clause
the conditionnel pass.
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394 |
Indirect Direct
object pronoun object pronoun
te le
se* la
nous les
* To be precise, se is a reflexive pronoun.
Indirect Direct
object pronoun object pronoun
te le
se* la
nous les
Direct Indirect
object pronoun object pronoun
le lui
les leur
5.13.2 y
{AUDIO} If one of the pronouns is y or en, youll put them at
the end. Remember: y replaces a place or a thing, but never a
person (page 331). Often, it can be translated with there. With
y, the first pronoun is always a direct pronoun.
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5.13.3 en
{AUDIO} With en, the first pronoun is always an indirect
pronoun. Most often youll see double pronouns with en in
combination with donner to give, parler to speak, talk, and
demander to ask.
Indirect object pronoun Adverbial pronoun
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Direct Indirect
object pronoun object pronoun
le lui
les nous
5.15 dont
{AUDIO} Remember qui & que from Level 1 (page 137):
Relative pronouns link a relative clause to a main clause.
While qui functions as the subject of the relative clause:
Main clause Relative clause
Relative pronoun
Jadmire la femme qui a dcouvert la radioactivit.
I admire the woman who discovered radioactivity.
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400 |
Jai rv dune chatte. Elle doit tre celle de ma voisine.
I dreamed of a female cat. It must be that of my neighbor.
[de + x] [x + dont]
La chatte dont jai rv doit tre celle de ma voisine.
The female cat I dreamed of must be that of my neighbor.
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402 |
5.16.1 -eux
Masculine Feminine
Singular heureux heureuse
Plural heureux heureuses
5.16.2 -eur
Masculine Feminine
Singular rveur rveuse
Plural rveurs rveuses
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5.17 Jokers
5.17.1 The next 21
85 ailleurs elsewhere adv
86 nulle part nowhere adv
87 longtemps a long time adv
88 dehors outside adv
89 dedans inside adv
90 pourquoi why adv
91 parce que because adv
5.17.3 Prepositions
{AUDIO} See the following prepositions of space, ordered by
frequency of use.
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Paris in Paris
dans dans la maison in the house
en en Italie in Italy
chez chez mon ami(e) at my friends place
devant devant Notre-Dame in front of Notre Dame
derrire derrire la Tour Eiffel behind the Eiffel Tower
vers vers le bonheur towards happiness
sur sur le lit on the bed
sous sous le lit under the bed
par par la Rue Rivoli by Rivoli Street
prs prs du Louvre close to the Louvre
contre contre le mur against the wall
ct ct de lOpra next to the Opra
droite de droite du Sacr-Cur to the right of Sacr-Cur
gauche de gauche de lHtel de to the left of City Hall
au-dessus au-dessus du bar above the bar
au-dessous au-dessous des cartes beneath the cards
en face en face de Beaubourg opposite Beaubourg
travers travers la Seine across the Seine
hors hors des murs outside the walls
au-del au-del des Champs- beyond the Champs
lyses lyses
etc; see page 284) plus the standard subject pronouns (je, tu,
il/elle, etc):
Moi, jai raison et toi, tu as tort.
The complete picture:
moi, je I
toi, tu you
lui, il he
elle, elle she
nous, nous we
vous, vous you
eux, ils they (m.)
elles, elles they (f.)
Nous, nous avons raison et We are right, and you are wrong!
vous, vous avez tort.
Elle, elle a toujours raison et She is always right and he is
lui, il a toujours tort. always wrong.
You can place the stressed pronouns moi, toi, lui/elle, etc.
also at the end of the sentence, separated by a comma:
Je nen veux pas, moi ! I dont want it.
Moi, je nen veux pas !
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{AUDIO} Do you remember the 12 most frequent action
words of Group 2 following the same scheme:
finir to finish, end
russir to succeed
rflchir to reflect, think
remplir to fill
franchir to cross, pass
nourrir to feed
tablir to set up, create
envahir to invade
runir to join, gather
fournir to supply, provide
emplir to fill
grandir to grow, get taller
Can you say je me caresse in all imaginable variations?
Have you memorized the present tense of boire to drink,
courir to run, recevoir to receive, battre to beat, conduire to
drive, etc.?
Do you remember
aimer to like/enjoy
laisser to allow/let (something to be done)
aller to be going to
devoir to have to
vouloir to want to
prfrer to prefer to
savoir to know how to
Do you remember the sequence of tenses and Thomas being in
Paris, London and Berlin?
Thomas a dit quil tait Paris.
Thomas said that he was in Paris.
Thomas a dit quil avait t Londres lanne
Thomas said that he had been in London last year.
Thomas a dit quil irait Berlin le mois prochain.
Thomas said that he would go to Berlin next month.
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Do you remember the double pronouns?
Tu me le feras ? Will you do it to me?
Il me la fait. He did it to me.
Tu le lui as fait ? Did you do it to him?
Ils le leur ont dit. They told them so.
Level 6 is common administration almost. After the usual
assortment of action words (vouloir to want, prendre to
take, comprendre to understand, apprendre to learn,
surprendre to surprise) youll suddenly realize that past
participles in composed tenses with avoir, too, may have
variable endings and that they obey, in a few specific
situations, the ES rule. Do you remember all(e)s and
venu(e)(s)? Well, youll soon see embrass(e)s kissed,
dshabill(e)s undressed and caress(e)s caressed.
The second part of Level 6 is heterogeneous. Youll
discover the multifaceted tout (all, everything, every,
whole) and learn how to say its mine and its yours. Youll
also combat the tedious and tasteless lequel laquelle |
lesquels lesquelles (interrogative and relative pronouns),
the boring celui celle | ceux celles (demonstrative
pronouns) and the ever irritating comparisons and
superlatives. We have no power to protect you from these
10 pages of taedium vitae but ask you to keep your head up
Level 6 will be your last grammar rubbish heap . In
Level 7, on the seventh day, you wont do grammar at all
and from Level 8 onward, our grammar study will evolve
into a gentlemanly conversation. Lets go for it!
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6 Tourism
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le tourisme tourism depuis des for generations
le cancer cancer gnrations
infiltrant infiltrating y aurait-il would there be
mtastas metastasizing
dtruire to destroy un endroit place
tout ce que everything de beaux beautiful places
toucher to touch endroits
pargn here: untouched
avec with rien nest moins nothing is less
sr sure
la prdilection predilection
le charme charm
le pittoresque the picturesque
le pays country
lexceptionnel the unique
le paysage landscape
autrefois once
joli nice
lextinction f. extinction
le bord de plage beachfront
tre en voie to become
dextinction extinct
la plage beach
le tigre tiger
btonner to concrete
un orang-outan orangutan
le quartier district
lours m. bear
historique historic
polaire polar
charmant charming
la plaie plague
muter to mutate
lgypte f. Egypt
hypermarch m. hypermarket
la sauterelle locust,
lair libre open-air grasshopper
le restaurant restaurant recouvrir to cover
typique typical la surface surface
connu known lobscurit f. obscurity
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6.2 Preview
If your main interest is learning contemporary vocabulary,
memorize all the words (100%) and then go straight on to
Nobel for Snowden, page 465.
For a more intimate experience of French, please do the whole
chapter. The highlights are
variable past participles
tout all, everything, every, whole
le mien, le tien, etc. mine, yours, etc.
comparisons and superlatives
As always, make full use of the audio files and listen to them
until you can distinguish and understand every single word.
I. Action Words
6.3 Vouloir to want
Infinitif vouloir
Participe pass voulu
Participe prsent voulant
Impratif veuille | voulons | vueillez
Futur Conditionnel
je voudrai voudrais
tu voudras voudrais
il/elle voudra voudrait
nous voudrons voudrions
vous voudrez voudriez
ils/elles voudront voudraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je veuille voulusse
que tu veuilles voulusses
quil/elle veuille voult
que nous voulions voulussions
que vous vouliez voulussiez
quils/ veuillent voulussent
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426 |
Infinitif prendre to take
Participe pass pris
Participe prsent prenant
Impratif prends | prenons | prenez
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Futur Conditionnel
je prendrai prendrais
tu prendras prendrais
il/elle prendra prendrait
nous prendrons prendrions
vous prendrez prendriez
ils/elles prendront prendraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je prenne prisse
que tu prennes prisses
quil/elle prenne prt
que nous prenions prissions
que vous preniez prissiez
quils/ prennent prissent
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6.6.2 de
avoir besoin de to need to
avoir envie de to feel like (-ing)
avoir lintention de to intend to
avoir raison de to be right to
avoir tort de to be wrong to
avoir lair de to seem to be (-ing)
avoir peur de to be afraid of (-ing)
penser to think of (-ing)
se mettre to start (-ing)
tenir to insist on (-ing)
hsiter to hesitate to
sattendre to expect
samuser to have fun (-ing)
chercher to attempt to
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coudre to sew
I sew, etc.
je couds I
tu couds you
il/elle coud he/she
nous cousons we
vous cousez you
ils/elles cousent they
Part. pass cousu
Masculine Feminine
Singular all alle
Plural alls alles
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We also said that action words that use avoir to form the
composed tenses, generally dont change the endings of the
participe pass, as you can see in the following case of voir to
avoir + participe pass
Pass compos Plus-que-parfait
Perfect: Past perfect :
I have seen (+ I saw) I had seen
j ai vu avais vu
tu as vu avais vu
il/elle a vu avait vu
nous avons vu avions vu
vous avez vu aviez vu
ils/elles ont vu avaient vu
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6.8.3 que
{AUDIO} Youll often use the relative pronoun que to
provide detailed information about a noun. In these cases, too,
the past participle must agree with that noun in gender and
number. Remember that in English you can often omit que:
Ouvrons le champagne quElise Shall we open the champagne
a apport ? Elise brought?
Je naime pas la capote que tu as I dont like the condom youve
choisie. chosen.
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II. Grammar
6.9 Jokers
6.9.1 The next 21 Jokers
Open for a quick smartphone
106 au-dessus above prep, adv
107 au-dessous underneath, under prep, adv
108 y there adv
109 bien que although conj
110 ct de next to, alongside prep
111 autrefois in the old days adv
112 doucement softly, quietly adv
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6.11 Tout
Tout is an extremely versatile French word. Youll use it, for
example, to say all the men all the women every day
everybody all the time all my children all those poor
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4. Modifying nouns
Tout can also modify nouns. In these cases, the English
translation is more varied:
en tout cas in any case
tout rfugi qui every refugee who
tout moment at any moment
tous frais compris all expenses included
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Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
6.13 Quel
{AUDIO} Quel is an adjective that functions as an
interrogative (what? which?; sometimes also: how? who?)
and as an exclamative (what! what a!). In all cases, quel
agrees in number and gender with the noun it modifies. Here,
find our usual quartet:
Masculine Feminine
Singular quel quelle
Plural quels quelles
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Please make a liaison after the plural forms quels and quelles
if the following word begins with a vowel:
Quelsidiots! What idiots!
Quelsenfoirs! What bastards!
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What do you see? You see that lequel and lesquels fuse with
the prepositions de and :
Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Preposition lequel laquelle lesquels lesquelles
de duquel de laquelle desquels desquelles
auquel laquelle auxquels auxquelles
Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
lequel laquelle lesquels lesquelles
duquel (83) de laquelle (45) desquels (29) desquelles (21)
auquel (147) laquelle (88) auxquels (49) auxquelles (36)
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450 |
Ces filles sont celles que jai These girls are the ones I spotted
repres depuis longtemps. a long time ago.
Ces garons sont ceux que jai These boys are the ones I
reprs depuis longtemps. spotted a long time ago.
In summary:
adjectives pronouns pronouns
(simple) (compound)
masculine singular ce, cet celui celui-ci / celui-l
plural ces ceux ceux-ci / ceux-l
feminine singular cette celle celle-ci / celle-l
plural ces celles celles-ci / celles-l
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452 |
la *Hollande Holland
la *Hongrie Hungary
le *hippie hippie
le *hachisch hashish
le *hobby hobby
le *haricot bean
la *haine hatred
la *hauteur height
la *honte shame
le *hasard luck, chance
le *hros hero
*Hong-Kong Hong Kong
*haut high
*hurler to shriek
la *honte shame
le *hors-duvre appetiser
habiter to live in
humain m. human
hiver m. winter
honneur m. honor
hier yesterday
horreur f. horror
habiller to dress
horizon m. horizon
humeur f. mood
hpital m. hospital
humide humid
huile f. oil
honnte honest
horrible horrible
hommage m. tribute
horloge f. clock
harmonie f. harmony
honorer to honor
hommage m. tribute
horloge f. clock
harmonie f. harmony
Note also that the personal pronouns me, te, le, la, se drop the
e before action words starting with a mute h, but not before
those starting with an aspirated h.
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Adjectives, summary:
Comparison Superlative Equality
plus important que le plus important aussi important que
more important than the most important as important as
moins important que le moins important
less important than the least important
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Please note that words imported from English retain the final
ing pronunciation: parking, meeting, smoking, dancing,
building, camping, big bang.
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460 |
{AUDIO} Do you remember
je prends
tu prends
il/elle prend
nous prenons
vous prenez
ils/elles prennent
je prendrai
tu prendras
il/elle prendra
nous prendrons
vous prendrez
ils/elles prendront
que je prenne
que tu prennes
quil/elle prenne
que nous prenions
que vous preniez
quils/ prennent
{AUDIO} Do you remember at least two action words of each
il faut to have to
esprer to hope to
penser to think
pouvoir to be able to
aimer mieux to rather
adorer to love
sembler to seem to be
2016~4 Edition
462 |
{AUDIO} Is the difference between men and women clear to
Kissed, undressed and caressed one or more men?
1 : je lai embrass, je lai dshabill, je lai
2- : je les ai embrasss, je les ai dshabills, je les
ai caresss
Kissed, undressed and caressed one or more women?
1 : je lai embrasse, je lai dshabille, je lai
2- : je les ai embrasses, je les ai dshabilles, je
les ai caresses
{AUDIO} Do you remember the condom examples?
Je naime pas la capote que tu as I dont like the condom youve
choisie. chosen.
Je naime pas les capotes que tu I dont like the condoms you
as achetes. bought.
{AUDIO} Do you remember the extremely versatile tout?
Je veux tout. I want it all.
Cest tout. Thats all.
Tout est parfait. Everythings perfect.
avant tout above all
malgr tout nevertheless (in spite of everything)
And finally, do you remember
Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
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In Level 7 you will discover the action words dire to say,
pouvoir to be able to, falloir to have to and ouvrir to open,
but as it is the seventh day, you wont do grammar. At the
end of the second grammar overview, take a breath and
look back at what youve accomplished.
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recevoir to receive tel like
un jour one day moderne modern
le prix prize drober to steal
la paix peace
le coup stroke la quantit amount,
le gnie genius quantity
valoir to be worth norme huge
le document document
il le vaudrait it would be ultraconfidentiel ultraconfidential
bien worth it aux dernires at last count (at
dvoiler to reveal nouvelles last news)
espionner to spy quitter to leave
le citoyen citizen en mai 2013 in May 2013
la nation nation
une entreprise company confier to entrust
tranger foreign le journaliste journalist
la semaine week
ennemi enemy plus tard later
ami friend publier to publish
expliquer to explain premier, first
un espionnage spying premire
massif massive un article article
illgal illegal
le systme system
dnoncer to denounce la surveillance surveillance
une hypocrisie hypocrisy dautres other
journaux newspapers
mettre sur to eavesdrop
coute suivre to follow
un alli ally quant lui meanwhile (as
far as he is
la politique politics
en tre rduit to be driven to
entre between (to be reduced
le courage courage to)
laide de using (with the se rfugier to take refuge
help of)
une cl USB USB stick
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the time when youll understand, for the first time and
distinctly, every single word of the MP3 audio file you are
listening to. You'll have conquered an island of total
The 8 audio files of the current GigaFrench edition total about
20 minutes of recording. Listening to them 100 times requires
about 30 hours. A perfect understanding word for word! of
these 8 pieces with more than 2,600 words is just around the
corner of your life. You can do it in less than two months!
Don't stop now!
7.2 Preview
If your main interest is learning contemporary vocabulary,
memorize all the words (100%) and then go on to Brexit on
page 483.
For a more intimate experience of French, please continue
here. As always, make extensive use of the audio files (listen,
listen, and listen again!).
I. Action Words
7.3 Dire
Infinitif dire to say
Participe pass dit
Participe prsent disant
Impratif dis | disons | dites
Futur Conditionnel
je dirai dirais
tu diras dirais
il/elle dira dirait
nous dirons dirions
vous direz diriez
ils/elles diront diraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je dise disse
que tu dises disses
quil/elle dise dt
que nous disions dissions
que vous disiez dissiez
quils/elles disent dissent
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474 |
7.4 Pouvoir
Infinitif pouvoir to be able to
Participe pass pu
Participe prsent pouvant
Futur Conditionnel
je pourrai pourrais
tu pourras pourrais
il/elle pourra pourrait
nous pourrons pourrions
vous pourrez pourriez
ils/elles pourront pourraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je puisse pusse
que tu puisses pusses
quil/elle puisse pt
que nous puissions pussions
que vous puissiez pussiez
quils/ puissent pussent
7.5 Falloir
Infinitif falloir to have to, need to
Participe pass fallu
Futur Conditionnel
il faudra faudrait
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
quil faille fallt
In this variant, only the context will tell you who has to
perform the imperative action. (P.S. Capote can be the hood
of a car or a military greatcoat. When stated explicitely as
being anglais English, its a condom.)
The second variant is more precise but also unwieldy: falloir
+ que + subjonctif.
Il faut que tu le fasses tout You must do it immediately.
de suite.
Encore faut-il que tu puisse But its still necessary that you
la mettre (la copote, bien can put it on.
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Infinitif ouvrir to open
Participe pass ouvert
Participe prsent ouvrant
Impratif ouvre | ouvrons | ouvrez
Futur Conditionnel
j ouvrirai ouvrirais
tu ouvriras ouvrirais
il/elle ouvrira ouvrirait
nous ouvrirons ouvririons
vous ouvrirez ouvririez
ils/elles ouvriront ouvriraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que j ouvre ouvrisse
que tu ouvres ouvrisses
quil/elle ouvre ouvrt
que nous ouvrions ouvrissions
que vous ouvriez ouvrissiez
quils/ ouvrent ouvrissent
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Infinitive 1 person Future
appeler jappelle jappellerai I will call
renouveler je renouvelle je renouvellerai I will renew
peler jpelle jpellerai I will spell
rappeler je rappelle je rappellerai I will call back
I will remember
jeter je jette je jetterai I will throw
projeter je projette je progetterai I will project
rejeter je rejette je rejetterai I will reject
acheter jachte jachterai I will buy
se lever je me lve je me lverai I will stand up
se promener je me je me I will go for a
promne promnerai walk
amener jamne jamnerai I will bring
emmener jemmne jemmnerai I will take, carry
achever jachve jachverai I will complete
payer je paie je paierai I will pay
essayer jessaie jessaierai I will try
balayer je balaie je balaierai I will sweep
employer jemploie jemploierai I will employ
nettoyer je nettoie je nettoierai I will clean
tutoyer je tutoie je tutoierai Ill address as tu
(Ill use the
vousvoyer je vousvoie je vousvoierai Ill address as
vous (Ill use the
noyer je noie je noierai I will drown
appuyer jappuie jappuierai I will support,
ennuyer jennuie jennuierai I will bore
essuyer jessuie jessuierai I will wipe
7.9.1 No preposition
Find another 7 actions words that are followed by no
preposition. The formula: [action word] + [action word].
dsirer to want to
souhaiter to wish to
dtester to hate to
oser to dare to
prtendre to pretend to
compter to intend to
regarder quelquun to watch someone
7.9.2 de
Seven action words followed by the preposition de.
essayer de to try to
venir de faire quelque to have just done something
choisir de to choose to
sagir de its a question of (-ing)
arrter de to stop (-ing)
rver de to dream of (-ing)
tcher de to try to
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482 |
Seven actions words followed by the preposition .
apprendre to learn how to
shabituer to get used to (-ing)
arriver to manage / succeed in (-ing)
obliger (quelquun) to force (someone) to
rflchir to consider (-ing)
rsister to resist (-ing)
inviter (quelquun) to invite (someone) to
II. Grammar
In an ideal world, people should not work on the seventh day
and shops should remain closed. So you shall rest and not do
Levels 8 to 14 represent the second GigaFrench cycle.
Although well show you more action words at the
beginning of each chapter, youll soon realize, that apart
from a few details, you already know it all! Grammar, too,
is basically over. Youll find a few construction sites here
and there, but the GigaFrench grammar study will now
evolve into a gentlemens conversation. From now on,
youll focus on what is your last huge task in French:
learning thousands of words. As always, well be there to
give you the best advice.
8 Brexit
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484 |
Si vous avez vot pour le Brexit, If you voted for Brexit, let a
few years go by before
laissez passer quelques annes
returning to travel to
avant de revenir voyager en Europe. If you come back
Europe. Si vous revenez trop tt too soon to our dear
sur notre cher continent - qui ne continent - which will no
longer be yours! people
sera plus le vtre ! - on vous
will treat you as deserters,
traitera de dserteurs, de lches, de cowards, traitors, fugitives,
tratres, de fuyards, de dgonfls, deflated, disloyal,
de dloyaux, de chiffes molles et Milquetoasts and wimps.
de poules mouilles.
Votre dpart de notre Europe Your leaving our Europe
will mark the beginning of
marquera le dbut dune longue
a long drift where your little
drive o votre petite le se perdra island will get increasingly
toujours plus dans les eaux de lost in Atlantic waters. You
lAtlantique. Vous avez tourn le have turned your back on
Europe - nothing will ever
dos lEurope - rien ne sera plus
be like before! Your
comme avant ! Vos enfants et children and grandchildren
petits-enfants vous accuseront un will accuse you one day of
jour davoir t fous lier. having been raving mad.
donc so, so then vrai true
dcider to decide aussi also
quitter to leave aprs after
eh bien well
cher dear la guerre war
un ami friend passer lponge to pass the
souhaiter to wish sponge
nous aurions we would have
vcu lived
bon, bonne good
plus longtemps even longer
adieu farewell
la relation relation,
le rgime regime
nazi Nazi
la rancur resentment
2016~4 Edition
486 |
accuser to accuse
2016~4 Edition
488 |
9 The Future
The 5th edition of GigaFrench including Level 8, 9 and 10
(600+ pages) will be published in October 2016. The 6th
edition (700+ pages) is scheduled for publication at Christmas
For future updates, please check
2016~4 Edition
490 |
10 Appendix
{Second Round} The appendix includes material that
will be published in future editions of GigaFrench.
2016~4 Edition
492 |
10.1 Savoir
Infinitif savoir to know
Participe pass su
Participe prsent sachant
Impratif sache | sachons | sachez
Futur Conditionnel
je saurai saurais
tu sauras saurais
il/elle saura saurait
nous saurons saurions
vous saurez sauriez
ils/elles sauront sauraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je sache susse
que tu saches susses
quil/elle sache st
que nous sachions sussions
que vous sachiez sussiez
quils/ sachent sussent
2016~4 Edition
494 |
10.2 Voir
Infinitif voir to see
Participe pass vu
Participe prsent voyant
Impratif vois | voyons | voyez
Futur Conditionnel
je verrai verrais
tu verras verrais
il/elle verra verrait
nous verrons verrions
vous verrez verriez
ils/elles verront verraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je voie visse
que tu voies visses
quil/elle voie vt
que nous voyions vissions
que vous voyiez vissiez
quils/ voient vissent
10.3 Devoir
Infinitif devoir to have to, must
Participe pass d
Participe prsent devant
Futur Conditionnel
je devrai devrais
tu devras devrais
il/elle devra devrait
nous devrons devrions
vous devrez devriez
ils/elles devront devraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je doive dusse
que tu doives dusses
quil/elle doive dt
que nous devions dussions
que vous deviez dussiez
quils/ doivent dussent
2016~4 Edition
496 |
Futur Conditionnel
j attendrai attendrais
tu attendras attendrais
il/elle attendra attendrait
nous attendrons attendrions
vous attendrez attendriez
ils/elles attendront attendraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que j attende attendisse
que tu attendes attendisses
quil/elle attende attendt
que nous attendions attendissions
que vous attendiez attendissiez
quils/ attendent attendissent
Futur Conditionnel
je sucerai sucerais
tu suceras sucerais
il/elle sucera sucerait
nous sucerons sucerions
vous sucerez suceriez
ils/elles suceront suceraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je suce suasse
que tu suces suasses
quil/elle suce sut
que nous sucions suassions
que vous suciez suassiez
quils/ sucent suassent
2016~4 Edition
498 |
Futur Conditionnel
je men irai men irais
tu ten iras ten irais
il/elle sen ira sen irait
nous nous en irons nous en irions
vous vous en irez vous en iriez
ils/elles sen iront sen iraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je men aille men allasse
que tu ten ailles ten allasses
quil/elle sen aille sen allt
que nous nous en allions nous en allassions
que vous vous en alliez vous en allassiez
quils/ sen aillent sen allassent
10.7 Mettre
Infinitif mettre to put, place
Participe pass mis
Participe prsent mettant
Impratif mets | mettons | mettez
Futur Conditionnel
je mettrai mettrais
tu mettras mettrais
il/elle mettra mettrait
nous mettrons mettrions
vous mettrez mettriez
ils/elles mettront mettraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je mette misse
que tu mettes misses
quil/elle mette mt
que nous mettions missions
que vous mettiez missiez
quils/ mettent missent
2016~4 Edition
500 |
10.8 Rire
Infinitif rire to laugh
Participe pass ri
Participe prsent riant
Impratif ris | rions | riez
Futur Conditionnel
je rirai rirais
tu riras rirais
il/elle rira rirait
nous rirons ririons
vous rirez ririez
ils/elles riront riraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je rie risse
que tu ries risses
quil/elle rie rt
que nous riions rissions
que vous riiez rissiez
quils/ rient rissent
Futur Conditionnel
je recevrai recevrais
tu recevras recevrais
il/elle recevra recevrait
nous recevrons recevrions
vous recevrez recevriez
ils/elles recevront recevraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je reoive reusse
que tu reoives reusses
quil/elle reoive ret
que nous recevions reussions
que vous receviez reussiez
quils/ reoivent reussent
2016~4 Edition
502 |
Futur Conditionnel
je mangerai mangerais
tu mangeras mangerais
il/elle mangera mangerait
nous mangerons mangerions
vous mangerez mangeriez
ils/elles mangeront mangeraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je mange mangeasse
que tu manges mangeasses
quil/elle mange manget
que nous mangions mangeassions
que vous mangiez mangeassiez
quils/ mangent mangeassent
changer to change
partager to share
changer to exchange, trade
voyager to travel
protger to protect
encourager to support, encourage
dranger to disturb
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504 |
juger to judge
diriger to guide
exiger to demand, require
soulager to relieve, ease
prolonger to prolong, extend
envisager to contemplate, consider
bouger to move, move around
interroger to question, examine
charger to load, charge
obliger to force, oblige
songer to think, consider, dream
engager to commit, engage
allonger to lay down; make longer
plonger to dive, plunge
arranger to arrange, settle
ranger to clean, put away
dgager to clear, unblock
loger to stay, lodge
longer to go along
figer to immobilize, fix in place
merger to surface, emerge
ronger to gnaw, eat away at
10.11 Vivre
Infinitif vivre to live
Participe pass vcu
Participe prsent vivant
Impratif vis | vivons | vivez
Futur Conditionnel
je vivrai vivrais
tu vivras vivrais
il/elle vivra vivrait
nous vivrons vivrions
vous vivrez vivriez
ils/elles vivront vivraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je vive vcusse
que tu vives vcusses
quil/elle vive vct
que nous vivions vcussions
que vous viviez vcussiez
quils/ vivent vcussent
2016~4 Edition
506 |
10.12 Mourir
Infinitif mourir to die
Participe pass mort
Participe prsent mourant
Impratif meurs | mourons | mourez
Futur Conditionnel
je mourrai mourrais
tu mourras mourrais
il/elle mourra mourrait
nous mourrons mourrions
vous mourrez mourriez
ils/elles mourront mourraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je meure mourusse
que tu meures mourusses
quil/elle meure mourt
que nous mourions mourussions
que vous mouriez mourussiez
quils/ meurent mourussent
Futur Conditionnel
je mnerai mnerais
tu mneras mnerais
il/elle mnera mnerait
nous mnerons mnerions
vous mnerez mneriez
ils/elles mneront mneraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je mne menasse
que tu mnes menasses
quil/elle mne ment
que nous menions menassions
que vous meniez menassiez
quils/ mnent menassent
2016~4 Edition
508 |
se lever to stand up, get out of bed
se promener to go for a walk
crever to burst, puncture;
to die
relever to pick up
peser to weigh
soulever to lift up
prlever to remove, debit
ramener to take back, bring
emmener to take, drive
lever to raise, erect
amener to bring, carry
achever to finish, complete
enlever to remove, kidnap
semer to sow
parsemer to scatter, sprinkle
malmener to mistreat
sevrer to wean
2016~4 Edition
510 |
10.14 Croire
Infinitif croire to believe
Participe pass cru
Participe prsent croyant
Impratif crois | croyons | croyez
Futur Conditionnel
je croirai croirais
tu croiras croirais
il/elle croira croirait
nous croirons croirions
vous croirez croiriez
ils/elles croiront croiraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je croie crusse
que tu croies crusses
quil/elle croie crt
que nous croyions crussions
que vous croyiez crussiez
quils/ croient crussent
10.15 Courir
Infinitif courire to run
Participe pass couru
Participe prsent courant
Impratif cours | courons | courez
Futur Conditionnel
je courrai courrais
tu courras courrais
il/elle courra courrait
nous courrons courrions
vous courrez courriez
ils/elles courront courraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je coure courusse
que tu coures courusses
quil/elle coure court
que nous courions courussions
que vous couriez courussiez
quils/ courent courussent
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512 |
10.16 Se Taire
Infinitive se taire
to keep quiet
Participe pass tu
Participe prsent se taisant
Impratif tais-toi | taisons-nous | taisez-
Futur Conditionnel
je me tairai me tairais
tu te tairas te tairais
il/elle se taira se tairait
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je me taise me tusse
que tu te taises te tusses
quil/elle se taise se tt
Futur Conditionnel
je prfrerai prfrerais
tu prfreras prfrerais
il/elle prfrera prfrerait
nous prfrerons prfrerions
vous prfrerez prfreriez
ils/elles prfreront prfreraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je prfre prfrasse
que tu prfres prfrasses
quil/elle prfre prfrt
que nous prfrions prfrassions
que vous prfriez prfrassiez
quils/ prfrent prfrassent
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514 |
Only four forms in the prsent and the subjonctif prsent are
irregular. Note that the second in the futur and
conditionnel prsent forms is pronounced in an open manner
cder to give in, collapse
rvler to reveal
rgler to adjust
librer to release, free
rgner to reign
prcder to arrive ahead of
scher to dry
succder to succeed, follow
rcuprer to get back, recover
reprer to notice, detect
procder to proceed
suggrer to suggest
oprer to operate
lcher to lick
exagrer to exaggerate
reflter to reflect
clbrer to celebrate
exasprer to exasperate
acclrer to accelerate
imprgner to impregnate
dsesprer to despair
pter to fart
desscher to dry out
complter to complete
tolrer to tolerate, permit
confrer to award, impart
accder to access
pcher to commit a sin
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516 |
interprter to interpret
dcrter to decree
modrer to moderate
transfrer to transfer
insrer to insert
prosprer to prosper
dlibrer to deliberate
arer to air, ventilate
adhrer to adhere, stick
grer to manage, handle
persvrer to persevere
dcder to die
dpossder to rob, strip of
dgnrer to degenerate
prolifrer to proliferate, multiply
diffrer to differ
excder to exceed
digrer to digest
obsder to obsess
profrer to proclaim, declare
altrer to degrade, spoil
numrer to enumerate, list
savrer to prove to be
intgrer to include, incorporate
dlguer to delegate
tter to suck (at)
concder to concede, allow
lguer to leave, bequeath
vnrer to honour, respect
rapicer to patch
relguer to relegate
lacrer to rip, tear
vocifrer to yell, shout
temprer to temper, assuage
rfrer to refer, relate
asscher to dry up, drain
vgter to vegetate
ritrer to reiterate, repeat
bcher to dig
crcher to live, stay
aliner to alienate
dissquer to dissect
obtemprer to comply, obey
sidrer to stupefy
allcher to tempt, seduce
perptrer to perpetrate, commit
blasphmer to blaspheme
dsaltrer to quench thirst
empiter to encroach upon
refrner to restrain
macrer to macerate
incinrer to incinerate, burn
rouspter to grumble, moan
agglomrer to aggregate, gather
2016~4 Edition
518 |
10.18 Battre
Infinitif battre to beat
Participe pass battu
Participe prsent battant
Impratif bats | battons | battez
Futur Conditionnel
je battrai battrais
tu battras battrais
il/elle battra battrait
nous battrons battrions
vous battrez battriez
ils/elles battront battraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je batte battisse
que tu battes battisses
quil/elle batte battt
que nous battions battissions
que vous battiez battissiez
quils/ battent battissent
10.19 Suivre
Infinitif suivre to follow
Participe pass suivi
Participe prsent suivant
Impratif suis | suivons | suivez
Futur Conditionnel
je suivrai suivrais
tu suivras suivrais
il/elle suivra suivrait
nous suivrons suivrions
vous suivrez suivriez
ils/elles suivront suivraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je suive suivisse
que tu suives suivisses
quil/elle suive suivt
que nous suivions suivissions
que vous suiviez suivissiez
quils/ suivent suivissent
2016~4 Edition
520 |
Futur Conditionnel
j appellerai appellerais
tu appelleras appellerais
il/elle appellera appellerait
nous appellerons appellerions
vous appellerez appelleriez
ils/elles appelleront appelleraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que j appelle appelasse
que tu appelles appelasses
quil/elle appelle appelt
que nous appelions appelassions
que vous appeliez appelassiez
quils/ appellent appelassent
2016~4 Edition
522 |
10.21 Boire
Infinitif boire to drink
Participe pass bu
Participe prsent buvant
Impratif bois | buvons | buvez
Futur Conditionnel
je boirai boirais
tu boiras boirais
il/elle boira boirait
nous boirons boirions
vous boirez boiriez
ils/elles boiront boiraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je boive busse
que tu boives busses
quil/elle boive bt
que nous buvions bussions
que vous buviez bussiez
quils/ boivent bussent
10.22 Natre
Infinitif natre to be born
Participe pass n
Participe prsent naissant
Impratif nais | naissons | naissez
Futur Conditionnel
je natrai natrais
tu natras natrais
il/elle natra natrait
nous natrons natrions
vous natrez natriez
ils/elles natront natraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je naisse naquisse
que tu naisses naquisses
quil/elle naisse naqut
que nous naissions naquissions
que vous naissiez naquissiez
quils/ naissent naquissent
2016~4 Edition
524 |
Futur Conditionnel
je jetterai jetterais
tu jetteras jetterais
il/elle jettera jetterait
nous jetterons jetterions
vous jetterez jetteriez
ils/elles jetteront jetteraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je jette jetasse
que tu jettes jetasses
quil/elle jette jett
que nous jetions jetassions
que vous jetiez jetassiez
quils/ jettent jetassent
2016~4 Edition
526 |
10.24 Connatre
Infinitif connatre to know
Participe pass connu
Participe prsent connaissant
Impratif connais | connaissons |
Futur Conditionnel
je connatrai connatrais
tu connatras connatrais
il/elle connatra connatrait
nous connatrons connatrions
vous connatrez connatriez
ils/elles connatront connatraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je connaisse connusse
que tu connaisses connusses
quil/elle connaisse connt
que nous connaissions connussions
que vous connaissiez connussiez
quils/ connaissent connussent
10.25 crire
Infinitif crire to write
Participe pass crit
Participe prsent crivant
Impratif cris | crivons| crivez
Futur Conditionnel
j crirai crirais
tu criras crirais
il/elle crira crirait
nous crirons cririons
vous crirez cririez
ils/elles criront criraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que j crive crivisse
que tu crives crivisses
quil/elle crive crivt
que nous crivions crivissions
que vous criviez crivissiez
quils/ crivent crivissent
2016~4 Edition
528 |
Futur Conditionnel
j achterai achterais
tu achteras achterais
il/elle achtera achterait
nous achterons achterions
vous achterez achteriez
ils/elles achteront achteraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que j achte achetasse
que tu achtes achetasses
quil/elle achte achett
que nous achetions achetassions
que vous achetiez achetassiez
quils/ achtent achetassent
2016~4 Edition
530 |
10.27 Lire
Infinitif lire to read
Participe pass lu
Participe prsent lisant
Impratif lis | lisons | lisez
Futur Conlitionnel
je lirai lirais
tu liras lirais
il/elle lira lirait
nous lirons lirions
vous lirez liriez
ils/elles liront liraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je lise lusse
que tu lises lusses
quil/elle lise lt
que nous lisions lussions
que vous lisiez lussiez
quils/elles lisent lussent
10.28 Conduire
Infinitif conduire to drive
Participe pass conduit
Participe prsent conduisant
Impratif conduis | conduisons |
Futur Conditionnel
je conduirai conduirais
tu conduiras conduirais
il/elle conduira conduirait
nous conduirons conduirions
vous conduirez conduiriez
ils/elles conduiront conduiraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je conduise conduisisse
que tu conduises conduisisses
quil/elle conduise conduist
que nous conduisions conduisissions
que vous conduisiez conduisissiez
quils/ conduisent conduisissent
2016~4 Edition
532 |
Futur Conditionnel
je paierai paierais
tu paieras paierais
il/elle paiera paierait
nous paierons paierions
vous paierez paieriez
ils/elles paieront paieraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je paie payasse
que tu paies payasses
quil/elle paie payt
que nous payions payassions
que vous payiez payassiez
quils/ paient payassent
essayer to try
monnayer to make money out of
effrayer to frighten, terrify
balayer to sweep
rayer to eliminate, draw lines
bgayer to stutter
gayer to amuse, brighten up
relayer to take over from
dblayer to clear up, out
dlayer to mix, dilute
embrayer to put in gear
enrayer to jam, stop
2016~4 Edition
534 |
frayer to clear, open up
dfrayer to be subject of gossip
to depress the clutch
pagayer to paddle
zzayer to lisp, have a lisp
10.30 Valoir
Infinitif valoir to be worth, to cost
Participe pass valu
Participe prsent valant
Impratif vaux | valons | valez
Futur Conditionnel
je vaudrai vaudrais
tu vaudras vaudrais
il/elle vaudra vaudrait
nous vaudrons vaudrions
vous vaudrez vaudriez
ils/elles vaudront vaudraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je vaille valusse
que tu vailles valusses
quil/elle vaille valt
que nous valions valussions
que vous valiez valussiez
quils/elles vaillent valussent
2016~4 Edition
536 |
10.31 Conclure
Infinitif conclure to conclude; to bring to a close
Participe pass conclu
Participe prsent concluant
Impratif conclus | concluons | concluez
Futur Conditionnel
je conclurai conclurais
tu concluras conclurais
il/elle conclura conclurait
nous conclurons conclurions
vous conclurez concluriez
ils/elles concluront concluraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je conclue conclusse
que tu conclues conclusses
quil/elle conclue conclt
que nous concluions conclussions
que vous concluiez conclussiez
quils/elles concluent conclussent
Futur Conditionnel
j enverrai enverrais
tu enverras enverrais
il/elle enverra enverrait
nous enverrons enverrions
vous enverrez enverriez
ils/elles enverront enverraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que j envoie envoyasse
que tu envoies envoyasses
quil/elle envoie envoyt
que nous envoyions envoyassions
que vous envoyiez envoyassiez
quils/ envoient envoyassent
2016~4 Edition
538 |
employer to employ, use
renvoyer to send again, back
noyer to drown
dployer to deploy, roll out
nettoyer to clean
aboyer to bark
tutoyer to be on first-name terms
vouvoyer to use vous with
tournoyer to swirl, whirl
foudroyer to strike
broyer to grind, crush
ctoyer to mix, rub shoulders with
ployer to bow, bend
sapitoyer to feel pity
octroyer to grant
rougeoyer to glow (fire)
flamboyer to flame
louvoyer to hedge, equivocate
ondoyer to undulate, ripple
fourvoyer to mislead, misguide
choyer to pamper, cosset
convoyer to escort
larmoyer to cry, snivel
rudoyer to mistreat
guerroyer to make war
soudoyer to bribe
festoyer to feast, celebrate
coudoyer to rub shoulder with
2016~4 Edition
540 |
10.33 Craindre
Infinitif craindre to fear
Participe pass craint
Participe prsent craignant
Impratif crains | craignons | craignez
Futur Conditionnel
je craindrai craindrais
tu craindras craindrais
il/elle craindra craindrait
nous craindrons craindrions
vous craindrez craindriez
ils/elles craindront craindraient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je craigne craignisse
que tu craignes craignisses
quil/elle craigne craignt
que nous craignions craignissions
que vous craigniez craignissiez
quils/ craignent craignissent
10.34 Plaire
Infinitif plaire to please
Participe pass plu
Participe prsent plaisant
Impratif plais | plaisons | plaisez
Futur Conditionnel
je plairai plairais
tu plairas plairais
il/elle plaira plairait
nous plairons plairions
vous plairez plairiez
ils/elles plairont plairaient
Subjonctif Subjonctif
prsent imparfait
que je plaise plusse
que tu plaises plusses
quil/elle plaise plt
que nous plaisions plussions
que vous plaisiez plussiez
quils/elles plaisent plussent
2016~4 Edition
542 |
question, impression, attention, conversation, direction,
occasion, situation, condition, passion, action, avion,
expression, opration, intention, position, dcision, motion,
million, rgion, relation, camion, imagination, mission,
illusion, nation, sensation, explication, rvolution, disposition,
libration, opinion, division, solution, vision, satisfaction,
organisation, fonction, gnration, conviction, rflexion,
information, prcaution, religion, tradition, population,
discussion, lion, admiration, apparition, respiration, affection,
allusion, raction, occupation, ambition, instruction, union,
runion, possession, ducation, communication,
administration, collection, explosion, hsitation, exception,
tlvision, prcision, station, construction, excution,
disparition, dimension, vocation, rputation, section,
dclaration, pression, agitation, discrtion, conclusion,
tentation, confusion, rvlation, considration, proposition,
inscription, civilisation, pension, permission, reprsentation,
cration, invitation, inspiration, provision, protection,
composition, commission, institution, manifestation
dception, perfection, rception, signification, excitation,
dition, lgion, indignation, exaltation, intervention,
application, profession, obligation, invention, tension,
destruction, observation, expdition, champion, production,
circulation, sparation, rsolution, volution, concession,
lection, distraction, notion, exposition, aviation, humiliation,
2016~4 Edition
544 |
profusion, faction, adaptation, acclamation, inquisition,
perscution, incomprhension, excursion, cohsion,
exploration, abomination, consternation, privation, aberration,
exaspration, acceptation, initiation, mobilisation, mutation,
injonction, incursion, utilisation, modification, reconstruction,
pulsation, illumination, alimentation, proclamation,
ralisation, dispersion, allocution, rpression, rection,
lampion, apprciation, augmentation, spculation, crispation,
damnation, exclusion, conversion, rbellion, frustration,
accumulation, acquisition, revendication, rvision, inondation,
intrusion, improvisation, perception, insurrection, contagion,
extinction, inversion, ngation, convocation, rnovation,
palpitation, abngation, corruption, rotation, fanion,
confection, dcomposition, coalition, vrification,
confrontation, pntration, vacuation, ostentation,
dlectation, imprcation, appellation, conservation,
contestation, reddition, prdiction, sommation, transpiration,
rduction, talion, prdilection, lvation, nomination, torsion,
rpartition, liquidation, rcrimination, acclration,
manation, dissertation, rclusion, introduction, abstraction,
prostitution, digestion, contraction, potion, agrgation
lgation, exprimentation, conspiration, dgradation,
rcitation, adoption, vnration, dtention, rudition, quation,
rmission, infusion, extension, inauguration, rquisition,
exhibition, corporation, affliction, bastion, circonspection,
prospection, aversion, fion, scorpion, migration, audition,
2016~4 Edition
546 |
demonstrative 120
49ers 100, 186, 265, 321, ending in -e 211
380 irregular 212
on, -en 336
AB Player 34 possessive 64, 118, 276
Abortion 233 Adverbs 128, 214, 293,
Acheter 317, 528 339
Acrobatics 264 Advice 324
Action Word + Action Agir 362
Word 383, 430, 481 composed tenses 369
Action words 66, 72 prsent 109
148-196 321 simple tenses 368
1-49 100 Aller 270, 313
197-245 380 composed tenses 181,
50-98 186
prsent 110
99-147 265
group 1 246, 316 sen 498
subjonctif 253
group 1 preview 110
group 1, frequent 264 Appartenir 360
group 2 362 Appeler 317, 520
group 3 317 Apprendre 426
important 390, 431 Articles 53, 199
prsent 269, 327 definite 122
2016~4 Edition
548 |
2016~4 Edition
550 |
2016~4 Edition
552 |
2016~4 Edition
554 |
Marie de France
Marie de France
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ISBN 978-3-924774-97-4