Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) - An Ayurvedic Tool
Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) - An Ayurvedic Tool
Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) - An Ayurvedic Tool
In this article, you are going to learn about an ayurvedic way diagnosis known as Nadi
Pariksa or Pulse Diagnosis.
This has been in practice for thousands of years, and it is as effective as modern day
diagnostic system such as CT scan, MRI scan.
Sometimes it so happens that you go to the doctor, and it gets very difficult explaining him
the symptoms of your ailment.Thousands of questions and thousands of answers.
No more.Here in this article, we have discussed regarding an ayurvedic tool called Nadi
Pariksha, using which you dont have to speak out the symptoms.Your body will do that
for you. 1/8
8/6/2017 Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis)- An Ayurvedic Tool
To understand the cause of any Ailment or Disease in the Human body Nadi Pariksha is
the most important and powerful Diagnostic tool.
It is one of the vital portions of our Vedic ancestry and is transferred on from the Guru to
the disciple which directly depends on the spiritual evolution of the disciple.
The process of any disease is revealed through the prevailing symptoms.Each and
every cell in our body has its importance and intelligence. In Nadi Pariksha, this
intelligence, communication is studied in the form of vibrations.
Nadi Pariksha reads the vibratory frequency of the Pulse at various levels of the
Radial artery.
Subtle vibrations are read at seven dissimilar levels vertically downward that help in
determining various functions in the body.
When examined, physical & mental features of the pulse are revealed through the
pulse. 2/8
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This is understood in the form of symptoms along with their prognosis, which aids
in understanding the cause. Thus, Any persons ailment can be addressed by Nadi
The accuracy of the pulse reading depends on the individuals intuitive awareness
and also on the ability to understand and interpret the subtlety of vibrations. This
sensitive awareness influences the success of Nadi Pariksha.
The five elements or the Panchamahabhutas are Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
The 3 Doshas or humor like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha come as the result of these five
Any imbalance in these Doshas will bring forth an ailment which later on leads to a
disease. Each of these Doshas has their Physical, Mental, Emotional and Physiological
1. During the Pulse Diagnosis, each and every aspect of the human body i.e. the Body,
Mind, etc. is understood.
2. The Diagnosis not only understands the cause of the current ailments but also
chases the disease back to its origin.
3. Even subtle levels of occasional factors such as emotional matters or specific
thought patterns of the individual, that demonstrate into physical ailments
subsequently are understood. 3/8
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1. Prakruti:
Ones Original Constitution at the time of Conception can be determined. This helps
in giving the base of deciding the foundation and structure of the individuals Healing
2. Vikruti: 4/8
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Changing of mental state can be successfully tracked through Nadi Pariksha. This is
importantly noted that the science of Ayurveda considers that a major part of human
ailments are psychosomatic in nature. This is because the body is the only way by
which mind can express itself. Therefore, the mind plays a vital role in the working of
the body.
2. Doshas:
The analysis of the Doshas, the subtle entities of the psycho physiological body can
also be done by Nadi Pariksha. The Disease process can be understood well if there is
any alteration in the Doshas. The Doshas such as Vata, Pitta & Kapha and their sub-
units help in knowing:
The mobility of energies and the working of the nervous system, circulation as
defined by the pulsation of the heart, and the movement of nutrition to various
tissues in the body.
The governing activities of the body like Digestion, Absorption & Assimilation of
Nutrition which is responsible for the metabolic process and the process of
biotransformation in the body and these are known from 3 Doshas.
The absorbing and binding functions through the help of bodily fluids, which are
responsible for the proper and healthy formation of Muscles, Bones, Ligaments, and
Tendons, etc.
3. Health Of Tissues:
Through this, we can study the health of different types of tissues in the body, such as
Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Marrow, Ivory, Nerve and reproduction.
4. Health Of Chakras: 5/8
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The health of the Chakras or the subtle energy wheels in the body that match with the
glands in the physical body can also be found out. In the body, Chakras are related to
mind and control certain physiological processes.
Methods Of Cross-Examination:
While doing the Nadi Pariksha, other forms of examination are considered. To check
the correctness of the Pulse Diagnosis, there is a cross-examination done. Different
methods of this cross-examination are highlighted as below:
1. Nails:
The constitution of a person is revealed through the size and shape of the persons
nails. For example, small size nails with serrated borders (a person stung it due to
anxiety or nervousness) show a Vata nail. Pittas nails are little larger in size with a
slight curvature in the middle that gives a semi D shape.
In the center, a slight yellow tinge will reveal when the nails are pressed at the top. A
Kapha nail is larger in size. These nails are normally white in color. The surface of the
nail is usually large.
Vata nails have perpendicular lines that appear like deep serrations or ridges. Apart
from having vertical ridges, Pitta Nails (not always necessary) have reddish lines along
these ridges starting from the bottom of the nail towards the top of the nails.And the
last one, Kapha nails may have a larger curvature in the center owing to the larger
surface area.
2. Tongue:
The important aspects of digestion and assimilation of food are revealed through the
tongue. It also reveals what kind of digestive disorders we have and which of the 3
Doshas were responsible for this or which one is in the unbalanced state. The type of 6/8
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ailment is also revealed. The physiological problems present in other parts of the body
is also revealed.
A cracked and rough tongue shows when Vata is provoked. Whereas, Pitta shows a
reddish tongue and Kapha shows a whitish slimy mucus coating on the tongue.
3. Eyes:
The persons original constitution can be revealed through the shape of the eyes. While
during the examination, the eyes reveal what is the nature of the ailment and which
one of the 3 Doshas are responsible for it.
A person suffering from Vata disorder will have a brownish coloration in the eyes.
Some dryness can also be felt in the eyes.Whereas, A Pitta condition will have redness
or yellowish coloring in the eyes And the Kapha disorder will have cloudy or dense
vision along with whitish marks in the eyes.
4. Speech:
A persons strong voice and intonations while talking can reveal the predominant
Dosha. The nature of the symptoms present in the body and the cause are also
A Vata person will speak faster and will alter subjects without relevance or context.
Erratic breathing and gesticulations will be prevailing.
A Pitta person will have a loud voice, a strong tone which will display influence which
can be easily mistaken for arrogance. 7/8
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A Kapha person will be balmy, soft and musical in his speech. His expressions will be
slow and will not hurry in his conversation.
5. Skin:
The kind of Dosha present in the body will be revealed by the feel and texture of the
skin. The presence of the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, is revealed through the
temperature of the skin. In the blood, if there are any toxins then it will be revealed
through the pigmentation of the skin.
A Vata skin is dry with scales or flakes. The skin is cold and has a darkish coloration. A
person suffering from Pitta will have an oily skin and reddish patches which denote the
possible inflammation under the skin. It will be hot to touch. A Kapha person will have
a cold and moist feeling by the touch. It is like pale or milky white.
6. Urine:
The nature of ailment in the body can be determined by the color, nature, frequency
and the content of the urine. The intensity of the ailment reveals through the volume
and the frequency of urination.
A Vata person will suffer from scanty urination or infrequent urination. The quantity
of urine will also differ and the urgency to urinate will not match with the quantity of
urine coming out. The urine will have the smell of an astringent.
A person suffering from the Pitta will have hot urine and in a better volume. Urine will
convert from Dark yellow to yellow and then reddish in color. The urine will have a
strong and pungent smell. Whereas, A Kapha person will have a large volume of urine.
The color of urine will be whitish and can be sparkly.
7. Stools: 8/8