Parametric Analysis of Surface Condenser For Thermal Power Plant

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International Journal of Thermal Technologies

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Research Article
Parametric Analysis of Surface Condenser for Thermal Power Plant
Vikram Haldkar*, Abhay Kumar Sharma, R.K.Ranjan and V.K.Bajpai

Gyan Ganga Institute of Engg.& Tech., Jabalpur, M.P., INDIA

NIT Kurukshetra (Institute of National Importance), INDIA

Accepted 25 November 2013, Available online 01 December 2013, Vol.3, No.4 (Dec 2013)


The thermal power plants are used to generate power. The thermal power plants are designed based on required
conditions (like a good quality of steam, pressure and temperature of steam etc.), but actually inlet conditions are not as
per the designed conditions. In practical situations, when power plants are installed there are lots of constraints. This
tends to reduce or increase output power and heat rate of thermal power plants. Due to these conditions, the designed
power and heat rate are never achieved. Variations in the power outputs from plant are always a matter of disputes. So
the parameters for power and heat rate are generated for different conditions of condenser pressure, flow rate of water
through the condenser, Temperature difference. On the basis of site measurement and design data collection
performance of the Condenser unit can be evaluated. These evaluations indicate that if operating conditions vary, then
power output and heat rate also vary. This paper deals with the factors or parameters which reduced the efficiency of the
condenser and power plant.

Keyword: Flow rate, condenser, Power Output, Performance analysis, vacuum, energy efficiency

Introduction 13.73%. In addition, the calculated thermal efficiency was

38.39 % while the exergy efficiency of the power cycle
The condenser is a heat transfer device or unit used to was 45.85% (Ankur Geetea et al, 2013).
condense a substance from its gaseous to its liquid state, Steam power plants use basically two types of cooling
typically by cooling it. In doing so, the latent heat is given systems: open-cycle and closed cycle. Open-cycle or once-
up by the substance, and will transfer to the condenser through cooling systems withdraw large amounts of
coolant. Use of cooling water or surrounding air as the circulating water directly from and discharge directly to
coolant is common in many condensers. The main use of a streams, lakes or reservoirs through submerged diffuser
condenser is to receive exhausted steam from a steam structures or surface outfalls. An open-cycle system
engine or turbine and condense the steam. The benefit depends on the adequate cool ambient water to support the
being that the energy which would be exhausted to the generation at full capacity. A closed-cycle cooling system
atmosphere is utilized .A steam condenser generally transfers waste heat from circulating water to air drawn
condenses the steam to a pressure significantly below through cooling towers. Conventional wet cooling towers
atmospheric. This allows the turbine or engine to do more depend on evaporating heat exchange and require a
work. The condenser also converts the discharge steam continuous source of fresh water to replace evaporation
back to feed water which is returned to the steam losses. The ability of cooling towers to provide cold water
generator or boiler. In the condenser the latent heat of to steam condensers of a thermoelectric unit decreases
condensation is conducted to the cooling medium flowing with increasing air temperatures and, in case of wet
through the cooling tubes. In practical situations, when cooling tower, increasing humidity (Mirjana et al, 2010).
power plants are installed there are lots of constraints. This
tends to reduce or increase output power and heat rate of Description
thermal power plants. Due to these conditions, the
designed power and heat rate are never achieved. Basically, a condenser is a device where steam condenses
The percentage ratio of the exergy destruction to the and latent heat of evaporation released by the steam is
total exergy destruction was found to be maximum in the absorbed by cooling water. Thermodynamically, it serves
boiler system 86.27% and then condenser and stack gas the following purposes with reference to the P-v diagram
shown in Figure 1. Firstly, it maintains a very low back
pressure on the exhaust side of the turbine. As a result, the
*Corresponding author Vikram Haldkar is M.Tech. Scholar; Abhay
Kumar Sharma and R.K.Ranjan are working as Associate Professors
steam expands to a greater extent and consequently results
and V.K.Bajpai is working as Professor in an increase in available heat energy. The shaded area

Vikram Haldkar International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.3, No.4 (Dec. 2013)

shown in the P-v diagram exhibits the increase in the work identify and quantify the sites having largest energy and
obtained by fitting a condenser unit to a non-condensing exergy losses at cycle Using Energy and Exergy Analysis
unit for the same available steam properties. In the P-v Method . In addition, the effect of varying the condenser
diagram, line 4-5 is non-condensing line when the pressure on this analysis will also be presented with the
condenser unit is -5notisappli condensing line when the limits of turbine & condenser temperature and design, the
condenser is used Secondly, the exhaust steam condensate minimum allowable condenser pressure should be chosen
is free from impurities. Thermal efficiency of a to produce maximum efficiency and output power. This
condensing unit is higher than that of a non-condensing pressure should be always controlled during the power
unit for the same available steam properties. plant operation. The maximum energy loss was found in
the condenser where 60.86% of the input energy was lost
to the environment. The exergy destruction in the
condenser was 13.22% and thermal and exergy efficiency
38.39 %, 45.85. Ankur Geete and A.I. Khandwawala in
2013 used Exergy Analysis Method for create relation
between correction Curves for power & heat rate are
generated for different condition of condenser back
pressure. Prashant Sharma, SPS Rajput and Mukesh
Pandey in 2011 focused on Exergetic Optimization of Inlet
Cooling Water Temperature of Cross Flow Steam
Figure 1: Key components of a thermal power plant Condenser, It is found that optimum cooling water
working on a Rankine Cycle temperature decrease with decrease of condenser pressure
Using Exergoeconimic Analysis Method for minimized
Literature Survey the using the Exergy method. As the upstream mass flow
rate increase, the optimum coolant temperature and exergy
Mirjana, S LAKOVIC and Dejan D. MITROVIC in 2010 efficiency decreases, Pressure drop is also increased with
focused on impact of cooling water temperature on energy increase of cooling water flow rate using MAT Lab
efficiency of power plant, increasing pressure in the program. With decrease of condenser pressure from 0.18
condenser of 1 kPa, efficiency decreases to 1.0-1.5% using bar to 0.10 bar optimum cooling water temperature is also
Simulator based on IAPWS-IF97 .considering that in this decrease from 34 to 21, and exergy destruction at 21
particular case the reduction is 1.2%, dependence of the decreases from 41755 kW to 30263 kW. Operating
energy efficiency in the function of the cooling water temperature of cooling water cannot be increased more
temperature rise is obtained. The condenser heat transfer than 34. At this temperature, exergy destruction is
rate and pressure in the condenser are given for variable 27350kW and exergy efficiency is 37.1%. A.Dutta and A
cooling water temperature and flow rate, the specific heat .K. Das in 2013 had worked upon the Loss factor and
rate change due to the change of condensing pressure, and Efficiency of surface condenser and result found out At a
the specific heat rate change due to the cooling water particular load and condenser pressure, with the decrease
temperature change. Finally, the energy efficiency for the in temperature rise in cooling water the condenser
reference plant is given as the function of the change in efficiency decreases. Similarly, at higher temperature rise
condensing pressure. Ajeet Singh Sikarwar , Devendra in cooling water the condenser offers higher efficiency. At
Dandotiya and S.K. Agrawal in 2013 Study about the a particular load and condenser pressure, Loss Factor (LF)
factors or parameters which reduced the efficiency of increases with decrease in temperature rise in cooling
condenser Using Analysis of ATPS and finalizes three water. At a particular load and condenser pressure, Loss
causes which affecting the performance of condenser are Factor decreases with increase in efficiency. It has been
deviation due to inlet temperature of cold water , deviation also noted that the efficiency is maximum when the Loss
due to cold water flow, deviation due to air ingress /dirty Factor equals to one. Vosough Amir and Sadegh vosough
Tube, particular in this study the efficiency of a power in 2011 focused on Energy and Exergy Method for power
plant will reduce to 0.4% by these deviation in condenser. plant Efficiency In the considered power cycle, the
Milan V.Sanathara, Ritesh P.Oza and Rakesh S.Gupta in maximum energy loss was found in the condenser. Next to
2013 focused on the influence of cooling water flow rate it was the energy loss in the boiler system. The major
and temperature on the condenser performance, and thus source of exergy destruction was the boiler system where
on the specific heat rate of the coal fired plant and its chemical reaction is the most significant source of exergy
energy efficiency using Parametric Analysis Method. As destruction in a combustion chamber. Exergy destruction
cooling water flow decreases the vacuum inside the in the combustion chamber is mainly affected by the
condenser. This increased condenser pressure will excess air fraction and the temperature of the air at the
decrease the power output of LP turbine which is not inlet.
advisable. From mathematical model and analysis author
proved that energy efficiency of condenser reduces when Element of Surface Condenser
cooling water inlet temperature increases. Amir vosough,
Alireza falahat, Sadegh vosough, Hasan nasr The heat transfer mechanism is the condensation of
esfehani,Azam behjat and Roya naseri rad in 2011 to saturated steam outside the tubes and the heating of the

Vikram Haldkar International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.3, No.4 (Dec. 2013)

circulating water inside the tubes. Thus, for a given -ing pressure, cooling water flow rate and temperature. In
circulating water flow rate, the water inlet temperature to an ideal situation, when the venting system properly
the condenser determines the operating pressure of the removes air from the steam condenser, the achievable
condenser. As this temperature is decreased, the condensing pressure is determined by temperature of the
condenser pressure will also decrease. As described above, cooling water, as it is mentioned above. For the steam
this decrease in the pressure will increase the plant output power plant with closed cycle cooling system, cooling
and efficiency. Steam condensation enables a vacuum and water temperature is determined by natural water source or
non-condensable gases will migrate towards the ground temperature. This means that cooling water
condenser. The non- condensable gases consist of temperature is changing with weather conditions in
mostly air that has leaked into the cycle from particular region, and cannot be changed in order to
components that are operating below atmospheric achieve better condenser performances (i. e. higher
pressure. These gases are also formed by the vacuum in the condenser). Still, cooling water temperature
decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen. These directly affects condenser performances. Suitable
gases must be vented from the condenser for the following parameter for on-line control is cooling water flow rate,
reasons: and it can be varied in a wide range, with appropriate
(a) The gases will increase the operating pressure of the circulation pumps. During plant operation the objective is
condenser; this rise in pressure will decrease the turbine to operate at the optimum cooling water flow rate, which
output and efficiency. depends on cooling water temperature and power demand.
(b) The gases will blanket the outer surface of the tubes. In that manner, cooling water temperature and flow rate
This will severely decrease the heat transfer rates of are considered variable parameters in the simulation of the
the steam to the circulating water, and pressure in the plant operating conditions.
condenser will increase.
(c) The corrosiveness of the condensate in the condenser Condensing pressure and cooling water temperature
increases as the oxygen content increases. Thus, these
gases must be removed in order to enhance the life of With cooling water temperature rise, the mean temperature
components. difference in the condenser decreases, and condenser heat
Comparison of design and operating parameter show in transfer rate for the same condensing pressure will also
table No 1 its show the various key value which effecting decrease.
performance of condenser. It means that this particular condenser is designed at its
maximum heat transfer rate and with increased cooling
Table No 1 Comparison between Designing & operating water temperature it cannot achieve required value. In this
parameter way, the question of the valid designed parameters is
opened. Increasing of cooling water flow rate will increase
Parameter Design Operating the condenser heat transfer rate for the given cooling water
Condenser vacuum 694mmhg 612mmhg temperature.
Condenser TTD 4.8C 19.8C Condensing pressure dependence on cooling water
Condenser Effectiveness 62.50% 30.76% temperature is obtained for the given water flow rate and
C.T. Range 8C 8.8C steam load of the condenser. Steam load is considered
C.T. Approach 6C 5.5C constant, in order to obtain a clear illustration of this
Effectiveness 57% 61% dependence, as it is shown in figure 2. It is obvious that
Evaporation losses 21.33 m/h 20.03 m/h with cooling water increasing, pressure in the condenser
Make up water will also increase.
4.2666 m/h 4.006 m/h
Cooling water rate 1800 m/h 1536.45 m/h
Turbine back pressure 0.1bar 0.21bar 0.24
Turbine work 952.6kW 884.9kW
condenser pressure(bar)

Cycle Efficiency 36.70% 34% 0.22
Specific steam 0.21
28.08TPH 30.53TPH
Steam Rate 3.77 kg/kWh 4.068 kg/kWh
Heat rate of turbine 9718.3 kJ/kWh 10566.22 kJ/kWh
fuel consumption 5805 kg/h 6300 kg/h
Result and Discussion 0.15
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Cooling water parameters influence on the condenser cooling water temperature(C)

Condenser heat transfer rate strongly depends on condens- Figure 2 variation of condenser pressure with cooling
water temperature

Vikram Haldkar International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.3, No.4 (Dec. 2013)

Steam load of the condenser of 0.11bar, efficiency decreases to 2.0-2.7% and

considering that in this particular case the reduction is
With cooling water temperature increasing, in order to 2.7%, dependence of the energy efficiency in the function
maintain designed heat transfer rate of the condenser, of the cooling water temperature rise is obtained and is
condensing pressure will increase. As this plant is working shown in figure- 3.
under turbine-follow mode, the turbine governor will Cooling water temperature rise causes the reduction of
increase the throttle and exhaust flows in order to set the energy efficiency and power of steam power plants. The
generated power at the designed level, but with increasing problem is more severely set for plants with closed-cycle
of heat rate, Those results are identical to experimental cooling system in comparison to the plant with an open
results for similar plant given in literature (Mirjana et al, cycle cooling system. Dry bulb temperature, the wet bulb
2010), the steam load of the condenser dependence on temperature, the atmospheric pressure, flow rate of the
condensing pressure, at a constant cooling water circulating water , the characteristic of cooling tower fill,
temperature as for different values of cooling water flow the resistance coefficient of the parts in a tower, and the
rate. working condition of a water distribution system and so
on, can affect the outlet water temperature of the cooling
Condenser operating conditions influence on the plant tower(Mirjana et al, 2010). It means that cooling water
performances temperature is changing in a much wider range in one day
in comparison to once-through cooling system.
After data analysis result is show that with increasing of
condensing pressure and flow rate of the cooling water, Condenser TTD and cooling water temperature
steam flow through the condenser, and thus through the
low-pressure turbine is increasing. This will increase net The analysis is show that condenser TTD is function of
power output. This increasing of the net power output, water temperature, in the figure-4 show that the condenser
however, is correlated to the increasing of the heat rate. TTD is increase with increasing the temperature of inlet
cooling water in condenser and reduce the condenser
Specific heat rate performance.

Specific heat rate change due to condensing pressure 25

change, those results are identical to experimental results
for similar plant given in literature (Mirjana et al, 2010). 20
With decreasing of the pressure in the condenser, specific
condenser TTD

heat rate decreases. With pressure decreasing to bellow the
point where the exhaust annulus becomes choked, 10
excessive condensate sub-cooling will result, tending to
reduce the improvement in heat rate resulting from the
lower condensing pressure. Condensate sub-cooling is 0
defined as the saturation temperature corresponding to the 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
pressure in the condenser minus the condensate
temperature in the hot well. cooling water temperature(C)

Energy efficiency Figure 4 variation of condenser TTD with cooling water

condenser pressure (bar)

In this paper, causes which effecting the performance of

0.15 condenser are deviation due to cooling water inlet
temperature, deviation due to water flow rate and
deviation due to condenser pressure in energy efficiency
0.05 of plant is consider .eventually this paper find the total
efficiency of a power plant will reduce 2.7% by all these
0 deviation in the condenser and by overcome these three
33.5 34 34.5 35 35.5 36 36.5 37 reasons, the performance of power plant can be rises with
cycle efficiency % a good level.

Figure 3 variation of cycle efficiency with condenser References

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