Effect of Condenser Backpressure On Power Plant Heat Rate and Thermal Efficiency
Effect of Condenser Backpressure On Power Plant Heat Rate and Thermal Efficiency
Effect of Condenser Backpressure On Power Plant Heat Rate and Thermal Efficiency
Table 1: Power, Efficiency and Heat Rate Thermal power plant efficiency and heat rate are affected by
condenser back pressure so there should be provision to
V. PARAMETRIC STUDY control cooling water flow rate and online air removal
system to control condenser back pressure. Thus we can
Figure 1 shows the effect of condenser back pressure on the
increase the thermal efficiency of thermal power plant by
cycle efficiency. It shows that efficiency of cycle decreases
maintaining the condenser back pressure within the
with increase in back pressure. Decreasing the cooling water
optimum range possible.
temperature and hence pressure will result in increase power
output for the same steam mass flow rate and constant fuel
input. It also decreases the heat rate of power plant [5].
[1] P.K.Nag, Power Plant Engineering. Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 2002.
[2] Richard E. Putman, Dr.Joseph W. Harpster Economic
Effect of Condenser Back Pressure on Heat Rate,
Condensate Sub-cooling and Feed Water Dissolved
[3] Ankur Geete, A.I.Khandwawala, Energy Analysis of
120 MW Thermal Power Plant with Different
Condenser Back Pressure and Generate Correction
Curves. Int. J. Curr. Eng. Technol. March- 2013; 3(1):
[4] BEE, Energy performance Assessment for Equipment
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[5] Amir Vosough, Alireza, Sadeghvosough, et al.
Fig. 1: Condenser Back Pressure vs Efficiency. Improvement in Power Plant Efficiency with Condenser
Figure 2 shows the effect of condenser back Pressure. Int. J. Multidiscip. Sci. Eng. 2011; 2(3): 38–
pressure on heat rate. The LP turbine outlet enthalpy 43p, ISSN 2045-7057.
depends on the condenser pressure. Enthalpy drop increases
with decrease in condenser back pressure. Therefore, to
increase the turbine power output condenser pressure should
be maintained lower as far as possible however, it is a
function of the ambient temperature. However, there are
certain limitations of very low condenser back pressure [5].