Ezy Math Tutoring - General Maths-2

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Learning Strategies
Mathematics is often the most challenging subject for students. Much of the trouble comes from the
fact that mathematics is about logical thinking, not memorizing rules or remembering formulas. It
requires a different style of thinking than other subjects. The students who seem to be naturally
good at math just happen to adopt the correct strategies of thinking that math requires often they
dont even realise it. We have isolated several key learning strategies used by successful maths
students and have made icons to represent them. These icons are distributed throughout the book
in order to remind students to adopt these necessary learning strategies:

Talk Aloud Many students sit and try to do a problem in complete silence inside their heads.
They think that solutions just pop into the heads of smart people. You absolutely must learn
to talk aloud and listen to yourself, literally to talk yourself through a problem. Successful
students do this without realising. It helps to structure your thoughts while helping your tutor
understand the way you think.

BackChecking This means that you will be doing every step of the question twice, as you work
your way through the question to ensure no silly mistakes. For example with this question:
3 2 5 7 you would do 3 times 2 is 5 ... let me check no 3 2 is 6 ... minus 5 times 7
is minus 35 ... let me check ... minus 5 7 is minus 35. Initially, this may seem time-
consuming, but once it is automatic, a great deal of time and marks will be saved.

Avoid Cosmetic Surgery Do not write over old answers since this often results in repeated
mistakes or actually erasing the correct answer. When you make mistakes just put one line
through the mistake rather than scribbling it out. This helps reduce silly mistakes and makes
your work look cleaner and easier to backcheck.

Pen to Paper It is always wise to write things down as you work your way through a problem, in
order to keep track of good ideas and to see concepts on paper instead of in your head. This
makes it easier to work out the next step in the problem. Harder maths problems cannot be
solved in your head alone put your ideas on paper as soon as you have them always!

Transfer Skills This strategy is more advanced. It is the skill of making up a simpler question and
then transferring those ideas to a more complex question with which you are having difficulty.

For example if you cant remember how to do long addition because you cant recall exactly

how to carry the one: then you may want to try adding numbers which you do know how

to calculate that also involve carrying the one:
This skill is particularly useful when you cant remember a basic arithmetic or algebraic rule,
most of the time you should be able to work it out by creating a simpler version of the

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Format Skills These are the skills that keep a question together as an organized whole in terms
of your working out on paper. An example of this is using the = sign correctly to keep a
question lined up properly. In numerical calculations format skills help you to align the numbers

This skill is important because the correct working out will help you avoid careless mistakes.
When your work is jumbled up all over the page it is hard for you to make sense of what
belongs with what. Your silly mistakes would increase. Format skills also make it a lot easier
for you to check over your work and to notice/correct any mistakes.

Every topic in math has a way of being written with correct formatting. You will be surprised
how much smoother mathematics will be once you learn this skill. Whenever you are unsure
you should always ask your tutor or teacher.

Its Ok To Be Wrong Mathematics is in many ways more of a skill than just knowledge. The main
skill is problem solving and the only way this can be learned is by thinking hard and making
mistakes on the way. As you gain confidence you will naturally worry less about making the
mistakes and more about learning from them. Risk trying to solve problems that you are unsure
of, this will improve your skill more than anything else. Its ok to be wrong it is NOT ok to not

Avoid Rule Dependency Rules are secondary tools; common sense and logic are primary tools
for problem solving and mathematics in general. Ultimately you must understand Why rules
work the way they do. Without this you are likely to struggle with tricky problem solving and
worded questions. Always rely on your logic and common sense first and on rules second,
always ask Why?

Self Questioning This is what strong problem solvers do naturally when they
get stuck on a problem or dont know what to do. Ask yourself these
questions. They will help to jolt your thinking process; consider just one
question at a time and Talk Aloud while putting Pen To Paper.

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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: Financial Mathematics 5
Exercise 1: Earning Money 6
Exercise 2: Taxation 10
Exercise 3: Credit & Borrowing 15
Exercise 4: Annuities & Loan Repayments 19
Exercise 5: Depreciation 22

CHAPTER 2: Data Analysis 25

Exercise 1: Data Collection & Sampling 26
Exercise 2: Mean, Median & Spread of Data 30
Exercise 3: Representing Data (I) 34
Exercise 4: Representing Data (II) 39
Exercise 5: Normal Distribution 45
Exercise 6: Correlation 48

CHAPTER 3: Measurement 51
Exercise 1: Units of Measurement 52
Exercise 2: Applications of Area & Volume 57
Exercise 3: Similarity 64
Exercise 4: Right Angled Triangles 69
Exercise 5: Further Applications of Trigonometry 78
Exercise 6: Spherical Geometry 86

CHAPTER 4: Probability 89
Exercise 1: Simple Probability 90
Exercise 2: Multi-stage Events 96
Exercise 3: Applications of Probability 99

CHAPTER 5: Algebraic Modeling 103

Exercise 1: Algebraic Skills & Techniques 104
Exercise 2: Modelling Linear Relationships 109

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Exercise 2: Modeling Non-linear Relationships 114

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General Mathematics
Financial Mathematics

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Exercise 1

Earning Money

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 1: Earning Money

1) Mark earns a gross salary of

$78000 per annum. To the nearest $40 per hour for each hour
cent how much does Mark earn: worked over 35 hours

a) Per month An extra $2.50 per hour for

each hour worked over 40
b) Per fortnight

Calculate Peters earnings

c) Per week
before tax for the following
d) Per day
a) Worked 32 hours
e) Per hours
b) Worked 35 hours
Assume Mark works a 40 hour
week, does not work weekends, c) Worked 43 hours
and ignore public holidays
d) Worked 60 hours
2) Tom earns a gross salary of $900
per 37 hour week. Matt earns $22
4) When James takes holidays he is
per hour, but is required to work
allowed a 7.5% extra on top of his
for 42 hours per week.
holiday pay. James salary is
currently $82500. If he takes two
a) Who earns more per hour?
weeks holiday, how much will he
be paid for this period?
b) Who earns more per week?
5) Ronald works as a car salesman.
c) What is the difference in He gets paid a base wage of $900
their annual earnings? per week. He also gets paid
(Assume they each work commission for every car he sells,
for all 52 weeks of the year, according to the sale price. If the
not on weekends, and car is valued below $20000 he gets
ignore public holidays) 1% of the sale price. For cars sold
in the $20000 to $39999 price
3) Peters pay rates for a weeks work range, he receives 1.5%
are as follows commission. If the value of the car
sold is $40000 or more he receives
$25 per hour for the first 2%.
35 hours
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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 1: Earning Money

What does Ronald earn per week A carers pension is paid to

under the following scenarios? anybody caring for a disabled child
and pays $115.40 per fortnight
a) He sells no cars
The aged pension is $712 per
b) He sells one car valued at fortnight for a single pensioner
$32000 and $536.70 each per fortnight for
a married couple

c) He sells a car for $35000

Calculate how much each
and one for $41950
household brings in under the
following conditions
d) He sells 4 cars all for
a) Bill and Doris are both old
aged pensioners, and their
If Ronald wanted to earn $2000 for son Malcolm is currently
a weeks work, what must he sell a seeking work
luxury car (valued at over $40000)
for? b) Jill is seeking work and also
cares for her 10 year old
6) Petra dyes flowers and gets paid son who is not disabled
1.5 cents for every stem she dyes.

c) Bob is a single pensioner

a) If she dyes 3000 stems how who shares a house with
much does she earn? his grandson John who is
seeking work and also cares
b) If she dyes 15000 stems, for his own son who has a
how much does she earn? disability

c) How many stems must she 8) Bernard worked 37 hours last

dye in order to earn $750? week. His hourly rate is $31.50,
and he pays tax at a flat rate of
7) New start allowance is paid to 15% of his earnings. In addition he
unemployed job seekers. A single pays 1.5% of his gross pay toward
person receives $492.60 per the Medicare levy, and he also has
fortnight, whilst a couple receives to pay 4.5% of his gross pay in
$444.70 each per fortnight. A job HECS repayments. Union fees of
seeker with a dependent child $8 and social club fees of $2.50 per
receives $533 per fortnight. week are also deducted.

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 1: Earning Money

Bernard makes voluntary

superannuation contributions of
3% of his gross pay.

How much money did Bernard

actually take home last week?

9) Max works a 37 hour week and is

paid for all public holidays also. He
has the following weekly financial

Rent $350
Electricity $35
Petrol $50
Gas $25
Entertainment $75
Food etc. $125
Credit card $18
Car costs $30

Max also wishes to put money

away for such things as clothing,
furniture, household items etc. so
that he can pay cash for them
when he needs them. He
estimates he will need $1500 for
the year.

Max also wishes to save $40 per


What must Maxs hourly pay rate

be to be able to meet his
commitments and savings needs?
(Assume Max does not pay
taxation nor has any other
deductions from his wages)

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Exercise 2


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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 2: Taxation

1) Martin works for a salary of $52000 per annum before tax. The weekly tax on this
income is $162.44. How much does Martin take home per fortnight?

2) Income between $18201 and $37000 per annum is currently taxed at the rate of 19
cents per dollar for amounts over $18200. How much tax is payable for the
following incomes?

a) $19200

b) $26000

c) $36999

d) $50000

e) $15000

3) People earning over $180000 per annum pay tax according to the following formula.
$54547 plus 45 cents per dollar for each dollar over $180000. How much tax is
payable for the following incomes?

a) $190000

b) $225000

c) $500000

d) $100000

The rates mentioned in questions 2 and 3 are taken from the following table which
shows the formula to calculate tax payable on all incomes. Use the table to answer
the following questions

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 2: Taxation

Taxable income Tax on this income

0 - $18,200 Nil

$18,201 - $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200

$37,001 - $80,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000

$80,001 - $180,000 $17,547 plus 37c for each $1 over $80,000

$180,001 and over $54,547 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000

4) What is the annual tax payable for the following incomes?

a) $39125

b) $125432

c) $12000

d) $37000

e) $180002

f) $1,000,000

5) Jim earns $42 per hour for a 38 hour week. How much tax should be deducted from
his wages each week to meet his taxation commitment?

6) Graph tax payable per annum versus taxable income for incomes from $0 to

7) The Medicare levy is payable by all taxpayers who earn more than $20542 per
annum, and is charged at the rate of 1.5% of taxable income. How much Medicare
levy is payable for the following incomes?

a) $42222
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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 2: Taxation

b) $17000

c) $82000

d) $53149

8) If an unmarried taxpayer is not covered by private health cover and they earn more
than $84000 per annum, they are liable for the Medicare levy surcharge, which is a
further 1% of taxable income

What is the total levy (including surcharge if applicable) payable for the following

a) $2000

b) $73250

c) $83999

d) $92000

e) $113000

9) Alan is single, and earned $93450 in the past financial year. His employer deducted
$500 per week to cover his tax and Medicare commitments. At the end of the
financial year is Alan due a refund from the government, or is he liable for additional

10) GST is a tax placed on many items by the government; it is added to the base price
of the item and is included in the total cost of the item. The current rate of GST is
10%. What is the total cost of the following items with base prices of:

a) $1.50

b) $12.50

c) $105.00

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 2: Taxation

d) $32000

e) $12243.56

11) Use guess check and improve, or develop a method to calculate the base price of
the following items that have a total cost of:

a) $11

b) $44

c) $36.19

d) $111.32

e) $8938.05

Develop a formula that enables you to calculate the base price of an item given its
total cost

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Exercise 3

Credit & Borrowing

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 3: Credit & Borrowing

1) Calculate the total simple interest c) Principal of $2,000 at 20%

paid under the following p.a. interest with total
conditions interest payable of $6400

a) Principal of $10,000 at a d) Principal of $800 at 11%

rate of 10% p.a. for 10 p.a. interest with total
years interest payable of $440

b) Principal of $2000 at a rate 3) A man borrows $11500 to buy a

of 5% p.a. for 5 years car. He agrees to a simple interest
rate of 6% per annum and agrees
c) Principal of $4000 at a rate to pay the loan off in 5 years. How
of 7.5% p.a. for 2 years much will he repay in total?

d) Principal of $25,000 at a 4) Kerry borrows $4000 and is

rate of 12.5% p.a. for 3 required to repay the loan with
years equal monthly instalments. If the
simple interest rate is 9% p.a. how
e) An interest rate of 8% p.a. much will she have to repay each
for 5 years on a principal of month to finalise the loan in 3
$6,000 years?

2) Calculate the amount of time it 5) A man takes out a loan of $10000

would take to repay a loan under at 6.5% p.a. simple interest rate
the following conditions (assume for 4 years. After 2 years the
simple interest) interest rate was increased to 8%.
How much did his repayments
have to increase by to still have
a) Principal of $5,000 at 10%
the loan repaid in the same time?
p.a. interest with total
interest payable of $2000

b) Principal of $12,000 at 12%

p.a. interest with total
interest payable of $6000

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 3: Credit & Borrowing

6) Complete the following table

Home loan table

Assume the same number of days

Amount = $100,0000
per month

Interest Rate = 15% p.a.

Monthly repayment = $3000

N Principal Interest P+I P+I-R

1 100000 1250 101250 98250

2 98250

7) From the table above, what would the amount owing be after 5 months if the
monthly repayment was doubled? Why is this amount not equal to half the amount
owing after 5 months in question 6?

8) Tom buys a new lounge suite for $2400 using the stores credit facility. The store
offers a two year non-interest period. After that time the interest charged on the
outstanding balance is 18% p.a. simple interest payable monthly.

a) If Tom wishes to avoid any interest charges, what is the minimum amount
per month he should pay?

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 3: Credit & Borrowing

b) If Tom repays the loan after 3 years with equal instalments, how much did he
repay each month?

c) The store has a policy that if no repayments have been made in the first 30
months, the debt is referred to a collection agency. How much gets referred
to the agency?

9) Which of the following curves represents

The amount paid on a $5000 loan that is repaid with a simple interest rate
The amount paid on a $5000 loan with a compound interest rate
The amount paid on a $5000 loan repaid with no interest rate

5000 A

1 2 3 4 5

10) Calculate the effective interest rate on a loan of $8000 at 15% p.a. interest paid
monthly for 3 years

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Exercise 4

Annuities & Loan Repayments

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 4: Annuities & Loan Repayments

1) What is the future value of an 7) John is planning to take the trip of

annuity with a contribution of a lifetime in ten years time and
$100 per year for 15 years, if the estimates that the amount of
interest rate is 10% p.a.? money he will need at that time is
$50 000. He is advised to
2) What is the future of an annuity contribute $4000 each year into an
with a contribution of $2000 per 6 account that pays 5% pa,
months for 20 years if the interest compounded annually. Will John
rate is 8% p.a.? have enough money in ten years
time to make his dream come
3) The future value of an annuity true? By how much will he fall
after 15 years is $80,000. If the short of or overshoot his goal?
interest rate was 20% p.a. what
were the yearly contributions? 8) What is the present value of an
annuity of $150 per month @ 18%
4) The future value of an annuity p.a. compounded monthly?
after 30 years is $250,000. If the
interest rate was 9% p.a. and the 9) Peter has two options when saving
contributions were made monthly, for his retirement. Either invest
how much were these $50000 today at 7% p.a. interest
contributions? compounded annually for 10 years
or pay $400 per month
5) Which has a greater future value; commencing immediately at 9%
an annuity of $100 per month at p.a. interest compounded
6% p.a. interest, or an annuity of monthly. Which option gives Peter
$300 per quarter at the same more money to retire with?
interest rate? Assume the period
of investment is 20 years, and 10) In 8 years time a business plans
explain why the two are not equal to replace its fitting and fixtures. It
even though $100 per month is is estimated that the replacement
equal to $300 per quarter will cost $15000. How much does
the business need to save per year
6) Colin is saving for a place in a if it receives 6% p.a. compounded
retirement village. If he needs annually on their savings?
$200,000 by the time he retires in
10 years, how much should he pay 11) Arnold deposits $200 per month
into an account each year if the into his account. How much does
rate of interest paid is 8% per he have in his account at the end
annum? of 5 years if the bank pays 8% p.a.

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 4: Annuities & Loan Repayments

interest compounded every 2 amount paid, and total interest

months? paid over the course of the loan?

12) A couple take a home loan of 13) Use the table below to calculate
$250000 over 30 years at 12% p.a. the value of an ordinary annuity of
compounded monthly. What are $200 per month which is invested
the monthly repayments, total at 4% per month for 4 months

Future values of $1

Interest rate
Period 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
2 2.0100 2.0200 2.0300 2.0400 2.0500
3 3.0301 3.0604 3.0909 3.1216 3.1525
4 4.0604 4.1216 4.1836 4.2465 4.3101
5 5.1010 5.2040 5.3091 5.4163 5.5256
6 6.1520 6.3081 6.4684 6.6330 6.8019
7 7.2135 7.4343 7.6625 7.8983 8.1420
8 8.2857 8.5830 8.8923 9.2142 9.5491

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Exercise 5


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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 5: Depreciation

1) Assuming straight line 4) In July 2003 a computer system

depreciation, what is the financial was valued at $8000. In July 2006
life of the assets having a its value was $5000. Assuming
depreciation rate of? straight line depreciation what was
the depreciation rate?
a) 10%
5) A car originally bought for $40,000
b) 8.5% was depreciated using the
reducing balance method at a rate
c) 20% of 12%. What was its value after 1,
2 and 3 years?

d) 12.5%
6) In July 2006 office furniture was
bought for $18000. It was
e) 5%
depreciated using the reducing
balance method, and in July 2009
2) What is the depreciation rate of an its value was $13122. What rate of
asset that has the following depreciation was used?
financial life? (Assume straight line
7) In July 2001 a car having a value of
$35000 was purchased. It was
a) 5 years depreciated at a rate of 10% using
the straight line method. When
b) 20 years did the value of the car equal
c) 12 years
8) In July 2001 a car having a value of
d) 25 years $35000 was purchased. It was
depreciated at a rate of 10% using
e) 10 years the reducing balance method.
When did the value of the car
equal zero?
3) A car with a book value of $50,000
is bought by a business in July
2006. If its value is depreciated by 9) A boat having a value of $75000
20% using the straight line was purchased and it was
method, what is its book value in depreciated at a rate of 15% using
July 2010? the reducing balance method

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Chapter 1: Financial Mathematics Exercise 5: Depreciation

a) Write a formula that 10) A car having a value of V dollars

calculates the value of the was purchased and then
boat after one year depreciated at a rate of 10% using
the reducing balance method.
b) Write a formula that Write a formula that could be used
calculates the value of the to calculate the value of the car
boat after 2 years after n years

c) Write a formula that 11) A car having a value of V dollars

calculates the value of the was purchased and hen
boat after 5 years depreciated at a rate of r%. Write
a formula that could be used to
d) Write a formula that calculate the value of the car after
calculates the value of the n years
boat after n years

12) Which of the graphs below represents the value of an asset depreciated using the
reducing balance method of depreciation? Explain your answer

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Data Analysis

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Exercise 1

Data Collection & Sampling

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 1: Data Collection & Sampling

1) For which of the following would all data be available for analysis, and which would
require a sample to be taken?

a) Score distribution in a basketball competition

b) Voting intentions of the Australian people

c) Favourite colour of your class

d) Favourite car of the people of Sydney

e) Types of dogs owned by the people of Victoria

2) Classify the following data as either quantitative or categorical. If the data is

quantitative, indicate if it is discrete or continuous

a) Heights of your class members

b) Attendance at football games

c) Car colours

d) Dog breeds

e) Courses offered at a university

f) Number of people enrolled in each course at a university

3) Describe the differences and similarities between the random, stratified and
systematic methods of sampling

4) A company employs workers under various conditions

50 workers are males who work full time

25 are males who work part time
75 are females who work full time
100 are females who work part time

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 1: Data Collection & Sampling

If stratified sampling is to be used, how many of each group should be sampled

under the following conditions?

a) 50 people are to be surveyed in total

b) 25 females are to be surveyed

c) 75 part time workers are to be surveyed

d) 10 male part time workers are to be surveyed

5) The population of Australia is approximately 23 million. Of that number

approximately 1,955,000 are over 65 years old. To gain an accurate representation
of a sample set of 5000, how many of them should be over 65 years old?

6) A sample of 5000 people included 100 in the age range 20 to 40. Comment on the
appropriateness of the sample distribution, given that the survey conducted related
to services for parents of school aged children.

7) Tom made a table of the numbers of boys and girls in each year group in his school


1 12 15
2 9 14
3 13 12
4 9 10
5 16 15
6 11 14
7 12 17
8 14 17
9 13 15
10 9 11
11 8 10
12 6 8

Based on his data, approximately how many of the students in Toms state are
female? (The total number of students in Toms state is 1,120,000)

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 1: Data Collection & Sampling

8) Peter also made a table of the number of boys and girls in each year group in his


1 15 0
2 19 0
3 23 0
4 29 0
5 26 0
6 31 0
7 22 0
8 14 0
9 13 0
10 9 0
11 8 0
12 6 0

Comment on the suitability of using Peters data for the same purpose as Toms, the
probable reason for its unsuitability, and what the data could possibly be used to

9) 100 animals are caught, tagged and released. Later 250 animals are caught, of which
50 have tags. Based on this data what is the approximate population of these

10) Based on tagging data, the population of fish in a lake is estimated to be 1000. Of
the sample of 300 taken, 45 had tags already placed by a previous catch and release.
How many fish were originally tagged and released?

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Exercise 2

Mean, Median & Spread of Data

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 2: Mean, Median & Spread of Data

1) Calculate the mean of the 5) Fifteen students sat a maths test

following data sets and their mean mark was 60%.
Alan was sick for the test and sat it
a) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 later. When his score was added
to the data set, the mean mark
b) 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 had increased to 62%. What score
did Alan get on the test?

c) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
6) There are 15 girls and 15 boys in a
class. On a test the girls mean
d) 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
mark was 80%, while the mean
mark of the boys was 70%. What
e) 10, 30, 40, 50 was the mean mark for the class?

f) 7, 11, 15, 17, 25, 52, 55 7) There are 20 girls and 10 boys in a
class. On a test the girls mean
2) Calculate the mean of the mark was 80% while the mean
following data sets mark of the boys was 70%. What
was the mean mark for the class?
a) 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
8) Why are the answers to questions
b) 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 500 6 and 7 different, given that the
mean marks of the boys and girls
c) 950, 970, 990, 1000, 1100 in both classes were the same?

d) 2, 950, 970, 990, 1000, 9) What is the median of the

1100 following data sets?

3) From your answers to question 2, a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

what effect does an outlier have
on the mean of a set of data? b) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

4) The mean of a set of data is 15. c) 9, 12, 15, 22, 30, 40, 60
The scores in the data set are
d) 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 21, 22, 22
18, 3, 15, x, 30, 12, and 20

What is the value of x?

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 2: Mean, Median & Spread of Data

10) What is the median of the 14) Find the inter-quartile range of
following data sets? the following data sets

a) 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 a) 7, 15, 20, 22, 25, 32, 40

b) 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 1000 b) 1, 5, 6, 12, 20, 30, 50

c) 1000, 982, 979, 977, 960 c) 2, 10, 18, 24, 32, 80, 82, 90

d) 1000, 982, 979, 977, 960, 2 d) 23, 25, 4, 12, 21, 50, 32, 43,
5, 60, 45
11) From your answers to questions
10 and 11, what effect does an 15) Can the inter-quartile range be
outlier have on the median of a set less than the range for a set of
of data? data? Explain

12) The following set of data is in 16) Can the inter-quartile range be
order. Its mean is 30 and its equal to the range for a set of
median is 14. What are the values data? Explain
of x and y?
17) What is the standard deviation of
5, 8, x, 12, y, 40, 50, 100 the following sets of data?

13) Find the range of the following a) 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

sets of data
b) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
a) 1, 2, 5, 7, 10
c) 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
b) 3, 6, 18, 19, 100
d) 4, 20, 40, 60, 100
c) 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
18) Calculate the mean and standard
d) 17, 3, 18, 22, 30, 4, 10 deviation of the following

e) 40, 30, 20, 10, 0 a) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

f) -5, 7, 15, 22, 40, 51 b) 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 2: Mean, Median & Spread of Data

c) What effect does adding

two to every score have on
the mean and standard
deviation of a set of data?

19) Calculate the mean and standard

deviation of the data set

4, 8, 12, 16, 20

What effect does doubling every

score have on the mean and
standard deviation of a set of

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Exercise 3

Representing Data (I)

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 3: Representing Data (I)

1) Create a tally chart and frequency table to represent the following data set more

5, 7, 10, 16, 20, 6, 17, 9, 14, 4, 11, 12, 1, 2, 19, 14, 19, 10, 2, 15, 12, 17, 5, 1, 11, 13, 9,
7, 4, 8, 7, 3, 6, 16, 4, 1, 8, 5, 18, 13, 19, 9, 2, 11, 17, 17, 14, 10, 16, 4, 13, 1, 11, 15, 6,
3, 2, 7, 20, 8, 15, 6, 8, 5, 3, 11, 4, 10, 9, 13, 12, 18, 2, 17, 1

2) Construct a frequency histogram for the following grouped frequency table

Height of trees
1 1.25 25
1.25 - 1.5 30
1.5 1.75 20
1.75 2 40
2 2.25 15
2.25 2.5 10
2.5 2.75 5

3) Construct a cumulative frequency table and graph for the data from question 2

4) Construct a pie graph to represent the following data

Hours of TV watched per

Number of people
0-10 14
10-30 32
30-50 39
50-75 9
75+ 6

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 3: Representing Data (I)

5) Using the following pie graph

Favourite sport



a) Which sport was most popular of those surveyed?

b) Which two sports were equally popular?

c) Which sport was the favourite of half the number of people who voted for

d) If 50 people chose surfing, approximately how many people were surveyed?

6) Explain why the following graph is misleading, and redraw it so as to make it realistic








1 2 3 4 5 6

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 3: Representing Data (I)

7) Which of the picture graphs shown below is less misleading and why?

8) A magazine compared two cars named A and B in 7 criteria. The higher the score,
the better the value. For example a high price score indicates that a car is cheaper,
whilst a high safety score indicates that a car is safer

Leg room 6 Mileage

Model A
Model B
Boot room Comfort

Safety Price of parts

a) Which car is cheaper

che and by what fraction?

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 3: Representing Data (I)

b) Which car has more leg room?

c) Which feature scored almost the same for both cars?

d) What was the only category in which car B performed better than car A?

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Exercise 4

Representing Data (II)

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 4: Representing Data (II)

1) Represent the following data set in The following data set is the set of
a stem and leaf plot and determine scores of football team B during its
the median score using the plot season

14, 15, 16, 16, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 29, 35, 39, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53,
24, 26, 31, 32, 38, 39, 44, 44, 45, 53, 59, 67, 73, 79, 86, 91, 97, 101,
46, 47, 47, 47, 48 117, 126

2) The daily maxima for Perth during Display the data in a back to back
the month of June 2012 were stem and leaf plot

19, 20, 22, 24, 23, 23, 17, 20, 21, What were the respective median
21, 19, 21, 20, 17, 18, 19, 18, 21, scores, and which team was more
24, 21, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 15, 21, consistent during the season
20, 19, 17,
4) Represent the following data set in
Represent this data in a stem and a box and whisker plot
leaf plot.
12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 30, 40, 42, 100
What was the median maximum
temperature in Perth for June? Show and evaluate the range and
the inter-quartile range
3) The following data set is the set of
scores of football team A during its 5) A set of data has a minimum of 4,
season an inter-quartile range of 15; range
of 26 and a third quartile of 25.
34, 38, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 51, 53, Draw a possible box and whisker
57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 67, 71, 74, 77, plot for this data
79, 85

6) The following box plot shows the distribution of the average rainfall for Great Lake
for the past 40 years

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 4: Representing Data (II)

The following box plot shows the same data set for Water World

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 4: Representing Data (II)

a) Which site has the greater median average rainfall?

b) Which site has the record lowest annual rainfall and record highest annual

c) Which site has the greater variation in average rainfall?

d) Which site has a greater chance of receiving 300 inches or more of rain?

e) Too much or too little rain affects the water levels in the dam to the point
where water skiing is too dangerous. Which site would give a person a better
chance of being able to water ski?

7) Describe the following graphs in terms of skewness

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 4: Representing Data (II)

8) Answer the questions below by using the following area graph

Percentage of people playing various

sports over past 60 years
70 Baseball

60 Tennis
20 AFL
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

a) Which sport has had a steady decline in percentage participation rates?

b) To which sport has most of this percentage gone to?

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 4: Representing Data (II)

c) Which sport had the most rapid increase in participation percentage in the

d) During which year was the total participation in these sports combined the

e) Has the number of people playing AFL fallen over the past 60 years? Explain your

f) The participation rate for which sport has remained relatively constant?

9) Answer the questions based on the following table

Did not study for

Studied for test

Passed test 80 20 100

Failed test 10 90 100

90 110

a) What percentage of students passed the test?

b) What percentage of students who studied for the test passed it?

c) What percentage of students who did not study for the test failed?

d) If you failed the test what is the chance that you did not study?

10) 500 people were asked their preferred colour from red and blue. There were 150
women, 100 of whom liked blue. 200 men preferred red. What percentage of men
preferred blue?

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Exercise 5

Normal Distribution

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise5: Normal Distribution

1) Describe what the following z values tell us about the data point in relation to the

a) =0

b) =1

c) = 2

d) >2

2) Calculate the z score of a score of 8 in a data set that has a mean of 6 and a standard
deviation of 2. Describe the position of the data point in relation to the mean

3) A data point has a z score of 1.5. The data set has a mean of 5 and a standard
deviation of 3. What is the data point?

4) A data set has a mean of 17.5. The data point 33.5 is 1.6 standard deviations from
the mean. What is the value of the standard deviation?

5) The data point 41 lies within a set of data having a standard deviation of 6. If the
data point is 4 standard deviations from the mean, what is the value of the mean?

6) If a set of data is normally distributed what percentage of the scores are within 1
standard deviation from the mean?

7) 95% of people in a group are between 77kg and 103 kg. What is the mean and
standard deviation if we assume the data is normally distributed?

8) A teacher gives a maths test with the pass mark being 25 out of 50. The class scores
the following marks:

12, 14, 10, 22, 35, 38, 13, 22, 40, 11, 22, 24, 25, 30, 5, and 18

The teacher sees that the majority of the class will fail the test, and he decides to
standardise the marks. He will only fail a student that is more than one standard
deviation below the mean

How many students now pass the test?

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise5: Normal Distribution

9) Another teacher is determining the term marks for his class and wants to grade
according to the following formula

Standard Deviations from mean Grade

Score 2 s.d. A

1 s.d. score < 2 s.d. B

0 s.d. score < 1 s.d. C

-1 s.d. score < 0 s.d. D

Score< -1 s.d E

Grade the following students

James 62
Mark 38
Karen 84
Janine 70
Carol 65
June 68
Peter 44
Kevin 48
Brian 56
Alan 66
Bree 53

10) Deliveries of sand made by a nursery are advertised as 100 kg. The mean of the
deliveries is 100 kg with a standard deviation of 1.2 kg

a) Within what weight range will 95% of the deliveries be?

b) What percentage of deliveries will be between 100 kg and 101.2 kg?

c) The company offers money back if any of the deliveries are 3 or more
standard deviations below the mean. If they made 5000 deliveries in one
month, how many of these will have to be refunded?

(Assume the data is normally distributed)

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Exercise 6


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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 6: Correlation

1) Plot the following sets of ordered pairs on their own scatter plot

a) (1, 2) (2, 5) (3, 7) (4, 8) (5, 12) (6, 9)

b) (3, 4) (6,11) (7, 7) (9,30) (11,22) (12,35)

c) (10, 12) (9, 9) (8, 4) (7, 8) (6, 10) (5, 1)

d) (20, 8) (14,12) (10, 7) (7, 10) (3, 1) (2,5)

e) (20, 2) (10,15) (3, 7) (8, 4) (5, 2) (6,17)

f) (4,12) (2,6) (3, 9) (1, 3) (5, 15) (6, 18)

2) For each set of data points in question 1, describe the relationship between the
points as strong/medium/weak and positive/negative. Also indicate if any
relationship is perfect or there is no relationship at all.

3) For any set of data from question 1 for which there is a relationship, draw the line of
best fit through the data, and determine the gradient and vertical intercept. Hence
determine the equation of the line of best fit

4) For each of the equations derived in question 3, predict the y value obtained when
substituting the point (3, )into the equation

5) Explain why you could not predict the y value of the point (40, )in any of the
equations above

6) Describe the relation between the two variables of a scatter plot that have the
following correlation coefficients

a) =1

b) = 0.8

c) = 0.1

d) = 0.6

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Chapter 2: Data Analysis Exercise 6: Correlation

e) = 0.85

f) = 0.09

7) When the relationship between the sale of blankets in Canada and the sale of air
conditioners in Australia at different times of a year is graphed in a scatter plot, the
correlation coefficient for the line of best fit is 0.8. Does this mean that the number
of air conditioners bought in Australia affects the number of blankets bought in
Canada? Explain your answer

8) A scatter plot was produced that showed the relationship between the average life
expectancy and the number of television sets per person for a number of countries.
The correlation coefficient was very high ( = 0.92). Does this mean that in order
to increase life expectancy in third world countries, simply introduce more television
sets? Explain your answer

9) Describe the likely scatter plot between the ages and heights of a randomly selected
group of 5000 people. What do you think the value of the correlation coefficient
may be, and are there any restrictions on the validity of the correlation coefficient?
Explain your answer

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Exercise 1

Units of Measurement

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 1: Units of Measurement

1) Convert the following to cm

a) 8 mm

b) 1.5 m

c) 0.3 km

d) 412 mm

e) 22.65 m

f) 0.025 km

2) Convert the following to m2

a) 4900 cm2

b) 0.04 km2

c) 320000 mm2

d) 0.005 km2

e) 22250 cm2

3) Brian uses a ruler marked in centimetres to measure the lengths of various lines.
What is the percentage error for each of the following measurements?

a) 400 cm

b) 12 cm

c) 2m

d) 1200 mm

e) 0.3 km
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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 1: Units of Measurement

f) 3000 cm

4) Convert the following to metres per minute

a) 3 km per second

b) 10000 mm per hour

c) 1500 m per day

d) 20 km per hour

e) 525.6 km per year

5) The concentration of an additive in a solution is 1:500000. How much additive is

present in the following amounts of solution?

a) 1 kg

b) 800 g

c) 10 kg

d) 0.6 kg

e) 10000 g

f) 300 kg

6) The concentration of an additive in a solution is 1 mg per 750 ml. How much

additive is there in the following volumes?

a) 2 litres

b) 500 ml

c) 3 litres
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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 1: Units of Measurement

d) 20 litres

e) How much solution is there if it contains 12 g of additive?

7) What percentage of the original quantity remains after the following additions and
reductions occur?

a) There is an increase of 10% then a decrease of 10%

b) There is a decrease of 10% followed by an increase of 10%

c) There is an increase of 50% followed by a decrease of 50%

d) There is an increase of 100% followed by a decrease of 100%

e) Does the answer change if the decrease occurs before the increase?

f) Develop a formula to calculate the above changes in one step, and validate it
by checking it against the answer for a 20% decrease followed by a 20%

8) The recommended dosage of a medicine is 5 ml plus an extra 1.5 ml per kg of weight

of the patient over 50kg. What dosage should be given to patients with the
following weights?

a) 41 kg

b) 103 kg

c) 75 kg

d) 30 kg

e) If a patient was given 20 ml of the medicine, what was their weight?

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 1: Units of Measurement

9) Two powders (A and B) are to be mixed in the ratio 3:5. How much of powder A
must be added to the following quantities of powder B?

a) 1.5 kg

b) 600 g

c) 10 kg

d) 200 mg

e) 1.4 g

f) 1000 kg

10) Solve the following

a) A mixture to make 12 cakes needs 300g of sugar, how much sugar is needed
to make 16 cakes?

b) A car requires 65 litres of fuel to travel 800 km, how much fuel does it need
to travel 900 km?

c) A plate of radius 10 cm holds 30 biscuits laid flat. What is the radius of a

plate that holds 8 biscuits?

d) 15 cats require a total of 2.25 kg of food per day. How much food is needed
for 35 cats in 2 days?

e) In 6 minutes a train travels 25 km. If its speed is constant, how far will it
travel in 11 minutes?

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Exercise 2

Applications of Area & Volume

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 2: Applications of Area & Volume

1) Calculate the area of the annulus

8 cm

3 cm

2) If the radius of the larger circle from question 1 is halved, and the radius of the
smaller circle is doubled, what is the change in the area of the new annulus formed?

3) Calculate the area of the following figure

5 cm 10 cm

4) Calculate the shaded area

5 cm

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 2: Applications of Area & Volume

5) Calculate the shaded area


8 cm

For questions 6 9, calculate the total area of each composite shape



3 cm

8 cm

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 2: Applications of Area & Volume


15 cm

5 cm

10 cm

25 cm
5 cm

11 cm

10) Calculate the surface area of the following cylinders (parts c and d are open
cylinders; they have no top or bottom)


8 cm

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 2: Applications of Area & Volume

b) = 5

10 cm

c) = 5

10 cm


8 cm

11) What is the total surface area of the following solid, which is a cube with a conic
section cut out?

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 2: Applications of Area & Volume

12) Calculate the volume of the following solids




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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 2: Applications of Area & Volume

13) The volume of the solid below is 16456 cm3. What is the value of x?

14) Calculate the surface area of a sphere with the following radii

a) 4 cm

b) 6 cm

c) 10 cm

15) Calculate the total surface area of the shape below

12 cm

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Exercise 3


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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 3: Similarity

1) Determine if each pair of triangles is similar. If so, state the similarity conditions met

a) B E





c) AB || DC

80 80


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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 3: Similarity


30cm 5cm 6 cm

U 10cm

R 15cm T

A 30cm B


D 77.5cm E


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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 3: Similarity

2) What additional information is needed to show that the two triangles are similar by

3) Of the following three right-angled triangles, which two are similar and why?

10 15

8 6 12

4) Of the following three triangles, which are similar and why?

6 15 21
40 40 40
3 10 10.5

5) Prove that the two triangles in the diagram are similar

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 3: Similarity

6) Prove that if two angles of a triangle are equal then the sides opposite those angles
are equal

7) A tower casts a shadow of 40 metres, whilst a 4 metre pole nearby casts a shadow of
32 metres. How tall is the tower?

8) A pole casts a 4 metre shadow, whilst a man standing near the pole casts a shadow
of 0.5 metres. If the man is 2 metres tall, how tall is the pole?

9) A ladder of length 1.2 metres reaches 4 metres up a wall when placed on a safe
angle on the ground. How long should a ladder be if it needs to reach 10 metres up
the wall, and be placed on the same safe angle?

10) A man stands 2.5 metres away from a camera lens, and the film is 1.25
centimetres from the lens (the film is behind the lens). If the man is 2 metres tall
how tall is his image on the film?

11) What is the value of in the following diagram?

3 cm 4 cm

3 cm 4 cm

10 cm

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Exercise 4

Right Angled Triangles

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 4 Right Angled Triangles

1) Calculate the length of the hypotenuse in the following triangles












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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 4 Right Angled Triangles



2) Explain why an equilateral triangle cannot be right-angled

3) Calculate the missing side length in the following triangles







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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 4 Right Angled Triangles





4) What is the area of the following triangle? (Use Pythagoras to find required length)



5) The equal sides of an isosceles right-angled triangle measure 8cm. What is the
length of the third side?

6) A man stands at the base of a cliff which is 120 metres high. He sees a friend 100
metres away along the beach. What is the shortest distance from his friend to the
top of the cliff?

7) A steel cable runs from the top of a building to a point on the street below which is
80 metres away from the bottom of the building. If the building is 40 metres high,
how long is the steel cable?
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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 4 Right Angled Triangles

8) What is the distance from point A to point B?

B 20m



9) A right angled triangle has an area of 20 cm2. If its height is 4cm, what is the length
of its hypotenuse?

10) What is the length of a diagonal of a square of side length 5cm?

11) A man is laying a slab for a shed. The shed is to be 6m wide and 8m long. To check
if he has the corners as exactly right angles, what should the slab measure from
corner to corner?

12) A box is in the shape of a cube. If the length of each side is 4cm, what is the length
of a line drawn from the top left to the bottom right of the box?

13) The path around the outside of a rectangular park is 60m long and 40m wide. How
much less will the walk from one corner of the park to another be if a path is built
directly across the park from corner to corner?

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 4 Right Angled Triangles

14) Calculate the length of x in each of the diagrams below










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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 4 Right Angled Triangles




15) Calculate the size of angle x in the diagrams below, correct to the nearest degree.



3 cm


10 cm


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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 4 Right Angled Triangles




12 cm

6 cm

16) Identify the angles of elevation and depression in the diagram below



Complete the statement: The angle of elevation is ................... the angle of


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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 4 Right Angled Triangles

17) A man standing 100 metres away from the base of a cliff measures the angle of
elevation to the top of the cliff to be 40 degrees. How high is the cliff?



100 m

18) A helicopter is hovering 150 metres above a boat in the ocean. From the
helicopter, the angle of depression to the shore is measured to be 25 degrees. How
far out to sea is the boat? (You need to fill in angle of depression on diagram)

150 m


19) A ramp is built to allow wheelchair access to a lift. If the angle of elevation to the
lift is 2 degrees, and the bottom of the lift is 50 cm above the ground how long is the

20) The angle of elevation to the top of a tree is 15 degrees. If the tree is 10 metres tall
how far away from the base of the tree is the observer?

21) From the top of a tower a man sees his friend on the ground at an angle of
depression of 30 degrees. If his friend is 80 metres from the base of the tower how
tall is the tower?

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Exercise 5

Further Applications of Trigonometry

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 5: Further Applications of Trigonometry

1) Calculate the value of in the following diagrams


5 cm



4 cm





7 cm

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 5: Further Applications of Trigonometry


10 cm




7 cm

9 cm

15 cm

11 cm

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 5: Further Applications of Trigonometry

2) The foot of a ladder is 3 metres away from the base of a wall. If the ladder reaches
4.5 metres up the wall, what angle doe the foot of the ladder make with the ground?

3) Two sails sit back to back on a yacht. The first sail reaches half way up the second

The longest part of the second sail is 4 metres, and it makes an angle of 50 degrees
to the deck. If the longest part of the first sail is 3 metres, what angle does it make
with the deck?

4) A piece of carpet is in the shape of a right angled triangle. The longest side is 80 cm,
and it makes an angle of 65 degrees with the next side. What is the area of the piece
of carpet?

5) Tom walks at an average speed of 4 km per hour in a north east direction. Ben walks
at 5 km per hour, starting from the same point but in a south east direction. After 3
hours what is the shortest distance between them, and what is the angle from Tom
to Ben?

6) A ship is on a bearing of 040 from a lighthouse, and a marker buoy is on a bearing of

310 from the same lighthouse. If the ship and the buoy are 100 km apart and the
ship is 70 km from the lighthouse, what is the bearing of the buoy from the ship?

7) Calculate the value of in the following diagrams


8 cm

50 30

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 5: Further Applications of Trigonometry


15 cm

40 60


11 cm 6 cm



4 cm




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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 5: Further Applications of Trigonometry

8) Calculate the value of in the following diagrams


8 cm


6 cm


10 cm


7 cm


8 cm 15 cm

12 cm


18 cm 20 cm

15 cm

9) Calculate the area of each of the triangles in question 8

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 5: Further Applications of Trigonometry

10) Calculate the value of in the following


8 cm

9 cm

6 cm

10 cm
15 cm

20 cm



12 cm

15 cm


18 cm


16 cm
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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 5: Further Applications of Trigonometry

11) Thomas walks on a bearing of 15 degrees for 12 km, and Karl walks on a bearing of
125 degrees for 8 km. What is the shortest distance them after their walks?

12) Two wire ropes are attached to a tower; one on each side. The first rope makes an
angle of 70 with the ground and is 15 metres long. If the second rope is 10 metres
long, what angle does it make with the ground?

13) Three legs of a yacht race form a triangular course. The first leg is 10 km, and sails
at some angle to the east of north the second is 8 km, and the third leg is 15 km.
The start and finish points are the same. What angle is the first marker from the
start point?

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Exercise 6

Spherical Geometry

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 6: Spherical Geometry

1) Complete the following table

Angle subtended by arc Radius of circle Arc length

90 10 cm

40 25 cm

70 80 cm

125 15 cm

30 cm 90 cm

90 cm 45 cm

2) State whether the following are 3) Find the latitude and longitude of
true or false the following cities to the nearest
a) All lines of latitude form
great circles a) Adelaide

b) Any two points on the b) Barcelona

same longitude form part
of a great circle c) Cairo

c) Any two points on a sphere d) Jakarta

are parts of a circle
e) Lima
d) There is only one circle that
can pass through 3 points f) Mexico City
on a sphere

g) Osaka
e) The equator is a great circle

h) Rome

i) Warsaw

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Chapter 3: Measurement Exercise 6: Spherical Geometry

4) Convert the following to nautical 8) Calculate the time differences

miles between the following cities using
their longitudes (ignore daylight
a) 1.852 km saving)

b) 18.52 km a) Athens and Adelaide

c) 312 km b) London and New York

d) 74.3 km c) Moscow and Anchorage,

e) 1000 km d) Sydney and Nairobi

5) Convert the following to km e) Bogota and Cairo

a) 1 nautical mile f) Tehran and Beijing

b) 5 nautical miles 9) How much time would one gain or

lose by flying between the
c) 0.1 nautical miles following pairs of cities, given the
flight time?

d) 6.6 nautical miles

a) Cairo to Moscow takes 3
and a quarter hours
7) Calculate the shortest distances (in
nautical miles and kilometres)
between the following pairs of b) London to New York takes
points (Assume Earth is a perfect 6 and a quarter hours
sphere with a radius of 6400 km)
c) Melbourne to Perth takes 3
a) 26N 40W and 50N 40W hours

b) 10N 30E and 40N 30E d) Paris to Tokyo takes 11


c) 45N 25W and 32S 25W

e) Istanbul to New Delhi takes
5 hours
d) 9N 75W and 43S 75W

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Year 7 Mathematics

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Exercise 1

Simple Probability

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Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 1: Simple Probability

1) Peter plays ten pin bowling; his last 30 scores have been graphed in a frequency
chart, shown here

Bowling scores
u 10
m 8
o 6
r 4
s 2
f 0
161-170 171-180 181-190 191-200 201-210 211-220 251-260
Score Range

Basing you answers on the chart data

a) Is Peter more likely to score 205 or 185 when he next bowls?

b) Is he more or less likely to score over 200 when he next bowls?

c) What would be his probability of scoring over 250 when next he bowls?

d) What would be his probability of scoring between 201 and 210 when next he

e) Discuss a major drawback with using this chart to predict the probabilities of
future scores

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 1: Simple Probability

2) Craig rolled a pair of dice 360 times and recorded the sum of the two each time. He
summarized his results in the table below

SUM of TWO DICE Frequency

2 8

3 21

4 30

5 42

6 49

7 62

8 51

9 41

10 28

11 21

12 7

Based on his table:

a) What total is most likely to be rolled by two dice?

b) What is the most likely double?

c) What total is least likely to be rolled by two dice

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 1: Simple Probability

d) Is he more likely to roll a sum of 10 or a sum of 6 with two dice?

e) Is this data more reliable than that of Q1? Give two reasons to support your

3) What is the theoretical probability of each of the following?

a) A head being thrown when a coin is tossed

b) A blue sock being taken from a draw containing 3 blue and 5 red socks

c) The number 2 being rolled on a dice

d) An even number being rolled on a dice

4) A card is drawn from a standard pack of 52 cards. What is the probability of the card

a) A black card

b) A club

c) An ace

d) A black 2

e) A picture card

f) The 2 of diamonds

5) A man throws two coins into the air

a) List the possible combinations, and from this table:

b) What is the probability of throwing two heads?

c) What is the probability of throwing a head and a tail?

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Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 1: Simple Probability

d) If the first coin lands on a head, is the second coin more likely or less likely to
be a head?

6) A coin is tossed and a dice is rolled

a) List the possible combinations of the coin and dice, and from this table:

b) What is the probability of throwing a six and a head?

c) What is the probability of throwing an odd number and a tail?

d) What is the probability of throwing a number higher than 4 and a head?

e) What is the probability of throwing a head and a 2 or a head and a 4?

7) A card is drawn from a normal pack. It is not replaced and a second card is drawn.

a) If the first card is red, what is the probability that the second card is also red?

b) If the first card is red, what is the probability that the second card is black?

c) If the first card is an ace, what is the probability that the second card is also
an ace?

d) If the first card is the jack of clubs, what is the probability that the second
card is the jack of clubs?

8) A set of cards consists of 10 red cards, numbered 1 to 10 and 10 black cards

numbered 1 to 10

a) What is the probability of pulling a 10 at random?

b) What is the probability of pulling a black card at random?

c) What is the probability of pulling a red 2 at random?

d) What is the probability of pulling a red 2 on the second draw if the first card
is a black 2, and it is not replaced?
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Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 1: Simple Probability

e) What is the probability of pulling an 8 on the second draw if the first card is
an 8, and it is not replaced?

9) Consider the word ANATOMICALLY

a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen letter from this word will be
an L?

b) What is the probability that a randomly chosen letter from this word will be
an A?

c) What is the probability that a randomly chosen letter from this word will
not be a vowel

d) What is the probability that a randomly chosen letter from this word will be
a Z?

10) What is the probability that a digit chosen randomly from all digits (0- 9) is:

a) A prime number?

b) An even number?

c) Not 7?

d) Greater than 4?

e) Less than 10?

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Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 1: Simple Probability

Exercise 2

Multi-stage Events

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 2: Multi-stage Events

1) Construct a tree diagram that 8) From your answers to questions 6

shows the possible outcomes of and 7, establish a rule for
tossing a coin 3 times. List the determining the number of
sample space arrangements of any number of
different objects. Use your rule to
2) Construct a tree diagram that calculate the number of ways a
shows the possible outcomes of man could read 5 books given that
rolling a four sided dice (numbered they can be read once only, but in
1 to 4) twice. List the sample any order
9) From a group of 4 people one is to
3) Peter has 3 green, 2 white and 4 wear a blue badge, and another a
black shirts in a draw. If he takes 3 red badge. How many different
out without replacing them combinations of people could
construct a tree diagram that wear the badges? (List the
shows all possible outcomes and possibilities)
list the sample space
10) From a list of 5 books, John and
4) Repeat question 3, but assume Alex can choose one each. How
Peter replace the shirt each time many different combinations of
he pulls one out books can they choose? (Note they
cannot choose the same book as
5) For each of the above questions, the other)
relate the number of choices
available for EACH event to the 11) From your answers to questions
number of outcomes in the sample 9 and 10, determine a rule for
space calculating how many different
combinations of selections can be
6) A man wants to visit three made from a list. Use your rule to
different towns; Alpha, Beta, and determine how many groups of
Gamma. If he can visit them in any President, Secretary and Treasurer
order, but can only visit each town can be made from a committee of
once per trip, how many different 5 people.
trips are possible? (List the
possible trips) 12) From a group of 4 people 2 are to
be selected. How many different
7) In how many different ways can combinations are there?
four separate coloured cards be
arranged on a table? 13) From a group of 5 pizza toppings,
a customer can choose two. How
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Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 2: Multi-stage Events

many different pizzas can be c) All white?

d) All black?
14) From your answers to questions
12 and 13, determine a rule for 17) Repeat question 16, but
selecting a certain quantity from a assume that the man replaces
group. How does this differ from the shirts each time he pulls
your answer to question 11? Use one out
your result to calculate the
number of groups of 3 people that
can be chosen from a larger group
of 8

15) Use tree diagrams to calculate

the following probabilities

a) A coin is tossed three times

and lands on heads each

b) A four sided dice is rolled

three times and the
numbers 2, 4, and 1 are
rolled (in any order)

c) A four sided dice is rolled

and the numbers 2, 4, and
1 are rolled, in that order

16) A man pulls 3 shirts from a draw

that initially contains 3 green, 2
white and 4 black shirts. If he
does not replace the shirts what
is the probability of drawing

a) One of each colour?

b) 2 black and 2 green?

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Exercise 3

Applications of Probability

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 3: Applications of Probability

1) Tom tosses a coin four times in a b) What is the theoretical

row probability of drawing 5
diamonds in a row?
a) How many different (Assume the card is
outcomes are there in each replaced each time)
c) Do you expect that an
b) What is the probability of experiment would produce
throwing a tail on any toss? the exact result calculated
in part b? Explain
c) How many different
outcomes are there for the 3) Tim buys a ticket in a raffle which
four tosses? has three prizes. First receives
$300, second gets $150 and third
d) Of these outcomes, how prize is $50. If there are 1000
many times should Tom tickets at $1 each, what is the
expect to throw four tails in financial expectation of Tims
a row? ticket?

e) Raise the probability of 4) Glen always bets $5 on red at the

throwing a tail on one toss roulette table. If the ball lands on
to the power of the red, Glen gets $10 back. If the ball
number of tosses. lands on black, Glen loses his $5. If
there are equal quantities of red
and black numbers. What is Glens
f) What do you notice about
financial expectation?
your answers to parts d
and e?
5) In reality there are also two green
numbers on the wheel (0 and 00).
g) Tom actually took 25 trials
If the ball lands on either of these,
to throw four tails in a row.
Glen (and every other player)
Does this mean the
loses. What is the new financial
calculations are wrong?
Explain your answer

6) Colin plays a game where there is a

30% chance of winning $4, a 20%
a) What is the probability of chance of winning $10 and a 50%
drawing a diamond from a chance of losing $10. Each game
standard pack of 52 cards? costs 50 cents to play. What is his
financial expectation?
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Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 3: Applications of Probability

7) A group of 1000 people were asked whether smoking should be banned in

restaurants, totally, only allowed in designated areas, or allowed anywhere in the
restaurant. The results of the survey are shown in the following table

Smokers Non-smokers Total

Banned 25 600 625

Special areas 75 100 175

Allowed 150 50 200

250 750 1000

a) What is the probability that a person chosen at random wants smoking


b) What is the probability that a smoker wants smoking banned?

c) What is the probability that a person who wants smoking to be allowed in

special areas is a non-smoker?

d) What is the probability that a person who wants smoking banned is a non-

e) The surveyors claimed that the survey proves the majority of the population
wants smoking banned in restaurants. How would you respond to this claim?

8) One thousand people take a lie detector test. Of 800 people known to be telling the
truth, the lie detector indicates that 23 are lying. Of 200 people known to be lying,
the lie detector indicates that 156 are lying. Present this information in a two-way

9) A proposed test for a medical condition was trialled on 1000 volunteers, some who
had the condition and some who did not. The trial was taken to determine how
accurate the test was. The results are summarized in the table

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Chapter 4: Probability Exercise 3: Applications of Probability

Accurate Not accurate Total

With condition 195 5 200

730 70 800

Total 925 75 1000

a) Why were only 200 people with the condition included in the trial of 1000

b) What was the overall correct diagnosis percentage?

c) What is the probability that a person with the condition is properly


d) What is the probability that a person who did not have the condition was
incorrectly diagnosed (that is told they had the condition)?

e) What is the probability that a person who was diagnosed incorrectly did not
have the condition?

f) Comment on the overall effectiveness of the test

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General Mathematics
Algebraic Modelling

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Exercise 1

Algebraic Skills & Techniques

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 1: Algebraic Skills & Techniques

1) Substitute the value = 2 into c) 2

each of the following linear
equations, and hence evaluate the d) 2 + 2
e) 3 1
a) + 2
f) 5 + 2
b) + 3
g) 2 20
c) 5
h) 4 30
d) 2 + 1

+ 1
e) 3 4

j) 3
f) 6 + 5

k) + 5
g) 2 10

h) 3 6 l) 0 + 21232

+ 8 3) Substitute the value = 2 into

each of the following cubic
equations, and hence evaluate the

7 a)

l) 0 + 23456 b) + 1

2) Substitute the value = 3 into c) 2

each of the following quadratic
equations, and hence evaluate the d) 2
e) 3 24

+ 3

g) 0 + 123432
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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 1: Algebraic Skills & Techniques

4) Simplify the following expressions f)

a) 4 2 6) Simplify the following

b) 3 +

c) 3 +
d) 4 + 2 +

e) 3 2 + 3 4

f) 2 3 + 2 d)

g) +

h) 2 + 2

i) + 3 2 3 +

7) Make t the subject of the

j) (2 + ) ( 2)
following equations

k) ( 3 )+ (3 )
a) = 3 1

5) Multiply the following, expressing

b) =

+ 2

your answer in index form

c) 2 = 3 5
a) 2

d) 2 3 = 2+ 4
b) 3

e) =
c) 3

f) =

e) g) =

h) = +

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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 1: Algebraic Skills & Techniques

8) Solve for y by substituting the

value given into the equation f) 32.856

a) = 3 2when = 3 g) 0.00342

b) = 7 7 when = 1 h) 499.005

c) =
4 when = 4 10) Use guess check and improve to
calculate the value of x in the
d) = 3 when = 16 following

e) = 2 + 3 1 when a) 3 = 12
b) 2 = 14
f) = 3( 100) when
= 20 c) 2 = 9

g) =

+ when = 15 d) 0.5 = 0.25

h) = 3 when = 27
e) 10 = 100

f) 1 = 700
i) =
2 when = 70

g) 34 = 1
j) =
when = 6

11) A tree loses 20% of the leaves it

9) Express the following in scientific has each day. After how many
notation days will it have 10% of its original
number of leaves left?
a) 0.0356
12) A balloon is blown up so its size
b) 21223.19 increases by 25% each minute. It
bursts after 8 minutes. How much
c) 409.754 bigger than its original size was it
when it burst?
d) 0.00787

e) 19003

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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 1: Algebraic Skills & Techniques

13) The total resistance of two

resistors placed in parallel in an
electrical circuit is given by the

1 1 1
= +

Where R is the total resistance in

the circuit, and R1 and R2 are the
values of the two resistors

If the value of R1 is fixed at 10

ohms, draw up a table of values
for R when R2 is 5, 10, 15, ...50

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Exercise 2

Modelling Linear Relationships

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 2: Modelling Linear Relationships

1) For each of the linear functions, draw a table of values for 3 3 and sketch
the graph of the function from your table

a) =

b) = 2 + 2

c) = 3 4

d) =
+ 2

e) = 1

f) = 2 + 5

g) = + 4

2) From your answers to question 1, what is the relationship between the value of the
constant in a linear equation, and the graph of the equation?

3) From your answers to question 1, what is the effect of changing the sign of the
coefficient of ?

4) Choose two pairs of graphs from question 1 and determine their point(s) of

5) The instructions for cooking a roast state that it should be cooked for thirty minutes
plus 40 minutes for every kg the meat weighs

a) For how long should a roast that weighs 1.5 kg be cooked for?

b) Construct a table of values that relate the weight of the meat to its cooking

c) Graph the values

d) Determine the gradient of the line produced. How does this value relate to
the quantities in the problem?
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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 2: Modelling Linear Relationships

e) Relate the y intercept to the quantities in the problem

f) Is the graph valid for all weights; that is can the graph be extended
indefinitely? Explain your answer

6) A plumber charges a call out fee of $25 plus $20 per hour for his work. If he works
for part of the hour he only charges for that part. For example, for 15 minutes work
he will charge $5 (plus his call out fee)

a) How much will he charge for 2 hours work?

b) How much will he charge for 3.5 hours work

c) Construct a table of values that relate the time taken for a job to the total

d) Graph the values

e) Determine the gradient of the line produced. How does this value relate to
the quantities in the problem

f) Relate the y intercept to the quantities in the problem

g) Is the graph valid for all weights; that is can the graph be extended
indefinitely? Explain your answer

7) Another plumber charges a $25 call out fee and $20 per hour for his work.
Differently to the previous plumber he charges $20 even if he only works for part of
an hour. For example, for 15 minutes work he will charge $20 (plus his call out fee)

a) How much will he charge for 2 hours work?

b) How much will he charge for 3.5 hours work

c) Construct a table of values that relate the time taken for a job to the total

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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 2: Modelling Linear Relationships

d) Graph the values

e) How does the graph differ from that in question 6?

8) To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature the following formula is used

= + 32

a) Construct a table of values for = 0 40 in steps of 5 degrees

b) Graph the relationship

c) Determine the gradient of the line produced. How does this value relate to
the quantities in the equation?

d) Relate the y intercept to the quantities in the equation

e) Use the graph to extrapolate the value of 42 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit

f) Use the graph to determine how many degrees Celsius equals 23 degrees

g) Is the graph valid for all values of C? Explain

9) One Australian dollar currently buys 56.5 Indian rupees

a) Construct a table of values for 0 to 30 Australian dollars in steps of 5 dollars

b) Graph the relationship

c) Determine the gradient of the line produced. How does this value relate to
the quantities in the equation?

d) Relate the y intercept to the quantities in the equation

e) How many rupees does 40 Australian dollars buy?

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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 2: Modelling Linear Relationships

f) How many Australian dollars does 1695 rupees buy?

10) A bath has 200 litres of water in it. The plug is pulled and water flows from it at the
rate of 4 litres per second.

a) Construct a table of values that relate the volume of water in the bath to the
time since the plug was pulled

b) Graph the relationship

c) From your graph how long until the bath is empty?

d) Determine the gradient of the line produced. How does this value relate to
the quantities in the problem?

e) Relate the y intercept to the quantities in the problem

f) Is the graph valid for all values of t? Explain

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Exercise 3

Modelling Non-linear Relationships

2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au
Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 3: Modelling Non-linear Relationships

1) For each of the following equations, generate a table of values for 3 3 and
sketch the graph of the function from your table

a) =

b) = 2

c) = 1

d) = 2

e) = + 1

f) = 2 2

g) = + 4

2) From your answers to question 1, what is the effect of changing the sign and value
of the coefficient of in a quadratic equation?

3) From your answers to question 1, what is the relationship between the value of the
constant in a quadratic equation and the graph of the equation?

4) Using your graphs, find the co-ordinates of the maximum or minimum values of
each function in question 1

5) Make a table of values for each pair of equations

a) ( 1) + 3, 2 + 4

b) ( + 2) 1, + 4 + 3

c) ( 2) + 2, 4 + 6

d) ( + 1) + 1, + 2 + 2

e) ( 3) 6, 6 + 3

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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 3: Modelling Non-linear Relationships

6) What do you notice about the table of values for each pair of equations in question
5, and hence their graphs?

7) What can you say about each pair of equations in question 5?

8) For each equation, generate a table of values and graph the equation, choosing an
appropriate range

a) =

b) = 2

c) =

d) = 3

9) For each equation, generate a table of values and graph the equation, choosing an
appropriate range

a) = 2

b) =

c) =

d) = 3

10) How is the graph of the equations in question 13 different for > 1 or < 1

11) For each equation, generate a table of values and graph the equation, choosing an
appropriate range

a) =

b) =

c) =

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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 3: Modelling Non-linear Relationships

d) =

12) The distance an object falls due to gravity on Earth can be approximated by the
equation = 5, where d is the distance in metres, and t is the number of
seconds. Graph this equation, and use it or a table of values to determine

a) How far an object falls in 5 seconds

b) The time an object has been falling if it gas travelled 80 metres

13) On the moon gravity is weaker, so whilst the equation from question 16 still
generally applies, the coefficient is different. After 2 seconds on the moon an
object has fallen 3.2 metres.

a) Calculate the new coefficient and hence the equation describing the distance
a body falls in t seconds on the moon

b) How far has a body on the moon fallen after 10 seconds?

c) A body falls 28.8 metres on the moon. How long has it been falling for?

14) An ant is removing small rocks from a pile. The number of rocks left in the pile

can be approximated by the equation = where N is the number of rocks

remaining, t is the time in minutes, and N0 is the number of rocks initially in the
pile. After 3 minutes there were 25 rocks in the pile

a) How many rocks were in the pile initially?

b) How many rocks had the ant removed after 1 minute?

c) How many rocks will remain after 9 minutes?

d) Explain why this equation can only be considered as an approximation. (Hint

look at large values of t)

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Chapter 5: Algebraic Modelling Exercise 3: Modelling Non-linear Relationships

15) Water flows from a large hose at the rate of 16 litres per minute. At this rate it
takes 22 hours to fill a small pond. If the flow rate reduces to 4 litres per minute, it
takes 88 hours to fill the pond

a) Calculate the proportionality constant for this situation, and hence produce
the equation relating the flow rate to the time taken to fill the pond

b) How many litres does the pond hold?

c) How long would it take to fill the pond if the flow rate was changed to 32
litres per minute?

d) If it took 11 hours to fill the pond, what was the flow rate?

16) John deposits $10000 into a bank account that pays % interest compounded
annually. He deposits no other funds, and after 3 years his balance is $12597.12.

a) Calculate the interest rate, and hence write the equation that relates Johns
balance after t years

b) What will Johns balance be after 10 years?

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2009 Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved www.ezymathtutoring.com.au

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