Star Trek RPG - CODA - Starfleet - Miranda Class PDF
Star Trek RPG - CODA - Starfleet - Miranda Class PDF
Star Trek RPG - CODA - Starfleet - Miranda Class PDF
Mission Background
The Miranda was The Miranda-class while designed in
designed as a cheaper to counterpart to the Constitution-class would
build and less capable sister prove durable beyond the wildest
to the Constitution-class.
imagination of its creators. Not only would
Despite this, its primary the Miranda outlast its sister class the
mission is still one of Constitution, it would still be in use well into
exploration. th
the late 24 century. The simplicity and ruggedness of its
design no doubt accounts for its popularity and utility to
Features Starfleet and the Federation.
Ships in Service
Name Registry Notes
U.S.S. Miranda N.C.C. 1800 Lead ship of the line (2243).
U.S.S. Bombay N.C.C. 1806 Attacked and destroyed by 6 Tholian warships above
Ravenar IV, but not before destroying 4 of the attacking
Tholian starships (2265).
Series Media
TOS VAN Novel Harbinger
TOS Miranda model by Prologic9.