Cover & Deklarasion & Abstract
Cover & Deklarasion & Abstract
Cover & Deklarasion & Abstract
Intended to Fulfill One of the Requirements for the Award of Sarjana Degree in
English Language and Education of Islamic University of Riau
By :
Head Advisor Vice Advisor
This thesis has been accepted as one the requirements to obtain a degree in
Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) at English Study Program of Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education Islamic University of Riau
4. Witnesses : (...............................)
We, the Head Advisor and Vice Advisor here by notice that:
It is ready to be examined.
This letter is made to be used, as it is needed.
Major : English
My signature below:
I truly confess that this thesis is the result of my own ideas, except some
summary and quotations (either directly or indirectly) which were adopted or
taken from various sources included in the reference. Scientifically, I took
responsible for truthfulness of the data presented in this paper.
The Researcher
NPM: 136310361
I testify that Thesis / Scientific Work is the result of my own work, except
for summary and quotation (either directly or indirectly) that I took from various
sources and mentioned its source scientifically and Im responsible for data and
facts contained in the Thesis / Work these scientific.
The Reseacher
NPM: 136310361
Alhamdulillahirabbil alamiin, first of all the researcher would like to
express gratitude to Allah SWT, the almighty God for the blessing, kindness, and
inspiration in lending me to accomplish this thesis untitled An Analysis of
Thematic Progression of English Paragraph Writing in the Second Semester
Students at English Study Program of FKIP UIR. Without Him, the researcher
could not stay patient and in control in writing this thesis from the first page to the
last page.
In writing this thesis, the researcher believes that without having direct
guidance, meaningful advice, love and support from the people around her, this
thesis would never been finished. Therefore, the researcher would like to give her
sincere and deep gratitude to:
The researcher is not perfect person, that many things she wishes is being
right. So, the researcher relize that will be many mistakes that needs to improve.
For closing this statement, the researcher will be grateful for critics and correction
to makes this thesis better and useful for the readers, education and the researcher
herself in the future.
The Researcher
NPM: 136310361