Reg. Number: 182108007
Submitted to
Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli and the English
Education Study Program in Particular Fullfillment for the
Requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Reg. Number: 182108007
Program :Scholar
Department : EnglishEducationStudyProgram
Advisor I Advisor I
Acknowledged by:
Chair of English Education Study Program
Register Number :182108007
Program :Scholar
Chief, Secretary,
Approved by,
Rector of Institute ofTeacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli,
As the researcher accomplishes the research, the researcher gives his deep
and immeasurable thanks to Jesus Christ who has bestowed blesses, strength and
health upon his study in IKIP Gunungsitoli and in finishing this thesis entitled,
thesis is presented to fulfill one of the requirements for Scholar Degree (S-1) in
without help, guidance and prayers of blessing from valuable people. The
researcher is deeply grateful to many people who supported him to finish this
thesis. Hence, the researcher wants to express his appreciation and thanks to:
1. Mr. Adieli Laoli, M.Pd, as the Rector of IKIP Gunungsitoli who always
2. Mr. Drs. Amin Otoni Harefa, M.Pd, as Vice Rector I, and Mr. Adrianus
Zega, S.T., M.Psi. as Vice Rector III who also give motivation and
3. Mrs. Riana, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Dean of FPBS, who always gives helps and
guides during finishing this thesis and his study in IKIP Gunungsitoli.
6. Mrs. Dra. Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd as the first advisor who motivates the
this thesis.
8. Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd, M.Hum as his examiner of education and
also as his examiner of study who always gives helps, guides, advices and
9. Mr. Elwin Piarawan Zebua, S.Pd., M.Pd, as his Academic Advisor who
helped and inspired the researcher from the first arranged the title of the
like father to his son, supports him until finished the thesis.
IKIP Gunungsitoli who have taught him with valuable knowledge during
11. The principal and the English teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua for
12. Miss Oktriani Telaumbanua, S.Pd., M.Pd., Mrs. Titian Nidam Hulu, S.Pd.,
and Mr. Yarudi Gulo, S.Pd., as validators who validated the test
14. The researcher’s Lovely Family, the researcher’s parents who always pray
15. All his dearest and magnificent friends of class A, B, and C of 2018
Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis still has some weakness and
still far for being perfect. Thus, he would be grateful to accept any constructive
Ardiwanton Zai
Reg. No. 182108007
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ vii
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. viii
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... ix
A. The Background of the Problem ............................................ 1
B. Focus of the Research............................................................. 4
C. The Purpose of the Research ................................................. 5
D. The Significance of the Research ........................................... 5
E. The Limitation of the Research .............................................. 6
F. The Key Terms Defenition of the Research ........................... 6
G. Research Method ................................................................... 7
1. Research Approach and Type ........................................... 7
2. The Settings of the Research ............................................. 8
3. Research Data and Informant ............................................ 8
4. Schedule of Action ........................................................... 9
5. Procedures of Collecting Data ........................................... 9
6. Techniques of Analyzing Data .......................................... 10
7. Checking the Validity of the Data and Research
Findings Data ..................................................................... 14
8. Procedures of the Research ................................................ 23
A. Theoretical Framework .......................................................... 24
1. Teacher and Pedagogic Competence ................................. 24
a. Definition of Teacher Competence............................. 24
b. Definition of Pedagogy Competence .......................... 26
2. Dimension of Teacher Pedagogy Competence .................. 28
3. The Relationship between Teachers’
Pedagogic Competence and Teaching English .................. 30
B. The Latest Related of Research ............................................. 31
C. Conceptual Framework ......................................................... 34
A. Research Findings ..................................................................... 36
1. The Result of the Observation ............................................. 38
2. The Result of Teachers’ Interview ....................................... 40
B. Discussion ................................................................................. 42
1. The Description and Interpretation of the Research
Findings ……………………………………………………42
a. The Teachers’ Pedagogic competence in Teaching
English ............................................................................. 42
b. The Factors Affected the Teachers’ Pedagogic
competence in Teaching English ..................................... 47
2. The Research Findings compared to the Latest Related
Reseaches ............................................................................. 49
3. The Research Findings compared to Theories ..................... 51
4. The Research Findings Implications .................................... 52
5. The Research Findings Limitations ..................................... 52
A. Conclusions............................................................................... 53
B. Suggestions ............................................................................... 54
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 55
1. The Conceptual Framework of the Research ............................................ 35
1. An example of teachers’ interview sheet .................................................. 12
2. Lincoln and Guba’s principles for evaluating trustworthiness in
qualitative research.................................................................................... 15
3. Lincoln and Guba’s principle of credibility .............................................. 16
4. Lincoln and Guba’s principle of transferability ........................................ 18
5. Lincoln and Guba’s principle of dependability......................................... 19
6. Lincoln and Guba’s principle of confirmability........................................ 21
7. Advisor’s And Teachers’ Validation ........................................................ 22
8. The description checklist of teachers’ pedagogic competence…………..29
1. Appendix 1 The Observation Checklist of Teachers’ Pedagogic
Competence Instrument ............................................................................
2. Appendix 2 Teachers’ Interview Instrument.............................................
3. Appendix 3a The Result of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in
Observation Checklist Validity (Validator I) ............................................
4. Appendix 3b The Result of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in
Observation Checklist Validity (Validator II)...........................................
5. Appendix 3c The Result of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence in
Observation Checklist Validity (Validator III) .........................................
6. Appendix 4 Guideliness for Validating ...................................................
7. Appendix 5 Field Notes ...........................................................................
8. Appendix 6a The Responses Teachers’ Interview (Validator I) ..............
9. Appendix 6b The Responses Teachers’ Interview (Validator II) ............
10. Appendix 6c The Responses Teachers’ Interview (Validator III) ...........
11. Appendix 7a Checking Credibility, Transferability,
Dependability, and Confirmability of data collection and
Data Analysis of Research Findings (Validator I) ...…….…….....................
12. Appendix 7b Checking Credibility, Transferability,
Dependability, and Confirmability of data collection and
data Analysis of Research Findings (Validator II) ……….……....................
13. Appendix 7c Checking Credibility, Transferability,
Dependability, and Confirmability of data collection and
data Analysis of Research Findings (Validator III) ……….……...................
14. Appendix 8 The Description of Credibility, Transferability,
Dependability, and Confirmability of data collection and
data Analysis of Research Findings .................... ……….…….....................
15. Appendix 9 Documentation ……………………………….……................
teachers are born. Teaching English is something people do when they are ready
to change their lives. Teachers‟ roles and responsibilities in education are very
heavy and hard. Therefore, teachers should really bring their students to the
students‟ attitude towards learning in the school. Teachers are people who are
the position that has been given. In this research, it focuses on the teachers‟
in Kuntarto et al. (2019:9). But in this research, the researcher only focusses the
teaching and learning (Cooper, 1986) in Syahruddin, et al. (2013) thus it includes
teachers‟ capability to manage the teaching and learning process from the
plans, dialogical teaching and learning process, learning evaluation, and students
often specified by law which professionals should reach. So, teacher pedagogic
competence is the skill of teacher who can manage a learning process or teaching
the English teachers in the classroom, the researcher found a problem. The main
problem was the teachers did not use technology skill while explaining the
states that there are four dimensions of teachers pedagogy competence, namely:
assessment and technology skill. In this school, the teachers did not conduct one
the ability of teacher in learning management of the learners. The teaching and
learning achievement is not regardless of the teachers‟ ability on how the teacher
manages the class. The ability to manage the class is a part of pedagogical
is about describing how reality is. According to Gall, Gall, & Borg (2007) in
phenomenon and its characteristics. This research is more concerned with what
rather than how or why something has happened. A lot of descriptive research is
To clarify the research, the researcher has formulated the research focuses
There are some purposes that can be taken from this research as follows:
Negeri 1 Tuhemberua.
2. To find out the factors were affecting the teachers‟ pedagogic competence in
There are some significances that can be taken from this research as
2. Practically, the researcher expects that this research can give more
teaching English.
3. For the researcher, as a tool and way to enrich his knowledge and experience
4. For the teachers, it improve the teachers‟ ability and knowledge for looking
the best and suitable components of teaching English in the class such as
5. For other researchers, this research can be used as references and a source of
researcher has conducted the research by using observation and interview to find
social, and spiritual abilities that form the standard competency of the teacher
G. Research Method
1. Research Approach
The approach used by the researcher to conduct the research is a
qualitative research which is using inductive approach with the aim of finding
the meaning that originates the facts with an approach to make observation,
recording all facts holistically scientific with the observed problem. Mimansha
and Nitin (2019: 53) say that the inductive approach does not involve
objectives that need to be achieved during the research process”. It may also
have a chance to shape the themes or abstractions that emerge from the
process. Furthermore, there are two types of instrument divided into two kinds
checklist that the researcher described as the primary data. Then, interview as
the secondary data. The researcher conducted the interview to the teachers
The data of the research indicates the types of data that shoud be
collected and analyzed by the researcher. Tracy (2013:3) states that qualitative
small cues in order to decide how to behave, as well as to make sense of the
context and build larger knowledge claims about the culture. It means that the
selected data and informant are supposed to help the researcher to understand
the problem and the research focuses that have been formulated.
The data sources were the result of observation and also the transcripts
data, and the transcripts of structured interview was the secondary data. The
4. Schedule of Action
This research has been conducted from October until November 2021.
(2014:239) states:
a. Observation
researcher used all of the sense to describe the people in natural setting.
b. Interview
around the topic. The researcher conducted the interview to the teachers.
need to consider how the interview will improve the human situation (as
say in how their statements are interpreted, how critically the interviewees
might be questioned, and what the consequences of the interview for the
interview, the researcher has a specified set of questions that elicits the
Table 1.1
1. Berapa lama Bapak/Ibu mengajar Bahasa Inggris ?
2. Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu memanajemen kelas dalam mengajar ?
3. Bagaimana Bapak/Ibu mempersiapkan materi sebelum proses
pembelajaran berlangsung ?
4. Apa saja kendala yang Bapak/Ibu temui dalam manajemen kelas yang
5. Bagaimana cara Bapak/Ibu mengukur tingkat kemampuan peserta didik
yang telah diajarkan ?
6. Bagaimana langkah Bapak/Ibu mempraktikkan materi yang diajarkan
secara efektif.
7. Apakah dalam proses pembelajaran Bapak/Ibu menggunakan teknologi
untuk mendukung penyampaian materi kepada siswa ?
transcripts of interviews. Gay, et al. (2012:467) say that one way to proceed
research data.
This step focuses on becoming familiar with the data and identified
potential themes. The researcher read and wrote memos about observation
researcher also highlighted the important sentences and made notes for
the important parts of the data needed for more explanation. In addition,
highlight some important answer from the students that used to get some
2) Describing
setting, and the phenomenon studied to convey the rich complexity of the
research. This step describes all important things about the data, such as,
3) Classifying
grouping them into themes. In this step, the researcher categorized all of
checklist are classified based on the categorized of the data. For the
teachers interview. The researcher examined and compared all data, one
Through the steps, the researcher could easily analyzed the secondary
data. Firstly, the researcher read the data and remembered it to make it
Furthermore, the interview for the teacher was conducted after the
researcher analyzed the primary data. As the researcher stated before the
analysis, the researcher has conducted the interviews to obtain the factors
Based on the results of the interview, the answers from the teachers
in teaching English.
findings are accurate from the standpoint of the researcher, the formant, or
the readers of an account. Moreover, Gay et al. (2012:160) says that validity
is important in all forms of research and all types of tests and measures and
Table 1.2
a. Credibility
(2016:15) say that a research is seen as credible when the researcher has
research and the context where it was conducted. It means that credibility
Table 1.3
Strategies to
Stages of
Principle achieve the Purposes of strategies
Credibility Design Purposeful To involve as many experiences as
sampling possible until thematic saturation is
(Authentic reached and to include negative cases
representation Time sampling To sample all possible situations,
of experience) different social settings; times of day,
week, and season; and interactions
among different social groupings to
see how research participants interact
with one another in a number of
contexts at different times.
Data Collection Reflexivity To assess the influence of the
(field journal) researcher's own background,
perceptions, and interests on the
research process
Disciplined To monitor the researcher‟s own
subjectivity influence on developing thematic
constructions and be aware of their
own biases
was test trust to result of the research. Hence, the research can be trust
and undoubted.
b. Transferability
way that allows transferability and let the reader decide whether those
Table 1.4
Strategies to
Stages of
Principle achieve the Purposes of strategies
Transferability Design Purposeful To search for as many different cases as
(Fit within sampling possible until new themes stop emerging
contexts Writing up Thick To give detailed information about the
outside the description research participants, contexts and
study settings
situation) Comparison of To compare the characteristics of the
sample to research participants against the
Applicability demographic demographic information available on
data the group under scrutiny.
to know the accurate of the data result of the research, transferability can
see if the result can be use in the different situation. In transferability, the
c. Dependability
sure that they are all supported by the data received from the informants
trace sources that the data comes from and about documenting the data,
Table 1.5
Strategies to
Stages of
Principle achieve the Purposes of strategies
Dependability Data collection Low inference To check the level of „agreement‟
(Minimization of descriptors, between data and its interpretation
idiosyncrasies in mechanically through checking the field notes,
interpretation; recorded data quotations, and other narratives.
Variability Audit check To document the methods of data
tracked to gathering, analysis, and interpretation
identifiable to make it repeatable and auditable for
sources) another researcher to understand the
decision trail, the process and findings
Repeatability Triangulation, Checking between researchers‟ to
inquiry audit check the process of the research in
terms of relevant decision making done
along the way as well as introducing
alternative perspectives in data analysis
prior to finalizing the set of theoretical
Thick To generate detailed descriptions of
description of methods including their purposes,
methods limitations, order of using them,
matching them with research questions
Data analysis A stepwise Teams or researchers work separately
replication on the data and compare results
A code-recode A researcher codes a segment of data
researcher did the audited to advisor about the process of the research, in
d. Confirmability
ensuring that the research process and findings are not biased, hence it
involved with research participants and constantly engages with the data.
reflect about his own acts and background in relation to the data.
imagination, but are clearly derived from the data. The result was
Table 1.6
Strategies to
Stages of
Principle achieve the Purposes of strategies
Confirmability Data collection Audit trail To follow through the progression of
(Extent to which events and decisions made as well as
biases, the product, data, findings,
motivations, interpretations to arrive at comparable
interests or findings
perspectives of Field notes, To keep notebooks, journals or a log of
the inquirer reports, everyday events during the fieldwork
influence journal/notebook as well as to reflect on the researcher‟s
interpretations) thoughts, feelings, assumptions, etc.
Data analysis Ethics Ethics in truthfully interpreting data,
True findings free applying respectful attitudes to
of biases research
participants and being reflexive of own
personal biases
Systematic To show how data was interpreted,
coding and data reduced and how the main
reduction themes/claims emerged as a result
data and interpretations of the findings were not figments of the inquirer‟s
imagination, but were clearly derive from the data. The result was
obtained from the process. Based on the previous theories, to conduct the
validators and the teacher. They have been marked such checklists on the
Table 1.7
Principles Steps Description Validation
Data A. Design
Collection 1. Purposeful sampling
2. Time sampling
B. Data Collection
1. Reflexivity (field journal)
2. Disciplined subjectivity
3. Prolonged engagement in the field
Credibility 4. Persistent observation
Data Analysis Peer debriefing
Triangulation (methods, sources, researchers,
Referential adequacy
Structural coherence
Member checking
Data Purposeful sampling
Collection Thick description
Transferability Comparison of sample to demographic data
The aims were to ensure the result of secondary data. Three validators
were two English teachers and one lecturer from the campus.
c. The researcher came to school and made a schedule with the English
d. The researcher prepared the observation sheet and field notes to describe
the teachers.
A. Theoretical Framework
that teacher is a person who does the guidance; this understanding gives
the forefront in creating human resources. Teacher faces the students in the
standing in front of the class, teaching about certain knowledge and skill to
the teacher is one of the important components involved determine the high
goals of the teaching and learning activity both in spiritual and physical.
teacher must have in order to achieve the learning and educator goals.
and behavior that are reflected in habits thinking and acting in the teaching
teachers who have competency standards to carry out their tasks. The
means that teachers not only have to be smart but are good at transferring
learning activity.
success of teaching and learning process and also the students‟ learning
activities of the teaching and learning process from the beginning to the
end that accordance with students needs in order to achieve the objectives
English below.
Table 2.1
learning experiences; (3) preparing the lesson plans and strategies based on
the standards of competence; (4) carrying out the teaching and learning
innovative, creative, effective and fun learning process; (5) evaluating the
and (6) developing the students‟ talents and interests through intra-curricular
Standard which say that, The pedagogic competence is the ability to manage
dressing to be prime example for students, so that they can create a good way
earlier researches related to this research. The researches are explained below.
The first previous study was written by Syahrul (2016), entitled The
qualitative in acquiring the result of interview which was used to find wether the
easier in teaching English. The subject of this research were the second grade
students of MTsN Binamu which consisted of 360 students and the English
the research consisted of 120 students which were taken randomly, 15 students of
each class and the sample of teachers were 2 teachers. There were three kinds of
The findings of this research showed that the score of students‟ perception on
Laboratorium Kota Jambi. The purpose of this study is to know how teachers‟
There are three English teachers as the subject of this research. Data collection
level intelligence these are: exercise at the end of the lesson, approach,
And growth and cognitive development : the teachers will focus to the
psychological of the students. Every teacher has different ways to master about
students‟ characterisics.
1 Lambu. This research has a main problem about what the pedagogic competence
of English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu. This research aimed to know the pedagogic
of this research were three English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu. The method used
instrument in collecting data. In analysis the data that has been obtained, researcher
conducted it through three steps, first step was data reduction, the second step was
data display, and the last was made the conclusion or drawing the data in good
statement. Based on the findings and discussion, the results of this research show
that the pedagogical competence of the three English teachers in teaching English at
research design. However, the latest related research provides the information
C. Conceptual Framework
The research was set out from researcher‟s desire in knowing the
SMK Negeri 1 Tuhemberua. There were two English teachers that the researcher
teaching English.
In this research, the researcher has used the data, namely: observation and
interview. The researcher took the data analysis to get the result in research. The
researcher reported the real situation happens in the field based on the result of
the analyzing the data without making any changes or setting up the situation and
The researcher has conducted the research by using the following concept:
The Researcher
SMK Negeri 1
English Teachers
Description of Teachers’
Pedagogic Competence
Observation Interview
Data Analysis
A. Research Findings
and design. Based on the research design, the researcher described the teachers‟
Friday 12th and 16th November 2021. After collecting the data, the researcher
teaching English and used the field notes while teachers were teaching English
in the classroom. After identifying the data, the researcher conducted the
interview and then described the factor that affected teachers pedagogic
competence in teaching English. The instruments and the result of the research
Ms. Titian Nidam Hulu, S.Pd., and Mr. Yarudi Gulo, S.Pd.), they were
The validation sheets were checked and approved by the validators to ensure
The validators have validated the result of the research based on the four
confirmability. The result of the validation was support by theory Lincoln and
the research represents the actual meanings of the research participants, or the
“truth value”. The credibility of research findings that were used to assessing
the extent to which the reader believes the recommendations are credible has
credibility relate to all aspects of the research design, including the focus of the
research, the context, participant selection, data collection, and the amount of
data collected, all of which influence how accurately the research questions can
findings described in one study were applicable of useful to theory, practice and
future research that was the transferability of the research findings to other
research findings and the degree to which research procedure were documented,
allowing someone outside the research to follow, audit, and critique the
research design that influence how accurately the research question/s can be
were clearly linked to the conclusion in a way that can be followed. The
when the researcher was observing both of the teachers in the classroom at
Table 3.1
The table above showed that the both of English teachers have pedagogic
competence but they were not maximal in using technology skill which is the part of
interpretation of the research findings. (The teacher’s observation sheet can be seen in
Furthermore, based on the researcher‟s field notes, the researcher found that
teaching practices and effective assessment but did not conduct technology skill when
teaching English in the classroom. The researcher observed that the teachers still used
such as: projector, laptop, loudspeaker, hand phone, etc. It means that the teachers
and students also still used books, dictionary, whiteboard, etc. (The researcher’s field
teachers‟ interview sheets, the researcher made the description about the
interviewed the English teacher aimed to find out what factors that
The teacher has conducted the three dimensions, but not about
interview, the English teacher said that because not all teaching
the classroom. At this semester, the teacher did not use technology skill
The teacher has conducted the three dimensions, but not about
interview, the English teacher said the factors that affected the teacher‟s
shool, especially the only one projector, etc. So, on this semester the
B. Discussions
the students‟ place and facilities in the classroom like tables, chairs, etc.
effectively. Then, when the researcher saw the teacher that he came to
school and entered the classroom on time and had the good attitude which
gave motivation and respected for students, such as guided the students
effectively. Then, the teacher made the group discussion and handled the
teacher used the time effectively based his schedule in the class.
arguments of material. Then, the teacher gave the freedom for students to
make them learn more and know more about material. After that, if the
give solution to help them. Moreover, teaching practices are important for
linked to the teachers‟ strategies for coping with challenges in their daily
professional life and to their general well-being, and they shape the
student in the class, so they can follow and focused the teaching learning
activities. The teacher gave support for the students to get the goal in
learning. Then, the teacher gave the illustration to connect about material
Here, the teacher asked the students about material and then the students
gave feedback about that, how they did their obligations. After that, the
teacher had the target to achieve the goal of test, which he gave the detail
understanding for the students. Furthermore, the teacher did not use
technology skill where the teacher did not facilitate technology such as
real world projects that exactly mimic what would be required of them
place and facilities in the classroom like tables, chairs, etc. effectively.
Then, the teacher also came to class on time and started the learning by
pray. Next, the teacher made the group discussion and handled the
conversation then the students practiced it. After that, the teacher gave
rewards for the students. Then, the teacher used the time effectively based
on his schedule in the class. Then, the teacher appreciated the students
activities, like making the students keep happy and enjoy the learning.
After that, the teacher accepted the students‟ idea about their tasks in the
Emmer & Sabornie (2015:26) state that there are two aims of
achieve well.
for student to be active in the class effectively. The students had the time
answered the teacher‟s questions effectively. Then, the teacher gave the
freedom to make the students learn more and know more about material.
process, the teacher gave solution to help them. Here, when the students
could not read or pronounced the vocabulary, so the teacher did the right
(Pantic, 2014).
student in the class, so they could follow the teaching learning activities.
learning. Then the teacher gave the illustration to connect about material
After that, the teacher achieved the goal of test, which he gave the
contrast understanding for the students. Furthermore, the teacher did not
use technology skill where the teacher did not facilitate technology such
effective assessment.
there were different answer from the teachers. The theory, according by
Faidal, et al. (2020:41) that there are many factors, can make the learning
process running well, but the important one is a teachers' job. Teachers
Teachers need to have the competence so that the learning process can
not maximized the goal of the lesson. In other hand, the researcher
teaching English. The teacher has conducted the three dimensions, but not
about technology skill. Intrigued by the fact, the researcher asked the
competence. The first teacher stated that because not all materials need
teacher has the response about technology because the principal of school
did not facilitate the technology, like there‟s only one projector, etc.
strategies that are directly related to English language teaching and lead
Prayudi (2021:102) states that one of the important elements for learning
enhance the content and delivery of pedagogical methods that are often
English. The teachers have the power and ability to provide technology,
related researches. The first previous study was written by Syahrul (2016),
The next previous study was written by Sari (2020), who focused in
characteristic in English teaching and the result of the research was the
feedback from the students still not enough. So the achievement of the
of the research was the three English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu about the
the ability of the three teachers in this aspect make the good communicating
students and student so that the teaching and learning activity could run well.
teaching English was technology skill did not support for teachers when
researcher found the comparison to the latest related researchers. The results
Binamu. Then, the results of the second related researcher was the feedback
from the students still not enough. So the achievement of the teaching and
learning process rather disturbed. Furthermore, the results of the third related
researcher was the three English teachers at SMPN 1 Lambu about the
the ability of the three teachers in this aspect make the good communicating
students and student so that the teaching and learning activity could run well.
Based on the result of research, the researcher has been known that
et al. (2021:363) that the teacher is a person who is very influential in the
and evaluating the process and the learning outcome which consist of
fullest. They should try to use technology skill, such as projector, etc. in teaching
learning process in the classroom. In the research, the researcher found the
comparison of the research findings to the theories, include factors that affect the
teachers‟ pedagogic competence were not using technology skill while teaching
pedagogic competence and factors that affected it. For the English teachers, it
showed the teachers‟ pedagogic competence and the factors that affected it.
This enables the teachers to know their competence to increase their skill in
teaching English. The research findings finally revealed the competence of the
teachers have so far in dealing with the pedagogic competence, so they would
pedagogic to the future. Then, the teachers need to prepare and facilitate the
technology skill in teaching learning process. From the bright side, this was
the best opportunity for the teacher to generate and develop better teaching
change for better result. The research findings show the teachers‟ progress in
teaching as well as the level of their pedagogic competence and the factors
that affected it. It will improve and encourage the teachers‟ pedagogic
A. Conclusions
Dealing with the result of the research from the observation of teachers‟
findings also indicated that the major factors that affected the teachers‟
pedagogic competence in teaching English were the first teacher, because not all
classroom, while the second teacher, because the technology did not support in
the school, especially the only one projector, etc. In addition that the researcher
found that both of teachers still only used manual method without technology
during teaching English in the classroom, while they have the power and ability
English that can support the teaching learning activities in the classroom.
B. Suggestions
There are some suggestions from the researcher after conducting the
classroom. Because it can help the teachers make the students can understand
material easily. Besides that it can support the skill of teachers as the
professional educator.
especially the projector, that can support the teaching learning process.
The researcher suggests to conduct the same research to find out more the
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