OET Listening Test 2

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Listening Test 2


This test has two parts

Time allowed: 20 minutes

PART A: In this part of the test, you will hear a general practitioner talking to
Fernando who has been suffering from an unknown disease, possibly BP. You will
hear the consultation once only, in sections. As you listen, you must make notes
about the consultation under the headings given on the answer paper. Turn over
now and look quickly through Part A. You have one minute to do this.

You must give as much relevant information as you can under each of the headings
provided. You may write as you listen; there will be pauses during the consultation
for you to complete your notes under the relevant heading, and to read the
following heading. There will also be two minutes at the end of the test for you to
check your answers. Give your answers in note form. Dont waste time writing full
sentences. Remember you will hear the consultation once only, and you should
write as you listen.

Now look at Question 1. Question 1 has been done for you.

1 Name of the patient: Fernando

Reason for his visit:

He has been feeling ill for the past two weeks

He is experiencing drowsiness and thirst

2 Notes on details given by the patient

Age of the patient:


3 Notes on description of illness given by the patient

4 Further information given by the patient

Listening Test 2


5 Take notes on further description

Any change in vision:
Body weight:

6 Notes on suggestions made by the doctor

Recommended ..

Reason for illness and drowsiness as stated by the doctor:


7 Notes on further details taken by the doctor

Question(s) asked by the doctor:

Answer given by the patient:

8 Notes on examination by the doctor

Doctors suggestion to Fernando:

9 Suggestions made by the doctor

For flu:



Suggested by the doctor:

Patient was a good .

Listening Test 2

10 Dealing with other problems

Notes on how to avoid flu (as suggested by doctor)

Notes on other problem(s) the patient is experiencing

Reason given by the doctor which is causing lack of sleep

Prescribed by the doctor:

Side-effects of the medicine:

What makes the medicine less effective?

11 Notes on final discussion between the doctor and the patient

Final suggestions by the doctor:


Listening Test PART B

In this part of the test you will hear a talk on Alzheimers disease. You will hear the
talk once only, in sections. As you listen, you must answer the questions in the
spaces provided on the answer paper. Turn over now and look quickly through Part
B. You have one minute to do this.

You may write as you listen and there will be pauses during the talk for you to
complete your answers and to read the following question. Remember, you will hear
the tape once only and you should write as you listen.
Listening Test 2

Now read Question 1. Question 1 has been done for you.


1 Name of the doctor: Doctor Hans

The talk is about: Alzheimers disease

What is Alzheimers disease?

A disease of the brain that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior

2 Notes on Alzheimers disease


Symptoms can vary widely

3 Complete the summary

Many people worry about becoming more .. as they grow . Like all other parts
of the body . also change with . As the age , one can notice some
. and .. ..certain things. Serious .. and . and other major
changes are not a typical part of aging.

4 Possible causes of memory problems include:

Listening Test 2

5 Complete the gaps in the summary

Warning signs of Alzheimers disease

It is sometimes difficult to find out the difference between a ..change and the
first sign of .. You need to know this first. Ask yourself: Is this .? For
instance, if you are someone who is never good at .. a then struggling
with this task is probably not a .. of Alzheimers disease. However, if your
ability to balance a checkbook has significantly ..then it is something to share
with a .. There are some people who can .changes in their own selves.
Other times, . and . are the first to notice changes in the persons ..,
. or abilities.

6 Complete the table below:

Alzheimers disease

Common sign of the disease Forgetting recently learned information

Other signs include

7 Answer the following questions

1 What are the possible changes in people who may have symptoms of
Alzheimers disease?

Listening Test 2

2 Is it easier to concentrate on things done before for those who are suffering
from this disease?


3 What do people with Alzheimers disease often find difficult to do?


8 Circle the best answer

1 People with Alzheimers disease

A Can lose track of dates

B Forget only seasons and time
C All of the above

2 Do people with this disease have trouble with understanding other


A Yes
B No
C Not related to the explanation

3 Which one of the following is not a sign of Alzheimers disease?

A Poor vision
B Some perception related problems
C Not able to recognize ones own face in the mirror

4 People with Alzheimers disease

A Have problems with talking to others

B Show no interest in people around them
Listening Test 2

C Have no idea of how to end a conversation

9 Complete the table below:

Alzheimers Disease

Misplacing things and Decreased or poor judgement:

losing the ability to
retrace steps:

A person with People with Alzheimers may experience

Alzheimers disease may changes
put things in . or ..

They may and be For example, they may use . when

unable to go their dealing with .., giving large amounts to
steps to find them again. ... They may pay less to or
keeping themselves ..
Sometimes, they may
.others of ...

10 Complete the table below:

Withdrawal from work or social activities

A person with Alzheimers may start to remove 1.

themselves from


Listening Test 2

A person with Alzheimers may have difficulty
with 2.


Changes in mood and


The mood and personality of They can become

people with Alzheimers can
change. 1.

They may be easily upset ..or at

with friends or in where they are out
of their


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