Iium Catalogue 2014

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New Titles 1 - 26
Arabic Titles 27 - 30
Textbook Series 31 - 32
IIUM Scholarly Journals 33 - 41
Backlist Titles 43 - 54
Order Form 55
Best Selling 56
IIUM Press
Aesthetics in Built Environment
Islamic Approach in Applied Arts and Design
Jamilah Othman
Norzalifa Zainal Abidin and Spahic Omer
Culture, sustainability and ecology are among the important issues
that the contributors of this book thought worthwhile to explore.
In the discipline of built environment, the reconciling of the issues
observed to implicate aesthetics visually and philosophically.
Perhaps, among the laymen, aesthetics is not a popular word used
to describe beauty of an object. Usually the term beautiful is more
preferred and may be this is due to the simplicity or less technical
of wording. On the other hand, aesthetics is most preferred among
the professionals and practitioners in the built environment, where
the word is commonly used to describe beauty in nature, artwork,
lifestyle, man-made structures and etc. In this book, the value of
aesthetics can be philosophically, technically and scientifcally
examined through the chapters provided. Te ideas suggested here,
can be considered pragmatic, since the contents of the chapters
have concerned for good cultural, sustainability and ecological
practice in the scenario of built environment.
ISBN : 978-967-418-330-1
Price: RM 60.00
Pages: 283
Year : 2014
ISBN : 978-967-418-329-5
Price: RM 55.00
Pages: 180
Year : 2014
Tis book, connotes some interpretations and observations on
how Islam expressed its fundamental concepts and approaches
in its identifcation and expression of Beauty and other Ismaic
concepts within the Built Environment , be it in the architecture
and building interiors , arts and decoration. Tis relatively, due to
the assimilation of Islam in the human culture and the way Islam
is expressed by mankind in their built environment. In this book
, issues were discussed on the fundamentals in Islam such as the
philosophy of Beauty within the Islamic worldview. Te other
chapters were giving some examples on how these philosophies and
fundamentals were translated in the aesthetic expression within
the built environment such as the architecture, interiors of building
and arts. Te examples covered from the old traditional buildings
and towards the new approach of designing new interior spaces.
However, as the Khalifah , vicegerent of Allah, the responsibilities
to maintain the basic fundamentals and the translation of Islamic
values within the built environment and as part of the applied arts
and design components, are very signifcant with their context to
relate towards the basic responsibilities of mankind as the Khalifah, or vicegerent to Allah. Te discussions
by the authors are shared in view to have better understanding on how Islam promotes and infused its
concepts and philosophies together in our daily life and built environment, thus becomes our expression of
culture within the applied arts and design, and their environment.
New Titles New Titles
ISBN : 978-967-418-283-0
Price: RM 70.00
Pages: 483
Year : 2014
Advancement in Computer and Communication Engineering
Othman O. Khalifa, A.H.M Zahirul Alam, Amir A. Shafe,
and Wajdi F. Al-Khateeb
Advance Computer and Communication Engineering is an
enormously vibrant feld that emerged as a convergence of
Technologies. Computing Multimedia has become the defning
technology of our age, changing how we live and work. It has
dramatically infuenced progress in science, engineering, business,
and many other areas of human endeavour. Computers and
communications are integral to modern culture and a primary
engine of growth behind much of the worlds economic.
Tis book is a collection of selected papers presented in the
international Conference on Computer and Communication
Engineering that was held on 9 - 11 May 2006 in Kuala Lumpur,
Te editors would like to give a warmest thanks to the contributors,
the staf and researches of the Electric and Computer Engineering
Department, International Islamic University Malaysia, and others
for the thoroughness of their contributions on the respective topics.
Te primary audience of this book is researchers, academicians,
practicing engineers and designers. Te major objective of this
book is not focus only on the latest development in Computer
and Communication Engineering but also to integrate them with
a wider spectrum of related subjects including wide range of
applications with the aim to portray the avenue bridging them. Te
chapters refect the results of extensive research and development.
Te book addresses state-of-the-art topics in Computer and
Communication Engineering and other related areas with
additional emphasis on some applications. It covers the following:
Network Architecture and QoS Provisioning
Microwave Systems and Antennas
Performance Analysis of Data Networks
Optical Communications and Photonic Devices
Instrumentation and Control
Signal and Image Processing
Data Acquisition
Neural Networks and Intelligent Systems
Data and Knowledge Management
Medical ICT Systems
Advanced Trafc Management and Control
Ethics in Informatics and Engineering
ISBN : 978-967-418-328-8
Price: RM 58.00
Pages: 152
Year : 2014
Malaysia Case Studies of Urban and Regional Planning
Mariana Mohamed Osman, Rustam Khairi Zahari,
and Syahriah Bachok
Malaysia Case Studies of Urban and Regional Planning is another
continued efort by academicians from the Kulliyyah of Architecture
and Environmental Design (KAED) of the International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM) in sharing their research outputs with
the decision-makers, practitioners, stakeholders, students of built
environment as well as interested members of the public. Cities
in Malaysia are increasingly faced by ever changing development.
Nowadays, the concept of urban and urbanism in regards to
problems such as increasing population, multiplicity in number
of cities, air and noise pollution and trafc jams evolved in deep
variation and changes. It is obvious that rapid changes in physical
and economic development joint with social changes will have an
infuence on live dynamic of cities.
Sustainability approach to city planning for development in
Malaysia is expected to encounter many issues extending from
the provision and location of various public facilities to resolving
transport and environment related problems including legal issues
and also food security for city residents. To promote sustainable
city, the initiatives merged with community development together
with physical design without compromising the future needs
as sustainable city is a city based on patterns of production and
consumption that can be pursued into the future without degrading
the human or natural environment.
Cities planning and Urban studies is very broad based subject
that covers technical and political process concerned with the
control of the use of land and design of the urban environment,
including transportation networks, to guide and ensure the orderly
development of settlement and communities. Te wide ranging
topics in this Book refect the various dimensions of cities and
urban planning that is holistic and comprehensive. One of the key
objectives of this Book is to provide a platform for town planners
to share new ideas and experiences on cities and urban planning.
Tis edited book has addressed the above mentioned sustainable
planning issues and challenges in the Malaysian cities in the ten
chapters that it contains.
Islamic Ethics and Character Building
Introduction to Malay Manuscript
Fatimah Abdullah
Wan Ali Wan Mamat
Te present book attempts to present Islamic ethics frst from
its multifaceted nature; ethics as akhlq is presented from the
psychological, educational and spiritual aspects and every bit of
character building or ethic is supported by pertinent verses of the
Holy Quran, the stories of the Prophets and the srah and shamil
of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Second, an efort
is made to present Islamic ethics from the practical and modern
angles. To enliven this discipline we have relied on Taawwuf
area that have been neglected by earlier researchers. In fact most
of the early f scholars such as al-Ghazl, al-Musib and
al-Balkh were Islamic psychologists who did their best to
spiritually invigorate their disciples and refne their character. Tis
approach of f ethics or Taawwuf with its self-introspection
in nature will serve as underpinning of individual and societal
wellbeing and mental health that conditioned the development
and prosperity of the ummah.
Malay manuscripts are ofen said as records of intellectual and
cultural development and writing practices of Malay people.
It is the product of transmission and achievement of Malay
civilization over generations. In the past, studies on Malay
manuscripts have been concentrated very much on contents
or intellectual perspectives in a manuscript but very little on
physical, cultural or writing tradition of manuscripts. A study on
the contents of a Malay manuscript would be more informative
if some information on writing and book making practices of
the manuscripts concerned are explained. Tis book focuses on
physical or cultural perspectives in Malay writing tradition and
book making like writing material used, preparation of paper
surface for writing and its general look, Malay handwriting and
its development, the Jawi script, author and authorship etc. I
hope this book will generate more interest to Malay manuscripts
and Malay writing traditions.
ISBN : 978-967-418-325-7
Price: RM 60.00
Pages: 207
Year : 2014
ISBN : 978-967-418-315-8
Price: RM 50.00
Pages: 158
Year : 2014
New Titles New Titles
IIUM Press
System Modeling Simulation and Control
The Life of Place: Spaces, Places and Narratives
Khalilah Zakariya, Nor Zalina Harun,
Nurhayati Abdul Malek and Mazlina Mansor
Tis book aims at probing the true objective of legal education,
mainly in the Malaysian context. Legal education is generally
perceived as a means of entering into a lucrative profession. Such
an objective narrows down to acquiring a bookish knowledge of
case law and statutory rules, without bothering too much about
their rationale, social relevance and fairness. Consequently, it fails
to produce questioning minds. What legal education should aim at
is to produce lawyers who are receptive to the ideas of justice and
fair play and able to see the confict between law and justice and
the gap that exists between law in books and law in action. Tus,
a holistic legal education is what a law school should aim at. Te
book also gives an account of legal education and research at the
Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM, and how this university
is trying to focus attention on the Islamic context of legal education.
Te book is a collection of selected case studies predominantly
in Malaysia and an international case study in New Zealand that
examines peoples experiences in public spaces. Te public spaces
gathered in this book include street markets, parks, historical sites,
open spaces, coastal areas and cities. Written from the perspective
of peoples experiences and responses towards the selected public
spaces, the aim of the book is to share their narratives as users, as
a way of guiding designers and planners how they might re-think
about engaging with places and people.
ISBN : 978-967-418-333-2
Price: RM 70.00
Pages: 335
Year : 2014
ISBN : 978-967-418-332-5
Price: RM 50.00
Pages: 103
Year : 2014
Waleed Faris, Atef Ata and Rini Akmeliawati
Methodologies in Architectural Research
Zakat and Poverty Alleviation
Noor Aziah Mohd Ariffn, Mizanur Rashid and
Nurul Hamiruddin Salleh
Mohd Mahyudi Mohd Yusop, Naziruddin Abdullah
Tis book is intended to appeal to people interested in doing
research in architecture and the built environment Being both
comprehensive and could act as an entry level point into the world
of research in architecture, this book targets primarily, fnal year
undergraduate and post graduate students and anybody interested
in doing research in these feld. Trough the topics covered in
the book varied methods researches were introduced to, perhaps,
whet the interests of budding researchers as how to conduct their
impending issues and questions yet unanswered. Although the
topics covered are not as varied but it would serve as a guide to
construct and undertake a research project as ofered by the
authors in answering their research question.
Tis edited book aims to raise issues pertaining to the topic of
zakat and its primary goal of poverty alleviation. It portrays
the dynamism of zakat by highlighting pertinent issues on the
management of zakat institutions and innovative programmes that
are designed as efective distribution mechanisms. Discussions
include zakat payment motives, ways to measure the efciency of
zakat disbursement, economic development initiatives, housing
programme, microfnancing, and actual impact on poverty
alleviation. Te discussions raised put emphasis on policy-
orientation with dedicated sections on policy implications and
recommendations. Tis approach is deemed necessary since it
could guide the thought process of interested parties towards
the creation of new ideas to actualize zakat as a very reliable tool
in addressing the massive problem of poverty among Muslim
communities. Tis special feature also signifcantly adds to the
much-needed reference materials in courses on zakat at the
intermediate level of undergraduate studies and introductory level
of postgraduate programmes.
ISBN : 978-967-418-331-8
Price: RM 60.00
Pages: 167
Year : 2014
ISBN : 978-967-418-326-4
Price: RM 65.00
Pages: 300
Year : 2014
New Titles New Titles
IIUM Press
Understanding Sociological Issues: Conceptualizing The Diversities
Tis book aims at probing the true objective of legal
incorporate a number of existing societal issues which seem to
be sociologically signifcant and empirically relevant. Te topics
chosen for this book thus contain some prolifc discussion in the
contemporary sociological discourse. Prudentially, the mode is a
new venture to make the discipline useful to researchers focusing
on a few contemporary thematic issues based on diversities; this
book serves to disentangle strands of thinking in an integrated
manifestation. Te book begins with a critical thinking of theoretical
sociology as it has been revealed in the Islamic perspective which
is followed by another more or less sequential paper on poverty
and resource inequality that prevail among the Muslim nations.
Gender issues have also been dealt with signifcant importance by
including two papers in this volume. An important and signifcantly
inquisitive chapter on menopausal symptoms highlights the
preferred menopausal treatment techniques among the urban
Malay women from medical and anthropological perspective.
A chapter on the reemergence of plantation-agriculture gives
clear indication that although plantation agriculture has been
reemerging to make some sort of transformation in the agrarian
sector, in reality, it does not help the poor as expected. Te book
also contains performances and socio-cultural adaptability
of the Bangladeshi migrant workers. Tis book has brought a
new diversion in the feld of sociological research. Students and
researchers in Sociology will undoubtedly fnd it useful for their
future academic perseverance.
ISBN : 978-967-418-123-9
Price: RM 60.00
Pages: 232
Year : 2014
A. H. M. Zehadul Karim
Cell and Tissue Culture: Research and Technology from Islamic Perspective
Mohammad Syaiful Bahari Abdull Rasad
Tis book is an attempt to capture the principles of human or animal
cell culture and issues from Islamic perspective. Tere are many
achievements which were made possible through the development
and advancement of science and technology in the area of cell and
tissue culture. Nowadays, the technologies available to mankind
are far more sophisticated and advanced. Most assuredly, these
technologies have, and will make, a great impact on the life of
mankind and their well being. Consequently, for Muslims, the
concern lies not on the advancement, but on whether the laws and
regulations of Islam are wisely and properly inculcated into these
progressions of science and technology so that they are parallel to
the will and wishes of Allah S.W.T.
ISBN : 978-967-418-269-4
Price: RM 65.00
Pages: 240
Year : 2014
Considering the breadth of topics covered, the book will be
essential reading for the novice and expert alike in various felds
and will serve as a valuable resource for students and researchers.
It provides, from experts in the feld the basis and application of
animal cell culture technology, including the use of the cells in
recent research as well as Islamic perspective. In essence, this book
discusses various dimensions of cell culture in relation to research.
Tis is perhaps the frst book of its kind which links one of the
purposes of Islamic perspective to research and technology of cell
New Titles New Titles
Issues in Islamization of Human Knowledge
Muhammad Mumtaz Ali
Islamization of Knowledge is a very signifcant issue being
pondered over and discussed in the higher institutions of learning
the world over particularly in the Islamic educational centers. Tis
issue has attracted the attention of scholars and students across
the world. Yet, not much has been written in detail on this subject
that could quench the thirst of academia and intelligentsia. Tis
book serves as an authentic reading on the issue in Islamization of
knowledge. Professor Mumtaz, keeping the pressing need of the
time in view, has identifed four thinkers who could be considered
ideologues in Islamization of Knowledge. He has reliably analyzed
their views on the subject. Te books main thirst is on the concept
and methodology of Islamization of Knowledge. In addition, the
author has presented Islamization of Knowledge as a universal
and people oriented perspective and asserted that it should not
be perceived as a mere religious and parochial discourse. Te
author has highlighted and elaborated main themes and issues in
Islamization of Knowledge which were otherwise scattered here
and there in the writings on Islamization of Knowledge. One of the
arguments of this book is that the rise and fall of a nation depends
much on the rise and fall of its intellectual development. Te book
may rightly claim to be the frst of its kind.
ISBN : 978-967-418-314-1
Price: RM 55.00
Pages: 228
Year : 2014
IIUM Press
New Titles New Titles
Introduction to Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging is an area of specialisation in medicine. It serves
to provide images of the human anatomy that will be used to assist
in managing a patients medical condition. Tis book aims to give
a comprehensive overview for students to gain knowledge about
Medical Imaging, possibly as a career prospect. It is also designed to
provide information to the general public about Medical Imaging,
and readers would be able to follow discussions relating Medical
Imaging to healthcare, procedures, modalities, patient factors,
professional matters, risk management, research, and the concept
of optimization. It is hoped that this efort would provide adequate
information concerning Medical Imaging. Te chapters are
carefully organized based on common knowledge concerning the
feld and they are presented in a single reader-friendly publication.
ISBN : 978-967-418-249-6
Price: RM 65.00
Pages: 366
Year : 2014
Zainul Ibrahim Zainuddin
Multiple True or False Questions in Haematology & Pathology for Health Sciences
Naznin Muhammad
Tis book is to guide health sciences undergraduate students in
particular preclinical medical students in assessing their knowledge
in haematology and pathology. Te unique feature of this book is that
the answers to the questions are not provided in order to encourage
students to search for the answers themselves. Tis will foster and
enhance learning in haematology and pathology at individual level and
as a group.
ISBN : 978-967-418-310-3
Price: RM 55.00
Pages: 220
Year : 2014
The Process of Design Thesis for Landscape Architecture
Nurhayati Abd Malek, Zainul Mukrim Baharuddin
ISBN : 978-967-418-307-3
Price: RM 60.00
Pages: 112
Year : 2014
IIUM Press
Landscape Architecture is the intertwining aspects of natural
sciences, arts, economics, and culture. It is a profession that
helps design a place that connects land and human, which has
many applications, from a small scale design projectto a more
signifcant and large scale urban design as well as regional
planning projects. Landscape Architect is indeed the person
who designs outdoor environments.
Te Process of Design Tesis for Landscape Architecture takes
an overview of what are the requirements for the fnal Design
Tesis projects taken up especially in the International Islamic
University Malaysia, particularly under the Department of
Landscape Architecture.
Tis guided book includes:
Storyboards of proposals, case studies, and visual ideas to portray the intention and types of projects ofen
researched on especia lly for Design Tesis
Te design stage which covers the stages from conceptual ideas until the preliminary Landscape Master Plan
Detail part of the Landscape Master Plan which includes landscape detail plans, sections and elevations, planting
concept as well as the hardscape elements
Summaries of the landscape illustrations in the form of images and perspective drawings
And fnally the examples of the fnal Design Tesis projects done by the selected students of Bachelor in
Landscape Architecture (Hons.), International Islamic University Malaysia
Tis guided design thesis book will be benefcial to all Landscape Architecture students not only in Malaysia
but also around the world, not forgetting the lecturers or studio coordinators as well as practicing Landscape
Architects. Indeed, Te Process of Design Tesis in Landscape Architecture is a valuable educational tool as well
as an endless source of inspiration.
Family Law Non-Muslims in Malaysia
Family Law (Non-Muslim) in Malaysia discusses on family law
related to non-Muslims in Malaysia which is generally based on the
Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 and several other
supplementary statutes. Over the years, it is noticed that there have
been legislative development afecting family law which need to be
addressed and clarifed. Tus, the primary aim of this book is not
only to state comprehensively the legal aspect but also to highlight
the recent developments and to suggest necessary reforms to suit
the modernization of communities and the changing society.
Te topics presented in the twelve chapters are: historical outline;
betrothal and domicile; marriage requirements, procedural
matters, status, rights and obligations; divorce and matters
incidental thereto maintenance, division of matrimonial property
and custody of child; legitimacy, adoption and domestic violence.
As Malaysia is a member of the international community and is a
party to, and consequently bound by, a few international treaties,
this book explains the efects of the treaties on certain aspects of
the national laws.
Tis book is a useful reference for law students and practitioner.
Similarly, for those in the legal fraternity and the public at large,
it will make for a better understanding of those principles of civil,
family law and to keep abreast with the latest developments and
reforms on the subject matter. Finally, this book could not have
been published without a great deal of help and encouragement
from many sources. Te authors would like to thank the Research
Management Centre, IIUM for all the assistance and guidance
rendered by the Centre in the preparation and publication of this
ISBN : 978-967-0225-88-3
Price: RM 55.00
Pages: 403
Year : 2014
Norliah Ibrahim, Noraini Md Hashim, Najibah Mohd Zin,
Azizah Mohd, Nora Abdul Hak, Normi Abdul Malek,
Roslina Che Soh and Mohd Hisham Mohd Kamal
New Titles New Titles
Programming in C for Foundation
Tis Book on C programming language is a comprehensive tutorial
and reference to C based on the ANSI C standard for beginners.
Te C language is demonstrated with numerous examples and
extensive exercises that guide readers through each concept.
Step-by-step of program code reveal the underlying logic of the
programs and include in-depth implementation details. Features
in this book include comprehensive programming examples and
exercises; and an expanded appendix of Numbering System,
ASCII Code, and DevC++ tutorial. In addition, there is more
emphasis on variable Data Types, which provides the reader
with a foundation for working with variables and facilitates
programming in the problem domain. Beginners programmers
alike will beneft from the numerous examples and extensive
exercises developed to guide readers through each concept.
Program codes illuminate the correct usage and syntax of C
language and reveal the underlying logic of application. Te
clarity of exposition and format of the book make it an excellent
reference to frst step programmers. It is intended for use in either
a foundation level or frst year programming course.
Chapter 1, Introduction to C programming, presents an overview
of the language. Afer reading this chapter, the reader will already
be able to describe the program development life cycle and
write C code. Chapter 2, Fundamentals of C gives a thorough
introduction to the data in C programs. Tis information will
beneft the reader needing to declare assign and initialize data
variables. Small but useful examples are provided to describe
important technical points. Chapter 3 has a careful discussion
of Control Structures which is ofen a mystifying topic for the
beginner. Te chapter describes logical and relational operations,
if-else and switches selection, and the iterations (while, do-while,
and for lops). Chapter 4 Modularity using functions identifes the
two types of functions in C the built-in and user defned functions.
Chapters 5 and 6 cover the application level of C language feature
by feature. Many advanced topics of Arrays and Strings are
discussed. Search and sort as well as passing arrays between
functions are demonstrated in chapter 5 the longest chapter
in the book. Te use of strings is illustrated in Chapter 6. Te chapter
demonstrates the concept of character and strings functions. Since
the chapters are self-contained, the knowledgeable reader can skip
to particular sections as needed.
ISBN : 978-967-418-294-6
Price: RM 50.00
Pages: 220
Year : 2014
Noor Hasri na Bakar, Noor Azi mah Hassan,
Mohd Norhaedir Idris and Mahmoud Al- Shawabkeh
Islamic Law : An Introduction
Mohamad Akram Laldin
Tis work is an attempt to provide some light into the basic
principles of Islamic law in order to understand the purpose of the
revelation of rulings in Islam. Tis understanding is very important
to be understood particularly by students and researchers in the
feld of Islamic law. Tis book also examines fve important legal
maxims, namely: al-umr bi maqidih ( matters determined
according to intention), al-yaqn la yazlu bi al-shakk (certainty
cannot be removed by doubt), al-mashaqqah tajlubu al-taysr
(hardship begets facility), l arara wa l irr (harm shall not be
inficted nor reciprocated) and al-dah muakkamah (custom is
arbitrary). Tese are considered as supporting sources of Islamic
law. In the last part of the work, the development of Islamic law
from the time of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) till the present is discussed.
Finally, the work outlines about the present state of Islamic law
and provides some suggestions for the way forward. It is hoped
that this work will shed some light for those who are interested in
understanding the basics of Islamic law. Te author would like to
thank the International Islamic University Malaysia for granting
him sabbatical leave and fnancial assistance for the realization of
this work.
ISBN : 983-3855-03-2
Price: RM 46.00
Pages: 226
Year : 2014
The Study of Religious Tradition
Abdurezak A. Hashi
Tis book, Te Study of Religious Traditions, addresses number of
issues and themes of the study of religious traditions. It elucidates
basic concepts of comparative religion, and highlights issues of
subjectivity and objectivity, as well as the history, approaches,
theories and methodologies of this feld. In addition, it presents
a descriptive account on the Islamic understanding of religious
traditions; it illustrates the basic concepts and categories of religious
traditions through and within the Quranic verses. Likewise, an
exposition of the unity of God among Abrahamic traditions is
sought, while the debates of the modern socio-anthropological
theories about the history and the origin of religion are presented
in this book.
ISBN : 978-967-418-322-6
Price: RM 50.00
Pages: 133
Year : 2014
IIUM Press
New Titles
Al-Lisaniyyat al-Muasirah al-Muyassarah
Asem Shehadeh Ali
Tis book conducts to study the problems in contemporary
linguistics studies and traditional; where the Contemporary Studies
in linguistics benefted greatly from ancient Arabic studies. Tere
is a link between linguistics and contemporary ancient heritage;
where has benefted from ancient heritage, directly or indirectly.
Te contemporary linguistics methodology based on recording the
observed facts of the language without explanation, and explained
the statement of the relationship between the observed facts of
language, linguistics theory and experimental.Tis study is a basic
to the methodological method to the study the phenomena of
Arabic language. Tis book hopes to open heaven on the issues
of linguistics, and also opens the eyes on many responsibilities in
the midst of this vast ocean of linguistic information in the age of
modern technology and globalization language.
ISBN : 978-967-418-264-9
Price: RM 36.00
Pages: 240
Year : 2
Edition 2013
Handbook on Human Physiology : The Special Senses
Nilar Aung, Ailin Razali and Maung Maung Cho
Te basic sciences have always played an essential role in the
training of doctors. Te scope of special senses had been widen
and hence became more complicated among the medical students.
Vision, hearing, smell and taste considered a special senses and
each of these special senses works in concert with the nervous
system to assist the body in coping with the environment changes
experienced through the day. Te impetus of writing this book is to
provide comprehensive knowledge of the special senses, laid out in
a very simplistic manner. Terefore, it is hoped that this handbook
will be a helpful for medical, dental, pharmacy, allied health
sciences students as well as clinicians, nurses, and health workers.
Tey will fnd it a valuable aid to learning, reference and revision.
Te state of the young people has always been of national interest,
in any society, perhaps particularly so for a developing country like
Malaysia. It is well accepted that the youths are the future leaders
of a nation, hence, there is a need to constantly be aware of their
well-being and their environment. And since the world is changing
at such a rapid pace, what adolescence was like for the majority of
contemporary adults might not be the case for the contemporary
adolescents. Te adolescents today are dealing with things that adults
today did not have much to do with when they were adolescents, such
as globalization, the digital age, environmental challenges, to name
but a few. Hence, adults cannot simply project their experiences to
these adolescents in their dealings with or about them.
It is with this view that the study was carried out and the book was
written. Studies should not be done just for the sake of carrying out
research and fulflling ones job description, but as social scientists,
we have a responsibility to share this with a wider audience, and not
be limited to a select few in the feld. Hence, the book is written in
a way that would convey the information to the general audience
clearly without compromising on the scientifc aspect of the data.
Tis book gathered expertise from diferent areas, and this is one of
the major advantages in this study. In addition to being a nationwide
study, with respondents coming from rural, urban and provincial
areas, from the various ethnic groups and various socioeconomic
groups, adolescents were asked about various aspects of their
development, allowing us to get a richer profle of the adolescent.
Although presented separately, these various domains all come from
the same pool of respondents, and taken together, they present a more
holistic picture of the contemporary adolescent. Te book begins
with an explanation of the study design and respondents. Each of the
chapters following it presents data from a specifc domain studied,
according to the expertise area of the author(s). Te fnal chapter
puts together a picture of the contemporary Malaysian adolescent.
It is hoped that the information presented in this book will be
valuable to those who work with adolescents directly such as parents,
teachers, counselors and community workers, to name but some and
also indirectly such as teacher trainers and policy makers.
ISBN : 978-967-418-261-8
Price: RM 45.00
Pages: 84
Year : 2014
New Titles
IIUM Press
Malaysian Adolescent: Cognitive and Psycho-Social
Lihanna Borhan, Fatimah Hashim and Juliana Othman
ISBN : 978-967-418-295-3
Price: RM 57.00
Pages: 129
Year : 2014
New Titles
Faaliyah thariqah al-kalimah al-miftahiyah f iktisab al-mufradat al-Arabiyah
The History and Philosophy of Islamization of Knowledge
Mufdah Abdul Razak and Muhammad Al-Baqir Haji Yaacob
Muhammad Mumtaz Ali
What is Key-word Method in teaching foreign language
vocabularies? How does it work? Tis book introduces the
application of Key-word Method in helping Malaysian students
of Arabic language in secondary school in remembering the
vocabularies which have been taught to them. In fact, it also ofer
an efective solution and an answer to the question why student feel
very difcult to remember Arabic vocabularies, and why student
losing interest toward learning Arabic language or having very
lower achieving in their examination.
Te Islamization of Knowledge movement has given rise to
serious debate among scholars about the nature of kowledge and
education. Tis debate is clouded by several misunderstandings. Te
present work aims to clarify these misunderstandings by exploring the
meaning, scope and methodology of Islamization of Knowledge. It deals
with the term, concept, perception, principles and work plan of the
Te book traces its historical background in which the concept
and the movement were initially developed and clarifes some aspects
of it. Tis allows readers to better understand the philosophical
foundation of the Islamization of Knowledge movement. It introduces
the important institutions and pioneers who had identifed the necessity
of the movement and also contributed towards its conceptualization.
It helps readers in identifying and articulating the central theme and
facilitates them to better analyze, evaluate and comprehend the full
range of Islamization of Knowledge. It also explains the need for the
Islamizationh of religious sciences.
Tis book demonstrates that the movement is intellectually sound and
practically relevant to all human beings-Muslims and non-Muslims.
It explains that Islamization is not confned to any particular group of
Muslim scholars, rather, it is in the agenda of all the diferent schools of
thought present in the Muslim world. Tis is a necessary prerequisite
for developing a comprehensive and well-balanced paradigm for the
development of the human civilization which can be seen as an alternative
to the present dominant Western paradigm of development.
ISBN : 978-967-418-243-4
Price: RM 40.00
Pages: 242
Year : 2013
ISBN : 978-967-5272-67-7
Price: RM 44.00
Pages: 226
Year : 2
Edition 2013
New Titles
Tawhid, Humanity and Civilization: Exploratory study from the Quran
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin and Mohd Shuhaimi Ishak
ISBN : 978-967-418-247-2
Price: RM 42.00
Pages: 168
Year : 2013
Tree analytical studies were conducted on the poetry of Marum
al-Rasaf; namely: the political and social criticism in the poetry
of Maruf al-Rasaf , the trinity of poverty, women and children
and a documentary approach to the study of poetry of Maruf
al-Rasaf .
Tree themes intertwine in both content and style, generating ;
an explicit criticism of politics and society, imagery refections
of poverty, women and children and the use of the documentary
approach in the era of electronic encyclopedias.
In the analysis of the al-Rasafs poetry, the author highlights
the concept of social and political criticism, its connection to
literature and the relationship between literature, culture and
politics. this is illustrated in the following poems: Ma Hakada?,
Te Newspapers, Te Ofce of Endowment, Te Army Ofcer
and Fine Arts. In addition, the author emphasizes the importance
of adequately directing the youth in both the poets verse book
and a collection of letters he named Tamaim al-Tarbiyah
wa al-Taleem.
Te content of al-Rasafs poetry was aimed at four levels, namely:
(a) the country of his birth and childhood, (b) the Arab World, (c)
the Islamic World, (d) the Free World.
Several appendices are presented at the end of the research,
containing seven tables adopted from the encyclopaedia of poetry
and ten additional tables containing some of al-Rasafs poetry.
Te purpose behind incorporating these tables is to illustrate
the use of statistics in the formation of precise notions about
these specifc phenomena. Moreover, it was also to illustrate that
computers ofer great possibilities of tracking the connection
between events and their context through looking at the signifcant
terms and expressions used. Te seventeenth appendix illustrates
a comparison between the three editions of his verse book,
specifcally looking at the poems that were not included in each of
these three editions.
Te author has managed to collect and include in this book a
number of magazine articles and chapters in books that have written
on the poetry of Maruf al-Rasaf. Finally, the book concludes with
the list of references and bibliography that-we hope-provides
substantial materials that can be used in future research.
New Titles
Public Private Partnership (PPP): Malaysian Studies
Real Money: Money and Payment Systems from an Islamic Perspective
Suhaiza Ismail
Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera
Public Private Partnerships (PPP) or also known as Private Finance
Initiative (PFI) was ofcially unveiled in Malaysia under the Ninth
Malaysia Plan in 2006. Te increasing number of public projects
implemented via PPP procurement has created interest among
researchers to undertake studies on PPP, hence this is edited book.
Tis book is a compilation of the research on PPP in Malaysia.
It comprises of nine papers on various aspects of PPP including
concept and development, evaluation and performance, regulations
and other related issues on implementation of PPP in diferent
sectors. Tis book is expected to beneft various parties including
the government, private sector, researchers and the public at large
as its primary aim is to inform and update the readers about the
current PPP development in Malaysia.
Tis theoretical paper reasons with simple deductions, that
the maqid al-Sharah are impossible to be attained in an
interest-based fat monetary system. Te issue at hand is
the seigniorage of fat money and the question of what
constitutes money. Using the quantity theory of money and the
socio-economic implications of the current monetary system, the
paper argues that, indeed, on the contrary, the interest-based fat
monetary system works in contrast to the maqid. Tis strong
yet important contention has serious implications to the extent
that the process of Islamization of knowledge/disciplines is futile
without addressing this issue frst. Accordingly, the establishment
of Islamic economics, banking and fnance, therefore, warrants a
serious look into the current defnition of money and monetary
systems. Te paper argues that the seigniorage of fat money is
indeed a profound rib and that commodity monies like gold and
silver, as Sharah compliant money, are compatible with the
ISBN : 978-967-418-265-6
Price: RM 47.00
Pages: 180
Year : 2013
ISBN: 978-967-3855-76-6
Price: RM 66.00
Pages: 430
Year : 2013
IIUM Press
Faaliyyah ilm al-lughah al-nasi f tahlil mahud al-khitab al-Arabi
Asem Shehadeh Ali
New Titles
Text Linguistics is of contemporary science researchers in the
analysis of texts, where his signs have emerged since the Arabic
books translated on the concepts of the sow and knitting or
consistency and coherence, and linguistic studies in discourse
analysis in several areas, including religious texts such as the
Quran and Sunnah, and also the texts of political, social and
cultural rights. Tere are scientifc messages in doctoral study
reporting and consistency and coherence and textual analysis
of Arab discourse types, and other standard text. Tis study fall
under this type of studies and analysis in the light of the prophetic
discourse coherence and harmony, which are the most important
normative text of Robert de Bogrand.
ISBN : 978-967-418-263-2
Price: RM 44.00
Pages: 318
Year : 2013
Diwan Ar-Rahalah Ibn Jubair Al-Andalusi
Munjid Mustafa Bahjat
Tis book represents a journey that was both arduous and
fascinating. Te process of writing began over thirty years ago in
which I have done my utmost to light a darkened corner in Ibn
Jubairs literature, namely, poetry.
Te contents of this book deal with the life, personality, literary
works and their sources and topics found in his prose, such as:
Praise, social criticism, satire, and longing and nostalgia. Finally,
this book studys the prose produced during Ibn Jubairs journey
rhetorically and stylistically.
ISBN : 978-967-4182-51-9
Price: RM 35.00
Pages: 188
Year : 2013
Maaruf Rusof: An-Naqd As-siyasi wal ijtimaie f shiirihi
Munjid Mustafa Bahjat
Tree analytical studies were conducted on the poetry of Marum
al-Rasaf; namely: the political and social criticism in the poetry
of Maruf al-Rasaf , the trinity of poverty, women and children
and a documentary approach to the study of poetry of Maruf
al-Rasaf .
Tree themes intertwine in both content and style, generating;
an explicit criticism of politics and society, imagery refections
of poverty, women and children and the use of the documentary
approach in the era of electronic encyclopedias.
In the analysis of the al-Rasafs poetry, the author highlights the
concept of social and political criticism, its connection to literature
and the relationship between literature, culture and politics. this is
illustrated in the following poems: Ma Hakada?, Te Newspapers,
Te Ofce of Endowment, Te Army Ofcer and Fine Arts. In
addition, the author emphasizes the importance of adequately
directing the youth in both the poets verse book and a collection of
letters he named Tamaim al-Tarbiyah wa al-Taleem.
Te content of al-Rasafs poetry was aimed at four levels, namely:
(a) the country of his birth and childhood, (b) the Arab World, (c)
the Islamic World, (d) the Free World.
Several appendices are presented at the end of the research,
containing seven tables adopted from the encyclopaedia of poetry
and ten additional tables containing some of al-Rasafs poetry.
Te purpose behind incorporating these tables is to illustrate
the use of statistics in the formation of precise notions about
these specifc phenomena. Moreover, it was also to illustrate that
computers ofer great possibilities of tracking the connection
between events and their context through looking at the signifcant
terms and expressions used. Te seventeenth appendix illustrates
a comparison between the three editions of his verse book,
specifcally looking at the poems that were not included in each of
these three editions.
Te author has managed to collect and include in this book a
number of magazine articles and chapters in books that have written
on the poetry of Maruf al-Rasaf. Finally, the book concludes with
the list of references and bibliography that-we hope-provides
substantial materials that can be used in future research.
ISBN : 978-967-0225-512-8
Price: RM 45.00
Pages: 228
Year : 2013
New Titles
IIUM Press
Urban Traffc System
Abdul Azeez Kadar Hamsa
ISBN : 978-967-4182-57-1
Price: RM 46.00
Pages: 228
Year : 2013
Te urban trafc system constitutes a group of interdependent
and interrelated trafc, and related components which are
intended to form a unifed entity to accomplish smooth, orderly
and safe movement of vehicles in an urban area. Trip attractions
at urban areas are normally very high due to high density
commercial and business land uses. As a result, the increasing
number of vehicles especially private cars travelling towards city
areas has caused tremendous pressure on the limited road and
related infrastructure, especially in urban areas. Increase in trafc
congestion, environmental pollution, travel time, discomfort
and inconveniences, and decrease in speed are the common and
regular efects resulting from increased trafc volume and limited
road infrastructure. Understanding the efects of increase in trafc
trends on road and related infrastructure is, thus, important. Tis
book emphasizes on the characteristics of trafc components which
include trafc volume, speed, road intersection, road capacity,
level of service, parking, trafc control devices, road safety,
trafc management measures and trafc calming. Te literature
background, analysis procedures and fndings based on data
related to each of these trafc elements are discussed in this book.
Tis book is expected to further strengthen the literature on each
of the selected trafc components, especially in the local context. It
is also expected to benefts students, especially in higher learning
institutions and professionals in the feld of urban trafc system,
trafc planning and engineering, to understand the methodology
involved to collect and analyse trafc data to arrive at important
decisions related to smooth, orderly and safe trafc movements.
New Titles
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Urbanization of Madinah
Spahic Omer
Tis book identifes and examines some priciples of Islamic urban
planning and development which the Prophet (pbuh) under
the aegis of revelation bequeathed to the subsequent Muslim
generations. Central to teh book are some vitel city planning and
development issues as advanced by the Islamic perceptions of
life, truth, the world, man, space and time, and which the young
Muslim mind was then intensively acquainting itself with. Te
issues discussed are: the philosophy of the Islamic city, the mosque
institution; provision of communal facilities and services for all;
the relationship between spirituality and development; peaceful
co-existance with the environment; housing; the marketplace;
and open spaces. By exploring these subjects, the strength and
soundness of the fundamental of the frst Muslim community
clearly come into sight, as does the visionary disposition of the
Prophet (pbuh) to development, leadership, sustainability and
ISBN : 978-983-2957-27-3
Price: RM 50.00
Pages: 294
Year : 2013
New Titles
IIUM Press
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Islam
Nora Abdul Hak, Saodah Ahmad and Umar A.Oseni
Tis book discusses the concept, principles, types and practices
of alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Islam with a special
reference to the practice of sulh in Malaysia. Te topics are
presented in seven chapters. Chapter one focuses on the historical
background of ADR in Islam. Te principles of sulh, its elements
and mechanisms are explained and analysed in chapter two.
Chapter three explains forms of ADR that are available in Malaysia.
Chapter four deliberates on the principles of tahkim. Chapter fve
concentrates on the background of ADR practice in Malaysia. In
chapter six, the provisions of the Conciliatory Committee and
Hakam under the Islamic Family Law Act are analysed. Finally,
chapter seven explains the practice of sulh in Malaysia. Tis is the
frst work on the topic in English. Tus, the book will be a useful
source of reference to the public at large, and particularly to judges,
lawyers, ministry ofcials, sulh ofcers, academicians and students.
It is hoped that this book will shed some light for those who are
interested in understanding and studying the concept of ADR in
Islam. Te authors would like to thank the Research Management
Centre, IIUM for all the assistance and guidance rendered by the
Centre in the publication of this book.
ISBN : 978-967-0225-73-9
Price: RM 34.00
Pages: 174
Year : 2013
New Titles
Studies in the Islamic Built Environment
Spahic Omer
Studies in the Islamic Built Environment deals with some of the
most critical aspects of Islamic built environment, such as the
relationship between man and the natural environment, the
signifcance and character of Islamic architecture, the mosque
institution before, during and afer the time of the Prophet (pbuh),
Islamic housing, Islamic urbanism, Islamic aesthetics and the
relationship between urban and human development in Islam.
Te present form of the book is its third edition. Te diference
between this and the two earlier editions is that all the papers
have been signifcantly reviewed and modifed -- ofen beyond
recognition -- in order to present some new research fndings and
more mature ideas and thoughts, as well as to fll the glaring gaps
which the earlier book editions lef open. Te present book has
eleven chapters, three more than the previous editions.
ISBN : 978-967-418-256-4
Price: RM 60.00
Pages: 416
Year : 2013
Rumah Tok Menteri II : A Continuation of Generations
Abdul Razak Sapian, Noor Hanita Abdul Majid,
Zaitun Abdul Rahim and Zuraini Denan
A country known to be rich with historical and cultural value
which provide a wealthy list of heritage buildings. Te historic
development of buildings in Kedah, Malaysia is the main subject
discussed in this book so as to increase an awareness of building
preservation by combining generic historical studies with specifc
building analysis. Tis book establishes a clear and precise
explanation of the development Malaysias early settlements up
to Colonial period. A number of factors that contributed to the
emergence of Colonial and mixed styles of architecture are also
discussed. In addition, an overview of the colonial bungalow is
magnifed with a thorough analysis of a select building, the Rumah
Tok Menteri II. Tis house was built by a prominent person, Ismail
Hakim Teh, a minister of Kedah during the era of Sultan Abdul
Hamid Halim Shah. Its architectural style, infuences and building
systems should provide malay readers with ample information on
the culture of the malay people during the 1880s.
ISBN : 978-967-418-255-7
Price: RM 40.00
Pages: 74
Year : 2013
Legal Education in Malaysia
Tis book aims at probing the true objective of legal education,
mainly in the Malaysian context. Legal education is generally
perceived as a means of entering into a lucrative profession. Such
an objective narrows down to acquiring a bookish knowledge of
case law and statutory rules, without bothering too much about
their rationale, social relevance and fairness. Consequently, it fails
to produce questioning minds. What legal education should aim at
is to produce lawyers who are receptive to the ideas of justice and
fair play and able to see the confict between law and justice and
the gap that exists between law in books and law in action. Tus,
a holistic legal education is what a law school should aim at. Te
book also gives an account of legal education and research at the
Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM, and how this university
is trying to focus attention on the Islamic context of legal education.
ISBN : 978-967-418-126-0
Price: RM 36.00
Pages: 185
Year : 2013
Syed Khalid Rashid, Zaleha Kamaruddin and
Hunud Abia Kadouf
New Titles
IIUM Press
New Titles
Mohammad Natsir: Intellectualism and activism in modern age
Sohirin Mohammad Solihin
Mohammad Natsir is one of the prominent Muslim leaders in
the Muslim world. He contributed greatly in Islamic thought,
leadership, socio-religious and political intellectualism in
Indonesia and the Muslim world. His educational background
in the feld of Islamic studies never underwent formal education
like mostly other Muslim scholars. His competency in giving
the exposition on religious texts and the linkage with the socio-
political issues were deserved respect from those Muslim scholars
who, ofcially, earned academic degree such as professorship
and PhD holders, Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmud, former Sheikh
of al-Azhar University, Sheikh Muhammad al-Subayyil,
grand imam of al-Masjid al-Haram, Dr. Muhammad Hussein
al-Dhahabi, prominent scholar in the feld of Quranic exegenis
and the author of celebrated book, al-Tafsir wa al-Mufassirun, and
Mufi of Lebanon gave appreciation on the Natsirs intellectualism.
Within the personality of Natsir it combined two dimensions of
leadership, that of a Muslim politician and a scholar. As a Muslim
who studied Islam in non-academic institution, he earned good
reputation and recognition on global level. In the Islamic thought,
he could be categorized as fundamentalist who frmly believed in
the overall practice of the Shariah but, at the same time he strongly
opposed the establishment of an Islamic state through the separatist
movement. Natsir believed that an Islamic government cannot be
established without the consent of majority. Hence, democratic
process is seen by Natsir as the right channel to accommodate
aspiration of Muslims which, at the end, might lead them into the
establishment of an Islamic order at the same level.
ISBN :978-967-418-241-0
Price: RM 60.00
Pages: 442
Year : 2013
ISBN : 978-967-418-271-7
Price: RM 47.00
Pages: 276
Year : 2013
Studies in World Religions: An Introduction to Abrahamic Traditions
Ahmad F. Yousif
Studies in World Religions: An Introduction to Abrahamic
Traditions starts with a general introduction followed by an
analytical probe into the meaning of the discipline of Comparative
Religion and its signifcance, historical development and
methodology. It takes an analytical approach in studying Judaism
and Christianity from religious, historical, social and philosophical
perspectives. What are some of the points of agreement between
the two traditions, and what are some of the areas of contention?
A Quranic perspective on both religions is briefy ofered.
References are made to both primary and secondary sources as
well as classical and modern Islamic literature. Te fnal part of
this volume presents a comparative analysis of fundamentalism
and fanaticism. What provisions are there in the religion of Islam
for dealing with fundamentalist and fanatical elements within its
community? How do Muslim and Western approaches difer in
dealing with these movements? Tis part provides a response to
these questions, in addition to defning the terms fundamentalism
and fanaticism, identifying their causes, the Islamic view on
fanatical groups and the relationship between fanaticism and
contemporary Islamic revivalism, as well as providing suggestions
for how to cure fanaticism. It is expected that the Studies in World
Religions: An Introduction to Abrahamic Traditions will be a
valuable introductory reference work on the Abrahamic traditions,
for Muslim students and public readers. It is hoped that this edition
will fll the existing defciency in the literature in this feld by
adopting a more holistic approach to the discipline of Comparative
Istana Kuala Cegar : A Nostalgic Splendor Behind a Humble Facade
Tis book attempts to explore the unique identity of Istana Kuala
Cegar in the auspicious rural compound of the Istana Anak Bukit
(Anak Bukit Palace). Te book reveals historical developments
begining with earlier palaces in Kedah dating from the early
12th century. It illustrates the emergence of diferent palaces
and their infuences in Kedah, which in turn contributed to the
materialization of Istana Kuala Cegar. Istana Kuala Cegar is a unique
Art Deco style building that clearly depicits Western infuences
as assimilated along with cultural traits by the Royals of Kedah.
Tis book focuses on the development of palace architecture in
Malaysia in an attempt to set a complete overview for Malay palace
architecture and consequently centers on Istana Kuala Cegar in its
immediate context. Te architectural development and attributes
of the palace are the main objects of discourse with a view for the
context, space planning, construction techniques and other detail
of interest.
ISBN : 978-967-418-272-4
Price: RM 40.00
Pages: 64
Year : 2013
Abdul Razak Sapian, Noor Hanita Abdul Majid,
Zaitun Abdul Rahim and Zuraini Denan
New Titles
IIUM Press
Arabic Titles
Dirasat Fi Al Tarikh
Ghassan Taha Yaseen
ISBN : 987-967-418-234-2
Price: RM 65.00
Pages: 529
Year : 2014
Riwayat Gharb Ifriqiyya al-farankufuniyyah : Dirasat f al-mafhum wal abad
Adama Bamba
Tis book is a humble attempt to explore the Islamic impact on
the formation of the modern novel in West Africa. It sheds light
on how the Islamic view appears in the ideology of the novel, in
outlining the characters, building the time and space of the novel
and in the construction of the language. To what extent have the
Islamic dogma and the pillars of Islam and Iman contributed to
deepen the Islamic view of the artistic construction of the African
novel? Tese questions have been studied through analyzing more
than sixty novels in West Africa written in French by Muslim
novelists in this region. Te novels start with: Les Trois volonts
de Malic (Maliks Tree Wishes, 1920), by the Senegalese novelist
Ahmadou Mapate Diagne, and ends with: Allah nest pas oblig
(i.e., Allah is not obliged, 2000), by the Ivorian novelist Ahmadou
ISBN : 978-967-418-259-5
Price: RM 68.00
Pages: 434
Year : 2013
Arabic Titles
Azhar Ar-Rawdhat f Sharah Rawdhat Al-Jannat
Hasan Kaf Al-Aqhisari
Te book is an editing of Arabic treatise entitled, Azhr
al-Rawdt f sharh Rawdt al-Jannt (Flowers of Gardens, an
Explanation of Gardens of the Havens), written by a famous
Bosnian Sheikh Hasan Kaf al-Oqhisari (951-1025 A.H.). Te
authorwho lived during the Ottoman Empirehad played a
big role in spreading the Islamic faith and defending the Muslim
Ummah, as he was one of the prominent Hanaf scholars who had
been well known widely as the custodians of al-Maturidi school
of Islamic Aqidah, especially in matters relating to the dialectic
of faith and reason. Tis book of kalm is edited and commented
by Dr. Ali Akbar Ziae and presented to the readers in a new style
relevant to the zeitgeist.
ISBN : 978-2-7451-7345-4
Price: RM 85.00
Pages: 448
Year : 2013
Falsafah al-insan inda Ibnu Khaldun: Rukyah tarbawiyah
Jilani Miftah
Tis book deals with the philosophy of man according to Ibn
Khaldun and its function in the educational process. Tis became
manifest through the study of historical and educational context in
which Ibn Khalduns thought came into being, and an in-depth study
of philosophy of man along with its impacts on his epistemology,
which contribute to the formulation of his educational systems and
Tis book has come out with some fndings:
1. Corruption of the humanity of human being and the loss of
human value in the Islamic world of the past and present are due to
the poorness of politics and education.
2. Crisis in the Islamic world is actually the crisis of education. To cope
with this crisis will depend on the validity and comprehensiveness of
the educational concept pertaining to the type and quality of man to
be produced. Te most appropriate and comprehensive concept that
encompasses all human dimensions, physical, spiritual and moral,
is the concept of Islamic vicegerency
and its consequential understanding of the nature, sources and
types of knowledge; and of the delineation of which knowledge
matters the vicegerent; of the classifcation of knowledges; and the
relationship between each other.
3. Te vicegerency-based understanding of the nature of
education, its function and goals, and the methods of constructing
the educational system, the ways to deliver and to evaluate, are the
prerequisite for civilizational reform and revivalism.
ISBN : 978-2-7451-7225-9
Price: RM 50.00
Pages: 224
Year : 2013
Arabic Titles
Syuhud Yahwah Bainal Masihiah Wal Yahudiah
Naamane Djeghim
To study religions of the others requires engaging the
epistemological critique. When the reader succeeds to do so,
he/she would be able to comprehend the reality of the other, and,
thus, to decide his/her position toward it precisely.
Tis book is one of the academic works dealing with the belief
of the others in an objective manner. In this work, the Jehovas
Witnesses is described eloquently. It covers the establishment and
development of this Christian sect, its institutional organization,
and its position with regard to the Christian beliefs, etc. It presents
also amazing facts about this sect, especially its high respect to time,
struggle, forbearance, self-confdence, and its solid organization.
ISBN : 978-2-7451-7601-1
Price: RM 55.00
Pages: 224
Year : 2012
IIUM Press
IIUM Press Series of Textbook from the Islamic Perspectives
Te IIUM Press Series of Textbook from the Islamic Perspectives provide students with the required
scientifc basics of Islamic perspective in the context of every subject. Te series also enable lecturers
and students to explore the core principles of knowledge, to apply these throughout their training,
and to foster critical thinking at all times. Titles published in the series are fully peer reviewed, to ensure the
completeness and clarity of the content, and also are inline with the global and Islamic perspective. Some of
the titles published in this series are currently used as textbooks at the public universities in the country. Te
prestigious series provide students with both scientifc and Islamic information and appropriate content. It is
hoped that each title published in the series will be an ultimate students companion.
Textbook Series
Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities
Science, Technology & Medicine
IIUM Press
Abdurezak Abdulahi Hashi. 2014. Bioethics: An Islamic Perspective. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-320-2
Asadullah Shah. 2014. Research Methodology: Islamic Perspective. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-304-2
Che Noraini Hashim. 2014. Issues in Values-based Education in Malaysia. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-311-0
Faizah Idrus. 2014. English Language Teaching and Language Education: Contemporary Issues in the Malaysia Setting.
Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-300-4
Ibrahim Adam Ahmed Shogar. 2014. Te Basic Structure of Ethical Norms: Studies on Islamic Modern Moral Philosophies.
Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-319-6
Ismawi Zen, and Nor Zalina Harun. 2014. Islamic Garden. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-306-6
Moha Asri Abdullah and Muhammad-Ba. 2014. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Some Selected Muslim Countries.
Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-303-5
Mohamed Eltaib Ibrahim, Zakaria Omar, Muhammad Jamil, Ibrahim Khogali El-Sayyid, Muhammad Aman Mustafa, and
Muhammad Abdul Rahman Ibrahim. 2014. Al-Arabiah Min Ajlik. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-305-9
Muhammad Mumtaz Ali. 2014. Issues in Islamization of Human Knowledge: Civilization Building Discourse of Contemporary Muslim
Tinkers. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-314-1
Sharifah Sariah Syed Hassan and Che Noraini Hashim. 2014. Educational Research Trends in Information Communication Technology.
Gombak: IIUMPress.
ISBN 978-967-418-309-7
Wan Ali Wan Mamat. 2014. An Introduction to Malay Manuscripts. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-315-8
Yasir Ismail, and Muhammad Sabri Shahrir. 2014. Kitab Al-Itqan Fi Tasrif Al-Asma Li Al-Talabah Al-Natiqin Bi
Al-Arabiyyah. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-308-0
Akram M. Z. M. Khedher. 2014. Internet Applications. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-313-4
Akram M. Z. M. Khedher. 2014. Multimedia and Its Applications. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-312-7
Faiz Elfaki, and Zaharah Wahid. 2014. Computational Methods and Statistics. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-318-9
Lukman Hakim Mahamod, and Azila Ahmad Sarkawi. 2014. Islamic Urbanism. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-302-8
Naznin Muhammad. 2014. Multiple True or False Questions in Haematology and Pathology For Health Sciences. Gombak: IIUMPress.
ISBN 978-967-418-310-3
Noor Hasrina Bakar, Noor Azimah Hassan, Mohd Norhaedir Idris, and Mahmoud Al-Shawabkeh. 2014. Programming in C for
Foundation. Gombak: IIUMPress.
ISBN 978-967-418-294-6
Nurhayati Abdul Malek and Zainul Mukrim Baharuddin. 2014. The Process of Design Thesis in Landscape Architecture.
Gombak: IIUMPress.
ISBN 978-967-418-307-3
Siti Fauziah Toha@Tohara, Rini Akmeliawati and Salmiah Ahmad. 2014. System Identification, Modelling and Validation:
Towards Islamic Practical Knowledge. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-301-1
Zainul Ibrahim Zainuddin. 2014. Introduction to Medical Imaging. Gombak: IIUM Press.
ISBN 978-967-418-249-6
IIUM Scholarly Journal
Revelation and Science Vol.3 No.2, 2013
Editor-in-Chief : Kamaruzzaman Yunus
Revelation and Science is a refereed academic journal published by
the Kulliyyah of Science, International Islamic University Malaysia.
Te journal aims to comprehensively integrate dimensions of
knowledge conventionally regarded as separate and strengthen the
efciency of human intellectual progress. In line with the objectives
of the Kulliyyah and the University, the journal is dedicated to the
integration of science and religion, and the promotion of universal
values. While acknowledging the substantial progress that has
been made in the scientifc felds, the journal is committed to the
idea that the search for solutions to human predicaments can be
enhanced by reference to an epistemological framework that is
not restricted to reason and observation alone, but acknowledges
the role of Revelation (wahy). Te Revelation and Science journal
covers theoretical and applied sciences as well as studies related to
the integration of scientifc knowledge and revelation. Te journal
is a compilation of academic and research articles, review articles,
conference reports and abstracts that address contemporary issues
within its scope.
ISSN : 2229-9645
Price: RM 40.00
Pages: 56
Year : 2013
Te Islamic Standart for the Assessment of Modern Technology
Amana Raquib, Page 01-08
Classifcation and Integration of Knowledge : Te Quranic Educational Model
Ahmad Tijani Surajudeen and Muhamad Zahiri Awang Mat, Page 09-22
Between Monotheism and Tawhid: Acomparative Analysis
Abdurerazak A. Hashi, Page 23-29
Towards Islamic Ethics in Professional Penetration Testing
Qazi Mamoon Ashraf and Mohamed Hadi Habaebi, Page 30-38
Examining Islamic Perspectives in Medical Imaging Literature :
A Study Involving Scopus Indexed Journals.
Zainul Ibrahim Zainuddin and Halimatussaadiah Ahmad Radzi, Page 39-50
AAl-Zahrawi : AProminent Muslim Medical Scientist and His Impact on West
Saba Anjum, Page 51-56
IIUM Press
IIUM Scholarly Journal
Al-Tajdid Vol. 17, No. 33, 2013
Chief of Editor : Mohamed El Tahir El Mesawie
ISSN : 1823-1926
Price: RM 25.00
Pages: 299
Year : 2013

Arabic Articles

Journal of Islam in Asia, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2013
Editor-in-Chief : Israr Ahmad Khan
Te Journal of Islam in Asia is published by the International Islamic
University Malaysia. It is a refereed International Arabic-English
biannual Journal. Te Journal includes articles, selected studies,
book reviews, reports of conferences etc., which are relevant to
Islamic thought and Muslim concerns. Te Journal sees itself as
an instrument, and an extension, to promote the IIUMs mission
of (IIICE); Integration, Islamicization, Internationalization and
Comprehensive Excellence. Te Editorial Board invites scholars
and researchers to submit contributions to the Secretariat of the
ISSN : 1823-0970
Price: RM 30.00
Pages: 330
Year : 2013

Arabic Articles
English Articles
A critical appraisal of Freuds Ideas on Man and Personality
Mohd. Abbas Abdul Razak, Nik Ahmad Hisham
Te Ahl Al- Sunnah Wa Al-Jamaah factor and the of suf Institutions : An Analysis
Spahic Omer
Modern Turkey in the Mirror of hadith on Wahn : A refection
Serdar Demirel

Te Infuence of Arab Civulization on Nigerian Culture : An Analysis
Rafa Ibrahim Adebayo
IIUM Scholarly Journal
IIUM Press
Intellectual Discourse Vol. 21, No. 2, 2013
Editor-in-Chief : Abdul Rashid Moten
Intellectual Discourse is an academic, refereed journal, published
twice a year by IIUM Press, International Islamic University
Malaysia. Te main aim of the Journal is to encourage research,
promote discussions and increase networking among scholars
of Islam and those interested in the development of the Muslim
Te Journal considers four types of contributions: major articles
reporting fndings of original research; review articles synthesizing
important deliberations related to the various disciplines within the
Muslim world; short research notes or communications containing
original ideas or discussions on vital issues of contemporary
concern and book reviews; and brief reader comments or
statements of divergent viewpoints.
ISSN : 0128-4878
Price: RM 35.00
Pages: 130
Year : 2013

A secular Malaysia? Toward an alternative democratic ethos
Khairil Izamin Ahmad

Critical discource analysis of Mahathir Mohamads speeches on the war on terror
Azimah Shurfa Mohammed Shukry
Allama Shibli and the early muslim league : A dissenting voice
Arshad Islam
A contextual analysis of party system formation in Nigeria, 1960-2011
Allyu Mukhtar Katsina
Book Reviews
Te Islamic worldview, ethics and civilization : Issues in contemporary interdisciplinary discource
Edited by Abdul Kabir Hussain Sollihu. Rafu Ibrahim Adebayo
Reclaming the conversation : Islamic Intellectual tradition in the Malay Archpelago
Edited by Rosnani Hashim. Suhailah Hussein
Rediscovering the Quran: Te implications of time in Islam. By AbuBakar Abdullahi Farl
Yahya Ibraheem Yero
Al Jazeera English : Global news in changing world.
Edited by Philip Seib. Ibrahim Yusuf Abubakar
Schools of Quranic exegesis : Genesis and development.
Badmas Lanre Yusuf
Politics and power in the Maghreb : Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco from independence to the
Arab Spring.
Mohammad Dawood Sof
IIUM Scholarly Journal
IIUM Law Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2013
Editor : Musheera Bibi Ambaras Khan
Te IIUM Law Journal permits the exchange of ideas and
information regarding legal development relating to civil and
shariah law. Te Journal is interdisciplinary and comparative in
nature. Legal perspective is supplied by academicians, practitioners
and other Muslim scholars. Te theme of the Journal is the
interdisciplinary and comparative approach to an area burgeoning
interest in both disciplines of law and practice.
ISSN : 0128-2530
Price: RM 45.00
Pages: 141
Year : 2013
Te Commercial Law of Malaysia - Revisited Sec.5(2) of the Civil Law Act 1956; Constitutionality,
the EU And Islamisation
Baharuddeen Abu Bakar
Contractual Term in Musharakah and Mudarabah Restricting the Proft Share of a Partner or
Facilitating Later Amendments to the Agree Ratio : A Scrutiny
Muhammad Abdurrahman Sadique
Te Conventional Restrictive And Te Modern Liberal Interpretation of Section 30 of the Evidence Act
Mohd. Akram Shair Mohamed
An Expository Study of Islamic Approach in the Jurisprudence of Right to Healthful Environment
Abdulkadir Bolaji Abdulkadir
Te Impact of the Shafi School in the Implementation of Laws During the Regin of Sultan Zainal
Abidin III in Terengganu, Malaysia.
Wan Zulkifi b. Wan Hassan; Sidek Abdullah; Nazri Muslim; Jamsari Alias
IIUM Scholarly Journal
IIUM Press
IIUM Engineering Journal Vol. 14, No. 2, 2013
Editor : A.K.M. Nurul Amin
Te IIUM Engineering Journal, published biannually, is a carefully
refereed international publication of International Islamic University
Malaysia (IIUM). Contributions of high technical merit are to span
the breadth of engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of
engineering: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Mechanical
and Manufacturing Engineering; Automation and Mechatronics
Engineering; Material and Chemical Engineering; Environmental
and Civil Engineering; Biotechnology and Bioengineering;
Engineering Mathematics and Physics; and Computer Science
and Information Technology. Contributions from other areas of
Engineering and Applied Science are also welcomed. Te IIUM
Engineering Journal publishes contributions under Regular papers,
Invited review papers, Short communications, Technical notes,
and Letters to the editor (no page charge). Book reviews, reports of
and/or call for papers of conferences, symposia and meetings, and
advances in research equipment could also be published in IIUM
Engineering Journal with minimum charges.
ISSN : 1511-788X
Price: RM 40.00
Page: 205
Year : 2013

Investigation of geotechnical specifcations of sand dune soil : A case study around baiji in Iraq
Abbas j, Al- Taie, Yousif J. Al-Shakarchi, Ali A. Mohammed.
Disease detection from feld spectrometer data
O.H. Tawfk, H.Z. Mohd Shafri, Ali A. Mohammed.
Te Economics of Biogas Production
Muhammad Abid, Khasan S Karimov, S.I. Islomov, N. H. Karimova, M.W. Al-Graf.
Harmonic Distortion Assessment by area based approach at single phasing of an induction motor
Surajit Chattopadhyay, Samarjit Sengupta.
Blanket representation and expedient of disinfecting water using pulsing electromagnetic feld
Ibragimova ozada, Khalikov Abdulhak.
Te Economics of Microhydro Power Plants.
Muhammad Abid, KH.S.Karimov, M.W. Al-Graf, S.i. Islomov, N.H.Karimova.
On calculation multiple eigenvalue of the linearoperator-function by reduction pseudoperturbationmethods.
Rakhimov Davran Ganievich.
A voltage stabilizer for a microgrid system with two types of distributed generation resources
Maedah Mahzarnia, Abdolreza Shelkholesmi, J. ADABI.
IIUM Scholarly Journal
International Medical Journal Malaysia Vol. 12, No. 2 December 2013
Chief of Editor : Nasser Muhammad Amjad
Te International Medical Journal Malaysia is the ofcial journal
of the Kulliyyah (Faculty) of Medicine, International Islamic
University Malaysia. It serves primarily as a forum for education
and intellectual discourse for health professionals namely in
clinical medicine but covers diverse issues relating to medical
ethics, professionalism as well as medical developments and
research in basic medical sciences. It also serves the unique
purpose of highlighting issues and research pertaining to the
Muslim world. Contributions to the IMJM refect its international
and multidisciplinary readership and include current thinking
across a range of specialties, ethnicities and societies.
Te International Medical Journal Malaysia is an open access
journal. Tere is no fee for submission, processing or publication
of manuscripts or colour reproduction of photographs and it does
not charge readers or institutions for access. Users are free to read,
download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of
any articles published henceforth by the Journal.
Te International Medical Journal Malaysia is indexed in the
SCOPUS, MyAIS (Malaysia Abstracting and Indexing System),
Open-J Gate, Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), EBSCO
Publishing, Index Copernicus and is tracked by Google and Yahoo
search engines.

Sample size in research. When can you break the rule?
Jamalludin Ab Rahman
Original Articles
Efects of Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan on Ethanol-Induced Gastric Ulcer in Sprague Dawley Rats:
a Histological Study
Al-Qaraghuli AMS, Abdel Wahab EMN, Al-Ani IM, Faisal GG
Perceptions and Barriers of Hands Hygiene Practice among Medical Science Students in a Medical
School in Malaysia
Al-Naggar RA, Al-Jashamy K
Saliva pH Changes in Patients with High and Low Caries Risk Afer Consuming Organic (Sucrose)
and Non-Organic (Maltitol) Sugar
Widowati W, Akbar SH, Tin MH
Circadian Blood Pressure Profle and Associated Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Non-Dippers
Siti Suhaila MY, Juwita S, Harmy MY, Tengku Alina TI
Patient-Reported Outcomes of Retropubic versus Trans-Obturator Mid-Urethral Slings for Urinary Stress
Zalina N , Kamal N, Aruku N, Jamaluddin AR
Tear Proteomics in Young Malays with Dry Eyes
Mohd Ali B, Nguan DKC, Bashirah I, Chan KM
IIUM Scholarly Journal
IIUM Press
E-ISSN : 1823-4631
Price: RM 60.00
Pages: 89
Year : 2013

Pilot Study on the Efect of Yasiin Recitation on the Haemodynamics of Ventilated Patients
Arif MS, Mai Ashikin NT, Maryamjameelah R, Bushra J, Wan Azman WA
Continuity Teory of Ageing and Leisure Participation among Elderly Attending Selected Health
Clinics in Selangor
Minhat HS, Rahmah MA, Khadijah S
Arterial Stifness and its Association with Dyslipidemia
Razman MR, Jamaluddin AR, Ellyda MN, Seikh FA
Case Report
End of Life Decision: We are not Playing God?
Wan Khairina WMN, Ngow HA
A Case of Acute Hepatitis E Complicated by Acute Pancreatitis in Eastern India
Rudrajit P, Shubhabrata D, Sourav P, Partha SC, Jayati M, Bhattacharya R
Multiple Nail Gun Penetrating Head Injury: A Case Report
Sim SK, Teophilus SC, Noor Azman AR
A Puzzling Case of Biliary Stricture with Calcifed Liver Nodules
Leow VM, Faizah MS, Yang KF, Hasnan MN, Manisekar SS
Gender Identity Disorder is Not Simply Two in One
Syed Masroor A, Abdul Ghani K
Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Rectum: a Case Report
Faidzal O, Azmi MN, Kalavathi R
IIUM Scholarly Journal
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Creative Tinking :
An Islamic Perspective
Maqasid Al-Syariah
Mifah Al-Arabiyah
Vol. 2
ICT & Islam
Issue In Islamic
Al-Ghazalis Concept Of Causality
With Reference To His Interpretations
Of Reality And Knowledge
Mifah Al-Arabiyah
Vol. 1
Case Studies In
Emergency Neurology
Muqaddimah Ila
Fannil Tarjamah
Introduction To Te
Sciences Of Hadith
Phychology From An
Islamic Perspective
Contemporary Issues In
Islamic Communication
Te History And
Philosophy Of Islamization
Of Knowledge

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